The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 17, 1894, Page 11, Image 11

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With Henry George on
Present Hard Times.
(low the Single Tax Idea I NpreaOlnK In
All Harts of (lie World The Work
of ItK Adherent In America and
Auntrolasla What the en-inn-
May Bring Forth.
Content does not mean happiness, Doubt
la tho mother of truth. Better a storm that
destroys and at the MUM tliuo brings health
thu the balm thtt IfrlglMrht, rota und brings
death. A cyclone ol discontent Is shaking
this country und other countries to-day.
Tills moan tlmt the people uro thinking und
that they uro lust coming to believe that there
is . remedy for the evils under which the
musses suffer, and the hard conditions that
grind the faces of tho poor.
Every beneficial society, evory new party,
every organization whether polltieul.rellglous
social ,or etUicul, that lias for its iurioso tho
improvement of the material condition of the
mnHMi Is a means more or less effoctunl on
which people eelze In the hope thai it will lift
them out of the slough of despond, und raise
B barrier nguiust the unproductive days of
age, or save their dependent! from tho ma
chine charity of the alms house In the event
Ol the death of the bread-winner.
Charity cuu merely demoralize and pauperize,
while that Indirect form of elinrity, the at
tempt to artificially 'make work' by increas
ing public expenses and by charity wood-
people, and then it la a newer hind, with con
ditions somewhat different from those we
Und here. But it is a fact that in Australa
sia the single tax is a more vital issue than
yurds and sowing rooms is still more danger- with us. Sir Henry I'urkes, of Now South
uis. If in this sense work is to be made, it Wales, is a man of marked ability and a pro
lan be made more ouieUlv bv dynamite ami ; nouiiced free-trader. Through bin influence
Trysting Place of the Wives of
Three Great Rulers.
When physicians of the recognized schools
fail to revive a jiaticut who is in a bad way,
Urguly, tho tingle tax Iiiih bteOflM a vitttl)
issue in the politics oithat colony. Theland- MEETING OF GREAT MOMENT TO EUROPE.
holders have liecomo alarmed, have formed a
'Land-owners Defense League,' and have
issued a protest, on which they propose to
get the nest Parliament to act.
"In Victoria and other colonies of Australia
the single tax is a live Issue, ami it will re
main a living issue till it is settled in the
right way. But it la in New Zealand that the
gr.ateat progress has been made, along the
lin s with which my name is associated. The
Ballaiioo act la New Zealand has l.eon a
The ICiiiprrsses ol Germany and Austria
and the fiarlna of Itussla ooii to
Meet nt n Heultli Uc-ort rar
Trieste Whence Their Hus
bands WU1 Follow Them.
London, March 9, 1894. Just now thu eyes
of ull Europe, are directed to a little town on
the Austrian Adriutic which for some weoksiustlc homage.
wonderful advance. It Iiiih has not abolished j or months, will be a point toward which tho
ull otiur taxes retaining only that on land opart glasses of the newspapers and politl
values, but it comes near It, and In the near j elans will point with due s..lcmulty. The
spend a mouth together nt Cape Martin near
Meutuue, with Eugenie. Thin is tho first time
that Francis Joseph has visited Franco since
1867, and his visit is looked upon ag an act of
courtesy, toward the French Republic, by the
most conservative sovereign of Europe.
Royal etiquette is very punctilious and it Is
a curious fuel that Iwcaiise he bus not returned
the visit of King Humbert, Francis Joseph
will not he allowed to go through Italy to Nice,
by tho shortest route, but will be obliged to
go through BwitaoHeud, from Vienna, In spite
of tho fact that Italy is tho ally of Austria.
But what of the three women who are to
Beet at Abaazia? One has only to go to Vi
enna to witness the affectionate reverence of
the Viennese for the Kmperor and Kmpress.
They hold the latter to be the noblest of
women, and express their admlrallou of her
ilisUijguished bearing by the most euthusU
When a princess, she was one
Henry George baa a remedy for the aocial
and political evils of this and other civilized
lands, and the time has gone by when his
ill' "Ties" can be dismissed with a sneer,
.'."nether we believe in Mr. George'l teachings
x not, those at all familiar with the subject
mult confess that he found polittoal economy
mi re than a "dismal science." It was to
moat men a dry, rattling, repulsive skeleton,
l Ot he slothed the bones with flesh, without
it akeuing the structure; he covered this
with un attractive epldermi-;; he gave life
beauty to the whole, and he mudoadis
iWTi cable subject not only attractive, but he
m ughl it within the comprehension of every
l gd capable ol grasping a syllogism. For
tuU the world la Indebted to Jlr. George more
it is at present willing to concede.
Mr. QeorgC a eakt well, but he writes bet-
To quote uliuseif. "the secret of good
tenting is clear thinking." In the Xerth
i nsrfoun Krriew of recent date, he discusses
; existing depreialon and poverty with
icteristio force and clearness. Hi asks.
vii v ta it that men able to work and willing
to vnrk etnnot find work?" Ho points out
bi iui lliea that have been organized by the
ell-meaning, the eontributiona that have
. :, n ad i fr m their abundance by the
kVeU!iy, and he shows matter the
Hi ot the ehariti! !e. the tendency of
i .... eelemoeinary organisations is to de
grade morally the people it is proposed to
he u physically.
There isn sadder sight in r.ll the world
than '.at of an honest, sober, skl'lful man,
able and eager to work, forced to accept the
i itbfi Cast o;7 by the rich, and the coal and
1 r ad purchased by their "kindly contribu
;' :. I," ;n order to keep his wife and children
the friends uro apt, as a last resort to cail In
the man with new (angled notions. While
the time is iust when Mr. George und his fol
lowers can Ik- treated as cranks, yet his
theories, In this country, at least are not so
flrmly established and have not such a fol
lowing a to make them factors which the
old parties feel that they must consider for
their own safety. A few years ugo when the
George idea Rll new, it led to no end of dis
cussion, principally by men who knew noth
ing at ull about it ; then it appealed to die
out, and if it were not for the appearance
now and then of Mr. George us a writer or
i.vturer, we might believe that "the fad or
fake" of eight yean ago had lapsed into that
condition which Mr. Cleveland describes ai
" innocuous desuetude."
future the single tax will lie the only one col
looted in New Zculuud. There is no tax on
Improvements, the tax is on laud values, und
although it has only been in existence u short
time, the effect for good Is already perceptible.
While there is poverty and depression over
ull the rest of the coinmorelal world, und New
Zealand, by reason of her business relations,
IS not entirely free from it, yet there are ni I
tramps nor paupers In that land, and soon
poverty will exist there only as a name. The
conservative New Zenlandors, knowing that
women were naturally conservative recently
gave them the right of suit rage, under the
impression that this vote would increase their
strength. But the very first election under
this act showed them they had made a mis
take in counting on tho conservutism of the
woman vote, for it arrayed Itnolf from the
start on the side of progress and in opposi
tion to the monopolisation of land. Specula
tion in land lus practically ceused in New
Zouland, and m a consequence poverty und
its attendant ovila will be banished.
"Do you know that the county council ot
London, England hasjust Inflated on present
ing to Parliament a petition asking that the
Empresses of Russia, Germany and Anstriu
are to meet soon at the little town of Ahbuzzla,
which has lately count into prominence us a
summer and winter health resort, and vet,
Anxious to learn the present condition of ! local revenues be raised entirely by a tax on
the single tax party, I fortified myself, as in
dicated, by reading Mr. Georges last article?,
and called on him a day or two ago for fur
ther light on this subject, If Mr. George
were very rich, and this he never will bo
while so many others are poor, the chancM
whose namo we search the gazetteers in vain
Fiume, on the Buv of Ouurnero, on the
Adriatic, is the great naval station of Austria,
which has like all other nations, been lately
Results That the Act of Consolida
tion Will Bring About.
Area and Population of the Parts That
Hill bo to Make the Greater New
fork A Prospective Metropolis
Hh ailed Only by London and
Easily Hurpfi-stng Paris.
land values.' Even in Europe, where the
same curse of land tenures exist, the people f,,r
are forgetting that they are living in tne
inidst of armed camps, and are seriously dis
cussing the question Of a single tax on land
values. I forgot to say In speaking of New
are he would live us Quietly und Unoctenta I Zealand, that, whllo the oilier colonics of
Uousiy as no now does ill no. 92 1 nan nwo- AUemwou are decreasing in population, since posit onion and noted for It flue villuB, its
teenth street, New York. When n youth ; tho recent change in tho luv.-s 0,003 families '.,,,.. .,,i its imtemrise It l an
1 .-.loin city, plus a Guriuan seaport's bustle
and life. About mi hour and a half's drive
from Trieste, Is the charming little village of
Abbszzia, also 00 the Gulf of yuarnero. It
numbers only about 2000 Inhabitants, und has
several good hotels, among them Die Btoph-
aide, the QnJeuero which belong to the
I thu most bouutiful women in iluroiw. mid
her marriage was a romunce. In 1U4H Pianola
.'oseph came to the Austrian throne, and in
iSV) went a-woolng to the court of lJuke Max
of Bavaria, led by the matchmakers to seek
the luind of Helena, the eldest daughter, now
the widow of l'rlnoe Tuxls. hut the Kmperor
was caught ut sight of her younger sister,
Elizabeth, then a girl in short dresses, und
ruvlshlngiy beautiful. The marriage, which
took el..'- In 1854, wus a very unpopular one
in Vienna, It spoiled the plans of the Match
makers, but thu Impulsive Kmperor claimed
the privilege of fulling in love like an ordi
nary mortal, and the marriage took place.
The Viennese took their revenge In many
little ways, and were led In the persecution
by the archduchess Sophia (who died in
lTUj, but tie- Kmprchs's beauty, frankness,
liveliness uini gayoty, soou won over the sym
pathies of the people, even If the dignitaries
did not like It, und the condition of tic- em
pire thrSW in her huuds the means of revenge.
Bps favored the Hungarians! and lived much
among them. PranoiS Joseph, who ut llrst
loved his wife devotedly, was anxious to
plaeee the Haygar portion of his dominions,
Which hud revolted once, and he favored his
lovely Kmpress' designs, 8be was crowned
with him Queen ol Hungary, and dolighted
to live ut Buda-Peoth and Godallo, rather
than ut Vienna. She hud been sojuuutoil in
In-art from her husband, who ilid not proven
modal husband, frans Desk with ner aid
compelled the recognition of the Hungarian
state, and Andriissy became premier of that
portion of thu empire. The Kmpress is an
excellent Hungarian scholar, and that en
dears her to the people Ol that growing und
progressive portion of the umpire.
tihe deiled the rules of the fashionablu
world, was a gr"at lover of horses, was Ml
dom seen in public except on horseback, und
Thu question of u Grcutor New York Is vital
to tho communities It is proposed to Incor
porate Into one grand municipality, und at i . , , ,, ,. . .,
i . .. i. . . ... nattan Island In 1890. In thirty 3
thu aama time it must bo of thu greatest In- j ., , ,.....,
tercet hi uvery citizen In every part of the
BepubltO, AJthottgh It is only within tho past
few yeur-i that, this subject has been brought
within tho province of legislative action, it
bus bouu discussed, pro und con, for more
than forty yours, thu opposition to It gradual
ly breaking down, and new aud stroug advo
cates bolng uddud from year to year, to those
in favor of it.
In lH'JO, thu Legislature of thu State of New
York appointed a Commission to inquire into
tli'i expediency of consolidating the city of
New York, and the various municipalities und
towns In tho KUito composing its suburbs.
giving kirgo attention to naval otTulrs. Trieste galloped here and theru, hr tall, slim figure
Is near, and the only real seaport that Austria I wll,"w' T ;"rveu o ever) body.
., , ,. , lHh seldom attended the grout Burg the l-
uas. is us me a cuy oi us ttizv us curofHi
Henrv George was a sailor, and something of have gone there to find homes.
the early call: ig is still suggested in bis "The first effort of tho lauded interest In
walk and bearing.
proachable of men
Although the most up- i England, tho United BfateC and Australia
theru is a certain quiet has been to kill tlw single tux hy tho con-
Ire, but whenever iluntz's circus appeared
she was ever to be Seen. She delighted to BO
bi the circus, where with Mile. Bents und the
iockevs, in private, she had the privilege of
testing all the best tiorsus. It is said she, In April, 1S91, thlB Commission presented to
ui eoD.-u n.r iiit: oiuiiiuireii.u? imeis, ivnutl... I . i . .
..,.,,M ,lriv,. gl....l th.. ! t,,.ln...
dignity of manner that forbids familiarity, I s piracy of silence. But the Australian do-
and a certain something in the voice and th
set of the splendid head that suggests re
served power aud ability of a high order. , light. The significance of this New South i iillsni raliwav urid llIloUier largo one which
" instead oi oeing asleep, as you iiuiiua.u,
fence petition shows that silence has not
won, and so they are driven into an open
said Mr. George, In response to my question,
"the growth of the single tax idea has been
wonderfully rapid. I recall, and It is not so
very long ag, when I could count the adhe
rents of the sing'.j tax on my Angers, Now
Its advocates are found all over this and
. famishing witn coia
od. Charity, according
i -
"crtiniTT DIOBiSn LASOS."
other civilized lands, and these men, having
Wales document, to tnv mind, lies In the fact,
si I have from thu first declared, that when
ever this movement got so far as to compel
the present owners of land to come out
openly and defend tho system which gives Trieste,
ton few the exclusive ownership of tho natu
ral element on which and from which all
must live, our work will be practically done
and we can safely leave the rcBt to tiiem. So
preposterously unjust is the present system
.hat It cannot stand discussion.
"As to tho work of propaganda, I may suy
that It goes steadily und ceaselessly on. All
belong to other parties. There are sev
eral large pensions there, and I lie place is
u favorite resort ut ull seasons of the year.
In summer time, it is a favorite drive from
and the boats from Venice come
over with excursions almost daily, when
the weather is fine. Situated hi u splendidly
sheltered situation, in a bend of the Black
Mountains, or Kchwurtzborg, the hills rising
In steep oscuiits, clothed with overgrcuii
laurel, it is one of the most restful places In
i Southern Europe. Separated from the valley
of the Danube by tho range of mountain
over tho country we have atngts tax leagues, Ueallya continuation of the Austrian Tyrol,
or starving for, been converted through their reason,
to Mr. George, I often against prejudices, inherited and per
il only pai'.iate existing suffering; It can j sonal, cling to their new political faith with all
tol right tho wrong of which that Buffering the fervor of a religious conviction. Nor is
X it outcome. Charity, he claims, la their allegiance passive; they work for it,
in which women as well as men are interested
The cause has many nhlc writers and speak
rs, and people are reading on this question
as never before, Tom L. Johnson recently
distributed 1,200,000 copies of my work, 'Pro-
I tuctlon and Free Trade,' and ho Is about to
issue 1.000,000 copies of hie recent speech in
"The day hoe gone by when tho slnglotaxcr
was regarded us a crank. Ho is treated with
respect, und men who aro always ready to cry
down n new thought or to sneer ut what they
cannot comprehend, have learned to treat the
Blnglo tftxor with respect, oven whore they do
not uceopt his theories. What we want Is a
fall, fair Had froo discussion of this at of all
other questions that concern tho people, and
the truth will win In thu end.
"Not the least promising sign of advance
to ran Is shown In the tut that professors and
students in colleges are studying and dle-i-usB'ng
tills question, and amongst such men
wo have c ur warmest adherents and strongest
f rich-IS,
"I appreciate the kind hearts of the oharlt-
horsus. Many of the stories about her ej-
1 futile, wh.-n It is offered as a subeti-1 talk for it, and are every ready to give a good ' able, but they arc degrading labor. When
tute tor justice, Every means is suggested : reason for the truth that is In them. TbeMasttOSia done there will no longer ho need Of
to h"lj) the poor, excepting the one hinted at.
Bt - nt ly by the Russian Count Tolstoi of get
ting off their toks.
During this Winter, 1,400 men, the majority
of them Americans by birth, and nil of them , America,
more than eager for work, have been sleeping I not kept
in tho stone corridors of the City Hall In 'that It flared up and died out, 1b that they
ChieagO. These poor fellows without a pLico know nothing of what is going on bc-noath
dlSCUSSlon of the single tax has led to tho
study of politieal economy, and It has fos
tered reasonable political discussion as no
other subject outside of abolition ever did In
The reason tho people, who have
In touch with this matter, believo
this kind of charity," said Mr. Gcorgo in con
clusion, und he spoke with the earnestness of
a man who has faith In what ho says.
Ai.niBo H. Calhocs.
l!0 lay their heads, are tho men who, if tho I tho surface ; they are Ignorant of the qulot, p, s
Republic were assailed tomorrow, would Jeffootive and persistent advnnon that is being.
I ap to her defence. From the hands of these i made from day to day.
men, and others like them, has come every " Behoving as I do, I naturally court tho
dollar of wealth in the Republic, yet the pro- j discussion of this question, for It Is only in ; g
llUOBvS ot lueso ruouiouH ricnes aru iorceo 10 inis way mai vo can gei at ine irutn. inu
Gardner and the P;;rt He Flays
In Gotham Btislnas l.lfc.
New, March, 10. Frank S. Gardner is
one of thu rising young men ot the mutrcpulls.
Is seerotury of tho Now Yol k Board of
and which Impose a barrier about 4000 feet
high, between Central Austria und the coast,
it Is protected from thu liareh winds that
sweep In spring and winter over the broud
Daoubian valley. On a spur of the hills,
comes out tho chalybeate springs, and there
aro others which whatever their qualities
have an extended reputation for their cures
In rheumatic cases. A steamboat runs daily
accroSB the gulf to Flume, on the opposite
side, which may also be reached by a splendid
carriago drive, with many lovely viuws of tho
Adriatic shores. Hen thu Empress of Aus
tria, and the ladies of her court often come to
pass tho lovoly days, which nowhure on the
earth aro more charming than on this Aus
trian Riviera.
Tho excuse for these three dignified ladies
gathering at this resort is the common one of
ill-health. The Czarina goes with her daugh
ters to recover from the effects of her recent
attack of influenza or la grippe. Both Alex
ander III. and hla wife have been sufferers
from this disease, the Czar's health lieing so
deeply affected that a little fright was created
as to the result, which has happily passed
away. Th Kmpio-.s of Gorinany goes there
with her youngest son. She has been In bad
health since her last confinement, and Is sut
uring from a weakness which has yielded to
none of the remedies she haB tried. The Em
press of Austria, whose pain makes her rest
less, will visit the sum" place after a some
what lengthy stay in France, In order to seek
relief. Shu Is dreadfully afflicted with an
acute form of sciatica, and
prevent her from remaining seated for more
than live minutes ut a time.
All these ladies will come on their yachts,
and the gathering of thesu fine yachts and
centrlclties are undoubtedly falsehoods, in
spired by malice or envy, but those in Eng
land who lollowed BT In lox hunts ut Melton
Mowbray, and In Ireland, know her to be the
most fearless of riders, elegunt and graceful
bill having the following
provisions i " The Commissioners appointed
by and under tho pro visions ef Chapter SI 1 of
the Laws of 1630, are hereby authorized und ! " ? " -"J"'"'J"'
directed to prepare and submltto the Legis-1 TV?
ISture S Charter for the Incorporation, gov- ? 2HO0 P??9 eTM da-
incorporation, gov
eminent, and administration of a city to
comprehend the following described terri
tory. "The city of New York, tho county of
Kings, the county of Richmond, iStaten
Island.) tho town of West Chester, und that
portion of East Chester and Pelhara which
lies southerly of a straight line drawn from
the point where the northerly line of the city
of New York intersects tho contre line of the
Bronx River to tho middle of the channel be
tween Hunter's and Glen Island In Long
Island sound, Long Island City, tho town of
Newtown, the town of Flushing, the town of
Jamaica, and that part ot the town of Hemp
stead which is westerly of a straight line
drawn from a point where the easterly line of
the town of Flushing meets the watere of
Long Island Sound, through the mlddlo of
the channel between Bookawav Bench and
Shelter Island to the waters of the Atlantic
In 1883 the Commission presented to the
Legislature a bill submitting the question of
municipal consolidation to a vote of the people
metropolis of the British Empire. It Is diffi
cult to got tho area of Europeun citios, for,
like London projier, tho bounds of tho old
municipalities have boon leaped over, and tho
surrounding towns and villages, each retain
ing something of its former rights of sclf
gOVernmSnt, have been attached to the origi
nal corporation by bonds of varying
The urban population of the world is In
creaslrg ut u much greater rate than that of
the vill'ige and agricultural districts. Sev
enty yoars ugo, tho London Ifuartiriy, in
speaking of tho population of the British
metropolis, which DeQulncy called "The
Nation of London," suld : " London has
probably reached its nemo of population."
At that time the population of the city
was 1,300,000, u littiu less than that of Man-
years it had
doubled, and the belief thutlt hud reached its
Culminating point was very general. Despite
thu prophecy of pessimists and the outcry of
ptophetS, tho alarm of municipal theorists,
nnd the overwhelming four of philanthropists
thu rate of Increase went on steadily. The
British census Is taken in tho first instead of
tho last year of thu decade, us in the United
States; In 1M)1, it showed that the population
of thu great city and thu maiiv suburbs which
it has reached out und swallowed up,
amounted to 5,003,000, residing within unarea
of HI. 1-2 square miles. This shows un in
crease of something over 803,033 in ten yoars.
Leaving out London, according to the lust
census, the following are the cities having
population of 1,000,000 and over: Paris. 2,447,
957; New York, 1,801 ,7M; Cuutou, estimated
1,600,000; Berlin, 1,673,244; Toklo, Japan,
1,886,341; Vienna, 1,3C4,54S; Philadelphia,
1,142,053; Chicago, 1,099,850; St. Petersburg,
1,003,310; Pekln. 1,000,000. A school popu
lation taken in Chicago in 1S92, reveals an
estimated population of 1.191,000. There
arc cities in China whose estimated popula
tion Is over 1,090,000, but It is not safe to count
then. The city having the largest popuhti
Hon under the 1,000,000 figure is Brookiys,
which, SOCOrdlng to the State ceLBUS of 1892,
wus 657,168,
Leaving out the great saving to be effected
by consolidation, which would mean lower
taxes, it is claimed by tho advocates of the
measure, that grand Improvements at present
impossible through municipal jealouey would
be at once organized and carried through to
successful completion. The Brooklyn Bridge
which has helped Brooklyn far moro than
it has New York, is the work of the two
cities ; it is controlled by commissioners ap
pointed by each and the official patronage
Is a constant bono of contention. This
on it
i added twice its cost, $15,090,000, to the In
crease of real estate In Kings County, while
i if anything it has tended to lower the value
of residences in New York.
Already there is an urgent demand for in
(creased facilities of communieatlc"i bat ween
I Long Island and KewTork City, which the
i l ' I y 'X
m i;:v 1 -
But of late years her physicians have com-' of 1,10 various cities and towns proposed t .-)
polled her to give up violent outdoor exer
ctso. smo tried the sulphur baths of Hereu
lesbsd, in the Carpathians. The Archduchess
Valerie, who was born In lsGS, will have the
right to succeed her as Queen of Hungary,
while the salic law whould shut her off from
the throne of Austria. The Empress' mind
owing to her sufferings, which were greatly
Increased after the terrible aud mvsterious
death of the Crown Prince BudoTph. was
unbalanced for a time. Shu accused her
self of being her son's murder, r, and finally
became violent. She was Induced to travel,
and Anally ns "Mrs. Nicholson," under n
strict incognito, she traveled through France,
Portugal aud Algiers. Her travels have ex
tended pretty much ull over the world, except
America. Occasionally at the Villa Angio
linu at Abbazzla, she mthers about her a
choice group of friends, uud spends n few
weeks as she will now. She had, some years
ago iiHsy., a marveloualy beautiful home bulk
oe consolidated - petition signed by over
10,003 citizens of Brooklyn approving the
measure was sent to the Legislature at the
same time, und 200 prominent Brooklyn men
appeared In Its favor before the Assembly
and Senate committees on cities ; but the
bill failed to pass, owing, It Is believed, to
tho pressure brought to bear by Boss Mc
Laughlin and the Kings county ring.
At tho last election nearly nil the Brooklyn
candidates for the Legislature pledged them
selves in favor of letting the people vote upon
this question. The present Commission is
composed of the following well known rep
resontntlve citizens. Andrew II. Green, pres
ident: J. 8. T. Stranahan, vice-president;
the State engineer and surveyor (sx-ofDolo) ;
U0 C -
j. s.
if br;cl; oil the island of Corfu in the Roman John M. Brinkerhoff. Edward P. Linton.
style, and decorated In the Pompoiian fash-1 Calvert Vaux, Frederick w. Devon, William
D. Vender, George J. Greenfield, John L.
... ' 'I- ... O.I,.l. iu m Iva , ..Urnrn Milan vill lu. nttr!.,-to.t t, II... MMl4 will
..I l . -JUt. I.IUI J mmIUA .!., I. ,.,.f f. .V. . kla .OI t ..... """" .- nm, ......... . .. I- ... ...
.... .. . . , . ., ., land at tho sumo timu a companion, of the
. ivllization that has pauperized labor at the' strength, now out of sight, but by no means
one extremn and boundless wealth at tho dormant, will surprise the people who have
. -'her must have In It something so radically . not kept up with our advance. The newspa-
"ng, that every man who loves his country
osor.oc r.Rows TnocnnTK!:;..
and his followmen,,must see that this is the
11 rat groat question to solve, If wo would save
ourselves from horrors over which tho
starving and discontented ore silently brood
ing. Homo radical philanthropists in New York
nnd other cltiea, seeing how the station
Louses arc overcrowded at night, have sug
Kestod that the thousands of large nnd Com
tortablo churches that stand Idle for most of
h.tlmnmltht.hii utilized to Sire shelter to
tho famishing; but the thought is repugnant question of the
to most good Christians, and it will hardly be eholee o evils '
acted on. We could not expect my lady to
wonthln God anil exhibit her last new dress
and bonnot In a pew where somo greasy mi
ehanlc had slept the night before. Ihe joor
of to-day are coming to MlSVt moro and
moro that the Church, llko the charity clubs
is a nocosslty for Ihe display of my lady's
toilet, and Incidentally for her sanctity. In
tho artlclo roforrod h Mr. Goorge says:
"There Is but ono remedy, und Hint is what Is
known as single tax, tho abolition Of all
taxes upon capital and kibor and of nil taxus
on tho procoews and products, und the tak
ing of oconomlo rent, tho unearned incre
ment which now goes to tho more nppropria
tor for the wvmcnt of nnblic exoeaaoi.
pers do not difleuss this mutter so much ut
present, simply because the pu;srs discuss
nothing that tbey do not belli vo tho people
want. It Is the reader, not tlie editor, who
dictates the matter in a paper, and when it Ifl
con that the readers want a fuller and freer
discussion of this question, the periodicals
will be ready n'ld willing to take hold.
"In the Senate and House at Washington,
there are a number of able men who believe
strongly In the single tAx Idea, but the oppor
tunitles for presenting their views have not
been tho best. When Judgu KagUifS, of Cali
fornia and Mr. Tom L. Johnson, of Ohio have
had nn opportunity to declare thems.dvos.
thny have not hesitated to show that they
occupy no equivocal position on this ques
tion." "You are not Personally in favor of an In
come tax''' I said.
"No; I nm not," replied Air. George with
"Then how happens It that the single tax
men in Congress recently voted torn me i IUTC
which their own gond sense must have shown
them was obnoxious?" I asked.
"Judge Magullo, Mr. Johns m and other
Chamber of Commerce. Although this Board
j was not atai ,od until 1873, It hue leaped to
: the front in thu promotion of ull matters per
tainlng to thu commercial and mercantllo in
terests of the country. It has a membership
of l.MO, o:nhra"liig leading representative i of
all tho varied branches of business. Whut
; over ia for thu benefit of those various depart
ments of trade is attended to by tlio Board,
i There are thirty-six managing directors,
j elected annually, representing trade, u.anu
faetures, la.vnnd Insinuuee. Therourc innum
erable details hi connection with each
branch ard all these details i.uvu to bo con
sidered and passed upon by Mr. Qardner, in
Ills executive capajity.
All sons of projeota have been pushed by
the board und it is constantly at work in a
doses different directions. It made its first
gPMt hit in securing modillol and ju i i r.m -portation
rules for moNhantS and shippers
throughout thoeountry, !t has htVOrod free
canals und Mr. Gardner alalms and with an
apparent show of fact to aubstantiate bis
assertion, that ll.e efforts of the board, OaVS
done more .ii this direction, than ull other ln
Buenoee put together. Aside from the vulgar
ele'i, Mi. Gui liner is a " hus.ler," one wll
never lets the vegetation become
under iiis f -e., but fhan iuU cttu.l Witt) groal
Interest, entars Into the project with an
The BmprSSS of Germany was the DioOC of
her sufferings .Count Wuldersee, and the match was un-
douoti'.iiy one ot love, rue grandson oi tne
gr.t Willl'ini was allowed by hit father,
" Unser Fritz," to do as he chose about af
fairs of the heart. Young William did not seek
un alliance with any of the reigning house
of Europe. He fondly toward the
sprightly Archduchess Vulcne of Austria,
but the fact that She was a strict Catholic,
While he was u firm Protestant, put any
marriage there out Of the question. Intro
duced to the present Emperor, by her uncle,
wno stood high In the military circles of thu
Empire, the frequent abaenoe of wiihaiu in
Sr'h.-sv.ig tlrst gave an intimation of what
was on root. The Empress is a One horse
woman, and took many a ride with her im
perial suitor, u!. .in: thu churr.ilne shores of
the fall province win -h Press un c.rms had
wrsstei from Denmark. On one Of tie-so
occasions, a storm Compelled the couple to
take refuge in u larm house, when' they re
mained for several hours. On the following
day, the engagement was first mad- know n.
The Kmperor sent I handsome purse lomc
years later, to the old farmer wo lie house,
ten yesM before, had sheltered him and his
tutors wife. In an address not long ago, in
poke of the F.iupre-s in marked torma of
aiTectioU, ami there is no d Itlbt that their
married life li happy and tho) arc deeply
at ivhed to eneli otlier.
am'i.;:w a. onsr.x.
Hamilton, snd Charles P. Mefl Hand. Albert
K. Heiishaw Is secretary. This Commission
ferry biats are unable to meet, hn-1 which
the existing bridge, by reason of its loca
' Hon. cannot satisfy. The day consolidation
' is affected two additional bridges, each with
: a greater capacity than tho present one, will
be started, und within a few years, one will
be able to get on a ear in the heart of New
York and be carried without change through
Brooklyn or Long Island City to the hundreds
of suburban villages that Will spring up to
j meet the demands tor purer air and cheaper
j residences of the tens of thousands of wage
learners, who are now compelled to live in
!tho fetid tenements of New York. The
bridge over the Hudson will receive an im
petua at once, iner.asing the facilities for
retching New Jersey, and then the Uttle
heard, of but still progressing North River
tunnel will be hurried to completion.
It is very generally known that the docks
and piers of New York are among the mean
est and worst in the world, but It is not
known that the greater part of the freight
ships entering New York Bay aro docked in
Brooklyn, whore tho warehouses and the
facilities for loading nnd unloading are
better, If fur from being the best. One who
has seen tho docks on the Thames or at
Liverpool, or in any of the European ports
along the Atlantic or the Mediterranean,
cannot compare them with those ot New
York and Brooklyn, for there is no compart
son. But once consolidation Is assured,
work would be begun along the shores ol
the great harbor, that would not only vastly
Increase the shipping accommodations, but
which would give employment to tens ot
thousands of mechanic! ami laborers, aud
Which would make the grout port one to be
proud of; as it Is, the patriotic American
teels a sense ot siiaine when landing in
bus a permanent office nt 21 1 Ur. udwny. The New York he recalls the splendid docks nlong
The KmpreSS Of RUMla, Marc Poodorovna, bill has had a set back at the present session, j
cruses or tnarau.
make It a center ot much interest to yachts
men. The Emprise of Austria has been
luxuriant eriilalng around the world for several years,
eeeking roue! from her a ni etfon, and tne
a slater ol Alexandra, the Princess ol Wale
whs qno of three daughters of King Chrlatlan
of Denmark, the remaining one being Prlnc -ss
Thvra. Those unarming girls wen brought
. . ' ', ' energy tint Is uu owner of lueoess und
ino mere inusi ic. a luni'toie source Ol -
revenue In sight at this time. The single t,i
England. Princess Dagrner was engaged to
be married to Nicholas, the fatherol the pres
ent Csar, end was present at the deathbed of
le i- bsttothejd at HlCe, where he died ot 000'
i . on, when the dying man besought her
to become the wife of bis brother Alexander.
many .Stories Of her recklessness, her going she was d.seons dale, but ti.'i'o smoothes! over
being ohoked by curtailing amendmeuta In
troduced, it Is said, ut the Install, e of the
Brooklyn Democratic ring, which hopes,
manner und with less hi-i despite lii- h '..tin,' it received lust November,
to regain its p. in the city of churches.
But If tho people OSti be got to vote on this
question, there will lw a large majority In
favor of consolidation.
ut in the uiainui
urv than the daughters ol am noble house In
the Horsey.
With all Its wealth und pretentions to cul
tttW, New York is Still distinctly provincial;
and Brooklyn, despite its churches and
BChoola it has no inure of either thSttOthet
cities, in proportion to population is simply
an overgrown village, broken up into littlii
gossiping cliques, each of which proudly
imagines ilself to bo the centre of soolety,
the one social luminary around which tho
others reselvc.
with a greator Now lork Tammany, aa a
measure which would meet all the revenue
needs In the best possible way, would not be
considered at present, and no these gentle
man voted for an income tn:; in prefercnC I
to a heavier tiirilT. It was with them not u
b t in. usuie, but simply u
"Granting that we tin 1 a single tax on laud
values to-morrow, Mr. George, how could lie.
. I central government obtain through that
means money to conduct Its departments?"
"It could lie done In one of tWOWUysj the
amount to lie raised could be assessed on the
KtatcH, nnd collected in that way, or tin cen
tral government has the power to the
tax directly by levying the amount on the
value of land, irrespective of Improvements.
"Is it not true that the single tax theory
hns a stronger hold on the people Of Austra
lasia than In America?"
"I am not prepared to sa,y that," replied
Mr. George. "Tho soveu colonies of Ausi.a-U-aiasiu
haw, all told, only about 4,000,000 of
perssverunoe and clear hcadsdnoii that
brings fortunate conclusion, it is such
men s he that g.vo on assurance that ouii
ness will not itagoets. Lik-i Plerponfa b.y,
' if there's go in it, he will make it gov"
Father, " tho teacher says that you don't
half learn your lesson."
Little Boy. "Yes, sir. You seeth i teaeiinr
said If I stud
hero and tnsre anu ner mtn w ithout num
ber to all tho note ! health resorts of the
world, have s.inply in aut efforts to relieve
hersu)f of the pain tliatafillota her In tht,very
same form that it .Iocs tho old upplowotunii
on th comer. The C7.1r.1u1 will doubtless
c imu to Ablmita by the Bosphorus from the
Crimea, and the Empreie of Germany will
prol iblybe aatlafied to make the journey
thu sorrow somewhat, and she was reoelved
pleasantly at Ut. Petersburg, where through
ii -r lovable disposition and great tact she be-
ci. n oven body s favorite. t?he was married
i.t w. Petersburg Out. ''. iHuj, ami slnoo theu
she has rested in the nlfectiou of her giant und muster, the Gear of all th
Hot son, tiie Qurowltcb, resemblii
more than his royal father, and
the parts that will go to make the greater New
New York City.
her much
her oilier Oravi Mad.
tons, George and Jftobsel, have
semblance to the mother, Her
close rc-
from Trieste to AbUizia in the Knglislj yacht the prim-ess Senia, and her yoUagejC sister,
a great man I
"Of course
I bard I might grow up to be whWl tho K,1",,'r tal W 0oW1 r'"'
ui" -.11:1111101 in 11. 01 ui.- .Air nun-
Doht you want to boa great
"Huh: And get shot at
that's 1 uuuiii' around loose.'
l y th' cr.ii.k.-
Not much.
iS Ills little SiM".l'H
T!ie three Imperial will be followed
by their brie lords of Germany, Austria und
Russia, It Is o.isy to conco've that liii!u'
timt events may evolve themselves ITOUI Ihe
iiieeting of these sovereigns. Kmpr ssus arc
not 10 thick In Europe, that t!ii. .in ding eon
jbe iiisse.l over lightly, Aside iroiu QutM
William L, aged iu-
minor BJ m y.ur, ma i.,.n-iue mai.ei. VlotOriS, WhOOB Empress of India is rSOOg- WOmW III
least twenty In added wisdom. Nottongagoi ,4,4 large factor In Europe, thore is Buasia,
meir motlier was Having main iiirnnuro re-
the Grand Duchess Olga, almost invariably
aiconiianv her. The Czur Is a model hus
band, and no breath of slander has ever
touched their marital relations. Recently
the venerable Archb.ahop nlkanorof pdeaaa
aald lhat ihe august couple could bo pointed
to ns uii exampl" of uu ideal Christian union.
The Carina delights In visiting her sinter
Alittandra, and bcstloveeto do so ut their
oid girlhood's home in bright Denmark.
There are few happier and more beloved
the world than the Empress of
. KuwAiii) II ..!:..
The following Is t!-,e an a and population of Controlling Dowel would bo impossible. Men
who do DlUUttSSS tn .New ork and live 111
Brooklyn, or hear byouLong island, would
have no divided alfegianoa in their voting,
tor Ihe home as well ns tho business would
be considered. With a greater New York, an
academy of art wor.hv the great metropolis
would spring up. to be followed by Institu
tions for the teaching of music, iho nrts,
special courses in medicine ami law, ami
the hundred and or., means of culture thai, only possible in a groat community, that
has Strong local pride without being pro
vincial or verdant.
With lueh a city. New York would soon
be with London and Paris, and many of the
rich Americans, who spend every year
1650,000,000 abroad, would see tho great
uncial and educational advantages of tin
great American Metropolis and make it their
home. The movement for consolidation
has be m cheeked by the trick of crippling
amendments, but thai success is sure t.
come, no . no ctn doubt who has given the
New Utrecht.
R.ehnioml County,
West Chester Village.
lar, Pelham Village.
lv.rt Hempstead.
Long Island (Sty.
Jamaica Bay.
Area. Population.
8H.S3. 1,801 ,7 JO.
66.68. t'jT.oj.s,
5.U0. 1SL665.
12.19. 4.234.
10.0a. MIS.
7.SB. P,12t.
57.19. 6:1,4(1'.!.
1.91. 4.012.
li.cJ. t,54i.
29.(i.V . l'.l.MiJ.
?8.!M 14.411.
7.14 66,506.
21.8" 17,5-19.
25.03. unknown.
817.77. 8,905,795.
effected, and It seemi
...I........ ,.tl..,.. ...... r .- A.... I...I.. I V. ....... ..
1 I .1. . 10. 1 ..:l 1 ...II...... - r , 'n
' 1 ' " . . ... 1 1 . kill- . ; . M- I, 1:11,11; in .1
.. O ' . I. M k... . ).... ...1. ... I, -.III T Ml"
o . 1 11. 1. lii or, iui inn
curt teu her.
"Baby," he cried, "don't suy':M
when n ill HUh L.
bollsb)' it's
Irop tlat re-nalni of tne huge bubble
0 ths sauond Empire, Hiv will be visited by
the EmDtrkff of Austria and the Lmnress . ' t.
'l'l., ,. 1 .-11 '--"'?...
Tiere aro seven collides in the United
States which maintain dally newspapers,
nimiiiy; Hnrvstd, rale, ntneeton. Brown,
tho University ol Pennsylvania and
t .e University of Culltorvs.
Total square miles
it consolidation is
now to bo only a question of lime, New York !
wiil be the second ei.y in the World iu p ; n
lalioti, Loudon being the first. If tiie lute pi
increase continues for the nixt forty years, '
as It lias during the tmt, it will lead the
Rouaekeeper. "The Idea of n great fat fel
low llko you going about begging."
Tramp. Please, mum. It isn't fat. I waa
s 1 thin at the last town 1 went t.i that a good,
kind women took pity on me and fed me with
yeust c;akes."