The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 16, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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! Pipe
Valves i
r ittings i
your old shirt. We tl it.
ffl8 Peiin Ave.
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
New Goods
In Laces,
Embroideries and
415 Lacka. Avenue
Wall Papers,
Window Shades,
Mattings, Rugs, etc
'.27 Wyoming Ave.
The employe, of William Connell &
Company will be panl on nataraay.
Division Xo. 7, Ancient Order Hiberni
ans, will hold a bail tbU evening in Music
The Lsrltawaaaa Iron and Steel Com
panies will pay ar. the upper mill today
and the lower mill Saturday.
A marriage licence was grunted to Will
iam 'imi-viT and P.elle Oliver by Clerk of
the Conrt Thomas yesterday.
The Qrcen BldglOon club will have a
pigeon shooting mutch at its ground near
Wne Brook Saturday afternoon at 2.30
The funeral of Robert E. Hackett will
take place from .St. Peter's catheiral to
morrow at 10 a.m. Interment in Hyde
Park cemetery.
E. A. Bishop, who served aS ft private in
the late war in Company (J, Sixth regi
ment, wan granted a Veteran's license to
peddle yesterday.
Loois Menick, a West Side boy, was
fined S3 yesterday by Alderman Wright
for disorderly conduct by bonding a
dangerous bon-flre in the street.
Goldsmith's BUM will he closed this
afternoon between 2 and 3 o'cloc on ac
count of tho funeral of Mrs. Harding, wife
of one of the employee of the Bazaar.
There will be n children's matinet on
Rnturday forenoon at which the customary
B rente will be charged. At the afternoon
performance regular prices will bo charged.
Sldscrwicr, Duryoa The same Indi
vidual cannot legally hold the offices of
school director and justice of tho pence si
multaneously. I'oon iiahs are not tastilon
uble in Pennsylvania.
Writs of replevin were yesterday ob
tained hy George L. Honnnodien, r uUv,
against Joseph Smith and lianaah Lind
say, to recover organs which Mr. IIouu
nedian says are hw property.
Many attorneys yesterday attached
their signatures to the petition asking the
County comtr.l taionerfs to place a telephone
in tho rear of the court room for the use of
attorneys and members of the bar.
The Scranton pos; office receipts for tho
year ending April 1 will have besia in
creased 110,000 over the sams previous
periol. This Incronoo provides for an ad
ditional tlOO to I'oatmastor Vandling's
The Mies Louise Ainey and Lillian
ISyram, who, for the past few days havs
lieen visiting the Misses Idelln and Edith
Barnea. of Adam avenue, returned to
their Bomea in Brooklyn, .Susquehanna
county, yesterday.
In the matter of the lunacy of Jacob A.
Collins a rule was yesterday entered ou
Attorney George W. Bonle.the committee,
asking him to show canso why hn ahall
not Bell or mortgage tho real estate of
Jacob A. Collins to pny his debts. The
rule was grauted on thepstition of George
T. Edginton.
There will be no performance at the
Bijou theater this afternoon and evening
nn account of the Ancient Order of Hiber
nian ball, proviounly arranged. Three
performances will bo given os Hi. 1'ntrick's
Bay, Saturday, Mara 17, morning, after
noon and evening. GWdren will bo ad
mitted to the niurnlaf fserformanco for 5
fp.clal Bargains
In organs slightly used. Must bo sold for
want of r in 1 m.
1 Burdotte Organ 155.00 Cash
1 Bhoninger Organ 05.00 "
1 Wilcox & White Organ 00.00 "
1 Bridgeport 800 "
1 Dyr& Hiighee Organ. 45.00 "
Also full line of stationery at reduced
T11AVI8SS Ml) sir fcjTOUK,
500 Litckawanu.t Ave
Bee infanta' outfits at Baby Buzaar, 610
(Spruce streot.
Tie Vote of Niue aud Nine Relieves Electric
Companies of Taxation.
Polling ol Names Received in Silence
of Hushed Expectancy Presid?nt
Chittenden ami Member Sanderson
Did Not Vote Competitive Plans
for Proposed Bridges -Meeting ot
Common Council.
At last night's meeting of th seU.'t
council the pole tax ordinance was
lulled and the electric, companies of
the city relieved of taxation by a tie
vote, of 0 for and 0 against. The par
ticulars of the vote ar as follows:
Yeas Miller, V. LKoily, Uevan, Heche,
Sobwtnk, Mauley, ulanoat, Oonntil and
Naya Williams, Koch, McOann, Fei
lews, Hollow, J, Kelly, Wrstpfahl uud
Not voiimj I'hlttendou and Saudersou.
Absent--I olden.
When th ordinance im road bv I'ity
Clerk Lnvello for action, the interval
111 proceeding was nppartmt. Conver
sation ceased, aud every one assumed
an air of hushed expectancy. President
Chittenden, before tho members' names
were read for rp nulve vote, an
DOQQCfd that bv law he was debarred
from voting. When Mr. Sanderson'
nam was resched that gentleman
arose and asked the privilege of ex
plaining why his vote could not lie re
corded. He said his interest in the
matter were personal and pecuniary,
aud a vote by liitn would not b legal,
Contrary to expectation, there was
uo debate nor argument preceding the
vote. The report of the taxes commit
tee, who heard arguments Tuesday
night pro aud con by representatives of
the electric companies ;tu 1 Mr. Paiue,
of the board of trade, an I returned tho
ordinance to the council wituout rec
ouiicendatiou, wis accepted.
The bills providing for approaches
and nbntintntt of the Linden street
and Hearing Brook bridge wera pttMd
on third and flaal readings.
The communication from Mayor
C'onnall with the letter of W. W
Scranton attached, off riug to sell the
city the electric plant of the Scrautoa
Electric Light oompany, n read. Tne
mavor recommended that the matter
be rivan the council's special attention
and that a committee be appointed to
carefully inveatigata the, cost of
maintenance, etc., of the plant and re
turn it lull and detailed report a early
as possible.
Mr. Sanderson reminded the council
of its proximity to the and of the term
nd said he hoped no action would be
taken to have the matter referred to its
proper committee. In such a case the
committee could only report tneagerly
and uniatitfac'orily and the matter
was too important to la killed by being
brought up too lata for action by tQ
prtsent council. lie moved, therefore,
that the mayor's communication be re
ceived and placed on file. Tho motion
was carried.
w w bcbartoh's LETTER.
Ir. Scranton's letter was as follows:
Office of
Be VAX TON, March 15, li'M. )
Hon. William L. Connell, Mayor:
Df.ak Sin: As our year for lighting the
city treuts closes April 1, 1 suggest
whether, lustead of renewing the con
tract, it misht not be for tho advantage of
the city to buy our plant.
Our work, of the most solid nnd sub
stantial character, were built expressly 10
light the city streets, together with such
private cu9tom as might be obtained along
these lines. A is well Known, our lines
extend t hmughout the city in all directions
from the Notch to Minooka, from Little
England to West Mountain, whereror
the councils have ordered lights, we
have on hand, in coed condition, tho holl
ers, engines, dynamos aud lamps for 840
lights, ut tnoso, we are running ai pres
ent about 700, of which VM are commercial
and 410 arc city lights, leaving consider
ably more than 100 which the city could nl
once without extra exnenw, erect at such
points a. it saw fit. We have one spare
engine which can run ao lights in addition
to the above, and we have under roof the
foundations completed for still another
engine und two dynamos, good for still an
other 1-0 lights. We have also one sp ire
dynamo nn hand, good for sixty lights.
Our system, the Brii'h, I believe to be the
simplest, most satisfactory aud most easily
maintained at laaat expense of any. In
short, for city nrc lighting purposes it is
difficult to see how oar plant could well
bo improved,
This plant has cist ns something over
IliO.OOO. We offer it to the city for 150,
ijim, the city, of course, to aasame pay
ment of principal and Interest of our out
standing 1200,000 five per cent, debentur
honils, which, however, are not dun till
1933, though they can, If desire I, b called
in twenty years sooner.
The cost of lighting to tho city would
t"ien ba Slfl,000 interest a year, together
with such extra expense ns the profit in
Commercial lights might not defray. We
sbxmld, of course, tnrn ovor to the city,
fre of charge, all material of every kind
wo might have on band, belting, carbons,
oil, lamp globes, etc., and would be
pleased to help In every way such officers
as the city might placo in charge of their
To those who belinve it dnsirable for a
city to own its lighting plant, and to have
it ns widely extended as possible, this
would enable the experiment of ascertain
ing whnt economist lie In municipal own
ership to be tried at comparatively small
etpnto. If your honor concurs In these
view, I respectfully rsqusst that yon com
municate this letter to the councils for
their consideration. Yours truly,
W. W. Scka.ntdn, President.
Aftent the construction of the two
proposed bridges the following resolu
tion wafl adopted :
le nolved, By tho fo'ect 0. uiicll of tho
city of KeVniiton, tho common council con
curring, that the city clerk be Instructed
to Holiclt'oompotitiVH plans from at least nix
reputable bridge companies fur the sub
structure of thn proposed btldg-w over the
Lackawanna river at Linden street and
over tho Kosrlng brook from Piatt place
to Front street, the furnishing and use of
said plans to bs of do expense to the city
cf Scranton. The city engineer shall fur
nish the city clerk such data n may bo re
quired for the use of said bridge companies
to enable them to prepare the plans.
In responsa to a joint resolution ap
proved March 8, asking for an opinion
aa to the right to appropriate from the
proceeds of $250,000 of bonds author
ized by recent voU of tho people, any
amount for one of the two bridge In
exces ot $115,000 mantioued in the
original ordioaiic. 1 ; anl alao ns to
whether any appropriation can be made
bafora the passnga of on ordinance pro
viding for the issue of bonds,
City Solicitor Torrev glvos the
following opinion: The only way
In which the propriety of the nppro
priution can he raised Is by interpoii
iloti by some outsider of a bill of in
junction to restrain tb performance
of contracts let for the building of two
bridge. It might be considered a de
psrtare from the expressed intention
of the councils if more than $125,000
should be expended on 0110 bridge. If
either can be completed for Ish than
$125,000 I am of the opinion that tbe
surplus could be used if necessary for
the completion of the other.
I think funds can be appropriated at
any time to be derived from the issue
of the proposed bauds. If the bonds
should not be issued or could not be
sold the appropriation would fall. If
they are Issued as inteuds.l, the appro
priation will be valid.
The ordlotnoi providing I r gates
and natamsn in Providence 011 the line
of the Ontario and Western railroa l,
paaaad the third and final reading.
Tbi report of the cily engineer 011
the revision of duplicate names of
streets, in which the streets lat inuu m!
are to be changed, was approved.
Bond of the following candidates for
appointments of tax collectors were ap
proved) Charles S. (lelbert, LleVenlti
and Nineteenth wards; Jacob ScliuelTer,
Seventeenth ward, Prank Mo-ller,
Twelfth anil Twentieth wards; Mile
Gibbons, Third and Twenty-first wards
A special matting of common com -cil
ivaa held last evening. The ordi
nance providing for the purchase by
the city of oertain trncts of laud for
Woodland purk was referred to it
joint committee with instruction to
report forthwith. Chair nn Mir ap
pointed Messrs. Dablgg, I lows and
Browning to itrvo m monbora ol this
committee, and later 11 f.tvoraula re
port was heard.
A coiuiiiiiuicatiou from the mayor,
vetoing tho ordlnanos instructing the
police offleort doing duty in the Pour
teeuth Ward, 011 Robinson and Ninth
tracts, to prooeel against all portoni
who violate city regulations by leaving
dray, wsgons or other vehicles standing
upon the streets, wts rend, ami precip
itated 11 lively dlaCtttllon The veto
was sustained by a vote of 11 to il
The mayor also returned without hi
approval the resolution authorizing
the mayor to issue permits to veterans
to peddle merchandise from handcarts
on the streets. Tno mayor was again
.attained by a vote of 11 to B,
Ordinances providing for appropria
tion of private property to the con
struction of approaches to the Linden
street bridge and the Sprues street
bridge over Kouing Bro ik, wore re
ferred to the street aud bribes com
mittee with instructions to report im
mediately. PaVOrtbls reports were
received from tha committee.
Mr. Noalis introduced a resolution
providing for the enforcement of that
part of the ordinance vetoed by th
mayor ffhich sail for action against
parsons violating the city laws by
leaving bursts, drays, wagons, etc.,
open tho street. It was adopted,
Ordinances passed first and second
reading as follow: Providing for the
ettablisbmant of grade on North Main
aveuue and Howell street to Tripp'
ravine; for secnritig approaches to the
Linden and Spruco street brldtftt for
gates and a watchman at the Ontario
and Western crossing on the Provid
ence road; making an appropriation
for the purchase of a drop harness for
William Counell Hose company.
Tne ordiuaue .appropriating funds
to defray the expenses of the city of
Scranton for toe ooraiug year passed
third and final reading. Tno appropri
ation for th various deptrtiusuts, sum
tuarizud, are as follows: Miyor's de
partment, 14.080; city treasurer's de
partment, $5,050; city controller.
$3,450; city tolicitor, $8,400; city clerk,
$0,920; city engineer. $10,310; street
commissioner, $48,993 4o; board of city
assessors, $7,150; police. $51,210;
tire dtpartmtnt, $87,418 88; building
innpictor, $1,575; board of health. $7, -700;
park commissioner, $1,500; public
library, $0,000; improvement. $17,
037 39, general city aoconnt, $57,053 75;
deficiencies of lS9o, $8,618.09 Total
$275,600 10 For sinking fund pur
poses, special levy. $47,323. Grand
total, $898,980.49 The ordinance e.
tablishing a police servici system also
parsed third and final roading.
Harding and Qalnnan Ltd la Last Night's
Y. M. C. A. Games.
The second nnnua! gatn?s of th
Young Men's Christian association
were couteated last night and resulted
in a tie for first prize between liar ling
and (Jjinnun; after these White, Keese,
Bitteubonder and Gibbi finished in th
order named. Tho atttendanc was
largo and the contest replete with
plenty of ginger and excitement.
The winners of the Separate, events is
as follows: Pole vault, B.I, Uimmlok;
nutting shot, 30.8, Coleman; high
jomp, 5, Harding ; broad jump, 17;
Harding, potato race (no time), Reese.
Tbe percentages of tin six leaders
were: Hirim; and (Oiinnnn, 51;
White, 4i; Rses, 45; liittontiender,44
and G, libs, 4.1 Other contestants
scored as follows: Coleman, 30; Koch,
42; St. Almond, 88 i Uiinmick, 35;
Csrtright, 29; Davis, 84; Wysut, 94
Gold mndnl were given to the win
nara of ull except th potato race, who
won n silver medal. A silver cup
and a sweater from Louis Conrad will
Ira given th all-around winner as soon
as a decision is made. Physical In
strnctor Woston will award th prizss
tomorrow afternoon.
I', Dolph, J. Foster and II. Ingalls
officiated as judges.
Ah announce I, a pair of Indian clubs
will be given the correct gnesser of th
order in which tbe contestants finished.
Quinan, Harding, Reese, was th order
gueuael by L Davis. If the former
gets the decision, Mr. Davis will re
ceive the clubs.
He Went Into the Air and 'Gun D -sotndsd
with Foroe.
Another trefpua suit wns begun
yesterday In which the Scranton Trao
tlon company ia named as defendant
The plaintiff Is J. M. Tompkins
He complains that on the night of
Jan, 13, while driving across the com
pany's Canpouso avenue track between
Larch and New York streets, otia of its
ems strurk his Wagon, threw him In
ths air, and when h deaosuded he sui
tainnd serious injury.
This accident, Mr, Tompkins says,
was caused by the high rate of sped
at which the oar was traveling and its
failure to hare a headlight. He aak
$1,000 damages. Attorneys Browning
and Alworth represent him.
o i
A Well Know i Olila of Duntnore Paiaaa
i'atrick Roonny, who ha lived in
Dun more for over forty years, dlod at
his home on Kim street in that bor
ough yesterday morning, aged OS years
il i had been suffering from miners'
aathma for several months, but wua
able to be about until two weeks ngo,
slnot which lime he has rapidly fulled
Mr. Rnouey was a prominent eltlBin,
honest and industrious, iind had the
Irlendship nnd good will of n large
circle of Hcquaiiitanots in the valley.
The funeral will take place tomorrow
morning, A solemn rtuuiom mass will
hu celebrated in St, M try's church.
Interment in the family plot In St.
Mary's cemetery.
Beadleston Sc Woera's and Ballantlne'
Ale aru the best. I- ! VY aLsu, agent, SS
Lackawanna nveuu.
Delegates ot Woman's Cbristiau Temperance
Union Assemble at Kim Park Churcu.
Read by Members oi tho Convention
and Discussed from Various Stand
pointsVisitors Who Were Intro
(lined oikI Mailt llrief Remarks.
Committees Appointed Much En
thusiasm Manifested in the Work.
The mid-year convention of tho Wo
man' Christian Temp ranoe union of
Liukawanna and Lui rne Comities,
livened in the lecture room of the
Blm Park church, this city, at 2.30
o'clock yesterday afternoon. A large
number of delegates and visitors were
present, and the proceeding were
marked with enthusiasm.
The convention wns opened by Mrs.
D. It. Hand, of Scranton, president of
the Lackawanna county union, and
Sir. Cool, of Kingston, off sro.l a for
vent pr.tver.
Rev W. II. l'earce, pastor of th"
11 1 in Park church, was introduced ami
said that on huhalf of his p-ople he
would extend it royal welcome to ths
lady temperance workers His church,
he trusted, was bro i l enough to iidiuit
every good onntt, Ho told an amusing
story concerning his experience ns a
red-ribbon wearer In Miohigtn, an 1
dosed by saying that h i looked hope
fully forward to the time when
tttnptrano and sobiUty should be klug
and queen of all he land I time that
will have coin when the women nr
permitted tu step up to the ballot-box
and by their votes wipe out the curse of
the liquor traffic
Mits kimison's WILCOHB,
Mrs. ('. D Si miHon extended further
welcome, uud during her remarks said
that one of the most onoouragiug signs
of the times is the growing sentiment
in favor of equal suffrage. In this
county the applications foi license are
more numerous tliaa ever bstore, yet
they were not discouraged, for tue
larger proportions an evil asm ill's, the
more does ittrOOS) enlightened oppo
Mrs. li. Downing, for many years
president of the Luzerne County union,
tuado a brief response in which she
made some happy allufiotis to the work
of tbe Woman's Cnristiau Temperance
union. The object of the organization,
she asserted, Is the overthrow of the
saloon, and nothing cm b'gtinsdby
compromise, The society must meas
ure up to its work and persevere I i the
effort to save the children, reform the
drunkard and break down ths liquor
Mrs. D. B Haud explaiued tbe dif
ference between th annual con voa -tion
and the midwinter meeting, the
former being held for the transaction
of bnslnttt and the Utter for purpoies
of discussion.
Ths president then appointed Mrs. C
D. Simpson, of Scranton, and Mrs.
Chamberlain, of Pittston. a committee
on courtesies, and Mrs. Franc Vail, of
Scranton, Mrs. W. N. Jennings, of
Wilkes-Harre, Mrs M. R. Wilnviu. of
Jtrmyn; Miss Camel, of Avoea, mi l
Mrs. K J. Sickler, of Peokville, a com
mittee on resolutions.
"Tbe O.itlook" was tbe uubjeot of nn
interesting paper read by Mrs T. M.
Furey. of Yatesville. Sue looked for
ward with hope, predicting ultimate
sncc.-ss if th i in imber were active an I
persistent at all times, ns they should
be. They were commanded by Qod to
be faithful, net successful.
A most able and instructive pvpr,
written by Mrs. U. Jolinson, of Pitts
tou, was read by Mrs M. A Holvey,
of the sams place. The subjeoc dis
cussed was " fempsranoe in ths Sib
bath Sjhool." Mrs Ilolvey has good
elocutionary powers, and tho argu
ments stated lost none of their fores
through her presentation The diffl
cul ties that oi hi trout th Sibbsth echo il
ttaober in explaining ssemiugly con
tradictory Hi ollcsl references to ths nse
of wine were referred to, and soms ex
cellent hints given as to th pronr
method of teaching temperance. The
paper was most attentively listened to
and created a decidedly favorable im
pression. It was brieuV discussed by
Mra Yost, M-8. Frank, Mrs Chambsr-
lin and others.
Th introduction of visitor cams
next, and Rev. Dr. R .binson, of tbt
Second Presbyterian church of this
city; Rev. M. 1) Fuller, of Providtnoe,
Rov. Mr MoNulty, of West Pittston,
aud Revs. Hiorns, of Scranton; Lie, of
Plains, and Furey, ot Yatesville, were
called before the meeting nud nearly
all made brief rem irks.
Attorney E D. Nichol. o( Wilkes
Harre, was likewise included in the
Hat of linnnrad ones He made nn SO
'.husiaslic 15 minute speech, in which
hsderlared that the women were doing
more for the temperance cause than nil
the men put together. Several promi
nent lady temperance workers of
Wayne county were also IntfOdUOtd.
Mrs W. W. Lance, of Wilkos-Barr.
rend n bright, pointed and pithy papr
nn "rental Suffrage U mting from re
cent reports of the elections in New
Zealand as wall as from states at home
where the frnnchise has been orured
for women, she ihowed that women
nppreclnte tho privilege and use it in
telligentlv for the hut interests of the
community nnd the nation. The psper
was followed by a dUcussiou which
emphasized the fact that the ladles of
the Woman a Chiistlau lemperanci
union ut last lire ready and anxious for
tho larger freedom of the extended
Ml Sara Decker, of Moscow, recited
most effectually a beautiful eelection
which was highly appreciated.
A large nudience naeuib!od in thn
evening. Mrs. C H Cool, of Pittston
iimftiilnd I )e vol l in u 1 ntfureleua wnru
,.. ... . - - - -
conducted by Rv. Warren O. Part
ridge, ami i-roiossor verier presided u
Ihss tiintio. Mini Msv Kmerv of Pitts
ton, gave ii recitation, mil Alfred
Wuoler.soloist of tho Elm Park church,
sang a solo In line style.
The lecturer of the evening, Rev.
Henrietta Moore, next took thn nbtt
form. She is one of the beat nnd most
iileeuirur antsakers the ll'iitiimi'i I'ni.
tian Temperance union ever broogbt
beforo tho public. Her touching ap
peal to IWomanhOOd nnd better innu
bood surpassed, so many ot the
audience thought, anything ever
heard in the city. Tho en
croachment of thn liquor traffic
upon her home, which resulted in the
death of an only brother as n raving
maniac, induced her to Assume the role
of a teitin .rmicti fsnuiilrwr Tlo. uvti,
pathy of thn entire audience was with
her throughout tbe entire address. She
will give a Hiblo reading todav. This
morning's session will commence at
11:30 o'clock, and th convenlion will
close at 4 p, in.
Frksii creamery butter 99a,, nt Iteiu
hari'o market, Lackawanna avo.
Barney Koiguson and HI Company
Fleaat a flood Slzid Audleno.
Harney Ferguson, tbe well known
Irish comedian, produced "McCarthy'
Mishaps at the Academy ot .Music last
evening, before a good sized nudience.
Mr. Ferguson, a usual, was uproar! -
u sly fnntiv and was groeted iy much
applause. Miss Marguerite Ferguson
deuced quite cleverly and showe I r-
iiiitrkable ability a an acrobat. Uu
if the hits of thn evening was the
mimicry of Harney Reynolds. When
he sung CbarUe A. Gardner's popular
song "The Lilacs," i ho applause was
leufening. J. W. Wilson and Miss
Hertha Warrlug presented an net that
Wiih both new and good.
To Take lacs Hulurdty Horning from
tire Fumlly Rialdenoe.
i bo remains of Robert K Hackett
will be interred tomorrow in .ruing in
Hyde Psrk Cathulie cemetery.
I he funeral will Uave ths house at
9.1)0 u. iu. and proceed to St Peter'a
cathedral where n solemn high mass of
requiem Will be 8ii:ig.
Excellent Entertainment Given nt Col-
lege Hall by Council No. 134 of
tho Youne, Men's Institute.
A large and representative nu lience
gathered nt College Hall on Wyoming
avenue last evening to liaten to the
entertainment given hy Council No.
134 of the Young Men s Institute. 1'.
11. O Dun ul I. of Georgetown Uni
versity, delivered a brilliant addresi on
"Ireland Contribution to Civiliza
tion. Mr. G Dotuiell la u native ot
Chicage, 111., and is taking tho law
course at the university. lis will b
gradu ited this yeiir. Daring the last
presidents! campaign he was one of the
orators who traversed Indiana in tue
interest of General Harrison.
Th entertainment opened with re
marks by Attorney M A MeGinley.
president of Council No. 134, who
I welt bridlf on the objects of tne in
stitute, the Dioasoii mandolin and
guitar club played "Polka Iaintette"
and, to uu encore, "Hom, Sweet
Home." Tb club is composed of F
Schafer. Fred Shorts, C. proote aud
frank Scheuiuger, young men who dis
play much proficiency ou their instruments
Miss Maggie Harrington, of Dun-
more sang "L'Kstasie," a selection in
which the wide riug of her fine soprano
voice was shown to good advantage.
She) was londly applaudsd, and for uu
encore sang "Guard My Heloved One."
Llew Herbert sang the "Roll Call
in his effective manner, and was com
pelled to appear again. He sang "The
Gld Sexton." Tbe Misses Margaret
and Lizzie Reynolds sang "Harp of the
Winds in an artistic and pleasing
manner, and to an enthusiastic de
mand on the part of the audience for
a further evidence of their musical
ability they responded with "Young
H-arts. Howell Harris sang "I Am
Waiting.'' and then Attorney MeGinley
introduced Mr. O'Donnell.
In hit introductory he said be came
before them to speak about Ireland
and Irishmen, and though he had never
seen that land he revered it as tbe
home of his ancestors, for which great
and noble men have made so many and
such great sacrifices.
The speaker then traaed the history
and the achievement of th Irish peo
ple from before the advent ot St. Pat
rick down to tbe present time, and
claimed that Ireland had been pr.-ami-uent
in advanced religious thought
and iu learning, while she had the
privilege of governing herself. He
said that the love of justice of the Irish
people is demonstrated by tbt fact that
trial by jury was oi l (ii)0 years before
Alfred gave it to the Saxons. A bril -lisnt
tribute was paid to tbe character
of Dauiel G'Connell, whom the speaker
classed as one ot tbe noblest of patriots.
The peroration was an eloquent effort,
aud as Mr. O'Donnell retired from the
stage he was warmly applauded.
The next number on the programme
was tbe solo, "Promise Me," which
was sang by Wiilintn Wntkins.who for
nu encore .rendered ' 'Answer." One of
the most enjoyable numbers of the eve
ning was the duet, ''I Feel Thy Angel
Spirit," by Miss Kalhryne Moiigatiund
William Wntkin. The entertainment
cloaed with the reudition of "Two
Sailors" by Howell Davie and Richard
Thomas, Following it a reception was
tendered Mr. O'Dmtiell at the Insti
tute rooms ou Lackawanna nveuu .
For th Chaiity Fund
Dr. McLuod will lecture this eveniug at
the Young Men's Christian association
hall on "St, Patrick, Ireland aud the
Irish." AdmiaaioD 50 cents. Tbe proceeds
of the lecture will be glvdii to the Associ
ated Charity fund. It is hoped that Dr.
MeLeod will be greeted bv a full house.
Mtielo Bozee Exclusively.
Beat uiade. I'lay any del red number of
tunes. Oaulachi & Hou., manufacturers,
lCDM'bestmit street, Philadelphia. Won
derful orchestrial orgaua, only and 10.
Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re
paired and improved with new tunes,
Good Talnters W'antsd.
A number of good, tXptrltnotd painter
are wanted nt once at the new Fiothlng-
ham i sue Hring brashes prepared to
21 LBS. sugar It, nt Heinhnrt's market.'
We move to 117 Laokawanna
avenue we oii'oi' a spi-cinl
price on all of our Silver nov
35c. Each.
W. W. Berry, Jeweler
303 Spruco St.
Hester J. Alton Davl Advisee That the
Nichols Property Bj Sold.
Attorney J. Alton Divis. master in
the partition proceedings ot Mr. and
Mrs. Asa A. Nlctiol. Mr. and Mr. Jo
seph Zimmerman, Mr. and Mr. Hor
ace F. Barrett and Mr e,ud Mrs. N. S.
Davis against James NicholH, filed his
report with Prothonotary Pryor yes
terday. He finds that tho land is In South
Abiugtoii township and consists of a
tract coutuining UU acres and 140
perchee. Its valu with improvements
he places at $17, 908, 18 Tbe master
dot not think it advisable to divide
the property and recommends that a
decree be entered requiring the parties
to appear before the court on a certain
day to accept or refuse tbe land ut the
valuation fixed thereon.
If they refuse to take tbe land at the
fixed price he advise that it be sold at
public auction to the highest biddr.
fjaiA.NTo.N, March 15, WIM.
At the enrntst solicitation of uiy friendB
I hereby eminent to buiome a cnmlldate
for the uomluutiun of county treasurer,
aubject to the decision of the Republican
county convention. Thomas D. Davis.
New Bluyol.
A new bicycle worth (76 will be (old for
lee. The machine in guaranteed and is a
rare bargain. Machine may be seen at the
Irlbuno ofllce.
Best Sets of Teeth, $3.00
Including the painless extracting
ct teeth by uu tntireiy new prs
PaJK Milwaukee liock Ueer ou o. anght
and RoekSWay oysters, fresh from tho
bell, at John Loiiiiann'h,
919 Lackuwauua avenue.
Kintsii made butter :i2c. Strictly fresb
eggs at Heluhart'a market.
Anheueer Busch Beer.
J.cula LoLiiiaii'a, K.8 bnruce
and still Kuffer-
DI Tip luZ from the
DLUIj deeP cut in
V7"ATCH this apace for our opsn
w ing days.
Spring Is Coming.
We are showing an ex
tensive line of beautiful
Spring Garments.
It will pay you to buy a
Fur Garment and Winter
Coats before they are
packed away at less than
half price at
138 Wyoming Ave.
Tne only Practical Fuiner in the city.
Seeds and
S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
in a few days we will Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
I have the very latest s
i novelties in Kitchen E
Utensils. The assort- S
I ment will be large; the 5
i prices will be low.
1 Henry Bin k Co. I
Dr. Hill & Son
Pet teeth, 5SJS0; beet act. SS: for pold caps
and teeth sritliout plate, called crown and
brid(e work, call for prioea and referecoee
TON ALOIA. for extracting teeth without
pain. No t-tber. Xo
128 Wyoming Ave.
All the popular make. The
only Glove and Corset Store in
the valley. We are now open
for business.
We have a large assort
ment of
Leave your order at
or 413 LACKA. AVE.
Our Lackawanna avenue
restaurant open until midnight.
Eureka Laundry Co,
Ccr. Linden St. end Adams Ave.
All kinds ot Laundry work guaranteed
the best.
$3.00 SHOES
Better Than Most $4,00 Shoes You Buy
l o Seams or Tacks to Kurt Your Feet.
All Styles ami WMtkt In OtDtjTtttOt Lace.
The Best Shoe on Earth for the Money
Try it P.tir ainl yen will wear no other.
unmuiuu uniu.uv every box I
BANISTER'S, Cof- LactafHAii,?ins km
Our $3 50 Shoes are aa good as anybody's $3 00 Shoes.
At 23c. and 50c, Each.
Remarkable Values. Look in Our Window.
This week wo open an entirely utw lino of
Ladies' Spring- Suits,
Coats, Capes and Jackets