G THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY MORNING. MARCH 15. 1894. LIVE NEWS OF TOO PITTSTONS The Scranton Tribonb's Pittston da irtuent is iu charge of J. M. Fahy, to hoin news Hems and complaints may be lUlerred. LABORERS IN TROUBLE. Arrested While Tearing Up the Lucerne Avenue Line Yesterday. The breaoh which has existed for some time between th West Side au thorities and the WyomiriK Valley Traction company wan opened Bt ill more yeetrday by the authorities ar resting rive laborers who were engaged in tearing up the Luzerne avnue line, which was abandoned immediiitely af ter its completion last summer. The uieu had Started to work at a point betweeu the bridge and Wyom ing avenue, aud had barely commeuoed when they were placed uuder arrest ind taken before Burgess S B Bsn uett, at the towu hall. They were elmrged with a violation of the bor jugh ordinance to not haviug secured i permit. Attorney V. J. Hiblu ap nearod for the company. Costs amount ng to $11 -': were imposed. Attorney tllbbs liquidated the amount aud '.he workmen were discharged The work remains in statu qttO. TBI marvelous success of Hood'l Sarsa parilla is based OpOO the corner stone OS absolute merit. Take Hood's throughout the spring mouths. TOWN HAPPENINGS. The Eveute of the Borough Told in Short Paragraphs. B:iruey Ferguson iu "McCarthy's Mishaps'' will be the attraction at Music u.ill tomorrow evoniui:. The moulding department or' the stove works will be idle today. The members of the hospital medictl staff held a consultation yesterday af ternoon on tiie 0 se of the Hungarian lad who was injured at the Butter miue a few days ago. At s regular meeting of the Keystone Rifle association, the following offi-'ers were elected for the eusuiug term President, J V. DeUinuty, sr ; vice presideut, Stephen Olmstead, secre tary. Captain J. V. Bums, treasurer, E H. Williauiso:! trustses. Stsptieu Olmstead. L P Holcomb aud Henry Polen, shoottug master, J. P. Dila liunty, sr. ; first assistant, il-nry Polen, second aesistaut, Stephen Olmstead. The game of basnet lull between Company C's team and Company A s athletic team, of Wilkes-Barrs, which is set down for Saturday eveninr at Armory hall, promises to be an exciting contest. A small admission fee will be charged. The funeral of Mrs Rose Flan nigan took Dlace yesterday morning from hsr late home on Market street at tf o'clock. The remains, followed by a large con course of relatives and friends, were borne to St John's chnrch. where a mass of requiem was celebrated. Rev Father M. J Keller officiated and also delivered the tnneral sermon The re mains were interred in Market street cemetery. The pall bearers were Jas O'Boyle, Thomas Ccsgrove, John P. Kearney, J. Cawley, Jouu MeGinley and Thomas Daley. Fire, supposed to be of incendiary origin, destroyed a dilapidated frame bnilding on North Main street about midnight Ta.sJey. The firemen re sponded, bat were unable to save it. Later in the night a burn belonging to John McAndew, of the Junction, was burned to the ground. Dyspepsia and Indigestion la their worst forms ar cured by the use of P. P. P. If you are debilitated and run down, or if you need a tonie to regain flesh and lost appetite, strength and vigor, take P. P. P., and you will be strong and health, r or shattered constitutions and lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash. Pose Root and Potassium, is the king of all medicines. P. P. P. is the greateat blood purifier in the world. For sale by all druggists. OEMOREST MEDAL CONTEST. An Interesting Entertainment at Forest City Last Evening. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Fokut City, Pa., March 14. -The fourth Demorest silver medal contest occurred this evening in the MetuuJiet Episcopal church before a fair sized and ippreciative audience. The following is the entire pro gramme as given Song, ''To the Front,' by all members of Loval Le gion; recitation, "Our National Curse," Lottie Reynolds; duet, "Tie Rnm," Ethel and Josie Alexander; recitation. "Prohibition Warriors Form in Line," Mattie Whipple; solo, "Uur Coming Army," Clarence Knapp. declamation. The Deacon's Match,'' Charles Cole, recitation. "Not Dead cor Dying." Louise Jones, song, ' Cnerriee," by seven little girls ; decla mation, "Things that are Settled, Les ter Hayne, duet, "No Bread Today,'1 Ma Peasnall and Mamie Westgate ; recitation, "The Cry of Today," Made line Darrow;song, "TheTsleof Woe," by several boys and girls, dnet, "Only a Drop in the Bucket," Ethel and Josie Alexaeder; song. "Hurrah for the Flag," by Loyal Legion. The judges appointed were Mrs. Frank Colborn, Mrs. J. M. Bivins, Elias Edwards and Stanley Evans. The Jndges decided in favor of Miss Lottie Reynolds, who recited her se lection In a charming and pleasing manner, and at the close of the enter tainment she ws presented with the beantifnl silver medal. Rev. J. C. Hogan made a few ap propriate remarks npon the cause of temperance. Much credit for the suc cess of the entertainment is dne to the nntiring efforts of Mrs, Yelvlngton and Miss Ella Fuller. Would yon ride on a railroad that uses do (Ifinuer signals I t.at cmikIi is a signal of danier. The safest cure is Dr. Wood's Norway I'ineHyrup. Sold by all dealers on u guaruuteo of satisfaction. POINTERS ON THE CRIP. A Description of tht Dlssass by One Who Baa 8utferd Ever have the grip? 1 will give yen a few pointers Yon will imagine you have had a bad cold nnd you ean wear it out, but you need not try it. The gnu has fastened its fangs onto yon and will not 1st you go. Yon have got to give up, so go home and go to bed. In a short time you will feel like tke Chicago drummer who took the Keeley cure at Dwight, III. You will feel like An anarohist and want to bomb. Yon will realize Beech er's dream of bell. Yon will think your bead has been removed aud an old bee hive with the empty comb left in its place. Your month will taste like a pailof sauerkraut. You have the grip. Your pulse Is going at a !i 40 gait, and your temperature is away up to 108 or 104 in the shade ; while paius of every variety and style shoot throngh your tired out frame unceusingly. Now you get to bed as soon as you can ; the enemy must be routed at Us first at- EX-MINISTER TO AUSTRIA. Hon. John M. Francis One of the Thousands Whom Paine's Celery Compound Has Benefited. Among the men of international rep utation in America ne one deserves better of his country than Hon. John M Francis, ex-minister to Austria. The highest political honors have come to him unsought. Pres. Grant appointed ;ntm minister to Greece. Pres. Garfield had chosen him for the mission to Belgium. Pres. Arthur ap pointed him minister to Portugal, and in 18S4 he was promoted to be envoy extraordiaary and minister plenipoteu tiary to Austria-Hungary, with a resi dence at Vienna. At the last New York state election Mr. Fransis was choose one of the 13 deleg4tesat-large to the constitutional convention, which is to set in Albany next summer, and bis majority was the largest on the state ticket. Mr. Francis is conspicuous among the really great editors of today as the founder, editor and proprietor of the Troy Times, which he baa made a live, enterprising, clean and popular paper, and one of the ablest and most ioliu-n-tial exponents of republican Um in the country. The life and labors of Mr. Francis present one of the most attractive and insiruetive objects which one can con template. Industry, conscientiousness, absolute fidelity to duty, and prefer ence for a high plane of moral conduct have been conspicuous traits of bis charaoter. They were the adequate guarantee of the eminent success that has crowned bis efforts, and of the tri bute of esteem that is paid to him. Mr. Francis, though he has reached the psalmiBt'a allotted three score and ten, is in excellent health, and mentally vigorous and alert. The first of this year be went to California with hit daughter to spsn a few months. Before going he requested William B. Wilson, who, under Air. Francis and his ton, Hon. Q S. Fjuucis, is the wide-awake bead of the business de partment of the Tiirss, to say for him to the proprietors of fame's celery compound "I have used the medicine moderately and with favorable re sults." The expression if characteristic of the dignified and conservative gentle men who, as last fall's vote ehows.is in the right sense the most popular citi zen of the empire state Mr. Wiimn himself, writing an un solicited letter to Welles Richardson company, says of this wonderful renie dy that makes people well - ''For some time post 1 have been using Paine's celery compound as a nervine and tonic, and have found its effects very beneficial. I have heard and known of its good work among my friends, several saying that tbey"could not kaep house without it," and never allow their supply to become exhaust ed. I shall always stand ready to say . - 1 T a . . . gouu worn ror raine s ottery com pound, for I honestly believe that it will do all that is claimed for it." Among the thousands of testimonlali that come to the proprietor! of Paine s celery compound every year, are let ters from grateful mtn and women in every ttation of life. Lietle did Dart mouths great profetsor realize the greatness of his benefit to mankind when be first prescribed this remedy that makes people well, and in the spring months - March, April, May is as much sbperlor to all the ordinary tonics, nervine, anu sarstparillas as the diamond is more brilliant than piece or glass, it is the best spring rueuicine in me world, it makes peo pie wen. It is the true specific for diseases arising from a debiliatud nervous ers tern and impu.'e blood. It is a positive cure foa dyspepsia, biliousness, liver complaint, neurallgia, rheumatism, all nervous diseases and kidney troubles. For the latter Paine's celery lias suc- ieti again ana again where every thing else has failed. The medical journals of this country and Europe have given more space to the many remarknble cases where the use of Paine's celery compouud his made psoplewell than to any other one subject. Scranton, Pa, Nov. 14, 1893. The edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica offered by The TRIBUNE should meet with an unparalleled sale. It is an exact copy of the original, with the addition of Amer ican subjects written up to date, which greatly enhances its value to American readers. The price, $46.50, as compared with $125, the cost of the original in its cheapest form, together with the favor able terms of payment, should commend it to every one wishing to possess the writings of the ablest minds on subjects pertaining to history, biography, theology, me chanical arts, or, in fact, every branch of learning known to man. An Encyclopedia is a necessity, not only to the stu dent, but to the general reader, and the opportunity now offered should not be allowed to pass unimproved by thoBe who have felt, heretofore, that they could not afford the original work. GEO. W. PHILLIPS, Supt. of City Schools The - Closing - Day ONLY 17 DAYS REMAIN FOE THE Chance of a Lifetime You know what regrets have been experienced when looking backward at "chances " that were allowed to pass Don't pass the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA tsok. if possible, so take three of Rad way's pills immediately, and then swal low a teaspoon ful of Rad way's Ready Relief diluted with half a tumbler of water. Then have your chest, throat snd hack rubbed well with the Heady Relief, cover up well with blankets and get into a good sweat. If the throat is alresdysore, tie a piece of flannel satn rated with tbe Beady Relief around It. i.ase and comfort will now take the plsoe of distressful pain and aching limbs, and sleep- nature's sweet re nt'. rr will be calm and restful, and when the morning breaks vou will awake feeling refreshed and better. This treatment, used before in slmi -ar epidemics, has cured thoniands, and warie 1 off pneumonia and other fatal liseases which are no ready to step In. There is no better treatment than this for driving out a cold. Physicians are not always within eall, and it is jeopardizing human life to be without such valuable remedies as Rad way's. They should be in every family and ready for nse when required An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure HAPPENINGS AT THROOP The Bote Boys Males U lick Tims Other Items of Interest. Fvecial to the Scranton Tribune. Tiiuooh, Pe., March 11. Meetings at the Haptist chureh were largely at tended on Sunday last The hose room of the Throop Hose company, No. 1, Is now completed aud tbe boys hevn moved iu. (i. B. Mead, of this place, tins moved to providence and has taksn up his abode on Parker street Mrs N'irtlirup, of Pittston, spent Tuesday with Mrs. J. H. How, of this plnee. The Enterprise Glee club is making great progress in their singing and will so m astonish the public with some of their recitations There is a rumor going around that we will soon have an orclnstra in town. The Pancost mine will work two full days this week. Almost every evening you can see a crowd of men and boys on the store porchand their conversation H jf;the reign of terror nnder Orover. i ii firm of Bellman v Co , limited, will take Inventory 00 Tuesday next, March 'i l Miss Hannah Indian has recovsred iron her illness. William Habutt is still on tbe sick list. The Easter programme of the Hap tist Sunday sobool, is being rehearsed. .1. H McDonald intends joiuitig the army. A few of Iho hose boys made their Oral trial on Tuesday Inst. Thy made i run or JIO'I Tarda from the fire plug ind midectm itetlOD and had a stream tnroutrli the iin In II) minutes. WE ARE RENOVATORS No Dual left in your carpets. No Moths, lViillier ,jeu or MI purities In your feathers when we gel through with them. Don't hesitate to work. We CAN and WILL please you No old machinery. All nnd (he best, Mattresses thoroughly renovated and made OTtt good as new. Furniture repaired anil upbol stered. This is the greatest work from which to gain knowledge of every kind that the world has ever known. Hundreds of peo ple have subscribed during the past few weeks. By special ar rangement with the publishers THE TRIBUNE has offered this great work to its readers at the wholesale price. On the payment of $4.50 this magnificent library of 25 large quarto volumes will be delivered to your home, the bal ance to be paid $5 per month. By taking half the set at a time you may pay at the rate of 10 cents per day. The books may be seen anv dav or evenincr until the clos ing day at 437 Spruce street, betweeu Washington and Wyo ming avenue. In sending orders bv mail address Tl TRIBUNE E. I DEPARTMENT jive us your new, Spriai we HAL CLEAR! A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Thousands Remnants of Dry Qoodi. Cloaks and Fur Capei during Hule at leu than oost of material. Every tudi of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever shown. Ladies' Felt Hats, this season's styles IOo. each. Boys' Winter Waists IOo oacli. Muffs 30c. eaqh. Cloaks fl.SOvMA HOSIERY. UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUE. COME. IT WILL 1"AY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. Come and see one of yei-anton's newt's! industries and see how do the work. Vou are welcome. THE Scranton Bedding Co. 602-604 Lacka. Ave. Cor. Adams Ave. N.B. We are Retailing at Factory Prices. MARCH 15, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON Your choice of throe beautiful pictures, "Telephone C ill," "De livering Chriiltmal Presents" and "Maidens Swinging." Send by mail or messeuger or bring coupons like thiBof three differ ent dates, with 10 cents, stamps or coin, to TRIBUNE OFFICE, Cor. Pann Ave. and Spruce St. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods. More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE. PITTSTON, PA. MT. PLEASANT AT UKTAlIi. tVl of thn twit quality for domostio uae,and of all iltoa, doltvenxl In uiif part uf tlio city nt luwent prtoe. k'l't at Order. NO. I IK. my office. w van i no AVKNIIK, Rr room, first floor. Third National Bank, or ant by mail or tnlsplione to tho mine, will reoslv prompt attention. Special oontrairts will 1 made for the sale and delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. puzz'ljeJ I ' II III THE THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable as a Souvenir of the Fair. QUITE EASY WHEN YOU KNOW HOW aonn iv MUKIIUI W1M, UK DlSTItlBl TEU TO THOSE DOING PUZZLE IN THE SHORTEST SPACE OF TIME FOH SIiE BY ALL NEWS COMPANIES. STATIONERS AND AT TOY HlllUKN OH SENT TO ANY ADDRESS UPON RECEIPT OP PRICE, 2s CENTS, BY COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO., 113 AND 114 SOUTH EUTAW STREET, bADTlMOHE, MD