TUB SCBANTON TRIBUTE FRIDAY MORNING. MARCH 10. 1894. LIVE NEWS OF TWO PITTSTONS rTm Scranto.n TiiiHUNK'a l'ittston dS parlnient U iu charn of J. M. Fuy, to whom news item and oouipliiiuU maj bo referred.! ACTION FOR J.,,ooj DAMAGES. fames L Morris for Widow Qllmartln Suit. Hsr Husband's SUvr. An action iu datnigss for $'.'5,000 was couiuisnced at Wilkes-Barre, Wadues day, by Attorney James L. Morris, iu behalf of Mr Annie Oilmartin iiiiainst .lames MoLangfalin, formerly of this rilai'O, bttt now rusuletit of Mayttald, Lackawauua comity. It will bo recalled that one year ago this mouth McLaughlin, who at that time conducted a saloon on BoUth Main street, assaulted Jam! ttiltuartiu, hut baud of the plaintiff, with mob vio leuse as to MUM his dMtb a low hours afterward. The dtfirivtng of th sup port thereby caused is due for the preseut aetiou a DURYEA S NEW POSTMASTER. Hottl Frprtator M K Corcoiau Saouraa tha Covetsd Piiai. M t OoTOorao i the bappiatl into in Dnryea at the preseut miuueut His joy is due to a itiiaina vterdsy morn ing from Washington, D C . apprising bin of hi appointment a ttt to succeed t Dill, who ha ao accept ably conducted the atl'iirs for the pas! four vesrs Mr Corcoran is well known id these parts for hi ui.iriy social imlitla. lie oouduets a hotel busiuass aud is a 'straight-haired Democrat from bis toe up. Tm Hbisr ututiinl insurance p dtcv agaiut attacks of llrjtnSSI t to bo touud m tafcuig Hood's s'arsapari'.la. IC you aro weak II will make yoo strong Hoop's pats are the beet after dmuer pills, assist digestion, cure headache. Try a hoi. Ha Dfch at J 'hu L Caitwrisht. John L. Csrtwrtght, one of West Putstoa'e moat iwptotad ottiiaaa, died at his home on Wyoming aveuus Wednesday evening at i o'olook. His death w entirely uuex;v?3ted. He had been ailing for the pea; few days, bat hi ailmeut wai thought to be uothiuji more than a slight told, brought about a a result of a trip to the Prorideuoa poorfiouse, of wai.-h h was a director. Tha fuaeral will occur tomorrow after nooo at tba bouse. DEAR OLD GRANDMOTHERS. PITTSTON BRIEFLY RAPH ED. Events of the Borcaa-b. Cu: Dova for Quick Paroaal. "McCarthy's Mishaps at Music Hall this taenia. The hospital contains twenty-three catisnta at tha present time aud the full compliment of bads ara ia use. The attention of school AinotuM aud teachers of th ssbnols at tha praaeut time ibooid ba aser:ed in keeping a sharp lookout for childrau coming from infected districts. A little ttn nor? taken in this respect, if not neces sary, can do no harm Al Rica, of Mill street, employed as a brikenau in Oxtoa yard, wbila en gaged in coupling cars yestsrd.iv morn ing had his hand sqnid. A physi cian dressed tbs weund. The injury, whtla painful, is not serious. A wagon carrying telesrraph pfles wn struck by the tenth bound Dela ware, Lackawanna and Weeteru pas senger train whieh lsaves tha Junction at 2 o'clock. Tha accident lOOBfTOd a abort distance above tha Lackawanna croaaing. The driver and horses es caped injury. f he Art goag had one of itt periodi cal tpatma about 10 o'clock Wednes day evening. All of a sadden it com meacsri to blow and never stopped un til tha steam iu tne boilers beatme hauatad. Tha general opinion ia it should ba removed without delay. Mrs. Hanry Cobtn ao4 Mist Cohen left y eater lay morning for N'sw York eitv Mr. and Mrt, A W. Andarton, of tha W-tat Side, are sojourning in Philadel phia. They expect to ratnra home to day. Mita Reap, of William ttrtat, pasted Wednesday among scran ton acquaint ances Miss Robinson of EJinabaraton, N. Y , ia viaiting Mrs Anderson, of tae Wat Side. George Evsraart, who has been for several yaara in Chioago.it viaiting tha scene of his fcoynood in thia place. Timothy J Lmrkin, of August i, Oa., it viaiting bta parenta on .South Main street. Mm. Holvey, of the West Hide, will lecture In the Bsotist church at F toryvilla on Monday, Tuesday and Wednetday evening of neat week. t V or. no you ride on a railroad that usee no oangDr signals? That m a signal of danger. The safest core is Healthy, Hearty, Happy, Using Paine's Celery Compound. How to Milk i the lnst Miles us Smooth as Possible. Ttiti llluess oi the A'il Mainly Couies Uuder tbe Head ot Weakness. For nget the world hat been piling up it iudehtednesi to tho the aweot, sunny, saintly gruud mother, who. wliau mother' hands have been full and strength overtaxed, havn urmuudu I the young lives under the home roof with the atmosphere of pence aud BO selfishness. Care for them, then Give them the best of OATt and love and thought. Do not let the old folks nnv lo:igr think they ire retired and must sitfOlear back out of aiht front the world, ierl log tiiat they have no relation to it Oive them your arm when the streets are lUpptrT. Carefully avoid saying auything that luipiir that thay are in the way. KAiutuher that thev, more than younger prople, need Mmathing to atir and olear their alow blood aud give strength aud tone to their BafTM and more feeble uoivert ofdlgtltiOD and aasimilatiou. The illness of the aged mainly OOtnai uuder the h.id Of weakness, but none are to old to be helped by PaloVl celery oompoan I It bring new material for bnltdiog up WOTUOQl uei ve tissue l'he many form that nervous wsak uess t.ikes all disappear when once tne vein are supplied with pure, more abundant, mora vigorous blood. 1'aiue's oslery couinouud cures dys poptlia, lltapltatONt, headache, aud neuralgia. It cleanse the blood ot every tract of poisouous huuiois an encourages a rapid addition of the red OOraueltl upon which the vigor of the entire boiy depeude White cheeks, white lips, badly nourished frame indicate thiu. pojr blood. Paine' celry oompouud re toret tricb, pure currant to the blood an I a healthy action to tba uervout system. To those who canuot sleep because of nervout exhaustion. Pun celery compound will shjw itself the one tiling ueeled Men and women of every age who have to struggle daily I to meet the n -e Is of too great nervous I axp-nditares should tuke thit great remedy, lis vigorattng. toothing action begins at ouct at the nerve cm t-irs which msnuftcturea tbe nervous force for every imisele and orgau of the bodv. Not only bat too liltlt) attention been paid ta tiia aged, but tne prevention of uervous'distatae iu children aud young adults hat been ntgl-joted Fame's celery compound ia genuine foo 1 for the tired and used up nerves. It cures tendency to htadacnts and all those i seaxee which are dne to a disordered n.-v?".s svnem. dry it. you win be convinced. Old Coaching Days. In 18l!S driving had become u tine art, horses were g(od, the conch and it ap poiutments erfeot, attd both eoachmun aud guard were superior to the man of 10 or ?0 yeara previously. Seworul broken down geuili iu.ii took to the profi s .ion, inolitdlng tha famous Mr. Stavensou, Mr. Gwynnu and "the baronet," Sir St. Vin cent Cotton Of the lews aristocratic cnach fnnu tbe most crdubrntrtl waro Tim Carter, Who died ho lately us last March, and Hob art Snow. it should bo retnembarad that the old ohool drovt htovilt ImMb oooohta over liidltferent. aoada. The result vuh that hurses seldiMii laetrd more than two or thn o yearn, and much cruelty was uu doubt isily prhtleid "I tlild tbe iiuIiuiiIh, " rune a luiNsibly mythical uttarnnca, "you Rpd whipootd. Bona Of the etorh s of the eroas OOQDtfy couchc. running to Worthing, Porta mouth, KrlMtol mid so on, are OUrioUt, particularly of thai started bySqalr" Walker in an nBIXtOOtaafUl attempt to ruin u proprietor against whom he had a grudge One of hi. teams oootainad lb rat piebalds und il white gray painted to mulch the others There is putlum, ton, about the end of (Tpfold, an cvcellent whip, who after u Merlin of mishap Anally met his ileuth through pulling the wrong rein. London Athenn uin. samaasurable Dlstaneaa. Every well Infoi tAi raadtc knowaor ba lieves thai each tn lolling star is either uu Inbabltad glotaa or a nirat blaaingorbof tile, like out tUU, but ho far uwuy that they appear to be merely nil IliinicuHUrulile dlaianot One of the,;lantsof the lot is Sirius, the "iIhk tltr, M which is Nmovad from tba earth bj aueb an Immeaiurnblt dlttanot tii.it a oouipariaon is the only thing that will give any idea Of the tin menaity of theeeaoi tpuoewbieh eiuruUM our kIoUi from it. Now to the ooinparlton Light travel w ith u velocity of 818,000 miles per second - rays from the mono, 840,000 miles uwuy. reach us in about u second and a quarter; from the sun il would take eight minutes for light to travel the d lata not which intervene-, from Jupiter .v.' minutea and from Sirius 111 yean, Let us look nt this from another Hiint of view. It II were possible that Sirius could have been blotted oiiuni Jhii. 1, 1MH - tli'il is, hud lie been put into uu tm nicuse bag and tOOMd instuutly into the "abyss of time" we could not possibly recognise the fact befuro Dee 31, 11)10 St Louis Republic. HAPPY SERGEANT DUNN Tlie Great New York Weatner Prophet the Hlith Tower. In WHAT HIS SECRET IS No Matter How Hard tho Wind Blow Ho Keept Woll and Qhoorfuli May -I i - .V.I i don't quite comprehend Mis Norway PineHyrnp. Hold by on a guarantee of satisfaction. br. an Wood's deaUrs Jack. Suiitb. Tom -Iu wbut respect!' Jack Well, wo WON Children together, aud here now I'm 3!. and she's only Tom You've lived faster than she has. Jack Thanks, old fellow. I gO.au tbut explains it Detroit Free Press THINGS OBSfRVFU AND NOTED. Tha establishment of a boird of health for this borough Is a itep in tha right direetlon and oie it la to be i.ot,d will b carried into ffet as epaedily aa possible. If there is a sam lilanca of trnth in the manv storiae that are in circulation, wa as a com mo'iity are surrounded on all aldts with contageons diseases fatal in their results The establishment of euoli boards in tbis common wealth Is of such recent origin that few of the many cities and boroughs have as yet become entirely used or reconciled to thia so called innovation. The que tion ns to tbe authority or mission of euch boardt is, it it fair to lay, ques tioned by not a few. For the benefit of these skeptics it is DOCOMftfy to state that tbe local board derives it author ity from the state by the act of aeaem bly of May II, 1698, an extract of which appeared beetofofl in these minimis. The DOWd ranks na a dt fendant only for the appointment of ita members, it being a on-ordlnate branob with the town council, ou whieb body it relies for the approval and appropriation re quired to discharge tbe duties incumbent upon it as a body. While the act of assembly on tha ono baud defines the authority of the locnl board, on the other band it sots forth tbe duties and responsibilities which may be comprised in tbe few worda: "The preservation of tbt pnblio health." The Importance of this question can not be bettor illustrated by tbe mere fact that if tbe responsibility be al ready great when the health of an in dividual only it concerned, bow Infi nitely greater must it become when tbe autboritiet hare to deal with the health condition of the whole ooin mnnlty. To fulfill this mission, in view of the prevailing prejudice arrayed againat it, is a problem of no mean order. That there will be more or less prejudice against the establishing of such board goea witnout sayinr, becauto there n-vsr was a time when a movement in angurated for the betterment of the community was advanced than tome nltra-contervative individual in the exuberance of hit economit nature oriea ont, "What' the use of a hoard of nealth: Look at the expenasl" and mny aimilar rtmtrks I: is ob vious that it will require mire than the persuasive powert of the board itself to overcome thit prejulice aud convert its opponent! into disciples To do this tbt boird will have to rely largely upon the assistance of outside source, and, to the writer a way or thinking, it would ba extremely dim onlt to think of three more powerful allies than the school, the melical pro fttsioo, and, last but not ltatt, tbe preas. The former iu importance it paramount to either of the latter, be c.inae the instruction gained on this subject will fatniliariz) the ris ing generations with the public needs in sanitary resptct to such an extent that they will grow np well prtparsd to eoraprehen 1 the im portance of tanitary tnnervition. Iu the telection of tha men who nre to be appointed preti lent of Council John Mangan sr.onld bear in mini tint the dntiet which will develop upon them will require a Urge amount of iinnur tiality, fearlsemeaa and hack bone. The dnties are mueh harder to perform in a town of Pitti ton's tiz than in larger citis?, where offieials art not to apt to la tnrown in social or personal contact with private partial , where thtantbor ity of the office covers the little ihort cotnings of its incumbent, or where, to o a common txpreeaion, tha nftiue mka the man, for by reason of his familiarity with every holy it it mum mora difficult for an official toexeruin his authority and inspire his fallow citizens with the proper reeptct for hia office, it ia a well known fact that pertonal oontiderstions, lies of friendship, social connections, hnsinei' relations, all tend to hamper blm in the enforoemsnt of the law and unitary rules governing the borough He laoks, to to tpeak, the Incnbns of antbority and offl'iial Independenoe which is to be found in tbeelty official To avoid sunh Influenoes bolng brought Into play can only lie remedied by the appointment of men who are tohserv int to no corporation, olique or class. Will thia bo done? tea It. was highly amusing at the council meeting last Monday evening to listen to OOfloifl members protesting strauu ODlly that they did not care in the least whether the gen rsl public knew how they voted on certain oflieee, to lie filled, while it tbe lame time these bhiiix iriimbars were using their hast endeav ors to luive their votes taken by a secret ballot. tea Since the question hai arlann, "Are councilman entitled to pty'f" it would be well for the present boird to asoer tain where they are at. One of the hoard made hi position tlear at the Monday night suasion by stating to tne board they eould conildtr hia resign a Hon immediately if there was no salary attached to it In view of Councilman llnunelly's position on the QUetllOQ, be being a lawyer, and the declaration of the law whinh sayt ooUnrilmnti shall serve without pay, it nunalns to be seun if the objecting member will be us good as hia word, or whether his dec luratlon il another case of "hedging, " Aro the nfllcei of borough auditor and borough tecretary IneompatibleT .1 dm K. Dempsey, who was recently elected borough auditor, and inbte quently borough secretary, ia at the present time filling both positions. As tbe auditing of theteerttary'a aeoountt it a part of tbe auditors work many peraont oontend that, legally, they are not. In support of their argument they claim Mr, Derapaey oannot audit his own accounts because to do to would ratablitb a preoedeot which would be inimical to tbeintereati ot the borough a contention that it foil of aound ttnee and good law. With the New Valves Out of Sight Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, CREDENDA, GENDRONS, And a full line of Boys' and Girls' Wheels. We are mak ing extremely low prices on Second-hand Wheels. Nkw YultK, Manh U Strgt. Ella II. DUDD, who since the llepartmmit of Agriculture has takeu thargu of the weather bureau, Inn been popularly kuowu Funner Dann, Isoueofthe very beitkuovrn tueu in this city. Ilia popularity, except with hia legiou of penonal 11 lends, li, however, of a vary ing quality. On rainy day when the f l.l-ia are leaden and the street aro iiillddr. he IH reviled and tmeorated by unthinking pedeHtriuu. but when the 1 uu ahlueH and Urn rltiaa aid blue and nature ii mulling, the Sergeant I putlad mi the luck, metaphorically tDeaklng, and made much of Bergt, Uuuu alway ha rosy chtek and 11 Jolly iiullu, a clear aye and a sprlugy gait, lie is u picture of haulth whether the batometer bn high or low IU w do I 'kerp well and fat nod shipper?" repeated th fatuous wouthur manipulator, to the questions which a reporter put to him yesterday. ' Come nun ibis inner office und I'll tell ion. Look out, Ihern, don't bump into that nsycrotuettr, or there'll be a gale on the count 111 live minutea Sll down. Now I'll tell yoo why I utu a thorough ly healthy man. 1 simply follow Shakespeare' advice and let good di KeHliiiu wait on appetite. 1 have thu appetite uud 1 have the good digestion, aud il i all due to a little fud of mine tor takiug the artificially digested f 1 1 , i'.iakola Kvar beard of Patkolal Nov My boy I'm sorry for you Some tint ago 1 lost my unp'tiie, und began to lose It-. 1 1 too. 1 tried all uortu of thing!, mid liually my doctor told tue to ute l'askoli. lie laid thatlfiuy tlilng would put il ih on a man bones und atruighieu oui hit digestive oruau it was that. 1 confess that I hadn't much faith in it despite his high re couiinondutioii. but 1 took big advice olid il' built me up aud sat me to gether Hgiiiu iu tine shape. I'm a i'a kola crank now, my friends tell me, but that is because I always speak well of anything that drisrves it, and I huv alwny Lu m chanting its praltei of thia prt-'digested loud very iteadi ly ever vince 1 lint began to u it. Why ihouldu't I t It hat built me up and made a man of me. 1 itiek by my friend every time, aud Patkola it my friend." To till tbe truth, Sergt. Dunn "looks tbe part," and If Patkola eff-juts tvery body the way it dott him, it mint, iu deed, be all that pbysiaiani and icun tl -t are claiming for this groat arti fically digested food. A pamphlet giving full particulars respecting Paskola will hesentonao plication to the Pre Digested Food Co , 81) Keade Ht., New York City. YOUR BOY Your boy. Yon hope he's going to to a great man. Your boy will be a man some day. Will he be an insig nificant or a great man? That depsnds on the chance you give him. You hope he'll succeed. It lies with you as to whether he will or not. You may not think so. You may think you can't do much with him. He's obstinate, perhaps hard to handle. YOU have tO I'OriU hlS Character. Well tnese are Pints he'11 have t0 overcome, more or hut that'y nni Annndh le38, Howver- hifJ character is, to a certain extent, UUl lUUl 0 UVl VUUUgll, unchangeable You change, his faults. can only modify, not radically Frederick the Great. Something ALL great men have had. Your boy can't be great without it The father of Frederick the Great thought his boy was a blockhead up to the tima he wa3 16 year3 of age, but he didn't stop educating him. WE BELIEVE W e have the hand somest line of Parlor and Drawing Room II ui 1 J.D.WILLIAMS&BRO 314 Lacka. Ave. E. Robinson's Sons' Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of tbe CdebrateJ PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 1(K),(KX) Bbls. Por Annum. Fnnutnn ever state shown and in this we would How to educate him, Let him read and choose his own career. You think education costs oo much. The very best education. The best edition. Only 14 days more. Call and examine. Think, act. Lost Manhood uiul vlyor qulfkijr i.iirMlv rttiNtl' -ni. I v INhAPO. tho in- nt Willi rlllausmrtjRiioMr, ttuitl hy like you to see it. Hill 5c Connell Washington Ave. WAST . ItiKi-it.'d in TllF. 'IHIItUNK at tho ratouf ONE CENT A WORD. n"i) ly VV II tnmtt.WS IIKOS.IirugiiMn. Ni iKiit I ANNUAL CLEARING SI n H UU There's one thing that all great men have had,as boys, as young men. They have had it given to them or they have given it to themselves. Had they never had it they would never have become great. They have had education. Your boy cannot possibly be anything, become any thing, without knowing. The more he knows the bet ter he'll be. Knowledge is power, riches, fame. You want to do your duty by him? Give him a chance. Teach him or let him teach himself Give him education. "Without books God is silent, justice dormant, natural science at a stand, philosophy lame, letters dumb, and all things involved in Cimmerian darkness." If you give him books he w.ll soon chose for himself the subject in which he is most interested, which he can most easily study. This study is the one he is moBt fitted to pursue, the one in which he will make the most success. It is natural that it should be bo. You think: "Books, ah yes, how many hundreds of dol lars will I have to spendbefore he discovers what he is best fitted for?" True, but there's another way. Invest $4.50 and give your boy the advantage of that greatest of all refer ence libraries, the Encyclopedia Britannica. It will place him on a par with ths college graduate. THE TRIBUNE EDITION is the best and latest edition of this great work with all its wealth of information and education revised to the present time. You have but 14 days in which to secure this great work at $1.93 per volume and on easy terms of pay ment You will find the Encyclopedia Store at 437 SPRUCE STREET. Open during the day and evening during these 14 days. You certainly ought to think it over. We know if you think you will act. m TRIBUNE . . DEPARTMENT 437 Spruce St, A. B. Brown's Bee Hivpi Pittston, Pa. MSM ThoaMadi Retnoanta or Dry Goods. 'ionk and Fur Gap daring Hull) III IttH Hum rust of ninli t Ial. Every Infill of counter room covered with the groates) bargains ever ihown, I,nrlls' Kcdt llnlH, this sunson's ityles Oo. siota. Hoys' Wlntnr Wuliti 0o esoli. Mulls. 30c ssoli. Cloaki ... $,50 eioh. BOBIBBY, UNDKRWEAH AND NOTIONS AT OUARTER OF VALUE. COME. IT WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE. PITTSTON, PA. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Gingham.9 for the coming sprint; and summer. Finer Goods. More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons, GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. THE Thatcher nud THE BEST, (lot prices so the furiwco and b con vinced. A full lint of HEAT KRS. AddbIIo and Oauze Door Ranges. CONLAFS HARDWARE PITTSTON. PA. PUZZLE. THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Vnluable ns n Souvenir of the Fair. QUITE EASY WHEN YOU KNOW HOW saoo IN PRISEKS Wli.li PUZZLE IN UK IHSTIUnt TKI TO THUMB. UOINU 'XHttf THU SHOHTK8T 8PACI2 UK TIME. FOR BALE IIV ALL NKWS COM PAN I Km. STATIONEHS AND AT TOY BTOHEa, OH HE NT TO ANY ADDKKSS UPON HECKIPT 0 PRICE, Sri CENTH, UY COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO. Ita AND 114 SOUTH EUTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MD.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers