THE SCTtANTON TRIBTJXE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. MARCH" 14, 1894. ONE CENT A Word. Wants of nil MMb rest that much, S9 crpt Situations ll antid,which arc Hittritd I'UKK. Situations Wanted. ,'ANTKl UY A f f bor. a a-assl job. I'lliST CI.A-sS BAR' Address Smith, care ot Brown, M nmrliM. r Penn arenas 01 1 CATION WANTED a FIRST CLASS o sitam or hot water Biter who can iuk,. cbariiound lv out work, wishing nowtlOU M fitter, can furnish the very beat of references troin past employer Address J. I'. VAN FI.KKT. Ml avenue, Si-runton, ra. WANTED BY YOUNG MAN wuh to. hnlcnl Mncnslon, capaoie oi ao UK any v...rk requiring MMtrgy ami OOBjinon e.nso TMndag; dnMhtuuj or ottos iron I'leferrod. AdrctM M. N , Tribune, Soranton, POSITION r ANTED POBITION AS LA Dim nurse, best of roti-ioiiros la-rms. ?I. J) per day. Address "W, E.." Tribune ottoe Situation wan ito by a O book kooi or and ftcnoraidier; ill "tart t inaxlerato WSjrSS BM furnbdi rrfereliivs if niKHlod Addrs, J l' , Bos. Ut L1ty. situation wanted by a cabin Br O maker and carpenter In . furniture stairs or where needed vYiliunj to umk i himself usetuL ll l K. Mi Bra Park avenue.oity. (Situation wantei by a yoonu. k? matt who Is willing to do my kind of woik; IS f ur naniueu; can fnrnlsh gawd rel trouaa lad rag A U (Port OttraMlofau ten l)Y a YOUNG van IN PRY QOODB OR II grocery stoiv. or aoine business where hi conn workup- Binw MtptrtonoKj pood refer eiii-e. will or COM p Addrc P. O. hoi i. Montrose. Ph Agents Wanted. Viewers Notice. 6lTc3raEMATO ..V tiou of the City of Scruutain for tho up liointniuiit of viewers to ascertain tlio oosta ilainaires. and cipoiiRaa and tsioss tlio lu-n 'tits for With Dlstrii i Main Hewer, Section A. In tho Court of Common l'li-us, No. tttt, Maroli term.' IBM, ThSttndS4ignad having boon appointed by the Court Viewers tu tuo tororouti matter, hereby give names that thsywul on too Xnd day or April A. 1). Isld. ut lOo'el.n I; iiui.tuiot on tlio lino of tho Hiitd InprovrnionL i.t the oornor of BRISTOL HOI'Sli. prueeodmif thoDotoror tho line f said linnrorejnenE viewing the sains, and the ; i ,-i.n . sffsi'ted thereby, and will hem u panto Interested therein, uud thoir ,;n, . s. H. MQTT, OWEN I'. JOHN. JOHN HAWK, viswsrs. bpeclai Notices. 'IV WHOM IT I wife, HrliUot. MAY CONCERN: MY lias niti lolt mv bod and board. I boi'obv warn tlio publ,, nut t. harbor or ti ui-t her on iu ai'i'ouut. AN rUONY TUFVBY, l I i honnd or rewwd at Thi noik Koaaouablo II1.ANK HOOKS, PAUPBLBTH 1 1 kin of eta bttoe, (Juiok Thibvhi prieei IK YOU ARK INTERESTED IN OAUEOII I nU you hhouM here our pamphb't on tho resources of that ' u deeoriues vrrnt biujialiis. Pantphloi free rQStr A Wood sou, in Wnthloytun itrosti ChioiEo, MKAL TICKETS CAN HE HAD SI III, oornet Spruoo Street and Krankllu STS nut Twenty Btssj tt.-kots for $lLxL U,kkI tablo board. Money to Losn. tMOTOtjBW rO LOAN CO RELIABLE HER sons. Hopaytuoul BLOO to fftOO pur Wssh Kor full Information cull at roOCU " Aralo UilhuiMj Otaoe hours iron MO am. t u p.m. Jtii N If, HARRIS, Supt w w w IT ANTED MAN WITH LIFE AND FIRE msutaiKv op,noU',o oa siii.-i.o m Lvokawanua ivuuty ; sd indueeaenta to rijtUt Win. Avldri llli BH bwlhllUst. FlUlsdflpuia. Ps. 'AN FED HOYS ANl HIRLS WHO wish to luako money whoii out of si'hool; se'.nl MUDS sad will sru you how, no money wsnted. I. STAY N Kit, Ptovideuee R. I. (7 AN PED TWO YOUNQ KEN OFOOOO sdureus to osll on buiuei hour's. Btdy fiuplvmout for iood tBSO. AMH1 NatK'Na clean TOWEL COMPaNT Aroudo budiiQff. Wanted. V ANTED -A TYPEWRITER. APPLY V room 'ii, OosjunonjirsjUl tT ANTED 1 OX i K0OM8 FOR UUHT ?r house hooping, nsntrsllj Iwslsd Ad'.i:-ja Tribune T. B. VV ANTED A six OB EIGHT HOUSE V ;vwor u; r.,-t: lod.r. secoud head Ad dross, star Lyj Works. Car wudalo. Pa. Heia Wsnted Femjles. AOOOD COOK AND ALSO wanted at iU Adams J loB p. m. a waitress vouuo. Aply UNANCIAL AND COMMtRCIAl Stocks SJMI Honda Ned York, March 18 WhUs the tnm saotktus st the Block exohaiiK showod n rarlBM Isliiutl Off today, tint salon having amoll'itnl to 106,500 IUNE lb DUUfktl WMdlstlnoUy strongor. Tht decIartIon of tbo roitlar dtvideud by thn Manhattan, tho action of tho WfBttHn I'nton dlrMtOrt ll irivmiuoudlnii tlio paytumt of thOTM i : I . r d ytdoiut OH tho stock, tlio favorable Missouri Pacific teport tor MSB, towslhor with tho purcbuw of about ten thous and ibATSS of stock by l.oudou, nil coui bliiod to bnn about a bolter condition of affairs. The improvement la prices rU8al Iron to 14 per MBt '.' Into tlm trad big has beou conrlned to ouo psitlcular L;roup of ttocks. Today, howevei, broken End orders (or nil tho leading usue.. Tho uiprovou.ont was mo-t protiouuced in St. Paul, Northwest, Omaha, Loui-villo and Nashville, Union Pacittc, Now YorkCou ral, Maubttt aa aud I. .'ad At thocloae lie prices current wrre the best for a long time. Net chauo,eo stiowcaitis of l4 to I1 or cent. Whiskey was au oxceptiou uud lost S- Tho ml iu: complete table suowm the day a Hiictuatlons in active stocks is suppllsd acd revised dally by La Bar Puller, stock brokers, Ul WyouUug aveuue: Opeu Huh- Low Clos ing, est, est. Inc. .. a a a a ... itltaj Kt VM ... n nvs ut loWi GENERAL NEWS VEAK MEN Y0U?.ATT!NT'0N Of INDUSTRIES Sk ureal i.iiBUs" iteiueuy, ffl ty Cray's Specific Medicine Jk4f WniTHIU Ultt lu ll For Rent. PH g BENT APRIL l -THE BOOMS SOW A ocmy ed by the Telephoue Exchaiie. t' Lackawanna aveaae. Apply at the oflce of LeL:.'h So.t Mlmr.f Co.. Ttiinl National Bank luildiu L S. and E. C. Fuller. RENT HOCSE A WYOMING AVE ant.rjv.:men . r.-at joo per monin F. H. CLEMvXS, tii aa-J tr'.- April tievea rooms, an m d Ap' iy t aveou-i. T03 BKNT-BARN IN REAR OS JEPFER A son aronae. In -ar s-jru.-e strnft. In.;ii.- si M sgi'IRES i j.-lierson avenue. HOL'SE FUR RENT NEAR POBTOPP1CB, cnniua:n fourteen nxims aad Launiry, all in flae order Sirliadtd loeMtoa tor r-?ut tm .'ircbhwl n oms. A?pl7 at j.17 Lia iea tree. tf TOR RE ..'T -HEALTHIEST AND BE3T A houm a city. .UI conveniea -s. Rent modi-rate. Seetllie BSttsCtlT aWtttppod hotUW bet'orw rentiaif elaewaer;. W. 0 itsoa Joaes, 311 Spruce street. "Putt HEN r-RE-sIDENCc: MODERN IM A i,rj7emectd, J 17 pur moath. Call st HO Jfar',03 itreet. FOR R1LXT X house. 4dii Ailaavi are. Asly MACBICc col; THRIE-3TORY BRIi.'K I.N.S. ajent. ..1 West Lack, are FoK BENT TWaj-STuRY BRICK ti- L'SE, No - Ha.:.s- i.l ., Appiy MAr;i.i.i COL. -INS. af'-nt, ;:. st . .. . TV;B RENT-iCiTS OF F0tK P.' uM . iN J E '.V .od, W.d- Colieat. Am. Cot. Oil.... Am. Sujur. i A. T. JS S, F i an. s.. , Cea. N. J i hie. A N. W.. a, u. g Chic, lias i C. C, C. St. CoL Hock.Val. 0. H , D., L. W 0 Ss C. F Ere ! a. E. Co Lake Shore ;.. ax , Maahatuo 1 Miss, Pac Sat. Lead N. Y. N. EL, N. Y. Central. N. Y.. 0. W X. Y.,S. a W L. 3. C. Co...., North P-ac N'ortli Pac. pf . Omaha Pae. Hail Reading Roek Islaad.... R. T Rt, Paul T..C. A I Toms A Pac... Union Pac Wabasa, pf W. L'nion . IF. A L E J s L E. ct. ,...M S0'. L. AT 0.-', 1 ja, 10 'a M BBff I'U3 RENT T'.Vu STuRY" BhK X D".V :!.. X linr house: mlera improvementa: 3U .. HQ ..Ut .. m ,.w .. MM .. Si . IMd .. 1"V :: i;h .. :: !r .. Zl .. '"'s .. .. (tM .. 1 .. Mid .. - .. -J s .. i'W 88 us j UH !-' - m 10-JW IBM N is i; m 70 H m IIU Llis, UVrs BOX M,.t IBM .'s M3 1-14 M IM im IM iui f mt 19 M 10 nv m i-mt til's i.H m tat lift w 1- -J BHt OS UH lol lN 17-4 l!ai IK 17 21 10! W IbVsj ml Chicago Oram and Provisions. SriuxTOH, Mar-h a. -The follo-riag qnota- ons aro snpplied snl c .rrectel daily by La Bar A Fuller, Sto,:k brjkers.1-1 Wyoming era- T. 1" rent, IE a.T.t, .;i Ar.ply to MACRIi E W3S5 Lar.ku F',rt plac Collins, aren-ie Of. RENT -STORE RouM ii5 LACKA wanna arennn from A&r:s 1, a..-, rn.r.. 1 on second f.oor well sdaoted for business or ho ie ieeoing. Also hooae IsoH Csponse sve hae v.Vi all modern improvements, beau'i tolly papered. 9 s PAT'LI. KM Bandsrsoi avenue j Enouire of Hem y aver.ue or st the fUR RENT. APP.IL 1ST. DOCBLE STORE X known as Ne-v Y'ork Store, do ildn or sin rle. Apply t, f L Paul!.; POm RENT -8TOBE VI t.Af KAWaN.VA X sv inue. by Apr.l. 1, Frev. CI tji-.ka-vanr.a premises. "L'OR RENT-THREE BOOMB. FRONT ON JT scn id florr, oeer N A Hulbert's music tore. 117 r. a7..a 10, fr ,m Apr.l L In quire in the sN-r". rut sE FOP. REN r ONE BLOCK FROM ,,ist offtie, ocntslninir fourteen i',',ms And iaondry. sll in line raw, Fine location Ifi let furnished rooms. Apply atlBI Llfiden 'I'o LET FOR A t.V ,...: J Part or a.l of tore huodr rorm siong railroad. avonua. BEWT-liTORE WaBt OR BTTBMI8BED hail on Oresn Rifles itrsi". Verv dlra- tie lorstlon and on r"-nor,Me tfrir, Apply to r V. Nf.TTLETON. or C 3. WiXjURLW Rpolillean l.uilding. 1 foot of varl Ape7 at iM. Frar.alia For Sale Tj'OR HALK A FAR.VI OF EIOIITV A' Kc.-i. JT on and one-half miles trorn Pail , .,T, th tdaware, Lrkarir,a and W'st'-rn rdir-Ktd First elans farm hows with a never failing spring niarhy. two hern. goW land and gcerfl orhrd. will Is, ,:d ' bop. ierms eas. AddrwasB f. VQN HTuRf II or ISAAC ELLIS, sxecutor. DBM, La'kawanns county, Pa Co WII.I. filTYA foflb-DOLLARIPfl.tlllT piano, only a fw month in use , WIIF.AT. Opening Highest Lowest Closing CORN. Opening Highest lowest Closing hats Opening , Highest U.west 1 Cl'sdng... PORK. (rpening Hls-hest LowssM (I'salne LABU. iriing ,, Highest , yiwest '1 ir.g SH RT RIBS ipening Highest , lowest Closing Var v.'Z hw SH :A'4 Bm 2H MM 10 V, l5 ii-.; mi ,.) Mt in tit liar Ka IBU tm MM 1 .-lllsj HI lliai 17! UaW lot', W7 Ml HO wo MI 570 sll Jtrr. ,o... BMi IJin, fit l Bj ielsj III', 1110 lllu IH" 1 last I.V, ft,? RI7 047 IgJ ,',ili Ml W Tlie PeDBBjIVlDll Kdllroid Djus Not to Comiutliu1, Trolley Lines, AT LEAST IT SAYS IT DOES NOT All I ht It Insists Upon Is TI1.1I i hsss Cunipctiii, Hoails Sli.tll Not Cross lis Pathway at S Ornilo - Somo Choerinn Blgns ot Rstumlng Oon RdsnCS in tlio Ruslnesn World Tom Johnson (Johhlcs Up a Rival Trolley Line Various Notes ol Industrial Interest. (Vdispstoh from lluii.i iu ; y.ntsr iluv to the t iv .ot tiuit ths PsnnsylTsnls rstlrosd Intouded to lllir to the hitter end the I'eiiiisylvniila Tmotloo 00111- imnv which contetnpUlts tha ooostrntv ttDtiof a trolley Hue from HtrrUburB to PtiiUdellihta It ileuied hv DatTid W. S dlei -, 0110 11.' tlie ooiuintny's solicitors. Tho I'eniisy ivnni 1 railroad, ho says, KCOgDissa the fact that the tr.dley load weru p ii fectly IsgttlnstS outer prist, ttiiil ns to opposing their uoti itrilUtlOO on the grouod that they earns In oonmtttlon with the steam roads, them Is nothing In it. I lie ipiestlon wIik-Ii most HerioiisW ooiioeins the i'etinsylvatiia railroad, SO far ae the construction of trolley roads Is COUOernvd, Mr S.'llers says mid iigaiust tthlob dtoitUd BOliOD Will t taken, is the erOSStlll ot these roads of the rom psuy's tracks 11 1 grade. The I'etinsyl imtiln has spent m uiy thousand of do! Isrs in Kettlnu; rid of grade OfOSSltlgl and it would he defeating the pm imm of these great oxpen lltures and at thu ssme ttitie would . 1 . v tucresse the llaUgar of the traveling public, if the trolley liurs were now permitted to cross the company's tracas at grade. I'he Pennsylvania rsilroal, Mr. Sellers eODtlanaS, hud soveml trolley lines paraltlllng Its trarks, hut none of theui cross them at : t- sud 110 oppisitiou on the couipmy's part had haeu ollered to their construction. It is rumored that an examination for mine tor -me 1 will he'held early in Mrty. Sigus of r-ttirni:,; coniilence in uinuufMcluring circles continue. All the ,li) trtmSDtl of the Cunhria Iron works at Joliustovrn, which have been idle, resumed business TuesJay inorii ing. The Johnstown Stod works at the 8'iius place slio sturlod up utter uti idleness of three months. About 2, (MM men want to work for tho two corpora tions. I: is BDnonoosd that the lirsddock Wire works plant at Uatiktu, near Pittsburg, holds the rec ord since hsturdav. lurniiu; out more ste-1 than any other single roll rod mill in the world The record has been held for ft nntnbtr of ysan by the Jul iet, 111 , Wir. works, whose rod mill turned out 'M tons of wire rods in twelve hours. The output of the Br i.l J ck works for Saturday, a turn of ten hours, from 0 a. m till 4 p. in was CM tons, breaking IDA record by eleven tons. A big tun of steel was made ev trv day last week, which indicates thi rsctiot of lsrga orders. Pittsburg rtrid western shipments of coke aro reported M beins about up to tlio stand ird, bu. a considerable in crease In busin'ss is looksd tot d iring the prosent week. Prices have nnd?r cone no ohanOO, Furnace coko is still quoted at 1 a ton. uud is selling in many instances at B3 outs. The lurgi operators practically control ths mar ket. Tho pricsi are too low for the stusli pro lucers to run their works nt n rT(,ht, and until furnao coltn goes above si a ton th- v will probably re main idle. The West Virginia opira tors are n'so hein drivon from the imrket. Etch week, as their contracts exnire in tlio west an 1 northwest, they are iscnred for renewal by uzents from the Conneilsville region. Ju lge Simnnton fil-d a long opinion al'.nday afternoon in whioh he lc dined to iliatnrli the j 1 lgnient hereto fore entered in the case Involving tuxs tion by the cotumonwsnlth of the Lv high 'oal and Navigation coniimnyV capital stock for the yenr l'i!!) and gives jodgtnsnt for the state fur the whole Hinoui.t of tha claim illty, Wmikiiiiss of Ho ly anil niuii, purin i torrhsa, and Irapoteuey, mid sll diseases tnat srise froni over-indulgencm umi i.i-if abuse, wt LusHiif Memory nod Poai-r, DliiiiiesH of Is ion, I'ruumluru Old Ai;e uud luuuy nllierdls lend I,, lllHiinitV or t iillNllllllitioll Hiid uuearly grave, wrilefur 11 inm plil.-t aililless iika 1 1.' 1 .: hi, niimiio. . Y I llO 1 , Medli'llie is I'l ll V nil di ufjrUti nt f per uackasai or nix piu-itato-s lur sellt lv 1111,11 ell I It'L nl 1 1 e 1 1 1 , u 1 1, 1 mi ever ICOtl ordot Wt (iUAKANTtt 1 ure or mono) refunded IST-Oll it, - -ni,t ,if , iMlliterfeitii W11 h.iva adopted Hi'1 Velluw wrappar, tin, only genu ine, fold iu Bcrautoo bv Mutthewi, inns . aware street, town. Orein Kiilge; owner lenvlng l.'OR HALE SS-AOBI I and ntenslla J M FARM. HTOCK SHEFFIELD, km Monroe sve I. OR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR HCRA.V 1 ton IhcresNing 111 propirijf A tsrlii7 orsngn grove r in i.r'xln. tion n'l m in, eariv in tho oriang HflUon In t lorld Addren Y H NETTLETON. Lake lleleti. PiorMa Rest Catate. Oh'SI WILL IlL'Y A MPLHMdK Ipil'.-K j of nine rooms; le-nt irrfiation In (Jreen Ridge. If old 'lor-. April 1st; sll model 11 Im piovemnnt. ImpilreiiSi li'dswsre htreet .-OR HALE BINULE HOL'.SIC, uo'i (JCINCV avenue; very ili-siraMo lieiitlon Annly O. F. RKYNOLLld. or WILLARL, WAItilEN AKNAPP. a.. WILL BUY M0I1ERN RBWS-BOOM O house, nil improvement; term nosy; csir Her Msdlson svenue end Lelewsro street. An jily HARRY LEEfl Cjl.tUtl WILL BUY VK.RY DEHIIIAHLE LOT a, coraet MaaHoo Street. Terms uasy svsnu and Leiawsr i Apply HARRY LKEH. Notice to Taxpayera. Is usynrs of tho i-lty of Seven SOIL Pa., will hereby isko notieu thst the bnnrd of appeals appointoil ny the city councils ot sulci city to liiar end determine nppcal trom rlly sess ments for the year He4 ure holding meeting dally nt the olnce of the city clerk lsiwueii thu li- urs of 1 11. m aud 6 p. m. for the put poo nloresald and that appeals will only lie heard In eases of new uaseasineats for s iid year, the authority vested in i;xl board not permitting the revision of asMofl' fur unv vein- but that ot 1831. The meotur.-s of the board will Cl'Mse Jlsrell 31, liH. By order of board of appeals M.T. LA VI.'LLK. City Clerk Nw York lllarkst Niw V&at. March 11 -Fl.oUH-Hteadjr. WnraT. -Less nttive, firmer; No. 2 red itottp aad elevator SlaflSe.. f. . n., 61 Wa r.iXc; ungraded red, MbM . afloat, fuii Ho. I northern, C7r. i option advanced ;iM, fill rallied X and closed un changed; fin 2 nd Manli R0Jai Maj, o3Hc. ; duly Mfid Decemher. 70 it Coiia Pinner, dull; So. ?, 44c. ; nla rator,4S)(41 , steamer mixed, l.'i,r. ; option clieied lirrn; March, iXc April, flsy;,; May, 4 tWc; , Jnly, s-ljjjc ')ATS Imll, eisle. ; options firm, Msrtk .?Mc.; April, Bnc..; May JBo ; Jnlv,84Ue. ; spot prions, No. 2, Hc; Mo 2 white, sw.1 .no. 2 t;nicgo, I7MC. tao. , :'..riH' . Wo, it white 87-.; mixed western, DtHc; whits do , 4Jc ; wbiie stet MUal.:.- rrSTT fTnlf. steady. 'I ikio BO L K k K Htenily. oi Mkats -DnUt nldcUaSi Bftsstsal Lard- amulet, western staam, 17. 1'iU: city, MC.laarofe, 7.10 May, as IM; re- nned, dull; continent 17 r,r,. Houlh Am erins, I7.W, BSMpOBBtt Hs'lo. Pohx M sia .Visit IICTTia Firm; western dlry new, Italia, elglns, 22o.; Pennsylvania cream ery, 22c. nun ; 'i.t.. larga.. 0hfatftn, fancy. IlkalBSii do small, IDMalM : part skims, .'v' I" : full Hkitii, IjfSBli Eona Ixwer; PaflMflTSSda, IflilOXc; western Ircsh, IU;., southern, Usltio. ss Phlladelnhla Tsllow Market. I'Hii.tiiKl.l iilA. March Ll. Tallow was lull and unchanged. Price were. Prime city, iu hogshead, 4Jr. ; prime coun try, in boatGradti 4ic. ; do. dark, la hogs head, tt)0i ; cskee, fg; n-e,. . -,. e -Four Big Buoosssss, lliivlug the Bttdtd DMrit to morn than make eiKMl all the ndvertlsltig claimed for them, the following four remedies have ruichid a phenomenal sale. l)r. King' New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs uud ( olds, each bottle gniniiutoed lilleo trie Hitters, tlio great letueily for Liver. Momach and Kidney. Lm lilun's Arnica Balve, the best In tho world, nnd Ur. King's New Life Pills, which are n perfect, pill. All these remedies are guaranteed to do just wbnt Is rhilma'il for them nnd the dealer Whoso nnruo is attnchi'd herewith will be glnd to tell you morn of thorn. Sold byMattlxiws Hros'. drug store. Ths Uppermost U isetlon. fica"o Dirpntc'i. And yet somebody killed Dr. Cronln. Who did Itf Foil Col ls, Cronp, Asthma, Bronehltli and Si ru Throat, use Dr. Thomas' Kclec trie Oil, nud get the genuine. JUSINKSS AND PROFESSIONAL I'HVMIt AM BUItUKONA )R H IO. DEAN, Diseases of the Eye, Ness Thnstt uud Lm, UU hpiuei tlleul, upuo sits court linuse. R a J. on N ELL, OfBcej an Wsabingtoa ' aelilie. (, uner Hnrin htleet. oviN I'l'Slii llu s dl-u ntiire. liehldelii-it. Vi'Z Vine sL liinira: lu Ml to IK n, iu. .ud - to4 and i to , .i u. m Hunduv. :.' toJ n ui. kit W ks ALLEN, olUie cor Look. ' WallllS Ulld WliHllllllilell lives ; OV'-l l.eiill llld tiheu liuv; liltlci) In. Ills, lUtolila. 111. end ito 4 p. Ill ; iivulitlnts at lenldulice. fil'2 N Wiisliliigtuu aviv it. i i. BHMY, I'litiitiee limited to Dia ,-UM s of the Li s. Car. nosi mid Thi nut; Bios, 1EI Wyomiug sv Besldsnos, fai Vine I lent L M liA'll.H. III! Wuiiblluitiin Avulllli iiltlia hours, S l,i u s.iu, luulo 11 uud I p.m. lolIN 1. WKNTE, M ii , OBUmm U snd Ji I ('olUliiiiliWe;iltti buiidlllg; n-sldeui-u VII idlminsvu; nMoa hours Id in I-, 2 to 4, 7 to Hiindsva '2 IK) to 4. ,-M'liliigs St leeidelico. A Li-I,illy iitnde of dlieiuies ot thu vyo, uer, uosj uud throat uud . , i I 0, D. MLHUAV, spawlaltv msde on dm eilnes or eve and skill. .'I-- WtnllllUg A - llttee In. ins i i i.i lo u in t,i . n, Humors of price-slashing ure nxain OOrrant in anthracite circles. Tha I'liiladelphin Stockholder is authority for the statement that nnv compviv will sell nt it H't net for Hlove, nnd ssles are reported alovn lower figures. The sslvs agents are ?x; totad to announce spring ptiees on ths 211.!) mat but in view of the Hpuliv of too trade nt present it Is doubtful whether the 1 lusml will improve even though price ure reduced. Tho western trade Is tin satisfactory, both as to demand and prices. The Inaj dry for psa and bnek wheat seems large, hut is merely be cause the compinles are mining less of nil lis IS, Stocks are nccutuulatlng ot all points. ii,. Ur have been bo iked whereby the Motblshctn Iron company's steel mill will continue running day nnd night until the end of the month. 'I'll mill has not run more th in a fortnight at sny time for more t. lira n a yesr. Fif tesn hundred hand are employed. The strike inaugurated 'ten day ago ut the mill of thi Va it Lebanon Irou company, by the pu Idlers against it re dtictloii in wages, has been declared olT and the mill ysslerdsy resumed work A ("iiuproiiilsa sehedul of wnges b tween l BO and )!( per ton for puddlers was ngreed upon Minor Indcstkiai, Nutkm: The Norfolk and Western Hsllroad com tinny litis closed a contract with the Cleve land. Akron iiad I o'utnhiis rsllrond wherebr tbS latter secure for s term year the prtll use of the former's term I nals nt. olumliiis. The Lackawanna 1 spending large sums of iu ney on Itiiriroveiuents, enporinlly on the MoitI and L'nex divhloti, where It Is on mi exteuaive Mala, ra'sing the road beds, reducing grsdos and gradually doing away with grade crossings. William Ko.Ti her, formerly outside an rerltileiident of the Pmker colllei le nt Lost ( reek, has resigned tn become gen nil Hupniliilendeut of tho Van Wlc.klo colllerk'S nt Milneavilln and Coluramc. Euokleu's A i niea Bale. The lest salve In Hie world for Cuts liiulses, Horass, Ulcern, fnlt Uheum, Kever Hora-s, letter. I hupped Mauds. UIMIDUUDJ, Corns and sll Skin hrupllons, nnd DOSl lively rures Piles, or no pay rruulred. It Is guaratiteod to give perfect satisfaction or im. ney refunded, l'rlce 2S cents pur box. For side by Matthews Hros. IjDIRBT troubled me for twenty years. SitK-e 1 Htnrted using Dr. Til linns' Ecleo trie Oil have had an nttnek. The O.l cures sore throat at once. Mm. Lettn Conrad, Btnudlsb, Mich,, Oct. 21, 'S3. IF YOU SUFFER on N I'm i iti Connolly So Wallace SIX ITEMS OF INTEREST. 9 a I I I.I11NAKV M lll.HlNi Hurgoc liiednllst of Oi. Di BTUKUH, Veterluai tlntl y u specialty, uol tsrio Veierluury L'ullegu ''in Bummer I llverr, 1CSJ lis st,. near Keller's our i lagu nhup. lephoua No in I A vi v UUS M U RANCH b Law and Uolloottoil of the. No bl7 M I ii' ') Ut.. eooiinlte Forest Ill-Use. B, Tauten, I'tt., collei-tii'ljH s specialty thieiighoiit Peiuisylvuiilu, reliable con a spond nt In every i-uuuty. EBMUPti aSj HAMO, Attomsyi and t'ouiis'l lore ut Law. a i i. . i ' I hutldiii.r. v 'aahlnitoa atu w h. Jgsspp, HoilAl I. E Hano. V 11 Ji'jisci'. Jk. ll'ILl.AKU. WAttBBM a K.N AIT'. Attor lv neys and ConnseUire at Law. Reiniblnaii 100 Ladies' Umbrollass, made of Cotton Gloria, Paragon frame and fast black.novelty handles. Special price, $1.00 each. IAA Dozen Children's Hosiery, w J seamless and fast black. A genuine bargain. Sizos 6, 6, 7,at 10c; sizes 8, 8'., at 12c. Doz. Boys' Famous Cast Iron Hosiery; our special number. The best stocking for service ever made. 25c. per pair. lOO 100 Dozen Men's Colored Border, Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at Half Price. 10c. each. ft Dozen Ladies' Kid Gloves. Do w J not fail to get in on these two lots, at 79c. and $1.12. T (55 Boys' Navy Slue Sweaters, " a superb quality; usually sold for $3 00. Our price, $2.00. Spring Capes and Jackets Now Open for Inspection, CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court Houb9. eon n. Pi tlliillln.', VN iistdiiiftiiu live.. Scranton. I' l )AT'i'HHSl)N It WlLi ., Attorneys an I i Counsellors nt i n : otliees u anal H Library building. r rant. ii. Pa. ItOSW KLL II rATTlllsOR Wil l i KM A 'IIS 0 LFBEDBAND, WILLIAM J, HAND, At- torueya and t'ouusollors, Cuiuiuouvfv.-Utb ililitit' K.iuiii l:a .n and -I lENKY'M. SKKI.Y 'LaVotHces lii Pruo 1 bnUdlos, Wasiiiiigtoii svenae. L'ltANK T OKr.LL, Attorney at Law. liooui r :,. Coal Bzehsnge. Scranton. Pu. MILTON W LOWKY 11 YON BTORCH. i Att'ys, t ton av., x; Washini 11 snnara AMEBW UAKfDHO, Attornei ut Law. rooms BE 64 and 66 Commonwealth bPg aA.MCI.1. W. tllilAll, Attorney at Ui.v. 15 Office. M17 Srruce st . Borsntoa I s. A VVATRE8, Attorney at Law, CI I, 1. Lai-kavvarina aue.. Scrsnlini P SMITH rooms fii. U K. PITl lltli. Attorney l'a Counsel lor at Law. Olticu. 'si OornmonwsAlth buddimt at Lu.v, . imeiwea th leiilulnki. Si-iuiiton, l'a. COMLUYS. f-l Sill nee st. KILLAM, Attorin'V at -Ls7w, in t y- UB. BBPLOOLE, Attorney-Loani noj.v tinted on real ct-tnte Wcnrlty.tKH Spruce. HAVE YOUB DEEDS AND MuKTOADhii written and Manowladaed by J W. Attorney and Notary Public, ft Hill W NINO lli'lliiuu-ealth ltilildtll ! IIOOI.V QIJHOUL Of THE LACKAWANNA, Scran io ton. Pa., Drenarea iso s und uir.i ron nii,-.-) or bnsiuesa: thoruuirlily truins vouuk children CaUleaiue at HF.v TnoMAs M. ( anm; wawkw ii Ht Ki.L. WORCEBTEB'B KIN DEROARTEN 1 r-cbuol. 41- Adstiis avenue. PudiIi nt all tunc. Next term will oiiun nAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL KA1LK0AD OF N, J. " HIGH AND SUSQUl HANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used exolnsively, .m,,- a I' uulitims and i omfort. rim. iaiili. in k: ri;i-r itii I, lilii. Trains leave B?ranton for iitttou. wuite Barra. "ta . at am. .i.r,, ii :n a, m., 200. :o. ,'.i. H.u5 j, in Sundays, V UU a m , 1X0, 1.00, f.10 p. in. Fair Atlantic City, h Iu a. in. For New York, Newark and Elisabeth, EM osiii -,, i,-.viii,is v. nit ijufint l-nrlor a-ar, il Uo (expreMj j,. in. Sunday, E00 P. in Fou MAUOB Chi nk, ai.lkmuwn. Hum x IIL.-S, EASTOBl ui.d I'lili Aio.i i-it i .n , b HI a in . lleU ll.HU. tYUO (exeunt Pbllualelonlav n m. Bundav, zuut, m l or Lono niiANe.ll, OOIAM Uiiovk, etc., at i- Hi u in , 12.80 p m. For Readins, Lebanon nnd HarrisburK, via Allen town, ,io a. m , ir au, 5.00, bm. Bunoar, '.MO p. in. l or PotUville, 8 In a. In , l'.'.au p in. Uetnrnlng, leavu New York, foot of Liberty street. Nan lb l iver, at MO (express) in.. I.lo, 1.30. fin (express with Duffjt parlor car; p. iu. Sunday. 4.30 a iu Leave Philadelnnla, Eeadlnn Terminal. 0.00 ii. m , 2.0(1 and 4 :Si p tu. Sunday, i 27 a, in. 'llirouiih ttoketa to nil points ut lowest rales may la- had on application In advance to tha ticket agent at thi st.iti in. 11 V BALDWIK, (Jen. Pill Afc'ent. .1. H OLHAUBEN, Pan, supt. AND 1 IliLAWAItL, LACKAWANNA ' wi-.STtlt;.' 11AII.U(;AU Tialna leave BcrauVjU t follows Express for York and sll point hast I Ut, t,. 6 IP, D i and 0. M u. u, , ft i', ami ll W p, in. Express for I ' u, Trcnwn, Pb.uelelphla and the rl.,uth, 51,1, 0 00 and IM a w.; 12 fw und U ,V0 p in Washington and way sulcus. 24(1 p ra. Tobybanna aceoiniiiodjitlvi, tin p. ia Elpr be for Bltudiauitou, OsWSCO Elmlia. 'oiniiuj. hath Dabsvllle, Mount Morris and Hullalu, It 10, 2 ii a. m aud 1 21 p. m.. ruasiluK (lose oonnecUa,n at Buffalo to all poinu in in a West. Northwest anal Booth west. HuUalo aCMiuuiodatlot, tllti a in blnubainlou Slid way ntatiout 1217 p u Nienolson and wav staliotib 5 40 p u, Blnsbainpjn and Elnnta Kxpresi- bOj p. tu. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego. I 'll'- and Lichfield Kprings, 111 a in. aud 1.21 p. in. Ithaca. '.' 16 aud K.'U a in and 124p B For Northumberland. Pittston, Wi,ke Harre Plyinouth. Blaxjmsburg and Dai. Mile, making chrto ooniieetlons st Northumberland for Wllllumsport. Harriiaburg, bailltnoie Wash lnkton and the South. Northumberland tad intermediate ijatSTTTrl 6j0u. Uuu u m and l au and 607 p in. Natitn oko and mlurmudiaUs btatiot.s. h tt Slid ILK a in Plymouth and atutiotia, 1160 and U.asp. in Pullman parlor and fciocping coaches on sii Hi tralna for detailed information p.-;Uet timetables, etc , apply tu M L South, city ticket offlce, a2u Laekawanuti avenue, or depot ticket uttc. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TBUBIDAT tlAlt. 16. The Eeosatrle Irish OjueLsn, Barney Ferguson and Company, ill the Laughable Cvmedy, McCarthy's Mishaps A jleiry Single of booif. Dauce-i Ld Mice- Splitting Eventa Hale Opens Tueslay VALLEY HAIL- eivel lannsrv I)! N I IHTS, 0. LAtJBACH, anrgeoo Dentist, Nu, ill Wvomliie' uve. H M. 'l It A rTOM, offlc nl Exehans LOANS 'rilll' BsVingl and Lean Abjki 1 elation will loin a on money on easier terms .ml pay you better on Investment than any ith.-r SSSOclatlotl Call on S. N. CALLEN- 1 ! If. 1 1 to. Hank bulldiii IIK1I.I.S IMI HI'STM ItAM III', WEBTMINBTER, 1178111 WrotniBi ave RoottlS lieateal with SteaTAl nil tllasf rn liiiproveiiients C M 'I nrMAia. Croti P .i nu h. Proprietor I ' iKtiLKH s urn i;l, : -'; Laekawanna av It line. Sciuuton. Rates reasonable, lit l U'f MINSTER HOTEL W. O, MCHENCK. Sixteenth trent, one block east of Hi nail way. nt I iiloti Saiunre, new lei a. Anetiean plan, IKiOpsr .tsv and upward MiYNF, HOUBE. Knropt plan; food rootn. (iiii-ti day nnd uluht. liar Mine plied wltli the test. t- it. raiYNK, rrojiriefor 4" It ANTON HOUBK, near D., L & w pa Ii senaur lb-put ( 'end uctasl on the Europaan plan. VirrToH Koon, Proprietor ' ha M i k.ntiiaL The iairgesi aud l. i. and HA UNrn, rti pt leter. IBHiaa YALLLV KAILKuaD. j Feb, u, im:. Trnln lesvi-s Sa-rauton for Philadelphia and New York via. 1 & II K 11. at s a.ia . 121.1. Ett and U.M p. ra via D, L. 4k W. It. R , M0, u .in., and 1.30 i. 111. Leave Scranton for I'ittston and WUEss llarre vis D., L & V. R. R., tl.OJ, B 09, 1121 a. iu , 1.30, EaW. 6.07, U.3S p. in. Leal Bcranton for White Haven, liazleton. Pnttsvllle und all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsvills branches, via B A- W V,, dtOa.m . via Ii. & 1L K K. st s a in . 12.1' Uti. 4 lfi p.m , via ll., L. tt W. R. U E0O, Ua a in., I 3n. EDO p.m Leave scranton for BartUabara, Easton, Reading, HariisburjT and nil intermediate points VM D. Ai H. H. U., s a m ,1210. 2 38, 11. ii ii.m .via D , L. A- W. R It. ti 00 I us 11 20 a in.. I ll p.m. La-nvo Scrsnto-i forTunkhinno -k. Towan i i, Elrnini, Ithaca. Oeneva und nil intennedi its points via D. H It It.. I' i 7 a in.. 12 10 nnd 11.83 p. m.,visD. LtW It It.. o am..l.lip tn Leave Scranton for Richestor, Huflnlo. Ni SfaraFaUs, Detfeft Chi"go and alipoluta west Via D. aft H U. H. 0.07 i.m.,12 lO.n U 11 81 P. m , via D. L. it W. It. K. and Pitt-to i Junction, US a m 1011 , p. :n , v.u K & V. It 11. H.41 p. n-. For Elm ra und th i Welt via Salsm ino a. vii ". ,v- II R. R EUJ a,m U IO.m.i.", p. m , via D . L. W It K.. ,s lis a in.. 1 : and 8.07 p in. Puilman parlor and steeping or L. V. chair care on all trains betereen L & B Jnaotion or iiKi.s iiarie una .New York. 1'nllad lplds. Bnaalo and BttS pension Undue Km. LIN 11 Wll.UL'lt. Oen Sup:. Kist Die I'HAs s. L".E Oen Pa-si Ai t. Phils .Pi A W MONNEMACHER.Ass't O -nPass Ag't, s . nith Bethlehem, Pa. 17RIE AND WYCMIN i M-i KOAO Train leave Scranton for Now York and in termediate points en the Erie ra-.irosd at UH5 a. m. aud a. 24 p m. Also for Hawley and local points at D 36. 9.46 and a 24 p ra. Train leaving at l.ts a m andasipm. sre through trans to and from honee-fale Trains leave for Wdkes-Larrt: st.4'ja : and 3 4) p. m. WE BELIEVE ACADEMY OF MUSIC I RIDAT, MARCH 16 THE ROMANTIC ACTOE. Frank Mayo Io ti original cret;on hl4 n,ti;rpitt-t, tht wwaikuc ruauitsce, Davy Crockett Which has been callod by the erttta: " An Idyll of the Backwcrids," "a f-yrrpboLT m Leavee and Meisei, A New Birta to Onr Ni-w Bo-al, ' --Ti.e Firat Aaenca. ' - As Amer ican Poem. v A GOOD COMPANY. SPECIAL BCENEP.V AND lFFIC'B. Sale ojiarus Wineaday. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. BATDRDAT, MARCH 17 (ST .Patrick l LaY.j Fnn! Fnn ! Sncb as Hoji Purnisbe j ..HOYT'S.. H DI MllllptlOl lleti'l ll I J M per day Vii Toll I) ARCHITECT iini-rr, ai. I A IH 1 ' yr, ii ti it ',ii t 'oniiiiiiiiweitli hlteots Ii,,, mm, L bld'a, BKmnton. L WALTER, Archltas-t, Library build Inn Wvomltuf avenue, Scriiutoti. V. biiililloii. Iri Mlllnifton Ave.,Scrnton. lS( I I I AM OI MOrtfola) Ii. HWARTB iVllnl.KsALR lumber, h anil u HsaS Hank MUaVng H' tntiliei. PS MKUAROER BHOTHERM, PRINTERS' laupplti-. envi-lope. linper bail. tWlttS anlilnsloii ave, Ha'iaiitnri, lis) WHiehouiw, Pa I 'm 'l K'rl l IVERY. IM.1 I'npouse svi II Plralnlaa osrriMM D. L lOOTE, I I Dlrawtor and EinbalmiT tine Ant 'Rank p. BROWN ft CCL WHOL l dealer III oi, Cloth, Iw w Lsi .'ooalwre, Cordaue and knwntiu Rveiini. mai in OROUkWTIlA MI'miii I) balls, nlenies, prtiea reeentlona. 1,'ZltA FINN ft SDNS, biilldnr and rat Ijtor Vard: Cm tier illvc l. and a Pa ut Weal illiiir mvl etaucni t work fiirnUhaHl Kor ternn adilrn It. J. Hauer. a ainduetor. II. Wyoiiiin sve , a,ver Hulbert' naaifj "tore ontrae- I AiUma oi Ah st. snil lYnu nva, , Si-rutnn I RIM, CLARK A CO.. Beedsmsa rioidsis anal NiirMrvinenL nlore I4B WtiHbluntoii n no. iiion lioiiae.iaAO .s. a ill Msin avuuus; etaire lelwpliiiu 7ti-f a It si. si 1'llss. OR AND I'NION I LA aai. Jonaas llrais Willi-: Nl It K a-Mi. JOS KURTTEL, Oil LaeHnwanna avi.u ia Seraiitiin. rn,, nanttTr ad Wire Screen i ANTOHEHARTMAN S06 South Washington Avenua, Contractor nnd builabT of Concrete FlftKUluu, olicret Ulonks, Potato, Hutter and Covl HIiih, Wet Cellars dried up. Orilers may bs left nt Thompson 4t Pratt, Will sins A Co, Main and Eyneti Strci.t, or at Scuinton Btove Works. Also Foundations. Ulsteraa, Kieh Wire Tunnels and Colllui. I'lau... for Uaidcu Walks, DELAWARE AND HUD SON" RAILROAD. Common inn May 31. lm'i trains will run follows: Tr.-uns leave Brnlire street Station. Scrantnti. for Pitta ton, Wilkes Barre, etc.. 8.(10, S.07, lo, 10 42 a. in.. 12.10, 1,2V 2,30, 4.1(1. 5.1.1, 11.15. EU aud ll M ti m For New York nnd Phlls delphis. t iWil in , 12 10, 1 2V 2 3S, 4 lfi nnd 11 :l Ji in For Hainesdsle tirom Delaware, Lackawanna and wi'stern depot), 7 01, E80, Ml 10 . 11 00 111.. 2 17. h 10 p. ra. For Carbondale and Intermediate stntlotis, r. iai. 7 oi. .ao. io. io a m . 1200 in ,2 it, a 2. ;, in, (WaadtMn tn i item Brldtabtreet Depot, tOJ a, in . I,land ll id p. m. Fust aijitess to Albany. Baratoga, the Ail rundsok Boantsdna, Boston and New Kngisnd points, .'.to in . arrlvin i nt Albany .2.4,", nriitoKS 2 2o p. m , anal leavlnt Boraatoa at a P in . arrtvlni at Albsnv at 4.60 p. ro, Sara ta il. 12 Ma. m . and Boston, 7 il n ra 1111" -inly diravt route between the coal llebla Snd Boston "The Iiradint Teurtats' Route ot Ameila n" to the Aaliraiiiila,'k Mountain is Bolts, laiki-i. tleoriri- anal Clianipliiiii, Montraoil, etc 1 line table slioaa im; loos slid throuKh train H'livia-e lietwae'll i t a Mens on nil dl llolis 1 Icl ware ami ll ., a .ta in, may be obtaiin-,1 at all liidawnie nud lliiilson ticket otllee. II 0 TOUNa. ' W HCUD1CK, kcona vice President Qen, Puss, A,ttL e have the hand somest line of Parlor and Drawing Room Furniture INCLVDIXG MR GEORGE F. MARION And b arrvat cumpaLT. if open Thnrsday. ever state like sh own in th and we vou to see won it. IS Id Mill & Connell Washington Av. W,.ek comrr.enrlr.c MOXDAT, MA IK Hit Tins week wtnetbe Wonder'aod Theater Compaarlse tortainrai ths citixe.n ol Car- l aindslc, WS shall present ONE OF WONDERLAND'S old T.M E nBA4TOM nil l-ion. In I tin t .tniiiiurv tfSlli. IStM. Norlll lie mil Hernial Villi VM 100 Jill lUst tON a a s si B . ItilUOM L.L y H 11 ? ' m mm 1 S V rf V a5 M .. BIIIS7 ai r. i'i t. H 1 1 nuns nsity, in- . a. i. ' r, , pa mi, u i, i WArrivu l.euve 7 v N v i- i unkllti s: 7 IMWaM Und street 7i WcelciK l.i-ii MAmve l.cnven i p. hi ook .iiiiiciioii 1 IW IU IVK ISM IS 47 I 'i All IDVfa IS IS (IBM 1 1 ea- II 41 5 II fllKfii ivimii m Uanoock Btarlhrhl Prostoh Turk a iono I'm ntcllfl lla linetit. Pleasant Mt, I'lilondsle Fni set CltJ Oat bondaie w bite iirlal,Ma M ay id id .lerinyti Aichlliild IVTBtOD i-i dkyUta tllvphaut Hlokson Tlnoaip Pro vide Doe i io i. I'isce scrstiioii Arrive llS, . ll N . ll IS . in . 0111 . s. . r. t I"a . HIM . 7 a Tt4 S3 a M 7 -IS 7(k) H al r M ns i m III S4l DM I! III II all :i N I 1 1 ti a .1 il : "7 1 1 it. :h l .is ISM f t 411 7 a i 9 mi a v. 7 4i io ru a t.i 7 43110 oft la M 7 4(4.111 io j ns 7 US III If. 4 04 7M IIM7 4C7 710 10 9.) 111 '. .V la) VM 4 14 Ntniios; 4 i; 1 03)10 N as6 i ha n r u vc . p v ii . i. ) HW.L Variety Shows The Best Artists Money and Expel ianaH Can Procure ADMISSION", 10.20 and :.Oi EXTs Ope-a chniisa-aii be reserved, by a umber, evorv at ternoon, trran l.M t.- 1.10, fn th evvamf'c cntort,t.n.anb Perlorr. aneeseveir afteraia! except Mondays and Ttured.l? ' -''(i, ar.d a ry STsnint at I II Daxus cron at '. .1. and r.oa p m DON'T FOHGET That wo are headquarters for evetrytatna in the line a,r W ATa M ICS If mji n e any I of iiarchnslns nuv kind of n watra, lady1 thelfneof WATaMICS ( you hue any lale s or III IM I I -,'. n in 4 rsi 1 1 OB r M'l' ! aill'iia. All Mains run dally SX0SDI Miuduj . t hlKldlla s (hut ti uliis stop un sliinl for pa. longBfa, Aflllllutii'l truins leave Cutli indale for Scran- ton I. in uiid o.lft p. in., un i n , at Mciuiituti Km , Slid , o. Laavs f4oranton rot carhoadsis 0,10 nnd n.aoi srrlvlnit nl CarbondsiS at 7 Ml und 1,11 p. rn. 1 retire 1 af h Ms (Miinrto a western iK'fiiro HcUeis and tavo tnuncy. Pnj lind Mthft lapress to ths wrst. .1 C Abdeisult, tlnn rtis.-L Act, T. Plltcrolt, )v, Pat, Agt. M-rauloiuTu ssiit'. litdd ci BuVar, you will laak a si lev oun inietalie If yOQ no n it sire OS a call und as, onr prions, vrhlch you will find i heloa nil otneta, eaPooUUf la all the high (rude ct Mn, Wnlthain n-nl Usmpden meTsmrut ir vs'ia navoany donMsanrt are t eii posted on pr(oss(lve liaa osll siadjsH win have no iwanM inaiossviMUsi you Waatlilhavaa iursa took tal CBSpOMl aif. Slid Will e '1 ' VOU WCU derlu! Indua-ainients In Jwlry, riilverv-sre, lla.eke und sll a-thar davauls whtcli we have in stock. C. W. Freeman l'rnn Ave. ntul Spruce St. SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. ("USHMAN'S . . HIJOU KORMtRiV MUSIC HAL' SflrMtOB. Dave Kas'kfeiler,Lesee; Wed "sn r Mar. VVEI-K COMMhNCiMCi MARolTlZ HIGH CLASS ATTRACTIONS AT POPULAR PRICES. ,1 u nil's uii Iain Ctildav, Miss Lottie Hiunrinl, Miss tfloronot I.otoy, La Petite Bdith-Csultoa and A nd r its Ami bv SpiHsial Rixjusst Ouidt tho Marvel, MoMnhon wad King and iv host of othcra. What is More Attractive Than a pretty faco vrilh r. fresh, briiht cotnplcxlont For it, use Pononl'u powder. DsTlnrtwcnrad lbs BBOBIVO cosoi: of illianvHlumn M B- n for n immanent I. ml Hoe 1 shall aoudua-'. tialeunlflai tin'. PtitlintTirltnl hhssint t, r the l i-eveotisn, lis liuf and Cum of LntiMSiriw and ether impedl rua lit In the nioTenmita ef Horn hintdent' ei ,! io- to inii'a'i fi--. sboV.Tiii I shall pre the work my personal ufctentb n uud snarssiise no II III ilflS ISJS, Slliapl to: imoiortmsnt. Laaie Haass, etc. , will lie t rested .ipornaion. A free cllnn- nnd riclomdonnl mlN-lco s'.vsn every Monday from i to M. JOHN HAlLltD, Y. S. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY Afternoon stM.V Kvenlns st 1.11 Fep.i lar Triers, 10. A) srd K Centi. MALONEY OIL AND MANUF&CTORiNG Ga Slsnutsctt-.rer nfi Dnsiuri I i ml OILS' Burning i i-krinntlnn it-jtiwu.,,. wihv yuan f lso Sbafting and Jouroai Grease. orncE: -79 Wce4eltwaan At WaS; -Meridian Btresl V