I lilJii SCRAjNTOjtf iKIBUNE -SATURDAY MORINU. MARCH 17, 16S4. ENCHANTMENT GAYOTFE. OtdtCfttd to MISS ROSL MANDLLL. By EDWARD HOLST. i i myv if i l iciit. B w -sv ; sttit a r " . ttsv p x 1-3--.' r i a I I I A n pi 1 w rc r-iTi i t - i PL (lr I , '-J J -t '" l r p 41 41 ' 0 A . A .1 t p sr. p , I Sj 1 SS -h M hs " sua . A- I 1 r i " I 0 tf - V " , A A $1 N Y i ffQ rr iUS.! .555!! 2 1 1 1 p5S?f pcnBS ESS v JESS """"IT. l "' fes 1 $ t . " s Vl jjtzt: 1 qp Ltf I 0j3 1 i-J- j 1 p zl -4,'- A -A 3 da i 0 :hi f r i ; f 281 5 s I 1 iz . r ' . 0' 0' 1 1 I I 5ii. . mf 1 r?rpf A . . A , A A ? - -t ' ci r ,zzri-lf Copyright, New York Musical F.uho Co., l8s)3. A m A rv -r 1H1 1 V - y-i-- -f H HW7 viarcaio il canto vi it-V-i-J J - IV i vWp J y f tri wps? f 1 , 7 i $ ,1 ) P f V i V In 1 f:.J: r . JB3H rrrtrCCrrPee .-- m - - t A S 3 V ' t 0 ----g-S,?y-'!- i I 11 . A . a n : WBK--a.-r"-- F- rO- x1- 0 1 A i r Enchantment Gavotte. : h h . p presto. J Fine, W F THE WEEK SATURDAY, MARCH 10. HOUR Senator Hill, of Xw York, de clare that ha favor amoJilid hili tariff. CJnittd State Kpnatur are accused ot having apecolatad in stocks. Mn.Holmt, of Syracuse, takM poUon to prove that ibe 1 il not prison her daughter, and dies. Coarlet R. Bbryock, a student at Peun lylraoia anivenitr, mysteriously diHap pear. Mike Sullivan fatally injured in a friendly boxing match at C'hi cajto Heading alderman and constable are accu-ed of havini; taken illegal fees. Ya Cota Yauaska. a Poliah woman Kiiding at Nar.ticokeis accused of witchcraft. Pitts liurc Sons of America object to the em ployment of nuns ns teachers in public ichoolf. An unknown man attempts to nssault Mrs. Ann i Mntson at Morristown. Tne much talked of Popniilt convention at Lnporte, Ind., a lizzie. Thero were thir teen delegates. -General lienjamin L. Tracy la boomed an Iti poblicau candidate for Kovernor of New Y'ork. Foheion Lord RoteberT'i procramn;e if announced as hein in the line of Mr. d'.adstone's policy. -The silver commission meets at Berlin. A local Judge killed at Madrid by the explosion of a bomb. NicaraRiian soldiers commit (jron out rages at Blaeflelda, BritiaO troops capture Goojnr, Chief Fodi Sllah's stronghold Spectators at an opera hooae in Milan be rome dif Ittlsfled with a perrortnance and raise a riot. Forti, bomb thrower, is ar rested at Rome. SUNDAY, MARCH II. HOME. Kastern Pennsylvania- Metho dlst Episcopal conference lield interesting services in the various churches at Read inc A colored woman la lynched at Little Rock, by unknown parties, (teorgt Mow bray, a dentist, lUiddea at Orange. N.J. Millville trades nni' n-; place n bivcott on rat cigars. Re v. John K. Mohn, of Read ing, is accused of misnipropi iating .,XiO. l;enjaniin L, Hewitt, ex 'Speaker of the Pennsylvania house of representatives, dies nt Holldaysbnrg. Robert II. Peck, of Hartford. Com,, is kiiled by robbers. Typographical union No. C, holds memorial services in honor of the late G V. Child in Now York city John Rodger, a Frankfort thief, is shot by vigilant, Cam L hr,of Brooklyn, swallows rarbnlle acid as balm forunreqttad lova. Baymond Uarlno, a Newark hanker, sentenced to six year in jail for forgery. A tushing oil well lubri cates the happiness of driller at Canisteo, N. Y: PoRIIOK Twenty thousand workmen i!ai e wreaths Bpon the graves of anar chists of 1MB at Vienna. Letgf ried Apt, mi American citizen, impressed into ser vice, In the German army is released through effort of Atnbaraador Bnnyon, Minister Wayne MaeVeagh hob DObl With Kinu' Humbert, of Italy. London polio arrest thirty-eight anarchists ami uecuro literature. MONDAY', MARCH Ii!. Homi- -1 lio rescue party at Plymouth discovers the b ,dy of Peter McLaughlin, one of the i nterned men who were buried in the Ghvlord mine for twettl ye-even day John Kelly arrested in New Y'ork with bombs in his possession Dauvill ' quaran tined by a smallpox epidemic John Hiler, seven time married, is rounded up by his many wives in Chicago Allentown signs Mike Kelly, the renowned base hall player -The Y'ouugstown street car strike declared off Arthur Lv Reese, an electrician is accidentally killed at Baltimore.- The Star, a morning paper, Is es tablished at Rod. laud, Me. Billy Kd Ward-, the slugger, dies at Hot Springs. Bradley V. Lewis nominated for Judge by the Wyoming (,'oiiiiiy Republican conven tion. -Editor sum Boyd, of Wilkes liarre, I punished by .1. II. Orr. -Caper Header stabs lit sweetheart at Pittsburg. -A suuer kraut war at Pottstown causes the delicacy to be dispensed free among the citizens. Striking silk weavers create d1 turbauoe at Peterson, N. J.- Reading moulder accept a reduction of 10 per cent. -Lawyer in the l!recklnridge-Pol-lnul cane indulro in a ilght. POBXtOR, Two Hon of ex-Prealdent Itaez arn shot at San Domingo The Jira ilian war ended. -The police raided a magnificent private gambling establish ment at Nice. Sir Jamo Fiizjames Ste pnen, the eminent English jurist, is dead. TUESDAY. MARCH lil. Home Riotous silk weavers at Paterson make trouble.- James i arpenter.convicted of murdering his father, isseutouced to be banged. A mad dog at Carlisle bites two children and eight dog. A larmer named Coze attempts to kill the sh-nff nt WiUianupori.- Camden boy tie a com rade to a stake and lik'ht lire around, which inllict serious, if not fatal injuries. Joe Maniskowitz, wh wasnn- I prisoned iu a mine twenty-one days at Jeansville, brings suit against I he Hayden Coal compnny. Arlington hotel is bumeil at Hontadalt.- a. B. smith, cashier of a Texas bank, is shot dead by R. W. Page, president of the institution. Richard Cro ker purchases a Texas ranch. Major Thomas E. Rom placed on the retired rmy list. Fohiion, The Brazilian war ended and Mello and Da Gama are fugitives. Fodi Silah, an African slave trader, is captured by the British, Queen Margaret gives a farewell reception to Minister and Mrs. 1 otter. Michael liavitt expresses an opinion that, home rule ha been Indefi nitely postponed by utteraniei of Lord Roebery. Jean llaptiate Honrgos, a rad ical deputy, attack the French aJminis tration in a lively speech. WEDNESDAY, MARCH I i. Home. Frederick Gebhnrd, tbe well known sporting man, wedded to Mis" Morri, of Baltimore. Forty men hap from a burning building at Superior, Wis., and many are seriously injured. The Charleston, W. Va., Btrike declared off. Permanganate of potash successfully used a nn antidote for laudanum poisoning at Pittsburg. An attempt to organize a na tional party at Pittsburg .el- in a lizzie. Henry Harding, a prominent attorney at Tunkhannock, mysteriously disappears. -Harry Watkins, otherwise Wiltshire, pleadl guilty to embezzlement in New Y'ork. -Two Paterson noter sent, to prison. -Haney ,fc White's est abli-hmont. burna at Philadelphia; loM 1100,000. John Urecht, of Ravnuna, Nti., kills his bride and th-n conmiits suicide.- Governor Paulson and party return from nn ouilng in the South. Methodist conference of Central Pennsyl vania meeM at Harriebara -Editor Hiram Hchock retire from the Y',rlc Gazette. FowttOR, reaoe i declared at Rio Ja neiro. thirty people are bitten by mad wolves near Moscow. Lord Rotebery and Sir William Vernon Harcourt exchange hard word for home rule Bngland'i ad 111 Hal ty experim-iiU with petroleum at luel lor snips. A Hostile! amendment to the Kussce-Germsn treaty levying duties on rye and wheat, is defeated by the Reich- Rtllg. THURSDAY, MARCH 15. HOMI 'Richard i'uryear, the negro slayer of Christian Elilors. escapes jail at stroudsburg and is lynched by a mob, Governor Waite, of Colorado, narrowly escai e aanaaal nation, The body of Tims. J. Jones taken troui Gayloid mine: the third victim of the d'si aer exhumed. Senator luay vote for the seigniorage bill. Foiest, By raging on the mountains at CammaL 8& Louis polios make war upon the state machines. -Robert K. A. Dui r. of Philadelphia, is made publisher of the New Y'ork .Niail and Expi ess. Prof. AloniO William-, of BrOWn university, is nominated for governor of Rhode Island by Republican. Travelers' Protective n sociation opposes a proposed lilll to tax foreign drummers.-' booth Bethlehem Iron works raanme alter an idleniMs of one year. Liilian Hombcrger, aged U5, and W illiam Walker, aged 17, of Shatnokin, elope. Thieve break into the poatoffloo at TimaCttla and can y the olli e sale awav in a wagon.- Deputy Sheriff Kellar, ol Barton, tires anon noter. FoUiaa A buml Deudat Paris is blown to atoms by the premature eXplod in of an infernal missile carried iu hi- pocket. King Humbert, of Italy, celebrates his fiftieth birthday. The I much government demands UiO.ono Tor French goods burned at the World's fair. SCRANTON AND VICINITY. SATURDAY, MARCH It). Michael McTugue die at hi home in Green tildge, aged 'il years. H. V. Warren, of Daltou, surprised by a visit from Scran tou relntivos on the occasion of his 70th birthday. A. L Harlatid, with two gold watches iu hi possession, i arrested on suspicion. The Welsh Philosophical so ciety holds nu important meeting. SUNDAY, MARCH 1 f. Dr. McLeod deliver the first of nn inter esting series of Sunday evening lectures, Bridget White, of North Washington ave nue, disappear, leaving a note behind that lUggetta suicide. B. Frank Sciuier elected delegate to the national convention ot Press clubs. James Stone is buried wiih military and Ustonic honors. The funeral of Miss Kste I awiey occurs at Hyde Park. .Miss Betber R lands addresses the Y'cuug Women's Christian association. MONDAY, MARCH 12. President Von Stored announce com mittecs lor the year in the board of con trol. Patrick Coleman injured at the steel mill by being hit with n b.ir. Eight push cart fruit venders arrested for selling without license. Fred Coon arrested for assaulting Mrs. King. Burglars loot the Delaware and Hudson ofBca at Avoea, Pasnck Rielly killed by falling under a rinder car near the steel nulls. Michael McTague buried. Toung men of the Twelfth ward organize an athletic club. Judge Arrhbald grants new trial iu tbe case of Moon vs. Dodd. Johnny Weiss injured nt Dodge mine by being KUeezed between cars, 'leorge, Miller arrested tor stealing a I icycle from Robert White, is committed to jail. Johu Wrohlewoski -kips mil taking 1199 belonging to hia landlady. 1 1 ISSDAY, MARCH l& Agitntor of the pole tax debate with officials of the various electrical companies before the coin mil tee of the select coun cil. General manager announce hD In tention to ecpiip traction cars with safety net tenders, BcrantOU lace factory re. sumes operations in all departments nn full time. -New bridge over the Lacka wanna nt Dickson City is accepted by tho county commissioners. W. H. Sclioon over, who shot himself on Wed nesday. .March i, die at Moses Taylor hospital - Wolf Berner, who was shot by Ullicer Lowry several weeks ago, is re moved from the Lackawanna hospital to the county jail. Mrs. Mary Campbell, of the West Sule.is latslly burned. Scrantou pastors meet and form nlans for OlOSlng places of people who violate Sunday law. - Applicants for license ate heard in court.--A cave-in occura near Fig street and Irving avenue. WEDNESDAY, M ARCH 14. The coroner's jury renders a verdict Hint the Richmond bat: di-aster whs an un foreseen accident, but gives opinion that ohargemen should use more caution. Bo bert E Ilackett dies unexpectedly. Six teen cases ot measles reported at Hyde Park. -Iron for the Parker street bridge arrives in the city. The work of street cleaning betin under supervision of ( olli-mis-loner Kirat.--Funeral of Hon. John Tin rey li large!) attended atHonesdale, Entire telephone business is transferred to the new building on Adam avenue. THURBDAY, MARI H I". Tbe pole tax ordinance is killed iu the selct council. Patrick Rooncy, a well known citizen of Dpumore, pusses away. LeuiS, Mni ... i West Hide boy, is lined for lighting 'n n linn in the attests An excellent eriwrtnlunwnt given nt. College hall by Council No, 134, Young Men's lu StltUte. Mid-year Convention Of the Wo men's Christina Temperance union of Lackawanna ami Luseme counties hold opening atwioiis in Elm Park chinch. Se cond annual games of the Young Men's Christian Association Athletic club held nt the gyimiaalum. WEAK-MAN :URB YOURSELF IN a FIFTEEN DAYS. I Will send I 1. 1 I. to liny mtXI the nresorlption of a new and iio-lttve reined v t o en hi nrc smalt. w eak organs, and sure cure for all wcnkiu hi iu young or old men. Cures euses ol l.eal Uaahooeli Bnatselons nmi Vsirtceeet In lldaysi disease never retuenjk correspond nee private All letters sent In plain sealed oi vol Address, T. HAIINKK, Lock Box .ot. News Dealer, Mai -11,11. Mlcb. at Ri- aRn DADWAY'S II READY RELIEF. CL'llliS AND PREVENTS Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Inflammation, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Influenza, Rheumatism, Nuralgiii,Sciiitica, Lum bago, Swelling of the Joint. Pains in Hack, Chest or Limbs. The application of tbe ready relief to the pari or parts where the difficulty or pain exists will iffcird en-e and comfort. It was the first and is the only pain remedy that instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allays uflaniinati US und CURES Congestion, whether of the Lungs, stomach, Bowels or other gland or oran-. Dr. Railway ft Co., Gentleman: I have used your Ready holier for more than twenty-OV rears with much aatlafaotion have used it lor La Grippe, Pneumonia. Pleurisy and all sorts of aches and puuis and have found It un lading every time. Respectfully. D W. RAYMOND. :ii Crescent sl, Mlddletewo, Conn. January is. Ml, AsnaviLta, N. 0. This Is lo certify that in February, 1890,1 had u ssvereattaei of "Le Grippe," and cured myself in twenty-four hours by the use of Radway's Ready Rellel ami K.dwsy's Pills I had another attack ol the same druadl ul dlsaaSS In March, IsDl.auil used the same rem edv, with the same result I do not know Radway ft 1 ' . . tne parties who manufacture three inedlelnes. anl I have always put vorv little faith in "Almanac CerUBeatss, " but if these few lines w ill only induce some suffering one t use the above remedy 1 will lol amply repaid lor wriliiik' what I have Respectfully, B, I . BLOWN. J, W. BREWER, Ashbuni, Pike Co., Mo. "One bottle of Ready Relief and one box ot Radway's Pills cured Ave iu my fnralh of that terrlbl mpisiut. "i Grippe.' or utfluenaa. HAbWA S Itl'.ADY RELIEf, aided by RADWA) '8 PlI.Ls. is the quickest and most ctfectual cure for TUB "GRIP" Prioc, AOc, per bottle Bold by Druggists. RADWAY'S PILLS, Purely eetable 1'erfe.i Dln'O-teni. heiilthful regularity. WE BELIEVE W e have the hand somest line of Parlor and Drawing Room Furniture ever shown in this state and we would like you to see it. Hill & Connell Washington Ava. tuil't ami valiuiMli'. ( mik mttlt'te uliH'rptloD itml Tor Ihi nn at all ilin ifdn u Himiiiioli. Liver, lluWvllaK Ul- nvyti llliitlilrr. ti von l'i .. - Lniia nf Appvtftii HrnclAoho, rotiHtlpAtton Cot 1 1 vi-ih'si, Iiitllgeitlon, r. 1 1 1 .hi allies'., kpvt, I ti ll u hi mat i in of tlu HuWtoU, 11 lot uihI nil ilt rnni Hit nts of th hilrniwl vKi pi;i. TerfrOI I lfi-r t Ion will he ROeOtllplUllVtl by tnkln. Umlivtiv'it P1lf, Uy m tUilnif L)VSI ?BPSIA Moll HnnkiM In-, 1 oul lioiUtoh, lllllout ntlM Will btt uviIiImI, Mini Hi. food thnt In (Mlti'lt enlitt IbutV It- nin isliliif I .1 ir i ( it tot tbt Itlpporl l Iht nalui ul WMtt f tliv bodi If'OnHorve lli : . r symp'oniH lol Inwini? from li- o the ulktitlvt orvaim: CoiiKtipatloli, linvunl pilon, fnlih'HS of tlu htixjil til tint DMUL aridity of the Monri' h.nau KMk lit'urtburii, Qtcfnuil of ftMKl, fulnoiis or Wright in thf Ntuiimfli, Hour nrutUutloiiH. Hink iru or fluttiTliiK of ttio lit.' lift, choklntr or Ruf locatiiisC HODrtutloiiH whoii In u lyllltf i"-t nr.'. tllniiu-r-s of vialon, ilota or wlm boron the ntfcillt, frvorntld (lull puln In tin lirnd, dofl'r Itjncy of vet'Hpirution, VOUOWMM "f tliuMklu und eyin. pnin in the sido, ctieHt, Hinbs, und auduVu tl i ili.' - of hont, burning In till nVsh. A fow duw or RADWAY'H PILLS will froe the syntom of the nbovt'-uiiuiurt dliunl. rH. Trice '"m . n Ilnx. Sold by OriiitKbitii. Srnd to DR. HAD WAV & CO., No. 32 War rvu St., New York, for liook of Advict). EHDOHBtO IT THC HlQHieT MtDICAL AllWAslfVtM S nEnTHOL INHALER HEADACHESKS iNfiALin will euro you. A wonderful benii to ranMOTI from ('obI. More 'l li ritnt. Inflncnr.t, Ilrnnclillli, or II A FF.VK1I. Afordi immniiatt rrlUf. An offlulont rt'.ni'ilv. ennvi'iilenl to otnr In pnrkft, rondv to tifn m ilrnt liullcntion tf cold ' oniiiiiM h uH EtTeclB Perntnnent Core. i Hutuf fiction (TiuirnntetMi ormoiioi refundea, Prlee, 1 TaO t ss. Trlnl free nt DmcfiMH. KotflHtereil inmi, I M) cents. H. -i '. V-, , 1 -r . :. 0.3. A O XT 1 T 7MC JK TV f MrfUTUftl Hiircrt itii.1 Mfent roniedy for men I nu L nn i,, .ilnnffi, HcuBaV Lloh Ball ltheumlil Horet. Huiiih, rutn. WimaJrrftti rem Kir inrPM-KH. Pi lee. Cftrti. nt Onn:- p I glBtst . ir l? mull preoHi.1. AMilrommwwItoTe. PWL.ni MX. PLEASANT v vs For hh I o by Muttln-ws UroM..Muruuii bffOl atid HofgAtl ft OOi Every Woman Sometimes needs a rcli able nuintbly regulating medicine. ;A r- esc i ic PENNYROYAL PILLS, Are prompt, sufe uml certain In result. Ttio BSSa S(Dr. Peal'si never disappoint. Sent auywlisre ' i.'.U Peal MeUtuluu 00 , Clevlauil, U. 8ol,l bv JUIIM EL PBZLPt Pharmaolst Wyoming avenue and Spruce street f V oornsr Borantnn. 1 win AT HF.TA1L. Teal of the best quality for domestic use. and of all sizes, delivered iu any part of tUj city at lowest price. Orders loft at my offlce. M. 11. WYOMING ATKNtTR, Bear room, first floor. Third N-ition.i Bank. or sent by mull or telenhono to tins mine, wilt receive prompt attention. M'uciat contracts will be made for the sale and delivery ot liuckwheat Coat f. killam. Attorney -at-Law. iju omlng avenue. Hcrantou. AVE YOL'R DEEDS AN'D MORTUAOB8 written and selmowledaed by J . BROWNING. Attorney and Notary Public, 39 Commonwealth Ruiidiu?. B S( HOOL UcHOoiTtiF Till: LACKAWANNA.' Scra.e k3 ton. Pa . prepares boys and girla for college or business: thoroughly trains vouuk chlldrea Catalogue at request. Rev. Thomas II Cas.v. WALTS 11 Ft' fix MISS WORCESTER'S KlNDERHARTiCN and School, Ul Adams avenue Pupflf receivisa at all time Neit term will open .THiuinri' '. DKNTISTX (( C 1.ADBAC11, surgeon Dentist, No, Hi . Wyeni.i.t live. H V. s l'HA'1 TON. eitiee Cos! Exehauue WM. T. SMITH. BUSINESS AND I II NS Savings and le an Amni on in inev on eusier t.-r-ns and pay IfOU Iwtter on Investment than any other sssoolatton. Call on S. N. CAL.Lb.N DF.R. Dime Bank building rl"llK REPUBLIC i nation will loan PROFESSIONAL I'llVMl 1 IN" AM' 111. I ON DR ii K. DEAN. Dlauaaea ol tbe Eye, Nos Tin oat anil Far. iXH Sprnca stri ct, oppoi Its oourt house. DU a J. coN NULL Offliie ill Washington avenue, coiner Sjiru.a street, ever FrancKc s drun stere. Resilience. 73s Vine st. office hours: lOJDto'lta. m. and ': to ami a) to 7.SI p. m Sunday. " to :1 p. in. DR. W. E. ALLEN. Ofllos coi LaolOV wanna and Washinstou aves. : ever Leon aril shoe store; office hours, HI to 1- S m. and U to i p. in j sTsntngs at reetdeucsi M- N. Washitiftton sve. DR. C. L FKKY. I'nietlco limited to Dl tasss of the Eye, Bar, Noee ami Throat: office, Ufij Wyoming ay. Bestdenoei VI n street. 1H. L M HATES, lie Washm-.-ton A"'i'i' U Olflee hours, S to 0 am., l ;uo U and i to I p.m. loll:, u Wi.M.. m. I', olive- tH aud.il l CominonweuUii butldtngi rceldenee "ti Madlsonave; office hours. 1J to U, Sto I, to 8; Sundays 3.80 to i etentngs at resldsaoa speelalty made ol dtroase ol ohj eye, ear. w and t broal ujp gynsoology. HJai KIIAY, aiwulaltr made on 'lis laavs . f eie and akin : I Wyoming Ave office liMine. I mil Ilia m : to t and il''" HOTELS M RESTAURANT". 'V'Hi: WESTMINSTER, ' ii: :'.: Wyom.ng 1 ave. BOOBS heated with steam: ail m si cm improvement. C M 1 hi mas, I'rop ZiEOLER S HOTEL. LaekawaWW ave nue, Scrantou. Rati s reasonable. P ZlSOLSH, Proprietor. UntSTMlNSTER BOTEL W. li. sCUKNCK. Mana.w. Sixteenth street, one blooh eat of Broadway; nt l iiion Snuare. New York. American plan. ;! 'si per day andupward. 1) K1KRINAR1 si ROliORS n UTITUnB Y..l.riii:il-v I'i. Mstrva aneaialtTi sold medalist Burgeon, Den ....I.. I,., .. 111.. M4. rrsirj n n tn-ri ii"io lario Veterinary College, office. Summer s livery. 389 Uix St.. near Rcllor'n carriage SUOpi Telepnone No 41 1 I. A VI MORS. Inserted In TDK TRIUUNlfi at the rate of ONE CENT A WORD. li-lll AOn VV . IITJKM A- nevs ami Counselors at Law. BonubltoM I M O. RANCH'S Law and Collection er ,1 . lice, No HIT Spi ll' ' it., opts.sato Fore,: llonso. Bcraiiloii, f"tt . ; collectiolisa specmlty throughout Pinnaylysnlai reliable correspond cuts ill every county IESsLT s v 1 1 A .s 1 . Attorneys and CoiiusM lors at ' Commonwealth building. Washington avu W II. Jiast p. Hon in I Hamo. w ii fassoe, Jn. KNAPP, Att.ir lulldiu. Washington ave.. Scrantou. Piu 1) AT I I .HSO.N WILcoX, Attorneys and CoUUUors at Law; offices u and I Library building, Bcrautou, Pa. ROSWBLL 11 FATTSnsoe. W1LMAM A. Wit . ox lfR&duand. wii.uam i" band, At- J torimys and Counsellors, Commonwealth building Itoonn Hi. Si and 1 HENRY ,M SEF.LY Law offices iu Price building, IS Washington avenue. PHANK T nKi.LL. Attorney at Law. Roi.m I a. Coal Exchange Scrantou. Pa. MILTON W. LOWRY, I Atfya. ar Waslnnij C. H. VON KTORCH. (ton vC. R scpiaru I AMEs w iiAKU'RD, Attorney sl Law, ) rooms 68, 01 and tb, Commonwealth b'l'g LJAMUBL w. UOOaB. Attorney si Law. I Ofllce. 111! Sprucest.. HrrnlitoU, Pa, I A WA'I'RES, Attorney at Law, 4l ij. Lnckawsnna sue. N i union. Pa I) P. SMITH, Counsellor at Law. office. . rooms .11. .Vi. rs) Coiiie:iwealtli biiildlim i I: PITi'llER. Attoiuey ut I.a. Coni V . iiuinwea th bnllning. ScrRiiton. I'a. C. COliEOYS. ;r. I Sin nee st. B. REPLOOLE. Attorney-Loans nego tlated on real estate security. tOs Spruce. ioK 1 li H sr.. : an UKii: c.s.i V lisuns open dav and Bight. Bar sup. piled wltli tho ban f. II. i in -x r.. I rooneor OCR ANTON HOUSE, nesrO., law pi i"1 ssnger depot. Condnotod on the European jiIhu. victou koch. rropnei ir (I KAMI CENTRAL to mrgest tad best 1 eouinpel hotel in Allentown. Pa., r.ctos and $;.!iii per dav. victor D. B A anew. Pronrlew. . item 1 1 civ I AVIS A II I " ".'i and SI Commonwealth b'ld'g. Scrantou. If L WALTER. Architect, Library I nui j ing. Wyoming aientie. Scranbm. V L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect. Pried I . hmldmg.l'M Washington Ave.,S.-rnit in. H MIM'RI.I. M Ol s ORTON D SWAHTs WIIOl.F.SALR lumber. ! and Dime Hank MUlOingi Bcrautou, Pa. i MEQAROEE BKOTIIERM, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, pajsir bags, twimx Warehouse leO Wssatngton ave. Scrantou, Fa I 'ot TE's LIVERY, 1488 Capo use avenue, II First class carriages D. L. KOOTB, Agt, Funeral Director and Bmualmsr, nu a ww p asnVN e i n WFtnt.lt r uul., iI.'mIovh iii Woodware. CordaiM' and on cioth. Tin W. Laokawanna avenue IIAl'KR'S ORCHESTRA UUSIC for II balls pieniis. mrties, receptions, wed dings and ooncert work furnished. For term tdureas R. 3. Saner, oonduotor, IW Wyoming ave.. over Hnlhert' mualc store. Y.RA FINN SOS. bmlileiK anl . ontra." rotors. Yatxls: Corner olive st. ami AilauH ave. ; comer Ash st. and Penn ave., Scranton. sEKIis. f R. CLARK A CO., Heeilsmen, Florist VI. and Nurserymen; atoro 14 Washington avenue; green h?tn,lf North Main avenue! store leletdione TEAS. BRAND I N ION THA CO.. Jone Uros Willi: Sl KKI NS. I OS. KI'ETTEL, !ii Lackawanna avenu t) Scranton. Pa- mitiiuf r of Wire Screens AKTOHEHARTMAH 906 South Washington Avonuo, Contractor and builder of Conorote Flagging, Concrete Bluoks, Potato, Batter and Coal Bins, Wet Cellar dried up. Ordora may be. left at Thompaon & Pratt, Will sum Co. Main and Eynou Streets, or at Bcrnnton Stove Work . Also Fosndatkmsv astaraa. Fish Wire Tunnels and Coffins. Flagging for Warden Walks,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers