2 TOY SCrtAtffOtf TRIBUNE Til UHSl) A Y MOftNTSTG." MARCH 15," 1894. ONE CENT A Word. Wants of all kinds cost that mno'i, r.r ttpt Situations untnt,U!hch are nisi-Weif rui'E. Situations tenU-d Vr ANTED BY K1KV ( 1 vv lm ik . or omiiteoii years .ASS CHIEF exi'oricneo in the best hotels in tho north, south and west, can lurnhdi host of reference. Xo objection nu out .1 city. UQMt A. Ul. tOOa II, o. nuiuiinir. 'ANTt.il t A ! r CLASS HAli- bir. a iris'd loli. Address Minth, caru or Brown, rt. Charles, 128 Penu avenue. IIUATION WANTED- A FIIIST CLABS wishing position l a:t charire mill lav oat work inter, inn turtu-h tho very lust or roioieiicos from lmst smplovaT. Address J. C VAX FLEBT.U3 Adams avenue, Scrunton, Pa. noSITIOM WANTED BY ViH'NU MAN X with tschnicsl education, capable o( do big any work requiring Boars and OOBIUOQ Brass Teaching, draughting or office work preferred, nil II al. N , Tribune, Scranton, Fa. 1I7AKTKD POSlTlOJi as LADIPB curse, best of references Terms. 91.81 l r day UnM "w. F..." Tribune offioe OITUATION WAN fED BY A t'llisT-ci.Ass 5 bookkeeper and stenographer; will start at moderate wag; can furnish references 11 needed Address. J. C . Box SOJ, City. QITCATION WANTED BY A CABINET O maker and carpenter lanfnrnUnraators or wharA needed, nttllas to mak.. himself useful, v i B.. 814 Hyde Park avsnns.cltT UITVATION WANTED BY A YOUNG .l"" Uiau Who is willing t ilo uy kind ot WO k: age, W: fair penuou; can furnish good reXereuo. Address at Qv (Poat O0we),8t t r. IY A YOl'XU MAN IN DKY UOOD8 OH 0 grocery store, or some bu-,.neas where he co lid work up. will work Montrose, 1'a. s.inii' ex" T'.oiii-i'. pshi cheap. Address l'. O. box Amenta Wanted. y AN i'ED MAN ITU LIFE AND VIBE VV htfurano experience as solicitor iu Lackawanna coaaay; gs4 Inducements to richt man. Address li.'S Bttl buildm., Philadelphia, Pa, 'AN1ED La'YS AN D UIKLS wlah to make money when out ot ech ol: lend tame and wo will tell you how; BOUtonev wanted. K. STAY NEK, Providence K. i. ' kNTED TWO Vol NO MEN OP OOOD address to call on business housca steady employment for good men. Apply KATlONAu (.'LEAN TOWEL COMPANY. Arcade long. Special Notices. i l. an k Books, PAMPHLETS. MAQA I J zincs, eta., bound or rebound at TNI Til l in st otllcv. ijuick work. Kcaaonablo pries ft foil AKi: INTERESTBO IN OALlFOB 1 niu you ahould havo our pamphlet on thn resources of that slat- It deecrlb! gnat bargains lamphlot free. PPttar ft Wood son, Mi Washington stroct, Coloaao. fEAL TICKETS OAM UK HAD T H4, itl corner Spruco street and Franklin aVf uuo. I weuty meal table board. tick eta for iuw. Oood MONEY to LOAN first mortgage. Money to laan. To KOla) ON RSPLOOa os spruce stroet. V.i'lo :.! TO I.OAN f lilil.lABLIC I'Kli O sous. Repayment II 01 to t 0J por wtmk. tot full information call at room 11, An ado building. OtUce hours from Mil a.m. t , II p.m. JOHN F. IIAItlilS. Supt. Loat. Lost A BROWN MOROCCO POCKET bo k on Dalftwara and Kudiou train last Saturday. March lll.coiitainlug a small amount of money and papers. Finder will pltsun re turn to E1.1ZA OSHOKNK. I' O Box IH. Jrrmvu, 1'a Charter Application. UTU'fc: IS UKHKBV U1VK.N THAT AN at'L'licitiitU will biuuudo HtU lKvonuir if ih. (.'oL'imoiiwi'ii'.tn of IVunNvlvaiilH mi tetnrtUy lh ?4tu iUy vt Uarob, a. IX, m bl It. UMrptattl, Jttiuo W. biuitn, Albert y . UovuuKls, LtoorM J Champtln, ililwHitl J NorOnin. JtrOflN BHttOtti JOOfl W 'i . a 1 Allirt li Turuur, uiuttr tho Aotof tha AHH'iubly vt l In rinumuauoalth of t unit sylvanm, " oiitltteU "An Mt to DfOTldo for tho u eOfponitloo ami rtuU'lon of t'oi tttiii oorpo laioasi." apprt'Ttnl April .1). A. 1UN"4, ftbd tho VpplwnMlvt ttioroto tVr thu i-htt tu tif hi hi toi.Ji ! corporation t to ciillwl, ttio "St-iuu tdo Dairy uunpMkj' Iht chRftptM aid 0D j.'i'tuf which in tho v Ju 'lnff mUh huh or.tm, Mkd lUHuufeVv-tunn bulttr.ohiMM buttor milk aiul ofMf dairy prodttt'tl ma1o IroXQ milk inul so ling tho same, Htul lor thoo pnrpOtW to I..', f, jii IM oiijcv . all the ru'hu, bone All ami j-nviick; -s of th uUd Aft ot Acouibly, ami its lUPpWIQ 'iits MOBATIO N . PATRICK. BoUottor. GENERAL NEWS OP INDUSTRIES Largely Iocr)aslng Usos of Steel for lipl I'lll'lUSCa ill WAH. Sliuc iNAiNGIAL AND CUlVIMtKClAL w Wjoted. 1-ANl'EO-A BIS OR Kkilir HoltdK power uprigh: boiler, aeeond hand Ad- uioea. sur Me.iia Uye n . : as. i aro.inuaio. Pa. Helo Wanted -Females. AGOODCOOK ANT3 ALSO A WAlTKF-s wanted at old Auams arenm, Apply ' to U p. iu. ro.- Kent. PUB 'OK KENT - UALI. SL IT ABLE inectings of societies and labor an lona REVLOOB, jM Bprnae - .Olt RENT-IN OttrtEN" UlUOt', EIGHT room house. Minon 4tr..et. :TCE Eterka and Bond. V "UK. March 14 During tie early hour-, of business at tno stock ecch!tui:w 'he market for ruilwar nail miscellaneous WHO stocks ruied strong. Tha UuproTement at I Ilia Una ratujed (roin t Missouri Paeifio, Uistillers, Atchison. Louisville and Nasuvsile and St. Paul leading the uuward tuoveiuent. Missouri Pnolfic mi the reiki leature. (ailing up to STX- WttllUri was bought for western account ou stories tliat tut. differences between the concern mnl :lio Aiuein.an DUtribiHiug company had beeu adjusted. l.ouiK'. bought fairly l.'irge aniu'jnts of St. Louisville aut Nashville and Atchison. Boiton was Uonbayarol the stock and bouds. At i ;ie advance the market eticouutered coa .i!erub:e long stock and there wa. it t;en ml disposition to accept profit. Chicago Gas broke from 07 to lit',. Brokers with Ch.cago counectuiis were heavy sellers ou the reported determination of the attorney geuernl of Illinois to press the 1(90 warranto proceedings. Thj general market declined to 1V. Maahattaii, Mi. BOOri Pacific, Western L'uion ami Geueral EUectrlfl surfer. ug the moat. At the close th' market was rather weak iu tone. The sales of stocks were 311,900 share. The foil .wing complete table snowing the 'lay's tie. 'tu.'." .. active st.s'k is supplied and rjv.s,'d daily by LaBar A Fuller, stock orders, 1-1 yomiug arena nfSE FOHKENl' NEAii PO--STOF containing tourteea looin a::u iauniiry, all i:i fin order Srljudtd locatioa t isg fnrniahad roooM Apply at ii' atr et "CHjk RENT - THrtkE Sl'ORY Bhilv JT hens'. OU Adam are Apply MAURICE rent Linden tf isim KENT -TWOTOBY RRIcK HOCSE, J. Xo. -i Hallstead place. AppW MA!."P.iCE COL..IH bV agent, la Wart Lack are. Open. UUt, Am. Cot. Oil BU Am Sugar vH A. T. SsS. F lita Tan. So. oH ' i.'en. N. J 117 rhic. l N. w IM 0., B. A i) l4 i Caic. Gas C. 0C.8t. L. .. W Col, tlock.VaJ. 4T. je. T'OR RENT SL lTE OF ioL'H KoOilS ON JT tint .! , t Webatei avenue, at W F. E. Wood, ood i College. rwi T.'iOR BE X ling house; SHT - ; STORY BRICK DWEI, dtrn impro-o:uor.t.s: Mli i i ; .j a i in: .-'. A ply l ' li A' hi' ' COLLIN'S, agent. -l West Lackawanna avenue ,'0i". RENT -STORE ItOoM iii LACKA rata aver.-o frer., April I. al r,vm on second floor well adapted for bnainess or housekeeping. Also iiouse 14b rapoL j ive hue with all modern improvement:', beanti fully papered. F. S. pAi 'LI. I'.'.f Sar.d, n awnuo OR RENT, APRIL 1ST. UOC'faLB STORE S. known as New York Store, double or ato gle. Apply t. F. L Panll.j rl REST -e)T'ORB ... LAC'KA WA X N A enue. by April. 1. En.iu.re isf tienry Frey. cil Lackawanna unue or at the premises. "L'OR KENT THREE RiijM.-s, r'liON 1' ON 1 1 le-en ,.f fioor. over N A. ilulberf.s store. 117 Wyoming avenue, fr.m April I. la 0.n.re :n rhe stor. Ot'SE FOR RENT oN'E BLOCK PROU post office, i iinlalnliia tonrtean rooms and laundry, all in hue i rder. Hue location to let tarnished rooms. Apply ! HT Lindoa Street. O LET lOR A TERM OP YEARS Part or ail of three nun. I red feet of yard r' m uoiig railroad. Apply at M Erahkiia aTeWna. . O RF.NT STORE 36xH OR FT."RNISH1.D D. H I).. L. A V... D.AC. P Erie .... G. E. Co Lak" Shore... L. A N Manhattan.. . . Miss. Pa,: Nat. Lead K. Y. i- N E. N. Y. Central N. Y., O. A VY.... y. Y..s. & w.... tj. s. 0, On North Pae. Nortb Pac. pf f imalia Pac. Mail ileadinir Koek Island R. T St. Paoi T..K. A I Txxis A Pac. Union Pac Wahasn, p W. tTmoi niu-ie i w.iL, E W. A L. E. pf. i. ; ..1"7H .. -.li', .. Id .. 44't ..UBh .. -s .M'H . . tSn .. -;i . ;i4 ..wm m .. MM .. 17U .. 4;s 1H mi M2 70M SB '(. Wsi km u 4'J Hi.-h est. ?M WW, M UK I tm U7 InTW tJH 4"4 IMj w l.'iisj ii, lllltsj Hs OrH I1M lU 1 '. :.', IM ISias, 701, i'l t;, III ti x ; H !B lsj !3H 4'.'', Low ef. ' VUa m '.'. 1MH IQaW Ml, iH:s ii4i lr.-.t? i?H IS m lis d ir.n .Mt; nil im I0DH IM bi 17M i's nM 3il m M , 7"tti m si 1 Wd yU IIU sjU u 4k Clos- I' k. OM l UN .-.iu ll5 M am, mm 40 Jhk IWM W7H TO is W i 4tfi i m uu lci4 lot4 ITU 54 1'A, 3D 117 W, TOM 4 u.'iv; in MS IM Hj , I M i'-s T tie loeat.en and on reasonable trms. Appiy PepnbHean hnil'dlng. J For Sals WTOB BALK A FARM OF EIGHTY ACRES, SI; o:.e and one hnlf miles from lisltrtn on jh" Delaware, Lackawanna and W-stern Vrallroad First ela farm hooae with a never .failinr spring nesrby; two barns, good land and gooa orchard. Will be '.!d ehriap. terms aas . Address B F. VON KTOltf'H or IAAi ELLIS, executors, Oalton, Lackawanna county, Pa. TPOKsALEoR RENT-ONE NINE ROOM J hones and one alS room house at Chin. nblUa, and one six ro .m cottage at Coxton. also bnlldinit lots for s.le on easy terms at Chinchilla. Apply JOHN HOLOATE. Chinchilla, fn. WILL BUT A .VHJOLLARLPRKHIT p.ano, only a few moutns In use. Ifji lie! aware street, (Ireen Ridge: owner leaving town. T,'OR SALE K ACRS I and ntenslla. J. M .m if' :.r m svn V. OR SAI I K BXCHANOI roB HCRAN X ton property -A bearing ornnge grovo increasing In production and value yearly In the oranira section In Florida, Addres r E. WEI T LETON, Lake Helen. Fiorifla ChlcKso Oratn a id Provlilont. SrRANTOlt, Mar eh 1 1. Tho following onota tionsare supplied an 1 c irNBttd daily by La Bir A Fuller, sto-ik brokers, 121 Wvom a are one. WHEAT. ripening Highest Lowest Closing CORN. Opening Highest I oweat Yar m f.lVV, Mlsj M IV WW im SSI, V4 Jnlr. m v ' O p FARM, STfXlK SHEFFIELD, ifli only iiS Reai Estate. ia.wSI WILL BUY A SPLENDID HoI'mK O 6f nine rooms; best Iwatlnn In Oreor. Ridge, if arid before April 1st; all modern im-'i-ovi-ineiits !:..'' :?' Delaware street gBr-vb uat.KHilgat.K HriUHft (.i:ij('V '.a. . :. . ' . . JL avenue: very ilesirai.le Iwation. Anj & F REYNOLDS, or Wii.LAItD. WAItli KNAI'P. fciwi will buy modern news-room house, all Iniprov. mente; terms easy; ror I M .Madison avenue and Delaware street. Ap ply HARRY LEES 1,411) WILL BUY VERY DESIRABLE LOT orner Madlsou svsuui uuu Oelavar Street. Terms eaay. Apply HARRY LEES. i.iofilng OATS. pening Highest Lowost .., CI. sine PORK. Opening Highest t.ow.-st tlLA?fc: Opening ,,. H wheat Iiwsat (losing. sii'drr ribh. Opening Highest IO west Closing rnti :'4 Njj ar', IM 10 '2 pw.1 IM Ml mi 067 tM r,ki ID is 14 3 OM si XI am 1 1X7 I lb-. mi llt'I 647 ; M OiJ "JiT &r. M M M HSli & VI'U m lw Iu? ton HOT HAILS ALSO SOLD VERY CHEAP Somo of tho Notuworthy Phnsos of tho Recent Depression in Iron and Steel Circles -New Enterprises in tho South Travoling; Men War on tho Western Passner Association Other Interesting Qleanings with Reference to Industrial Affairs. A l'ittslmrtf ilispsteli suys: Naila me sold hero now for 86 cuuta ktg less than they can he purohiiserl for In ICiulund Another remarkable .level OpmtBt that la in rapid pruuress is that iron mills nre 1 1. 01111m: ateel nulls stael uianafaotnrtrt art oomlOB to the opinion that the present depression will iriii t iu eausini; a more rapid displace in. ul ot Iron by llesstliier and upou 1 earth steel than miuht have otherwise been the i .'ise 11. is estimated that the proportiuu of ateel to iron is in the r lio of three to nn-. This proportion In favor of steal is rapidly increasing DO .m ount of the unpreoedmitedly low prico of that metal. Some few 111 in itl'iictutora who Imv 1 tenni'ioiisly cIuiik to iron are being forced by the shraw.l competition of other firms to dlt mantle their piiddlini; tiininces und nsd steel. In two particular braiiuhes during the p att year or no tha inroads Of ateel Upon the Old prOtlttOl UdVaJbeen particularly noticeable, namely, in the 1 ube and street metal industries The National Tube) works, in M.'K iMport, l a! ih seasou beiTM'.! the' use of ateel to make pipes. The American Tube and Iron ooiiipwv, of the Mkkonlfill valley, is also utini; ateel. Usfore iron was used almost exclusively 111 tha manu facture of piping, The Carntgio Steel company does not in-, n pound or lion in the entire rane. of its plants. Com paratively little puddliiiif 14 beiutf dona in 1'ittsburg. Oho result of this dis placement of Iron by steel has been to throw i ila a large nuuibsr of puJdlers, who have eitner gone luto other Hues of the business or out of it altogether. U has resulted forcing down the WBgrl paid to puddtors still in the buumss The) insnufiicturet still usiti Iron have ben driv.-u to rjjucs tao eosi of production. " The Tradesman reports forty rilus new iudiistriss established in tho south during the past week, prominent mODg which are Th" Bancroft Coal company, capital 1100,000, ut Obarlti ton. W. V'a. ; u $10,000 lot factory at Ihillas, Ttzatj the Petersburg Iron works, of Petersburg, Va , c ipitn, $100,000; tha D.ibs in Priaiers' Supply enmpanjr, of Atlanta. Qa., capital $100,000. the Spring Creak OU and Gas j 'UiD my, capital iflOU.OOO, ofSoJiicr, V. Va., and tha liartiatt Paving com pany. of New Orleans, Lt , capitsl tloO.OOO. Electric lighttui- plants arc tn be built at Cochran, lia., by W H. Mobley. and at Oeorgetown, lVsis, by M. P. KMIev & Co. LawUr & Son will establish Souring mills at Martin. Tnn., and others will be built at Clifton and ltor:m. Texas, an I Qnebao, Tenn. A 140,000 water and light company his bsini chartered a' Hastrop, Tex , ami n iJlOO.OOO co il and lumber compuuy at Charleston. W.V.i. Cotton mills are reported at Abbsviile. S. C, Newport News and Petersburg, V'a., and wood working plants are to b built at Little rtoek and Csnter Point, Ark. ; Apalaohlcola, Fla. ; Abb; v.lle, AU. ; fori Hoyal nnd Suintor, S C ; Charlotte, N". C ; Colm-anail un 1 Oak Cliff, T-x. ; Meridian, Miss , nnd Hamilton, V. Va. War has practically been declared by the National Travelers' Protective association against tbn Western Passenger assignation, on account of Its abolition of th g-ctnl rate for 'J'lo i-:uile tickets. The president of the Traveling Man's usso ciatiou notified the clmirinnn of th Westerti iissDciatinii that instructions hud been given the proper committee to prooend ngnii.at the roads In the courts, under tin nnti pooling law of the state of Illinois, uulesa thev inoli ti"d their course. At a recent m.ieting Of the MWOlaUon lt wsa resolved to r Ml i the sile of JJll-iniw tickus nt $")i) with a refund of $10 on return of in . over, nnd to surmuu'e for them 1000 mile tickets, ut a net rata of $25 or 2i cents per mile. The reason as saigued for this actio i was th trouble caused i v the manipulations or mile age books by broker. Purifies The BLOOD. CURES Bad Blood. QORJCB Bad Blood. CtltKS Bad Blood. I have been Buffering ten years with EryslpslaS, Have taken dootora madioinss aim patuut ni. dleines of ui.sit all kinds, lu.t none seemed to d. no any good I hnally made no my mind io try llurd.Kik Hloi.,1 liiti, i i Have used foul bottles of II 11 ) , und think myseir uiitlrely cured. Mils N J Mi'CATLV, Bervn e. Beaver On., Pr BUSINESS AND iMMAt I'HYmii IANs a.i MUHQKOXJL Dlt U, E OBAN, Oisouses.'f the Kye, Noaa Tluoatand Ear. uoi "i'i ' Connolly &, Wallace SIX ITEMS OF INTEREST. 100 D'L. .Ite oourt liouse. A. J. v-ONNKl.L, ODJcs DDI Wushiugton aiel.uu. , o.uel Sliruea stieel. over Praiii-ki. a .1. .. - , i : .- i, e i . ' Vine si. Ortlea hours: 10 III to l!.' a. ul and '' to 4 and ti.au to 7. jo p, in Sunday . a to a i m, nit. V II. Al.l.lCN, OfflOS COt l.a-ks waiiuauud vVashlnfton aysaj over uaoU' ard shea store; olttiw hours. 10 to li u. in. and II lu 4 . in; vvuuiugs at ruildeiiue, Bi- N Waahingtoii nve. I'UisY, PraoUua iii..iih1 to LHa of the live. Kai . Nose and ll.roiit; iiUlio. li! VVyouiiun avu. Itualdeuce, W Vino strati. i ' ' D", to IV liATUH, Imi Waahlniton Aveuu, hours, s to 0 a. ill , I " ' ' and I. .l I llll. i to S .1U U8M I. V7KNT& M o Oflloas ns and .i (Jummon wealth huUdiaci resldanca ,n Mlidlanoave: olUee hours 1J to 14. 'i to I. to ; rliindava'2 HU to 4. eveuliiga at lealiluuce. A hi.,., tally made of ,lli-i.aes or tho eye. oar, noes bud throat and . ' . , I. li. li li. MuHUAY, sueoUUty malleoli diS ea s s ,.f eye und skin 211 Wy liming Avu nib, e hours: I'litll in a in - to 4 and 7 to H fi.ui. E. v i . I.KlNAItl M ROKOMft ruitoK tari 'i r,t', HI B46 Cog fJIT tu r.-,', HJ Dissolution of Partnership. OTICE OK DI880LUTIOir-TBI nBIs of Harrison & Little, doing business under nanin of Sernnton Haling oompaay, linvp this day dissolved by ".utiial eonseut. t Bairiam retiring All i.lulnm against and firiii will be paid by N H Little Hills due ild til in will bo I Olll-.'P'.I hy A. ri. I.lttle. Bt.'ltANTON ilAKINO COMPANY. 141- Pen n uv anna, IN' laid Notice to Taxpayers. JOTK'K TO TAX PA YKKS TI1F. TAX i.avers of Hie elty of :-.i ri.nton. i'u , will .hereby take notioo ihit ths board of appeals aiipoiutea by the elty eouneiis or saiu Clay to Liarniid deteriuino ajiueals Ironi elty ahsess ineuts for the vuarlsm are holdbur meetings xlally at the iilliee of the elty olerk between It be h' urs of tf a. m and 6 p. ir. for the pill pose atoresald aiul that ai.i.eals will cnly be heard du casesof nnw iiasessmenls for said year, the authority vested iu Haiti botrd not sirmlt.tlng thu revision of assisoir'nti fur any vear but that ..f lHVt The meotihgs of thu board will cease March U, IWS, By order of boaid of appeals at TTlAVELLK, Uty Clerk. N' x York Piratuos Market. Ntw York. March H.Floub Steady. Wheat. Dnll, stendv; IfO. i red and elevator HaM&, afloat, flic, f: o. b.. r.lat'iSc.; ungraded red, 68a6rc; No. 1 nortuem, f.7r. : optiona were vory dull prices unchanged from yesterday; No 2 red Marrh WKo.; May, t'lie. June, fftrKct gnl (Hr.; iJn-emlier. 705c. oona Very dnll; y.c. lower, cbsing firm; tin. 1, 4IKc; elevator, 4ftKc. ad .Mt; options were ijse. bwer; March, 44 t-,j. ; April and May, t.,- ; .Inly, 44Hr. I .A14 (fillet, eiUler; oritions dull, easier; March, lXc.; April and May, He.) No. !, 3f.Ha;; No. a white, llVWc; No. t Chicago, . No. X, H.IXr . ; No. H Wbtta,aTr, j mixed western, ITMaHO.! white Uo., and whitastnte S'ist Je narr steady, unlet. Bid Mams-Dnll nt 110.1). TlBROID Href -liull, Ctrl Meats Easy. Lakh Oulet, easy; western steam, 17, lbyH city, DMc.i.aarcDi ur.Wj nay, an,W ra fined, unlet; eonilnent 17 60; South Am erica, ab.'!"; enmpouud, llanjjc. POM- (Juiiit, steady. i:i. in., i fair demand, line, llrm i'eiinsvlvaiiia creamery, new, iwc. ; west em dairy new, IValAr.; do. creamery, new, iMQr.sao, furtory, lOalftc. ; rolls, pi n 1 4c. , elgius, Mai imitation creamery. Hiu 17c. ( iiek'o Firm, fair demand, EOUH Fairly active, irregular; state and Pennsylvania. Iflalttjc, ; goose, 0StTDo, western, IBWalflO.1 duck, iWalllc ; South ern, 14,il5Dtc. Philadelphia Tallow Market. PniLAliELFHIA. VI i.ii-l. 14. Tallow wns dull and weak Prices were. Prime city, In hogshead, 4)c..; prime rouu try, In hogsheads, -,. do. dsi k, In hogs heads, 4 v rakes, Ac., grease, 4!C. Euckleu'a Arnica fialvs. The best salve In tha world for (Juts liruisos, 1-s.res, Ulcers, Salt lUieurn. Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and puai lively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price kS cents per box. For sale by Matthews llios. Minor Industrial Norms; The job department of the Liotblrlietn rimes has been purchased by a unmmi dollar syndicate. 1 ne iMuiiiforus, of Mauch bunk, aie busily engaged in getting ready for the Switchback Benson of llli, which opens nl.,ttt the niidd'e of May. I'verv departmentof the Carnegie works a'. . iiwi is in oi.erntion and the out look is bright", than it has been fur some nine. The UK-Inch mill was put on double t urn Tuesday night. Work on enlarging nnd rebuilding the lib "iniiig mill was be gun. Owing to tho fact that the new mill will be much linger than the old one three aid's of it fan be built of striicliira strrl before the mill reasej to lis oper aterl. 'I In. two weeks' nay to the eiunloves on Knt'irday has grratly stimulated business in lloin.stend. It Is estimated thntfs.i ISJO wns psld nut. The Itepubllc Iron works will lis throw open to D0nnnlot puddlers at the His', ( next week. Tim resumption of work in every d r in lirinilt in the Western penitential Monday next, is taken ns n good sign of the revival of trade. ThaVUU Prisoner have only been working half time, for the DRtt alt month', but sev-i il Inrge orllnrs h ive I ii received and It is thought there will be enough work to keep every person enii loyed. There has been a great harvest of loo this year, giving employment, to a large number of men who won) I have otherwise been eoinMjlled to lie idle, .it Tobv hull nn, I'a. A forre of mini have worked all day nnd part of the night, and nr.co I'phriiiiry I, KB car loads of Ice, making h total or ll, O'ifl tons, hnvo lieeu shipped ut that point i.-i in o v tlstrv a sfiecialty: xold l ..lie. v etermary M Uu SL li 'vlepboue No. 41 1 Murneon, Den msd.iliat of On go. ont. e. nuiuiiier I Roller's can lugo sho I A 1 I 118 M li KANi'K'ri Law and Collautlon of lice. No 17 buruco at., opposite Forest House. Seraiilon, Pa,, collections a M.uclalty thiouuh Pennsylvania, reliable correspond nls lu every county l ouus.-l Couiuioti wealth building, W li. .li.ssi'P, IIoiiai k K Hand. W II Jfshui'. .In. Ladies' Umbrellass, made of Cotton Gloria, Paragon frame and fast black.novelty handles. Special price, $1.00 each. I OA Dozen Children's Hosiery, IwV seamless and fast black. A genuine bargain. Sizes 6, 6lif 7,at 10c; sizes TA, 8. 8',. at 12 'c. 1 OO Doz Bos' Famous Cast Var jron Hogiery- our soecial number. The best stockinsr for service ever made. 25c. per pair. 100 Dozen Men's Colored Border, Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at Half Price. 10c. each. I A 0 Dozen Ladies' Kid Gloves. Do w w not fail to get in on these two lots, at 79c. and $1.12. T Boys' Navy Blue Sweater3 a superb quality; usually sold for $3 00. Our price, $2.00. Spring Capes and Jackets Now Open for Inspection. 4 CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. I il'.I.AWAKL U WKHTEB ' ft J, I. Ir.sMji'S Ai U A.O, Attorneys and st Law, .. ashlligluU avo. fel.Ul. li. I'a. At to l ubllcau ll.i. AltD, WAItKl.N at KM API iieys and ( outiseloi s at Law, it1 'iii..- Washington ave. Sc.autou ).a r l t.ltM.N & WILCOX, Attorney an I . i.'i.ui.sellui's at Uiw. unices and B Library building. Ucranton. Pa itoswr.i.L II I'ATTBIlSoa. Win. mm A. in u l.ritKOHAiVll WILLIAM. I 11A.NIJ. At iA torneys and Coulisell ,rs. Commonwealth hud'llnir Roams In '.iianil'il. HENRY M SKKI.Y Ijiw ottlees In Price huddiue, Washiiivt. a avenue. Attorney at Law. Uootu 8ranton. I'a. HILTON W. I.OWKV. i Alt js, Washing II VON BTOBCB, i ton a.. C II siuure AM 3 W OAKPUHD, Attorney at Law moms US, 64 and 115. l oinun -n wealth b l g CASILLL v. liUUAH. Attorney at u. Cj Office. 317 sprureat . Ucranton, Pa, A. WATBEa, Attorney at Law. 41 It Laekawanna aue.. fteranton. I'a. P. SMITH, t'onioe'iior at Law. Qffloe. . rooms M. 5a. Ut ('omnionwealth buildlne K r-l'l'l 11EK. Attorney at Law, Com . nioewea'th bellolnir. Seranton I'a COM BUYS. Sliruee St.. nBANR T oKi.LI.. 1 ... I '. al Km-hange Is u Hl.I'l.OOLI.. Atr. i nei Loans lie..'o I ' tlated on real cl its I K1I.LAM, ouiing avenu,1 urltv. 4ta Sprue.. Attorney at Law, 1W Vv y se ran ton, HAVF. YOl It HLF.L1S AM) MoHTO AUKS written and acknowledged bv J W BROWNING, Attorney and Notary Public, I'i liimoliwealtll 14,1 1 1.1 1 11 ' CUOOL OK HOUL9 THE LACKAWANNA, 0 ion. Pa , prepares boys and girls for colleiri or buaineas: thuioughlv trains young children iHtaiogue al rciiuest If HIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used exclusively, insuring clt'iinlliieas and cOtnfort tUUTAMUlM KU ti i i i n I, laui Trains leave Bcranton for Pittaton, WHkes Harre, stfl , at a. in, U. 10. U.IH a m., 1180 iOQ UU, r. On, 7 . it ,Ufj p m Hundaya V.U0 a in, I On, 19U, 7.1U p. in. I'oi Allatltto i ity, lu a. iu, lor New York, Newark und Lllzab-th I'll fasprataj a m . (aaprnas with Buitet parlor car), VU Csxprassj a, ra. buniiay, s.uu p. IU Kim MAI. II ( in k Ai i.imownHi.iiii. i: 14 vi EASTOB and PniLAOBLPHIA, a.10 a m 1ZIU ,a.BU. 5..) nauept l'bllade!plila p. in. Sunday . I QQ D BL For Lomi HitAM H, OCBAM OROVI , to,, at 8 10 a in , U .Al u m 1 ... Heading. Lebanon and Hanlsburg, via Alleutottu, 8,IUa. m, li'iu. j.WI. p.m. Sunday, - Ul p. m. For I'utuville. - lua bi , I'.'Uip in. liiturnlug. MVS New York foot of Liberty 'strsst. North river at '..10 feipresa; a m., I in, l.W, 4.IH (expraas with Bnffet parlor can I . lu. Sunday, 4.80 a in Leal Philadelphia. Heading T.-i unual V.uii a. in . S.00 and 4 'St p m. Sunday, li 'S a. m. TluouKh tickets to all points at lowost rates may be had on application li. advance to the ticket agent at in. atatuu. li I' BALDWIN, tien Pais Agent I 11 OUIAL'SEN, Pan, supt. LACKAWANNA AND ItAll.HllAO 1 1 ulna leave BeraatoB aa follows Eipiess for New York and all is.mto bast. 1 .'Al, &UJ, U K, b ( arid MO a. ui . t i'i and U p, iu Expivss for Kastoii, Ti niton, Philadelphia and the South, 615, e.UU aud n on a. m. ; ikij and li 60 p. m Washington und way ttatiotis, 'I 40 p. m Tobhuuna ac -oiiiuiodatlon ', . , ; n. Fxpr as for liliighanitou Oswego Elmira. Corning, Hath. DaMVtUe, Mount Morris and Bulfalo. u.10. '1 15 a. in. and 1 24 p. in., making close coin. oetlous at Buffalo to ad points lu tha West. North Wast and Mouthwea'. Buffalo ace.oium.jdatlou. U III a. in Bingamt..n and way stations. 1117 p. in. Nn nolsoii and wav atatioi.s. 5 4-5 p in. Bliighamton and Elnnra Eipross Oft p. m Express for Cortland, byiacuae. OeWSCO, I'ticu und Ittchlleld Springs, ill a in. and IM p in Ithaca, if 15 and W4J a m and 1 24 p ui r or N oi th inn lierland. Pit tston, Wnkes Ban e. Plymouth, Hloomabarg and Liauvllle. in , king close conuuetlons at Northumberland lor Wllhaiuaport. Hairibburg. I i.. V IrurtOU and the South. Nortbuuiberland and Intermediate stations, tun. kjo a m and 1 M and S.U7 p tu. Na&tlooke and Intermediate statiooa. H On and 11. Si a m Plymouth and .::..'' d.t stations. 8.50 and j,, m Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches ou all express trains. for detailed information, pocket tim-table). ate, apply to M. L Bnuth, city ticket otflm, HI Lai kuwanna avenue, or depot ticket office A CADKMY OF MUSIC. THURSDAY, Mail is. The Eeosntrl Irish Comijdiin, Barney Ferguson and Company, lu the Laughable Comedy, M:Canhv: Mishaps A Mrr) Single of SoBvs. Danoes and Sice splitting Eventa Sals Open Tuesday. rMM: A.vu Ij LOAD WYOM1N 1 VALLEY KAIL Rjrr, Thomas M can W At.TKIl H iJlfBLL. 1SS WtlKCIMTEK's KIN Ill'.itO AKTEN and School, 41.' Adams avenue Pupil, v. si nt all times. Next term will oneu January ill M' t i UAU1ACH. v ' . Wyomlna svs I: M. rtTKATTON, n in risTs burgeon Oentist, No. 115 'file,, i '. ..il Kk, hamre i o wn HE REPUBLIC Savings and Loan Asso ciatlon will loan tottlttnnay on easier teriiH I pay you better on investment than any i. ther association. Call on S. N. CAI.LMN- IHCIt, Iinne Hank build ne I HOT I is ami ill HTAVRANTI '('HE WESTMINSTER 8I74UI Wyonnna 1 ave. Roans heated with steam: all ni'sl e. n liiiprovemenis C M TnrMAB, Prop ZH.OLI.US HOTEL. KB Lackawanna ave i nue, bcranton. Itntea reasonable. P. jtinoun, i'loprli tor ; EbTMl.NsTKK HOTBL VV W (I. HfJHBNOK, Manager Sixteenth street, DOS block east ot Broadway, at UakSJ Square, New York. American plan, $if all per dav and upward (M)YNK HOl'SL. European plan: go,rl I ns.nis Oueu day and night. Bar ' aup tilled with the best. IV It. COYNE Proprietor 4J( HA.NTO.N HOl'HE, near II . L AW pas 1. senger depot. Cotidurted on the KoropasB plan. VlOtoB Kocil, Proprietor (i KAMI rKNTItAL. The isritn: ami ttn i lu pel hotel in Allentown, Pa.) ratei 2 and i si per day I BHIQ9 valley railroad 1 Plb. 11. Ism Train leaves Senuiton for 1'hilu.ielphia and New York via. U A; Q R H at s a.m . 1110, 118 and U.B p. m via D., L ft w. K K.ouO, 8.0s,UJ0a.m.,and La p. in. Leuve Bcranton for Pittstoii and Wilkes Barro via I J., L ft W, R It, I1IW, SUP, 11 ij a. in . I 80, 1,(0, 'I D7. B ) p. m. L.-ave Bcranton for VYhita Haven, Haalaton, Pcttsvlllu and nil points ou the Beavur Meadow and Pottaville brauchus. -ia E If V.. 40 a.m.. Via D, ft H. R R. at s a m 1.' Ift J.:s, 4 10 p.m , via U , L ft W. K. K tJ.OU, s.us 11.30 a.m.. Fill. 8,80 p.m Leave Sera ii ton for Bethlehem East,.-., liesiliiig Uairisliurg and all intei medlats points via D. ft H. K. K . b a iu .1.' Id. -' IK II I p.m .via D . L S W, K H..U Ou.viJe. 1120 a. m 1 m p m. Loava Boranton forTunkbanno -if Towan la, Elmira. Ithaca. IF.neva and all liitermedl it I oints via U ft II l H. '.' Ul s ut. 12 lu and UJS p. m. iiaD 1.. ft V. R It.. ss aiu..l..Hp. in l.ea Seraiilon for R shestei Bill;,,. S'l sgara Falls. Detroit. On, -ago and allisdnti westviaD ftll H. R. 8.07 n.m.,12 10.1' Ii.ll 85 P m , via D. L. ft W. R. R. mid Pittaton Junrtion, Hnsiim., 1408.88 p. in. via I ft V H li. 8.41 r. re. For Bin rn and tin wc-t via Sal un IBO Via D. ,U H it R 8.UJ a.m.. 12 10,8.18 p. in . Via D . L. ft w R K.. ,8.08a.m., I Hi and t).'i7 i. in. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair ears on all tra-ns ts'tween I. ft B Junction or Wilkes Barre and How York. Pliiiad.-lp'da, Buffalo and Bsapenslon Hrldirn ROLLIN H ViLBUK, Den Sun: East Dlv CHAS S. I.KF.. Qan, Pas Ag'l Phila.Pi A W NONNEMACHBR Aat't O u Pass Ag't. South Betlilebem, Pa. Tialn leave ScumUiu foi New York and in terinesliate points on the Fie railroad ut ti :tj a in. and 3.24 p in Also for Hawiey and local iHiin'.s at ii bj. k 4.5 and 1124 pm. Train leaving at k 45 a. m nnd 3 21 p m. re through trains to and from iio-jeslalo. Truins leave lor Wilkes Barre at S 4'J a. m and 3 ll m WE BELIEVE w r II loll I' H, IIM II, flopllelor. AHCH1TRCTA HOI I'I. A V Is ?A and 2li Cominonw kronitoata Huosaa 84. allh t, Id'ir Seraiilon. 1. VY ALTER, Ai.bitect. Library lailtd ina. Wvomliiir aienue Scianton. I. BROWN Arch II An liit.s t. I'riee bni'dhiii. Iftl Vs nshlugton Av...,s.-rant.ii'. DELAWARE AND HUD SON RAILROAD. Commencing Slav 2K IM1-. trains will run as i.e. Trains leave Bridge A treat Station. Bcranton, for Pitta ni. w likes Harre. etc sii. ':. 887, 10 42 a. in.. 12.10. 2f.. (.88, 4. IU 118, li 15, y.1.5 and li H p m. For New York and Phila ilebhia. MAI a. in . 12 10. 148, 2 lis. 4 1i', and 11.80 li m. For llonesdale from Delaware. Lackawanna und western depot i, 7 00. S ,88, 10 ill a.m.. IS ;i m., 2. 17. 6 10 p. in. For Cailiondnle and intermediate stations ."..ill. 7 00. 8 .10. IU. Ill a. ni . 18.00 in ,2 17. II. li,: 1. 2o slid h 115 in ; (mm Pridgu Street Depot, 2. m a. m.. i.I'and ll t6 r. m. Fast express to Albany, earatoga, the Aral. roSdaok Mountains Boston and New Fngbiud points. 8.40 a m . arrivinr at Albany 1-4,5 Saratoga 2.20 p. in, and leavimr Seranton at 8 p in , arriving at AHianv at s.Ni p m, .Sara toga. I2.a5a in . and Biston. T.OO a. m The only direct route bat Ween the coalfields and rioston "The Leadina Tourists' R. ute of America" to the Adirondack Mountain re sorts, Lakes Ghiorffs aad Oharaplsln. Montreal. ete. Time tat'les showing WON and through train service betwis'ii ststi .Its on all divisions Dela ware and Hudson system, may be obtained at all Delaware and Hudson tleket oftlees. 11. 14 YoCNU. J W lUMtDlCK, Se.s.nd Vice President. Hen. Pass. AgU c have the hand somest line of Parlor and Drawing" Room ACADEMY OF MUSIC. FRIDAY, MARCH 10 THE ROJIAJf TIC ACTort, Frank Mayo InL.s ciiginal creation and masterpiece, tha woodland lomunci, Davy Crockett Which hat been culled by the orittBS: "An Idyll of the Backsouds. "A Syrnphohv in Mavas and Me,,, a New birth io yur New Soul." -'Tl" First America." "As Amer ican Poem. A OOOD POMPA i'. SPECIAL BCENERY AND EFFECIB Saie opens Wednesday. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SAHItDAY. MARCH IT. (ST .Patrick s day i Fan! Fan! Soci as HGjt Fnrnistie . . HOYT'S . . T -n TT i W.WVWW Ail. thTCLUDIXQ MR. GEORGE F MARION And a great Company Saie opens Thursday. ' Furniture ever shown in this state and we would like you to see it. Hill & Connell Washington Avs. Week commencing MONDAY, 88ABI U 1 This week, while the Wonder'aad Theater tfliniany ;se teruimnr the citiient of Car tonaale. ue shal. present Four Big Buccessss. Ilnvlug the needed merit to more than iiinke gi od all the nilveitlsing clalBtsd for tl.. i" the following lour reinedie. hnve . ached a pliHiiouienal Kale. I)r. King's New Discovery for I orisiiinptioii, Coughs mill Colds, eiich boitlo gna iiini'eil Klcf. nn- Hitters, tin. ftrrut irniiiily for l.lvcr, stomach au.l Kidneys. Itm klen's Arnica Salve, the lust In the world, nntl Dr. Kn. N.-w Life Pills, wliii'hiire n per feel pill. All thns" remedies lire BMranwea Io no just what is i lalineil for them and the dealer whose, name Is attached Imiuwith K ill be glad to tell you more of them. Hold byMnltliews llroa'. Urucj store. HIM I I I. IM III s MORTON n MWAilTH Wholhhai.r lumber. S ai d Dim . Ilnuk boJldlu Boranton, Pa MKUARIIMB BROTH KIW. PRINTKR8 supj, lies, anyaiopan paper bags, twiu.v Warehouse. 1J0 Washingtou sve . - o i I's I'oi.TK.s LIVKRY, 1888 Papuans a ran as I First eiss. aarrUBM l L rOOTE) Iffl Ftiiiarst Dfrwtor and Bnbauiff IMlANK I' HltoVVN A in, VVHol.F. I sale dsaleis in Y.s.dware, Cordage and Ol, Ulotn, rH W. l.iiekliwanna avenue iAUER'H H' 11 tTll IUH-ION. In BsTaal Jsaaan Villi, ItOil, . i in n. rn. io WOII t VOo I I ha. 3 5 Slllllll II. ..Hill ioi -Ml 0si 'ti m I I lillll , lliclllt'M I'ftr.H'rl. I j ton VariU i'u IIIM MHIMlMn vmtk furnlrshiMl rar tMrtiH 'lit 'i ii J. Itt'i'i iiiiMlurtor Hi Wvinint titi:iii n ntitfih 8ftt 4 ton i nnl nim-r i livt nt. iuh. AHnt HV ; rcirtinr A"Jll -f. Hint PviM live, St I Hl'toil K Cl.AKK A (IV, !f.lHinin. I ..-n-i. nvonuit; urtMih boultftlwU noftil MhIu iftttttttj (i. OIlAMI I Mi IN 'I 4: As. II- V Ci l. . yuNsv troubled mo lor twenty years. Hmce 1 started using Dr. Tho'iia-. KcloO trio Oil have bad an attack. Thu O.I cures sore throat at once. Mrs. Lotta Conrad, titandish, Mich., Oct. H 'UJ. ,1 Willi. ItKJ IH KUCTTBTu, 111 Lackiiwaiiua even i Kcrantoil. I'a . nianiit'i- of Wire Scieem AHTOHEHARTMAN SOU loath Waariinqta 1 Ave uM. I 'i -n tractor and biiil.br of Concrete Flagging, Concrete Hbsiks. Potato, Hutler and Cm Pins, Wet Cellars drie 1 up. Orders may b left at Thompson A I'ran, Will mm A Co, M.i i ii and K.yu.ui binsits. or at bcrnuton Btovo Works. Al ' Pouiidalioua, Cisierua l"b Wire Tunnels aud Cortina. Klngaiug tor Uaidvu Walk i, Stations o s .1 s u id as h fill k m at ill rams naiiy, ls- -j o , c 5 3 - . epl t-und.ij 1 Ig a f t, Villi, 1 eaie . h ; '.v. x I laiiklln s; 7 in Wi st 44ml street , on Wechnakeii .... e a An li e LaavaU a 1 16 Hal .luiicii 11 11 1, HBOOOOI Mai light Praston park I I'lllll I' II a io :n - s 7 4' 7 :H 7 8V ; u-s 881 4s 'f 87 ICW BSSlfUrt .... i 'J .V.' ij 47 I IMC ,w m it 18 nan 1 11 ii' 888 11 4i 8 ann si ti M il US It 1 1 . 1 -.'.. onT 1 1 '.'i fill' III 17 0 41 11 88 m M 11 s.i h 41 ITS III 4 ,V If, 4 fj In IS fi.M 11 in 4 Mi II m y 11 11 i; 11 1:1 11 1111 rpjotalia Bel Boat I'lciisaiit Ml uniohdals I-orset OR 1 'ai b inda e W hlle llllltgc Mayfleid jaji mi 11 Archibald ii lllloll IVckVlllo uliphuui Ulcksoli Thraop Piw Honca Fail, PlBOt be: au'on I M8 ! no S IO ' M '.' US 4 II 41 4.11 4 41 4 88 5 tti :l ol l, u4 ONE OF WONDERLAND OLD TIME VarietySliows The Best Artiste Money and Eiperience Can Procure APMISs-lOX. 10 SO and 30 TEXTS Opera chanscan be reserved, by niiml'tr, every at taraoon, front 1 JO to 8.80, for the evening's entertainment Performances, very afterno,,n except Mondays and Then-days, at 8m8X and f v. rv evmng at 1 5. Dis rs 1 pen at 1.3naaJ 7 00 V M DON'T FORGET Hint we are hi'.'id.iuni tors for evorythlnr in Hie line ol W AK'HKS If yon have snv idea of purchasing any kind of a Watch, ladv'anr Kent's. Hold or Nilver, you will make a grisi .iusm1stakeilNouilon.it give us a call inc. Bat our prices, which you will ttnd far below all olners, esisvisllv In ail the high giadesof F a n. Walthaui and Hampden movement If you have. any ilotibls and are at all pested on iTIifs glse usa call and w.. will hae in ', -.'. li ispui t; tu (8 88 U 4:1 '. :l 1 11 (IS :, (B I T ia 10 1 '.'i :i 51 1 13 i.iishi S4 T 48 10 1 8 r 7 St III ISl 4 114 7.M 1017 4i7 7 Ml Ul S 1 1 111 s ill) 1(1 41 4 14 sua 10 li.'i 4 IT su. liiSli IIM i- 111 i . h l.ea.. Anli, , i 1 al- a All trains run dally e.v epl MlhdsJ f ,tgi. Hies that trains stop on sUual tor pas. angrra Addllt'imil null' leave Cnib bile for Heron tun I in and 0.13 p. 111 . an h lug at 80rUflOB ICC ami 1 n ' Maye ftoranton tor Carboodalt 8.80 ami m:o arming u cai b uidslaal Hand 11. lA p. ni icoun 1 ni 1 s la Ontario a Western betnn piirchafliig ll. Lets aud save inoney l)ii and Si 1 . V. piC.vH I I I In IS l HI ,1 0 Audcisuii, Hen. pnss .,t. V, futafott, uiv Pans, Aft Boraaton, Pa 11 88 u is 1143 1, 81 1. 1 ll 41 H 8(1 11 :.s 7 Ms v .1 m ' trouble in convincing you. We still haven large , 1 -1, . 1 ,1 ,.. k to ,l4i"-e ,.. ami win oner you won il.rful Midaceni'iils in Jewelry. Silverware. Clocks nnd'all othei Oodg Wnisn we have Rl stork. C. W. Freeman Pl nn Ave and Sprues St. I A Handsome Complexion In ore of the, great'iat i ha.-iiis a woman i-:ui possess I'u; 1. i s CournGaioN powium gives it. SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. Having teemed the SHOEINO FOKOE of W llUam Hl.'Uiu A: B'l for a permanent busi Uass ataud, I shi.ll conduct bcli'Utlflc and 1'i.tholoai. al Shoo nu Io - the' Prevention. He Hal and CuiKiif l.ameu BM and other Upodl m, .tils in Ihi, movement i of Horses Incidental or due to tniiK.rfcct i.h. . inir I thall give the work lnv pel-sunn atteiitl- n nnd guarantee no e.vt-a charge, except for tmiui.vcment. Inline in -. - tc. , will BBtlsatad afternoons A free clinic and prolsaslOBl) advice giveu evorv Monday fioui i to - P, M. JOHN HAMLIN, D, V. S, (USHMAN'S . . BIJOU FORMER I.V MUSIC HALL."scranton. Have Rockafeller.I.essee; Fred Handed, Man. WEEK COMMFNCINl. MARvH 12 HIGH CLASS ATTRACTIONS AT POPULAR PRICES lames uid Ida QUday, Miss LottiB Baruard, Miss Florence troy, Li Ft'titi' Bdlth-Carltoa mill Andrews Ami by Bptebkl Koiniest Ouidu, tho Marvol, MoMahon ami King inul a host of others. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY Aftarnooa at :.16; Evsnlni at 8.18 Popu lar Prices. 10. 80 and 9J Cents. MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. Haanfaerorars and Deaien 1 Burning All lubiicatlog UlLu Also Shafting and Journal Greasi OFK1CK: -721 West Lackawanna Ave. WOHR9: -Meridian Strssl