If Scranton s Munioipal legislature is a corporation sewer, it is tor the voters of BorantOQ to turn on the hose. i run rm mmm f V f sSi We have no Bo-s rule here. Citizens eau have good men in office if they will take the trouble to nominate and elect them. EIGHT PAGES-56 COLUMNS:9 ' Alt M(j,7 SCRANTON, PA.. TUESDAY MOKXIXO. MARCH 20, 134. TWO CENTS A COPY. IT II ED ID) 111 AT SMI rail S BE TOO ft TEXAS IS SWEPT I TORNADO Thirteen People Known to Hive Been Killed. M my loured. iN PATH OF THE DEADLY CYCLONE ?uin and Disaster Everywhere -Part of the Town of Emory Totally De stroyedHailstones Weighing Eigh teen Ounces Fall at Lansing Switch. A Train's Narrow Escape from the Funnel Shaped Cloud. Lonuview. Tex , March 19. D TORNADO passed over thin place A nt 1 o'clock yesterday morning j doing much damage, At Lan uU sing Switch six persons were killed. Great hailttoBN Ml, many of them weighim; from fourteen to ei;lit ecu ounces. Others, which mint have been vrv much larger, were found In the heavy Warm rain, with the mer cury nt 70 degrees, Tbev tank from two to five Inches In the ground nar this place. Manv chickens, turkeys end cattle were killed. At Lansing Switcb.slx miles east.the tornado Struck the gravevard, tearing op lame forest trees by the roots. It struck the stanch old house of ,lohn Cain, occupied hv a family of negros. The house stood in a grove of old oaks, every oue of which was uprooted. Persons who knew the home often spoke of the impossibility of wrecking it by storm, but it is now entirely de molished. There are six persons dead, three mortally wounded and live seri ously and painfully hurt. THROWN FIFTY YARDS, Old man Alexander Lester was found fitly yarns from the lions", dead. Al exander Lester, jr., Is years old, whs dead, mixed up with torn bed ling, The mother, 8srah L'ster, was fonnd airainsta tree.several yards away, dead. Robert Lester whs under a tree, dead, and J sper C'oilins was found dead un der h 2-foot tree trutik His wife, Mol lie Collius, has many bruises, but will recover. "Sisy" Lster, aged yean, ws found several yards, away iu a tree top. dead. The storm swept on toward Mar shall. Frnit trees and fences were demolished for many miles around. A Texas and Pacific passenger train was passim: at the time and just escaped the fnnnel-shnped clood. The list of dead is as follows: ; . -1 V ALEXANDER, aged 50. Lkstkb. Alexander. jr.agedl'J. LaSTBB, RoBKIlT, g"d 5. Lester, Sarah, the mother. Lester, baby, I years old, found dead in a tree top. Collins, Jasper, crushed under a tree. The following were injured Collins, Mollis, wife of Jasper, head cut; will recover, Ozer, Franc, legbrokeu. Lkster, AUTHOR, 6 years old; will prob- ably die. Johnson, Silas, guest of the Lesters, bad ly injured; will die. Lester, Willie, '.) years old, cut and bruised; will recover, Lester, Arthi r, 6 years old; will die. - WAITE WITHDRAWS TROOPS Th Cripple Croak Miners Ar Ready to Arbitrate. Denver, March 19 Governor Waits this morning ordered the troops bark from Cripple Creek district to their respective armories, l ine action was the result of a telephone conversa tiou held by the governor witn Ailju tunt General Tarsney, who reported that the miners were ready to arbi trate and would not go out in battle array in any event. Asked if ordering the troops back to their respective armories meant that the militia would disband, Governor Waite smiled and said: "We will wait and see." The impression is that he will await the decision of the supreme court before disbanding his soldiers. . HfiZLRiON IS AMBITIOUS. Will Place a Crack Base Ball Club in the League. Pastures. Hazleton, Pa, March l'J. -The sub ject of putting a state league huso ball club in the field from Hzleton this season waa definitely snttleil today. The promoters of the movement today received from a private source assur ance of substantial support ami ail de tails will be spsedily arranged. A permanent organisation Will be ef fected tomorrow evening, and the club will be represented at tbe meeting of the league managers in Harrisburg to morrow. PRESSURE TURNED ON. The President Stroniriy Urs-d to 8ln th- 3 .' iioniK Bill. Washington, D. C , March 19 Sec retary Lamont is quoted this morniug as saying that stronger prossnre has been brought to bear upon the presi dent to sign the seigniorage bill tuan has been exerted in tavor of any other measure which tins ever come before it, The secretary did not say what ac tion the president will take with re gard to tbe bill, mid there is mncb epeculatiou regarding it this morniug LOST IN AN AVALANCHE. A Freight Train Caught In a Snow Slfd Near Seattle. Seattle, Wash., March 19 A re port was received last night that the Great Northern freight train which left Snohomish Saturday night was strfiok by H snow slide near Snohomish and swept over an embankment 130 feet high. Six men who were on the train lost their lives: The train is said to hnve goue entirely out of Bight under the elide in the valley. ' RAILROAD BLOCKADE. ro.'d to cross its tracks, continues criti cal this evoning Superintendent Day ton arrived with reinforcements of seventy-five men for the West Jersey. Be inspected the barricades at tbe crossing and placed them In charge of Supervisors btubts and Nichols. The South Jersey bus 000 men ready, and others will volunteer, it is said, if they are wanted to nuke a breaoh through tho barricades and e(Tet a crossing. MM THE NATIONAL GUARD. Commissions Issued and Honorable Dis charges Ostit'd HarrbburOT, Pa., Msrjh It) A com mission was Issued by Adjutant Gen eral Greenland to 8smnel A O'Brien, of Philadelphia, second lieutenant Company A, Third regiment. He also issued special orders grant inn leave of absetii: to Captain Lver ette Bradley, chaplain Third regiment, until Oct. L 1804, with permission to go beyond the sea, and announcing the honorable discharge of Charles D. Par lis, of the l''irst, lieutenant Company A;EIward H. Crumley, first lieuten ant, Company B, Second regiment; George A, Harris, captaiu Company H, Eighth regiment. LIVED TO PASS 121 YEARS. Annie Bailey's Unusually Long Stay Upon Earth -Saw the Coun try's Infancy. Situation la Critical at Woodbine, Down In New Jersey. Cape May, N. J., March 19. -The condition of allslrsat Woodbine, where the West Jersey railroad is blocking the attempt of the South Jersey rail- MISS POLLARD'S LIFE REVIEWED Ttie Romantic Career ol tho Fair Plaintiff Discussed. WILD LOVE FOR BRECKINRIDGE A Story That Creates a Most Favor able Impression Is Given in Spite of Efforts of the Colonel's Attorneys to Warp Testimony Her Relations with the Defendant Continued Alter His Marriage to Mrs. Wing. 1 Philadelphia, Pa., Match in Af ter reaching the remarkable age of 121 years, Mrs Annie Bailey, colored, was fonnd dead last night In her room at 901 Lombard street. Tbeold woman was found sitting ou the floor with her head resting against tbe laid. 8he was ilad. Death was evidently dus to the infirm ities of her age From the storv of the old woman herself and the testimony of her rela tives thero seems to be no doubt that Mrs. Biiley really hud reached and passed the K'lst mile stone of life, nl though there is no authentic record of her birth. She claimed to have been born near Cbambersburg, Pa , in the household of General Chambers, after whom the town WSS named, Her memory, which she retained up to the time of her death, was phenomenal When she was a very little tri rl, she said, sho re members to have heard the people talking about the great battle fought on the previous Christmas night at Trenton, between the Americans and the British. She recalled, slso,tbe dis cussion which etibs.iineutly attended the "making of the laws of the conn try," evidently the framing of the con stitution. Her life was a very quiet ami uneventful one. She wae a "bound girl'' for a number of years in the fam ily of a Mrs Ross, near her native place. She married when quite young, and survived her husband about oil years. When she was about so years old she adopteil a little girl named Sarah Harden, who subsequently mar ried one Mason. Mrs. Mason has enred tor the old woman for the past 20 years, and established her in the boird ing house, where she di d. The old woman was an active mem ber of the B'thel African Methodist Episcopal church, at Sixth and Lom bard streets, and had attended the gen eral convention held there last sum mer. She proudly boasted that ehe had been a Christian for eighty years. She hail some education, but her read ing was mostly confined to her Bible, which she reaJ daily up to fifteen years ago, when her sight partly failed. She was able to see her way about, however, up to the time of her death, lb-r hearing had grown some what defective of late, but. her mental faculties remained apparently no dimmed. SUNDRY STATE NEWS NOTES. VHUdnls broke into several Krio churches and wrecked the pews and furniture. An investigation of tbe accounts of the WiHiamsport poor board has been ordered by rouucils. A 111 icted with catalepsy, Jesso Kicliul berger, of near Bedford, has for two months been practically unconscious. The Miners' hospital nl Asliland will probably discard men for women nurses, trained in Philadelphia. While fox hunting near PottStOWn.JobO B. Markley whs thrown from his horse, sustaining a fractured leg. The widow of Uovsrnor William F. Parker, residing at WiHiamsport, has just passed her eighty second birthday. Ilristol Methodists turned out io large numbers last nigh; to welcome back their pnstor, Kev. E. Burris, for his fourth year there. William B. Walker, assitant professor OI chemistry in the state UOHSge, has re signed mm win bo succeeded by (franklin K. I little. Women shoplifters, who attended the Methodist conterence in E islon regularly, mnde big hauls during Intermissions, The goods were recovered lo New York, All tbe departments of the Pennsylva nia Steel work, at Sieelton, started up yesterday for tbe Drst tithe in three months. Over 4,000 men went to work. The sensto has confirmed the nomina lions of tho following postmasters: Penn sylvania -Nettie B, Johnson, Athens: (', M. Lee, Tnnkhaunoci:, and A. I lander man, Troy The .supreme court, at Philadelphia ron- uor.'l a necision alllrining the lOUgfflent oflhe .Monroe couuty court of common pleas in the rate .of S trunk against The Firemen s Insurance company. The following pensions have been issiod Pennsylvania Renewal Alfred L. Pin nny, Urnnville Center, llradford. Reissue and increase, John II. (loodrich, ;Kt Troy, Bradford; minors of Joseph A. Wes loy, ileshoppsn, Wyoming, - . CAPITOL CORRIDOR CHAT. The San FraQOlSOO Is still at Rio. coaling in preparation ior o i tup to lUuelield Nicaragua, Congressman Curti', of Kana, fears there won t be enough public land "to go roiinu. it immigration continues. It is not known at the state department that the returned pauper Aunanilale, who came to this country as t'etr Arnott.ia an American citizen. The Bland seigniorage bill reached tbe white house yesterday just about Bvo miua- OteS niter the president had gone driving with iurs, i.ievpiaiiil. The Democratic members of the eenntn finance committee have decided to add i provision to the tariff hill repealing sec tion .1 of the Mckinley act so as to remove all ambiguity concerning the retention of of the reciprocal treaties made uuder that act. Washington, March 19 ADELINE POLLARD was ta ken through the maZeS of her lift today under tne guidance of Major Butterwortb, who, in the absence tbrougb illness of Mr. Tot ten, bus taken his place as leading counsel for Colonel Breckinridge. Sometimes she broke nway from where he would lead hr and would make a tolling remark against the silver-haired defendnn t. She told how her allege 1 ruin was accomplished, how sh- gave herself up, heart, soul, body and mind to Colouel Breckinridge, how eho loved him and how she acted the deceiver at his in stigation, never once allowing a hint of their relations to fall from her lips din ing all th- yenrs preceding bu murriaga to Mrs. Wing. Miss Pollard made a gool impres sion. She was tearful at times, tint at other periods her voice rose until it sounded lou 1 abovo the protests of the attorneys. Several questions were asked by Mr. Carlisle in direct examination as soon as the plaintiff had taken the stand, the first on-- whether she had ever been married, to which the answer w is "No, Mr. Carlisle." Then, in continuation, the plaintiff related in greater detail than she bad before her first meetings with the con gressman. He had told her that she had a wonderful intellect, that a brilli -ant future was before her, "and I seemed to be completely under the in Buence of ehis wonderful powers of persuasion,'' ah said. WHEN THEIR RELATIONE! Ci-IASIiD. "Did the relations which you have testified to with Colonel Breckinridge continue after April J9, ts'.id';" inquired Mr. Carlisle, that being tbe date of the secret marriage to Mrs. Wing. "They did up to and including May 17. 1893. wnich whs the last timo I saw Colunel Breckinridge," she said, and was about to make further sxplan- itlons, when the defendants lawyers interposed objections. After tne p .ssages the sparring be tween Mr Butterwortb and the young woman resumed where it had been Iropped Friday. Many detailed (nida tions concerning her early life, her Atu lies, amuements, friends and am bitions were asked, to all of which she returned replies which could have given no comfort to her opponents. v lion she was asked whether she was i member of the church she explained that she had been confniu.' l in the Episcopal church Are you a member now:1 wis asked. Once a member of the Episcopal church always n member," canio the epigrammatic reply. Her early aiubition had been to write, Miss Pollard declared, and Col- tiel Breckinridge had told her that she had wonderful talent iu that line. Sue had also desired to teach. 'Do you know the value of charac ter for u teacbsri Mr. Butterwortb asked. Most assuredly I do. Never so much as todny," came the prompt reply; ''put all this Was swept away by one net." Further on she explained that she un derstood the requirements for good character in a woman wore the same as in a man. a woman's love. "Did yon have any qualms of con science between me lust night at Sarah's anil the following morning. when you went back to Cincinnati, about what you had done, an? remorse?" Mis Pollard wiis asked by Major Dut lerwortb. "Yes. but I was desperately In love with him. I loved him as I did not hope to love, I was completely under hie control "Didn't you know this was wrong?" "Yet, but Mr. Breckinridge is such a man thai he can make it all seem right to love In that way." "Did you not know ho was matried?" ''Yes (sadly) he told ine that." "And you loved him?" "I lovsd bim then with nil my heart and soul- every word of his wae a religion to m and ho has brought m all this misery, he has ruined my lite for me." The court room was crowded through out tho (lay and Miss Pollard's bright answers were frequently the cause of laughter until Juiign Bradley adminis tered a severe rebuke to the spectators. There was one curious slip iu her let ters which she repeated In her oral tes timony without correction and whioh indicated that her literary studies had not made her text-perfect iu biblical matters. She referred more than once to one of her early asuoeintes, of whom she said sho had become enamored but Who did not return her aff ction, as her "blind Barnabas," obviously meaning the "Blind Bartimeus, son of Timus, " who sat by tbe wuyside begging, as is recorded in St. Mark TRAGEDY IN A CHURCH. A Man Shoots IllB Wifo at tht Altar and Than Ci mmlts filicide. San Francisco, March 10, A mur der and snicido occurred yesterday morning In the Church of the Immacu late Conception, at Oakland, while tbe congregation was present. John Bradv, a house painter, shot and killed his wife, Mary, while she was tolling her beads in front of the altar. Then he turned the revolver upon himself and put a bullet in his brain. The murdered woman had 'just been di vorced from bim on account of bis dis solute habits. Six children are left. Brady bad frequently threatened to take her life since she had obtaluod a divorce. The woman remained kneeling nt tho altar rail while the congregation was leaving the church. Without u moment's warning Brady came behind her with n pistol iu his hand, an I. put ting it to the back of her neck, fired. His victim fell on thn fioor dead. In another minute, before any one had time to realize what had happened, Brady whs also dead. Woman fainted and ssreamed and rustled in fright from the edifice. Officers of the church ran to the scene of the terrible trag edy, but it was too late to do anything. The mnrderer's body presented a shucking sight, and blood and bits of flesh were scattered around as if the sacred place had been turned Into a slaughter-house. The doors of the church were closed at once, and th priests celebrated mass In the nfter noon in the graveyard adjoining on ac count of the defilement of the edifice The man's friends say he was a crank, and had become a maniac on account of his wife's separation from him ONE BULLET KILLED HIM. An Influential Citiz n Suo-idaa at Utaver Knlla. Beaver Falls, .Match 19 Samuel It. Patterson, son of the late James Patterson, founder of this city and one of the most influential eitiz-ns iu the county, committed suicide in his pri vate office this morning by shooting himself through thn head. .Mr f attsrson has for several vears suffered from dyspepsia. He left no word for hie family, consisting of a wife and three children. the mm CASE ON. Arguments Are Heard in the United States Circuit Court at Philadelphia. SPEAKER SOS BLAND S BILL The Experimental iDcumciit Now Awaits Cleveland's Autograph. HAWAIIAN TALK IS THREATENED The bnrolled Seigniorage Act Re ceived and Proper y Signed in the Senate -Mr. Peffer Introduces Bills tor Which He Has No Sympathy. The President Discusses the Land ingot the British at Bluofields--Bus-iness Is Rushed in the House. Philadelphia, Pa, March 19 Ar gument was begun today before lodges i.., Butler and Gretn, in the United States circuit court of appeals, in a dis pnte among prominent coal, iron nnd steel men over the possession of ftfolJ, 000 in bonds of tho Lackiiwanna iron and Steel company, of Scranton, Pa., which was formerly the Scranton Steel company. A number of the stockholders of the company contend that the $850,000 in bonds of the new company, pai I to William W. Scran ton, the president of the old company, and Walter Scranton, its vice presi dent under an agreement that they should not . re engage in business in competition with the new coiimany, siiould not have been turned over to them, but to the old company itself. The Scrautous claim that the bonds were a bonus to them. When the mat ter was heard in the circuit court at Pittsburg, Judge Acheson awarded the latter tho securities. Tbe dissatisfied stockholders of the old company took an appeal i he) complaining stockholders are Louis H. Bristol. E G Sioddart, H L Hotobklss, C. L. Johnson. Edward M Reed and R. S. Ives, of New Haven, Conn. ; Carlos French, of Seymour, Conn., E S. Burton, of Chicago; Charles N. Yeamans, of Westfield, Mass. ; William B Murdoch, of Barnes La., and William A. Earle, of New Yoik. FLASHED FROM THE WIRES Florida Will ship her .first pineapples April IS. Fever has killed the surgeon of the United Statin ship K.augor, at La Liber tad, San Salvador. Three day'-' constant hiccoughing has brought William a Day, of Bridgeport, Conn., nearly to the point of death. In carelessly handling a revolver, Benja min r arsons, ageu in, 01 Lowell, .Muse., shot and killed Ueorgo Hue, his chum. L'rokor to retire, (iilroy to become Tain many's chief and Grant to again ran for mayor is the latest New York gossip. Numbed by a paralytic stroke, Mrs. Almira N. Davis, agod 84, of East Ded bum, Mass , upset a lamp nnd was burued to a crisp. John Sherman has arrived at Asheville, N. (,'., anil will stay some time to recuper ate Ins health, which has been somewhat impaired. Her heart won by a rich youug F.gyp tian, Miss Albert, I'lnian, daughter of a Baltimore millionaire, will suou sail for Paris to wed him. In a dispute with D. P. Orcutt over property, William Cashing was killed at Lake Turps, Wash., and W. W. Basset) severely wounded. Justice D, L. Boodgrass has been chosen chief justice of tho Tennessee supreme court, to till the vacancy caused by Chief JnttiCS Lea's death. For killing her brutal husband. Mrs. Dunne, of New York, was found guilty of second degree manslaughter, but was recommended to mercy. By getting a writ of error iu the Federal supreme court Clyde Mat lux. u condemned Indian Territory murderer, will escape be ing hanged on Good Friday. In the breach of promise .ait of Miss Esther Jacobs against Henry B Sire, of New Yoi k, the jury brought in a verdict awarding the plaintiff 150,000, the full amount claimed. The case of tho National Home for Dis abled Soldiers against tho late (fc-neral H. F Uutler, which has biteu pending in the United States circuit court at lloston, has been sei t ied by the payment of 118,000 by the administrators of his estate. - GRIM REAPER'S HARVEST. Kx-Mayor John Delta, at his home, (ileu Hock, Y'ork county, Pa, At Now York, Itov. Dr. Stevens Parker, a prominent Episcopal clergyman, aged III, K. W. Paine, supposed to bo the oldest Md Fellow iu Michigan, at Adrian, aged Hi. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Pritchard, aged BO years, at Baltimore, Md She was the mother of Paymaster Arthur J. Pritchard, U. B. N. Mrs. Elizabeth Nobie, wife of John W. Noble, secretary of interior under Presi dent Harrison, at the family reBideuce, .t04il J'i lie street, St. Louis Ex Congressman Washington Townseml, aged 82 years, an eminent lawyer and a prominent Republican, at bis residence iu West Chester of paralysis of tho brain. James J. Fronlieiser, who had charge of the choniical department of the Cambria Iron works, Johnstown, Pa., expired at Darmstadt, Herinnuy. He made the first spiegel turned out by the Cambria com pany. Be went to Germany six weeks ago. Washington, March 10, nniCE PRESIDENT STEVENSON lll having returned to the city, pre lWI sided over the senate today. VJ The enrolled seigniorage bill, signed by the speaker, was received from the bouse immediately after the reading of Thursday's journal. Mr Peffer, Kansas, introduced by re quest, two bills which were roferred to the committee on education and labor one,"to provide public improvements and the employment of the citizens of the U lilted States," and the other, "for the improvement of public roads and other purposes." 11 1 disclaimed any sympathy with or responsibility for the Object! of the bills. Mr George, Mi-sistippi, gave notice of his intontion to u hires the senate tomorrow on the legal aspects of the Hawaiian question. The message from the president of the United States in relation to the landing of British forces at Bluefields. Nicaragua, and In relation to Hawaiian affairs, was laid before the senate at 2.50 p. m nnd referred to the commit tee on foreign relations. The senate, alter n short executive session, at 5 io adjourned, THE BOUSE DELIBERATES The miscellaneous business of the house was disposed of In five minutes this morning and the sundry evil ap apropriation bill was taken up in com mittee of the whole. Mr. Seyors (Dim., Tex) asked unanimous consent to close debate on the ponding amendment (that relating to the Missouri river commis sion) at '2. '10 o'clock, winch was agreed to, and a geueral discussion of the ad vantages and disadvantages of the contract system followed. This and all other umeudmeuts were voted down. The tection relative to the board of managers of soldiers' homes was taken up Without notion on this amendment the committee rose, and Mr. Oothwalte (Dem., Ohio), reported the army an propriation bill. At r) U3 the house ad journed. e . SITUATION AT GnYLORD. qaaezlng Has Cvauad, but tht Mission Bodies Are Far Away. Wii.kks BARRE, March 19 -For the last three days no more bodies have been found at the Gaylord mine la Plymouth, notwithstanding that every possible effort has been made. Tbe height of the plan" is so great that an immense amount of propping is neces sary. The squeezing has censed somewhat today, and there is not go much danger to fear by the rescuers. The bodies yet left iu the mine may not be reached for n week. It is now believed that they were caught in the extreme eud of the fall. KOSSUri-.'S CONDITION. Tht Oreat Hungarian Ptri t Daily Growii ir Weaksr. TURIN, March 10 L uis Kossuth's fever went down enuiowhat last even ing, hit mind became clear, and he eat up iu bed He talked with his nurse, aelf he hud been but slightly ill, and i ventuallr started to leave tbe bed to out on his clothes. He fell back after the first effort, and sank, half fainting on the pillows. When he regained full consciousness, he began speaking of his love for Hun gary. It would grieve him, be said, to die outside his country. . . LOOKING UP DETAILS. State Authorities Liable to Tnk' a Hand in Stmidsbiirg Affaire, BtBOVDSBURO, Pa., March 19 The state authorities have written to Dis trict Attorney J. 1! Williams asking for Information, regarding the lynching of Robert Puryea It Is thought that they will move against the lynchers if some action is not taken by the couuty author! ties, Judge Craig has arrived In town for the purpose of holding a short term of court and th lynchers are feeling very uncomfortable, REDUCTION ACCEPTED. Philllpsburtr Miners Submit to th Scale Mad.' by Demociatic Timst. PHILUPSBURO, Ph., March 19. At the miners' mass meeting, field iu this placo this afternoon, which was at tended by 8,000 miners, on tbe advice of the loaders of the organization it res olution was adopted accepting the re duction offered by the operators. Notification was uiven the operators that the reduction was accepted uuder protest. . AMERICAN SHIPS SAIL AWAY. Thty Havt Bean Withdrawn from Iht Wniers of Hlo. Washington, D. C, March 19 -Secretary Herbert h ig ordered all tbe American warships away from Rio. Tho New Y'ork will ,go to St. Luciu, there to await further instructions by cable from the navy departm-nt. The Charleston will go to Moutc vi Iio to join the Newark. INJUNCTION IS WITHDRAWN. Nuns at Pittsburg Abandon tho Idea rf Teaching In Public Fchoo'e. PtTTSBUnO, March 19 -Before Judge Met Tung. in common pleas court No. 8. tbis morning, the plaintiffs in the in junction case against the Riverside Sub-district school board and tho five Sisters of Meroy teachers employed by i no nosra in the public school was voluntarily withdrawn, state Coun cilor Kerr, of the Junior Order United American Mechanic authorized the following statement: The application for an injunction wae withdrawn simply because we bad nothing to enjoin. The defendant school directors and nuns or sectarian touchers, by abandoning their illegul invasion of the Riverside public sehool. removed all substantial cause of action or complaint, and ended our case. LEWISBURG HAS A CASE. The Apumiranct of Small-Pox Causes Eaoittment About Town. LEWI8BURO, Pa.. March 19. -On Sat urday John Rsrlok returned from Dan ville and was tukeu sick, showing symptoms Ol small-tH& Doctors were called ill consultation and the cite was pronounced small-pox of th-s mast viru lent typo. There is much excitement in the town over the case. The authorities bare quarantined Rariek's houso. There are eleven children in the family. poll fiTHfp FINLEY'S Interesting Sessions Held at Harris burg Governor Pattison Addresses the Meetings -Temperance Work. HARRISBURG, March 19 At today's session of the Central Pennsylvania Methodist conference the board of stewards and committee on necessity cases reports 1 mon-ys received: Al toona district, sfl ,640; Danville. $1.711 : Hsrrisbnrg, $1.67ii; Juniata, $1,100; Williiunsiiort. 1 GTS - chartered fnml 125; book oo-iceru at New York. 11.040: Mrs. C. .(. Jackson's special gift, $260; total, $'. 753; decrease. $fl6; appor tioned lorluextyear, Altoona, Danvilb, Harrisburg and WiHiamsport, $2 10U each; Juniata, $1,000; total, $l"i,00il. iiloomsburg, Tyrone and Sliamokin wore nominated as the plact for hold ing the next conference! The vote he. ing taken, Tyrone was unanimously selected. Governor Pattison being introduced, said he had been in tlie itinerary for twenty-one vears. He was in those days more interested in the parsonage than the church. Ever since he bad been very much interested in a Metho dist conference. Tho work of the church is unselfish. It seeks to save and bless the whole world. This evening the committee on pro hibition reported these resolutions which were adopted; The only proper attitude toward the liquor trattia for Christians Is that of relentless hostil ity. If cn:i Utver be legalized withont sin. We declare before all the world that the church of God ought to be known always and everywhere ae the relentless and uncompromising foe ol this UO-Godly business and it is tie duty of every Christian to wage cease less wnrlnre against It. We do not presume to dictate the po litical conduct of our people, but we dc record our politic il judgment that no political party has a right to expect, nor ought it to receive tbe support of Christian men so long hs it standi con -nutted to the license policy or refuses to put itself on record In an attitude of open hostility to the saloon. Rev. Dr. Payne delivered an iuterstiug address on education. BLACK Dress Goods HIi demand for Vine BlackGoods this season is un precedented. Our as sortment is now very complete, having just, received our seconct importation of Exclusive Designs In French and Ger man Novelties. Also a new stock of the PRIESTLY BLACK GOODS The name of which. is the guarantee of their excellence. As the quantitiesare lim ited, an early inspec tion is advisable. 510 and 512 Lackawanna A?e. IDE EUTTA PERU & RUIBE9 mm FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOS& BOQUETS FOR THE COLONEL. Forgot to Mention His Wifs Durii g Bis Nashville Speech Mashville, Tenn., March 19. Col onel w. C P. Breckinridge delivered a lecture at Gospel Tabernacle in this ( ity on the night of June 2 last for the benefit of a locil charitable organiza tion known as tht Flower Mission. At the conclusion of his address Colonel Breckinridge was presented with a basket of 11 iwers. In return for this compliment he made a speech, taking occasion to say in a manner pathetic that ho had no wife to whom h conld give them. This circumstance has been vividly recalled by the recollection that Colonel Breck enridge w is secretly married to Mrt. Wing on April 29, 1808, more than a month prior to the dale of tills unnec essary declaration. - . CYCLONES MOVING SOUTH. New Orl-ana Swept by a Terrible Tor nado Nkw YORK, March 19. -It i report ed that a cyclone has swept over the country in tho vicinity of New Or leans. At this writing (1 50 a. m.) all wires are down and no details ctu be ob tained. TICKINGS FROM THE CABLE. Herman merchants think Prance got the best of the convention as to tne Cameroon Brtnterland, Queen Margaret will receive Wayne MacVeagh, the new United States ambas sador, today. T h Fiench senate bv a vote of 828 to 88 bus approved the creation of a ministry of the colonies, thus averting a cabinet crisis. (ictniiih liitretnllitts are trying to force Chancellor Von Caprivi into convening n International conference on the silver qnestion, The gleaming military helmets of tier many', army Will be abolished, and the entire uniform is to be obsngsd to resem ble closely that of the Austrian troops. For pretending to heal diseases by hyp notism, Herman Just, of Striirxbuig, Ger many, was sent to prison for fourteen mouths, mid two confederates for shorter terms. The estimated Bnglish government ex penditures lor the coming year, which will b, required to be met by the budget, amounts to 05,683,086. This is the highest sstlmate ever submitted. The Rome correspondent of the London News lays that tie ltrainlian government has been congratulated by Italy upon the surrender of thn insurgent Beet at Bio Janeiro and the collapse of the insuirec- . , . ,. . . .. lion in iuu souiu. CHAS A. BCHIEREtt & CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak-tanned Leather Beliinj H. A Kingsbury AGENT 513 Sprues St., Scranton, Pa. Lewis, Reilly & Davies 7iO iff rHi.-c UitMpaJ?' i : hy -jf CLEAR WEATHER FORECAST. Warhinotox, March W.Fnre cant tor iVetrfayi For eastern Vnnsifninifi, icncruHi fair, in tun COWtT,' ROffA trilirff, fur western PtttNtyfranin, priierafly Jlsfa prooaof y eefdsr i southern portion nuith winds. Oar I allies' mill Gentlemen's shoes nft, l .10. B, SO iiuri : me on top II., are it,, Io, I for NerVletl mnl Kiunlott LgWIN, HKILI.1 A UAVIF.B, in liilng avi line, w liuletale and Retail. We Examine Eyes Free of charge. 1 1 a doctor u needed you ate promptly to1 bo. We also guarantee a per iod lit. WATCHES AT COST fur one week only. I J Mi II JL-J J. V XX i. J ! 1 I IK I ARCADE JEWELER, 215 WYOMING AVE.