With fenders on our street cars and those overhead wires buried, Scranton would be almost ready to hail the miilenium. crmtton 3181!? nkttt t Butthe towering pole nuis ance doesn't seem to take kindly to current threats of its demolition- EIGHT iu;ks---; t on mns. SCRANTON, PA., WEDNESDAY MORNING. MARCH 14, 1S!4. TWO CENTS A COPY. PERHAPS I TOM 81 E El IE EVEN TOIL i MPHA i fS HITS IHE BRAZILIAN WAR IS OVER Admiral Dl Ganid a Fugitive and Mello'j fflNmbonts Unknown. AN UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER President Piexoto Refuses to Abide by D.i Gama's Terms ot Surrender, and Moves Against the Insurgent Fortifications The Latter are Yielded Without a Struggle In the Absence of Leaders History! the War Admiral Benham s Action. W ishinqton, March 13, SECRETARY It UK SHAM received along cipher dispatch from Min ister Thompson this afternoon laying tht President Peixoto had rSrtUsd the terms of surrender pro posed by Admiral Da (Jama and tint the fort had opened tir on the insur (jents with a determination to force tbm iato unconditional surrender. The terms submitted by D Gams sro what have been xpected.end Pres ident Paixoto i Understood to have ex pressed himself as favorsbl to accept ing similar condition in the eTeut of Da Gi ma's surrender loma time ao They offer to turn orer to the rot? ru tnent all the forts iu th bay now in the bends of the insurgent ant ell th warships which h ive been un ler Da U-arua's comtnind, and to snrrouder the garrison of the fort and crews ot the vessels to federal authority oa these conditions That Da Crime and hi officers b- allowed to leave the country under Portuguese protection, and that toe rebellious soldiers end sailors b spared their lives. The government forces bagan aetive operations against the insurgents at noon,the forty-eight hours notice given by President Petxoto having expire! The hilltop batteriea opened hre at 8 p. m. No reply wis mile by the in surgents. Tne government vessels en tered the harbor at 5 o'clock, but did not tire. They found Forts Villegalg non and Ccbres abandoned by the in surgents. The deet was greeted with cneers from tbonsan-Uof people on tn hilltops and with salutes from ell the government farts. The insurgent snip meanwhile hid themselves among tne merchant vesssle. lying in the bay. Aiimiral Da Gam is reported to have ded aboard the French warship. IBOgT OF THE WAR The Brazilian revolution, which thii action of Admiral Da Gains will in all probability bring to a close, began on the night of September 5. 1898, when Admiral de Melio attempted to repeit the coup da main by wnioh he had driven President da Fonaeca from power. While the high government officials were at the opera he seized all the brezilian war vessels in the harbor of Rio de Janeiro and demanded President Peixoto's resigned in, Mello tbongbt the President would abdicate without a straggle, but, instead, he immediately began preparations to bring the rebels to termi. Congress backed up President Peixito. Al though tne rebels had the Seat, con sisting of twenty-.'our battleships, tor pedo boats and armored coasting steam ers, the principal forts which formed defences of the harbor of Rio remained lov.il. Mello, on Sept. JO sent an ultitna tnm to the citzens of Rio. He declar ed tbat if thy did not surrender the city at once bo would recommence the bombardment and level it to the ground. No attention was paid to this communication, an t on Sept 24 th, ships reopened fire. The bombard ment lasted all day sad was continued the next and the next. A reian of terror followed, Banks snd business places were stint up. and them was a great rush for the country. No attempt was made by the insurgents to destroy the city, but in the fire that was aimed at the various governme&t buildinga vaataarnxge was done in ev ery part of the eity. Bursting shells carried destruction into th streets, end many hundreds were killed and wounded. Discontent was general in the city, and Mello was counting on a popular uprising in his interest as n zonserjusnce of the bombardment. At'MIRAL HKXHAMM FAMOUS Ai.'TIO.V. On Jan. 29 Admiral Bnnam fired a shot at an Insurgent warship in de fence of American rights The trouble was brought about by the American vessels the Amy and Glad Tidings, botn of which were laden with otrg 90S con signed to Rio merchants, and neither thought it advisable to approach the docks without assurance of protection, So tbev called on Admiral Benham. who ordered the commander of the De troit to clear bis ship for action and escort the vessels to the dock. The entire fl'et was pnt In readiness for a fight. As soon as tbeBraslllans noticed that the Amy and the Glad Tidings were made fast at the docks, the Triijano fired a musket shot aero.s the bow of the Amy. The Detroit fired a 6-ponnd shot under the bow of the Brazilian vessel. The officers of the TraJanO were surprised, but they fired an npologetic blank cartridge, and the incident ended with the hailing of the I'rajano by Captain Brownson, of the Detroit, who warned the Trojann's cap '.ain to instruct his men to be cnrful ibont the direction in which they fired their innskets. The government flet, consisting of the Nictheroy, the America, the Ballls, the Tiradenter and five torpedo boats booght in Germany, sailed into the harbor of Rio last Saturday. Admiral Mello iH somewhere on the southern coast of Brszil with the Republics and the Aqoidaban, but bis exact where abouts and his attitude toward tho surrender of Da Gama are both un known. COXE LOSES HIS TEMPiR. With a Shottrun H Attempts the Life of a Shsrlff. Willi vmsi'ort, Pa, Maroh 18 Sheriff Fullmer had n remarkable iid Tenture with an eccentric old farmer named Coxe in Susquehanna township yesterday, wbers he bad gone to serve a leg il p iper. The farmer bsoams much excited and lost hll temper, aud setalng a shotgun attempted to kill the i Octal, Sheriff Fullmer grappled with the man mi, l after a terrible struggle suc ceeded In (mating the gnu from bis grasp, but not until he had been in jured by a blow on the head. CoXS will bo arrested . THE BRISCOE I rs PORT. The Crew OverJ tyed bv Their Kesi-ua from a Watery Bravo St. Johns. N. F. March Ul. The steamer Virginia Lake, towlllg the British steamer Briscoe, Captain 8oares( from Hamburg and j teenstown, over due at New York, nrrived bete at 7 o'clock this morning. The Virginia Like oantS across the BrltOO0 at i O'olook yesterday morning about seventy miles off Caps Race, The joy of the Briscoe's crow at the pros ct of rescue was intense. The Virginia Like commenced tow itig at davbreak and had no difficulty, but the rate of speed was not such that the fore bulkhead alroidy weak nad by the ship's eaoonntsrs, w is jtin able to stand the strain and bagan to leik. and water poured Into her cargo spice The extent of tho damtg is unknown tvi h is been without coal tor three weeks, b-dng obliged to burn spare spars aud portions of her wooden decks Very little food was left, and the Virginia Lake had to supply a stock WAR ON FRENCH SENATE. E-Premier Goblet Supports Bour geois' Constitutional Changes. He Attacks the Government. COURT EXCUSES 1 FIST FIERI Bui Wains iiif Brecklorldge-Poltard AUorneja Against Uaa Of Guns. PECULIAR LECTURE OF A JUDGE Ho Dismissal Bslligarant Champions ot the Kentucky Colonel with I Slight Reprimand Reading oi Depositions Consumes Much I one Miss Pol lard Nol in Court Tho Four Vol umes ot Irving in the Caso at Last. Paris, March 18 -Jean Baptiste Bourgeois, radical deputy for the Dole district ot Jura, spoke at length in the chamber today in favor of his proposal to revise the constitution. He urged with speoial earnestness that the sen ate be deprived of its power of ultimate veto. He wa interrupted frequently with applause and hostile cries. Ex-Premier Goblet, Radical-Socialist for the First district ot Paris, supported Bourgeois. He violently attacked the government for its administration of the police and its readiness to ignore all great national issues while dealing with some passing emergency. All sen sible men. he said, had grown tired of goveramjnt by policy. The people had been weari-'d and disgusted by the eternal dnel between dynamite and guillotine, which was allow.' 1 to crowd into the background the ulfairs ot the nation. U Goblet said tnat the senate's posi tion was anomalous. It was nabear able that an aseinbly elected by lim ited suffrage, as was the senate, snoald be allowed to check an assembly elect ed by universal suffrage, as was the chancer of deputies. M. Goblet spoke of the agitation in England against the house of lords as an instance of the popular dniaud which every country mnst sooner or later grant. "There is the lesion for France, " h exclaimed. Tn Englanl the ministry Itself is giv ing the signal for revolt against this reactionary abuse." CARPENTER IS ftMTKNCtD, Th &I!H'.nt3wn aturdtrtr Proclaimi His Innncenes in Court. If II H.lN'TOWN. Pa , March 10 Judge Lyon this afternoon overruled the de fendant's motion for a new trial in the Carpenter murder case. The prisoner, Jams Carpenter, convicted in Febru ary of the murder of his blin I father, was called for aiatencs iramidiateiy aftr the opinion was rendered. Without the least manifestation of nervousness or fear he heard the words that do md nlm to death on the scaffold Before sentence was pro nonnced he proclaimed his innocence of the crime. RATINGS WILL BE GIVEN. Jla'ional Guard Ennlniis to Bs A'.tsnded to Utx.: Woik. HaKRUBURO. March 13 - Govornor Pattnon and party will return tomor row evening from Florida and it is ex pected that the report of toe adjutant general, which has been delayed, will be irivon out n?xt week. National gnrd companies are clam oriug for the fall inspection ratings ROLL OF THE GRIM REAPER. Ludwig AuguH Frank'-, poet, nged M, at v iennu. At Knme, Dr. Del VlSO, minister of the Argentine tUpUOllfl to Iruly Ifcr Lenon, a Denvur. (Col.) pioneer, capitalist and prominent Mason, At Passaic, N. J , Lmis P, Lawrence, Inventor of many ndcessfnl devioes, in cinding the LaWreOCS air brake. At. Hamburg, Captain Heiorioji Khirs, mm of the pioneer steamship commanders of thn llambiirg-American line. Suddenly. In btSpUlpit, atOinafm, Neb., Itev. A. T. Wood, age"! 7H, the ptoneiw pas tor of the Westminster Pr-sbyterlan church. William Stevenson, of Bethlehem Pa., for many years superintendent Oi the northern division of the l'htgh Valley railroad, expired nt. .la' konvilln, Fla. . IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. There are i!) applicants for liquor li cences In Lehigh county. Danville physirlnn-- are imnlile to decide whether the prevailing dlim.i tle-re is smallpox or chlckenpox. While attending the Philadelphia Meth odist conference, at Baeton, William Hush wne robbed Of In watch. Among fourth class postmastere np. Painted yesterday for Pennsylvania was W. J. hnlllvnn, S11VSI L ike. The Arlington hotel and several other builililigH at ll'intzdale were burned yes terdHy. Loss about, llt.000, The Lehigh 'osl mid Navigation rmn linny state tax case was yesterday decided u unity in ravor or tim oomtoonweaitn, Senator William F, Chandler, of New Ilnmpshlre. yeitlerdny wap:hed armor plnt'i making in the Bethlehem Iron works. Blasts of gun oowder, used in oxcavat lug, broke thirty-seven water pipes, id ready laid, in Lebanon, and coat the con tractors 11 So. The ci)Ilntrl inlieritiiiice tax of (inucral Willlaiu Lilly's estate paid Into the xtiitu tressnry tmliiy amounts tosiV.vlW tlty Treasurer McCreary, of Philadelphia, also paid into tho treasury;toUay 1100,000 per sonal property tax. Washington, March 19 SI' I'll a gathering of lawyers as tille.l the circuit court where the Pollard-Breckinrldge case is en trial this morning has seldom twen seen in Washington, .Members of the local bar crow led the plaOl) to set what sent ence Judge Bradley would mete out to the visiting Kenttickians who had made n pugilistic assault upon Mns Poll ifd's attorneys the night before. Within the recollection of the court officials there he'd been no instance of S resort to tUtlOttffs bv practitioners before the local bar, mid the sentiment of lawyers was for a strong punishment of their brethren who had ho disturbed the dignity of the court. Colonel Breckenndge, smiling ns us ual, was shaking hands with his cousin, Joseph Brsekenndgs, when Judge Bradley took hie seat on the bench There was a moment of silence follow ing the roll call of jurors, the judge Seeming to watt lor explanations from th lawyers Then he said "I notice the papers have laid out a course of procedure for m to follow regarding an occurrence just ontside th court room after the conrt hal adj mrned yesterday even ing, which th conrt did not see, and which the parties concerned iu it prop atdy regret as much as the court does It is not a matter of which th court can take judicial notice, As it was past the hour for adjournment when the plaintiff's counsel had finished speaklug last night, and us 1 noticed some evidences of excitement on the part of the defendant's counsel. I thought it best to adjourn the court, thinking that alter u night of thought over the connection in which certain words hal been used the counsel might look upon them differ ently, dad the trouble referred to taken plsos in court it would have been the duty of the court to take judicial notice of it, and he would have done so promptly." there wus a pause and a rustle of surprise, after which Jndga Bradley proceeded. ABOUT CORCBALU W KAPOKS "There is another matter about which I deem it my duty to speak. Tne court has received information that some of the gentlemen representing the defend ant have come into the courtroom armed. There is a law for the punish ment of the offense of carrying con reeled weapons, not ns Stringent as 1 wieh It Was. this is a law -abiding .oiumnnity, the courts are adequate to protect citizens, and as such conduct is uncalled for, it is molt reprehensible If the court has information adtqnate lie will see that prosecution is beguu in the police court of the District." After tne counsel on either side had vigorously denied that thy were arm ed the trial was op -ned with the read ing of deposition During the morning there were no ladies in court, no! v; n Miss Pollard and ,her two friends NDDearing. al though it was said that she had re Covered from her prostration of yestr- lv Her attorneys have not. vet de. cldad whether the plaintiff will be placed upon the stand to testify, as she Il in SOOb n nervous state tlmt they fear she well I not lie able to stand the or dal. Aftr recons the reading of deposi tions hogan and OOQtiOUOd nntil all the depositions were read and the exami nation of witnesses was resumed. Ihe hlerk bonneted, black robed, kindly faced sisters who s"in'l out. of plare in the conrt room, entered, and one of them look the stand. Sbo said she wes Sister Cecilia, of Pueblo. Col. She laid she belonged to the Order of Sis ters of I'liirity, and in ls, was in charge of the Nor wood Foundling nsyiiim near Cincinnati. Sli did not recall any psfton ny the name of BurgoynS who wis at the RJJ Inm wlill" she wmh then, She did remember Dr. Mary Street, who after- verdi bsenme Mrs Logan, Dr. street had visited tne asylum twice to see a patient Tim four volumes of Irving's works, which the defense triad so herd to have excluded from the trial, were shown sister Oscllla, and In answer to lines lions, she said books resembling these had buen presented to her bv n female patient at the asylum. When the wit DOM went to i'linblo she left the books nt Norwood. In answer to questions by Mr. Car lisle ths witness said she remembered a female patient who had been discov ered correspond idg with another per son through the Cloolnnatl Kuquirer, she had met Mis Madeline Pollard since coming to Washington and had once received a letter from her. Before argument proceeded further Judge Bradley siid it was II o'clock and ordere l an adjournment, BLARNEV 5T0NE A FRAUD. It Was Kied bv 06,000 Persons nt th World's Fair. Washington. D. (,'.. March Li -Col lector of Customs Clark, at ths port ul C'.lioagO, hss made ii most interesting report to the treasury depirfment to day on a chapter which cone rns mat ters at the Midway PlaisanOS of the Worlds fair. At the opening of the Irish village there won one essi utisl thing lacking tn make the "Blarney Castle a conn ternart of the original structure in In ¬ land, and that was the "Blarn-y Stone. The iiiHiiager, desirous of in dowing the visitors with un oppeitu I nil for becoming famous sp niters. took into bis con li leOOB James Itlley, a contractor, and requested that h pro dure it "Blarney Sleiin " Mr. Riley Secured the services of Oharles Thompson, an employe of the village, and these two men on a dark night In June repaired to the corner of Flty seventh stient and Portland avenue, in the city of Chicago, and there dug up from the street a lime stome paving block, about IS inches long and BxlO inches In dimensions They carried it tn the village mid placed It in a case which had oven re crived that day in bond, case No. 97, serial 4,000, addrcMed to TIioiiiiin B iker, Irish Industrial village. This StOUS WAS then planed iu the walls of the castle, where it remained during the balance o( thv fair, and wan kissed by nt least 30,000 people, a fee ot 10 cents a pe0e being charged. -- - ELOPERS ARE CAPTURED. A Manl'd Man Wlw Hklppsl with a Yeunu Girl Looked Up A i fOONA, March 18, J W. Beauien derfer.a married man, and Cora Fisher, a 1 1-year old girl, who eloped from Lebanon, were captured in this city and locked Up tonight Bsameaderfer was a reporter on the Lebanon Report and abandoned Ins wife and one chill for the girl who Is unusually well developed for her age and rather good looking. ' S ' BIANO'S HOPES DOOMED. Veto Awilti: . the urn ...... M.tti ure, Suvs It' presontative Traoev. Washington, March 18 Rspreaen tatlVO Traeey, who rpresnts the Al bany district and who ia very near President Cleveland and thoroughly understands his views on financial mat ters, snys that the Bland seigniorage bill would receive a prompt veto The more the bill was discussed nud nalyssd the more vicious and dauger onr its provisions appear. SITUATION AT PLYMOUTH. No Moil- Bodies Aia Discovered at Qaylord Mine Peter McLough- lln Is Buried. OUR i li L L i MAKERS WlLKKS-BARRK, March 18 There was little or no excitement at the Gay lord mine in Plymouth today and there were bnt a few curiosity seekers pres ent. Only ono body has so far been re covered. The rescuers made little or no head way this afternoon owing to n terrible stench that assailed them nearly all day. They expected to reach more of the bodies, but had to quit work for n time late this afternoon as they could not stand the odor. The night shift oams out of the mine at 11 o'clock tonight, reporting that vary little headway had been made since noon today. As fast as they can remove the debris the roof continues to fall and the propping up goes very low. The stench c mtlnues to increase and this, too, causes great delay. The funeral of Peter McLaughlin took place this afternoon. The remains were taken to ht. Vincent Catholic church at Plymouth where the services were held, rully 8,000 people were in attendance, . SAV THEY WHL USE BOMBS. Ths Paterann Striker. Threaten to Brtna Dynamite Into Plsy. PaTKRBON, N. J., March 18, - Over 1,000 Striking ribbon weavers and silk Iveraolimbed t tin hill to the V.illev of the Rooks at noon today and drove out the dyers in Charles Vermorel's works, using the heavy dye sticks on the heads of the workmen. The procession then went, to tho Se & Shoeban's dye ing shops on Pate.HOii street, and forced the men from tho tube, not oven nllowiug them to dolT their wooden shoes The strikers next visited the mill of Dexter Lhiubert - Co., au I actd in a similar manner. Une of the strikers told Mayor Urauii today that if the em ployors did not come to terms in a few days, they would introduce dynamite into the struggle. v mm FODI SILAH CAPTURt 0. The Blnvnr Who Ha. Iieen Haias.inir tho British Taken LONDON, March IU A despatch to tha admiralty office from Bathurst, . s in ' . says : Chief rodi Hilah, the slave trader, whose deprsdattons among ths natives ill thn British "iihere led to the recent fighting iu this territory, resulting in several instances in the defeat of the lintisn sailors, has lajen captured in F rencli territory. - - -v - i MAD DOG EXCITEMENT. A Frothing Oanlns Orsatss Hnvnu Down at Carlisle. Carusmc, Pa., Maroh 18 A dog sup posed to l.w iii id went through here to day. The animal bit tWO children, sixteen hogs and eight dogs. - . . Fl ASHES FROM IHE WIRES. BoffalO(N. V.i has ordered the slot ma chines ' in. Itichanl I'roker has decided In purchase a ranch nd breed bones near nan Au ton Id, T'OX. Eastern capitalists are to p 11.800,000 fot the Mercer gold mine in the Camp Floyd district. Utah, Congressman BOOK has been defeated fer re-noiniliatioii iu ihe Sernml Teime-e.ee district by llunry .1. BlbSOq, bj 1,030 nut Joilty. Julian L white prominent in Baltimore society and baslnessjli shortly to wed Miss Sophie Beylsrd,a French girl, VhoSS mother was Miss Hltohte, of Boston. James K. Btratton, wanted for the nun del of Detective Balllgan at Ravenna, O., February, 1887, hasi u Identified in the penitential v at. Buutsville, Tex. MUwaukes's oommna council has been asked to maka religious prosscutions, like that conducted by the AmsrlOSn Protec tive sssooistloDi a criminal offeass. Li a crowded smokingcar mi the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad yesterday, Oharles Peierson was stricken with Smallpox, All the tram new had to be vaccinated. Mrs. Bradley T. Johnson, who lies criti oaiiy ill In Baltimore, armed, clothed and equipped the Fust Maryland Confederate reRimcut nuilng the war, lhS went to the front and nursed its Wounded men. Three SptKbes o:i Hi1; Bland Belgoloragt AN ARM8R PLATE INVESTIGATION Senators Sleiv.irl and Lindsay Speak in Favor ol Its Passage A Vole on Mr. Allison's Motion Will Be Taken Today A Resolution Introduced In Ihe House Calling for Information Iroin tho CarnOgiePhipps Com pany. Washington, March 18 L-ir-,HKItK were three np-echeh mad" ill tim senate today on the Bland seigniorage bill. The first two were in favor of the bill, and were made by Senators Stew art, Nevada, and Lindsay, Kentucky. Th" third Was ill opposition to it, and was made bv Senator Dolpb, Oregon, who declared that tboss who favored it were, largely, those who were in favor of the free coinage of silver. Tim discussion is to close tomorrow at 8 p 111 , when a vole le to bt taken on .Mr. Allison's motion to reconsider the vote ordorlog ths bill to a third resding. The final Vote OO its paSSSgS is to be taken on Thursday at the same hour. Too shifting of positions on committees, uiade necessary by the entrance of two new senators Mo Lanrin, of Mississippi, and Blanobard, of Louisiana was accomplished by mutual amicable arrangomonto. The senate adjourned at fi 80 p- in SUNDRY CIVIL BILL DISCOMtO Most of the day's session of the hoOSS whs occupied in consideration of the sundry civil hill, An amendment of fered by Mr, Dunpby, Democrat, New York, authorizing the expenditure of $U0. 000 for repairs on the Now York city post offi IS was adopted. A motion by Mr. Morse, Republican, Msssaohu seits, to strike out the appropriation for tho Inter-State commerce commis sion, gave rise to an animated discus sion of th effect of the rtoent decision of .Judge Crosscut), at Chicago, while Mr. Daniels, of New York, was unau thorized and in opposition to the dec laration of the supreme court on the subject Mr. Morse's motion received bnt live VOtOS. A resolution introduce 1 by Mr Cnm mings, (Dem, N Y ,) c alling on Secre tary BerOert for all the information iu his possession respecting the reported failure of Carngie-Phipps Company to furnish armor plato iu accordance with their contract, was favorably reported from the committee on uaval uff iiri and agreed to. him up. A document has just been handed into the poatofuce dOfArtuaent, winch t -.:,. to this remarkuhle fam ily and politieal harmony. It is on behalf of u candidate for the postmas terabip ot Broadford, Payette county, Pu. The applicant is Walter Slillwagen, and he is indorsed by fifty-three Demo ; crats, all bearing the Sams name of Slillwagen, and evidently his relativet. Among them are repi esentatiVM uf al most every avocation, from physicians and ministers of the Gospel down to laborers. -.a-- DAVITI'S GIOOMV VIEWS He Thinks Lad Uosebsry'a l....r-i Crant-u a New Llhioal Departure. LONDON, March lit In the lobby of the house Of commons Michael Davitt said today . "It Is useless to shot our eyes to the faot that Lord Hisebery's language creates Virtually a new de parture "f the Liberal party on the iiiiution hi home rule "The words spoken by the premier yesterday fnrnlsb the clearest justifi cation of the action of the house of lords in rej-cting home rule, The position of the unionist lords is Kug lish and thev must b convinced of tho justice u! home rule before It will be granted to Ireland. That is Lord Kose Pery's doctrine," TRIED TO SHOO THE STEER. Curtis Though' I Was Qmt'.e Cow, but Find. Out th C intrary, NOBRISTOWN, March 18. -James Cur tis, ot Philadelphia, sulTered a nou-suit iu court this afternoon in his case against Valentine B. Schlosser, of Montgomery county. One day last year a drove of steers belonging to Schlnssor was being driven past Cnrtie' residence, on Marion avenue, when one of the animals stepped and looked through Curtis' window. Curtis testified that he thought it wus a cow belonging to a neighbor, Thinking the annual would break his window he went to the door, shook his coat nt him, and tried to shoo him away. Failing iu thif ho got a broom and started for blm The steer gave a Itiorl and charged him. Cuitis landed on the cobbles in the street. The steer got on him and gored and kicked him. The steer was finally driven aw.iy by some women within a fenced enclosure shaking aproua at him The steer was captured and killed. Curtis was severely Injured and laid up for about ten weeks, and has not been able to do his accuslomed work since. Por this reason Curtis brought suit nalust Schlosser, claim ing such damages as In has suffered from his injuries av TltO TO A POST AND FIR1D. Camd.n Hove J'lav Wilt West with Tregio Riu!ia. Philadelphia, March 18, Playing In Han was great sport for a crowd of reckless small boys in Cam I n vester- dav. Thev tied 8-year-old Charlie Betiiiv to a stake and set tire to him Then they started a war dance about the post. Ignoring his icreumi of ter ror. The boy was frightfully burno I SBOUl the body and legs, and if lie liVes lie will be maimed for life The doc tore, however, are not willing to say that he will survive Three of Iheb.vs wdio so cruelly burned him are in jail, weeping penlt ent tenia, and explaining that it was nil in fun. All admit their purls in the fiendish gaine, and their stories agree except in a few minor details I'rotn these it is evident thai t he burning was, not planned, but was the outburst of boyish recklessness. . MATUSKOWITZ BI1INGS SUIT. Deetres Damages for Twenty 'Ons uve Imprisonment in Mine. WlLKK.s II.Miitic, March lit The suit of Joseph Matuskowils against J. 0 Harden ft Co., for $86,000 damages was cuiie i iii tne common pleas court hero today. The plaintiff is one of the survivors of th" JeAnesVtllo accident of February, 1808 lie was one of the seventeen men who were entombed In the mine there, tind rescued after h iving been iinpri soiled for tWSntyOns days. At the time of the accident nine mu were di owned ; four died of suffocation ; and four were foqndjallVe. The mine opera tors are charged with negligence. s BELONGS TO A IftUGE FAMILY. An Applicant for I- t :li ne.ikfd bv Fiftv-foiir Relative.. WaSFUKQTON, March III A family that can turn out fifty tour Demo crats on occasion should certainly have consideration Wbsn one comes out for ollioe, aud the other lifty-three back TROUBLE AT PATERSON. The Sinking Silk Weavers Try to In timidate the Warpers Who Refuse to Join Them. Pvi i i son, March 18 -Another riot ous scene wus witnessed on Temple street hill this city shortly before 6 o'clock this evening Over 5 000 per sons surroiiiid-d the Bamford Bros , silk mill, 10 intimidate the weavers and warpers who refused to join the strikers A.t S 30 o'clock chief of Po lice Grant and Captain Bimson with a fqasd of forty-two mn charged the orowd and dispsrssd them Afterward a body of silk workers uiirched op CI '.IT street singing the "Marsellaise," but wore soon routed by another detachment of peltos end many of them wre knocked down by the i fficers. Nearly all of the operatives wre as corteii to their homes bv policmu, and Mayor Braun isuud a proclama tion this afternoon calling upon the strikers u preserve order. 1' is thought that th dyers' strike will be settled tomorrow on terms agreeable to th" workmen B'NK C'-SHiER SHOT. FINLEYS LaceCurtains We call attention to our large Spring siock, comprising Brussels, Irish Point and Not tingham Laces. ALSO i Plain and Dotted Swiss and Tambour Goods TWO GREAT SPECIALS IN Irish Point Lace 8j yds lonj at 18.98 and $8.85 a pair. I he Greatest Drive Ever Shown. The quantity is limited aud i-aunot be duplicated. President Tags, ol Texe, Ussa a Pun with Deadl-.- Eff-ct FnKT WORTS. Tex., March 18. R W. Pai;e, formerly preetdent ot th" Merchant's National bank, of this city, shot and instantly killed A B Smith, formerly cahier of the bank, at 10 o'clock this morning Page was alone in a room used bv the bank to wind tip its affairs when Smith entered to talk over some alliirs. Whal passed between the men is not known, bnl several shots ran out and When attaches entered the room they found Smith's body on the floor. Page is iu jail. - - THE ROAD WILL BL BUILT. Abacdoud Line to th Otttyebuig Bal tltfteld to Be Completed. GbttysDURO, Pa , March 13. The Qettysburg Eilsctria railway, which was forced to abandon work on the battlefield last June lor want of money, and Which was almoat in a receiver s hands two wrek ago, today put a gang of men at work in the "valley of deato" to blss! out the rocks just whore tne j d was left off lust year. Tils railway people claim the road will now be liuishod BANKRUPT IS FACETIOUS. A Cineinnati Kerohant Given Proper K'H.-ni for an Annitcnment. CINCINNATI, O., March IU. "Uneyoar ol ) lemocratic a Imtnistratton and pros pects of three more" That was the canss iriven In the deed of assignment ol P. E, Alden, the hatter, filed in the probate court this morning, The iisseti we; v reported to K worth 10,000, with liabilities between 7,000 nud 18,000, TICKINGS FROM THE CABLE. Premier Caslmlr Psrlsr, ot Prance, has the inBnsnsa Princess Mane, wife of Prince Perdi Dand, of Itnli-'aria, is in n very critical con dition. Thecaar hen thanked ths kaiser for his birthday vihen, and practicallv retortisl, "Bane to von." 'i he Empress ol Qermanj left Herim tor Abvsiin yesterday. She ve ncconipauied by her children. Uueen Margaret ol Italy, gave a fare well audience to William Potter, the re tiring I' nited States niiuister, and Mi Potter. Qermanv'S silver oOtOS have fallen more tliiiu 84,000,0011 Ihdow Ihe aiithoricesl limit ; m than 8i, 000,000 will be ooined, np to e-nmrk pieces, NATIONAL CAPITA! NOTES. .billies II. Mulligan, of Kentucky, has been appointed oonsul general to Ajia. Saiiioii. From 800 to KM clerks will soon be drop, ped from the treasury through economic reforms in progress. Intel mil revenue receipts shOW that a largo quantity of whiskey iii being re moved troin bond to escape increased tax attoh, The instgnation tins tieen aCOSPted of Naval Cadei HackB, Olson, of Wlsoon- In, who Was put under arrest lor carrying official papers to Washington without per mission. Major TbomSS Itoee. who was three tunes hreVStted for gallantry, reaching the rank of btlgadter-gettSral ul volutiteeni, and who dug out of l.lbby prison through the famous tunnel, was plnced on the re tired list yesterday. i ' e WEA1HEK FORECAST I RAIN i fasHiimton, Uarohl8.-JVire- I I ami foi HVifaesduj: I'm- tasttrn r ' PMiaewlvoalo, HyM eaoieers fn W Ing morntag,' atr dUrtaa the (fin, lUghttu cooler,' rarfeoM isinas scooinMg nortAgMst, For teestsrn Viui plvaala, psasraligstr: coofcr in stmtAern i orton. aortaiessl u uii. 510 and 512 Lackawanna kn. IHE SflTTI PERCHA k RUBBED miU FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND KCSE, CHAS A BCHIEaEN ft GO 'S PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak tanned Leather BeiUnj H. A. Kingsbury AOKNT 513 Spruce St., ScraDlon, Pa. Lewls.Reiily & Davfes Reliable Footwear. Feel cf every description fitted at Lewis, Reilly & Daviea Will rinse orwy evening nt C.oO lM. I'xrt'i't SAtunifty. We Examine Ejes Free of ohgdrgo. If a dootor lii'ciiiii you uro promptly told 80. We itlso oiiaiuiiU'o & per fMt lit, WATCHES AT 1'OST lor ono week only. 1 J. BE, ARCADE JEWELER, 215 WYOMING AVE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers