THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE -MONDAY MORNING. MARCH 19. 1894. LIVE NEWS OF 10 PITTSTONS I AKEN FROIN REAL ml TnK Boiumtor Tuihunt.'s Ptttstoa fle pnrtment is in chart?'1 of J, M. l"iihy, to whom news items aud complaints may bo referred. ERIN'S SON'S PARCDE. St. Patrick' ,i Day Celebrate! by the Catholic Sool-tiee of Thle rinoe. With hearts full of patriotism ami joy the sons of Brill BTSSted Olfl Sol as be bobbed lii beaming face over the SSSterO horison early Saturday moru iiit St. Patrick's Dy. It wii the kind of it dav that is often wished for lut seldom stvn at tins S"ison of tho year. With the dawning of the morn could heard the blare of the tram -petl and t ht tap of the drums iiiincniu riui? tho preliminaries for tli hi pn rade frhioli was to sun at s o'clock. Bocisty uien in full regalia, som oa foot, others mounted, vied with ec!i other in appearance, while old Irish grandmothers, full of enthnaiaani or the daya when they were bright-eyed lassies, stool side by aide with their Amerloaniaed children' olilldren The column was slow in startuii;. but got off in good slmp ill the following order : K. J, I'.tirke, Uratid Marshal. Aids John 0. Hart. John P. Kearuey.Joho H Tlgne, Jehu J, Donnelly, John Ue Montgal, Dolph Glennou, Tho, Barley, P, uaekio, Jai (Join nan and Phillip Hlggma, Powderly Drnm Corps, Co. C, Pathei Hat ben ktattalion, Tblatle Cornet tJaud, St. Aloyelna Bociety, Star I rutu Corpe, Co. D, St John's Society, Piute Hand. Branch T J. E B, A.. L.eek Cornet Baud, Division of the A. Q. H., Liberty Cornet laud, Divisions of the A. 0. D., The procession moved down South Wain street to the railroad bri.l..?. an 1 couuterunrch-'d there to St. John's church, where Sped tl rrice wsro conducted for tb sooietise by Kev. Fattier M. J Kelly, who, at the con olnsioo of the serried, delivered a dU coarse u; tabt to the occasion. The procession re-formed ou William street, uiareued up Main tret to Union, countermarched to Railroad, coonter marchsd to William, up tho latter Street to C'liurcu street, where it ws dl unless fl. All alons th line of inarch th crowds were piled pell ru-ll oa either i le in perteet hedges of Humanity. The festivities closed without any dis tor Dance of the slightest to the pleasure of th- festivities. MUROER MYSTERY ftT PLAINS. John Rohl, a Folandsr, Found Mur dered By the Roadside. Ki'ly Saturday moraiusc the body of Joan Rohl, a Po'.aader. w.s found in Pliius township, near the Horton oolliery, oa the puab mad, located about half-wiy be'twesa Wilk-M B irr and this dace. An mnimation showed the ruin bad b"u dead soru-? titn. The body lay with the head toward ths road aad near it was a cigar whica had not been lighted. Ths rest was ooen and the s'ispen isr were hooked. Tare wounds w-rs oa the body ons over the left nipple, oas in the left wrist and oa through the timers of the left hand The murdered w.w ehort in sut ure and apparently 40 yeirs of a?, and toarded with a fellow countryman named Roicic. County Detective Whalen weut to the sceno and viewed the body. Afterwards he wnt to ths man's boarding house and wa accompanied by Micaael G ock, an inteuuen'. Hanjirian. Jauiss Conrtright and Josepn Lmdon The boarding bug. Lewis Roaicit, in terviewed. Hs said he hail five toard ers and last night on had been shot and killed. The murdered man was in the house last night and had a few word with hi' wife about an unpaid board bill. lie had been driaiciug om. John Barks, a young man about 19 years old. a son of Mr Catherine Barke. it is said, was with Rohl and was drinking wit a him . Af ter the quarrel the rnnr Isred mn had left the house, about 180 this morn ing, and the other boarders went to bed. Whalen ordered all tii ocenptnt of the Rosick household to accompany nim to 'ScrQire i'erkins' office, which was done and a hearing had They were all held for their appearance. Step were taken to procure the arrest of young Burke, who it is claimed knows something aoont the affair. The motive of the rnnrdr is shrond d in mystry. The general belief is that Kohl was killed and placed whore ilead boly whs fonnd. HaVI ned Dr. Thoma' Eclectric Oil for rroup and colds, and declare it a positive cure Contributed by Wm. Kay, 510 f'iy mcnth avenue, Hnffalo, N. V. hi s) DEATH IN THE FLAMES J'hn Mangan, Aortrl 11 Tsars, Raaated to f.-e in a Burning Building. The hone of Michael Kord in Inker man was totally destroyed by fin Sat urday at midnight. At ths tune of the fire then were in tin house Mr and Mr. Ford, Jo .n Kurd, their on, and John Mangan, a grandson. The tdder Ford and his son made their nenpe from tho burning bolldiog bv jnmping from a window. Mrs Ford in trying to escape ber.rn stiff icated by the smoke and would have perished in the fl une tint for flaveral men who forced in ths window each nnd envel oping her in blankets carried beT out .nto the open air. She whh found to be badly bnrnod and was with union dffl culty retmcitated. Whn tlie (lime were at tlieir height It was diHeovernd that young Mangan w.i in: no rig, mid ti conclusion that ho was in the building liK-nmo general wlioii the apuctntors heard above the crackling of the timber his pitiful pleadings to save hia life 'i'liu i - - i - r -with much difficulty tried to filter the bouse, bnt it was QseloCf, and in a abort time the poor follow' pleading were heard no more. When the ruin had mfflciently cooled to permit a aearch being made hi ssarred nnd charred remains weru found among tho debris. The building was a twr,-tory frame structure and was valued at $1,000, All the contentH, togatlier with fMX) in cash, were deal roved. Tho origin of the tire ie a mystery, but suppojsd to be dne to a defective fl ie in the kitchen. Mr. Ford's injuries are abont the hnnds nnd face and are con sidered quite serious. Sue was re moved to tho hosuital. - nil I'bkvkntion Is better than cure, and you may prevent i hut tired feeling by taking Ilood's Banapartlla, which will keep your blood pure and free I rom ncid taint nnd germs of diseasu. An Experience Which a Great Many Have Passed Through, MR. BARNARD'S RESCUE. There May Be Persona Who Suffer, But there I No Rsason Why Thejr Should Do So. Have yon over been run down, pale weak, and without etrongth? lias your food failed to digest, und have you felt that von were losing ground daily! Have you had no appetite for food, little Interest in life, and no SOOh thing hs happlnneea? If so, read the follow log words of Mr. J. Calvin Barnard, who resides at London, N. 11. lie is an honest, intelligent and reliable man, and what be says is absolutely tril ': a' i January 1st ol the present year 1 had been sick nrven or eight weeks, and w is so tow that 1 could not turn myself In bed alone, l had no appetite, could take nothing except a little milk and water, ind it was hard even to lake that Tbe doctor said I must bftTo nourishment, but milk and water was all 1 could take without distressing UIS 1 was growing weaker and weaker My friends and the doctor thought I must go down, but I am happy to say I 0 do touted the New Voir by taking some 0( tlie pre dlgeeted food of which I hud heard. The first spoonful nave ma a little appetite, and I began to revive. My strength Inoreased so that in a week from that time 1 was able to bs weighed, and fonnd my weight to be 8D pounds. The net week I weighed 88 pounds, and in five weeks 1 had gained 80 pounds, all through the use of the great pre-digested food, Paskola. "As my usual weight is from 140 to 148 pounds, I am not vet up to my former condition, but 1 verily believe that Paskola, with the lieio of the good Lord, has done Wonderful work for me, ana i am on the nign roui to neaun, As I have suffered from indigestion for years, have doctored and taken this ami that, it can readily be understood bow happy 1 feel over the result ol this great pro-digested food," Remarkable, you sy ! Mr, Barnard's case is only oue of very many, for Pas kola has restored thousands who had lost all interest iu health and happi ness to a condition of hope aud jay. A pamphlet giving full particulars respecting I'aacola will be sent ou ap -p i istion to the i're-Digested Food Co , SO Reads stree', New fork Cttv. ANNUA CLEARING SALE A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. ThfmBanda Remnants of Dry Goods, clunks and Fur Oapei during salo :it loss than aist of material. Every inch of counter mom covered with tlie greatest bargains' ever shown. I i lies' Pelt Hats, this season's stylos 10s. each. Hoys' Winter Waists 100 esoh. Muffs 30c. esob. Cloaks $1.50 each. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUK. COME IT Wild. r.W Yd . Great Clearing Sale. A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. Shct During a Row. Dnriuu a row in a sp..k-easy John Dolphin, of Parsonage street, was shot In the eye and liss in a precarious con dition. Tue row occurred about 1 o clock this morning and was partici pated in by a party of Italians and s-v-eral friends of Dolphin A brother-in-law of tbe wonnded man received a half dozn stab wounds in the ban. I, body and legs. And Still They Come. Mr. W. H, Rutledre, wh I In the days when Pittston was in the old Sevantli legislative district, was candidate for representative on the Dsmocratic ticket "leading s forlorn hop j," has, at ths urgent re'iurse of his numerous friends, aunoauced hi'nslf at a Repre sentative in the Fifth district. Uiztte. Phytic an Itosrlster. E lward C. DreSier, of Tamiqui, P,i., a graduate of Hahnnnan college or Saturday registered as a physician. Mr. Dreher has decided to Incite here an l The Tkiel se's many readers bid him welcome. , HAPPENINGS BRIEFLY TOLD. In Shirt bat Pointed Paragraphs for Quick Perusal. The town council will hold a special meeting this evening. Tie funeral of John Manama:, who was barnad to death, occurred yester lav afternoon. I iterment was made in Market S'.reet cemetery, Tne machinery anl fixtures of the old Wyoming Valley Knitting mill were sold at sheriff's Saturday morn ing. The bidding was slow. General McCartney, of Willc-s-Birre, and. J. N" Anderson, of this place, purchased everything thst was sold, The total amount realized was $1,389.50, Lonis Jster, the pugilist (7), of Wilkes-li irr-, made himself conspicu ous at Music hall Friday evening to the disgust of its many patrons. The West Side Journal got ont a spcial Issue printed on green paper in honor of St Patrick's Day, Nothing slow about KJitor Pyres, to Ins credit b it said. BditOf Richards with his family passed Sunday with Mr nnd Mrs Kicliards, or liotler street Dr. Dodson, of Dinghamtnn, N Y , passed yesterday as IBS guest of J. N. Anderson and wife, of toe West Side Burgess Dennett, of the West Side, held a mntinee in the town hall early yesterday morning. The victim was a sobered drunk who paid his way and departed. Mow Supervising Principal Shiel omii be hers, and reported in several psprs as lifting in Honesdale, is n question that is ngitnting the professor nt the present time. The store works, aftsr three days Idleness, will resume work this morn Ing. Whi'n fi ll.)' wns stok, wn BJSVS hef f'fttforle. Wliwi she w as n ( lillil, she rrli'd fur I'sstorla, Wln'Ti slit- lerarh' Miss, hn 0juS)f to OaStOriSi Winn she had i !httsreOSlM gave them i'ust.iu. Pi r H:. wfj?u)m ' f Jy'll'i;ti'y SUPERLATIVE AND YOUR BOY Yon hops he's a great man. Your boy will be a man some day. Will he be an insig nificant or a great man? That depends on the chance you give him. You hope he'll succeed. It lies with you as to whether he will or not. You may not think so. You may think you can't do much with him. He's obstinate, perhaps hard to handle. YOU have tO form hiS Character Well tnese are Pints ne'U to overcome, more or lftaa Hnmotror Vila rYi a r a rf sr ia In o nstain avlnnl i iionii x. v. IWeeaei Wa '. " ;,J The Flour Awards " hicaoo, Oct :n i'be Brst offlolsl innoanoement of World'e Fair di plomas on Hour has been made. A medal has boon awarded by the World's Fair judges to the Hour maun matured by the Washburn, ( rosby Co, in the ((rout Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports tbe flour strong and pure, and entitles it to rank as find c lass patent Hour fur luuiily mid bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL TCHOLE8AI.1 AGENTS GOLD MEDAL The SDOVe brands of Hour can be hnd Ht any of the following merchants, who will accept ThkTiubuse rXOUB OOPPOM ot 0 on each oue hundred pounds of Hour or oO ou each barrel of flour. Beranton F. P. Price. Washington avenue I Taylor Judge A Co., Gold Hedsl; Athertoa (lolil Mela Hruud. Co., Buperlatlv Dnnmore F. P. Price. Gold Medal Brand. Dvryea Lawrence Store Co., (loid Modal. Unnmore F, 1) Manlev. Boperlativa Bran I. I Moosle John McCrindle, Gold Medal Hyd.' Purk-Curstm A; Duvls, Wu-hlmrti St. Pittston M W. O'lioyle, Gold Medal Uold UedAI Brand: J sepn A. M ars.Maui i.isrn s ureen t race a: rurser, snperiauva but that's not enougli. Frederick the Great. Something ALL great men have had. Your loy can't be great without it. unchangeable You change, his faults. a certain extent. can only modify, not radically avenae. Superlative llrauil. Oreon RidKn A.USpencei'.Unlil Modal Brand. J. T. M - Hale, Superlative. Providence Fanner & OhappellN' Main ave- one. Superlative BrandtL. J Gille-pi s w. Market streot. llo;.l tfeilil Brand Olyphant Jamas Jordan. Superlative Brand Peckvllle ttbaifer a K 1st Superlative. Jenny nC, u. Winters : Co Superaletlve Arehhald Jones. S mpsen & '.'' . li 'ld Medal .'arlon'iA!o-B. S. Clark, Medal Brand. Honesdale--1- N. Kostor ite Co. Gold Modai. Minooka-M H. Uvelle. L'lark s summit- F. M. Yiiutil. Geld Me lal Dolton- S K. Finn & Sen. Uold Medal Brand. Nicholson J. B Hardins. Wav. rly-M. Bliss Jt Son, Geld Modal. Factory vttle Charles Gardner, Gold Medal Bopbottom N. M l iuii&Snn, Gold Medal. Tobyliauna-Tibyliaiin i L.'hiirli Lumber Co . Gold Mo lal Brand Gnu'.dsboro-b A. Adams. Gold M.'lal Brand Moseuw Gniifii Clement", Gold Medal. Lake Ariel James A Bertree, Golil Medal. Forest City J. L. Morgan A: Co., Gold Medal Hood's Pii.i.h enpe, hut act elllciently. 2c. do not purge, pain or promptly, easily ana Hotel Yavcrly Ksrepeaa Plan. KinaniBss Bar sMsshst Ie l et for Bnrgoer Iviik"! s letu i Cot fStb and Filbert Ms PhiladL M' t di slratilii for residents of N K. I'nmr, sylvuijls. All oeneentenoas tor travelers to ami from Broad Htrnnt station and the Twelfth slid Market Street station lie llraliln for visiting Sersiitoiilans aud pmr lie hi the Anthracite i:. . ... T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. ADWAY'S READY RELIEF. FOB 1 N XI .UN A I. Al l) EX I I KML I l In OStflff ntsdtOlnea to stop pain, "o should avoid su-h is 1'iHict injury on the sy-itoin. Oulum. Mor.iliine. Chloroform K'her. Co raine Bad 1 liloral stop pa'n by deetrbymi the ens" of perception, the patint losing the power of feeling. This is a most dostrue. five practies; It masks the symptoms, shuts up. ana, mstean r removirnr irooie, oreass 1 iwn rnos'.omac , over ami losreiij ami, n mo tinned la for a leui-th of time, kills the nerves nnd produces local or general paralysis There Is no necessity for using these uncer tain 'ojuMts when a jioiitive rem'-Iv .Ike KAI- WAY'S BGADs REUBF will stop Me mne I exerueiatin pain quicker without entailing tun least danger, in either inrant or adult It Instantly s'ops tlie most excruciating pains, allavs inflammation and cures eongei lions, whether of til f.untrs, Stomach. Bow eis, or other g mis or m tinonstnombrefios FOB KPRAIN8, I RUIPBft, BACKACHE, PAIN IN T HK CHEHT IH MIUKS, UBAl) .i at TOOTHACf! F. Hit ANY OTIIKK pain, a few applications act i- u. u;- i- init the i i.i in to instantly ' p. tTRKS AND PKF.VENTS Colds.Coughs, Sore Throat, Inflammation, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Influenza, BhenmatlsaSi Neuralgia, hcIhGcii, Lass sagOi Swelltsg of the Joints, Pains hi llerk. I lirsl or I. hubs. The application of tbe READY RELIEF to lo- or psrte where the ilinii-ully or pain esists will afford ease end comfort Aid, INTSBMAti PAINJ PAIMB IN now ELh OH eloWACH, cltAvl'H. hi'AHMs, SOl'lt STOMACH, NAUHKA, VOMITING, UK ART Id UN. N RltVOC-NF.-S, HI, EEC LBR8NEP8,HICK liF.AHAi IIKlilAltUnKA, cm, l c.PLATULBNUY, FAIN i I Nit BPELL8 are relieved insiantlv and ipiieklv cured by ak nit let n Dallf a lilitf t i a teaspo inful of K niy (telle! in hsif a tumbler of t. r. Malaria, Chills and Fever, Fever and Ague Conquered. Therel n remedial agenl In the world thill, will l ine Fevr and Aeu". and nil other Malarloni. BIlloSS and other l overs, aldod bjr Kail wii 'h l ill i, mi ipilckly as Kadwsy 's RsadV Relief. Price 50c. pnr bottlo. Snltl by Druggists. DADWAY'S ii Pas a i RICK DRAIN TILR. FRONT, WIRE CUT. HOLLOW. VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COMMON How to educate trim. Let bini read and choose his own career. Yon think education costs too rancii. The very best education. The best edition. Only 12 days more. Call and examine. lliink, act B R I C K Best in the market Lost Manhood and vltrnr ipilrMj reiiorcu.i iirli-ori'lc, iliriiilv i 1 1 1 i i ' . I ) . ' I.- . runil lo INtlAI'll. Hie sri'st i. If. I.i.-ilv. W til wrlllfn Ki.tri.ilM. (orur. .4ul.ll,, MAITllkwa HUOS..liiui(i,'lli. Ncrsnton, Ps. I I What is More Attractive Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright compluilunt For it, uso Pozzonl's Powder. PILLS, Tor tin- OHM f tsll rlKnidiTt uf llin Shun iieli, LlVtr, BoWtlt, KltliinyM, Itlmltlts i . Not vi im DlMMM Urtiilm lH', ' i ' 1 1 rorttlvMiei, Imilcittion, hv HiM'iiitlii, Itll- liiuiinN, Fi'vit, InMHiniimt Ion of Iht How tie, nirs nnd Mli1vriingtinont4 4tflta0 in lirnnl VlMtrfts Pwtnly V'clnlili', cm tAinlnR mo mnronry, inhu ruU or ri;i,K TKBIOI H OKI . IV i' e Nft n or ltnx Soli hy all ilrnsririHts, or on rAOelpt of prio wil bo sint by imJ. Hvi' boXM for Out Dollar, RADWAY & CO., X! Warron St , N. Y. Brandt Clay ProductCo Ot'FICBi Binghamton. N Y FACTORY i Brandt, Pa Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT k CONNELL CO. The fathor of Frederick the Great thought his boy was a blockhead up to th3 tirn3 ho was 15 year3 of age, but he didn't stop educating him. There's one thing that all great men have had, as boy3, as young men. They have had it given to them or they have given it to themselves. Had they never had it they would never have become great. They have had education. Your boy cannot possibly be anything, become any thing, without knowing. The more he knows the bet ter he'll be. Knowledge is power, riches, fame. You want to do your duty by him? Give him a chance Teach him or let him teach himself Give him educa tion. "Without books God is silent, justice dormant, natural science at a stand, philosophy lame, letters dumb, and all things involved in Cimmerian darkness." If you give him book3 he Will soon chose for himself the subject in which he is most interested, which he can most easily study. This study is the one he is mo3t fitted to pursue, the one in which he will make the most success. It is natural that it should be so. You think: "Books, ah yes, how many hundreds of dol lars will I have to spendbefore he discovers what he is best fitted for?" True, but there's another way. Invest $4.50 and give your boy the advantage of that greatest of all refer ence libraries, tin Encyclopedia Britannica. It will place him on a par with th9 college graduate. THE TRIBUNE EDITION is the best and latest edition of this great work, with all its wealth of information and education revise d to the present time. You have but 12 days in which to secure this great work at $1.98 per volume and on easy terms of pay ment. You will find the Encyclopedia Store at 437 SPRUCE STREET. Open during the day and evening during these 12 days. You certainly ought to think it over. We know if you think you will act. TBE TRIBUNE E. B. DEPAI IN Spruce MT. PLEASANT AT RBTAIIa Ona! of the host quality for dompstlo uscsnd of sll sites. dellvoriHl In hiij pari uf the city st lowest price. Oritura left ut my offlcn. Ml. UK, WYOMING AVKNITK, Rssr room, flrnt floor, Third National Bank, or sent by mail or telephone to tho mine, will recclvo prompt attention. (Special contracts will be mndo for tho sale ami delivery of Huckwtieat CuaL WM. T. SMITH. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Trices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. THK Thatcher IS THE BEST. Get prices and en the itiriiBce and lie con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Aupello aud Gauze Door Ranges, CONLAFSllARDWARE 1MTTSTON. PA. " 1 ,,, . sMMMseMMSjissssSMsMMsMs I 1 PUZZLE. 1 THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable as a Souvenir of the Fair. QUITE i:sy WRBN YOU know how saoo IN PRICKS Wll.l BK DISTRIBUTED TO those DOING THE l'U i i IN THE SHORTEST BPAOK OF TIME FOR MALE BY ALL NEWS COMPANIES STATIONEltS AND AT TOY STORES, OK SENT l'i ANY ADUHKSS UPON ItKCEIPT OP PRIOR, iin CENTS, HY COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO.. Ita AND 111 SOUTH El TAW STHEET, BALTIMORE, AID.