The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 17, 1894, Page 9, Image 9

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Lcnttii Eccentricities.
, v oi tiio material will
IhcyScciu Severely simple After the Frills
of : lie Prevailing Mode
Serge Riul obevlot are the favorite inal -rials
tor walking toilets thin spring & a
come the fancy weaves in lilit woolen fab
rics and boncle effects. The various shades
of green, brown ami purple prevail, ami
black is also popular. Sleeves are cut in
one piece from shoulder to wrist, or are I
made with one or wore pull's extending
from the shoulder to the elbow, but in all
cases tliey arc very tiylit around the fore-
urtu. Plain tailor made styles are still in I
YOgUe, and the Test has not declined in fa-
vor, while revers are seen on almost every
description of bodice, from, the morning
jacket to the ball corsage.
Uesii'.e tlic galloons, passementerie ami
artistic buttons which are employed as
trimming tor street gowns, they are often
rendered more elaborate andsl riking by the
akiliful introduction of a small quantity U
rives the popUll
have waned,
Sleeves of different material from thai ol
the gOWU are stili seen, especially on elabo
rate toilets. Rich fabrics, ol which a wide
variety is shown this spring, are used fot
this purpose and are also employed for Hie
berl ha or ; he i n "at ot 1 1 1 corsage and occa
sionally to form a panel in the skirt. Fine
brooades and damasks are thus utilized,
and both plain mat embroidered velvets,
while the body of the goVU is of silk or
wool piods. A charming costume made of
ha.el nut brow 11 draji de soie is cut in prill-ce-s
form and closes invisibly in front. The
Immense balloon sleeves, very tight below
the elbow, are of mauve moire dotted with
black. A tiny capote of black velvet ac
companies the gown and is trimmed w it h
Parma violets.
if - -x
' - N K
I'M i
x I f
A REDFBRs gown.
fine brocade or richly colored velvet in (he
form of a vest or plastron. Fancy ns well
M plain velvets are thus used with excel
lent elTect. Sometimes these brilliant ad
juuets are cunningly cont rived BO that, they
are adjustable and may thereby serve th"ir
turn with several different gowns. Heavy
black or white lace is also seen, laid in flat
bands on the goods, or perhaps over n 1 and
of silk of a prettily contrasting color, or it
is gathered to form a bouffant corsage trim
ming. The English do not seem to take as kind
ly to light and airy effi ci - as do i be Amer
icans and the french. Uedfem shows a
spring design which m-:;i rrvi rely .- impV
after the frills and furbelows of the gi h
erally prevailing mode. It is made of fawn
colored vignone, fine ami of lightweight,
The bell skirt is plain except for the w ide
facing of vignone which is stitched on
around the bottom and the fair stitched
straps of spinach green cloth which adorn
the front just above the facing and are
fastened down at the ends by fawn colored
crochet buttons, The bodice, which i.--extremely
loii toid tight in the usual Eng
lish style, has n rather short basque, and a
etrapof green cloth follows the waist line
above each hip nud is buttoned In place,
The revers of the fawn colored oonage ex
tend to the waist ami display an open waist
coat of green cloth that parts over a gn
plastron which, with the standing collar,
la embroidered with fawn colored cord.
The bouffant sleeves have QaringCdffs ';
green cloth, and a green velvet toque com
pletes the costume. '. i -
Dnexpeatcd suvm or Grief That Warm
tl'eather -Hay Develop
The Eton jacket i too convenient to be
come quickly obsolete and Is used in many
of the spring costumes for misses and young
Women. A French model of a mourning
gown is shown having an Eton jacket, al
though it seem rather too flippant o style
fortl e appropriate expression of grief. The
round bi II skirl Is trimmed with bias bauds
Oi ( : p ', and tie- jacket, which opcUSOVer
n full crape vest, is bordered with the snmo
trimming, Tight crape euffs extend to the
elbow, while crape epaulets Ml over the
puff tout forms 1 1. e upper part nt bhesleeve.
Crape is st ill the orthodox material for
mourning, although it is so unserviceable a
st uff. Woolen crape and crcpons, Henriet
ta, serge, camel's hair and all. dull finished
black cloths are employed,' while some
beautiful black silk crcpons are shown
among the new spria' goods, having a nar
row plain Bilk stripe, or a silk stripe with a
sort of ruffled effect, or the goods, instead
of bi inn striped, are sprinkled with plain
silk flecks. For warm weather grenadine,
nun's veiling and plain black silk net may
also be used. Ample veils of the latter are
far better for summer wear than the suli'o
cating crape ones and are quite as complete
Tlic custom of wearing black lisse or
tulle ruchings next the neck and w rists is
one to be followed with caution, as the dye
is usually not fast in those materials and is
apt to come off upon the skin under the In
fiuenc of warmth or dampness. A fold of
dr.ii china silk or a plaiting of silk net is a
safer finish to adopt.
A spring mourning toilet is shown made
of dull finished and woolen material. It has
a round bell skirt trimmed with three bias
bah.vs of crape of different widths. The
plain corsage has a short basque and opens
in front over a lull vest of black (cause con
fined by a nape girdle, The full cloth
sleeves are trimmed with crape. A triple
cape accompanies the gown, the two lower
capes ot cloth and the upper one of crape.
Holre Lciuli In Popularity Both In the
riain ami siripi ii Varieties.
Silk stuffs are much in vogue this sprimr
for gowns intended for afternoon receptions
and other occasions of ceremony where full
dress is not admissible. Moire leads in po;
Ularity, of course, both in the nnd
Striped Varieties, while .satin, pe.'iu de sole
and bengallne are also worn, but plain
grosgrain silk seems to have entirely dis
appeared from the fashionable wardrobe.
Elaborate costumes made of find woolen
goods and trimmed with richer materials
are also Seen, crepons being still favorites
Some new repped goods are shown, covered
with small, silk embroidered Ogures,but it. Is
ioubtful if they will be taken up very eager-
t i
..." 1 frm.
These dolls are dressed iu various styles
oiie in gray, as S Quaker, with a silk bonnet
and a kerchief; another in lace and muslin,
with a hat and a tiny basket of flowers.
The prettiest are the "folly" costumes of
jjm ' k
satirtaud ribbons, bung with little bells.
The dress is in two, of course, black
an.', orange, blue and white, and turquoise
nnd gold being the most effecllvu coiubluar
. i .. oi. . For th Fancy Waists
of Springtime,
A beautiful lino of wash silks has been
brought out for the spring trude, ho lovely
In color and soft in texture that it is difli
Cttltto make a choice where every piece is
so attractive. Solid colors are showu in
dull blue, light violet, wbsint he green and
old rose. Inn stripes prevail, and their com
binations are innumerable. All the stripes
are of mil row w idth, iu whatever manner
they are clustered, and the effect as a whole
is of harmonious e a subdued brightness.
Rose and gray, rose and green, rose and
tan, and violet and tauaresome of the com
binations seen. The goods are said to really
wash, provided soft water and a small
quantity of line soap be used, and no fabrio
could be prettier for separate waists for
every day use as warm weather comes on.
for more elaborate bodices brocaded taf
fetas and satin or moire striped silks are
employed, Theseand similar weaves may
be obtained to great advantage at this sea-
-rtowx Asp mai.vk ri(isi i:sa coaTOME.
ly. There are n certain number of novelties
put out every season that for "some n SSOD,
good or bad) do not hit the fashionable
fancy, and so the ahelves of t ho shops arc
clogged with them.
There are occnsionr.lly, on the contrary,
other novelties thai at once spring so unex
pectedly into popular favor that dealers II ml
that their caution in buying lias resulted in
their stock of the goods running out during
the very height of the demand for it. Asit
takes gbotttaiX Weeks to order and obtain
good- from manufacturers in the other
hemisphere, establishment are often timid
about, sending for another lot, fearing that
by the time the second consignment ur-
They are mounted on n yoke which Is con
cealed by a cloth collar continued down the
I trout edge i of the cape in the form of crape
. . mi.. 1 . . j
re cm. l lie oonnei , i tn as in mini Jig anil
strings, Is of crape and has a niching of
white crape beneath iho clo e brim.
A Dull Bonbon Dos That only Costs s:i
or M.
The source of decorative novelties seems
to Iki unfailing. Every mouth brings out
on the fancy counters of the shops a fresh
assortment of small articles more or less
useful and ornamental. One of the latest
things Is a flat pocket pinholder, made of
brown silk, iu imitation of the flat side of
a oh est nut and rather larger than the tjpiui
ish chest nuts m en In the markets. Tho
pins are stuck in around the edge. The
tiny decorated rolling pin -, etc., once pop
ular for key racks, have been superseded by
wood or composition oak and maple leaves,
painted and veined In the natural colors.
.Several small gilt hooks are fastened on
the face of the leaf to hold the keys, anil
the leaf is hung up by the stem, Some
thing decidedly new arc the white applique
ett rs now for sale lit. the mil ion counters.
They are about, three-quarters of an inch
long ami are embroidered, but ha'H' no
background, and are Intended to save the
labor of embroidering initials on Gousehbld
linen and underwear. The idea is ft novel
but practical one.
Voluminous lainpRlin les nre:;till popular,
but Ingenuity baa been almost exhausted
on them, and every combination of china
silk, laee and crape has bci n tried over and
over. SomS new ones are shown made of
crape paper in shades of lavender, orna
mented with a large cluster of purple and
white flag lilies or iris, also Blade of paper.
The same seln me might b" more cheerfully
carried out in pate yeUow,tlnoa there art
yellow irises In nature. These millinery
lamp shades are not sat ii factory on the
whole, however, as they ate too flimsy to be
trusted in the neighborhood of firfi
A doll bonbon box is Sj rather attractive
novelty which, trivial ns It may seem, sells
at between $3 and $4, The foundation Is a
rather tall, round box, to the lid of which
is fastened the upper half of a doll's body,
with le-ad and urnis complete. The skirt
is secured to tin-waist of the doll and Is
made just, t he t ight length and circumfer
ence to cover the. box when the lid is on.
son, ns all tin; large shops are closing out
the remainder of their winter stock of silks
and crapes at reduced prices, and five orsix
yard lengths of flue quality may be bought
at. half the price per yard that was charged
two or three months previous. In thin
qualities of -ilk the soft varieties wear bet
ter than the glace kinds of the same grade,
all hough the latter appear to have more
In regard to the mode of making these
waists there is only one law they shall not
be plain. Even the wash silks are usually
made up full with a folded belt and col
lar, balloon sleeves anil a double niching
down the front, while corsages intended for
theater and evening wear are so volumi
nously and variously trimmed that, it would
seem impossible for the sti tit lest ingenuity
to invent a new style. A sketch is given of
u theater bodice composed of pale gn'en
crape and laurel green satin ribbon, made
over a titled lining of pale green surah. It
is shirred in the form of a round yoke,
which is outlined by a baud of ribbon fin
Ished with erect bows on the shoulders. A
second parallel band curves across the bust.
The bodice is gathered in at the waist un
der a pointed ribbon belt and has a short,
full basque lined with surah and trimmed
with a band of ribbon. The tight, shirred
sleeves extend from the wrist to above the
elbow, where they arc met by a balloon
puff with a ruffle trimmed with a ribbon
band. The standing collar of ribbon is sur
mounted by a niching of the crape. The
bodice closes at the bnck
Tit bit' C'HOLLET.
The Girl of I lie Period May Soon Be Parti;
Armor Glad,
With the great variety of soft silks, orapes
and nets now iu the market, there is no lack
of material for the const ruction of duiiity
vests, yokes, plastrons, collars, capes and
similar devices for the brightening up of
Ktr'-et toilets to suit evening occasions
where full dress Is not necessary. A great
leal of guipure is used, also beaded tulle
and net embroidered In jet or small colored
i abactions or pi t lit i t ill ly spangled. Indeed
flashing metallic effects are greatly iu favor,
anil as the spangles are very light there is
no object ion of weight to be urged against
their employment. Of course these brit
'' ''
limit accessories appear to best advantage
when they are seen over a dark gown, and
if a small hat or bonnet to match is worn
te effect is doubly satisfactory.
A pretty and very simple plastron ar
rangement is made with the metal passe
meaterie pieces thnt come in pairs shaped
like a corselet and titled to the front of the
figure. .Satin ribbon R inches wide Is tied
In a huge bow reaching fruni shoulder to
shoulder, t he ends being brought down over
the bust and gathered iu beneath the top
ot the corselet pieces. 1 he corselet is at
tached to the bodice by means of jeweled
An Intelligent, faithful womnn bread
winner furnishes a shining example to the
world. She Is the embodiment of truth
thu consummation of honesty's ideai,
Titles of Randsomt Volumes for
Popular Serial.
Below will be round a new list of the
bandsoma bootcs comprising tn popu
lar serits now available to TbIBONR
renders. The list has been railed, a d
iucludes those books now in stock. An
early order will be your s ifust assur
ance of getting the volumes you want.
Mental Struggle.
Mystery of a Hansom Cab.
Lady Volworth's Diamonds.
black Beauty.
Tent of Shorn.
Old Mameselle's Secrot.
Rabbis Spoil.
Privateer Sam.
Princo Charles' Daughter.
Swiss Family Robinson.
Death Bod Marriage.
Gipsy 1 .inn.
Jlr F. Fortescuo.
( i nines Household Fairy Tales.
Mabter of Ceremonies.
Master of Ilollautral.
Merry Men.
Men's Cone.
Bonnie Dora.
Baron Munchausen.
Cot Quariteo.
Life's Remorse.
uruyon Pupors.
Child' History of Eugland.
Christmas Stories.
Dateless Bargain.
House on the Mureh,
KnsayH Kliu.
Evil Uenius.
Allen Quurtermain.
As in a LooLiug UlSdS.
Witches llesd.
John HhIiiIux.
Diana Citron.
Janets Kepentauce.
lloyle's Uaines.
Two Orphans.
Desperate Woman.
Wife In Name Only,
between Two Sins.
Crooked Path.
Christmas Stories.
Lilo's Romorse.
Javuo Eyrl.
Oliver Twist.
Strange Adventures of a l'haetou.
Faitii and. Freedom.
John Halifax.
Breezil Lr.ngton.
Dick' Wandering.
Hon. Mrs. Vereker.
Rory 0 More,
Second Thoughts.
Sketch Buok.
Barnaby Budge.
Lick's Sweetheart.
Aesop's Fables.
East Lynn.
Foul l'lny,
David Conperfleld.
i Iriffith Uauut.
Daughter of lleth.
Vicar ol Wakefield.
Children of the Abbe;"
Life of David Crockett,
bride of Lnmmermoor.
Aurora Floyd,
Don Quixto.
Quy Mannering.
Vivian the Beauty.
Knickerbocker History of New Vork.
The Vicomte's Bride.
Faith and Unfaith.
Princess Sunshine.
Wit, Humor and Pathos.
The Partisan.
The Young Duke.
Willy Redly.
Tho Firm of Oirdlestone.
Wigwam nnd Cabin.
Half Hours with Ureat Novelists.
Tho Dove in the Eagle's uest.
Effle ORilvie.
Tho Sin of .loost Avelingh.
The Phantom Ship.
The Fornyer.
The Deemster.
Two Years Beforo the Mast.
A Maiked Man.
Oreat Expectations.
Tom Cringle's Log.
Fair Women.
Houso n tho Marsh.
Beyond Pardon.
The Veudettu.
Tho Spy.
Tom Brown at Oxford.
Childs History of England.
Mystery of Orcival.
Murders Iu tho Rue Morgue.
Mary St. John.
Merles Crusade.
Majtermau Itondy.
Katharine Walton.
Kueltn Chillingly.
Harry Lorrequer.
Gilded Clique
The Partiiitt of tho Ways,
Famous or Infamous.
Rroic BriRhteys.
The Owl Uoute.
Dramas of Life.
Dounis Duval,
Rival Priticoss.
Story of an Africrn Farm.
Southward Ho.
Scenes from Clerical Lite.
Sloan Square Scandal.
Shadaws and Sunbeams.
Richard Uurdis.
History of the United States.
Child's History of English.
Eight Years Wandering in Ceylon.
birds of Prey
Baled Hay.
Ci ipps, the Carrier.
Chestnuts, Old and Now.
Chaplut of Pearls.
Rhodo Flemmiug.
Reproach of Annersley.
Silas Warner.
Armorel of Lyonesse.
All Sorts ana Conditions of Moii.
A Pair of blue Eyes.
A Hardy Norseman.
A Fnls Start.
1 1 Mi fA X. I'. 7 ritmnr, I or. , IS'JX
The Flour
"CllICAOO, Oct. 31. Fhe first official
announcement of World's Fair di
plomus on flour has been made. A
medal has been awarded by tin
World's Fair judges to the flour manu
factured by the Wnshburn, Crosby Co.,
iu the great Washburn Flour Mills,
Minneapolis. The committee reports
the flour strong and pure, and entitles
it to rank as first-class patent flour for
family and bakers' use."
The above brands of flour can be had at any of the following merchants,
who will accopt The Tribune flour coupon ot 25 on each one hundred pounds
of flour or !50 on each barrel of flour.
Upholstery Department
William : Sissenberger
Opposite Baptist Church,
Peon Avenue,
Is replete with fine and
medium Parlor Suits, Fancy
Rockers, Couches and
Lounges for the Holiday
Trade. Prices to Suit all.
Also Bed Room Sets, Din
ing Room and Kitchen Fur
niture. Parlor Suits and
Odd Pieces Re-upholstered
in a bubstantial manner.
Will be as good as new.
Eeranton F. P. Prieu, Wushiuutun arenas I
Gold Meda; Brand.
Punmoro P. P. Price) GuM MeJai Brand.
Dunmora P. D. Mauley. BnperlattVa Brand,
liydi-Purk-Cursuu & Duvls, Washburn Ht.
(Icilil Ueoal Brand; J, aeph A. Muars,Miiin
avenue, Suporlatlvo Brand.
Gruon Bidge A.L.Hponcer.Gold Modal BrsiaL
J. T.MeBalSi Bupsrlativs.
Providenoe fanner Sc OhsppelLN' Main ave-
niK, Bnperlativs Brand;a J. Giilo-,pb, w.
Market trout, Go'.d Mi.dU Braud.
Olyjihimt Juiaus Jordun. Hupurlativn Brand.
PeekvillS Bhaffn ft H is t Saperlatlve.
Jermyn- 0, u. winters ft Co gnperalative
Araahald Jones, S mpson ft Cn . Gold Modal.
Oarbondala K. S. Clark, fJold Hedal Brand.
Bbneedale-I tf. Faster ft Co. Gold Ma!.
Mimmka-M. II. liSVeUe,
Taylor JudKu ft Co., Gold Modal; Athertun
ft Co., Kuporlativo.
Duryon- LawrenoS Htoro Co., Gold Modal
Mooslc John MeiMndlo, Guld Modal.
Pittstou-M. W. O'Boyle, Gold Modal.
Clark's Oroon Fraeo ft Purker ,'Suporlativo.
Clark'B .Summit-F, M. Younn, Gold Medal
Dslton 0, E. Finn ft Son, Gold Medal Brand.
Nicholson-J. E. Harding.
Waverly- M. W . Bliss ft Son, Gold Medal,
Factoryvillo Charles Gatdner, Gold M.'dal
Moiiljottoin- N. M. Finn & Son, Gold Modal
Tobyhanna-Tobyhann ft Lehiih Lumbu r
Co. Gold Modal Brand.
Qouldsboro B A. Adams. Gold Medal Brand
Mo-cow Oaie ft Clements, Gold Medal.
Lake Ariel James a. Bortroo, Gold Modal.
Forest City -J. L. Morgan & Co., Gold Modul
Auction! Auction!
133 Perm Avenue.
A CHANCE to buy at your own price
Hardware, Saws, Hammers, Tinware,
Lamps, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, Fancy
and Other Goods.
Sign Red Flag,
City Music Store,
hi ULil'Z ft HAL Kit
Uses larita ttock of Grst-clau
MISICAL mi:i:i ii M:sii
MLhlC, ElO.. flU
Atlantic Refining Co.
Manufacturers and Dealers in
and Lubricating
LnmtlT, Stecbek Co., N. Y., April 11, 1890.
Foster, Mildurn ft Co., Buffalo, N Y.
Qextlemen : When about ten or twelve years
old I w:is troubled With cracks across tlie palm of
my left hand, nnd when they healed the trouble
broke out on my head, and every winter It would
come out as a sort of tetter and make scales oil over
my head. I havo not liecn free from it a sinele
winter since, but it was worse last winter after I hud
the KriptK), for then it came out in spots all orcr n:y
body. I had a doctor examine mc, and be told mo
that thorn wim no rum for mn T rmt. rnrc .m,1
worse. Scales would form over the sores and then dry out until they would
crack and pop open, showing a watery matter. My skin was all like a dry
wrapper. It felt as though it had dried on me. The scales were so bud that
they would collect in tho bed and havo to be sliakcn out. It was about this time
that I commenced using B. B. B. I was so bad that I was ashamed to take my hat
oil Ixsfore a neighbor. I had used live bottles of another metiicino without noticing
any effect ; but when I commenced to take B. B. B. tho sores camo out thicker
than before, and they burned liko fire ; they were immenso blotches of fire that
W?i j1 V" 80 1 00,11(1 not slocp- The way thL'y burni'd and itched can not be
told, and I hopo no one else may ever know from experience. The only relief I
could get was from washing tho sores with sotno B. B. B. .
I stuck to the medicine and was on the fourth bottle In-fore I could see that I
was really better, although I knew that it was better to get such rottenness out of
my blood than to havo it stay there. I did say onco that I wished I had never
commenced taking B. B. B., but my wifo encouraged mc, and to-day I thank her
for the ad vice, for I am in good health now, and I don't believe I ever would havo
boon with my blood in such n condition as it was.
My scalp now ie clean and clear of allacales and totter, and on my body there
arc only small spots to show whero tho sores were, and these spots are free from
scales. I do not doubt but that tho euro will be perfect.
I am now on tho sixth bottle and will take more until every spot is gone. I
firmly beiievo that Burdock Blood Bitters will cure the worst disorders of the blood,
for such ccrtainjy was muio.
When Baby was slok, wo garo lior Oastorts.
When lbs wuk Child, sho cried for Ciutoria.
When kIio became. Mlas, she clung to Oostoria,
When i. ho bad Children, iha gavethciu Custorfa,
Hotel Wayerly
Fuiopniin Plan. Fint-clns Bar nttnobsd.
Deucit for Berg-tier A Kuk"1' Tannbteiisor
N, E. Cor. and Filbert SU,. Ptiilaii
Wot dstrabln for roRlilentn of N.E. Venn"
rylvanta. All conveniences lor travelers
to and from Broad Btreet atatlon and tho
Twelfth and Market Street station. l
iirable for visiting Horantonlanit and ueu
In In tho Anthracite Uegloo.
Linseed Oil, Napthas and Gaso
lines of all grades. Axle Grease,
Pinion Grease and Colliery Com
pound ; also, a large line of l'ar
ratline Wax Candles.
V!o nlso handle tho Famous CROWM
ACME OIL, the only family safety
burning oil in the market.
Wyoming Av
Office: Coal Exch.mue,
VurkB ut i'iuo Brojk.
Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Mills, Lu
zerne county Ph.. and nt Wil
mington, Dehiwuro.
General Agent for tho Wyoming District,
i8 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa.
Third National Bank Buildinj.
THOS. FORD, llttat..!!. Pa
JdHNB SMITH & HON ; Plymouth To.
E. W. MULLIGAN, Wilkcs Karre. Pa.
Agcntn for the ltepauuo Chemical Com
rany'B Ulgb Explosives.
Thoprontmmedy fornorvona prostration nrd nllnprvouRdlHounop of j
mw B"!"''""" uiKuiie ii in hum tv., it n Bnicn nun itmiui n. roi
ing or lat ManhiHHl, Irupotenry. KlfOU Kmlf!ion,YoU'fui BlTOra,
Fur Kale byC. IM. II Hi. I
orrr.eiceclve nsa oi Tolmeroor Oniiim.whieh lead tot
sumption ana innnity. witn every M oroer ire at va a written guar-
oiiU1!! to euro or n'luiul the nioiiev. Hold at 91.00 per hex. hoxes
u r eo.tra. lilt. MVI T'S t n t M li'Ai. CO.. Ucvi-iuud, Ohio.
Dfllgglut, I
i'iiii Avenue,
manhood restored!
Tklt wuidf r1 r ;ii'-.! futr
tdiueur til tun no- ill-
MMf ituch an Wruk Mcfiiurv. Loifiuf Rrrtin fowor. Hondactio, Wakofulnosi.
lA)ittMuiiaood, Nihtljr Emlfslnns, Nprvouancsp.RlldnilnBandloBsof power
ln(vjfrrlToOrCTi)roflth('rfioxctur',iU.y OTeroxertlou. j-onlhftilorrort,
oipftflntTO nso oMobnoco, 0lum ornt!nnllantB, which H'nd to Infirmity, Ton
nuinptlon or Insanity. Can bo ct rrltd I n Ton pocket, ttl per DOIt, 6 for r,
ht mnll prapalU. With a onlcr w( :vr a wrliu-n urinttr (u cure
n pet'nn il I hat ninnai'. ('lr.Mlr f !W Knld Mv nil 1 1 ril wulhf 0. All for 1 . tflkp
bEFORE AND AFTER other. Addrc ERVE Mlimo, Masonic 'I'omple, CaiC4ao. Ux.
For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by H. C.
and Snruco streets.
SANDERSON, Driuist, cr. Washington
Ladies Who Value
A refined complex ion must use Pozzonl's Vaw4
der. It produces a soft and beautiful skin.
Wliy tlma, money anil healthwlth l'i7.irtorB,Wnnaerful,,curo
nils." einTitien. .to-, when 1 wlllhcnii FREfl the proncrliition of n
new nml uosltlvn romeiiy Tor t lie nrompt lusting; euro of
Lost ktauOMi NIIBl ly I'.misMntw. " .-i m;-; VI i i i i
oia or youiinnien, uru oceio, iraiiotency, nun to enianTOwertS,
tininteil oruiina. t'urca In Two Wcukn. I sriul ttila projctiP"
tinn l-reo of ohurire. and tboro 1 1 r.o li;-.nbeu i r ndrerth.lno eau ii i it. AnyiiodilrtistorihreloiaiieanptitUupforyon,naererytUiD3lsplal:inndr'r.iplc. All
lftdk In return Is that you will buy ft small quantity of tiio remedy from mo director nilviro your
frlonda to do so after you reeelf. the reelpp and see tho. there Is no hnmtiuff nordeeoptlon. But Tea
nan iloaa you uleaaeubont this. OorreBponili'iiOBBlrtotly cenndeiitlal. and all letter? tent lnnlaln
soaled QDVelopo. Enelos. stamp It oonToulent. B.U.iiinnrnrtord, ItoSAI 37,All)ion,Mleli.
I nitroKt;. AiTnn.
Cilff ondfTiroirinty, bacVl by
pcrmuiDoUyeurMl I
t UHH fj 1
i' itivr i nWi iimI 100 i 1oL. ilhutrktM lwr:i
liffimr-plfd.rwby n'1 WhMH.itSpririp I
iA Mfivnrtltal. U'ir Matt c Ncmeav win I
This Coupon, with two like it, but of different
I dates, and with Ten Cents in cash, will secure one
part of the World's Fair Art Portfolio ill four
parts the one announced before.
'. ROOK C.Inc"p. Citpltol, Jl.nOO.OOO.
SI. no SrtOK IN the worti.n.
".I -".ir i. . I it it dollar tontd
,adtos' Solid Froneli Dongata Kid Bill -not
dellrcred free anywhere In the U.S., on
tw-elpt of ( auli, Money timer,
or Postal Note tor SI. Ml.
Rqiinls every way tbe liooti
selil In nil retail ttorrs for
S;.W. We make this boot
ourselves, therefore we gunr
onfee tho lit. hfulf mut ircirr,
and If any ono Is not natlstied
wo will retiinu ine money
or sotnl another pair, (ipera
I no or Uoniineii M-n..e,
lths f, D, B, k KS,
.sizes 1 to I and half
jlzcs. Mad tnttrshf;
It in iaii.
Iliustfati (I
Sltcial fenni to I'tultin.
a a Bursa
. l. HJW.i. .K
i i i r i r x "x
h'. y- r ! r t s
kSiTO r rv H tST-S
tVsV7.K' r.x. am vt
Dexter Shoe CoTv