The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 15, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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I Pipe i
i Valves I
m mm
I Fittings I
do you want a im&w
your old shirt. We do It.
JOB Fenn Ave.
NorrmanA Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
New Goods
In La:::
hTTihTTjiflorioq n
w UlwCUl .
415 Lacka. Avenue.
Wall Papers,
Window Shades,
Mattings, Rugs, etc
127 Wyoming A v 3.
Entertainment of the Viang Men's In
stitute at College Hall tonight.
ilis Xell'.e Ketebum will give a piano
recital at Powell' j music store tomorrow
The famous Mrs. Ann Gaffney was yes
terday released from tne county jail under
the insolvency act.
The line performers at Cushman's Bljoa
theatre continue to Dlease large audiences
with their clever spcurties.
Street Commissioner Xirst has removed
the winter accumulation of dirt from the
asphalt paved streets of the city.
Tha grand jury will meat next Mon
day and the constables of the county pre
sent their quarterly reports to conrt.
A vigorous wind yesterday fanned the
dust about the streets and into the eyes of
ledestrians in a way that was altogether
James Mailing, 29 years old, of the South
Mile, w as yesterday fl ned 1 and costs for
riflinir the pooltet of an intoxicated mau
In Zeidler s hotel Tuesday night.
The ladies of tha Ureen Itidga Presbyte
rian church will give a free social to their
friends In the church parlors this evening
at 8 o'clock, to which all are invited.
The V"olunt-?r Firemen association
held a lively meeting last night. There
was a large attendance, and subjects of In
terest were debated in an enthusiastic
Members of the fir depart men: am re
((uested to meet at Nay Aug Hose house,
at 1 p m., Friday, March 10, to attend the
funeral of W. H. Schoonover. B, F.
Ferbar, chief.
A spark from an engine set tire to the
roof of a bouse on Seventh street ocoupied
by a man named ..n,v, at 5.M last
evening. About one-half the roof was de
stroyed before the flames to ild be extin
guished. An alarm wax turned m from
box 44.
Measles still continue to rags In If yl.,
Park. Sixteen naw cases, located in that
section of the city, were reported to the
board of health oftim ymterday. and In
spector Thomas is kept pretty busily en
gaged in placarding the housis where
the contagion exists.
Y. W. C. A. NOTES,
Yonng ladies Interested In continuing
literature studies will find the Thursday
night fihaketpenre circle most enjoyable.
Three more places can now be secured
in the dressmaking class, as several hsvj
completed their conrso in the Clark dreas
cuttlng system.
The yonng woman who vmlt the rooms
of the Young Woman's Christian annota
tion today fur the lunch hour will enjoy n
musicals from 12 till 1X80, A iilftinn
programme will ba rendered. Young
women detained in the city during tha
noon hour will daily Mud the luuch room,
resdlug room, reception hall and recreation
room afford delightful rest and enjoy
merit. Sptclal Barn sins
In organs slightly used. Mu.t be sold for
want of room.
1 I'.urdette Organ 165.1)0 ('ash
1 Shonluger Organ 6S 00 "
1 Wilcox & White Organ 00.00 "
1 iiridqeport 800 "
1 Dyr 4 Hnghos Organ. 45.00 "
Also full lino of slat ionery at reduced
prices. Tkavihs' Music Stuhe,
906 Luckawauus Ave.
Notice -Camp 349, P. O 8 of A.
Ever member is requested to meet at
tha camp room on Friday, March 10,at 12.110
o'clock, to attend the funeral of Brother
William Schoonover. While gloves.
E. V. Hcnivt, President.
Knit Gertrude sultA for baby at tinby
Bazaar, M0 Bproee street.
Court Has Listened to All the Argument for
and Agaiust Granting.
They Wero Before tho Court Yester
dayRemonstrances In Every Case.
Mr. Okell Denies Statements Made
by Mr. Woodruff-Jones an Excep
tional Colored Man-Lare Numbjr
of New Applicants at Winton.
After listening to tlie arguments why
lk-onsps should be granted this year to
about 180 new houses iu this county,
which h ive beei advaucad siuua Mon
day, court at 3 o'clock last evening ud
jourued until Monday morning At
that time at least a portion of the
licenses which the court decides to
grant will be handed down
When court opeued yeeter.lav morn
ing. I'olouel F. J. FitlsitauiOU urged
the claims of Thomas Harrington, of
the First ward of this eitjr, tor a hotel
license, it ud Attoruey'i' r llobaii di I
the suiue eervic. (or Michael and Jtiui'S
Ulltoy, of the same ward.
Attorneys Taylor and Lewis taken
for u license tor John K JoilM, of ISO
West Mark! street, but tin reti'
was opposed by Attorney A A Yoi
bnrg on tbe gronnd tuat the proposed
hotel is close to No '.'0 school building.
The case Ol Patrick H. O dden who
nsks tor a ivstsuraut Itcsme for LOS
West M'irktft street was next tnksu up
He was reprceeuted by Msjor Kverett
Warren, woo presented a long sustain
uig petition and letters from well
known dtjisoa of the First ward usk-injs-
that tb,e place be UflsntM.
Attorney O H. Welles represented
a remonstrance signed by thirty-two
persons which set forth tintt Mr. Uol
leu's place was not necessary and
would not enhance the comfort of the
people hviug iu thit viciuity A
bottlers license was asked for by John
Lukens, of Lloyd street.
A remonstrance had been Bled
against burke A Shea, of the Second
ward, who want to open a Intel ut
Sanderson avsuue and Eist Mirket
street. Attorney 0. S. Woodruff ap
peared for the remonstranc which
oontsinsd a large nuiuber of slant
tures. One of the ubjsotions to the
granting of the license is that it is
Qtar the site of a proposed school
Attorneys Taylor and Lewis appeared
for .John Divm. who asks (or a llotOSS
for 11 U Jackeoa street. Oujct;on was
made to granting the license (or th-i
reason that church goers have to pass
the place. The same objsction was
mads to the granting o( a license to
William Dtokslnlok, who wants to open
a hotel on South. Main aveuii", across
the street from the Gjrmau CithoHo
When the Thirteenth ward wat
readied obj -ctiou was mads to renew
Ing the hotel license of Captain John
Horn, Col F. L Hitchcock and At
torueyC. S Woodruff, who represented
t largely sicrnel remonstraacs, declared
that there was no necessity for the
place. Major Everett Warrea, who
represented the petitioner, argued that
there is 3 great necessity tjX Horn's
The application of D. F K -srney (or
a license for the Seward home in
Grseu Itilge street was oppose! by
Messrs. Hitchcock and Woodrnff. At
torneys U. H. HolgateandT. F. Hoban
argued in favor of granting the license
Attorney F. T. Okell presented th
application of James Kelly for a hotel
license at 1007 and 1 "iOU Von Stored
avenue. He said tus house was located
closer to tbs heart of the manufactur
ing center than any other tot which a
,:cense is asked.
' It is perfectly abur 1 to ask for a
license for this house." Colonel Hitch
toek said, when Mr. Okell had floishod.
" traveler or stranger could
find the place without a gnide."
This statement Mr. Okell denied and
Attorney Woodruff further added to
ids iro by declaring that the only
industry near the hotel was a sand
batik on the edge of which the hotel
was built.
Mr Okell challenged the statement
with much warmth and referred to
Mr, Woodruff in an uncoiuplimsntary
manner. To prove Mr Woodruff was
mistaken Mr. Okell called tha appli
cant, who said the sand bank was two
blocks away from his hotel.
The case of Robert Bisbi wn nex'.
taken up. He asks for a license for a
hotel at Dickson tvsnus and Orsso
Kidgs street. As in the oth-r Thir
teenth wsrd cases a remonstrance was
filed sgslnst granting It Attorney
John F. Hcragg nude an argument for
the applictot and Colonel Hltohuock
for tbs reinonstranoe. Hs said the
proposed hotel Is closa to s building
now used for school purposes.
IfosetT. Jones, t colored man, asked
for t licensa for tne old Lilly hottl on
West Lackawanna avenue. Mr.
Scragg, who ropressntsd him, said he
was ''an exsaptional colored man," and
would conduct the hotel in an emi
nently proper manner. Judge Aroh
bald said the place hnd been lioens.'d
before to n colored man and became a
very unsavory place. Mr. Scragg as
sured the court that such n thing could
not occur under tbs BUMgslBtnl of
Mr. Jones.
Other licenses askad for in the Four
teenth ward were (iormsu nod Cum
m I tig, wholeealt, 00S WestLickaWnuna
avenu. mid P. J. Murphy, restturaut
at Itoblnson and Chestnut streets
William ftotb, Patrick ltu-ii ar.d Pai
rlck Oolden usked for licenses fnr new
hotels In the Fvighteenth ward, lu the
cases of the last named two remon
strances wra filed, which were repre
sent' d by Attorney K. H House.
Wiuton borough had the last place
on the list, but it was not behind in the
matter of naw Applications. 0 urt lis
tened to reasons why tho following
new honsfs aliould b licensed Mrs.
Jauu Him, Htefen Maslsyar, Michael
Hersh, Joseph Konieczny, 1'etcrMas
War, Patrick F. Uodfrey, Johu Huane,
John F. Walsh, El ward Manly. Henry
Bpritftr, O H Nanoarrow, lohn T.
Hell, John Oudfry and W oych Uocar
That Personage's Ileollty Mint with
(be Mining Bessie White.
Till ' y.ieeti of Cauada" has again
enter m1 tbs lists. For a long timo a
demsulsd woman who gives herself
this title has figured at intervals In the
police court. Tula time her Identity
(iss bosn mixed with that of tho miss
ing Dessie Whits, tbs domsstlo who
liss disappeared from the house of Mr.
Kennedy, 1717 Washington arsnn?,
where she was employed.
Tuesday night a woman called at the
resldenoe of John Loftns, Green Hide.
and ssked for lodging. She next
made t like application to Mrs John
Rafter. Mrs. Rafter and Ler daughter
conversed with the woman, who told
them sho lived at Dumuore but could
not go horns as sho was afraid to be out
late. In reply to a question asked her,
she said she had lived at Duumora with
her father aud mother for live years,
bnt could not recall the street.
The ladies accompanied her to the
car and directed her the route home.
Aftsr riding a few blocks alio ulighte l
and returned to near the R if ter res -dence.
Mrs. Rafter and her daughter
thought the circumstances peuullar
and referred 10 Tun Tkihunk's de
scription of liittie White WulOb they
tbongbt might apply to the woman.
The mutter was reported to in . po
lice department and ou Investigation
tlie mysterious personage developed the
not ovorly-bright woman, who, when
in pelice ouituly, suys she is the
' Quean of C ma la."
Woiklng-s of the Assoolttsd Charities.
Applloants for Hilief.
Tweuty-nv applicants for employ -nieut
presented themselves at the of.
tiue ot the Associated OOtrltlei iu the
muuluipsl bml hug yesterday in lin
ing, ten of whom were given work at
Ooanell park for six days, after
winch they will bs laid off and ten
others taken on.
Some twenty or more applied for re
lief, an 1 th-ir cases were reoordsd for
Jury Say It Was tha Result ol Unfore
seen Accident, but Chargemtn
M ,.M He Mure Cautious.
Tha coroner's jury wbo iuvestigased
the Richmond shall disaster, iu which
four men were ci usbed and burned to
death met last night aud returned this
verdict "We, tlie undersigned jurors,
inquiring into the death of Thomas
Hoiwsll, Richard Hughes, James
Northey and Albert Riabards, tin 1 that
they came to their deaths by au UDfoi
seen avcideut. We also think that the
chargemsu shoubl be more cautious in
the diao.narge of their duties " The
verdict was signed by Jurors John J.
Lftus. J. 1) I'erber. jr. ilrvon Fallon,
Johu Sykes, James Fatiey aud Vuughan
Tba jury unt Monday uight and after
tlirte hours' deliberation no verdict
was agreed upon, and au adjournment
was made until last night, it was ex
o usively meutionsd in Tuesday's Tttih
VM that live stool tor a verdict, the
nature of which could not be learned,
while ons took au opposite view; aud
that the one juror wanted to Inolu le a
ceusare agalust somjbuly OOOOemed,
other than the chargeui-n. TliK Tkiuimc
has uo reason to quality this statement
It is reported tiiat the timbering done
in the shaft ami Mine Inspector Rod
erick's position lu the matter were two
important points of con'.ontton How -ever,
the evidence presented bofore the
jury, when they first inst at the court
bouts, showed that ttie timbering was
done iu a manner to more than comply
witii the law's requlrem tits, and that
tba accident could not reflect upou the
mine Inspector
BschUM, Drandow & Co 'j Team Stalled
Near Aiohbsli.
Tbs country roads are In bad condi
tion in mahy plaos. m tba driver of
Becbtold, Braudow cc Co.'s delivery
wagon discovered Toss lav Whits on Ids
wav to Archbald with n load of goods.
He had nearly re .c w 1 bis destina
tion, wnen he was su Idonly awaksiw 1
from tbs quiet rsverie into whicii hs
hud falleu. by the sinking into the mil I
of both the team and wagon. The
driver tried to urgs the willing nni
male to escaps from tha uiira, but tbsir
Itrnggisa only resulted iu forcing them
deeper into the quicksand-liks earth,
while the vehicle sank to the axles.
All eff rts to extricate them proved fu
tile aud word was sent to the Qrm he, j
for help.
There was a Dsponss to the appeal
for aid, but it was not until vell along
in the afternoon that the horses an 1
wagon ware safely transferred to solid
terra flrma, presenting an apparanue
much lest respsctaole than whin they
left this city in tne miming.
This psrticular piece of road, whldb
passes through the strip of w Is D
tween the Riverside breaker au 1 Arch -bald,
has caused a great deal of tr ,
at rurious times.
N it Likely That Dtnville Contagions
Will Be Transmitted Hsrs.
In view of the telegraphic reports
from Tiik Tribune's special correspon
dent At Danville, telling of the dreaded
smallpox prevailing there, it will in
terest Scranton people to know
tbat there Is no danger appre
hended of smallpox Invading this
city. Smallpox, chicken px and
measles, three conracdotis difficult to
chook, are raging at Danville, but the
Scrauton board of healtn is not
alarmed with the possibility of this
city becoming contaminated, except
with measles.
On Monday nineteen and yesterday
eleven cisesof measles were reported
to the health dpartnrnt. Most of
tbe cases afl located iu Hydn i'ark. A
few scarlet fever cases bavs been found
In the central city, but proper prooau
tlons have been taken to proveut a
general infection
Of infectious or coutagious diseases,
there are no Inrger number existing
than is usual at this season of the year,
and tin general health In the city Is
Iron t tie Used In 'IhW Struuture Ar
i ! In the City
Three carlo id of iron for the new
I'ark ir Street bridge arrived yesterday,
nlid It Is probable that the work of
erecting that struuturs will begin soon
The construction foreman Is already
on the ground, and tho street commis
sioner is building a foot bridge un-dt-r
the Oitario tod Western bridge
Tli" material came from the Penn
Bridge Compiny's works ut Bjaver
Lihlah Valley Riilroad Company
Announce, commencing March U their
dlolngoar on tbe Eoropeaa plan win run
ou train I, leaving P.nstoti lU.'JO a. in , ar
riving at Wikes-Uarre I.U5 p. ui., aud trAln
t, leaving Wilkes Harre i.liiii. m , arriving
at BtStOn 7.40 p. iu., liottesd of betweou
Jersey City and VYilkea-Darro, as hereto
fore. And train 20, lenvlug Wllkes-lsarre H.05
u. DL, aud train t leaving New York 4. lu
n m,, will now carry Pullman Buffet Par
lor cars between Wilkes Marre mid New
York. The rates are very nominal, as be
tweuu New York and CatHiaiiqiia seats nre
only ii rents; between New York au 1
Matich ('bunk, SO cents, and between New
York and Wllkes-Hane. 75 cents,
i i i
P. M. Aylesworth wiil remove to )iiS
Wyoming avenue the first week in April .,
ESatTM millinery opening at Mrs. Laug
staff's Kij Wyoming avenue.
Mass Meeting to Aid the EratiOD Will Be
field at the Armory April 9.
It Is Anticipated That the Armory
Will Uo Crowdoil on t l.e Night of
tbe MoetinK Committee That Has
Chtrgt ot tho Selection ol a Suita
ble Model Colonel E. H. Ripple's
Labors Kor the Project.
The Sheridan Monument ussiciatioa
held a meeting last night in thuofilje
o( Attorney James C. Vaugtian mid
cumulated all arrangements for a pub
lic dsuioubtratlon to be bald iu the
armory on Thursday uveniiig, April 5
It is anticipated thai a gathering so
immense will attend that the apucloua
armory will be tuxsd to its utmost ca
pacity Several vary prominent sp tak
ers o( the city have beau Invited to de
liver addresses au I every one of them
Is expected to accept
i olonal Btra H Ripple. R i, p J
McMaiius. liiv N'. P SUbl, Hon. T
VI Powderly, Hon. John R Parr aud
end t'olouel Prank J Pilziimmons
bavs reoelvad inTlttttOni Such au
array of orators canuot fail to arouse
I he audience to the glories of gallant
Phil Sheridan.
Tlie object of this meeting is to
nriViae popular enthusiasm toward the
movement for perpetuating the mem
ory of the daring hero of the late civil
war. Au eqnestrisn statue Will be
erected ou the court bouse square to
inspire the coming generation to emu
late the valorous deeds of "Little
COMsllTTII on UoUhX.
Colonel Eira H. Ripple, Thomss J.
Mi- and Lieutenant Oovernor
Watreii have b.un appolutei a coin
mitteo tor the selection of a suitable
model after which tha stutus will bs
The liiovemeut toward erecting
Sheridan's statue was first started by
the members of the Pnil Slieriduu
rlfltt, and siuco then prouiiuent men of
the city have lent their CO operation.
Colonel i H Ripple lias labored lu Ir
fallganly to interest others uti 1 to him
can be uttributed u largs meed of
The association will try to have the
statu- iu place and ready for uuveiliog
ceremouies next Fourth of July.
Board cf Directors Wilt Ee Eliutsd at
Aeaociatioii'a Building Today.
Every active memoerof the Yonng
Meu's Christian association nan make
use of his privilege today of casting a
ballot ror tifteen .man to comprise tbe
board of directors for 1804-90, Five
directors are b:iugelected to serve one,
two and three years
Mr. A. W. Dickson, president of tbs
retiring board, yesterday appointed
Ernest Dolp i, W. A. Wilcox and John
Krounfolter to oflloiate as the election
Tiiirty names appear on tbe ballots,
which snould be marked with a cross
aftsr fifteen names This will register
a vote for each of the geutlemeu indi
cated. Heretofore the directorate has served
but one year. The confusion of vot
ing a complete c'aangs every year has
led to the adoptiou of the by law
Which divides the terms of service into
one, two and thrse year periods.
Many of the gentlemen being voted
for today servsd ou toe retiring direc
tory board, which was composed as
follows A W. Dicks in, president; W.
A. May, first vice-president ; L. K-ller,
second vice president; W. J. Hand,
chairman finauce committee; H. C
Sbafer, treasurer; W. A Wilcox, re
cording secretary ; A- B Cyuon, A B.
Williams, William McClav, II M
Streeter, (i W. Phillips, W.G. Park.
William Friuk.H. M. Bjies aud W. W.
Will Be Held Today at the Elm Park
At 'J o'clock this aft 'rnoon the an
nual miJ-year convention of tbe
Women's Christian Temperance Union
of Lackawanna and Luzerne counties
will be held at the Elm Park church.
The afternoon will be devoted to the
openiug remarks and listsning to papers
by Mr T. M. Furey, of Yatesville;
Mrs. W. W Lance, of Wilkes Lisrre,
aud Mrs. (. Johnston, of Pittston, A
recitation will also be given by Miss
Sarah Decker. The evening session
will begin at B0, at which the follow
ing programme will ba reudersd:
Devotional exercises,
Rev. Wnrren (1 Partridge
Tenor sulo Mr. A. P. Wooler
Address. . Mtes Henrietta O. Mo.ire, Otto,
Collection address
Mrs. W N. Jeimluit. Wilkes Uarre.
Recitation Miss May Kmory, Pittston.
Eutranc from Jetfersiu avenue. Tbe
convention will continue on Friday.
It Takes Qrovsr a Qood While to Nauu
an Aiuhbsld Postmnster.
The applicants lor tbe position nf
postmsster at Archbld have had ICUns
whst of that slcksning feeling whic'i
it said to coiii from l ing deferred
hope. The term of the present Incum
bent expired some months ngo, but bo
is still conducting tlie oflloe) in a satis
factory way to thedllgUitOf tbs ar
dent. Dltnocratt of that bor.uigh.
That ii new postmaster will bo named
in course of time is conceded, and the
oltlleni are spoculatlng as to who he
will be
Tlie DeiBOOraUa friends of James
O'Rourke nre con fl lent that lis will re
ceive the appointment. Still, ' there
are others,"
They Piliilon Ihs Court to Supply Them
With It.
A petition wits presented to the
court yesterdsy asking that a roal bo
laid out In L thigh township from a
pnint on the public road at the rssl
denci of Oeorgo Richardson to the
residence of Nautilus Slntter.
The petition is signed by F. D.
liswls, Bamtrtl H Sluttor, Mellon Tan
tier, Peter A Lutz, Joseph Stone, Ja
cob Kuecht, Frink Kieoht, John
Learn, E D. Mvlvin, liurret Vliar aud
Simon Ddher.
After hearing tbs pntitlou oonrt ap
pointed D. W. Dale, R C. Drum and
A. P. Dunning, viewers to lay out tb
i .
Company F's Ball Will Be Hild There
This Evening.
St. Dsvid's ball, on the West Side,
the srmory of Company- F, has been
tboronghly renovated throughout and
now presents a decidedly neat and at
tractive appearance. A new lbor bus
been laid, new psper placed upon the
walls and the wood work ttaluad aud
varnished The large stage in the ronr
has been rouioved and much grouter
space is therefore available.
The long entrance way has also been
repaired, the wad being nicely tinted
and the wood work freshly varnished.
it is iu this bnildlng that Company
F's grand ball will lake place this even
ing. Is will be n sort of dedicatory oc
casion. Attorney David J. Davis is
chairman of the committee of arrange
mente mid Profs r Johnson will be
the pianist. All military tueu who at
tend will weur their uniforms.
. --
It Will Ba divan At Collngs Hdl on
1 buraday Kvoultig
TLursilay owning. Council No. 1H1,
Youug Men's institute, will give au
excellent entertainment at College hall,
Wyoming uveuu". a feature of which
will be an address by P H o'Donuell,
the celebrated Georgetown Uuivsrsity
orator. The best local talent will as
sist at the entertainment, as the fol
lowing programme shows
lie marks Pres. aL A. llcOinlev
InstruineuUl uiuaic,
I -. : i -ii Mandolin and (iultarClub
Nolo, aelected Mus Maxgie Uarriugtoii
Hole, "Hull Call" Pen.utl
ltichuid Thome
Doer. "llrp of the Winds'' Abt
.Mle. Murirarel unci Kevuo da.
Solo, "1 Am Waiting ' iiruch
ilowill Uavles.
Address P. II. O'Donuell
ImeU "i Feel Thy Angel Soirit,"
Mi-ii Kate MoiiL'au, W iiliaiu Watkius
Solo, "Pruuiise M. William vVutklns
iin-t. "Two Bailors, uweut
Howell Uavies aud Hlchurd Tllomus
Solo, selected Tun Sullirau
Admission i0 cents No additional
charge for seati '
U Was Only Two Days Cluk and die
Death Was Ectlrtly Unsapfitsd.
Robert E. Hackett died last evening
at O.ii'J at the home of bis father ''
Lsokawanoa avenue. The deceased
was ;i 1 years old ami unmarried.
Monday be caught cold and it devel
oped into incipient pneumonia. Dr
John OMalley was called and pre
scribed the usual remedies. No fatal
results were feared, and up to an hour
before bis death Mc Hackett was feel
ing good. A sudden change came, and
in a halt hour the grim reaper gathered
In one of the most popular and warm
hearted young men In tbe city.
Arrangements for tbe funeral have
uot yet been inado.
One Will Be Put in Lounging Room of
Court House.
Before court adjourned last evening
Judge Archbald informed a number of
members of tbe bar, wbo were present,
that the county comuiissionsrs bad in
timated tbat they would put a tele
phone in tbe attorney's lounging room
iu tbe rear of the main court room if
the members of tba bar petitioned tbsm
to do so.
Judge Archbald said he tbongbt tbe
telephone would be of great conveni -enc,
not only to tbe members of the
bsr, but to the court as well.
A petition was immediately prepsred
and will be circulated today for siguert.
Suit In FJsctment for Property In Car
bondals Township.
J. J. Albright begau an action in
ejectment yesterday against R M
Siocker for to recover the possession of
100 acres of valuable land in Carbon -dale
The land comprises portioas of the
George M. Hollenbsck and Sarah Ryan
warrants and passed into the posses
sion of Mr. Stocker by means of a con
tract dated May 10, 1802, which be
made with Mr. Albright, it is alleged
the terms of the contract were uot
compiled with hence tbe actiou to re
cover possession.
Eiiposed of at Public Sale at tha Arbt
tratlon K -om
lu the arbitration room yesterday the
property of the lato Valentine Denbel,
located iu Spring Brook township, was
old by the administrator, Charles A.
Z igler.
It was purcbnsl by Albrt Setter,
of Pittston, for 1W, Attorney James
Mahon represeutul the estate at the
Easter Millinery Opining-.
An exhibit ot trim hats, totteful In de
sign. A display or straw goods, laces, jets,
flowers, etc.. at Mrs. Laugstaff's, 109 Wyc
iniug avenue, Friday ami Saturday. March
!0 and 1. Call whether you intend buy
ing or not. "
Music Boxes Exclusively.
Best insde. Plav any desired number of
tunes. Qsutscbi & Bona., manufacturers,
1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derful orchestrial organs, only tS and 10,
Specialty: Old musio boxes carefully re
paired and improved with new tunes. "
Y. H. O. A. Offara Pi x, to Ouessar of
Winnera of Tonight's Contssta .
A unique feature of tonight's athletic
contest of tbe Young Men's Christian
Association athletes wiil be the presen
tation or a pair of Indian ciubs to the
person guessing the order in whleh the
three leading contestants will finish
Iu ossa two or mora make tbe
correct guess the piizs will be given to
the one who hud tirst reojt Jed his
gm-ss iu a book at the door of the gym
There are now sixteen eligible can
didates tor the games, but by fJ o'clock
tonight the number will have been
reduced to about ten. The list of
gladiators will be displayed at the
secretary's desk aud from it may be
selected tbe three winners. If you are
a good phrophet and write them op
posite your name in the order In which
they will finish according to Physical
Instructor Weston's official score, the
clubs are yours.
Ten cents admission will bs charged
other than active members to see the
games, which include pde vaulting,
runnlug aud broad Jump, putting the
shot, etc. Tne list of contestants will
include some or the following Cole
man, Koch. St. A'mond, Gibus, Bitten -bender,
Dimmlok, Hallen, White,
yiiinsii, Cirtrignt, Davis, Levi, Hard
lag, It ess. Wbitemau aud Wyant.
PaIisi Milwaukee Bock Beer on draught
and Kockawuy oysters, fresh from ihe
btiell, at John LuUla.N's,
' WO l.ackavaunu aveLuc.
PiiKsn made butter H Strictly fresh
eggs at Keluhari'a market as
Aulieuaer Busih Beer.
txiuis Lohman , v-u sprue at,
uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKmiiiiiiiiiiiif a
PiiKsii creamery butter 90c., at lt'lu
hait's market, Lackawanna save.
a i ev
Dr. C C. Lat'Bacn, dentist, Oas and
Water company building, Wyoming ave
nue. Latest improvements, tight years in
Bcrantou. es
New Bioycl.
A new bicycle worth 7o will be sold for
IBB, The machine is guaranteed and is a
mra bargain. Machine may bo seen authe
'Tribune office.
'.'1 l lis. iigar It. nt HeliiliHrt's market
e tuov e to 117 I .n kawauna
avenue we oflta a special
price ou all of our silver uov
35c. Each.
W. W. Berry, Jeweler
303 Sprues St
Best Sens of Teeth, $3, 00
Including the painless extracting
ct teeth by nn entirely new pro
"XTATCH this space for our open
ing days.
Spring Is Coming.
We are showing an ex
tensive line of beautiful
Spring Garments.
It will pay you to buy a
Fur Garment and Winter
Coats before they are
packed away at less than
half price at
138 Wyoming Ave.
Tne only Practical Furrier in the rity.
Still guffer S
Idk froni the B
deep cut iu S
In a few days we will s
have the very latest S
novelties in Kitchen
Utensils. The assort-
ment will be large; the
g prices will be low.
s 1 s
1 Henry Battin k Co. j
Seeds and
Urge Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphaies for
Farms, Lawns and
Dr. Hill & Son
Fet teoth. J5.Sn; rt set, $: for cold rsrn
and teeth without plates, railed crown ml
bridge work, call for prices and refrene.s
TO.NALulA. tor extracting Mtta thout
usln. No ether. .No (
128 Wyoming Ave.
All tlie popular raakee. The
only Ulove ami Corset Store in
the valley. We ere now open
for luiiness.
We have a larga assort
ment of
Leave your order at
or 413 LACKA. AVE.
Our Lackawanna avenue
restaurant open until midnight.
Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave.
Coi RT House IqMM
All kinds of Laundry work guaranteed
the beet.
S. C. Snyder,
iaa wvominu avi. (
$3.00 SHOES
Better Than Most $4.00 Shoes You Buy
t'o Seams or Tacks to Knrl Your Fret.
au Styles an J width in ftootreea or Laaa,
The Best Shoe on Earth for the Money
Try s Pan mid you win wesr no ether,
uniuuiuu every box!
BANISTER'S, to uil1IJUWl,' ,eite3)
Our $2 50 Shoes arc a good as anybody's $3 00 Shoaa.
At 25c. and SOc. Each.
Remarkable Yuluee. Look iu Our Window.
This week we open an entirely new line of
Ladies Spring Suits,
Coats, Capes aud Jackets