G THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. MARCH 14. 1894. CONSUMPTION Is not inherited. It develops only when lungs are weak and the system run down. Scott's Emulsion the cream of Cod-liver Oil, often cures Consumption in its early stages and always prevents it. Coughing is stopped, Lungs are strength ened and the system built up. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don't be deceiieii by Substitutes! 1'icporod by Scott t BoWMi N. Y. All DrujsisH. In COMPLETE LIST OF BOOKS Titles of Handsome Volumes for Salt Popular Series. rMovr will bo found a new list of the handsome booto comprising the popu lar srits now available to TbIBUMI readers. The list ha been raised, ami includes those books now iu stock. An earlv order will be your safest assur ance of gettina the volnfnes you want. COLUMBUS BKBIC& Mental Btrngsle. Mvsterv of a Hansom Cab. Ladv volworth'i Diamonds. Black Beauty. Tent ofShm. Old Mameselle s Socret. Ksbbis Sped. Privateer am Priuce Charles' Daughter. Swiss Family Robiusou. Death UeU Marriage. Gipsy Blair. Jlr F Fortescue. Unities Household Fairy Tale. Maxtor of i 'eremouie. Muster of Bollautral. Merry Men. lvaufloe. Men's Corse. Bonnie Dora. Baron Munchausen. CoL truant ca. Dark Days. Coruilla. Life's Remorse. craven Papers. Child's History of Euglaud. Christmas Stones. Dateless Bargain. House on the Marsh. Essays Elia. Evil Genius. Allen Ljuartermain. Moths. As in a Looking Glass. Wltenas Head. Johu Halaias. Diana Careu. Janets Repentance. Hoyle's Uao:B. Two Orphans. Desperate Woman. Wife in Name Ouly. Between Two Sins. Crooked Path. Christmas stories. Lile'a Remorse. Deerslaver. Jayne Eyrl. Mott. Oliver Twist. Strange Adventures of a Phaeton. Faith and. Freedom. J "fan Halifax. Pioneers. Breezil Langton. Dutchess. Dick' Waudering. Friendship. Hon. Mrs. Vereker. Deldee. Rory O'More. Second Thoughts. Sketch Book. OXFORD SERIES. Barnaby Kudge. Ivanhoe. Dick's Sweetheart. Aesop s Fables. East Lynn. Foul Play. David Uopperfleld. (infflth Gaunt. Daughter of Heth. Vicar of Wakefield. Monastery. Children of the Abbsy. Life of David Crockett. Bride of l.ammermoor. Aurora Floyd, Don Cjntzto. Gnilderoy. iny Mannnring. Viv:an the Beauty. Knickerbocker History of New York. Cbandos. Zaaonl The Vlcomte's Bride. Faith and L'nfaitn. Princess Sunshine. Yemasse. Wit. Humor and Pathos. Vssconsnlas. The Partisan. The Young Duke. Willy Reilly. The Firm of Girdlestone. Wigwam and Cabin. Half Hours with Great Novelists. The Dove in the Eagle's nest. Effle Ogilvie. The Sin of Joost Avelingh. The Phantom Ship. The Forayer. The Deemstir. Two Y'ears Before the Mast. A Marked Man. Great Expectations. Tom Cringle's Lig. Fair Women. Catherine. Honse on the Marsh, ' beyond Pardon. The Vendetta. The Spy. Tom Brown at Oxford. Childs History of England. Mystery of Orcival. Mnrders in the Rue Morgue, Mary St. John. Merlea C'Tusade Masterman Ready. Mrlllchampe. Katharine Wnlton. Knelm Chillingly. Harry Lorrequer. J mi. Gilded Clique. The Parting of the Ways, Famous or Infamous. Rroic Brighteys. The Owl House. Entaw. Dramas of Life. Donnls Duval. Conigsky. Rival Princess. Story of an Africrn Farm. Sonthward Ho. bcenee from Clerical Life. Syrlin. , Sloan Square Scandal. Sliadaws and Sunbeams. Richard Hurdis. History of the L'nhed States. Child's History of English. Eight Years Wandering in Ceylon. Birds of Prey Baled Hay. Beauchamp. Crlpps, the Carrier. Chestnuts, Old and Now. Cbnlemont. Chaplet. of Pearls. Rhodo Flamming. Reproach of AuuerBloy. Aortitis. bilas Warner. Armorel of Lyonosse. All Sorts and Conditions of Mou. A Pair of Blue Eyes. A Hardy Norseman. A Fnls Start. MINOOKA PARAGRAPHS. Promiscuous Pencilling In Reference to Our Southern Suburb. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Minooka, Pa., March 13 Miss An nie Cunniughaui, of Dunmore, is vis iting the home of Miss Maggie McCrea, of Main street. A number of our young people will attend the entertainment at the college hall next Thursday evening. Some of the lendlug members of the Minooka Olee club are rohearsiug a quartette which will be rendered at the band entertainment At the rsgnlar meeting of tho St. Joseph's Total Abstinence and Benevo lent society, which occurred Sunday, tho following were elected as delegates to the next quarterly convention, which will be lipid at Oraeu K ! P. F. O'llara, William J. Burke. J. J. Egau. Patrick Wallace aud William Buckley. 1 he rooster fight, which was to take place at (treenwood on March IS, un- lor the direction of tao Wreenwuod (.i i me, is postponed. b oot ball is becoming i lie craze 111 this place lately. Miners Hill foot ball team is making rapid progress mid in tends to be able to match any club be fore summer arrives. Jerry Driseoll is manager of the team. John J. hgan has severed his connec tion with the Borderland Dramatic company oi this place. lis win oe inc ceeded by P. M llirrett, an amateur 1 hetpian, of scranton. I atrlck DOlan, 01 Joycetown. nas broken ground for the erection of a two story building on Stafford street. Subscribe for VBt I nine mil Miuooka live news. A game of b. ball will occur at this place on Sunday, between the "Big Six" and "Mayflower," which promises to be an interestiiiL game. The game will be for $15 a side. Any psrion or persons of this place hnrboring the idea that The TrIBUMI correspondent aud the Kliuira Budget man is the oue and the sanie.are labor ing under a wrong impression. i OLVPHANT NEWS NOTES. Paragraphs of General Interest CulUd by a Live Correspondent Special to the Scranton Tribune. OLYPBANT, P., March It. MlM Lauretta Wiialker, of May Held, is visiting at the home of James J. Lynch OD Delaware street. C G. Hitchler and T. F. Jot dan spent Sunday with friends at Carbon dale. Miss Minnie Mason is clerking at the Ready Pay store. The Peak sisters, from Alaska, gave a first cltisi entertainment at the Young Men's Christian Union hall on Scott street Saturday evening for the benefit of the Blakely Baptist Sunday school library. They were well patronized for their first appearance here. We hope to sae them again in the near future. Elwarl Kelly, of Dunmore, circu lated among friends in town yesterday. The Ladies' Ai l society of the Pres byterian church will meet tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. William Mcintosh, on Lackawanna street. James Tovey, a miner, employed in Johnson's mines, was severely injure I this morning by a fall of top coal. He was removed to his boar ling house on Delaware street where Dr. Lloyd at tended to his injuries. "Joseph, "a sacred cantata, will be performed by a choir ot sixty voices, un der the auspices of the Congregational church, at Father Matthews Opera house on Wednesday, March 31, FOREST CITY AND VICINITY. An Interesting Budget of the Latest News Teraaly Rtportrd. SjMOfsJ to the Scrtinton Tribune. Forest City, Pa . March 18 Miss Lizzie Moyle, ot Moscow, will be the guest of friends and relatives in tills place for a short time. The Fleming House is being re painted in an artistic manner. Soo Hoo Lee, of Jermyn, a cousin af our popular laiiudryman, Charley Soo, is visiting him. Soo Hoo Lse is think ing of locating in Susquehanna. H. A. Purple will begin un auction sale on his largo stock of furniture after p iv-diiy. James Johns, one of the pioneer resi dents of Forest City, but at present a resident of Bethany, spent yesterday in this place with his son, H. P. Johns, of Johns & Maxey, George Kilthurt spent Sunday as tho : uest of friends in Gibson. Miss Flo M. Allen returned home this morning after an extended visit with friends in llonei-dnl, Carboudale and other places. Dr. 1 L Bailey, of Carbondale, was professionally engaged in this place to day. The hum of industry was again heard this morning at the Hillside collerles, after an Idleness of three days. Miss lone Tyler, after few days' visit with t'arliomlale friends, returned to her home on North Main street this morning. The many friends of Dr. B W. Max soii. the dentist, will be ploased to learn that he is recovering from his severe sickness. Cantata "Rebecca" at Owa Honse Saturday evening, March 17. G. S. Bsmay has baeu reappointed to tha police force "Resolved, That England will fall into decay, as did the other nations of antiquity, ' will bathe suliect of the debate at the K.pworth league meeting tonight T, F. Reynold!, of Scrautou, was in town today on business. Ha is a brother of our chief of police, W. G Reynolds. The fourth silver medal Demorest contest will be held tomorrow ovening at the Methodist Episcopal church Admission, 10 cents. A very ehoiie programing baa been arranged. Excursion tickets can be purchased to Wilkes Barro and return on St. Pat rick's I Jay from this place for $172 Tho excursion is via tUe Ontario aud Western railroad. Frank W. Miller, a popular salesman from Wilkei-B irre, was iu towu today looking alter his trade. Ti'.ii.n and Tiile is the verdict of people who lake Hood's Sarmpai ilia. The good effects of each medicine are soon felt in nerve strength restored, appotite created and health given. Hood's Fills do not weakeu, but aid digestiou uud tone the stomach. Try them. "FeelLikea NewMan!" So s;ns everyone ln has tried Paskola, the great flesh-forming food. Nothing equals it fr building u)) sound, healthy flesh, enriching the blood and Imparting new strength. II is just tho thii); for thin, weak people, who gel no benefit from the food they eat Delicate stomachs cannot stand Sickening oils and other fatty mix tures. Paskola lias replaced them . It is easily taken and pleasant to the taste. Heine pre digested, it is instantly absorbed into the system. Ask your druggist lor a bottle, and try it! A pamphlet giving lull particu lars respecting Paskola will be sunt on application to the Pre Dl jested Food Co., :o Reade St., N. V. City. Would yon ride on a railroad that uses no danaer signals? That couab is a signr.l Of danttr. Ilm safest, cure is Dr. Wood Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. A New Hypnotic Story of the Heart. After putting the patient through what Ihava already narriUed, Dr. H. K Lewis turned to us and said: "Now this is a very sensitive subject, aud I am going to try upon him a rare and rather risky experi ment Iain going to stop tlx; beating of is heart. Doctor, will you put your linger upon his left pulse, while 1 keep mine upon his right?" He addressed a rising physician of the town who had known the aLient fron childhood. Dr. wan soen- Rcal and hostile, but at our instance he consented. Keeping one hand on the lad's wrist, Lewis laid the other gently over his he.irt. Within .f minute or two the patieut lost his rich and vivid color, and Lewis counted the decreasing strokes till he an nounced that they were scarcely recogni zable, "la that not so, doctor!-" he asked. Dr. was extremely unwilling to speak: but, under the urgency of some of us who stood by, he at last said in ho many word.-, that tho pulse had sunk to almost nothing. Tho boy stood, a ghastly statue, for a minute longer, when i-wis, saying hurriedly, "The pulse is now impercept ible; we must protract this no longer," took away nut nana xrom the nreast to the evi dent relief of his improvised collengne. But it was to the evident relief, too, of their cummoti patient. I remember distinctly to this day the aste-ii hue even of his lips, anil the wonder ful gradations through which the blood found its way back into than) and into the whole young fnce - a faou still aaletjp, but now glowing aa if it had traveled a long way from the margin of the grave.- -Lou don Sjiectator. Ch i IllllOOll . u . r . . - i I v. Thero was a pretty sceuo of childlike Im pulsiveness in one of the elevated railroad cars lately. A nrl.-ht luced little bov with long goldeti curls mi I warm wraps of fashion sat, beside his neither, very evident ly thoroughly pleased with the world aud everybody. 1 in llui mm nsallU him wiih a dainty box of boiilxjus, into which the child's hand dipped from time to time. At one of the stations a woman carrying a child, nlso a boy, entered tho car. A glance toid that the womau belonged to the grout workaday class of hurnnuity. Toil wan written in deep, hard lines ove.r a fa:o that was still young, mid the child she carried bad an emaciated look. The poor woman with her child sat down in the seat beside the bright faced litUeone who was so industriously feeding on the confectionery. The candy eater looked ut the grimy little fellow hceido him in a sort of silent wonder. Then in a ouick, child like way he t hrnst the box of bonbons to ward the poor boy. The latter'a eyea opened to twice their siiai as )e dipped hia thin hand into the box mid tranr.ferrod a big sugared cherry to his mouth. Tln-so two children looked at ear h other, and both laughed merrily. New York 'line B. B. B. Burdock Blood Bitters Is a purely vegetable compound, posossitig perfect regulating p nvers over nil the or gans of the system, and coutrol'iug their secretions. It also puiities the blood that it Cures All blood humors aud diseases, from a com mon pimple to the worst scrofulous Bore, and tbis combined with its unrivalled re gulating, cleansing and purifying influ ence on the secretions of the liver, kidueys bowels aud skin, render it unequalled as a cure tor all diseases of the WE ARE RENOVATORS No Dust left iii your cat pets. No Moths, Feather Lice or Im purities in your feathers when we get through with them. Hon t hesitate lo give us your work. We CAN and WILL please you. No old machinery. All new and the best. Mattresses thoroughly renovated and made over good as new. Furniture repaired uud uphol stered. Come and see one of Bcranton's newest industries aud see how we do the work. You are welcome. THE Scram on, Pa., Nov. 14, 1893. The edition of the Encyclopedia Britantiica offered by Tin: TRIBUNE should meet with an unparalleled sale. It is an exact copy of the original, with the addition of Amer ican subjects written up to date, which greatly enhances its value to American readers. The price, $46.50, as compared with $125, the cost of the original in its cheapest form, together with the favor able terms of payment, should commend it to every one wishing to possess the writings of the ablest minds on subjects pertaining to history, biography, theology, me chanical arts, or, in fact, every branch of learning known to man. An Encyclopedia is a necessity, not only to the stu dent, but to the general reader, and the opportunity now offered should not be allowed to pass unimproved by those who have felt, heretofore, that they could not afford the original work. GEO. W. PHI LEI PS, Supt. of City Schools. The - Closing - Day DAYS REMAIN FOR THE Chance of a Lifetime Skin From one to two bottles will cure bolls, pimples, blotches, nettle rasli.scruf, tetter, and all the simple forms of skin disease. From two to four bottles will cure salt rheum or eczema, shingls, erysipelas, ul cers, nbscesscs, running sore, and all skin eruptions. It is noticeable that bufferers from skiu Diseases Are nearly nlwnys aKravivtod by intolur itching, but tins quickly subsides on the removal of the disease by B B. B. Pass ing on to graver yet prevalont diseases, ucU as scrolulous swolliui;s, humors nnd Scrofula We havo undoubted proof that from throe to six bottles nsi-d internally and by out ward application (diluted if the skin is broken) to the affected parts, will effect a core. The great mission of II. U. Ii is to regulate the liver, kidneys, bowels uud blood, to correct aridity nnd wrong action of the ptnmach, and to open the sluice ways of tliesystom to Scarry off all clogged nnd impure secretions, allowing nature thus to aid recovery and remove without fail Bad Blood Liver complaint, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick headache, dropsy, rheumntisrn, aud every species of (lUeimi arl.ing from dis ordered liver, kidneys, stomach, bowels and blonu. Wn guarantee every bottle of II. R. B. Should anv person be divsatis Bed after using tho firs bottle, wo will re fund the money on application personally or by letter. Wn will also be glad to send testimonials and lltonnatlOD proving the effects of B. B, B. in the nbove named di senses, on application to FOSTER, lilLBURN .fe 00.. Buffalo, N. Y. Scranton Bedding Co. 602-604 Lacka. Ave. Cor. Adams Ave. N.B.- We are Retailing at Factory Prices. You know what regrets have been experienced when looking backward at "chances" that were allowed to pass. Don't pass the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA THE Thatcher IS THE BEST. Get prices and nee the furnace and be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Appello and Gauze Door Range CONLAN'S HARDWARE P1TT8TON, I'A. This is the greatest work from which to gain knowledge of every kind that the world has ever known. Hundreds of peo ple have subscribed during the past few weeks. By special ar rangement with the publishers THE TRIBUNE lias offered this great work to its readers at the wholesale price. On the payment of $4.50 this magnificent library of 25 large quarto volumes will be delivered to your home, the bal ance to be paid $s per month. By taking hall the set at a time you may pay at the rate of 10 cents per dav. The books may be seen any day or evening until the clos ing day at 437 Spruce street, between Washington and Wyo ming avenues. In sending orders by mail address Lost Manhood Allolihy . t'te , h IllliJuulU'iurdy UA11II1.WS anus nralf v. Ud Vor quickly reHUtred.VniK'ULfle, Hiirlitb' t'mlhftnnt. 1 k IMtAI'O. the (rr.MU r .1 t.i. . U......I fuu solj by UruKitu.ti. ix 1 uiiton, Pa. For Delicacy, For purity, ami for Improvement of tho com pletion, nothing tquall POttOKt'l Powder MARCH 14, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON Your oholoi f three beautiful pictures, "Telephone Girl," "l)e Hvwing Christmas Presente" and "Maidens Swinging," Bend by until or messenger or bring coupons like this of three differ ent dates, with 10 cents, stamps or coin, to TRIBUNE OFFICE, Cor. Petin Ave. and Spruce St. 1 A , . ANNUAL CLEARING ME ITlTTn 1 HlJj 1 E. B. DEPARTMENT Spring Ginghams. A Quick IIukI TrHimictlon. A quick piece of foreign linanctat trans action was Hcuieveil by the Ohio Valley Nutional. A i;cntlemau called curly in the afternoon ami slated that he wished to pay a bill iu I'arls nf M.OOU franca. A cablegram wjis sunt at 4:1X1 to the ljank'n correspondent In Paris, and just aftr tho Ohio had opened tho following morning- -that is, a few minutes after tfthe sender called and stated that lie bad received a cablegram announcing that the mou?y had been properly paid.--Cincinnati Enquirer. When Unby sick, we garo her Tastorta. When she was a Child, she cried for (.'astorla, Wheu slut became Miss, she clung to I 'ustorla. Whuu shu hud Cblklrcu, sbu guie tucui CostorU, A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Thousands Remnants of Dry Goods. Cloakf and Pur Gapel during sale ni less than cos! of material. Every inch of counter room covered with the greatest! bargains ever shown, Ladies' Felt Hats, this season's stylos I0c. oaoh. Boys' Winter Waists Hie. oaoh. Muffs 30o. each. Cloaks $.50 each. HOSIERY, UNDERWKAIt AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OP VALUE COME. IT WILL PAY YOU, Great Clearing Sale. A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL, rVislof Mm tiost qunltty for rtoniostlo uswind of sllalr.ua, ilollvoruJ in uuj i ut ot tlio city t lowest lirlce. Order left st in? oftli's, no. l la, WYOMING Avmrosk Itwir room, first floor. Third Nntloual Dank, or sent by mail or luleiibono to tho luiou, will recolve prompt ttimtloii tpecliil eoiitrst'ts will b mint for tho sal sua delivery of Buckwheat Coal WM. T. SMITH. rr ? FERRIS V i I r ii I I III Kh -,-Tvi BS 9 (SDek I I .11 P U ZZ IX. THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable as a Souvenir of the Fair. QUITS! BABY WHEN YOU KNOW How aoo IN PRiaSKD Vrthh BR DISTRIBUTED to THOSE DOING THE pCEZtdfi IN THE SHOKTKST SPACE OF TIMK KOK SM,K I1YAI.L NKWS COMIWN1KS STATIONERS AMI AT TOY 1-011 "" niiKs ok SENT To ANY ADDRESS UPON RECEIPT OF PRICE, SB CENTS, RY COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO., 112 AND 114 SOIIXII BVTAW STREET, DALTIMORE, Mft