s THE SCEANTOK TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING. MARCH 14. 1894. Highest of all In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Rol Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT M ANNUM. 0 E OF- Women's Maslin and Cambric Underwear AS IN THE PAST, our efforts thia year have been exerted to gather topothor a stock of I'nderwetr tb.tt would (five the i:reat et possible satisfaction in quality ot m i:-n alii. carefulness of worktnaushiD and nortec tlon of fit And while tho priest are AO low can po eiblv be afforded for such lna-b elms work wo do not -nter into competition with tho info riur grade of Codj largely sold at seemingly low prices. The stock now placed on exhibition Id all new and fresh No shop-worn or couutor oiled Koods in the let ml includj ouly the latest styles and shapes. THE NEWS OF NEARBY TOWHS Onto: town eorrespon land of Tun TStS ONI iboQra siun their UHM In full to each Ueivs letter, not for publication out to guard against deoeptiou.l We mention tod Srtecial Bargain 'hlch cannot bo duplicated at the prices: Fine Muslin Corset Covers, 19c Fine Cambric Corset Covers, 23c Night Dresses, Walking Skirts, Drawers, 39c 35c 21c In connection with the special baryalus In Muslin Underwear . we name some unusual values In Children's White Dresses At I5o.i fc-. Wc, Sic , 98c Infants' Long Slips At tte.. 38c, Sic SI 00 and $1.-1 It is well to remember that when we adver tise special bargains it U not safe tu postpone examination for a si - (tie. day The reason is that 11 our notices are eagerly scanned, and as we positively avoid all forms .jf sensational advertisements it has been proven by experi ence that everything mentioned in our notlcos Is precisely as stated: therefore, the response is prompt and lar.re lots are sometimes sold in a few hours or days, as it may happen. JERMTN AND VICINITY. FUNERAL OF JOHN TORREY. The Services at Honesdal Are Larglv Attended Ysterdv. Special fo the Scranton Tribune HoNhsi'AlK, March lit -The funeral of the lute Hon. John Torrey, took rjlS06tb.il aflernoon at 0.30 p. in. at the bom of Andrew Thompson. The service were conducted iy the R"V. William H. Swift, Honesdaie. and Dr. Logan, Sornntout Her J. J. Dougherty sat with the clcruymon The pall bearers wore H. O, YounK, Albany, Homer Uroetie, L. J. Dortiin yer, H J. Metiner, H. Q Hand and V. B. Holme, Honesiale. Among the large number of attendants from out ot town were O. F. Fuller, Chicago, John Cheeney, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fuller, Mrs. Judge Kie and Mrs Johu Bedford, Wilkes-Harre.City Solicitor James H. Torrey, Judae Seelev, CharUa S. Weston , John F. Roe, EUvard Fuller, Alexander Dick ton and James P, Dickson, I. M. Kist lar, Scranton ; Mrs. CleveUud Mrs. Xewcoinb, Clevaland; Mia Gertrude I'orroy, Montclair, N. J.; Superinten dent C. R Van Berger, Cnrhondale; Uelos Welles, C tsuovu, X. Y. i Col. H irri. Miss Ellen Torrey and Mrs. Lavina. Fuller, Mr.and Mrs. (J. L Dick son, J George Eisele, W. H. Richmond C. S. Fowler, jr.. M. L. Fine, K. M. Vernoy aud D. J. Levi, Scranton. At a special meeting of the board of managers ot tho Honesdale Gas company held at the office of the company, this litit day of March, A. D. lt94, the following nnnute was unanimously adopted: Ic tho death of Hon. John Torrey we, the managers of the Honesdale Uas com , pany. feel that we have met with a great 1 personal loss. He has been connected with I this board for more than thirty-five years, ever since tho organization of this com I pany, and for many years was the efficient I treasurer of the company. Oar assocla i tion and intercourse with huu as mem i bers of the board of ma lagers has besu I very pleasant and we desire to bear testimony to bis constant courtesy, his excellent judgment, his thorough integrity and his unfailing interest :n aud devotion to the affairs of this c jmpanv. The success of the company in the years that are past is largely to be at triboted to the excellent business capacity of Mr. Torrey, and to his thorough fldel lty to his dunes as an officer of the com - p inv. We shall greatly miss bitn both as a friend and counselor from the meeting" of oar board. To his children and grand children in their greater sorrow, we ex tend our heartfelt sympathy, and earnest ly commend them to Uira whose sympa thies are innnite, and who knows how to administer comfort in every time of sor row. It la directed that this minute bo spread in full on tbe secretary's book ot the com pany, that it be published in the newspa pers of Wayne county and that a copy thereof be engrossed aud presented to the family of the deceased. H. Z. Rissell, Secretary. Similar resolution! ware also passed by the board of directors of the Hones dale National bank at a meeting held at their banking rooms on Mtrch 10. STROUDSBURG NOTES. Items of General Interest Tsroely and Intelligently Reported. Special fo the Scranton Tribune. Jekmvn, Pa., March 13 L La Rne and family, of Mavfleld, hay moved into tbe honss of Patrick Fooney, on Third street. Rev. Mr. Twain, of Drifton, has re fused the call to the St James Episco pal ehurah. The church has now ex tended a call to a graduate of one of New York city's colleges. The funeral ot Johnnie, infant child of Henry Langman, took place yester day afternoon. Interment in Rose Hill cemetery. Tbomss Williams, of II street, has removed to the house owned by G. Tnpptn, of Fourth street. A largo number of tbe friends of Harry Jackson assembled at his home on Monday evening and gave him a surprise. A pleasant evening was en joyed by all. Louis Yarns, of Archbald; Frank Ames, of Binghamton, and C. C Dil dim, of Little Valley, N. Y , wore Jer in vti visitors yesterday. The wedding of William J. Giles and Miss Mary Morgan will take place tonight. Tha Epworth .league will hold a meeting on Friday night. An inter esting programme has been prepared. Among those who will taks pnrt are C. F. Baker, essay; J. G. Shepherd, reading; Misa Emma Soby and VV. T, Osborne, vocal duet, and Misses Hen trough and Soby and Messrs Green and Jopling, vocal quartette. John Roberts, of Second street, who has been very low for a nnmbor of weeks is now better, and hopes are en tertained of his entire restoration to health. FROM CARBONOALE. Pioneer Oltv News Briefly Rsoordod for Hurried Rsadsra. Sptciat fo fie Scranton Tribune. OABBOMMH, Pa.. Maroh 18. Tha funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Daffy, who died Sunday afternoon at her home on Gordon avenue, occurred this afternoon at 8 o'cloek. Sorvioes were conducted in St. Rose oemetery. Ia termeut was made in New Catholic cemetery. Mrs. Burt Bennett.of Scranton, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Harvoy, of Canaan street. Mrs. L. A. Bassett, of Lincoln ave nue, is visiting her mother in Rochester. N. Y. Fred Emerick, of Scranton, made a busiiifBs visit to this city yesterday. Georgo L Smith, once a resident of this city, and employed at the office of tbe Hendrick Manufacturing company, will be uni'e l in marriage on March 81 to Miss Eslollo SUorer, of Rochester, N. Y. P. J. Thomas, employed as brakomati on Kenwortby's Delaware and Hudson coal irnin, received painful ill juries to tho thumb oil bis left hand yesterday by having it squeezed between the bumpers. On icoUUtof the funeral services of the late Hon. John Torrey, which oc curred this afternoon at 8. 30 o'clock in Honesd ile, the Delaware and Hudson company ran a special train to that place to accommodate those from ."ciantou and tins city who wished to attend. Tho train left Csrbondtls on the arrival of ttio Delaware ami Hud son train leaving Scranton at 19 o'clock noon. R turning, the traiu left H ones dal at 5 35 p. m. Miss Lucy Onnor, of Wilkes-Barre, is visiting Miss Maine Campbell, of Brooklyn street. The primary department of the Methodist Sunday school will give an entertainment in the lecture room of tho church on Monday evening. March 19, the proceed of which will do- voted to the church building fund. The following pleasing programme will bo rendered by the little folks. Chorus The Merry Sunshine Recitation The New Bonnet I'earl Oliver. Instrumental soio .Miss Lena Urouson Recitation Grandpapa's Spectacles joale renseuy. Tableau Now I am Grandma Vocal boIo The Wanderer Mum Frank. Instrumental duet Misses Lena Bronson and S'adio Miller Recitation The Kittons Emdv Edgar. Instrumental solo Nettie Bayley Recitation "The Telegram Leila Kirov. Tableau,. ."New 1 Lay Me Down to Sloop" yuai tette Hunting Chorus Misses Lillian Kobinson ana Luna liroii son. Frank Stephens and Del Wilson. Vocal solo Miss Ida Snyder Recitation, . . "Pat s Chriiicism Earl Brink. Tableau "The Doctor" Vocal duet "My brother" Florence and Hou.nr Van Gorder. Recitation "A Little Boy's Speech" June Kilpatrick. Vocal solo "La Sorenata" Miua Frnuk. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Daley, on Sslom avenue, the Woman's Relief corps will hold asnpper between the hours of 5 and 9 o'clock p. in. to morrow. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Frenr, of Peck ville, were the guests of Mr. and Mm G. H. Dimmock, of Canaan street, to day. Mrs. A. H, Crago, of Salem avenue, is visiting friends In Middletowu. N. Y. Mrs. Johu Maze is visiting friends iu Forest City this week. Word was received today by the relatives of Bert Colwell, who was unfortunate iu meeting with an acci dent on Saturday last which coat him hia foot, that be is doing nicoly. Mr, Colwell has many friends iu this city who will be glad to learn that he is improving, AT FAIR ELM HURST. ARCHBALD COUNCIL. An Exhauatlva Report of tho Proceed ings of a Rsosnt Keating'. flntetal to tht Scranton 7(6une. Archbald, March 13 The borough council mat lust evening. President Lane presided and the other members were Messrs. Jouos, Blake, t'addeu aud Caffrey. Several bills amoutiting to M were ordered paid. Tho matter of levying a tax to meet the expenses of the borough for tho coming year, was then considered, ine general borough tax waa finally tued at 5 mills, tho light tax 5 mills, water 1 mill, and epeciul 'i mills, a totnl of IS mills. The president then appointed the fol lowing cominitteos: Road Lane, Blake, Jones. Water Padden, Caffrey. Lane. Light Jones, Swift, Padden. Auditing Jones, Caffrey, Lane. Supply- Blako, Padden. Jones. The work of Street Commissioner I bill' v having commended itself to tho council during 1898, he was ra-eleutod unanimously. James G'Rourke, who creditably served as borougli treasurer during 1898, was also ru-eleetod by accumula tion. John R. Jones was oloctol borough attorney, without opposition. Mrs James Johnson wan ro- oloctod janitrlx Johu Sweeney, of Scranton, then ex plained to the council why he had asked the council why he pressntol his claim for $'.20.81 for laying sidewalks in front of bis premises. Ho maintained that his sidewalk was laid in accord ance with a borough ordinance, which directed that an allowance bo made to tiiose who laid sidewalks provided tho written permission of the secretary had been obtained. He also stated that a general notice had boon published which made it unnecessary for him to procure tho personal permission of tho secretary. The council listened but took no action on the matter. TAYLOR IN MINIATURE. little Locals of I itsreav. to Our Neigh bors Over the City Lino. Sjircinl ii- the Scranton Tribune TAYLOR, Pa , March 18 Tomorrow t Wednesday) night is la ties night at tho Price Library association, they hope the ladies will turn out ia large number, Tomorrow is payday at Pyne, Tay lor and Holdeu mines. Tno funeral of 'Richard Davis took place this afternoon. Services were held in tho Welsh Baptist church. Rev. 1'homas preaching. Burial was made n Forest Home cemetery. The True Ivorites lodge attended in a body. Doputv Internal Revenue CMleetor Billy Craig was in town to lay. The Kloctric Base Hall elub will bold ball in April. W. G. Daniels was a caller in this town today. Mrs. George Snow and Mrs. Uenja- min Lewis, or Hyde i'arK, visited friehds her today. The "old maids'' extend a cordial ln- itstiou to the "bachelors' ofthebor- ougn to attend their tea sooiar on Muroh 2: at Library hall. No doubt he invitation will be aoceptod and tha bashful young men be induced to be come benedicts. An REVIVAL AT HOPBOTTOM. The Are Labors of Evangelist Monro Meeting with Graat Succsoo ftiecial to the AfaatON TVibiiae. Hopbottom, Pa., March 18 Sunday evening, March 11, wan one long to bo remembered in tho Methodist Episco pal church of this place. Rev. G. D Moore, the noted South Jersey evangel ist, hud been witn ns one week and luring the time seven sonls were .lived Sunday evening twenty eight snore came Hocking to the altar, seek ug the interest of their souls. Mr. Moon had intended It as his last vn i tig, but so many hungry souls nukes it, be feels, unjust to loavo jast low and will probably remain this ireek. Mr. Moorn is author of tbe teatitifnl song, "Anohored My Soul Tie the Heaven of Rest" s But It Must Be Rspsotable. Lancaitei InteUiytnrir. Respect for the law making power needs to be maintuined. s Mv physician said 1 could not live, my liver out of order, frequently vomited greenish mucous, skin yellow, small dry humors on face, stomach would not re tain food. Burdock Blood Bitters cured me. Mrs. Adelaide O'Brien, 37J Exchange Bt., Buffalo, N. Y. Interacting News from Monroe's Capital Intelligently Written Up. Pj.ecial to t'ie Snranton Tr 'tiaas. Stroudsbukg. Pa March 18. The mystery hnrrounding the shooting of Jackson Vall-ribimp promises never to be cleared up lho authorities who are working diligently on tho case.hav little hopes of ever bringing the guilty parties to jnstie. There seems nodouot in the minds or tuose wno are stil working on the case, that oom on who personally knuw V illershamp. an 1 on the day of the attempted mur der saw his wife leave th9 house on a visit, committed the crime. There may possibly be a reward offered by the commissioners for the conviction of the guilty parties The peddlers who are in the connty selling tbe wares, are not believed to have had anything to do with the affair. They seem to have been able to clear thenmlves. There was a lively battie between Al. Fabl, a merchant of this town, and a burglar who has been stealing the mer chant's flour for some time. Fable mistrusted that his il iiir was diai pearing too fast and concluled that some one was robbing him. Ho de cided to wait and watch. On Sunday morning early he heard some OM try ing to got into his flour bin which ic situated in the rear of his store. He at once made himself known to the stranger and fired two shots at the re troatinglflour thief, who made his os Oapt whether wonii led or not The thief, who was also armed with a re volvor, fired at tho merchant but missed him, the ball landing near tbe door. Tnere is no due as to who tho robber was, but evidently was after il uir for his family. William Craig, doputy collector for this district, who was lately appointed by Grant Herring, occasionally visits this place and is getting acquainted with our psople. J. W. Anglo, merchant, has moved into an adjoining room in the Anglo bnildlng and his old quarters will b l oecupied by Muicleinan & Custar I, Kteam laundry. The athletic exhibition in tho Grand Army or tho Republic hall a few even ings ago was a groat clnbbing success The young sp irts of the town are about organizing themselves into a club. The merchants of this town and East Stroudnburg have agreed among them selves to close their stores early In the evening. This experiment to last one year . Mrs. Ehlers, who was shot at tbe time her husband was killed a few weeks ago, is improving and she will doubtless recover. The murderer, Richard Piiryoar, in still confined in the county jail and there aro no indica tione that he will bo disturbed again until he is tried before Judge Craig at the May term of court, and then, doubt less n short time afterward, will re ceive his just desert The unsuccess ful attempt to I ynn the murderer a few evenings ago litis had the efTVot o quieting thoss who would take tho law in their own hands, aud no one expects that a second attempt to lynch will be made. Interesting Hatch of Brief News Notes Erightl; Written. Special to the Saanton Tribune, ELMHUBOT, P., March 13 It is rumored that Tallin Morgnn will form a class of juveniles in sight reading of music in our place at an early date. Our board of health is gottiug into shape for business, and they can do a good work in our community. F. Hayden and wife spent last Sun day in town with Mrs. H: Finn. Building operations will soon com mence. We look for a boom In that line this year. Carr & Son intend to surpass even themselves this year in gardening operations. Rv t. A. Matterson. of Ktioxvillo, Ph., presetted on Sunday last in tko Baptist church horn. A box social at H itiinatin s hall ic on the tapis for Thursday evening next. All are uivit-'d. The spelling match will take place at tho uraded school house on Tuesdav evening, and it is expected that every body will attend and participate. Already signs of improvement in our borough are apparent. lbe borough council reorganized with r. L ( arr again tne presiding of ficer and B. F. Butterfi dd.a now mem ber, in place of E W. Davis, whose term has expired. o ARCHIE DVMONO DEAD. A Victim of the Powder Mill Explosion Expires Yesterday. Sjiecial to the Scranton Tribune. HOOUOL Pa., March 13. Tha death of Arcliio I Win iid. tho young man who was fatally injured in tho explosion of tho barrel mill Saturday, March 3, oo curred t-iis morning nt a few ininutos to B o'clock. Mr. Dvmond was an esteemed and sober young man ; he was lilted by all He was an earnest worker in the Christian Endeavor society and the chnrch. His remains will be taken to his home In Luzerne county, Thursday morning Brief services will he held at ti o'clock Thursday morning, at tho homo of E C. Herlow, where Mr. Dyiuond made his homo while in Moosio. PIERCE -.CURE OH MONEY IS It EFUNDED. Iiis-nso follows a run-down system with the livor inactive and the blood disordered Pimples. Boils, Moron, Carbuncles, Ulcers and like manifestations of iuipuro blood should lie driven out of tho system with Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery. Mrs. KrtHN. of BIS K Kith Stnet, New York OKI), writes an follows " It ileuses mo to state that I had a run ning soro upon my nei K, and linn It oper ateil upou three times, and Mill It was not cured. I wns also run down very much Thero was a decided cbnnire after using ' Ur Pierce's (iolden Medical Discovery,' 1 took fow bottles and was noon cured. Later my tualMtn.l l.n.l m itimn Una i: , - . - oeniDa nut ear; no tnu your mt-dloine, and one bottle cured hint, shall always recommend your modlciace. FROM HONESDALE. Our of Bright Correspondent's Views Passing Events of Interest. jBMcfal to the Scranton Tribune. Honksdalb. Pa.. March 18. Tbe Houosdale agency of tho Scranton 1'hiblxk is opposite the city hall, where all matters relating to The Tribune will be promptly attended. t rod Brown, iof Carboudale, was in town today. The epidemic of menslss has become quite general here. The little daughter of Fred Rupert is now confined to tho house. The election contest between D. C. Osborn aud A. F. Voight for tax collec tor will come up in court Tuesday, March 27. Almost Blind Inflamed Eyos and Run1 ning Sores The Success of Croat Rejoicing- Hood's Causes A Perfect Cure LUXURIANT HAIR WITH a clean, wholesome scalp, free from irritat ing and scaly eruptions, is produced by the CUTICURA Soap, the most effective skin purifying and beautifying soap in the world, as well as purest and sweetest for toilet and nursery. It clears the scalp and hair ot crusts, scales and dandruff, destroys microscopic insects which feed on the hair, soothes irri tated and itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles, and nourishes the roots. It not only preserves, purifies and beatitilies the hair, but imparts a brilliancy and fresh -ness to the complexion and softness to the hands une qualled by other skin soaps. Hold everywhere. Pries, 35e, Pot TEK DitCU AND ' 1 1 M - Colli'., li'JaluU. HOW TO MAKE MONEY Thero are hundreds of young men aud youno; women in thil country who have splendid ability, but they have never been wakened up. Wood's College ol Business and Sborthand Has been an Inspiration to hnndredfl of young people. If yon aro tired of inactivity and want to do Bomethiug tangibles conic to the College COMMON BNOIJ8H COTJRSB. BUSINESS COURSE. shorthand course. F qq Proprietor. NKW TEAR OPENS JANUARY 1. NEW GOODS (Upholatery DepartiTient.) CARD TABLES, eTTi Cl0th JARDINIERE STANDS wfi S Wood and Brass. UMBRELLA STANDS, jRS? 90c' 0M in 0x Hat and Coat Hooks, Easels and Screens. Step Ladder Chair, $1,25. Oak Tables, 90c, to $1.15. SPECIAL, to Close Them Out: Velour and Tapestry Table Covers at just ona half their former price. Full line of UPHOLSTERY G00D3, Gimp Cord, Tacks and Fringe. Dr. EX Grewer The Philadelphia Fwctallsl. And bis ssoelstl tafT uf EnirlMi and Gor man PLjHiciaus.aro now pi-rinanuiitly located at Temple Court Building 81 1 SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON Where tliey may bo consnltOd DAILY AND SUNDAY. Tbe Doctor Is a graduate ot tb University cf I'onnsylvunia, formerly demonstrator of JibynioloKV and siiritBry at the Wedlco-Chir-nrgical College, of Philadelphia. Ho ia also an buiiorai-y member of tho Mcdico-Chirur-peal Association, and was iilivnictan and ourgeon in chiof of tha most noted American and Qerman hospitals, comes highly indorsed by thp loading professors of Philadelphia and hew Vork. His mauy years of hospital cxperlenoo en ables this eminent physician and surgeon to corroctly diagnose and treat all deformitioi and diseases with the most flattering success, and Li high standing in the state will not alL.w htm to accept any incurable case l.osr il v nii inn. RKhTOKKD. WEAKNESS III YOUNO HKN CUKFtl If yon nave rjoon given up ny your physi cian call upon tho doctor and be examined. He cures the worst caeesof Nervous Debility, Scrofula, Old Bores, l aturrh. Piles, Fema!) Weakness, AfTectiuiis of the Ear, Eyo, Norn and Throat, Asthma. Deafness. Tumors, Can cers and Cripplos of every description. Con snltatlon In English and Herman Free, which shall be considered sacred and strictly coull dential. Ilffloo Honroi 9 A. M. t. 1". K. Dally. Sunday, : u.m. In " p in. KERR & SIEBECKER CARPET AND CURTAIN DEALERS, The most complete medium-priced FOLDING BED in the market. Hull & Co. 205 AKD 201 1101 NG AVE. T HE TRADERS National Bank of Scranton, ORGANIZED 1SL ilinK Cora 11. Ebert r.:illn"ivllle I'.i C. I. Rood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: " 1 (Ml its duty to state what Hood's Snrsa-' parilla has done for mc. I was utmost blind, being compelled tostu) in a daiki uud room ou mint of liiBaatnstkni of the oyot, I alio Uftorad with i uniting lorol oil 111) boil) . I was III terrible condition. My mother tiled every thing she knew about and I was attended by two doetnts but without helping inc. Finally iiuiiii s .iiiiiipaiiiia iii n-i-oiiiiiii nodi nun i had not taken tWO bottles before I began to get bettor. The IttflSltUnsUon left my eyes aud the sores healed, und the tcnilt was that 1 I Became Stronger, mil was restored to perfect health. At that time 1 was only twelve years old; now I am nineteen ami I have iit.t since been tumbled Hood'ssyCures I with my eyes or noticed tiny sign of a return of tho sores OK my body. 1 enn lecoininend Hood's Sat sit par II la as an excellent blood pin Ifying medtdM." MjisOosU Bbmt, BtmnvlUs, Ps.1 Hood's Pills sot easily, jrol promptly and emeieiitlv, on the llvet and bowels. 2!m. MO POWDER CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. SAMUEL HINES,IPreitdont V. W WATSON, Vice President A U. WILLIAMS, Cashier. murc-Toni. BAMTOL HlNltO, JAMKS M' EvFTill ART, Ihvinii A. FiNcn, Picnrr. R, Fini.it, JoHKI-ll J. JlHMYV, M S. I- I'M I i I ... CUAa, P. MA-mmws, .Ioiin T. Puhteu W. W. Watson. PROMPT, ENERGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This hunk Invltos UM PAtMHItfi of busiiiMn nuMi nml llrnm gt'iicmiiy. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. Rooms 1 aod 1 Commonwealth Bld'g SCUANTON, PA. MINING anTBLASTING POWDER Made at tho MOOSIC and KUSIi IMLIi WORKS. Lnfllin & Rnnd Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Eloctric Bntterlos, Fusei for explol Ing bloats, Hafuty Fuse aud RepaunoChemical Co. s High Explosives Third National Bank of Scranton. Statement Feb. VS. 1S!I4. culled for by the Comptroller of the t'tirrency. BKSOVatOM, Loans tl, 916,840 00 Overdriifts 1147. :I7 U Hi td Stales Hniids SO, (Kill. (Ill Other Honda AI.1.A7H7A Hanking- House U8.074.46 Premiums on U. s Bonds,,.. :n:i ;." Due from V, . Treasurer 7.660 OO Hoe II. .Hi II ii. I.-. us ,. ..I Cash 140.84U.A4 2. .'OJ, .-,;,(l.(t(l mahilities. Capital smon.ooooo Surulns i ii ooo no CmtlTlilrit I'rollis 60 180.00 Circulation 7'.'.000.0i Dividends Inpald 3S4.AO Deposits.' l,Al4,UnO.A4 Due to lianks 69.300.AO JO'.'.AAO.UO WILLIAM CONNKLL, President. EO. H.CATLIN, Vice-President. WILLIAM II. I'KCK. Cashier. DIKKOTOHS William Council, Oenrire II. Cntlln, Alfred Hand. James Archhnld, Henry iieiin, Jr., Willi no T. Smith, Luthar Keller. This bank nfTers to depositors every facility warranted by tlielr biilanuvs, busi ness aod responsibility. Special attention clven to business ao Oouitto. Interest paid on tliuo deposits. "Tlio other in. dor i tho work. All I hsvo tO do is to cirry up the brick." The Same Way at the Economy All yon have to do is to brinij in the money (and Tery little at that) and we do tho rests This weak we offer the Greatest Parlor Suit Ever Offered for the Price. A BVO'piOM tor stntlVd Turkish frame suit, upholstered in American Dntmtsk, Trimmed in Silk Plush and extra heavy Fringe, soft top and onrino; odjje, con siting of 1 TETE, 1 ARM CHAIR, 1 FANCY CORNER CHAIR, 2 SIDE WALL CHAIRS. The above is a combination of rioli colors, OURPRICE$35 You Should See It- SPF.C'IAL-A 100-pieco Dlnnor Set presented with nil purchases of $75.00 or over.