The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 15, 1894, Image 1

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    That Tenant
Whom you long for will
not come to you unsolicited.
' I 1
Somitton (Eribune.
But by Putting
Your "For Kent" adver
meubs in THE TKIBUNE
you cm invite him.
PAPEf? ill
hh n
The Rtmdins of Michael Welsh Taken troni
Gaylord Mine.
The Finding ot the Second Body Cre
ates Great Excitement at the U.iy
lord ShaftRecognized Only by a
Cord About His Waist The Work
of Exhuming Still Progresses Un
der Difficulties--A Rumor ot the
Third Find Last Night.
WlLKt8BARRC March 11
n S SOuN' at it became known this
A morning that the eoud body
had been found at the Ghtylora
Uu mine the tzeitamcnt bom lu
tense ami crowd of people hnrried to
the nlgoe. The scent was one of deso
lation and gloom about th uiiue. tlie
day wss cold and unpleastnt to those
who loitered about tuo place anxious
to Know the latest that was going on.
At an early hour this morning the
cave was hoited and a miner stepped
off to notify the outside officials that
another victim had been found. Liter
the body ot Michael Welsh was brought
to the surface iu a rough bos. placed
in the undertaker's wagou and sent to
his home in Avondale.
When discovered by the rescue party
the body was in a standing posture,
with both arms across the forehead,
indicating that he waa trying to ward
off some terrible blow, or to shot out
the awful sight and tbougiit of the
fearful crash that was to him bis dath
stroke. When taken from his awful
position he was recognized only by a
cord that he wore about his bodv. his
face being tmtritied to such an extent
that identification was impossible.
The funeral of Welsh took place this
aftsrnoon from St. Vincent Catholic
church, Rev Father Donahue offlifi
ating. After tne ceremony the body
was removed to the Welsh Hill ceme
tery for burial. The deceased left a
wife and six children, four hoys and
two girls, the oldest b-ing eleven
years. They are in destitute circum
stances, but are being cared for by
friends for the present
The afternoon shift of the resellers
came out of the mines tonight. They
believe that tney are nearing other
bodies, as the odor in the place where
they are working is almost unbearable.
There ie no truth in the reports sent
out that the third body had been found
in the Gaylord mine. At 1) o'clock to
night everything appeared to be .iniet
at the shaft. It is more than probable,
however, that one or more bodies may
be discovered between this and tomor
row morning. The rescuers are work
ing bard to complete the task before
W'.LaEs Barre, Pa, March 15. The
workers in the Gaylord mine found an
other body at 1 o'clock! this morning
At this hour. 2 a. m., it could not be
recognized. The remains were placed
in a rough box and will not be brought
to the surface until six o'clock,
Governor Paulson and Party Arrivs
from the South.
Philadelphia, March 14 When the
Washington express rolled into the
Broad street station tonight a weary
and duet covered crowd of Democratic
statesmen alighted from a private car
In their midst was the tall form
of Governor Pattison, who was
surrounded by Secretary of the
Commonwealth Harrity, Attorney
General Uensel, Adjutant General
Greenland, Thomas and Savery Bradley,
Jnmes M. Breck, W. R. Smith and J
Henry Cochran, of Willianisport.
Along with the dnst and tired looks
were bags of oranges, bunchee of pal
nietto, pyramids of pineapples, boxes
of alligators, and a small, big mouth
white eyed colored youth who carried
the pineapples and the alligators,
The colored yonth was a native of
Asbeville, N, C, who bad fascinated
the party with a song and dance while
the train stopped at that resort on the
wny uorth, and who decided in twenty
minntes to go to Lancaster to becom l
a Pennsvlvania politician under the
tutelage of Attorney General Hensel.
While away the party took in Look
out mountain under the espionage of
the mayor of Chattanooga. Jackson
ville, St. Augnstine, Ortnond, Rook
ledge, Kissiuiee, Tampa and Aehnville.
Tbe .is some artistic shooting at
Kissimee, where the party wore enter
tained for a day and a half by Hamil
ton Dlsston.
Conviction of Kiord Concerned In the
Attack on the Mleelonary.
New York. March 11 The Rev.
Dr. Gillespie has received a letter from
the Hon. A. W. Terrell, United States
minister to Turkey, containing tne in
formation that a conviction has been
secured in the cases of the persons ar
rested for the attach on Miss Anna
Melton, an American missionary last
summer, who was assailed by a band
of Koords one night last June in the
village of Daree, where she was stop
ping. She barely escaped with her life
The judgement will now have to be
reviewed by the court of last resort at
Bagdad, which will inflict the penalty.
Insurgents Surrender Without a Strug
gleThe People Are Rrj ilclng.
Rio De Janeiro. March 14. Floriano
Peixoto is triumphant. The insurgent
vessels surrendered last night without
having answered with a single ebot the
cannonade from the government's hill
top batteries. The report that Admiral
Da Gama had tfod waa confirmed this
morning. He sought safety on the
French cruiser Magon.
The end of insurgent power in the
harbor has been welcomed with joy in
the city. Exchange bas improved 20
percent. Business is as usual. Not a
symptom of disorder has appeared in
the city. The people are preparing to
celebrate the collapse of the insurrec
tion. Admiral Mello lias been seen iu the
streets of MontlvtdeO, lie has deserted
his followers, as A linirnl Da Gain de
serted his offleert and men on the har
bor tl-"et The insurgent sailors here
will be pardoned, the offioen will be
court martialled.
' --
A Young German Fanner BhOOtl Her
and Then Himself Both Dead
Ravenna. Neb., March 14 John
Breont, young German farmer living
several milos south of Revenns, shot
Ins wife, a bride of four mouths, and
then blew out his own brains with a
shotgun. A party of neighbors forced
an entrance and made the horrible
Evidently there had been a desperate
struggle between Urecht and his wife
before the shooting. After shooting
hie wife be tied a string to his foot
and, after connecting it with the trig
ger of the sliotk'uu, placing his right
eye to the muzzle, tripped the trigger
with bis foot.
The Well Known Connoisseur ol Pro
fessional Beauty Weds a Bal
timore Belle.
BALTDfOBK, Md , March 14.- A day
of as beautiful weather and delightful
unsluue as ever shone on happv nup
tials graced the wedding ot Louise H.
Morris and Frederick Gebhard at the
house of the bride's patent! today.
Miss Morris has lor three or four years
been acknowledged a leading society
belle. Her beauty is of the semi
blonde type.
In personal appearance she is tall and
magnificently formed. Ot all monu
mental city belles site waa the ac
knowledged queen. Her debonnaire
husband, well known throughout the
country as a lover of sports and in
owner of thoroughbreds, is accredited
with an income of )0.000 a year.
The wedding, out of respect to th
wishes of tne groom, was what, in so
ciety, night be called "stric;ly pri
vate.'' Only a select few were admitted.
As the bells tolled the noon hour Miss
Morris and Mr. Geohard entered the
parlor from a si !e door. Rev. M. B
BabdOek, of Brown Memorial church.
stood between the front windows and
in a few simple words pronounced
them man and wife The I ride was
attired in a magnificent wedding gown
of white sstiu and lace, and wore a
large JMMfl ot violets In her bosom.
John B. Morris, the bride's father,
gave her away There were no brides
maids. Jir. Ueonard wore a long frock
coat and striped trous-rs He was at
tended by bis best man. Lie Lourcey
Forbes, of New loric 1 no bride
smiled brightly as the words, "I pro
nounce you man and wife, fell from
the minister's lips
In a few minutes tne parlor was
transformed into a breakfast room and
the dainties of theseason were served
The bride and groom after receiving the
party congratulations of the guest con
gratulations of the guests drove to the
Pennsylvania railroad station and
took a train to which thir special car
was attached, for N-w York.
Two Leaders of the Patereon Disturb
ancee Punished.
PaTRRon, N. J., March 14 -There
were no disturbances at any of the silk
mills here this morning All the boss
dyers exc-pt Bainford Bros have
agreed to adopt the schedule priee of
their employes, which will be the means
of taking from the ranks of tne strikers
the moat turbulent "lenient
A committee of the board of trade,
Major Brsun, Sheriff Johnson and the
members of the police commission,
held a conference this morning, ami
decided to inatrnct Chief of Police
Granl to protect the property of manu
f adorers against the raids of the
strikers Charles Starke, August Mai
ler, Giuseppi Bntli, Phineas Vander
wend, leaders of yesterday's riot,
were arraigned in th police court to
day and sentenced to thirty days each
in the county jail.
Weidman's and Angara and Simons'
dyers, held a meeting at Bunker bill
tonight and subscribed 50 cents eaah
toward securing the release ot their
imprisoned brethren, They will call
upon Justice Vancieve tomorrow morn
ing anil ask that a tine be imposed, in
stead of sending them to prison. In
consequence of fear of an attack to
night, the dye houses lire guard" 1
Vitrmore's dyers struck at 4 o'cloek this
afternoon for the union schedule.
- . -
llnrrisburg will have an increase in its
police force this year.
A gi eat many small dwellings aro to be
built iu 1'ottsvilln this year
Over three-fourths of fottsville pulilio
school children have refused to be vaccl
James H. Htull, a brave lad, sated the
life of a baby in front of a Hying train at
Editor Hiram 11. Scbnck will retire from
the York Gazette and practice lnw at
Harris bnrg,
At Pomeroy, Chester county, robbers
bemed down the store of P, J. Dowd, af
ter looting It.
York's postmaster is about to approve
the plans for the interior of thai city's
new government building
Clinton 11. Uumford, a prominent manu
facturer of Htarrncca, Wayne ouuutv.died
yesterday of pyaemia, following an ulcer
ated tooth.
The fugitive, Calvin Uottschal, who re
cently leaped from a train going from
Kending to Allentowu, has been rearrested
at Middletowu.
Welsh Mountain robbers busied them
selves committing burglaries at lllue Ball
New Holland and I'ony Brook, Lancaster
couuiy. on Monday night.
Blacksmith Henry Eiseubisp, aged 77,
has been employed fifty years iu the Head
ing railroad shops ut Keadiug, and will
celebrato the occasion today.
A 'Pennsy " brakemau, Milton A Stark,
of Columbia, fell between two moving
freight cars at Coneitoga, and lodged mid
saved biuielf below the car bumpers by
throwing out bis anus and catching on the
brako apparatus.
He Contradlcla Senator Bbermtl'i Siatemeuls
as to Idle Bullion.
The Speaker Denies the Assumption
That the Act. of IB90 Left the Coin
age ot Silver to the Discretion of
the Seci-.'tai y of the Treasury Mr.
Allison's Motion to Reconsider the
Vote Ordering the Bill to Third
Reading is Lost.
Washington, D. C, March 11
n FTER the routine morning busi-
A uess the senate at BO resumed
consideration of the Bland selg
Uu niorao bill. Mr. Teller, Colo
rado, addressed the senate iu support
of the bill. Be denied the assmnptiou
of Mr Sherman and of other senators
who had argued against the hill that
the act of 1800 left the coinage of silver
to the discretion of the secretary of the
treasury, and hu declared that the act
was muuadatory and that under it the
secretary could coin as many ailver
dollars as lie had issued treasury
There were one or two other points
in Mr. Sherman's speech which he de
sired to contradict. One of them was
the statement that there was a hoard
Of 864,000.000 elWet dollars lying idle
in the treasury. ''There is no hoard of
any kind In the treasury, " Mr. Teller
asserted with emphasis, Mr. Sherman
spoke of it as an idle hoard. There is
no idle money in the treasury of the
United states
There has been no idle silver money
in the treasury except that whicu lies
behind the treasury notes to the ex
tent of 85,000,000. This was the only
country in the world, Mr. Teller said,
whoso legislators depreciated its
money. Wbv was is that Franc
could float $500 000,000 or !WO,000,OOU
of silver money'.' It was because no
Frenchmau over dared to stand up iu a
legislative body of that country and
dcltre that tiie money of the country
was not good money. It was left for
this country aloue to have its legisla
tive members repudiate the govern
ment money.
Mr. Harris, Tenneseee. arose and de
manded an accordance with the terms
of the unanimous consent i tne vote to
be taken on Mr. Allison's motion to re
consider the vote ordering the bill to
third readiug. The vote was taken and
the motion was disagreed to yeas, 23,
nays, 45
The Democratic senators who voted
in the affirmative were Messrs. Brice,
Cifferv. McPherson, Palmer, Smith
and Vilas The Republican senators
who votd in the negative were Messrs.
Dubois, Baoibrongb, Mitchell. Ore
gon, PettigreW, Power, Shoup, Squire,
Stewart, Teller and Wolcott. The
threo Populist senators. Messrs. Allen,
Kyle and Peff-r, voted no.
Mr Manderson (Nob. ,i then moved
to refer the bill to the committee on
finance with instructions to amend it
so as to provide that the silver certifi
cates shall be issued only in anticipa
tion or in lien of the seigniorage. The
vote was taken and Mr. Manderson's
motion wss rejected . yeas, 1". nays, 44
At 5 25, after a short executive ses
sion, the senate adjourned
Fifty additional pages of the sundry
civil appropriation bill wore consid
ered in committee of tho whole in the
house today. Mr. Moret, (Rep,, Musa.,i
withdrew bis statement which waa
pending yesterday Jar, adjournment, to
strike out the appropriation for the in
terstate commerce commission. In aim
swer to a statement made in the anony
mous hitter received by Representative
Wise, (Deiu , Va. i yesterday, that Mr
Morse represented neither his own state
nor any other in his opposition to th
law, Mr. Morse sent to the clerks desk
and had read a number of editorial ex
pressinus from tho papers of Massa
chusetts ami other states declaring
against the law.
Ity unanimous consent a hill was
passed to loan the Columbus caravels
for exposition purposes to the Red
Cross for one year. The house ad
journed at I 30,
Ths First Days' Seselon of the Central
Pennsylvania Asa.uiation.
HaMIWORO, P.. March 14. -The
first day's session of the Central Penn
sylvania conference of the Methodist
Episcopal church closed tonight, with
the interesting anniversary of the Ep
worth League. '1 here was a large au
dience which more than taxed the ca
pacity of the Fifth Street church where
the conference is holding Its sessions.
Rev Dr. W. N. Brodbeck, of Brook
lyn, Mass., was the principal speaker
tuis evening, his subject being, "Why
Am I a Methodist? 'a theme which
gave the distinguished pulpit orator
widesoope for bis ability as a speaker
The growth of tlm Epworth Longue
in the conference district during the
your bae been several thousand.
- MM
They Are Obligtd to Jump from a
Burning Building.
West Superior, Wis.. March 14
Doud V Sous cooper shop bnrnrd this
afternoon and forty men jumped
twenty-tivn feet to escape tho Ore.
Seven siifT"rud broken limbs ot other
serious injury. The loss ie fJJ,000;
insurance H.OOO.
Nallva Hawallans to Rise and Bsatore
Queen Lllluokalanl.
Ciiicaoo, March 14 -A special to
the Tribune from Honolulu March 0,
via Victoria, B. C, March 14, says:
A distinguished Anglo American
supporter of the deposed queouaayH the
Royalists have lost hope of her restora
tion by the powers at Washington, but
declares the provisional government
will not be tolerated one day after the
linal decision of tlio Washington au
thorities reaches Honolulu. 1 he na
tives Intend to riso and restore the old
order. Being asked who would lead
the insurrection natives, whites, Ivig
llsh or Americana he replied, "The
leaders are American and English, and
the whole native and Japanese popula
tion is to follow at a moment's notice,"
Then he went on to say the Royalists
had the assurance of strong moral aid
from England and Japan. The identi
cal course mapped out by Stevena
ami the committee of safety will be
pursued. British and Japanese ma
rines will land, and the provisional
government be forced to surrender. If
the Royalists and successful Liliuoka
lanl will be restored, martini law de.
dared, the members of the provisional
rnvermnsnt Jarrested for treason, and
the British minister will declare a pro
tectorate, as Stevens did.
e '
Miners of the OharUeton Valley Will
Work at Reduced Betes.
Charleston. W. V., March 14 -The
striking miners of this valley will hold
a meeting at Montgomery tomorrow
to declare the strike off and will return
to work at the reduced prictts. The
long fight between the miners and the
operators will thus cud in favor of the
The Edgowater, (treat Ksnawaha
and Ctrleton miners resumed opera
tions yesterday nud others are ready to
Pittsburg Physicians Resurrect a
Laudanum Suicide by Injections
ot Permanganate ot Potash.
Pitisbi uu, March 14 List night
George Duudear took laudanum with
suicidal intent. Dnndear was removed
to the hospital. Notwithstanding the
fact that the would be suicide was blue
in the face and his nervous system par
alyzed, Drs. Moreland and Gregg re
solved to try the newly discovered an
tidote, permanganate of potash.
The doctors had no duta to go on and
could only uso experimental doset of
the remedy. With the fifth injection
the muscles began to contract. Seven
injections in all were made and then
the patient was pronounced out of dan
ger. This is the first time that this treat
ment has been used in this city and
possibly in the world outside of New
York city. It was only the apparent
hopelessness of the case that prompted
tue physicians to attempt the use ol
the new antidote.
Thirteen Members of a Nsw National
Party Dlecues Coinage.
Pittshl ro, March 14 The National
conference of the new national party
met this morning. Bnt thirteen per
sons were present and the morning
waa p;issed in discussing the evils ol
the liquor traffic.
Ibis afternoon the conleronce dis
cussed the question ''Will the free
coinage of silver on a parity with gold
be the best Bnanoia policy of the gov
Hiram Pnre'ey Shoots Lester Shapiro In
th- Cheek.
LOCK Haven. Pa.. March 14 Hiram
Parsley stol a chicken from Mrs. John
Cluster, and when tho latter interfered
I'urshiy drew a rovolver and threat
ened to shoot her,
beatot Shapiro interferred and I'urs
ley shot him through (be band and in
tii cheek. Hs was arrested and was
set down for trial at court
The Two Statsemen Rehearse Cold Facte
of an Unpleasant Nature.
LONDON, March It The Globe this
afternoon reports that n meeting be
tweeu Sir William Vernon Harcourt
and Lord Rosebery took place which,
it the two men did not quarrel, they at
least Udd each other some hard facts.
It states thai, there is no doubt that
last evening a demonstration waa di
rected against Lord Rosebery. and that
the latter is fully aware of tins fact.
- m
Lightning Strikes a Couple Near Blr
mingham, Alabama.
Hihminoiiam, Ala , March II. While
riding to courch near Damascus lust
night a storm arose and lightning
struck n bug rv In whioh were Charles
Thornton and wife, setting it on fire
and killing both,
Their charred bodies were found this
morning. The horses attached to the
vohlcle were unhurt.
-e- -
In a despondent moment, wealthy Jnmes
llnrshberger, of Jiimeatown, threw him
self miller n train.
Senator t.'oko, of Tevas, will leave the
annate next March, ntid half a dozen can
didntes want his seat.
Identified as the assailant of Mm v Hnf
felflnger, ot Londonville, ) ., Austin Met
calf Is in danger of lynching.
On the charge of embezzling $37,001, ex
Cashier Andrew Sauer, of the Dellance
lU.) Havings bank, is under arrest.
.Inst as 88,700 of forgnd notos were to
mature, John K. Harris, a ooal operator of
ColnuiDia, O., tied to avoid arrest.
Governor l'attlsou, of l'tuinsylvania,aud
National Chairman Harrity called upon
Vice President and Mrs. Stevuusou at
Asbeville, N. C.
Incorporation of the Marriage Invest
ment association, which would give policy
holders II.0IMI on marriage, is asked by
Chicago capitalists.
Waylaid by Will Kdwnrds, a mortal
enemy. Jesse Morritt, of Smyrna, Teun ,
was saved by his wife, who puehed blm
aside and was wounded herself.
Now York Police Captain. I'rico and
Morton have been lined, respectively, five
and thirty daya' pay, because Superinten
dent Byrnes raided disorderly bouses
found by Dr. Parkburst'a society.
Kev. S. 1). Noyes, aged 03, pastor of the
Second Keforuid church of Kingston, N.
Y., died last evening of heart trouble. Ha
was rehearsing tl e marriage ceremony
with a couple whom he was to marry to
morrow evening when be was attacked
and died In a few minutes.
Testimony Resumed Id Miss Pollard's Case
Against the Colonel.
Sister Cecilia Has a Good Memory
For Names But Poor tor Faces.
Cannot State Positively That the
PlaintiH Was an Inmate of Norwood
Convent Gratitude But no Love for
Old Jim Hodes A Romantic Story.
The Case Grows Moro Interesting.
Washington, March 14
THE testimony of Sister Cecilia, of
Pueblo, Col., formerly superior
of tho Norwood Asylum, near
Cincinnati, was resumed when
the Breckinridge trial commenced this
morning. Miss Pollard was again in
the courtroom, sitting nearly In front
of Colonel Breckinridge, with only the
unstere-raced sister from the House of
Refuge beside her. the other unknown
friend being for the first timo absent.
Sister Cecilia was on the witness stand.
Replying to Attorney Carlisle' qu?s
tiuna she said that sho had a good
memory of namet, but a poor memory
for frees. She could not affirm posi
tively that Miss Pollard had been an
inmate of the Norwood couveut nor
could she swear that sbe had not.
When Mr. Carlisle inquired her belief
on the fuct, Attorney Butterworth oh
j"Cted that while any facts might be
given, the opinion of the witness was
incompetent. Attorney Shelby added
that the question of the opinion of the
witness was au attempt to invaJe tus
province of the jury.
Mr. Carlisle supported the admis
sibility of the answer with authori
ties, and Mr. Butterworth rebutted
with more authorities.
Judge Bradley said that if the ques
tion was intended to elicit the opiuion
of witness as to the identity ot the
plaintiff with a certain psrson who was
at the asylum at n certain time it was
competent; if it was intended to show
that the witness, from thing she had
subsequently learned, hail become con
vinced that the plaintiff had at gome
time been an inmate of the asylum it
was incompetent.
There was some hesitation on the
part of Miss Pollard s couusel in tram
ing a question, it being apparent that
the sister was scrupulously careful
about the extent to which she would
commit herself in identifying Miss
Finally tue plaintiff's counsel re
served an eiceptitio i to the court's
ruling and then framed a different
question, asking "What is your opin
ion as to the identity of the plaintiff
with a patient in your asylum in May,
June and July, lj5:' which was also
overruled, another exception noted and
followed by tho question "What is
your bolief as to whether the plaintiff
was in your asylum during those
months,'' "That is a questiou for the
jury," said Judge Bradley.
The identity of the friend who sat
beside Miss Pollard throughout the
trial was divulged when Mr. Carlisle
culled Dr. Belle Buchanan, and that
lady walked nronnd to the witness
stand and took the oath. As she was
giving her name, occupation and th
usual preliminary answers Mr. Phil
Thompson spoke out familiarly : "Speak
up a little louder, pleat, doctor, we
can't hear you "
Dr. Bnebenen has an intelligent face
Slip slated that she first made Miss
Pollard's acquaintance under the name
of Louise Wilson in Juno. 1885, when
Miss Pollard came from the foundling
asvlutu at Norwood in a carriage, her
coming having been arranged by Dr.
Mary Street, now Mrs. Logan Their
lions was at the comer of Fourth and
John streets.
Mis Pol In i i had been given th
111 . ilicine she needed ami massage treat
men't, and had teemed very weak.
When court reconveiiod at the after
noon session Mrs. Wesley Robin
son w-is called as a witness, but the
was heard only through her deposition
taken iu Cincinnati. She knew Miss
Pollard, alio said, at the Wosleyau
college, of which her father, W. 1C
Brown, was president, ami whore Miss
Pollard was a pupil.
Miss Pollard had told the Aopononl
that her father admired W. C. P.
Breckinridge, or John Breckinridge, or
some Breckinridge, and had given her
that name. Miss Pollard also said she
admired the defendant, who was then
to quote the witness, "the star of Ken
tucky "
In tho letter which the witness had
received to be opened at graduation,
Mies Pollard referred to her deep debt
of gratitude to Jaim's C. Hodes, and
said: "Mow can 1 ever marry the old
wretchr" Also in the lottr Mist Pol
lard referred to her love for Professor
Overman A story called "l)etioy"
was appended to the letter. F.xtractt
from the document were read the de
ponent, and she told of the various
porsous mentioned.
The deponent testified that Miss Pol
lard told her sho had met Colonel
Breckinridge on a train and this en
counter with so distinguished a man
wan talked over a great deal in the col
lege. H may have been through this
talk, laid the deponuut, that the name
"Breckinridge" was inserted in Mish
Pollard's name by her school mates.
Mis Pollard had always seemed to the
deponent to be an innocent, pure
minded girl.
Mr. Carlisle rend th Utter in full
Most of it has been published, butsoiu
part that were not given to the public
press became public through the read
ing today. It was an account of Miss
Pollard' life. Th letter told of Mis
Pollard's meeting with old man Redes,
her contract with him and her inability
to pay bim back.
Miss Pollard said sho had for him
"the strongest and most ardent senti
ment I ever vntertaiued for mortal
man." She also Baid, "I do not love
Rosell at all. 1 feel that God threw
him across my pathway," After end
ing with her blind sweetheart, Miss
Pollard said she "sattlod down in a
flame of pure love for Professor Ob-
inger. "
Mr Stoll read the story by Miss Pol -lard
enclosed with th letter. It waa a
romance of Cincinnati, sueu as would
h ive been written by a romantic school
girl, and lika the letter was full of ex
travagant, girlih expressions. The
reading of th story created mueh
aiunssinent, particularly whore the
hero clasped the heroine to his
csrtwoin yet nevertheless loving
heart. When the story had been con
cluded court ad.iourued until tomorrow
A Three-Story Brlok F'ullding Destroyed.
Los $100,000.
Philadelphia, March 14. The
three-story brick building ol Haney &
White, manufacturer of builder' and
hardware supplie ut 89 34 North
Broad street, this city, was burned this
The loss on stock and building will
amount to 1100,000, nearly covered by
insurance. The lumber yard of B. F
Taylor A; Co., which adjoins Haney &
White's buililing, wat damaged to the
extent of 16,000
A Prominent Tunkhannock Lawyer
Miising, Two Weeks -Foul
Play Is Suspected.
Tlnkannock, Pa,. March 14 This
place is much mystified over the dis
appearance of Henry Harding, a prom
lueut lawyer. He left town two weeks
ago, ostensibly to attend the Oraud
Army of the Republic encampment at
Philadelphia. Hu did not go there and
was last teen at Scrauton.
He is posaessedot considerable wealth
and ha a lucrative law practice. His
domestic relatious are pleaaut, and no
cause can bu assigned for hit dissp
peurance. Foul play is fared.
Mr. Harding is quiet and unobtrusive
in manner and ol nne peraoual appsar
auce He was formerly associated with
Judge Sittser in the practice of the
law and has the reputation of being
well-versed in that science. He was
prominently mentioned as a caudi
dat for the Republican nomi
nation for president jndg in the
Forty-fourth judicial district and
uiucn surprise was experienced at the
recent convention when his nam was
not presented, as he hat many warm
Mr. Harding was away from Tunk
hannock at the lime, and the fact that
bis absence is unexplained greatly wor
ries his friends.
for a
Pleasant Programme Prspsrsd
Coming Event.
Fiecial to the Scantott TVtouae.
CLARK'S Green, Pa., March 14 -The
following entertaining programme has
been arranged for the coning teachers'
institute to be held iu the Methodist
Epitcopi) church here, to begin on Fri
day evening, Marco 18 with a "Chalk
Talk'' bv Rv. R L Park, A. M of
Stroudshnrg, for which an admission of
15 cents will be charged, tne proceeds
tor th benefit of the literary looiety of
tho tchool at No. 1 building or a nu
cleus for a librarv fund
The programme as arranged will
consist of an address br Professor Bo
vard, of Jermyn, on "Compulsory Ed
ucation." iProfessor R. A Davis, of
Archbald, will give an address on "A
Trio Across the Continent ," Professor
F C. llanyen, on the "Essential Points
In English Grammar;'' a talk on psn
mantbip by Professor R S. Parks on
"Knowing :ind Helping Pupils;" Class
Drill by Miss Florence Tinkliam M.
M. J. Lloyd, of Dicksou City, will en
tertain the Institute with instrumental
music upon his beautiful German
On Saturday CTenittg there will be
recitations by Mies Fannie R. Sher
man, Miss Mae Courtright, Mr. Harold
Parker Prof W ,JR Graves, of Scran
ton, will give his talk on "The Ideal in
Education." l'ror. Bibl will reuder
able assistance in thi institute, fol
lowed by an address by County Super
intendent J. C Taylor, and others. All
teachers and others interested in the
c.iuso of education will tin I a welcomo.
The Kx Tinker Acknrw. edges Hie Crime
In Nw York.
New YORK, March 14 Harry Wilt
shire, aliaa Watkin, formerly a book
keeper in the L'nited States National
bank of this city, plead guilty iu the
United States Circuit court today to a
charge of misappropriating (Do. 000 of
the bank's funds. He waa remanded
for sentence.
Wiltshire lied from tho city iu Sep
tmber,1891, and obtained employment
in pool rooms iu Buffalo, N. Y., ami
Stranton, Pa. A few weeks ago while
iu Scrauton he learned that his arrest
w is impending, and he endeavored to
escape lo Canada, but was captured iu
Buffalo The penalty tor his crime is
from live to tan years.
England' admiralty is watching with in
teresl the txperlmuut of petroleum fuel
for ships.
The BmprON of Qermtny and her chil
dren have arrived at Abbaaia, Austria, for
a long outing.
A "mad wolf" scare prevails near Moa
COW, thirty pepole having been bitten by
the rabid animal,
A hostile amendment to the Kusso
lierman treaty, levying duties uu Rattlao
rye ami wheat, was defeated hi the Ketch
stag by tlfty-four votes.
Failure of the seconds to agree will pre
vent the long talked of duel, at Paris, be-
tween M. Audlnt Qllbtrtend lienor Don
Manuel del 1'ilar de Sunt Maria.
The buuget COmtttlttCC of Geiiuauy's
reichst ii favors u Jtll.VJ.tHsl appropriation
for the l.mperor illiaiu I monument iu
otead of tho requested 51,DJ(iUU0.
We call attention to our largo
Spring Slock, comprising
Brussels, Irish
Point and Not
tingham Laces.
Plain and Dotted Swiss
and Tambour Goods
Irish Point Lace
Bj ydt long at .jJ.'j and fi.Uoa pair.
The Greatest Drive
Ever Shown.
The quantity u limited anil
tauuot Le duplicated.
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave,
Maltese Cross
Warhinutoh. March U.Fori
eOtl for Thurmttiy: Fur rastfrn
ftNMUMttata, Mr, north winds,
oeoOMfR0 vanoMe For mHin
Rmatyivaata, ;iiratiy fair: Miuwtd iv
MerMM'ag olottdia,' rtfpatv warmer,"
MftaM minis, tecum ni soulaeust.
And Oak tunned Leather Bel'dng,
H. A. Kingsbury
813 Spruce St., ScraDton, Pi
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
Reliable Footwear.
Feet of every description fitted at
Lewis, Reilly & Davies.
win clone van rnine at cm p.m.
except Saturday.
..... J
We Examine Eyes
Pi ce of charge. If a doctor ii
needed you are promptly toliJ
bo. We also guarantee a per
fQt lit.
AT COST for ono week only.