TITR SCKANTON TRIBUNE- R I IjY MORNIJNG. MAKC1I 1G. 1894. iATKST DRAPERIES. UtnOlllU Ol TLLO rlOIL.O 111 CURTAINS AND PORTIERES. A UctulnlM'ouie of Ihi' Old l-'iialilonrtl I.umhrrquln Many PortlerOi For Single Door Ar ii.ti .i on Polaa Without lUngA ConvoaloBt Kovaibl iCronoii The old fashioui'il lambrequin had its tisc.iiiul a reminiscence of it is often wen in n narrow jrioeo of rich silk loonetl across the curtain in sonic fanciful way. When the window is a bow, the silk is carried ftkmg :ill the windows from one nolo to another, forming a continuous Up- per drapery. Decorator and Furnisher notes and illustrates tins and some other new ideas in drapery as follows: This strip of silk isalso used in the case of windows COMPLETE LIST OF BOOKS. In A F.R!S rRAPERY. near together. Another artistic plan, with two windows qtdtfl dOM together, is to use one lon curtain at each Win dow, the two lon ends hanging on the outside, the short iuside ends drawn to gether at the top between the two poles and fastened there in graceful folds. One long piece of stuff is often thus used in place of two separate curtains. A New York girl has a unique portiere hanging between her sleeping room and bath a piece of sailcloth on which is roughly painted the figure of a mermaid in the ocean. The curtain is tied by small loop of ropo to a stout tishing pole fastened across the door, and onti oracket abovj art) some laz'ie. exijuisite ly polished conchshells and starfish. Many single doors are using only one curtain, the material bought by the yard and the fringe sewed on. No rings are used. The rod is put on inside the door ways, with space above sufEcient to per mit the portieres to be thrown over the pole once or twice, according to the width of doorway, one end reaching to the floor, the other rpiite short. The fabric can be wound so loosely over the pole that the "sagging" in the center will form graceful curvos. Double doorways of course have two curt;iins, and many are hung in the way mentioned, coming from the ceiling. Th? most of them, however, are pnt on "movable cranes" fastened inside the doorways. These ctmm aro fasten :d like brackets in either side of the door way and lack several inches of touching each other. They swing in and ont v.-ith the portieres on them with the greatr -t convenience to passers. Among the most popular materials for doorway curtains in drawing rooms are the French empire brocades in blue, pink or yellow, with lace curtains of fine handiwork hung ov?r one nd High in favor are the heavy red French tapestries, used with bands of white cream lace, inserting stitched on the cur tains, forming a border. This color gen erally matches Tnrkish or French deco rations and can bo oatd with an empire curtain of pink on the other side of the folding door, done last week in a new RF.JfI:i.Hf.T;Nai OP THE LAMBIiKm. house, where the dining room was Turk ish and theparlor empire. If the curtains aru chenille, leave a ffot to turn over At the top M a fir.ih on the tide where the best effect is desired. When the double doorways nr low, Japanese rugs, such M are used for divans, aro swrr up as portieres. A Npw niflko. A bodice quite new and also very fa eoming to Blight figures mny be made np in any of the wool materials fot spring wear. It has a velvet yoke, belt, ill mm Tula of Hnndiomt Volum for Salt Popular Serlaa. Below will be found a new III tot the humUoma book comprising the jiopu l.ir sent now tillable to TBIBONI readers. The lit flas besn rained, aod Inclndtti thn books now iu stock. An oarly nrdet will be your afrst atMf anOI of Kettiug the volume yon wut. cou'sint s K'.'.niEs. Mental (Urania. Ibetery ol uaneon CiU. Laity Vol worth's Ihnuionils. Black iienutv. Tent of Bheu ut MamaiaUa'i Secret. Rabble spoil. Ptivateer Ban Prince Coarlea Daaghtef. BwIm Family BoqIbmu. Dentil r.mi uatrias. lilpsv iMtilr. Vr F. Fortatcua, Uriniee Boneenold Fairy Tales. Master ot I'craruoines. Mt i of llollaiitral. Merry -Men. Ivmiluxv Ji en's Oone, Hounl Horn. Huron Mutiotiauou. Col Quaritoa. lark Day Ooriillia. l.ifr' llouiorso. I 1 JVi u i'pis. Child Btoiorj of England, i hr ist m hi Btortee. lMit.ir8 Bargain. Hon on the Marts Eay r.lm. kvii Qenlna, Alien ;.u, :mi-i. Moths. As In n l.ooktug UUj. Witches Read John kUUiax. Diana C nen. Je t Repentaaoai ; ' Umm'ii. 'i o Orphana eeperate Woman. Wife In Name Oiil Between t wo sms (.'rooked Path. I'hrisimss Stories. Lie'i RMnpfee, Deenlarer, Javne Eyrt, Mott Ohvrr Twist. Strsuje Ait venture of aPaaeton. r'i:ti ami. Freedom. J.'hu Halifax. I'toncers. Ureezil Lanjitoa. Datcheati Dtok' Wandering. Friendship Hou. Mr. Vereker. Delete. Bory CTMor, becoud Thoughts. Sketch Ujok. OXFORD BIB1S& ti.iruaby Kudje. Ivanhoe, 1 ick'e sweetheart. Aesop' Fables. Ea-t Lvnu. Foul Play. Duval C'ooperfleld. liiiflih ciauut. Daughter of Heth. Vicar of Wakefield. Moaastery. Children of thu Abbey. Life of David Crockett. Bride cf Laaitnerinoor, Aurora FloyJ, D m (jaixco. GoilJercy. Buy Maunerlng. V.viau the Boaaty. Knickerbocker Uistory of New York. i nandos. Z taont. 'X'be Vicomte'e Bri le. Faith and Uutaitn. PrinctH Suushiue. Tetaaeee. Wir, Humor and Pathus. VHsconselas. Tho Partisan. TheToung Uoke. Willy R-iliy. The Firm of Girdlestone. Wigw am and Cabin. fialf Hoars with (ireat NovelistJ. The Dov- in the Eagle's uejt. Erne OgilvK The Sin of Joost Avelingh. The Phantom Ship. The Forayer. The Iemsrer. Two Years Before tho Malt) A illrked Man. (iiat Expectations. Tom ( ringle's t.jg. Fair Women, (.'uthcriae. iloase on thi Marsh. Beyond Parilon. Tho Vendetta. Tub Spy. Tom brown at Oxford. Child Hi 'tory of England. Mys ery of Orcival. Mnidcrs in tte Hue Morgue. Mar7 St. John. KtrleiCraiada Matteraan Heady. Mellichampe. Katharine Walton. Knelm Cbilltogly. Harry Lorrrqoer, .ne. Gilded Cliqne. The Parting of the Wayj, VaflMM T Infamonj. Brole Btlohiejra The Owl JIou.se. Eutaw. Du.mas of l.ife. bet.nls Daval. oiiizukr. Rival Princon. Story of an Africrn Farm. Bontbward Ho. So nea from Clerical Life. Srrlin. Sir.an Hqnr Scandal. Bbedawe and Bn&tieaaMi Iiichsr'l Bnrdt; Ubtory f'f Ine ("nlierl States. ( hild s IIit'.r7 of Enfjlie'i. Eight Y"rs Wnoderiug in Ceylon. l.'ird (.f Prey lialfd Hay. Iteaaehamp. I ripa, tha (.'arrler. Cbatfnat. Old and Naw. ( ihsletaMfi Obaplel of Penrls. Rhodo Flemming. nepioeet of Aunrslny. .nr. linn. Silai Warner. Armorol of Lyonnrs". All H irtu ana Conlltioni of Men. A 1'nlr Of BlM Eyps. A Hardy Noracmatt. A Fals Start. When Ilaliy vim ri k, vrn fnvi- h-r rvmfnrlo, IKhejB I ii" won u OilliJ, r.lm crWl fof Cuttcrl. WJien lii Ufnmi- Mlm, shn elun:; to ''anfiiia. When ah Im.l Clilldreo.stie guvutluiui t'ostuila. t BQpjmia to kught rtavun, epaulets nnd cuffs. Tho Greek pattern on tho yoke and cuffs is formed with a beaded braid. Tho epaulets trim the edgo of the yoko nt tho back, and tlio material f.nm them is plain until it reaches the belt. The color of gold is a brilliant yellow; when tho metal Is pure, It Is nearly th orange yellow of the solar Hpoctruin. When it contains a littlo silver, it Is pal jellow, cr greenish yellow. a 1 & ?.", s.'0'l B !PIL(DI!JlP iiomiA JK F. IHeaaei ife IIM The Flour Awards "CiticAiio, Oct. II.- Fb first offloial annonnoenent ot World's Fair dl- idomiis on Hour has been made A medal hai been awarded by the World's Fair juduei to th Hour liianu faolured by the Washburn, Crosby Co, in the (treat Wnshbiuu Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The Committee report the Hour itrOHg ind pure, and entitle! it to rnnl iih timt-class patent Hour for laiiilly und bakers' use." W1EGARGEL & CONNELL It IKil I v M I AOUMTH SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The aboYe hrnd of flonr can be had at any of th following merohanta, who will nccept THB Tuiliusi: PLODIt Cot TON ot 5 ou oaoh on huudrod pounds of Hour or fiO on each barrel ot Hour. erantou P. V. Prlo. WhlDgton avnun I Goiit m iiia Bran L Dttuaare P.P Prtoo, Qold Medal Brand, Umunui P. D Uanle) BnprlatWo Brnni Hyde Pork Oaraou St w iumi, .. St. Gold Medal Brandi J aopfi A Ileal, Mam nvonnt Unporlatlv nr.oni. Qrowi BWao A LSpsuoor.Gold MuilitlliramL J. r. Moll tie, Bnparlatlve Provtdenoe -Feuuer .v CnMppelL N Main eve mv Sutxoiiit.v i l.iaml.i'. .1 Uillo,pi w. Market trejt. flOli Men il Mr.uid oiyt'tiHut Jin Jordan, Bnnerlatl Brand, I'ci hv il t ti nT t H U Is I HUMI'UtiV. Jeruivii -I'. 1 Wl'itera M Co bupsraiAtlT Aronoald Jon 8 ntpeon N Ho u ild Medal, Cartonda B. 8. OUrk, Gold Modal Brand. Ilonesdah' I N Platter St Co liol 1 Me.l i . Uinook M II. UtU. TaylorJudge ft'Co, Qold Medali Atberton & Co., BuperlatlvA pnrye Lawronoe Htore Co., Gold MedaL llooaio- John Mi i. m Me.lul. Rttaton M W O'Boyle, Ooll Medal i i.tik'ri Orn"-Fra St Pwrierj Bttperlatlre, L'lark'i nuntnill P. M. If ouiik, Gold Medal, I'uliou s. v.. Plnn A Bon, (told Muilu. Brand, M h ilon E. Harding. w uv. riy-M Bill ABon, Gold Medal Pootoryvlllo ciiar. i . dole Medal lloiii.ottu.ii N. :.l Plan 4a Sou, Gui.i Medal Tobyhanna Tobyhsnni '- i. n i.u.niior Co., (find Mena) Brand iii.udib.ro .'. A. Ail mi i. Goll Ml 11 Bran d. Moieow Qeige Aweinenta Uoiu .Muuui. Lake Ariel James A Bortr'ee, UOjd Medal PoreetOiry L. Morgan Co., Qold Medal THE smtmmmmmms P, Hotel Wayerly Fnr)nan Plan Fimt-rlasi liar attnhd Uepol for Ilcrgnor A hovel a Tamihumaer ItoiT. H. E Cor. Itttl sod Filberl Sh Mih Jli.pt iP'Htralil1 for roHlilimta of N.fe. Penn' ryiMuiia All oonTonlencio tor trarelere to anil Irom Brond Htrei.t atatlon aud tin lui'irth nml Market Ktrt rUtlon l... ilrnhle for Tlhlling Horautonlaiu and ir tic lu tho Anthracite KokIou. f. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. What Is More Attractive Than a pretty faco v.'ltli a freah, bright complexion? For It, use Potzonl'a Powder. PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM Makes gr Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula A P. P. P. nnrin3th blood bntldann tho nnl debilitated, Rivos ptronth to WMUMBM utrvoi, expels dineaMos.ffivitig' the pat lout health nnd ha)lni3d whore si oh ti ass, frloomj : .: . - and lusnltade tlrst proralled. Forprimarv.sHOondary and tertiary syphilid, for DIOOd po.snnlni?, raercu-7i-K-. mularLi, i. and 1q all bltxd and sl.ln diseases, tlhe blotchoA, plmplefl, old chronic moors, tetter, scald head, boll, eryalpel-ia. erzemi wo may say, without fear of contradiction, that P. P. P. Intbebcst blood partner In the world, and ruukea f'oultlve, speedy and permanent cures n all casos. Ladlns whose systems are pohuned and whose blood is In an Impure condi tion, due to menstrual trreK'ilarlt.les. are peculiarly henetttod by the won derful toulo and blood cloanslnff prop ertlesof p. P. P Prickly Ash, Poke Root and P"taastum. fiPRINOFIKLD, MO., Allfl. 14th. 1803. I can speak; In tho highest terms of our medicine from my own pt-rsonn. nowledse. I was affected with heart disease, pleurisy and rheumaMsm ior 35 years, was treated by the very ben phydlnlans ann ap'nt hundre1s of dbr Iari, tried very knftwn remedy .: out BadJAg relief I have only taken one u-t l- of your P. P. P. , and ran rhe-rf'illy say it has done me more good than anything I have ever taken. I can recommend your medlcino to all oulferers of q nbo7e dUeans. MRS. M. M. YFAHY, h; . . l. Green County, Mo. Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores Es Catarrh, tVlalaria 3 and Kidney Troubles 3 Arr rnllrlj- rrcuotiMl by P.I'.P. aw Prickly Ah. Toko Root and Tolas- " plum, tho greatest bloud purlflur on -OBP earth. aOj ApKnoRES, 0. . July 21, P Mrshs. I.u'i-MAN Hkih. , Havanouh. Qo.i ULAit Hiim-I IioukIic abottloot a yi.ur P. P. P. nt Hot Hprlup.Ark..and . g) It h:ii. don 01 nioro i;oi,.Ith:iQ threo ::i .i :l . trraiment at tin. Hot Sprlnga. "a Bend three hottlt-a ('. . 1). elf' Reaocctfully yourn. m J AS. M. NKW'TON, aW Aberdeen, Brown Count', 0. iejl up:. J. n. Johnaton. a9 To all vhoin it may concern: I hero- ' hy tcntlfy to the wonderful propertlea aeJKt of P. P. P. lor eruption ot the skin. I poffered for several years with an an sightly and disagreeable eruption on . my fnce. I tried every known reme dy but In vain .until P. P. P. was used, mP and am now entirely eurod. (Blgnedby) J.D.JOHNSTON. JW Bavenuab, Ua. ef Nkln nncer Cured. Tettimontrom the Mayor of Stfitn,Tcx, 'K Skqoin, Tex., January 14, 1H93. " Masdus. Lipi'Man Rroh. . Savannah, -"W Gn, : tintltrim-l havo tried your P. V. P. for a dlseaso of the skin, usually known aa skin cancer, ot thirty yeara' fty tandlng. and found itreat relief: It lninllestno bloisl nnd emoves nil lr- ' rltation from tho aoat of the dls.- iso . eW and prevents any snnndinu of tho . oral. I bavo taken Qveor six bottles 1 a and fel oonfldont thaianotber course , Bf will efTeet a euro. It has also rilllVeu mi from lndlK"Stlon llni ritomacb - "Sftw troublua. Yours truly, OAPT. W. M. RUST. Attornoy nt Law. SP Book on Blocs Disecses mailed Free. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. Sj LIPPMAN BR08. 3 PROPRIETORS, 0 I.lppmnn'alil'M'kAutiiminh.T.'n ULCERS, PIMPLt-S, D LOTCHES, ABSCESSES, SALT RHEUM, RUNNING SORES, OR SCROFULA e IN THE SPRING If so, your Blood must bo Impure. Cleanse the Blood and SyBtem with Burdock Blood Bitters DBBYIUJL Mich., April 10, lrH. HtteHS. FosTr.n Mn.nnnN & Co. liar Sim I write tliat von may know tlio gooil I lmvn rprolvctl from tho BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. I am now nn tho ninth bottle of yotir womlrrful Blttan. 'mil mutt CODffles I lmvn reoettet prompt ctini of n lonjt, Ktiimllni; (Hsrnso BCROPULA. I havn iwed dollar after dollars' worth of nedklnee and received DO relief, but the third bottle Of B, B, H. 1 found nr't reft I Imvo nlao used tiiro bottlee of Burdocx Pill ; the arc the iost. tsedldno I ever took. I oarinot pralN them too highly. I do own my whole life to tiinn tnj) can reoom- mend tnnm to orery llvlntr lOUl Hint 1 afflicted with tlmt drrtidfiil illapiuiii, BOROF L'LA. I was iillliiti d with liiinps a luro a an m In my rlfrht sldo and uugo lumps on my thront,, ntul my limlm wrrrt OOVeted with a humine and Itching rush, which Try Kffttiy annoyed me when near the wo. tovo. I imd ipenta great deal rif monej trrlng to got rrllcf, nnd oontuluid the tt. medical treatment In the Stati), but nil In vain, they did inn no rood whatever, and 1 hud about Riven up when I thought I would try your medicine, nnd, thaok God, they havo cured me. i uiu a well woman to-tlay. Your over true frlotid and well Wither, MRS. ciiah. HtJTTON. v. ' Dorvllle, (St. Clair Co., Michigan. RESTORE LOST VIGOR JJefor. Mel Alt. I Uvliig, Jtl'TI fllai.n.l.rt Wll' 1, ...... IM ....In ....,b A... A 1... ......... I n. 'Iff AWAM . KH In i nte NrivmaKlillllr, !, nfMinal r..n.t 11, ,nh.i ... h , ,,,.., k n..n, ..-.. .. II IHfMN.igil Ireuhl-a Ikii.I I oonaamraM or iMMltr, 11 Mr btiaj BtlhtboiMfMI. With r.n. Klnli. ri .7 . . . nwnWMl! H f-l'ltO MM 1'KAI, MR Mil oo.. CbnTaal, ObK, Fornl by .I0I1N II. PBBLPtS rhniiuaclal. cor. Wj ouiIiik Ave. ud H.rnceHf. Hrranton, ln. i 81" Tho only cafe, euro an4 roUablo Fomalo Tlhh ovor offorod. to Ladlo. oapealully rooommond- .f u .iv anon m c nM wmt m ' " 'i' iiiitiruui I. no , .1 Auk toe m. MOTT'fl rrairniiTir. mr.T.n ami tk.. .... ...1 ?t4" Soud for circular. 'rl o 01,00 per li 0 boien ior Ao.ooi DB. M3 l'rI"M tUllClMICJAL, CO.. - lovoliuia, Ohio. ra lire H, 11 . 1111 ix. Iirult, IHI ivnn .tin PENNYROYAL PILLS. 'NERVE SEEDS. TM ivunrierftil rm. ,lr imr- ABtl-1 loriltn mil ailAal rill. ' -, i.'ii in Wnak Mm -m , , I iQM "f Ilrnln I'uwtr. llniidftclin, NVitkofuliicro, liOKtManhotirl, Nluhtljr KmlMlnni, Norronwnrsi ftliilrftlniftinl OMOI pwr I'lcrnilrfi linn of tf'haccn. onltim or tlnmlniiln, wbli lt leii't to luUrtiiltr. Ctin rAtuiiniiHnn r 1 -inn 11I i j'. nn bo - r . 1 -1 1 n vt,at DOOISd WI pOI tmx, l fur 6f, ifthy mull piopulil. W ith ft fltft onler noirtve m rltlon tfiim un..- to cnr KaniLdtlmmnaa I 'Triml u r I rim Q .M il n 1 1 H rinrul nl A aL ( . .p I i . .. "fcfOliE AND AFTtfl USING. iioothor. a.j aIskvi: mkkik'o., Macudio Totupie, oucaqo. ill Upholstery Department OR William : Sissenberger Onpotit Baptit Charon, Penn Avenue, Is repleto with fino and medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Rockers, Couches and Lounges for the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets, Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholstered in a Substantial manner. Will ba as good as new. N. A. HULBERT'S City Music Store, VV . ' ..i I ' i a r feCKANTOjb NTKINWAY SO id i Hi I: nilflTIIKIUI UftANUlH A HACK hi 1,1.1. Ac UAUKIt vn PIANOS 4 ' h M . of brit-cltu ORGANS UUSK M, MBit! !HANOUtt mi Mi; i;m, i.i a For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by II. C. SANDERSON, Driest, oor. Waehlngton gut eoiuuus. Atlantic Refining Go. Manufacturors und Dvalora iu Illnmioating and Lubricatiag OILS I.inood Oil, Nnpthas and Gaso lines of nil grade. Asle Grease, Tinion (irense nnd Colliery Com jiound ; also, a lurfe liuo ot Par ii.flinij Wax Candles. We also handle the Fnmom CROWM ACME OIL, the only family safety turning oil in the market. WILLIAM MASON, Manag r Ofllro: CM lisclianffn. Wyumlui Av V nrka at Hm Braos. DUPONT'S M1MNU, I1LAST1XU AND BPOBTINO POWDER l.ftiiufflrturt'tl Ht (ho Wnpwulloimn MilU, Lu MafeM ro'inty Vh udli Wlv uiiiigtuti, IX-luwart. HENRY BELIN, Jr. ( li nra1 Asrnt for tha Wyoming District. u8 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa '. in Ml National Bank HiiiMing. AoaKCin TBOfl FORD. PJtnrtoa. Ta JnHN H SMITH SON: l'lym.nitli Pa. F. W Ml'Ll.lUAN, Wilkw ftarr.. Ta 'm . tot tho BepeallO C'tieinloal Com lany'a Uhfh BawOatT llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll A DVERTISE YOU R WANTS IN T HE SCRANTON TRIBUNE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih I BLOOD POISON I MiaRfoRvm- I Ofly. iMolc- I .iiM.i-. I'M i t, ,'aai.tK'ci t. I rHHa nnl ami I09tt BOOK , I Ihntnttd I iDiii I l H I fnoii I'. ltmM,VM t)( mail wtien Mot WfnWM I i n ..,tvi n.,T Mnnlr Rnmedv win 1 prwttlTtly MM, (B MRHKlM 00 , III. I DKtTKtl HHOK Wi taop. raptfal. SI .000,000. ni si pm.ao HUOH in nil. WORLD "A dollar 'ivfd it a ..'") . 'rhlra.l.''Soll.l Tr.'nt h DoSffOla KM Hut ton Itmit (lt'l.Vf ret! 1'riMi uny whert In the I'.S . n:i rwi-lpt uf iuth, Mtmry Onlt-r, or 1'uMni now for tliO. I 'i i ilt ivfry way thi' biK-tn iofl In nil retail !-. for Wo nmkn thin l .: i"., i.-U (-m, tliernfnio wo tfuar ntrfi IM JH, fic ana irtar. nnd If niiy olio Ia not lutlnnni wo win roriina mo motuv r '.imi. I nnothcr pair. QM r;i loo or t iimmon hPtmo, wliltlm 0, I' I . X l - , i 1 to H and in i Stmt ynur tie f; liHl tit UQU. Ill UHt lilt I'll oatA louuo $ FREE FEDEHAL ST., I llOSTON. MASH. JSpeclul tcrmt to !- -it. iii 'ffliiia Tdk BBfrTrnVf5V m Iu tbe snip of tlie shears, The bondholder Leara The sound of his money enhancing; Why not copy his way, And clip every day To get something that's quit as entrancing You Can Do It! BY SKIPPING AND CLIPPING YOU GET $24 VALUE FOR TEN CENTS Just to think of the delights of a trip ail over our own country, from Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico! AND JUST THINK OF Being able to do it in easy stages, at TEN CENTS "a stage." includ ing the services of a guide! Yet, that is just what we do for you. Realistic Pictures from ever part of America, done in NEW process indelible typogravure delineate the journey. Tho incomparable world-famed traveler and lecturer, PROF. GEO. R. CROMWELL, is the guide. Journalistic enterprise is th? conductor of the trip. America "From Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico." will be publihil iu weeklv rios of iixton vievra vac'.i Tiiw 11x18) inch, fully wortb $1 80), ami will rmbrncetb phyaioal ntU scenic woafar of Ouir Own Land, thl wboU (mIUM by Prof. G. R. Cromwell E.ioh serUa vritl enolosJ in handBomo oovora. The Cnpltol, W HHiiiiiKion i h Coimnooi Hottoo. I rliiltiig UottM Squiirr, Nm rK M v I hIU, Iir.vt'iim t'anitu, Colormlm Chntnul Mrr t rhi i n 1 1 i j-it i i fi BlIOWktOM I M ) -.11 I n ; Brvnton't ' Nvwpoi't. Cvntral rrk, MtuneBpolltv A vd It or lam BoteL citicrtiro. Loti Sunn HititiiU. st . tAwrsn6 nirrr. i tin p to sttuHK'. Knit i it .' rity, BtmintHln Hoiiho. CnMSOH sprint., 1; Vushini;ton Mouumen HMltlinore. Htm RnN KrtlN, :..' City of Vletorla, iv c MtKi. AImhUu. Dexter Shoe Co Each Series Lasts but one Week, See That You Get Them AIL jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifisuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiii.iiiiiiiiiiHHiiniiigiiii; I AMERICA COUPON NO. 16. I ' Semi or bring two of these coupons, differently numbered, with Den Cents, and get ilio first series of sixteen magnificent photographs, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiK MIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.IHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH MARCH 16 This Coupon, with two like it, but of different s dates, and with Ten Cents in cash, will secure one part of the World's Fair Art Portfolio in four Is parts the one announced before. fllllUIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIllllllllllllUllllllf