12 THE SCRANTON TRIBUTE- SATURDAY MORNING. MARCH 17. 1894. Bad Cotou, SriT up Bmod,-(.'onkumptiun. K. a Mr Lin. BtQ., of Ktmpsvillc. Pi in SSI Anue Co.. Va.. writes: "When 1 rommtnri'd taking your 'Discovery' I whs very loiv with a cough, ami at timi'8 sptt ;ip uiurh blood. I mis no, able to do the lenst work, rut roost of the time wns :i ikhI. i was nil rnii-ifiwn, very sreak, my tattst wtu 'ii iy, und i WMgitreinely di poodotlt The llrst i 7 pome 1 HUM on. IHit J A rciu to lo me mncli yt r!r tooi, hut i had fmtii in it 111X1 l I I" it until 1 bad token fifteen bottles, and now I do unt look nor tee liho tlic tamo iiikii I w us one ni'i' utuiieiii'i, mm pii Mit. K. 0. MoLis. ., ., I'o, 1,1, f II mm iliiu filtm I WOlllll Hot ilUVl! thouirht that you would be Uvitog now. 1 can thimktiillv lay 1 mi' entirely cured Of a dU esse which, but for your wnnitt-rtul Discov ery,' woulil have resulted In my death. GORMAN'S AND DEPOT A Woman's Hoart is Wrapped Up in Her GR CLOAK Ami sometimes it happens ;i man ul'octurer's money is In the same This one's was, With a stock on hand and pressed for money the storj always has the same end-Lag- -the Cloaks are onr's. Not oneof them over thirty days old, the very newest styles for spriug, und the s;i ino wiU enable you to get lots of other things for Easter. THE NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS Out of town OOtMOpoMMkl ofTUB Tuts Cnk should slija tholr names iu fall to ti-ou umv letter, not for pnbUootton uut to foara sgiurmt deception, i 5.00. 7.50. 9.00. 10.00. Capes for $3.75 Capes for 5 Capes for Capes for Capes for Stylish Jackets for $4 50. Stylish Jackets for 5.00. Stylish Jackets for 6.00. Stylish Jackets for 7.50. Stylish Jackets for 8.50. Stylish Jackets for 10.00. WOMEN'S Silk Waists We are showing a superb line of these very popular garments, all made in the very latest approved stylus. While Goods Onr Sj rinj,' Stock of Novelty White Goods in all the popular and desirable kinds is now ready for inspection. As this promises to lie a season of great popularity for thse beautiful, noWT materials, we have prepared a greater assortment than ever before. Notions Saving prices for you in thi3 popular department. ALL ABOUT ARCH BALD. An BxhatuUyt Ii,c ird of Events of Iui pjrtanc la a Hustling- Town. foi tit the saunton TVf&enf. ARCOBALD. Pa., March HI The mn ploya of JoDSt, Simpson & Cj. were paid yesterday afternoon. The Wtgtl of t!ie men and boys for February were the smallest received in man? mouths. It it Impel ul to note, however, that the outlook for March at nil tlie mines in this vicinity ts mnoh brighter than it appeared a week ago Mrs (Jharlea Law, mother of Thomas Law. is 111, She 18 Stopping with her son, William, in Avoca. High Constable Kewoonrt having oiit Into the hotel business, it will be in order for him to resign his ollice. John J. Farrell. of Salem street, is mentioned as bin probable WCCOMOK (ieore Schoonover, who until a few inontns ago resided here, snstalnsd a s ivers injury to his left hand on Thursday tbat amputation was necss siiry. Mr Schoouover was OOUpllng ears on an Krie train when the BOOl-U-11 1 occurred. Tho Lenten serviees at St. Thomas church on Wednesday were conducted by Rev, J, B. Dunne, of Ureeti Kidt;e. who dflivered a very entertaining sei mon, Mrs. Mary Ptitlbin. of Church stroet, is baautifylug lier residence by ad linn a new porch. The announcement o( the candidacy of Stephen J. Barrett, of the Third war I, for delegate to the Democratic county convention, has spurred to ac tivity others politically ambitious, and awakened an interest in politics rarely manifested at this distance from a county convention since Mr. Barrett's announcement. Johu J. Farrell and Tbomas J. Moran are mentioned as prospective candidates from the Second Ward. Both are very popular young men who will undoubtedly make a very In teres ting fight. As yet there is no one named from the First ward, nor have any Republican candidates been announced from either of the three wards. OtYPHANT DOINGS. A PUasins Writer's Record, of the In t renting News of a Day. Special to the sTpraaftMt Tribune. Oi.YHI.vnt, Pa., March 10. Pay at Johnson's colliery today. It. W. Taylor will move his barber bop to tne new building a few doors below the old stand on Lackawanna street. His family will occupy the sec ond tl ior as a dwelling. A larue number of people from this place expect to attend the parade at Wilkes-LWrrs tomorrow. Miss Lucy Farrel has returned home after a two weeks' visit at New York. The funeral of Anthony Faddeu oc cured this afternoon from his late resi deuce on Duumore street, at 'I 'M The 1 remains were removed to St. Patrick's church, where au impressive tulogy was delivered by ltev. P. H. Murphy. Intermnnt was made in St. Patrick's cemetery. The music pupils of the St. Patrick's Parochial Aca lemy will hold a recital in Academy hall on Eister Motilay. The following is tbs cist of charac ters of the "Mock Breach of Promise Suit." to be held next Wednesday, un der the auspices of ;,the Young Men's Christian union i Mr. Pickwick A. W. Shaw Mrs. bant well Will V. Jones Mr. Winkle F. L. Nortliup Mr. SuodDraiis E. . Davis Mr. Tupman a. L. Pugb Justice htarlcnjh Thomas Palmer Sergeant Sunburns E. S. Jones Bergeaot BiiKfuz f. L, Knapp Sam Weller f. B. Mitch"ll Mrs. Cliipplus Thomas H, Kvans Mrs. Sunders T. M. Voyle ..laaier Bardsll clarence Callander Mas. Skimpy S. J. .Matthews Mr. Phnnky W, u. Parry Mr. Parker E. J. Bartnold Mr. Dobaon L). W. Hani. Air. Fae - w- Houser Richard L'pwich E. O. Llivul TnomasGri llln T. A. Telford Ushers and jury from the Young Mou's Christian union. - CARBONDAL5 CULLING5. RF.BLCCA AT FOREST CITY. Ths Wll Knivn Cantata to BsRnderfd bv Amateurs. Sprcinl to the ScrOHtoe Tribune Forkst CITY, Pa, March 1C The grand cantata, "Rebecci," will be ren dered tomorrow evening in Divis' opera house for the benefit of the W-lnh Congregational chnreh. The m mbers of the cantata cnorus have nracti':"d lone and faithfully th"ir work nntil they have become the masters of the difficult piece. John Luther Moruan Is the conductor and Mrs. A. F. Aid rich orjrsnist. The following are the numbers of the cantata: Abraham David J Jones Isuar, Aliruham's son J. E. Hughes files r, Abraham's eldest servant, rinlip Thomas fce Va J. C. Walters Obed Isaac iJenjnmin Jot) (ieorge T. 1,'oies Hebecra Ada Jennings Mary uiitkms KMa Hlnea S. J. Jennings . . . .T. O, Jones ..Benlah Bines ...Mrs. S, .May Rebecca's attendants Hethuel, Rehecrn's father, l.aban, Rebecca's brother. Acha, EllesaPl wife Edna, Se Ya'snffianred. . . DAMSttA First Sopranos. Second S ipraUOS, May Vatkin Mrs. O, Matty, Mrs. T. J. Pentecost. .Mrs. S. Mav. First Altos, Second Altos. Mrs. GiifBths. Benlah limes. Mary Kvans. Eila Bloat. HF.RDSMI'.N. First Tenors. Evan Evans. V. Jennings. J. I.. Hughes. First linss. D. J. Jones, Philip Thomas, Isaac Benjamin, Second Tenors. Henry t'arr. J. Jennings. J. ('. Waters. Second Base. Morgan Jenkins, . T. Coles Evan Morgnn, BBBZIBS COMPANY. First Tenor. Second Tonor. Evan Evans, W, Jennings, Isaac Jones. First Bass. I. R. Benjamin, David Jones, Philip Thomas. Henry Carr, J. Jennings, J. C- Watrea. Second llass. It. T. Coles, Morgan Jenkins, Evan Morgan. Those wishing to attend from a dis tance can return home on the 10.35 train. Tickets 2o. Wand 50 cents. Dyspepsia and Indiireatlnn In their worst forms ar cured by the nse of P. P. P. if you are debilitated and run down, or if you need a tonic to regain flesh and lost appetite, strength and vigor, take P. P. T., nnd you will he strong and healthy. Kor shattered constitution and Inst manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash. Poke Root and Potssdutn) is the kiug of all medicines. P. P. P. is the greatest blood pnrifler in the world. For sale by all druggisle. " Nsws of thn Pionr City D,ishl Up for Intttllfent P.rusal. Special to the Scranton Tribune. CaBBONDALS, Pa, March 10 Sun day morning in the Baptist tabernacle I lie pastor, Rev. T. E. Jepson. will preach a ttrmon on foreign missions, also the annual oolltotio i fur missioas will b- taken up at that timt. Haydtn Bvant, of Scranton, was a visitor in t ds city to 1 y . Tomorrow afternoon Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Lev-dy will loivelor Nineveii, N. Y , where they will mske a short visit with the latter's parents W. D. Frank, of Scranton. calle I on friends in this citv this evtning, H Torrance, jr., of the Htndrlci Manufaotorlng company, left to lay ior a several weeks' business stay in New York city, in the interest of his em ployers. Rev. W. B. GrrOW, of this city, will preach a sermon in the Biptist church at Hawlay on Sunday next At a recent meeting of the board of managers of the Young Men's Chris tian association, it was decided to bold tbt district conference in this place It will occur in the l itter part of April. Bart Cnrran of Scranton was among the visitors in this piano today. Edward A Major, father of H H. Major, of tbit City, died yesterdiy at his home in Plymouth at the nj of fifty eight years. Mr. an 1 Mrs. Maj r are in the latter place and will remain Until Monday. Harry Herman, of Scranton, is visit ing at the bottle of Mr. and Mrs Jam's Rtil inson, of Washington street. Mrs. William CbaSt Is visiting Mrs W. H. Hiller, of Pittsburg. My reTStOIAJI said 1 could not live, my liver out of order, frequently vomited greenish mucous, skin yellow, small dry humors on fare, stomach Would not re tain food. Itnrdock Blood Hitters cured me. Mre. Adelaide O'Urien, oli Exchange St., Buffalo, N. Y. i. in M IN 00 KA NEWS ITEMS. Matters of Personal Interest Reported fnr HurtUd Prusal. AlSCtal tO the SsroafON Tribune. Minooka, Pa., March 10 James Powell, who ia a student at the Stroudeburg State Normal school, ia oxpected home on a visit during the I ' i. tor holidays Misses Annie LufTy and Mary Nee left for Ashley last night, where they will visit at the home of Miss Barbara Kearnev. of that place. Miss Ellen Buckley, of Forest City.L visiting ut the home ,of her parents on Church street. John Shea, son of Michael Shea, of Chureh street, was severely scalded yesterday by falling in a tub of boiling water which was left on the floor. Dr. E. E, Weston was summoned to attend to his injuries, which ia of a painful nature. "T. Joe Ungie, the well known aprinter of Taylor, asserts that he will run auy any of the noted sprinters of this place 100 yards for $101) at any time. Miss Katie Siangan, of Forett City, is visiting relatives in this place. The Orttnwoud collieries Noe. 1 and 0 will be p. id tod.iV. Mrs. Barbara Mangau, an aged and respected resident of this plac,, died yesterday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Barbara Davin, on Main street. The dtOSMtd was a na tive ot County Qalway, Ireland, aged 70 years. She is survived bv a son and two daughters, Michael Mangau, Mrs. John Caw ley and Mrs. Barbara Davin, of this place. AVOCA AND THEREABOUTS. Our Entortainiiitr Oones penU'nl'a Bui g.t cf Bright Pq) .graph yvecidt to the Scrnni tn Tribune. Avoca, Pa., March 10 The L:ng diffe Coal company paid their em ployes today Tne Avoca Ootlttry will pay tomorrow. Miss l!ssie Webber and Nellie Cur ran attended an enttrtainmtnt at Dur yen this tvtning, The funeral of the child of John (iallagher took place this afternoon. The council met at ..111 lolay to o in fer with a committee oi Ldilgh Valley officials for the purpott Of having the street crossings on the West Side put in go id order. Miss Litzzie Whaloti is visiting fne ids in Scranton, L, F. Nolan w9 a visitor in Scranton vesieidir. The runtrtl of little Bthtl Clark at 2 o'clock this afternoon was largely at tended, interment in LnngoliS cemetery. Meatlll are prevalent among the children of Avoca, Pennsylvania Coal company paid tbelr employes yesterday Toe Hidiool board at their special meeting on Thursday evening, ap pointed Miss Alice M irahaii to till the vacanoy caused by tbt (resignation of Miss Mamie O'Brien. She will take charge of school March 'JO. - - FROM FOREST CITY. News of the Day Compiled bv a Wide- Awake Correspondent. Sirciol to the fibrasfon Tribune. Foiikst City, Pa , March 10. -Snn-dav is Palm Sunday. Tomorrow is known as St. Patrick's Day in commemoration of tne patron ssint of Ireland. Evan W. Evans, of Hyde Park, lias been the guest of his friend, V. A. Price, during the past few days. March came in like a lamb but pre sented tho appearance of a lion yester day, leaving on old mother earth a thiu carpet of white in this place. Mrs T. B. Crawford, of Jtrmyn, was the guest of her parents, Professor and Mrs. W. tl. Trim today. JJEliss Edwards was iu the Anthracite City today. John E. Hughes wis a visitor in tho city of electricity today. Harry Skeels, of Carbondale, paid his friends a short but pleasant visit in this place this afternoon. N. G. Cooley has purchased F. J. Osgood's milk business. Mr. Osgood will hereafter devote his time in the interest of ths Southern Building Loan association. John D Nealon, of Carbondale, one of the most popular salesmen that comes to onr place, called on his For est City trade today. John Moses is spending the day in Scranton. POLE TAX AT TAYLOR. Copy of Old Birouirh Ordinance Roast- leg Elsctrical rtorapanUs. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Tayi.uk, Pa, March 10 - The follow ing ia an ordinance tnat the "old" borough council made a law, and which may be of special interest to mnnv of The Trihcne readers: "Every telephone, telegraph, electric and electric railway company erecting or maintaining poles or wires within the borough limits shall pay an annual llctntt fee of $1 for each pole and $3.50 for each mile of wire so erected or maintained, Said liseuse fee to be paid on or before the first MondBy in Vpnl of esch vear. CONVENTION AT MOSCOW. Epworth LtagUia and Christian Endeav or Soc .ties M.t in Cnnvmilon. Sptrial to the Scanton Tribune. Moscow, Pa., Marou 10. The Ep worth Nagn-H and Chiistiau Endeavor societies of this district met in a joint convention today. Large numbers from Elmhnrst, Salem, Hollisterville so l Daleville attended and took part. Tho convention was divided iuto two i-essions. The aftsrnoon session was opened by a praise service led by Silvin Au Irews, of Daltville, R)V. S C. Simpkins, of .Moscow, delivered an address of w.-l- Otne, which was responded to bv Rev, Henry Ward. II a id Rsv. L. B. Cra BEAUTY AND PURITY Beauty and Purity (io hand in hand. They are the Inundation of health and happiness. Health, because of pure blood; Happiness, because of clear skin. Thousands Of useful lives have been embittered by distressing humors. Cutici ka Resolvent l the greatest of skin purifiers As well as bksid purifiers. Because of its peculiar action on the pores It is successful in preventing And eui iiiK all torms oi Skin, Scalp, and Bkxxl humors, When the usual remedies and even The best physicians fail. Entirely vegetable, safe, innocent, and palatable, it especially appeals to mothers and children. Because it acts so gently yet effectively Upon the skin and blood, as well as upon the Liver, kidneys, and bowels. Its use during the winter and spring Insures a clear skin and pure blood, i As well as sound bodily health. Sold everywhere. Price, Cutici ba Rrsoivtint, $i : Ointmhnt, soe.; 15c. Pittbi C: ano Chlm. COST., Uostou. AST "All about the Ulood, Skin, Scalp, and Hair," mailed free. Women and Women Only Are moat competent to fully appreciate the purity, sweetness, and delicacy of CUTICURA Soap, and to discover new uses lor it d.iily. In the preparation of curative washes, solutions, etc., for annoying irritations, dialings, and exhort ations of the skin and mucous membrane or too free or offensive perspiration, it l.as proved most grateful. Like all others of the Cuticura Kemp.diks, the CimcuRA Soar appeals to the refined and cultivated everywhere as the most effective skin purifying und beautifying Soap, as well as the purest and sweetest lor toilet and nursery. Acute Rheumatism Months of Suffering -Hood's Sarcaparilla Cured mer, After singing by the congrega tion, Mrs Marion Psrry read an essay, her subj'Ct being "Christian Citizen ship;" E O Simmons, of Pittston, read a very interesting papir on "Work;" Misa Nora Finch read an essay on ' '((leanings. " A. B. Olsr, of Elmhurst. read a pa per on "Organize,) Enthusiasm " This concluded the afternoon session. In the evening the societies again met. and after the devotional exrcisos conducted by L B Cramer and b se lection by a male quartette, the con gregation listened with much interest to a discourse on "The Young Wo man,' by Rev. M''Lau,of Elm hurst. - For Col Is, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis and Sore Throat, nee Dr. Thomas' Eclec- tricOil, ami get the genuine, TAYLOR IN MINIATURE Bright Paragraphs Concerning Citizens of a Progreniiva Borouirh. S)teeial to the Scranton Tribune. TAYLOR, Pa., March 1C A large number of the members of Emblem di vision. Sona of Temperance, are attend ing the anniversary of the Pittston lodge tonight. J. F, Tubbs, ex-borough clerk, has broken ground ou Taylor street for the erection of a handsome block of houses. H. B. Jones and wife, of Priceburg. were visitors here on Thursday. Next Thursday night occurs the "tea" of the ' Old Maids" at Price library. All nre welcome. Tomorrow (Saturday) night occurs the entertainment at the Welsh Bip tist church The programme entitles a crowded house. The social of the Ladies' Aid Society at the Met ho list episcopal parsonage on Thursday night was an altair or much pleasure nnd profit. John Richards, the versatile writer writer of the S-iranton Frue Press, is enjoying tho sights in Philadelphia, A child of Mrs. Smith, of JNorth Taylor, died on Thursday of the mensles. A report comes from Old Forge that a Polish woman stabbed a young gitl at tli is place this morning. The woman whs arrested by Constnble Patrick Henry aud committed to the county jail. M" A PLEASANT WEDDING. WllHnm J Frost and Mlis Anna Nelson United at Mooslc. Special to the Scranton 7Vi6tae. MOOSIC, Pa., March 10 A very pretty wedding ceremony was per formed at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs Thomas Nelson, of Miller's Grove, on Thursday evening The contracting parties were their daughter, Miss Anna Nelson, and William J. Frost, of Moo sic. The ceremony was performed by Rev. L A Lindemntb, pastor of the Presbyterian church. The bride and groom were attended by Miss Anna Cranston and Alonzo Ellis. The bride was neatly attired in a becoming dress of steel colored oash roiere. The bridesmaid wore also a steel colored cashuiiere. After the ceremony an excellent sup per was served to the immediate frieuds and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frost rec -i veil many valuable presents, nnd expect to go to housekeeping on Walnut street. HOW TO MAKE MONEY There nre hundreds of young men aud young women In thll country who hare splendid ability, but they ha o never been wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If you are tired of inactivity and want to do something tangible, come to the College. common i:n;i,ish course business course. SHORTHAND COURSE -a ti n,AA. , . . F. E. WOOD, Proprietor. NEW TEAR OPENS JANUARY 1. KERR & SIEBECKER SPECIAL DRIVES IN Carpeting 50 pieces Moquette, $1.35 per yard, 100 pieces Velvet, $1.15 per yard, -100 pieces Tapestry Brussels, 65c, 50 pieces Ingrain, 65c, Now $1.00 Now 90c. - Now - Now 40c. 50c. Also a laro;e line of Cotton and Wool and Cotton grains at 25c, 35c, and 40c. In- Dr. K. Grewer The Philadelphia Fpecialist, And tils asaoelated ttatl of English mJ oor uian rbyattlans.art uuw ticrmaneutly located Temple Court Building .tl 1 SPRUCE ST.. SCRANTON WheiB lUoy uisy bo consulted DAILY AND Bl NUAY. The Doctor In n graduate ot the Unlvornity ef Peunnylvania, formerly flemontrtor of physiology and surgery at the Mcdlco-CMr-triilcal College, of Philadelphia. II Is also an honorary memlwr 0f the Medlco-Chirur-glcal Association, and was physician and surgeon in-chief of the most noted American and German hospitals, comes highly Indorsed by the leading professors of Philadelphia and hew r,rk. His many Other grades reduced proportionately. The best bar gains ever offered by any firm. No old stock. All new spring patterns. Straw Mattings Fresh stock (150 rolls) from $4.00 per roll (40 yards) up to $20.00. 400 AND 408 LACKAWANNA AYE. pars of bosnlt.il pxtipnono bleu thli eminent phynifiRU nnd CTTREi DYSPEPSIA CURES DYSPEPSIA CURES DYSPEPSIA surgeon to corrertlv dlamoae and treat all deformities and disease with tho most flattering success, and his high standing in thn tnt will not allow him to accent any incurable cos LOST SlAMliiiii) RKkTOKKD. WEAKNESS OF YOUNG MKN f'l'IIF.n. If yon have ooeu given up ny your physi cian call upon the doctor and be examined. Be curse the worst casusof Nervous Debility, Scrofula, Old gores, iatarrh. Plies. Femala Weakness, Affections of tbo Ear, Eye, Note ana i nroat, Asinraa, Lieainess, rumors, l an cers and Cripolos of every desoriptloD. Con sultation in English nnd German Pre, which shall bo considered sacred and strictly confi dential. (ifllce Hours: 0 A.M. to O P. H. Daily. Sunday. O h.iii. to p.m. Tl IB TRADERS National Bank of Scrantoa CltCANIZED 18'ML Mr, tfoah .. Hornet BtahlltOWn, I'enn. "C. t, Hood ft Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlemen: Pour years last .tnnmry I w.it taken down with sub acute rheumatism which located at the base of tho brain. It was eight weeks less osr day belore I was able to walk out of tho house bud after months of millcrlng ami DQUSll pain 1 leared I Would Never Bo Well. My physician advised mo to use Hood's Harsa parillu. Alter taking It in half doses for two weeks i felt better, so at different tines aftsf wards I used It awhile and during the last year I have again liccii restored to Invigilated health by it. i attribute my restoration to ktalth to the use of lb... Sarsap n ilia calami since quiM young wuiie aiienuing scnuoi ne anil last summer used two bottles of Hood'sCures Hood's Sarsapnrllla and said It did him more good than he rtftltted froin 9100 for prescrip tions, etc." NOAH J, IIhRnkh, Postmaster and General Merchant, Slahlstowtn, Pennsylvania. Hood's PIIIb cure liver ills, constipation, biliousness, Jaundice, sick headuchc, indigestion. Promotes Digestion Having suffered from Dye pepsin for three years, I as. ci.feil to trv BUBDOCI MbOO Birrmis.'and after using one Isiltlo I found myself so m li better that I was encouraged! to us,, another; after taking this 1 find ruvsolf so full y res Btnred that I do not need any mop. inedlcine. feeling truly grateful to B B li Ma Q WniTtt, Taberg.llnelda Co , M.Y m . - . in i -a CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. RAMl'EL HIXES.IPresl.lent. W. V WATSON. Vice PresidsnL A.U. WILLIAMS, Cashier. rnnFc-rons. SAvrtt. ntNFs, jamf M EvrnrtART, lUVINIl A. FtVOR, PlLlllKR FlM.EV, Joseph .1. .Hum vs. M s. Ksmkiikh.. Chas, P. MaitiikvtS, .Ions T. Pouter. W. W. Watson PROMPT, ENLRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank Invites the patronage of business men and llrnis generally. The most complete medium-priced FOLDING BED in the market. Hull & Co. 205 AKD 207 VTOlilG AVE. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO. Scranton, Pa. 62 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. MOOSIC POWDER CO flooms 1 arid 1 Commonwealth Bld'g, 8CRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Made at the MOOSIO nnd HUSH DALE WOKKM. La niin & Ilnml Powder. Co. "s ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteries, Fuse for explol ing blasts, Safety Fuse and RepaunoChemical Co. 's High Explosives Third National Bank of Scranton. Slnli'inrnt Feb iM . 1HHI. culled for by III,' Coin idi oller of lb. Currency. BBSOVBOBS, I.onns 91,210.310 OO Over.lriilts IMT.:l United stutes llou.ls RO, 000,00 Other Bonds BI8.S7S.TS llnuklng Bonse .0,111; Premium! mi t. s. Bonds..., D48.T0 llili, Irnia U. N. I , , usurer 7,600.00 Hurl Hankt "os 111, 73 Cnsli 1 ISII.U40..14 a.'jo'j.r.so.oo tIABILITIBS, rapllnl si'.'oo 000 00 sin plus ! 10.000 00 Undivided Proflt ftli IH1 Oil h . uli. I Ion IS, OO 0,00 111,1,1. o, is Unpaid 384 BO Deposits.' 1, mil. 11110 m Hue to nauks Oll.llllO .tO IS, Ml, BOO. 00 tvii.i.iAM roNNi i.i, Prealdeal t 11 11 1 v 11 in Vlee-Presldenfc Will. I AM II. PKCK, Cashier UIBEOTORt, Wllllnm Council, QooMO II. Cntlln, AlTred Hnnd. Jiuiios Arelibnld, M,.nry Hell, 1, jr., William T. Siullli, Lutlior Keller. This bnnk offers 1 depositors every fntilllty wnrrant,-d by llielr balances, busl uoss and resjionslblllty. Special attention tlven to business ao counts. Interest paid un time deposit. "The other man does tho work. All I havo to do is to carry up tho hrick. " Tne Same Way at the Economy All you have to do is to brinp in tho money sn.l very little at that) nnd wo do the rest. This week we oiler the Greatest Parlor Suit Ever Offered for the Price. A fivo pieco over stuffed Turkish frame) suit, upholsterer! in American Damask. Trimmed in -ilk 1 'It: - 1 and extra heavy Fringe, soft top and spring edge, con sisting of 1 TETE, 1 ARM CHAIR, 1 FANCY CORNER CHAIR, 2 SIDE WALL CHAIR3. Tho nboTO Is a combination of rich colors. OURPRICE$35 You Should See lt- BPKCIAZr A 100-pltOS Uluner Set prrsented with all puivbsees of $73 00 or over. asaVWO t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers