The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 16, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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Punch Cigars
G.. B. & Co ,
Imgrlnl"'! on Fio-ti R'tpr
Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's.
Oil I. I Hill 'Ul A ..It
Happening or a Day That Will Interest Hyda
Parte Redd r j.
Dedication of Company F's New
Armory Obsequies Over the Re
mains ot Mrs. Mary Campbell anil
Mrs. Margaret Harney- Supper
Given to the Member ot Miss
Jennie Lewis' Sunday School Class.
F. A. Miller, of Binghauitoti, Is at the
W. Kittrwlgo, of TunkbamuH'k, MM m
ttiis city yesterday
J. D. Weston, of tlotiesdale, was iu
Poraoton yesterday
John Hickoy, of Bintfhauitou, Is spend
ing a few days m the city.
Miss Este'.le i lau. of Lock Haven, is
Visiting (rieuds iu the city.
Fred Forbes, of the Carbondale Herald,
Was iu the city lust evening,
Thomas Etigliili, of Pitteton, wan eu
gaged on busiuoes here yesterday.
Frank Atnes, of Binghamton, was yes
terday calling on Sk-rautoti friends.
Alderman S. IS. Jones of Carboudale,
paid a business viit to this city yesterday.
U. F. Ferber, chief of the tire depart
ment, has returned from a basinet trip
to New York city.
Mr. an.l Mr. Henry Awrand, Blooms
burg; Johu A. Miller, Brandt, tad li W.
Iamb, Binghamtou, are ur the Valley
L. F. Camv. Mrs. 0. U. Camp, W. D.
Beers, C F. Lippiacott, K. N Fnsbie and
William Leveret;, all of Wilkea-Barre,
were in Scntiuou yesterday.
Johu J. Murphy, of the South Side, who
is taking a law course at (Jeorgetowu
college, Washington. D. D., is iu the city.
Mr. Murphy came with P. H. O'Douueil,
the Uei-rgetown orater. who delivered an
address m Colleg" hail lat night, aader
the auspices . the Young Men's institute.
Samuel B. Fanner, of StrouJsburg, rep
reeeoting tne Honefceads. N. Y.. Bridge
company, was in Scrauton yesterday, ac
companied by Frank Miller, county com
missioner of Moaroe couuty. Mr. Palm
er's visit wan for the purpose of investiga
ting for bis comp iny this city s contem
plates bridge construction.
The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Lvern
to k place from the home of her son-in-law
on West Market street yester
day und was very lur'ly attended
Her remains were conveyed from her
home to St. Mary's chureb. where a
high msss of req -.iem Wae celebrated
Interment was made in Hyde Pars
Catholic cemetery.
Sstau'l Lewis, late of the First Ar
tillery, United States army, has ac
cepted a position with the Common
wealth Insurance company, of Phila
delphia John Banford was arraigned before
Alderman Horan on the charge of as
saulting an old man named Patrick
O'Horo, living on North Main avenue.
Tne assault took place in th- Bristol
house. Hanford was bell in 3D0 bail
for his appear ince at court. Joan J.
Morris went bis bail.
Z. I. Richards visited friends in G'.y
Dbant on Wednesday.
Frank (tts. of Dickson City, hail
Lucas and Ralph Lake, of the latter
place, arrested and tak-n before Aldnr
man Horan for assaulting him
near Cnrur's al factory. The quarrel
arose over Getts paying attention to
Lucas' daughter. The father was ap
parently opposed to him an 1 hence the
row. The weapon need by L ike was a
shovel, several contused wounds at
trsting to the indiscriminate nse of
same Daf-ndants were held in 1300
bail, W E. Carter b'cmlng their bond.
David Jones, of North Main avenue,
returned home from Philadelphia yes
terday Michael Ptol, formerly of this place,
baa ratnrned home from Tombstone,
Ariz., where he has beon sojourning
for the past two year.
A boy named Anthony Rochfort
found a news box snch as is used on
trains. loet opposite htillor'l beef home,
In the bntbes aloig the track. Five
Wilkes Barre 'R'cords of March 12
were in the box. also a number of
novels ant ruai( urines, and a boy's
Western (,'nion aap. Apparently there
must have been a theft. Sergeant
Spllmaii was notified and duly re
ported the matter
Pequeet Tribe, No 887, Improved
Order of Red Mn and the many friends
crowded the Old Fallows' hall last
night, the OcCMion bing in honor of
the tribe 'e first anniversary. The cal
bration opened with a grand entertain
merit. 'lh Red Men appeared in cos
tume and entertained the audience in
geunine Indian style. Spoecnea by
prominent member on tne methods
and purposes of the order were made
and mnsical selections, recitation!, etc.!
were Interspersed throughout the pro
gramme After the entertainment an
elaborate snpper was srved the fOSlU.
Tribe 3.57 was organized just one year
ago, and since then has enjoyed envi
able prosperity Its lMemnarsare com
posed of Dninore's most prominent
personages and about ninety are on
rolled npon the rsoordf as members in
good standing.
The ladies of the I : . il church will
give a supper on the evening o'
March 20
Mrs. Carey HaflStn nnd Mrs, Dnr
frey, of Carbondale, are visiting at the
home of Mrs. 8. J. Knapp,
Officer Phillips' Statement
Special Officer Piiillips has addrotsed
the following lettor to Mayor Cunnell:
Dear Sir: On Saturday morning. March
10, at about i) o'clock, while standing on
the corner of ('lay avenue nnu Vine
street, 1 heard two gun shots discharged.
I thought tney came from the corner of
Web-ter avenue nud Vine street, and
looked upend down the street, but ooald
see noono. I then gave one tap with ray
club and walked about fifty yards down
Webster avenue, when Mr. Bradbury's
son raised the window of his residence,
and I inquired of htm where the shooting
was. He acknowledged that he had done
it himself, and In aiiHwor to my questions
said that they bad had chickons stolen on
several nights previous, and that hearing
a noise in the chicken coop he took it to
be a thief at work and firod two shots
with the Intention of frightening him
away, but discovered Immediately after
hooting that it was not a man but two
large dogs, which at once ran off the
premises. I then recalled having teen the
dogs run down the street a faw minntes
before, and went on about my business.
Vours truly.
John Phillips, Special officer.
Eicelsior Athletic Club Will Not Conduct an
Association Tournament.
Entries from New York, Brooklyn,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, anil Wash
ington, D. C. -Will Eclipse All
Former Tournaments o( the Scran
ton Excelsior Athletic Club The
Atlantic Events Abandoned.
Thi West Sid oloVa of the DOIUIfTOH
Tmbunic it located at IU Suutll Mil"
line, where eubeorlpttea. advertisement
and communications will receive prompt
The friends and iutnters of the
Washburn street PreeoyteMan ohurtn
were treated to an entertainment of a
most novel nature last evening in the
church parlors. The .itfiir was given
free, under the KUtpiOM of the Chi Dp
lon society, an organization under
the charge and direction of the pattor
A Urge number assembled, and the en
tertainment through uit was of a very
pleasing nature. During the pel for m
ince selection! were well rendered
hv the llavdti stria.' quartette and the
Morse mandolin and guitar oluh, con
sisting of Messrs Morse, Kodsviok Carr
and Ed Vail. A trio, .contisting of
the Mistes Sanders, Jones, an I W. ,1.
Davlet, sang iweetly. A violin solo by
Fred Widmayer was w-dl giveu. W'al
ter P ivies was the aOOOttpanllt
Soldier Boys Ball
l otupauy F dedicated tlietr new ar
mory last evening by giving a grand
ball to their (stands. The hall is hand
some Id appe ir tucs, b'iug neatly p i
P red and painted, In addition to this
tne soldier b.iys had made elaborate
decoralious and contrived every means
for the pleasure and comfort of their
guests. About tl o'cVodk the grand
march was begun and soon after the
m-rry dancers were flitting around the
room to mnilfl by Professor Johnson on
tue piano. It was far iuto the morning
before the party dispersed.
Mrs. Caiuvbill Bailed.
The funeral of Mrs Mary Campbell,
au aged lady, who came to an OOtlmt
ly death on Tuesday morning by burns,
took place yesterday morning from the
residence of her daughter, Mrs. Caw
ley, on Grant avenne. The remiim
were taken to St. Patrick's church,
where Rev Father Duune celebrated a
high mass of requiem. Interment was
made in the Hyde Park Catholic ceme
tery The pali bearers were John Caw
ley Patrick Gibbons. Thomas Hart,
Peter Larkin. Patrick MoHngh an I
Hugh Gerrity.
Funeral of Mri Harney.
The funeral of Mrs M irgaret Hir
ney. who died at the h irue of her son.
Michael Harney, of Ninth street, on
Weduesiay afternoon, will occur to
morrow morning at 7 o'clock Rev.
Father Walsh will officiate The re
mains will he taken to Stroudsburg on
the 9 a. m trein for interment. Mrs.
Harney was 73 years of age and the
mother of Morris Harney, section boss
at Lehigh. She was a woman of firm
Christian principles and well known oa
this side.
Class Entertalnad.
Miss Jennie Lewis, of Evnon street,
who conducts a Sunday school class at
the Plymouth Congregational church,
invited its membrs, which consisted
of Mttasri W. E Johns, Albert Cw
son. Thomas Evans. John Stover,
Gomer R?ese. Robert Htrris, Evan and
Lewis. Daniel Higgtns, to supper at
her home on Wednesday evening. The
menu was an excellent one and was
most heurtily enjoyed. The remsinder
of the evening was sp;nt in a social
manner. A vote of thanks was ten
dered Miss Lewis for her generosity.
MUikllansous Newi Notsa
Mrs. H. S Brown, of North Sumner
avenne, who has been under an opera
tion at a medical hospital at Philadel
phia for several weeks, returned homo
on Wednesday evening much recov
ered. George Benore. of South Main ave
nne, who has been confined to hi
home for several w )eks with a broken
bone in his leg, w is able yesterday to
make his first appearance at the office
since the accident.
A surprise party was given John Hale
at his home on South Miin avoane on
Wednesday evewng by his friends in
honor of his term of twenty-live years
as foreman at the fJillevne shaft The
Bellevne Glee club foruUhcd tannic
Refreshments were served at a season
able hour.
The Epwnrth leagn of the Simpson
Methodist Episcopal church will hold
in entertainment and social on March
A private masquerade party will be
given III Mears' hall on March 28 by
the Sir Knights of Pleasure
'I te Twilight Social club will give
their seventh annual hall in Maar's nail
on Monday evening. March 26,
The closing exrcia-a of No Bl night
school were held last evening, com
msncing at 7 o'cloek. An interesting
programme was rendered,
Mrs. Sarah Jones, of Wanemie, is
the gnest of frlendl on South Sumner
Miss Genevieve Reynolds, of Jack
son street, is ill.
Under this beading short letters of int.'rmt
will bt- puLliHi e i wIimn Rix'ompatiiod, for put,
Ucatlon, by the tvrHer'i Dame. thcTribi ni
will Hot tie held responsible for opinions here
expr.-s'.il i
As tn Snoiay Closing.
Editor of Till TMBVUBi
Diar sin. "Look not every man to ids
own good only, but, also to the good of
others.1 Ph ase permit me to say to the
many readers of Thk Tmnt;.vg, regarding
the Sunday rinsing movement recently
inaugurated by the Pastor's I'nion. of
Scranton, that it is not only to close
"places offensive to the community on
Sundays," as one paper reports it, bot Its
chief object is to help the lu iny who de
sire to rest on the L ird's day b it cannot
without giving up their employ ment every
day. An objection to doing unnecessary
woi k Sundays by employes wnulii in ninst
cases probably result in immediate dis
charge. But a protest, or request, backed
by the law, from thosands of I hrtstlan
men and women, in behalf ot those who
noi'd such assistance, will have a very
different effect.
Therefore, the writer hopes ohoroh
forces and Christian organizations of every
namo Will so combine t.beir great influence
and efforts in favornf the protection of the
day for worship and rest for employes ns
well as employers that no one iu Scrim
ton nor Diintnoio will have cause to cry
out, "No man careth for my soul. ''
J. U. Bonk.
Dunmore, Pa , March 15.
A okami MALI, will be held tonight by
Division No. 7, A. O. H., at Music Hall.
Tickets 60 cents. Mammoth excursion to
St. Patrick Day parade In Wilkes-Barro,
over D. St H. road, P 'to, Bridge street depot.
Tlcketa 90 cents, good until Monday.
'I he F.xcelsior Athletic club, of this
city, hue abandoned the intention of
managing the annual events of the At
lantic Association of Am item Athlet ics
The Atlantlo association comprises
Pennsylvania, New Jersey south of
Trenton, and the rest of tba southern
states bordering on the coast. Ama
teur Athletic clubs organized within
this territory are eligible to member'
ship ill the Atlantic association. Every
rear the association conducts a general
tournament iu tti oily on the circuit.
giuranteeiug a snoeessful affair,
Tins year the KxoeUlor club was ln
vili'd to conduct it, ami the Aosdemy
of Music was rented for two nights,
April U andlO, from Man iger Mur
guiider When a club takes this rosponst bilitv
from the MIOOlatton, a guarantee of
BO per cent, of the profits must be
made to the association's treasurer, or
th offl tera of theexeontlTe board , and
no eompeuattton is expected for this
bonus i'li i club having the toiiriia-
m jut on band musl labor singly and
secure all entries on its own accord,
Up to date not a single entry ha
been received by the Escalators and DO
brighter prospeota wore visible.
Therefore, at a meeting held Wednes
day night it was decided to abandon
the idea of an ailOOlatiOO tournament
and ou the dates already mentioned
run on o? thsir own, iiuch as ttwv
have done in the past.
President Joseph J, McNally will
learc for Philadelphia next Wednes
day, accompanied by John J Collins,
of tile club, and adviss the otiicers of
the association of ih change iu the
programme. Mr. Collini will ask the
board of directors to release the Excel
sior Athletic club from th contract.
Iu an annual championship, such as
was expected to come off here, all
boxers entering the lists are required
to pay their own expenses. The mos".
of the amateurs an working men un
able to Stand the onttay necessary, es
pecially in coming from a distance.
This is the reason advanced for the
lack of intrrest in the championship
tonruameut proposiid for this city.
It will be different with them iu the
case of a club tournament. There is
no p rcentage of gate receipts guaran
teed to anybody outside the club, and
all the proceeds go into the club's
treasury. Consequently all wno ae
sire to enter the contest are sure at the
outset that their expsnses to and from
homo will be paid iu case they carry on
the honors in their respective classes.
Defeate 1 ones get nothing, and expect
nothm g.
Presilent. McNally will go from
Philadelphia to Trenton, thenoe to
New York and Brooklyn. He will pick
up entries as he goes along and expscts
to get soras first class mea before re
turning. The Metropolitan Union of
New York state which was debarred
from the as-iociation tournament will
furnish som first class entries. Mr.
Collins assured a Thibusk reporter
that the coming event under the aus
pices of the club will eclipse anything
that could bave been done by them if
they pushed the aiSJciatiou tourn i
Tiie classes arranged are as follow
108, 180, 185, 131 148, and 133 pound
As yet nothing iu the wrestling line
has been looked for, and it isbar llv
possible that there will be any arrange
ments made for such bouts
Seven numbers will be given each
Of Frank Mayo's "Dsvy Crockett
but little need be said It is a charac
ter peculiarly his own, and its subdued
qtnlity, its numberlees fine shades of
feeling, its wholly new avoidance of
the mare muscularity of heroism and
yet its admirable and constant sngges
Hons of physical prowess, its nice pre
sentation of the traits of the back
woodsman, his dlalct, his manners
and his mental simplicity, all strike
one as evidence of unusual talent and
fin artistic method. Tomorrow night
Borantonleni will have an opportunity
of seeing Mr Mayo.
Among other things for which "A
Brass Monkey," Charles A Hoyt, s sat
ire on superstition, is noted, is the
famous Rar.zlvDazzle song that so hit
the popular fancy The famous song
is still a feature of "A Brass Monkey,
and when that most popular of Hoyt's
plays comes to the Academy on Satnr
day evening next, it will be given with
its old time vim.
'I here will be but one attraction at
the Academy next week, but that will
prove one of the best of the season,
.Manager lltirgunder having secured
Mr. and Mrs Kendal for Thursday
evening The sale of seats will begin
at the box nftiu 1 Monday morning at 0
o'clock. Their coming has been an
ticipated with n lively interest for
months psat. and there is little doubt
that this will be one of the most bril
liant social as well as aitistic dramatic
events of the present season. Mr. and
Airs Kendal will present their leading
play, "The Ironmaster "
Attorney R. J Beamish Will Maka an
Application for It.
On March '!7 Attorney R J. Benin
iah will apply to the board of pinions
for a pardon for Thomas Pitzpatriclc,
ot li dlevue, who is serving a ten year
ontenoe la the eattern penitentiary for
highway robbery.
Filzpatrick, with a 'young tnnn
named JatflM Sheridan, was convicted
in this county of having robbed Pat
rick Winn on December 88, 1H17, in
one of the streets of the Eighteenth
Judge Hand, on May 8, 1888, sen
tenced each of them to ten year im
prisonment. Jam sa Sheridan was par
doned in January.
Rpselal BXOnrsion Rates
To Wilkes-Itarro March 17, on account
of St. Patrick's day parade nnd the ols
teddfod. The , Central Railroad of New
Jertey will sell tickets from Scrntiton for
60 cents. Tickets good to go on any train
March 17, nnd good to return on any train
to and tnclud ng March 10, USUI.
lIoBntDI'l new Turkish bath. Every
thing new. WW Spruce street, opposite
Court J I 'eo.
Happenings of a Day That Will Interest
Many Tribune Readers.
It Is Feared That Connell and Battle
Will Meet With Opposition in Pro
posed Improvements -Stole a Dog.
Dr. King to Leave Personal and
News Notes Concerning Cvents of
the Day.
The information given in this cof-
nnin that the council nie.11 of the Twen
tieth ward have instructed the city en
gineer to give liueH a id estimates for
the Intended improvement of the 11 in
ripal streets, ha i-et the people talking
I hern it a disposition to hamper the
counoilmen on tho ground that the
striv-ts are good enough for t be present
Whether any considerable number of
th" taxpayers hold Mils view, it 0 inuot
bo reliably statoil It is not many years
ego that the streets of the Twentieth
ward were iu 11 shape that m ids traflio
over them liaiardoua. A iuhq oouiu
not, be found who was wilting to luvest
in building property; and that the con
dltion of the ht rents Had everything to
do with keeping Inmie seekeri away c in
not tie disputed. l 1 n tha more
enterprising and aggressive resldeuts,
headed by ( J. I1 land, .d J, Donalio-i,
John GHbboni and 'I homes J. Moore,
organize! a crusade, or "war. " as it
WAS styled, against the existing inertia.
Little by little Improvement! were
made and ml epoch ot building lioom
came to band, and by many the activity
of the different industrial plaut was
credited with the agreeable change
The llmple 111. is that the improved
treeti brought about the result It
may be true enougu that Cedar, Pitts
ton and Prospeoi avenuet are able to
stand us they do at present, but the ex
pense that will fsll pro rata on each
taxpavur will not be so burdensome
that it will cause any groaning.
A Taylor Thief Takes a Doir.
Casper Schelle is lookiug for the
thief who stole his dog The canine
has a pedigree that antedates tho
French and Indian war, and Casper
v. 1! I not it lor any price. In.
thief lives iu Taylor and will not be
able to make much use of the hound,
because Schelle will be vigilant
A Learned Dcctor to Leave Shortly-
Dr. J. W.'.king will move away from
here on 1 uesday, March 87, lis will
locate in either Candor or Akron, N
Y. Dr King cams to the South Side
about two years ago. He is a physician
of deep learning and has contributed
many scientific treatises to the leading
medical magazines.
Putting Stonss In the Guard Ralls.
The employes ou tbe cars on the
South Side line are not pleated with
the capers of certain persons who
among other things, pot coblestones in
the space botwsen the main and guard
rails. It is fun for the boys, but not
for the street car men.
Funeral of Patiiok Riilly
The funeral of Patrick Reilly was a
very large one yesterday morniug. 1 he
remains were borne to St. John s church
and a high mass of requiem sol"tnuiz?d
Key. Father Muff it preachel a very
touching sermon on tue uncertainty of
death and the need of being at all times
prepared. The pall bearers wer J 'Sepli
Kuaiie. .Martin Lnngan, John AlcJlugh
and Johu McVnrrish.
Picked Up on the Way
About 900 peoplo from this side are
expected to journey to Wilkes Barre
tomorrow. Tho pared" will move from
tbe court house square, iu Luzerne's
capital, at 1 1 o clook.
A high msss will be solemnized to
morrow in St. John's church at H 30
M nl her rin & Judge added a blooded
animal to their stable yesterday after
noon. The equine is said to have a
mark of '! 28. Andrew White, in the
employ of the firni. tested the horse's
speed yesterday and predicts a success
ful season for the thoroughbred if its
owners place it on the Grand circuit
A year-old child of ."John Cnrrun, of
rig street, died yesterday. 1 he funeral
will take place this afternoon at 8
o'clock. Inteimeut in Ilydo Pink
Catholic cemetery.
Patrick U oche's father, from Waver-
ly, N. V. is visiting him at nis resi
deuce 011 Pittstoti avenue.
Mrs. J. W. King is visiting iu Ply
Mrs. Herman, a sister of the lnie
Stephen Outheinz. will leave this morn
ing for her home in Manhattan, 111
Rcrnntnn's Pnslness Interest.
Tiis : Tnnn kk will soon publish a enre
fully compiled nud classified list of the
b-aOing wlnilesnle. hanking, mniiulactur
nig nnd ;-i -t - i-em 1 interests of Scranton
and vicinity. I he edition will bo bound
in book form, beautifully illustrated with
photogravure views of our pnhhc build
mgs, business blocks, streets, etc , together
wnh portraits of lending citizens, No
similar work has ever given au equal rep-
rcueiitalioii of Scrniiten s many luuus
tiles It will beau invaluable exposition
of our business resources. Sent to
persons outside the city, fbopies of
this hnudsuinii work will attraol
how comers nud be nu iineipialled
Hilverilsetueiit. of tne city. I lie circu
Intion is on n plan that ennuot fml of good
results to I bote concerned as well an the city
al iar,.e Representative! of Tun. Tniataa
will call upon 'i nosy, wiiosk. namks
in - DMIBKD m this edition and explain
Us nature more hilly.
Those demrmg views of their residences
in tin- edition will please I, nvo notice at
tho olllce.
Rtnd WhatThay Say of It.
Un comparison of Tub Tribune edition
of the Encyclopedia Itritannlca with Scrib
ner'n, fur which 1 paid $135.00 I find that
they nro tbe same thronghont, plates and
engravings and all, except that 'I nr. Tain
1 m eultiou bus tun American article auu
supplemental matter writtun up to date,
and later maps; makiug it, with thoio ad
dition in history, biography, science, etc.,
more uesirable tta u work or reference Hum
tlin expensive edition. No one will ques
tion the superiority of the Uritnunlca over
all Kucyrlopediaa. Its merit, together
with the phenomenal price mid easy terms,
should place It iu every home.
lb-ii v 1. E. Hand,
Attorney nud counsellor
1 have carefully examined the reprint of
tho Edinburgh edition of ihe Encyclopedia
Brltaonloa offered by Tnt Troon, in 2s
volumes, and find it thoroughly reliable,
being a copy of the original with American
urticlcs. nud supplemental mutter written
to (late ami Lit. a maps, bsHides belug 1U
volumes more convenient 1.. handle.
ClUIII.KS E Hominhon.
Pastor Second Memorial Presbyterian
Mllwnukae Book Hear.
Pabst liork Deer 011 draught
lit ilOBM I ORMABB i,
e visi Lackawanna avenue
Sole Agent,
205 Lackawanna Ave.
1 urn always glad to recommend a good
thing. I hnve used with great satisfaliou
tbe 111 u th edition of the Lucyclopedia
Brltannlea, and it would be among the
very last of my biaikt with which 1 would
Consent to pin 1 Its ajticlea are written
by ineu entitled to sptak with authority.
It is a storehouse of luforuiatiou which
oue rurely cnnsultH iu vain The oppor
tunity to consult such a work dally Is cer
tainly vnluuble. and association with such
mou as its ludcx catalogues can be but
ennobling. VYai.tkk II. Hukll,
principal school of tbe Lackawanna
Lehigh Valley Railroad Company
Auuounce. 1 1 1 1 . -1 1.1 1 1 . March la. their
dining car on the European plan will iuu
on truin 1, leaviug Beaton 10.90 u. in., ar
riving nt ikes-Unrri) 1,8a n. in . aim trniu
'i, leaving Wilkes-Uarre 4,81 p. in , arriving
ul l.aatou 7.40 p. III., instead of betwrcu
Jersey City and Wilkei. llarrc, as hereto
And tram UO, leaving Wilkes-liarro 8.05
u. m and tiain Bl. leaving New York 4,10
p. ni., will now carry Pullman llutTet Par-
lorcart between Wilkee-Berre and New
York. The rates nre vew nominal, as bo-
tweeu New xork and 1 ttt"aiioua ncnts are
only 28 cents; between New York and
Hanen hunk. Neeuta nnd between .New
York and Wilkee-Berre, 70 cents.
Largest and Best Line in
the, city.
116 Wyoming Avenue.
ESTAB. 1866. 5
New York wararooms, v
- N Fifth avenue T
Bole dealers In this section g
jm office IIS) Adams avenue ee
Scientific Eye Testing Free
By Dr. Shimberg,
The Bpecialiet on tbe Eye llcsiUche and
NervoiHiews relieve,!. Latent and Improved
Btyls of Bye QlaeMS mid Bpeotaolee at the
Lowes' Prices best Artiucial Kyes inserted
fur V
3b SPRUCE ST., op. Poat Offlc.
Going through our stock we made a careful selection of
To close out these odd lot we will sacrifice them,
Our Bargain Counters Filled with Surprises.
Martin 6c Delany
Coal Exchange, Wyoming Avenue
PRING . . .
Styles of
Have arrived.
Best quality and
lowest prices.
220 Lacka. Avenue.
Union for Ever
Florey & Holt
Y. M. C. A. Block.
Easter Opening
Jackets AND
For the Spring and
Summer of '94.
Stock Large and Attractive.
Prices the Lowest on Record.
8c Co.
Cloak Makers and i-'urriers,
no M'Kl :cf. -ST..
Special for This Com
ing Week.
Ladles' Kid Button, pointed and
Philadelphia toes, imtent leather
tips, special price. $a 69; worth, 8.80,
Ladies' Dongola Kid l'uttoti.liand
sewed, special price, $3; worth $4 50.
Misst's' Kid Button, plain tops,
sprinc heel, special price. i. 50;
worth P 00
Boys' School Shoes, Doti(tola top,
llteslM to 5), soeclal price, i so;
worth W-00
Men 'l t'alf Tatent l,inthar lscs.
pointed toes, special price, 83.00;
worth fl.OO
Men's t'alf Hlucher, band sewed
welt, Pioosdtlly last, special prico.
a.89i worth 3 '"'0
Little Hoys' Shoos, button end
lace, spritiK heel, made "just like
ptpa's, sizes 5 to 1H, special price,
fi. 50; worth 1.9t
Yontha' t'slf. button ami laoe,
il InB heels, Uoodvear welts sl7.s
11 to 01, special price, $2; worth, 50
SCHANK'S Arcade Shoe Store.
I AST YEAR he bad saved 1900,
He bougfat a house worth frlsO
-paid !?;lo0 down, gave B mort
gage tor $1,560. Today he estimate!-
M tollows:
Knnt saved $2e) M
lntereni on . i .fss Ou
Taxes and repairs 2t 50 Us 90
N : f-i- --.. .- ent $139 SO
Sared on salarr 150 00
To apply on uiortiratfo $JTO X
hone nlll be free from debt ami I ahall
base a borne of 1113- oun."
GMBM RIDOI i tbe paraSlsa foe
bullies rimi Sons hns-e reeentty tn
Isheil s SeiMtlftot Villa Iii, li tbey efl.-r,
011 easy puyinentv. hI SlS.0
( ail at iheli ettu ... betweaa Unsbinatoa
iiiul Ailaui on Ollee street,
The iical Mai vol of Dental Science
A recent discovery and the sole
property of
Henvood & Wardell,
316 Lackawanna Ave.
AfteV liuvina eleven teeth e.vti-aete,1 at
oiie sitting by tbe pnlnlens iiiviIuhI, I p-,,'
nOnaee It entirely aatlsfaclnrv In every
paillculnr. J. ti. SKAMOM8.
Are si I'rrjrnt the N.l v, , -,!ei aJ rrsfairti t
bvu.lmg Al list.
Wareroonis : Oppostts Columbus Monument,
SOB Wnahlngton Av. 8oranton,Pa.
IOIIH of thai COI TONS r.
Montprt at The Tribune 'Otllctx cor
MM I'i'it 11 HvtMiito and Spruce kiici-i.
Btltlut in' holdaf to all thu rlv
n. L. s of (In tinpitrnllolctl eifTVrii
Im IUti I but I nu M)puliir hook
Hinonu nui ifiutcri. Tltr oflWn malti
by l in- Tribune miiuitgcnai'uL aro
us fullows:
lli CENTS ami Four Coupons for
any voluino in the Cclitmbtm Se
ries. Over lOOtltltsH to select from.
nod FOttr Coupon for a 10
Tolumo set of DlcltenV complete
90 CENTS ami Four Coupons for
auy book In thn Rugby Reries.
95 CENTS and Four Couponn for
any book In thy Oxford Series.