TliE SCKAKTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING. MARCH 14. 1894. EEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS ! THE 6ENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G.., B. & Co . Imnrintnri on Each Cigar. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. CO V 111 ROUaK hUUAHK DR. H. B. WARE SPECIALIST. EYE. EAR, KOSK AMU TIIBOAX. 6FFlCEH0DR8:l?T,5&M!!k 135 WYOMING AVE. PERSONAL. William V. Brown, of Stroudsbnri;, is ut Valley House. Mrs. M. A. I'.ecker, of Lancaster, is at the Wyoming, Ex JuJe H. A. kusnp spent yesterday in HnmsbiirR. T. H. Stevens, of Wilkes lai re, was a Visitor here yesterday. Ex Judge v. H. Jissup is iu Philadel phia on lenal btwiuess. Max Krto llaudor, of Wilkes-Uurre, was lu Scrtiuton yesterdey, Charles Hall, of Chenango Forks, N. Y., Win in this city yesterdey. E. R Jewett, of Montrose, was engaged on briMness bore yesterday. John B Morris, of Milton, was calling ou Srrautou triomU yesterday. W. N. Keyuolds, of Tnnlcbauuock, was i' i t on ba-iness here yesterday. Henry B, Ju Iwin and I" B. Wbitney, of Carboudule, were in Scrantou yesterday. C. P. Stone ami Mr. and Mrs. V. M. O'Brien, all Ilingbamtouiiius. registered at the Westminster. Tallie Morgan left on the Delaware. Lackiiwanuii and Western 1:80 train this tnorniuj; for New York and will return to Moscow this evening to attend his music classes at that place. AMUSEMENT NOTES. Barney Ferguson ami a clever com pany will present the laughing success, 'McCarthy's Mishaps, " at the Acad emy of Music on Thursday evenin;:. Mr, F-TiiO in's character has been changed somewhat iu order to Rive him fuller scope for his many resources to exeite merriment. He is seconded by William Carroll, who was the or iginal Miohael Mulligan and Barry Maxwell, a ininwtr?l man of fame, who his bad an eccentric character role written for him. Barney Reynolds and J. F. Wilson, whose excellent work here with "The City Directory" is well remembered, are faa makers who have a host of friends iu this city. Mar -guerito Finson, Gertrude Fort, Carriu Bear, Bertna Waring. Zjluia Ralston are also in the ensemble. KAYO ON FRIDAY EVENING That beautiful legendary drams, "Davy Crockett," with Frauk Mayo iu th title roU, will be seen at the Acad emy Friday ev-ning There is some thing deughtfnlly attractive aboat Mayo. His natnralness is. perhaps, more marked than that of any actor on the stage today personating the heroes of the lorest and mountain Ha car ries witn him from the titas of his en trance until the curtain descend! on the "teg the, admiration of the entire audience. IIOYT'S A BRASS MONKEY. "A Brass Mouk-y," which will be pr-seuted at the Academy on Saturday evening, is a striking manifestation of Charles H. Hoyt's peculiar aptitude for pointing the arrow of truth with amiable satire, wnerewith to ''shoot folly as it flie." Ne-vneas is not claimed for the mat'ri tl made use of to freely by him. It has been used time oat of mind in one form or another, but it has remained for Mr. Hoyt to create a new foree by corabin ing the materials in a new way, and flavoring the dish with certain 1 leas of hie own. NOBLE WOPK Pi 3F0RMED. NEWS FROM WEST SIDE ! TB CLOSE Ell SUNDAY NOTES OF SOUTH SI Happenings of a Day That Will Intel Hyda Movement Afoot to Bring About More Law- Farlc. ReadJi'j. fill BaNtU Observance, OLD LADY'S TERRIBLE DEATH Her Clothing Ignited by a Stove, She Sustains Fearful Burns Funeral ot Miss Jennie Evans Concert of Lackawanna Council, Royal Ar canum -Choir Rehearsing Easter Music -Personal and Other Items. PASTOR'S UNION MAKES PLANS It Moral Suasion Will Not Induce Proprietors to Close Their Places, the Law Will Be Enforced In Ex treme Casos Line ot Work Mapped by Committee's Report City Di vided Into Districts. nappeuiugs of a Day That Will Interest Many Tribune Headers. Report of Auditors of 3. Vincent Ds Paul Society. The following is the report of John .1. Keegan, W A. (jrady and M. J Burns, the committee appointed to audit the accounts of the St. Vincent De Paul society, of Bellevne: Totnl amount of cash received from all sources upto date $270.70 Disbursements by orders. For provisions tfu.m For shoes 37. 19 For f,$ tons coal 16. IV) imao Flour donated and distributed, nine bar rels. The following articles of clothing, etc., were collected and distributed Dy the La dies' Anxiliary and St. Vincent do Paul Society of the central city for distribution in Bellevne: Twflvo pair hose, 68 yards gingham, V.) yards flannel 2s yards calico, 10 yards muslin, 8 spools cotton, 3 dozen buttons, 80 under garments, 'A large shawls, li small neek shawls, 4 pieces old clothing, I pair shoes, collected and made over 40 pieces clothing, distributed 5o loaves bread, 27 families were granted relief. THE WOUND PROVED FATAL. W. H. Echoonovsr Died Yesterday at Moras Taylor Hospital- Wi H. Schoonover breathed his last at the Moses Taylor hospital yetterdny afternoon at 4 15, A few days ago thn attendant physicians were hopeful of hie recovery, bnt his weakened condi tion was nneqnal to the task of recuper ation. Early Monday evening he be gan to sink ill from that time on his life k"pt slowly ebbing away until the end came. At II o'clock last night the remains wore removed to his father's home at Aeh street and Peun avenue. Schoonover is the yonng man who shot himself at the borne ot his father-in-law iu Bollevue last Wednesday evening. The fnnnral will take place Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock. Services at the Penn Avenue Baptist church and Inter ment in Foreet Hill cemetery. mp WOLFE BERNER IN JAIL. 1 Received from Honpltal and Remand ed for Aotlen of Ornnd Jury. Wolfe Berner, who was shot by Offi cer Lowry several weeks ago on the Ninth Side and taken to the Lacka wanna hospital, was discharged from that institution yesterday. He was taken by the police to the tation house and at the afternoon po lice court remanded to the county jail to await the aotion of the grand jury in default of $300 bail. Berner showed the effects of his con finement and is not entirely recovered from the wounds. McBride's new Turkish bath. Every thing new. 506 Spruce street, opposite Court House. The West Sid ofuVe of the HorantiIM Tantmi Is located at 189 South Msiaave nne, where subs-nptiom, advertlsementi and communications will receive prompt attention, A terrible accident befell Mrs. Mary Campbell, an aged lady residing on (iraut avenue, at 7 o'clock yesterday morning. Mrs. Campbell resided with her daughter, and while the latter was iu the back garden t ho old lady went to the stove to remove a vessel. In some unaccountable manner her cloth ing caught tire, and in an Instant her form b-came enveloped in flames, The ereitmsot the aged lady reached the ears of her daughter, who dropped her pail and frantically ran to her mother's assistance, She endeavored to subdue the flames, bnt did not snooeod until her mother was fatally burned. Mr. Campbell rived but a few houre,durlng which time she stiff-red untold agouy. Deceased Is the mother of John.Thomai and Patrick Campbell, of this city, and was about t0 years of age.' Her tragic death caused grat sorrow iu the neigh borhood. Funeral notice will appear later. Beard of Trade Meeting. A regular meeting of the West Side board of tral was held laat evening in Clark's hall, at which the viaduct matter was discussed. Councilman Davlee sttted that Lackawanna hill should be paved, mid Mr Hagon said bethought the matter could b pushed to a successful termination. A motion was mad" to the effect that a petition be circulated through lower Jackson and Robinson streets, and Lackawanna avenne, to Ret the signatures of prop erty holders for paving. B D. Jones, referring to the paving of Hyde Park aveuue, stated that he was sur that he could get the signatures of the people tnero, without auy eilort. Uuder the head of new business, Councilman T. Ellsworth Davies agi tated tiie paving ot South Miln av rue, from Oxford street to the city line The matter was referred to the stre-ts and bridges committee, to sea the property owners and gain their favor A special committee, c insisting of B. M. Jonse, William R. Williams and William Farreil wsa appointed to try and procure tiie Round woods for a pnbiic park. The widening of Shet land street, from the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western railroad to Main avenue, was consiiered. Mr. Lauer, who wis present, stated that he thought options could easily be pro cured at this time on the necessary pro perty. A committee was appointed to seeure options consistiug of A M. Morse, T. H. Dale, and P J. M: Cann. A vote of thanks Wat tendered to the West Side council men on ac count of there faithful services in assist ing the tire department, M as Jennie Evans Buried. The funeral of Miss Jennie Evans, daughter of Mrs, Catharine Evans, of Decker's court, whose death occurred on Saturday evening last, took place yesterday ufternoou from t'ie family residence at '-.HO. Rev. R. O. Jones, pastor of the Sumner avenue Presby terian church, delivered a short ser vice at the home, after which the re mains wore removed to the churca, where the pastor conducted an im pressive service, daring which he spoke in high praise of the deceased as a de vout christian. The flowers consisted of a star and crescsnt, given by the members of the church : a pillow from her shopmates with the words ''A Friend" written upon it and a basket of flowers from Miss Lizzie Jo-eph The pall hearers w,-r Messrs. Richards, Daviea, Humphrey, Brace. Price and Henry. Irit-rment wis msde at the Wsstiburu street cemetery. Complimentary Concert. The Lickawanna Council, No 113d, Royal Arcannm, contemplates giving tiie residents of this city a music il treat on the evening of M irei 22 it St. David's hall, on North Main avenue. Some of the beet local talent of this city anil Wilkes-Barre will participate, including such artists ns Professor R J. Bauer, Mrs. Joseph O'Brien, Mrs A. E. Council, Llew Herbert, Professor Protberoe, Miss Jnlia Allen, Edwin Bowen. and Miss Adele Breakstone, of Wilkes-Barre. An address will be de livered by Professor Qsorge Powell. FraWnal Ouardlans Will Settle. Scretary Oeorga Evnon. of the An thracite lodge No. UH, Order or Frn ternal Guardians, U in receipt of a BOmmnnloStion from Joseph L Tull, of Philadelphia, assignee of the order, notifyiug him to transmit at once the he'iefit certificates of each member for endorsement for the amount of the lirat dividend, which will lie returned to the secretary with a check ns pav -ment for each members claim on the order. Died Last Evening. Thomai D. Lloyd, a respected resident of this side, died at (I o'clock last evening at his home, 1801 Division street. Mr. Lloyd wa ill but a short time and death was unexpected Ha was a man of estimable iiualUine and wsll rtspected by all who knew him He is survived by his widow and live cliilurnn 1 be tnueral notice will ap pear later. Newe In Mrlef. St. Patrick's Church choir, under the leadership of Professor Haydn Evans, is preparing an elaborate programme of mnslc to be rendered on Easter Sab bath nt the ohnrch.thn chief portion of of which will be from (ionnol's miss. The funeral of Martha, the 5-ynar-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith, of Bellevne, occurred yesterday afternoon at 2.110 o'clock. Rev. W. S. Jones officiated. Intermnnt was made at the Waehtmrn Stroet cemetery. Miss Lulu Wade, of Washburn street, is recovering from the measles. The Hyde Park Choral society met Inst evening in the First Welsh Baptist obnreb, Mrs. Margaret Thomas, of Frack ville, Schuylkill county, who has been visiting at the home of Thomas J. Davlee on North Lincoln avenue, re turned yesterday. Air. and Mrs. Bert Helmes, merchant, of Jermyn, called ou Wuet Side people yesterday. Bendleoton ft Woeri'a and Ballantlne's Ales are the beet. E. J. VtiUB, agent, SI Lackawanna avenue. A special meeting of the Pastors' Union of BorantOU wee held yesterday at the Young Men 's I 'uiistian associa tion hall to hear a report of a special committee which had been appointed to arrange an immediate plan for the closing of places doing business on Sunday in violation of the law. This committee is composed oi RV. Oeorge E. Guild, oi the Providence Preahv tenau church; Rev. O E. Robinson, of the Second Presbyterian church; Rev l 0, Hughes, of the Jaekson Street Baptist church ;Rev. V. A. Don) , district secretary of the American Sabbath Union, and Mrs 0 0 Simpson, presi dent of the Women's Christian Tom psraooo nniou. The committee reported that the work of the union in regard to Sun lay closing should not be In the nature of a crusade, but that moral suasion should be used to induce proprietors of plaOSS, offensive to the community on Sunday, to abandon business ou day. Kind ly Chrletian measures should be used to tiring tins about, and the law resorted to ouly iu extreme cases Tim plan 8UQOK8TKD A detailed plan wa suggested by the committee iiirlu ling a general canvase of th city for the purpose of ascertain ing every case of violation of the law and seeking lirst a general closing-up movement by April I. They suggested the appointing of an executive com mittee of five person! to direst the can vass with pow r to enforce the law wi'h those who do not comply with the request to close April l. R v,F. A. Daily, of Green Ridge, was ap poiuted chairman and the other mem bers to be app uute.i w is left to the discretion of Rev. Warren G Part ridge, Dresldent of the Pastors' union The city will be divided into thir teen districts and a sub-committee as signed to each district to make a can vass. mayor's co-operation. The union has forwarded to the mayor a communication petitioning him to lend his co-operation to the movement, A nuanimoua adoption was made of the report, and j.lau.s were periecte 1 for the printing and circulating it among the sub-committees. Rev. Warren G. Partridge presided over the meeting, which was largely attended by the ministers and promi nent laymen, an I church women of the city. Bev. James McLeo I offered the opening prayer, and Rev. C E Robinson pronounce 1 tiie benediction GROUNDS FOR BALL PARK SECURED. TELEGRAPH POLE ACROSS TRUCK Fell on the Delaware and Hudson Railroad Yesterday Father Win ters Edifies a Large Audience Peter Roblin, Jr., for Clerk Gate and Gate Posts Sink Out ot Sight -James Scott breaks His Arm. Work on Grand 8 and and Fence Will Bsin on Thursday. The base ball men met Manager II. H. Archer, of the Scranton Traction company, yesterday, and from him learned that the company could do nothing iu a financial way toward as sisting the base ball association iu fit ting up a bill park. Directors of the association an nounced last evening that a plot of laud comprising three aud three-quarter acres of land had been leased from the D-laware, Lackawanna aud West ern company. It is located on the p poiite side of tne Providence road from the Traction company's power house. The contract for the grand stand, bleachers and fence will be awarded today and work on them be gin Thursday. The grounds have been secured for one year with the privilege of fonr nt a rental of $)0 a year. All players will report here on April 10. and while in the city during the season will have to report at the park each day at 10 a. m. for practice. The officers of tbo lub for the year are; Ale.t Dunn, president; W. L. Betts, ecretaiy; Walter Price, treasurer; M irtiii Swift, manager. An office for the association has been opened at room 7, Arcade. HUSTLING JOHN KERNELL. He and His Associates Entertain a Larip A idience. John Kernell, the well known Irish fun maker, was at the Academy of Music last evening in "The Hustler,'' a farce comedy which has become as sociated with Mr. Kemell's name. The company was much the same an the one that presented "The Hustler" here earlier in the season. One of the most, entertaining fea tures of the entertainment was the work of James F Cook and James P Smith as "The Two Millionaire Tramps." Their acrobatic feats were wonderful and elicited great applause, Miss Mamie Mayo imitated Theresa Vangban's Qe'rUMn wmf singing spec i vliy in '14(12 'very well . Mr Kemell's witticisms were much appreciated by tiie an llence. " I ho Hustler'' seems to keep quite un to date aud well up nt the front of snows of the farce oomody order, - . A VERY WISE RULE, To Be Enforosd by the Branton Trac tion Company. On and after next Monday street cars operated on Lackawanna avenue and the other avenues of the it will stop only at intersections and then at the furtliur crosing. This sleo has been unilr advisement some tune by the uiaungement. and it has finally decided to take if. In rela tion to the metier J, EL Gormley, su perintendent Of trsnsportation, sail yesterday : i ne proper maintenanoe oi our schedule and th safety of the public demand that etopplug of care every two or tin ee fust be prohibited. 1 he eross ing is the natural stopping place. Pa trons of the system are later there than in the middle of the square and the loss of time ou all our roads ia caused by delays Incident to this prac tice." e He Approximates the Requirements. 11,1 hiuyton 1'imt. lion. Josinh Quincy Is now eligible for a place on the civil service commission. mm Voluntary Homicide. 0 ''"', ;l 'oflf. That ( IhleagO jury evidently suspected Dr. Crouin of havlug committed suicide. Eastkh millinery opening at Mrs. Lang staff'B, 10!) Wyoming uvonue. - Milwaukee Book Beer. I'abst Milwaukee Bock Beer on draught at JOHN I.oiimann e, 219 Lackawanna avuuue. A telegraph pole, in Home unaccount able manner, broke from its moorings uud fell across the tracks of the Dela ware aud Hudson railroad couipauy at the same point, exactly whore the broken rail was discovered about a week ago. It fell at a right angle with the tracks. Had It not been promptly removed the fast express, In at the Steel Works depot a little before 1 o'clock, would have run upon it. County Surveyor A B Dunning was at work in the neighborhood taking uieaeiiirmeuts ou South Washington avenue, and with his two assistants moved the obstruction. Eloquent Sermon at St John's. Every seat iu St. John's c.hnrch was Occupied last night and the congrega tion wan well repaid by an eloquent sermon ou "Fnitu Without Good Works" by Rev. P. C. Winters, of Plymouth. E ither Winters is a young man yet, but bis powers of speech re flect great ability. The syllabus of last night's sermon comprehends the duties of Catholic relative to the exer cise of; the greatest of all Chris tian virtues, charity. Catholics, who on the surface lead pious lives to merit eternal salvation, must perform good works. Every syllable that dropped from the speaker's lips was clear and resonant, and the sermon made a lust ing impression upon the auditors Fractured His Forearm. James Scott, aged 12, fell upon his arm when returning Irom school yes terday afternoon, and had his forearm fractured a little above the wrist. Ho was engaged in a harmless gamo with some playmates and tumbled when running, lie is a sou ot 1 alrick ncoll, of Fig street. Dr. Mauley was called and set the boue. The little fellow was resting comfortably last evening For Clerk of Common Council. Peter R'diling, jr., Is making n thorough canvass for the clerkship of the common council. He Is a potmlur vonng man and a hard tighter. He is verse to valkiue about his cnances of success, but his friends say that he has a surprise in store. Another Csvs-ln. A cave-in eleven f.-et deep and abont six feet in diameter happened yesterday iu front of the premises of a man named Gallagher, living between Cherry and t ig streets on Irving avenue. It took the gate posts and gat' to the bottom The residents were terrorized, thinking every minute would find then en gulfed. Scramble for a School. School Director Grif T. Davis, of Greonwood, was empowered by the Lackawanna township schoid board to employ an additional teacher for No. 4 school, of which Professor T. J. Coyne, of Brack street, is principal. There is a scramble for the position. Personals. Mrs. C. G, Poland is not entirely out of danger, bnt site is gaining strength almost Imperceptibly, and her pbysi ciatis feel certuiu that the crisis has past. John Charles Miller, of Cedar avenue, was out of doors yesterday for tbo lirst lime since Dec. 1. Abraham Steinmets, after a lengthy siege with pleuro-pneumouia, was on the streets yesterday. , Miss Katie Hopkins, of Pittston ave nue, is recovering from her late seri ous illness. Her many friends will bo glad to learn that site will soon be about again. Martin Healey, of Dunmore, paid a visit to South Side frlen Is yesterday. Shorter Paragraphs. The funeral of Patrick Rully will be held tomorrow morning from the fam ily residence on Pittston avenue. The remains will be taken to St, John's church at 10 o'cloak, where a requiem mass will be celebrated. Interment will bo made in Hyde Park Catholic cemetery, Company A, Patriotic Guards, which meets at Eruehan's hall, elected the following officers: Captain, Qui Vy meyer; first lieutenant, Fred Erhardt; second lieutenant, Jacob F. Mantl The other officers will be elected at the next meeting. William Brown, of Culnr avenue, is about to begin the erection of a dwell ing house on Gibbons street. The Forest band will hold a picnic in Central Park garden June 2D. The Patriotic Order Sons of America elect, d Eugene Tannler and Charles fyllerman Instead of Fred Bcbwenk and I'red Kerchoff, resigned, respect ively recording and corresponding sec retaries The Scranton Athletic club has com pleted arrangements for its annual out ing to Purview Tuesday, July 111. DOINGS IN LICENSE COU.iT. Many Applloante for Licenses for New Houses Uriro Their Claims. All day yesterday tbo court contin ued to lislen to the many applicants for license for new houses. Arguments and testimony were hoard in a few casB where remonstrances were filed. When court adjourned new applioS' (ions from Oi l Forge township were being considered. YOU SHOULD NOT MISS IT. This Happ Chance Will Soon Pass Away. The question is frequently asked. What doee it require to constitute n successfully educated man or woman? Home one baa answered this question by saying, "An uducated person is one who knows how and when to act." Ourauiateurjorators have often thought to tickle the fancy and play upon the credulity of their audiences by pointing to inch men as Liucolu aH glorious ex amples of the men who havo succeeded without an education. These orators mistake, college buildings for education. Lincoln wiih an educated man -he got his education at a different sort of col lege from that of Harvard, Yale, or the University of Michigan, lie availed himself of the mouns within his resell. And this is true of every man that bus mado a success. Tin: TRIBUNE has practically endowed u university. It has brought within the roach of its readers a college as complete as any in the country, namely, that grout reser voir of hiiuisn Knowledge in all lin ages, pant and present. Thoy have se cured to their subscribers the whole eale price and the oasisst possible terms of payment on this great masterpiece of hniiiau genius the Encyclopedia Brltannioa. Only 10 cents a day! With this great work as your own a thousand gates to prosperity will stand open before you which without it yon will never discover. Send address aud a Volume will be sent for examination to any part of the city Remember that only eighteen days remain in which to seours the club rates and easy terms of payment, which is supplying hundreds of families with a library, m.u.aiua hone of the most Insidious of health destroyers. Mood's Sarsapanlla counteracts Its deadly poison and builds up the system, - DIED. WADE Tuesday, March 18, Mrs. Maria 0, Wade, aged 64 years. Funeral her riCM will be held at the residenoe of her son, Cbarlee E. Wade, 540 Qnlncy ve nne, on Wednesday evening at ? o'clock. Interment in Belvldere, NT. J. JACKSON In Boranton, March 18, iwi, James yonng Jackson, son of Thomas' ami Elisabeth Jackson, aged 2 years, Funeral Thursday afternoon at 8 o'clock from residence Ml 2 New Street. Dunlap Hats SPRING STYLE ON SALE Going through our stock we made a careful selection of CHILDEN'S BRAND NEW SUITS , . . To close out these odd lot we will sacrifice them, Our Bargain Counters Filled with Surprises. 300 Martin & Delany Coal Exchange, Wyoming Avenue. CHRISTIAN THE HATTER Housekeepers, ATTENTION CARVING SETS KNIVES FORKS SPOONS DINNER SETS TOILET SETS LAMPS SILVERWARE. &c. Largest and Best Line in the city. CHINA v HALL WEICKEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. Sole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave. UlinilllNIIIIIII iimimti: g The GENUINE New B Haven mm "MJITHUSHEK" PIANOS ' ESTAB. 1866. (tew York warerooms, No. 5 W Fifth avenne S I E, C. RICHER cS CO., jg Soledeftlen In thti Motion I m t KHoa I'M rVdamfl tv enue S niiiitiiiitdiiiaiiiiiiiiiisiir. Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, The Specialist on tho Kye, Beedsshes snd Ifervonsness relieved, Latestand Improved Btyle of Eye tllnss.'S mid Spe, tiu leH at the Lowest-Prices. De-,1 Artlllclnl Kyos las rted for t" 305 SPRUCE ST., op. Poat. Offlca. Removal We arc now in our new quarters, Wyoming Avenue. Come and see our Window Display Saturday, March 10th Florey & Holt s PRING . . . Styles of Have arrived. Best quality and lowest prices. COLLINS & HACKETT 220 Lacka. Avenue. Easter Opening OF Capes, Jackets AND Wraps ror the Spring an Summer of '94. Stock Large and Attractive. Prices the Lowest m Record. VISIT US, Bin OE NOT. G. W. OWENS 8c Co. Cloak Milkers mid Furriers, !--l -HI :CK ST., COURTHOUSE SQUARE Special for This Com ing Week. Ladies' Kid Button, pointed and Philadelphia toes, patent leiuiifr tips, special price, $2 69; worth, 8.50. Ladlee' Dongola Kid sewed, special price, $3; worth 1400. Misses' Kid Button, plain toos, spring heeL specinl price, $1.5! worth - fSW) Hoys' School Shoes, Dmgvla top, si. 's il to 51, special price, $t. Sl worth 3t00 Men s Csir Patent Leather Laos, pointed toes, special price. S3. 00; worth 4.00 Men's Calf BlttOhar, hand sewed welt, Piccadilly last, special price, $2.89; worth . $3,50 Little Hoys' Shoes, button and lace, spring heel, made "just like papa's, ''slsss 0 to 101, special pTice, :ji 50; worth 1.90 Youths' Calf, button and lace, ipring heels, Gtoodyoar welts, siz s II to 31, Special price, $2; worth, $9. SO SCHAM'S Arcade Shoe Store. wyomim; IVIft HOW LIKE A TheQreat Marvel of Denial Bdence Anaesthene A in cut discover 3 and tbo sole property of Henwood & WardeU, DENTISTS, 316 Lackawanna Ave. MAN HE FEELS I AST YEAE ho luul saved S0O, Ho bought a house worth $1860 paid 1300 down, oavo u mort gage for 11,550. Today ho esti mates ns follows: Renlsaved..M Interest on nmrt.i?agv. Tx and reps Ire Net sa ing 00 rent . . .. Saved ou salsry To apply on mortgage, M , i ... -6 N lie M i m 1S0 0 .$270 5J REFLECTION "In IOIK years that hoUSA Will bo frsfl from debt Hiul I fthull lltive n home of my OWD." GBEEN RIDGE Is the paradise foe homes, i inn .v Sons have recently fin Isned a beautiful viiin, vrhloh they r, on eaej payments, at atsno. rail ut i heir ofltoe, between W enhlntrtoa ilt,l Adams on Oftw Mreet. EZRA FINN & SONS, THE CELEBRATED SOHRER Ari- l Prsssat the Itosi PopnUr lad rrfrrfA LcndniK Artwll WarerOMnl I Opposite Columbus Monunwnt, 205 Washington Av.Soranton,Psu what j.u. skamons says about an.t:stiimnr l)RS. HENWOOD A WARDEIXl After havliiK eleven teeth extracted at one slttlnir by the iiainlrHK method, I pro noutioe It entirely siitlnHH.'turv In every particular, J. u. skamons. aiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiii 1 TRIBUNE BOOK COUPON, i E n U FOUR of tlnH COUPONS, pwi- S M'itM at Tito Tribnuo 'Oltifiv cr B naf Pann avenue anil SpmcoitiN'ttt, t'lilftli'H tho holilur to all tho prt, S lleget of thtt uiipatAlkMoil nilfN Ibr 1 1 ( i I Imi 1 1 it- iiopiUar hookrt RttlOtlgt OUI" it'niit'r. The offer matlo J by Tho Tilbuno iniiiiaomuut uro " u IoIIowh: 5 lf CKNTS and Four Coupon, for it iv TOlQ ma In tho Ctiliimhas rti'd. Over 100 tltlofl to oIct from. nud Tour Coupons for n 10 volumo i of Diokenri oomploto works. 20 C1-" NTS nitil Four Conponn for any hook In tho lCui(by IWH 15 OBlfTS and Four Coupons for any book In tho Oxfortl . i i IIFIIIIIIIIMillllilllllllllilll illlllllll