The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 16, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
ffol Baking
drawing for 50 iu gold, which takes
plaoe on the 97th. The programme will
ba published id a few days.
P. A. Anderson, of Roanoke, Va., ia
calling on relatives and friends in thia
A number of ladies from here are at
tending the mid-wiutei convention of
the Women's Christian Temperance
union, which is being held in Serautou.
A Woman's Heart is
Wrapped Up in Her
Ami sometimes it happens a man
ufacturer's money is in tin same
fix. This one's was. With a stock
on hand and pressed for money
the story alwaj 9 has the same end
lugthe Cloaks are oar's, Not
one of them over thirtj days old,
the wry newest styles for Bpriug,
and the saving will enable von to
get lots of other things for Outer.
Capes for $3.75.
Capes for 5.00.
Capes for 7.50.
Capes for 9.00.
Capes for 10.00.
Stylish Jackets for $4 50.
Stylish Jackets for 5.00.
Stylish Jackets for 6.00.
Stylish Jackets for 7.50.
Stylish Jackets for 8.50.
Stylish Jackets for 10.00.
Silk Waists
We are showing a superb line of
these very popular garments, all
made in tho very latest approved
White Goods
Onr Spring Stock of Novelty White
Goods in all the popular and desirable
kinds is now ready for inspectioa
As this promises to bo a season of
great popularity for these beautiful,
snowy materials, we huve prepared a
greater assortment than ever before.
Saving prices for you in this
popular department.
An Acrn of Public ( .in
"I do not believe that any other city in
the world can show such a cluster of pub
lic buildings,'' remarked nn old traveler,
referring to the region west of Third ave
nue rtt Sirfy-wvpnth srrwt. "I risked n
policeman at the corner how many public
huildincs there were on his bent and the
one adjoining, and heru is the list ho gave
me: Normal College City of New York,
Seventh regiment armory, Hahnemann
hospital, Mount Sinai hospital. German
hospital, Presbyterian hospital, New York
Foundling hospital. Home For the Aged,
under direction of the Little Sisters of the
Poor: Baptist, Home For the Aged, Chnpin
Home For the Aged and Infirm, Presby
terian Home For Aged Women, Domin
ican Convent home, Institution For the
Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes,
Union Theological seminary nod Gram
mar school No. 70. That makes a total of
15 in all, and the policeman snid bo
thought perhaps ho had forgotten the
names of two or throe, others.
"I learned that in thiR small arenof the
city's territory 5,000 persons aununlly re
ceived instruction of some sort, while at
the hospitals, outdoor pattOntl Included,
nearly 75,000 people received medical aid.
The aged and unfortunate cared for are
numerous, and the foundling hospital has
on hand nearly alwnys from 1 ,600 to 2,000
Infants. Truly wonderful section of won
derful New York." New York Herald.
Out nf town correspondents of Tub Tais
DMI should ila tholr MUMS In full to SSM
uwa letter, not for publication Bttt to guard
gainst deception.!
News and Gossip la KsUtion to Entsr
prising Pioneer Cillisn.
Special to the Scranton Tribun.
Carbondale, Pa., March 15. This
morning occurred the funeral of Gruor
iciana, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Enoch Gardner, of Yarriugton hill.
The remains were taken to Dunnings
for Interment.
Miss Kosa Strickland, who has been
elested organist at the Methodist
cburoh, will commanca her new duties
on Sunday nest.
Miss Cora Eitabrook, who is a stu -dent
at the state norm J school at Mi!
lersvillc, will come home tomorrow to
visit her mother tor u short time.
Dr. Burnett, of Scranton, was in the
city today to assist in au opsration on
a young man, a resident of the West
Court Lily lodge of the Ancient Or
der of Foresters, of this city, will at
tend the Methodist church iu a body
Sunday evening. They will be ad
dressed by one of their members, John
Miss Mae Hallock called on friends
iu WiikesBnrre yesterday and accom
panied her mother home to this city,
the latter having been the guest of
relatives there for several days.
Charles dimming, of Scranton, Is
visitiug relatives in this city.
Tomorrow (Friday) evening the pri
mary department of the Presbyterian
Sunday school will give an entertain
ment in the lecture room.
Yesterday William Temple, tbs Bel
mont street liveryman, and Mis Mary
M minion, of Canaan street, departed to
York state, where they were united in
marriage. They returned to this city
today, and have takeu np their resi
dence of Copeland avenue.
Today W. J. Byrne sold his interest
in the opera "Buffet" to his brother,
D. P. Byrne.
The Delaware and Hudson company
psid their mine department employes
in this city today. Tne amount being
paid by the company this month is the
smallest that has been p.u 1 In many
months, owing to the dullness of the
coal trade.
An infant child of Mr. and Mrs
Nicholas B. Robinson, of 146 Pike
street, died last night of scarlet fover.
W. B. Dnggan, of Scranton, was a
caller to this city this afternoon.
George Schoouover, of Cemetry
street, met with an accident yesterday
morning while coupling cars at Forest
City, which cost him a band. The
member was amputated just above the
Hnndrick Manufacturing company's
and Van Bergan & Go's employes were
paiil today.
Edwin Wademan, familiarly known
in this city for many years as the
"Colonel," died yesterday In Pieckville
at the ag of 83 years. Funeral ser
vices will be held on Friday afternoon
at 'I o'clock in the Finch Hill chureh
in Greenfield, and interment will be
made in the Wademan burial ground
in Greenfield.
Captain B. E. Morris, formerly of
the Crwket, of Ssranton, has severed
his connection with that journal and
accepted a position on the Herald, in
this city. Captain Morris will have
charge of the advertising department.
Mrs. James Irland and little daugh
ter, Helen, of Danville, returned I. ohm
todav after enjoying a visit in this city
as guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas B. Vunnan, of Dundaff street.
Ill pnvslciAN siid I could not live, my
liver out of order, frequently vomited
greenish mucous, skin yellow, small dry
humors on face, stomach would not re
tain food. Bnrdock blood Bitters cured
ino. Mrs. Adelaide O'Brien, : exchange
St., Buffalo, N. Y.
It I Tendered to Rev Mr. and Mr
Fielding-, at Dalton.
ftpecial to the tcranton Tribune.
Dalton. Pa, March 15 A very
plearant surprise party wm held at the
residence of the tUv. Jsmes Fielding
Wednesday evening. Tiin guests were
the Sunday school class of the pastor's
wife and comprised the following:
Thomas G. Hall.L-'on Colvin, George
Hall, trunk Baker and Harry Metzger,
and the Miasms Minnie B, Wademan,
Ruth Ball, Libbie Wademan, Anna
Metzger and Laura Woodward.
Events of Interest Brightly Chronicled
for XffapU Citv Readers.
Special to the .Scranton 'iWotine.
Hosksdai.e. March 15 Juitiee of
the Peace Peter S. Barnes failed to be
re-elected by just seven votes at tho
recent election, his successful competi
tor being William U. lUiu, or the tier
aid staff. It ia now rumored that he
lias gotten out his petition to contest
Mr. Ham's election, but it has not as
yet been presented to the court.
At a meeting of the board of direc
tors of the Houeadale National bank
held today, the vacancy in the office or
S resident, oaused by the death of Hon.
ohn Torrey, was filled by electing Vice
President Henry L Russell to that po
sition and Audrew Thompson was
elec ted vice president.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians of
this place will celebrate St. Patrick's
day at UawUy, leaving here by special
train at 10 30 n m. and returning at 11
p. m. The rate of tare will be 2 cents
a mile. The Hawley brauch expect a
large crowd on that day.
Among tho names of the sixty grad
uates of the New Y'ork College of
Dentistry who received their diplomas
on Tutsilay evening appeared that of
William U. Powell, of this place.
The boatiug of cement commenced
on the lower end of the cunal today.
The freighting of uoal will commence
shortly after April 1. About 500 boats
will be engaged iu the coal business
this year. Tno company now have a
large force of men engaged in cleaning
the canal, the refuse from the basin,
which is mostly coal dirt, will be used
to finish up the tilling in the old lateral
An architect of Virginia, but form
erly from this county, has rented the
rear suite of rooms in the second door
of the new Rial building, and expects
to looate tbere soon.
The pulpit of Grace Eoiscopal church
was occupied last evening by the Rev.
H E. Jones, of Wilkes-Barre.
''The Dazzler" dazzled a large crowd
at the Opera house last evening.
AU th N.wn of a Day Penoilltd
Sprightly Paragraphs.
Cpecial to the Scranton Tribune.
PnicEBUita, Pa., March 15 Tommy,
the 11-year-old son of Miehael Kelly
of Lincoln street, was injured on Tues
day night in attempting to jump off a
moving car. He was taken to his home,
where his injuries were attended to,
which happily are not serious.
Miss Mime Logan has nearly re
covered from her recent illness.
Storrs' pay, though a small one this
month, was the occasion of muou
drunkenness in town, obiefly among
the Huns. Tne police were called out
several times during the night to quell
incipient riots among them
John h Mnith, of Scranton, was the
guest of Mr Apler Tuesday.
Jermvn v Son contemplate sinking s
shaft on their land near the company
farm. The coal will be takeu to the
slope breaker.
Arrangements are being made for t
bicycle race between John Davis,
blacksmith nt Storr a mine, and Mich
ael J. Foy, driver boss at the same
mine. Botti are excellent whoalunn
and great Interest is takeu in the race,
which will tuke place soon.
A platform gave way in Richmond s
shaft on Wednesday night aud brought
down four men along with it. Tbev
fell about sixteen feet, but luokilv no
one was injured. The accident was
Homemade RaskeU.
There is a way to maku good baskets nt
homo and pretty and cheap, too, out of
curu husks -thick outer nimbi for strong
basket, and for lighter and liner ones the
white inner parte. These must be wrapped
for au hour or so iu a damp towel, and then
cut into strips of eoual width. Make an
ordinary braid with six or more strips,
which may be. doubled, or even trebled, for
greater strength.
Thread a needle with heavy waxed linen
thread, and having dampened the braid
form it into an ovul dve or six inches long
uud three wide, for the bottom of tho bas
ket, and sew the adjoiuing udes of the
braiil together, ;w in a straw hat, butdon't
overlap thorn. Go on coiling nndstitchiMg
for the aides of the basket, widening the
opening until the basket ia deep enough.
The bundles axe made of a heavy, three
strauded braid, which is wivwl all around
the top of thu lainkct, just inside, aud
looped at thu middle of each side.
For ornament wind the handles with
gny colored riblon or braid, put a box
plaiting of the same around the top and
work a bunch of Mowers on one side in
bright worsteds, witli long stitches. The
opposite side may have u letter or u name.
Detroit Free Press.
Used to Hide Asleep.
Dr. Pritchard. a British physician of
national reputation, hud a patient who
was very fond of horseback exercise. This
man would rise nt night, find 1i!h way to
the stable, saddle and bridle his horse, en
joy a long gnllop and finally return home
and arouse the whole fmnily while prowl
lug around iu a sonioartibulistic sleep.
Dr. Pritchnrd further says Unit this man
could only bu aroused by having the soles
of Ins feet tickled.
Intsrsetlna- N-w . Itsm and Paragraphs
of Psrsonal Mention.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Jkkmyn, Pa., March 15. The team
which was to come to confer the de-
ure in Rnshbrook lodge last evening
failed to materialize, consequently the
work was done by the horn team.
Miss Lizzie Roobo is confined to the
house with tousililis.
Mr. and Mrs William J. Giles re turned
from Binghamton last evening
,ind are now receiving the congratula
tions of their friends
Charles E Ellis, who hss baen suffer
ing from nu injury touiseye, consulted
an occulist who found and removed
small piece of steel. The injured mem
ber is now doing nicely.
W. J. Baker, who at one time had
charge of The Tkidunr Interests here,
and who ha been studying dentistry
in Baltimore, is doing some good work
lisre dunag his vacation.
F. I leek man. of Scranton, A. Bryden,
of Pittaton, and A. Prebt, of New York,
were Jermyn Visitors yesterday.
Harry Bovard, who has finished tho
business course iu Kingston, is expected
home todav.
The Hillside Coal and Iron company
will pay their employes today.
Miss Eliza Osborne lost her pocket
book containing a small sum of money
and papers of no value except to the
owner. The Buder will confer a favor
by returning It to the owner.
Subscribe for Tub Tribune and get
all tbe news.
The nu mbers of the Catholic Mutual
Benevolent association are making ar
raugements for the entertainment and
Improsslv Funeral Services Held Ovir
Rsmains of Explosion Victim.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Moosic, Pa., March 15. The funeral
Archie Dyuiond, the young man who
died from the injuries he received lu
the explosion of tne barrel mill ou Sat
day morning, March 3, was held at the
residence of L. C. Berlew, on River
street. Brief ssrvicts were held at the
house, after which tbe remulns were
taken to his home in Lockville, Lu
zerne county. Services were held at
the Dymond Hollow church, after
which the rem tins were interred in the
family gravevard. The Young Peo
pies Society of Christian bndeavor of
the Presbyterian church attended.
i ne n irai designs were many.
Ainoug them were "Tne 11 ites Ajar,
given by tbe Christian Endeator; a
basket of roses, by Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Broadhead, of Mill City; a casket
boquet, by Mrs W. S. Hatchings, a
wreath, hy Mil Carrie Seberhlue: a
casket ooquet, by Mr. and Mr,. George
Pearl and alBn one by Mis Mary Mu-
Crindle, of Avon. Tho pall bearers
were Homer Warren, James Brown,
Alonzo Ellis, Bert Lewis, Willie Will
iams and John Sutcllff.
lllehard Malcolm Johnston Tnlks of His
Cueer uud Karl; KflorU.
Richard Malcolm Johnston's sketches of
rural life in Georgia have beeu among tbe
moat delightful contributions to current
magujur literature. Col. Johnston for
ho bears that title is tall and elderly, his
hair and mustache being white, but his
eye ia clear, his manner gracious, and he is
the most ontertaiuiug talker, his speech
having a rich southern tlavor. He was
with James Whitooiiib Itiley when the re
porter came upon him at the Deuisou
House, and that gentleman kindly gave his
ussistunce to draw the colonel out.
'Story writing," said the colonel, "is the
last thiug for me in literature, and I came
to it iu a way ultogetlier accidental. I hod
published two or three volumes on hnglnb
literature, and iu conjunction with a
friondhad written tho life of Alexander
Stephens and also a book on American aud
Luropoan literature, but hod no idea of
story writing for money. Two or three
stories of mine found their way into papers
before I left Georgia."
'When was 'Abraham Uillingslea' writ
ten?'' iuiiuired Mr. Riley.
Oh, that is recent only three years ago.
1 went to Baltimore in lbtiT. I had bum a
professor of English literature iu Georgia,
but during the wax I took u school of forty
boys to Baltimore. There was at Balti
more in ISO a periodical called The South
ern Magazine. The first nine of my 'Duke-
borough Tales' were contributed to that
magazine. These loll into the hands of
the editor of Harper's, who asked mo what
I got for thorn. I said, 'Not a cent, autt
he wanted to know why I bad not sent
them to him. 'Neelus Peeler's Conditions'
was the llrst story for which I got pay. It
was published In The Coutury over the
si gout ii, of 'Philemon Perch.'
'Dr Holland told Mr. Gilder to tell that
in. in to write under his own name, adding
that he himself had made u mistake iu
writing under u pseudonym. Sidney Lanier
urgod me to write, aud sunl that it 1 would
do so he would get tho matter in priut for
uio. So he took 'Neelus Peelers Condi
tions,' and it brought mo $b0. 1 think he
was more greatly rejoiced over the money
than I was, and I'm not a niuuto turn my
buck ou toO. 1 was at first really surprised
that my stories were considered of any
value, either in a literary or pecuniary
way. 1 am u little surprised yet. I with
drew from teaching about six years ago,
aud since t hat time have devoted myself to
"I have never put a word in my books,"
continued Col. Johnston, "that 1 have not
hoard tho people use, and very few that 1
have not used myself. Poweltou, Ga., is
Wr Dukouorough. I was born fourteen
miles from there, aud the road lending
down to that place was a rough one. The
first of the 'Dukeboruugh Tales' was the
'(joosetown School.' Of tbe female char
acters that I have crcat!d, Miss Doolana
Lines is my favorite, while Mr. Bill Will
iams is my favorite among the male char
acters. I started Doolana to make her
mean aud stingy like her father, but I
hadn't written u page before she wrenched
herself out of my hands. She said to me
'1 am a woman, and you shall not make
me mean,' and then she just made herself,
and she was like her mother.
"These stories are all of Georgia as it
was before the war. Iu thu hill country
the institution of slavery was very differ
out from what It was in the rice region er
near the coast. Do you know the Georgia
negro bus live times the sense of the Seuth
Carolina negrof Why? Bocause he has
always been near his master; their rela
tions axe closer. My father's negroes loved
him aud he loved them, and if a negro
child died upon the place my mother wept
for it.
"Some time ago I went to the old place,
and un old negro came eight miles walked
all the way to seo me. He got to the
house before 5 o'clock iu the morning, and
opened the shutters while I was asleep.
With a cry he rushed into the room, 'Oh,
Massa Dick!' We cried in each other's
arms. We had been boys together. Ono
of my slaves is now a bishop Bishop Lu
cius Ilolsey. He is one of the most eloquent
men in Georgia and lives in Augusta."
ludiauapolis News.
Minn Antic Hosengrant
Ulster, Penn.
The Worst Case the Doc
tors Ever Saw
Hood's Sarsaparilla Perfectly Cured
0. i. Hood ft Co., Lowell, Mass. i
"Ileal Sirs: I wish to testify to the great
value of Hood's Sarjanai (Hit. For some time I been troubled with scrofula, which early
lust wintei assumed a very bad fntiu.
Sores Appeared on My Face
and hands and gradually increased in number
until they leached to ttl) shoulder. The doctors
said it was the worst case of scrofula they ever
saw and also went so far as to say it was In
curable. I tried ointments and other remedies
but to no avail. A friend recommended Hood's
Sarsaparllla. and although 1 as completely dis
couraged, m a last chance I resulted to Live It a
trial. Alter UKlng. in,-bottle 1 noticed the sores
had commenced to heal. Aflei the sixth bottle
They Were All Healed.
I continued to take it. however, until i had used
nine bottles, and now 1 am perfectly well."
Miss KATIE, L ister, Penn.
Personal Point., Abmt Well Known
Raaidents of the Villa?.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Moosiu, Pa., March 15 The infant
duughter of Mr. aud Mrs. Horace
French, of Mam street, is dangerously
Miss Elith Smith, of Main street,
has returned after p 'tiding the past
few days in Peckville.
Mrs, Simon Bouse, Mrs S J. Hinds,
Mrs. John LaBsr and Mrs. George
Tregallis attended the mid-year Wo
men's Christian Temperance Union
convention held in Scranton Thursday
aud Friday.
Mrs. Anna Richmond, of Daleville,
was in town Thursday.
when nursing babies, need a
nourishmenl that will glvo
them strength and make
their milk rich.
the Cream or Cod-liver Oil,
nourishes mothers and makes
babies fat and healthy. Gives
strength to growing children.
Physicians, the world over, en
dorse It.
Don't be deceived by Substitutes!
Praparad by Saott A Downs, N Y. All Druggitt.
Surprised Celestial.
The usually calm, expressionless China
men who run an up town dirt eradicating
and linen polishing establishment were
startled into manifesting great surpriso
by a customer who took a notion to test
the genuineness of their apparent immo
bility. After chatting for several minutes
and while all three of tbe Celestials in thu
place had their eyes turned upon him ho
suddenly gave a pull at his upper row of
false teeth and held them up before the for
once wide opened eyes of the Mongolians,
who instinctively dropped their occupa
tious in their complete astonishment.
After the lapse of a moment one (rnve a
yanknt his natural teeth and was followed
by the other two iu similar endeavor to
pull out tlivir incisors, w ith no result save
consternation. It look the white patron of
tho sallow laundrymcn some little time to
recover from his laughter nnd longer still
to explain that "Melican" men had teeth
made to order that jonld bn inserted nnd
removed at will. l uiludelphia Call.
For Colds, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis
aud Sore Throat, use Dr. Thomas' Eclec
trie Oil. aud get thegonuine.
Hood's Pills au- pmiupt and efficient, yet
easy hi action. Sold by all druggists. &c.
of diseases and de-
ranueiuontshave their
origin in torpor of the
liver. Deranged ap
petite, constipation
tieaduche, sour stom
ach, gassy lielchings,
indiitbstion, or dys
pepsia, m e due to
sluggish liver.
Mr. J. .ii n A. DsV
Berry, U. 8. Inspect
or of Immigration
at Buolo. IV. F
writes a followa:
" Frotn early childhood I suffered from a slug--gisti
liver. Doctors' prescriptions and nsteot
medicines afforded only temporary relief. I
tried Dr. Pleroe'B Pleasant Pellets, taking
three at night nnd two alter dinner every day
for two weeks and then one " Pollct " every
day for two mouths. 1 have in six months In
orensed In solid flesh, twenty-sli pounds. I
am In better health than I have been since
childhood. Drowsiness snd unpleasant feel
lugs after meals have completely disappeared.
Kcspectfully yours,
rj.s. Inspector of Immigration.
iMfll 1 and 2 Commonwealth bg,
Made at the MOOSIC nnd KUSH
Lsfilin & Rand Powder Co 'a
Electric Batteries, Fuse for explol
ing blasts, Safety Fuse and
RcpaunoC nemical Co. 'a High Explosivei
Dr. ED. Grewer
The Philadelphia SDeclallst.
And hla associated , tall of English snd Ger
man rliylclaiis,:ire now permanently located
Temple Court Building
fl 1 1 SIMUTCE ST..
Where they may be consulted DAILY AND
The Doctor la a graduats ot tho University
of Pennsylvania, formerly demonstrator of
pliyslologr and eurgorv at the Medlco-Chlr-nrgloal
College, of Philadelphia. He la also
an honorary memlier of the Medlco Chlrur
gleal Association, and was physician and
Uriteon-in-Chinf nf thu mnaK n.,t.M1 Imuriran
and Oermsn hospitals, comes highly indorsed
H '"iiuiu proieasors or rnuadelpnla and
New York.
His many years of hosDital experience en
ables this eminent physician and surgeon to
correctly diagnose and treat all deformities
snd diseases with tho most flattering s uccess,
snd his high standing in the state will not
all w him to accept anv Incurable case
If you have oeen given up oy your physi
cian call upon the doctor and be examined.
Be cures toe worst caaesof Nervous Debility,
Scrofula, Old Bores ( atnrrh. Piles, Female
Weakness, Affections of tho Bar, Eye, Nose
and Throat, Asthma. Deafness, Tumor. Can
cers and Cripples of evory desorlptlon. Con
nltatlon In English and German Free, which
hall be considered sacred and Btriotly conU
dential. iioe Hours: 0 A.M. tu 0 1'. At. Daily.
Funilit) . U it. m. to -' p.m.
1 1 m
National Bank of Serautou
tfierenre liuiRlieus ot youug men and young women iu thLl
country vo have splendid ability, but tbey have uever beeu
i . '
Wood's College of Business' and Shorthand
Has been an iuspiialiou to hundreds of young people. If yoa
are tired of inactivity and waut to do something tangibla,
come to the College.
SHOKTHAND COURSE. p g proprietor
50 pieces Moquette, $1.35 per yard,
100 pieces Velvet, $1. 15 per yard, -100
pieces Tapestry Brussels, 65c,
50 pieces Ingrain, 65c, Now
- Now $L00
- Now 90c.
- Now 40c.
Also a large line of Cotton and Wool and Cotton
grains at 25c, 35c and 40c
best bar
Other grades reduced proportionately. The
gains ever offered by any firm. No old stock.
spring patterns.
v .
Straw Mattings
Fresh stock (150 rolls) from $4.00 per roll (40 yards)
up to $20.00.
DcJi IV fill 'Ml las IE'
The most complete
in the market.
Hull Co.
205 AND 207 TOM HG AVE.
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000.
W. W. WATSON, Vice Prosidont.
A. B. WILLIAMS, Uatiler.
Irving a. Finch. Pikrcb a Finijit,
JoSEfU J. Jkamyn, m H. Kkmkheh.,
Ciiab, p. Matthews, John T. Pokier.
W. W. Watbon.
This bank Invitos ttio patronage ot
men and arms neutrally.
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
Statement Feb. M . 1HU I. celled for bj
tne louivtrollvi' or thai Currency.
Lnnna I,!!10,340 00
overdrafts H..:n
United Statea Uonds 80,000,00
Other Hiind. BIH.IWH
llniilitnit lliiusn X8.074.46
Premium, on U. 8. Bonds.... M8 70
Due from 1 . S. Treusurer 7.000 OO
Hue from iiituks 08.4tu 7S
Ceh 140,640.34
Capital tOO, 000.00
Hurulua 1 .' m iumi on
DndlTlded Fronts 0618VO6
ClrruUtlou 7H.000.00
Dividends Cniinld 1IH4AO
Deposits.' 1.004,000 (14
Due to Banka
Mi 008,000.60
i.l ii H. CATLIN, Vice-President.
Mil 1 I ill II. FUCK, Cashier
William Counuil, Ouorue II. Catlln,
Alfred Hand. .Iiimes Arrhl.nld, Henry
Hell.., Jr., William T. smith. I other
depositor, every
r hnltu.cea, bu.l-
Thls bank nlTers to
facility warranted by their
ne. and responsibility.
8pcclal attention given to business ao-
t uo.iL. Interest pillil ou time deposit.
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been,"
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
'The other man don the work. All I
liRTe to do is to carry up the brick."
All ycu have to do is to bring in the
money iind very little at that) and we
do the real. This week we oiler the
Greatest ParlorS nit Ever
Offered for the
A five-piece over stuffed Turkish rrame
suit. nphoUterrii in American Dama.k,
Trimmed in Bilk Plush and extra heavy
Fringe, aofi top and spring edge, con
sisting of
The Same Way at the Economy w
TOSr uo the rest. 1 his week we offer the 6aJ&A4
The above Is a combination of rioh colors.