The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 13, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Beecham's pills are for
biliousness, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
liver, dizziness, siek head
ache, bad taste in the mouth,
coated tongue, loss of appe
tite, sallow skin, when caused
by constipation; and consti
pation is the most frequent
cause of all of them.
Hook free; pills 25c. At
drugstores. or write B.F.Allen
Co.. j6 Canal St., New Vorlc.
font of town ootrttpoiitaeati of tub Titm-
UMiHlnnililtlvM ihoir inniM in full in nul
uws letter, not lor publication uut to ifuard
'uiiii doae.itlou.1
Wooisn's Muslin and
Cambric Underwear
A IN THE t'.VV. our ifottl tins v.m
f hive be u erth.l to gatjkf lopUttr
itook of CudorwaMr tbit wouM five the (Veal
: (NtriMtMtiabktiioQ In n" ' Stateil
.'. euml js vt w.'rkuiitmaio aadptrfM
tiou ot d:.
Aud wbtU? the prices are If 0VM0MP9
itWl bo afforded for such hnra cUs work, wo
to uot uier t&Su vmn-t.tion with th 'iife
nor grade of i;o.h1s tar j sold it sseiui ally
low ;r'.
TS i eat a.-w Placsj M exhibition i all
Utfv sad froeh "o slwp-wjru or counter
wd.'d mad in Mm let Md ii.-lud ouly the
latest Is aud shape
ti-irt line
Barre, w. 10 registered at the Alien
Hoik, today.
Call at the TmiiUNic agency
the city hall and inspect the
or TKIUUNK books
Tbe Moth Mandolin and Oultar
olnb ot Scrttuton will tarnish outer
tainmut at tho M K church next
'.'Inutility evening, oommeiiclnif, at 7.80
p. mi After the entertain
ment Ice t'reatu and otke will be
Tkibuni aganoy oppoalta olty hall.
T mention today Mae
n 'in
JU w.i
a, avaa s sa. aa,
vl hico cannot be duplicated
at tan prices:
Fine Muslin Corset Covers, 19c
Cantata Corset Cowrs, 23c
In oonneetinn with toe speeial barji.ia
Jtuslia Underwear, nam some
unusual values
ill Children's White Dress
Infants' Long Slips
a: 29c Me
v,.-.. Be
Inland Ltt
M is wi'.l tn remmb B? that when we adver
ttti special banraio it Is not safe to postpone
examination f. r m (le day The reason ia
that ill our notices ars iierl7 scanned, and
s ive positively xi .id i. ;,i"ns of sensational
d --ristrianrs tl been proven by experi
ence that s-veryUii.iai mentioned in our notices
Is precisely a snteii: therefor, the response
ia prompt and lare lota are aomettmes sold in
a .e'v nonra or iayi, aa rt ma7 happen.
8udf7 Se- Paraeriphe Coneernln a
Br27 Lra!lt7.
tvrial to thu ycrnnton 7Jnu4.
Clark's Scmmit. Pa March IS The
fnneral of Mra H-riry Kern, of N'ew
ton, waa fir j largely attended by rela
tive ar.d frienda.
Tbe boiler ia t!ie nVara aw mill of
Shippey & Frear, at Lurahirner Corn
era, exploded a few daya tinea. F rta
:..-: 7 no one waa injured. Stwlng
will be delayed MVafal weelc aa a re
an It.
Dr. Harry Da warn, of North Main
aenne. Scranton, wa called ty tale
gram to visit Mrs. William Athrton
Tbe ladies of Clark Sammit M.ho
dist Epiicopal chorr.h are benominjr
jnatly celebrated for the snostantial
entertainment fotten np for the benefit
of the ehnreh. ; bat the last one. called
tbe poverty aapper. waa a
npon .the Dame, ai the tables fairly
groaned tinder the weint of h
able and tbe treaanrr wa reblenishel
to tbe extent of over $21
Oavid Smith has bis new honae
painted and ready for occupancy.
Martin Oriffij hsa Ma honse plat
tered. It will be occupied by the bar
ber the 1st of April.
Oscar Ceae It bnildintc a new barn 01
bit lot and will move to the Haminit
tbe 1st of April.
Fr-d Hmitb aid Jonri Ht.ark oac 1
have cellars raady for their new nouses
In Highland t'arlr.
The robins have put in an appear
aaan, a snre harbinger of spring.
Superintendent lietmer has greatly
improved the road o-1 between the
Hillside Home and Clark' t Hu imnit by
placinif stone tberson
Mrs. Zlba Voehnrg, who was ttricken
with paralysis, still lingers with bat
little hope of recovery. Her brother,
Sterling Hoss, of Oreen Hldge, called
tone ber recently.
Mrs. John Slckler, of Tunklianno ik,
wa calling ou frien Is lu tblt neigh
borhood. It it rnmored that Hr.ranton capital
ist are again looking for investments
In real estate here. Diva uh a new
depot and n tligbt change of time on
th Nicholson truin, mid wo are ture of
growth and increase In valuai.
Entertaining - u Imoiu the Llvdy
.iH't-iiii to tUt .sV'anfixi 'IS-tbimt.
Tayiok. I'ii., Uui-oh IS. Thf Ladies
Aid tooiatf of the Uathodlat Bplioopal
idiuroh will hold an lo cre:iiu tndotkt
lOOial at tho parsons ; oil Thuraday
Will Uoodwin, who has biioii in In
potass, is out again.
lbtu .lours was in Moosio today.
On the 08.1 OOOOn the "Old maids
ton" of the voting lildlos of the l-io
llbrnry. Ootits pasto it oil your iblri
The rtotpUoo oontnttkea o( the Lib
rary meots tomorrow 1 I'limdat) night
Mrs. labltUn Jones, aged OS, died
Sunday night after an lllntM of two
weoke. Mis. Jones was a mnmhtir ot
the OoBDMgattOUItl thnroh, Funeral
Wo Inosday afternoon. Kivn daughters
and Ma son survive her
tleorge 1.. liuiliu, who Is school dt
rector in Lackawanna township and
w iota term will Ixplrt in June it I'ar
lor is a bOTOQgtl, bus proven himself a
good school educator tlo will rotiro
with the well wishes of all
EUporti got in elronlaUoa today just
beloro the bells and whistles began to
toll tor vliuuer hour that the supreme
OOWtt had reversevl J u Ige Archbld's do
oUloa and said '"No borough for Tay
lor, M Many of those who had opposed
the granting ot a borough license, or a
state license, for protection to our
town, tuslied at once to rcrautou to tee
if such was true, but BOOH their arrival
(hers fouud that nothing had yet beu
Morgan M Williams, a well to do
and prominent mercnant of this DOr
cub. has brought suit for $10,000 dam-
.;os igslnst a coiuiuercial ttavier,
Patrick Paddea, who raprtasnttL U
Powers, of Cedar avenue, Ssrsnton.
Mr Williamt store was slossd one d iv
of last week owing to the d-ath of hit
sitter, and be claims that Mr Padden
circulated the story that be was closed
by the sheriff.
Sext Saturday night an entertain
meat trill te given at th WoUh Bp
tist church, at which the followiu,'
programme will be reuler9d:
Fnao Selection Mary T. Davis
Soprano Selectiou Mrs Robert Ucwallyn
Da 1 . Professors Thomas and Boua
Basso S'lo . t'rofsssor Thomas J. Williams
Soprano Solo . Jem : Lougbney
Recitation Jokn E. tvans
TeuorSlo OeorgeJ. 1'owell
. Duet T. Edwards tiud H. Evans
Recitation William P. OnlHtbs
Tenor Solo Professor Usury Boua
Evtnt of thi Day Bsc jriid and Tersely
Spvrtal to (As 'crovtfon IVttMaa
ARCUBau, P., March 11 The Fa
ther MatQew society, at a meeting held
r, annoieto 1 PrAai-
d-nt Dnffy and Messrs. John Carroll.
J H. Waits and Thoma Koran a com
mittee to wait upon th Kuigbt of
Father Mathew with a view to reach
ing an arrabgement whereby tbe debt
BOW retting on Father Mathew ball
might be paid. It is not known what
action the knights will taks on the
matter. Some time ago many of the
members of the Utter society enter
tained the i lea of erecting a hall of
their own, bat there were others be
lieved that one hall was sufficient for
bctn societies. Th agitation which
th project of the knights awakened
probably gave rise to the action of yes
terday. The hall is ttiil heavily in
debt, notwithetso lis? tbe vigorous
efforts of the g.-.ciety to remove it
At yesterday's meettng of the Y nng
Men's Social club the erection of their
r.ew hall wat ftirtner considered and
the qatttion of its lociti rn was placed
wifh the hoard of trat'ees Tne tite
referred to in yesterday's Tuibcne, the
lot ad i lining Janut P. Kearney's on
South Railroad street, will most prob
ably be chosen tine it is the most de
sirable the member! have been able to
i-. Satordsy M J. Swift retired from
business to devote nit time ami atten
tion, daring the coming snmmer at
least, to the Scranton bate ball team
Mr Mclft will be snaoetdad in busi -na
by John J N'eweomb, of Ceme
tery street, who will take charge at
on c
A I year-old child of feorg Kraft. of
Sontn Main street, wm banal yetter
day afternoon. Tne llttlo one died on
Friday after a brief illnete
Poetmetter T. P. Cosgrove wat ap
pointed alternate to Obligate BeitUb
rnehl, who was electn I delegate from
tne ronrtb liogitlallva district to the
State Republican convention at Harris
A D.mooratlo Olttb mid a Gate of
Measles -Oilier Notsa.
.svrridi fo tho akriastta ivftaat.
JiRMYM, iv, tlarob U A Dtnto
oratio oiut of twtntyfonr mtmbtrt
was orgauii'.ed Saturday ulglitln Ivitor
prise hall. Tho following OfBotrt were
elected Prntiilent, Wllflsin F Bnlll
van, StOrtlary, k Roland; treasurer,
1'. A. Timlin.
1'liere will l a naoktit lOOlal this
tvaulna at tha boast ol William Jtuk
ins. Third street. Tlie rtttlptl are for
the benefit -i the Christian I'.inl kVO(
society of the t lonf ftgationtl uliurcii
largt nam bar of the mtmb rt of
Rnabbrovk Lodga, tndtptndtnt Ordtr
tiltl ralloWt, visited Olive deaf LodgO,
of Oarbondala, last tvtning, Tbt d
grtt work waa don by the Jermvu
team, aftsr which some tluiH was
spent socially All returno I Well
pleased with tbtli trip
May tirM has a case of measles
Thtra nevtr were better opportuni
ties for adttoation than at present. It
lias been laid, "EdUOAt a boy an I you
gtd an intelligent man, tdQOStt a ifirl
and you gel an Intelllgtnt family.''
How oftan wo see the truth of tills1
The school directors ol Maylield, with
their recent! completed, lliinly lin
ished building, and those of Jeinivn.
about lo erect additional AOOOQOlOda-
tions, are doing nil in their pow-r to
e tuc.ite the Young. When both the
boys and girls are eduoitel, then we
get the highest pOttlUagOOd lor a com
Mr. lliiss, of Waveily, spent Sunday
in town,
T. V. Powdarly, jr., of Carbondala;
Mr. and Mrs. A V Onatt, of Sobtt, and
L l.mdley, of Scranton, were Jermyu
visitors yttttrday.
Hi ward Wood worth, who has tpen
OOnflttOd to tha house sine his bittle
with tne tlsmes in tbt publio school
building, is pronounced out of danger
by th attending physici m.
Mrs diaries Davie, of Comatery
street, visited L' ale friends yes
terday. The funeral of Johnnie, infant Don of
Samuel Langoeon, will taks pi act at '.'
p. in today. Interment in R ise Hill
Mies Luima Cure, of Scranton, w is
the gnettol her sister, Hist vina,OT4t
Nuggeteof New. aathersd bv a Hustling
ftjttlal to thv Sbraato 'Vifcuae.
PiticKHUHu, Pa March 12 A reoep-
tiou was teudero 1 to Mils Sarah A.
eooiur at tbe home of her parent on
Albert street, Friday evening. Among
those present were the Misses Gtrtle
Watklt, Marry Margulsou, 1'ortia
Joues. Mary I. Owens, of Itlakely :
11 nn mill Ooonsr, Ksstle 1'otbeoary, Liz
zie ami Mary llirkbeuk, also Abraham
Miirgutann, Davnl Morgans, llorato
loiios, 1' red Oliver, Isaac and Willie
UOOpor, Robert llirkbeck, Joe Taylor,
and Mautvl Svmons. of lllakvly. Ro-
Irtisluiieiils were serveil, games uud
singing were Indulge. I in until late
(leorge R ibiniioii visited frien Is in
l'eckville mi Saturday
John suvdnr, K .lint llirkbeck and
Robert Want were visllors lu JettOD
last week.
Mist llessie Williams, of llvde Perk,
list baan the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Obn Miller, the past lew days.
I hen. will lie grand lOOial lit Mr let's
Forest Castle lioiisn on Monday oven
lug, Ma rnh lit.
CARt'O... AL . N1W3.
by paying attention to properly regulating
the bowels thereby preventing a ubousand
and one derangements of the system which
follow ueglis't of this precaution. Once
used for this puriose. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant
Pollute are always in favor. They're jairely
vegetable and far better us u liver pill, taan
blue pills or cab miel. Their secondary effect
Is t keep the bowels up.-n and regular not
to rim.,.
Miss Mauv Anuitihii, of (Urn Boston, Afor
tfioUCV, V. I'n., wtttttl "Two years ago I
was ile ami einaclab il. foml fermented lu
my HODiaOB, A pliy
sieiiin pro DOU Octal my
esse 'Catarrh of the
Btomaun,' but hi- tould
not leap me. I llvnl
a month win,. ,ni solid
foo'l iiml when 1 tried
to est I would VOmlt.
At this time 1 le-Knii
te.ii ihk Dcjctcir Pltrce'l
I'leimsnt Collets, soil In
two weeks I was dCtd
only le'lier. I um now
in good beiilth, end
never felt le-lb-i In my
Miss Amh ism. ' ' , u "nl
OOlor, eut mole, mnl
have in, ilmtienfl after rating having giilnud
thlrUs n pound llOOt I begun taking tbeui.
A. AI. V. IHlwurtli
Uuiiiortoii, I'a.
That Tired Feeling
All Run
Down Blood
Criticising a Young Lady.
"8bo would bo a pretty girl for but ono
"What't thatf" asked Charley.
George Her face Is always covered with
porple and red blotcbet.
Charley Oh, that's easily enough dis
posed of. Used to be tho same way my
self, but I caught on to the trouble one
day, and got rid of it In no time.
(ieorge What was itf
l'barley-Himply blood eruptions. Took
a short course of P. P. P. I tell you, It's
)he boss blood corrector. Tbe governor
bad rheumatism so bad that you could
bear him holler clear across thoeonntry
every time he moved, lie tried It, end
you know wbut an athlctlo old sent he Is
now. If somebody would give Miss Daisy
a pointer, she would thank them after
Wards. All the drug store tell It.
The K-Mt of th. Dv Pp tmlayd
Live); Hinders
print hi th ..Vranfoa 7Vifceae
IV KVIM.B, I'a, March 19 -Mr nnl
Mra Stephen Cearns, of spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Willi am
Mr and Mrs. Albert Krisben spent
Snn'lay with the latter's parents nt
Alirt. danghter of Mr. aril Mr
Thomas Hwalei, who has been con lined
to the honse for the last thrse mouths,
is able to be out door again.
Miss Isadora Holllnbsok, of Carbon
dtle. and Miss Ruth 1'hlllpl, of Bus
uuehanns, are the gnest of their aunt,
Mrs Oscar Hemming.
The Citizen's Cornet liand serenaded
two of our newly elected toiincllmen.
Windsor Foster tad James W. Smith,
Isst Frblny evening
Mr .1 I Mulv.iy ii vitlting with
frlendt In Scranton.
Klmotid iJud'l, of Wayn county,
vktlteil with hi alstar over Sunday,
Mrs. William liudd.
Wett Page and Jacob Lurch, of
Johnstown, are visiting the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Page.
(leorge Lewis, of Btlrnont, visited
bis conslu last Siturday, Mist lilanuh
Springtime Brief, from Our Correspond
ent In the Maple City.
' , , mi to iht tktt nnton 7V6aae.
HuNKhimi.k, Pa March IS,' Dele van
Woodward hat returned from hie trip
to Fort Worth. Texai.
Rt. Henry L. Jone,, D D , of St
Stephen's church, Wilkes Bur re, will
officiate in Qraoe church ou Wednes
day evening.
Charles K Knnpp expects to leave
Houeadale lu it short time for Califor
nia, where he will engage in business.
O R Barber, C. R. Sohadley. John
J. O Boyle, J. W. Bnnnell. W. A. Cols
man, Scranton; Rost Patterson, Car
bondale, and K. W. LaBar, Wllkst-
Currsnt Hap.uliu-i Paragraphed
Intelligent Perusal
UptrMI 10 the SoraJtloN IViouas.
CAiibosbALE, Pa, Mircu 12. Mrs
James Nicol ooudacted a successful
m ting in F ideavor ohapsl at Simp
?on Sunday evening.
The tag social un ier the auspices of
tbe Uiptist Christian Badsaror tociety
will be held iu the ctispsl tomorrow
svening, (Tuesday).
W. D. trank, of Scranton, speut
Sunday in this city.
Mils Fio Allen will return to ber
home in ror-et Lily lu the morning
after eni-ying several davs vi-or, as the
guest of Mis Lottie (iilet, of Liucolu
a Tana,
Uicyclot are aain plentiful ou our
W. G. Giles, who it attending to hie
Inmber business at Elk Grove, Pa
spent Sunday with his family in this
W. H Thompson, of the new liverv
firm of w. H. A A. J. rnoinpton, is in
New York, wher" h will purchase
the urcessary cquipmeut foe the livery
Tht fuural of Charles Miles occur
red this afteruonn at 3 o'cloek from tho
residence of his son, John O Miles, of
Harte uvtnne. H-w. T. B Ji9oo con
ducted the services. Interinout waa
made in MapltWOOd cemetery. Th
following tvere the nail bearers:
Nicholas Moon, W. H Hat-, John
Mnir, S A. Pur 1 Jamil Tbompton
and ubnrlta Avery.
Dr. John IJurtiett, of Scranton, was
a visitor in this city to lay.
A Talented Writei's Bright Budnt of
N.wav Paragraphs.
FTitrt'llti, thf. Scr'tntnn Trttmnr.
Avoca, Pa., Marah 19. Hiss Katla
Munley is visiting friends in Ply
month. Mr. Dr. Brown speut Sunday In
Wilke Barr.
I)r J. R. Sitterly of Carbondile
spent Sunday here-
Mist .Mary O'Brien visit id Wilkes
Barre yesterday.
A numbor of our young pop! at
ttndad tn production of "The Rising
' lensratton at Scranton tils ov inlii f
Mlaa N'vllie Carran visited Scranton
friends Sunday.
Mr, J. A Widlle was a visitor to
Pitttstnn today,
Allen M Donald, of BtrBOtOO, spent
Sunday at his home here.
The ladies of the Metholist BpltOO
psl church will hold their next toOlal
st the homo of Mrs M. A. Flock next
Thursday evening
l)r P J ' illnsple in suffering from a
severe o Id
Tht Hsptasopht meet thlttftnlng
Mr and Mrs Rad of BlalntOWO, N
J , have NMrnad hont after a two
weeks' st. y In town.
Freil Moysr, of PlttttdO, spout last
evstiing In town
R v. P J QoidtO, of Scranton, wat
a visitor here today.
The adjourned meeting of the onun
ell will be held tomorrow evening. It
is tipaotad that Bctongh Attornoy M :
Gn'irnn will be present.
Mrs Potter, or BtnfhttDton, and
Mrs. Lure, of PUtston. were visitors
bora Siitiirday,
Tht Bom aotnpany ivin hold their
rtgultr inset ing tbla evnlng.
My linen las said I could not live, my
liver out of order, fnepieiitly vomited
greenish BOOOtt, skin yellow, small dry
Enatori ou fai:e, itootaai would not re
turn food. Ilurdock Blood Hitters cured
mo. Mrs. Adeleldnii'llih n, tiv i Kuchange
Ht., Iluffiilo, N. Y.
Pleasant fTilr Undsr Anepleaa of Mb
erty Council No 8.
i mi' fo tht ' , . i . ' i . i ,,',,.
TaYLOI, I'a, March l). Liberty
council No v, DaiigbtoiH of America,
banqueted tonight in Taylor hull. Tilt
menu was a delicious out, and many
numbers ptrtook of it. A few of tht
leading ofllonr of th order were pres
ent. Representatives of the Taylor
Herald, Truth uudTitiiiiiNic were among
the guest.
Among those preatnt wtr Misses
Edltb Decker, Anna Gordon, llertha
.lories, Maggie Liuney, Gsrtl Snooks,
Mrs. John Ilattou, Mr. Jenkint, Mr
Robbine, Mr. and Mr. R. H. Jone,
Mr. aud Mr. George Ptrry, Frank
Dcker, David Harris, John Ilattou,
John Gordon and other.
Hood's 8ar3aparilla Permanently
Cured All Troubles.
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass i
" I have been taking Hood's BaTttptrlllt for
seven or more yean us u spring tonic. I as so
run doyy n with herd Work anil female yveukneis
that I would go to bed thinking that I would
uut be able lo get up in the morning 1 have
suffered severely yvlth
My Back and Limbs.
I have olt finished taking Bvt bottles and am
feeling Well. I do not haye that tired feeling
and feel better In tviryway. 1 ha-.e an excel
lent appetite ami sleep well at night. I have
also given It to m nineteen year-old son with
good tueottt. Last fall he cut hit limb with a
corn tickle. It healed up In about two weeks,
but In a short time alter he waj
Seized With Chills,
and the limb iwtlltd to tyvlce Its natural size.
Do was not able to move and was obliged to
take his bed. The swellings and sores went up
Into bi., body and I feared that blood poison had
set In. After taking Hood's Sarsuparlila he
Improved steadily and was soon able to be
about again. I have reeommended Hood's
Sarsuparlila to several and shall always have
words of praise for It." Mus. A. M. C Ullr
WORTH, Uamortoo, i'a.
Hood's Pills art lastly, yet promptly and
tflluleiitly, on the liver and bowels.
-TtJUiriimK ic
maae a wen
I U dSS VI,.
S. (-un iillX'tjJ.
M, line v V ' v-y
1 UK ...It.
lilI I.TM In no
NlTViHIH Il4IHa.'. i,
i'lrt-atM, Hli'i'pli'pmin - Mirl.tU Kiiiln
ai . M h , lti- , rmi-st'il It v lntt ill
t.i -hi'iink 'i KM'1
MMli MhiiKoimI m ftltl 01 0 m; Ki.1t fiinlcil In tent
I n -all on i i , krtfffi siv t- r r;,.Ht .Mth
frir Vl( una am
mt finolt rratorot
h rttl-n aTMiiriw' In MN or mnitcf ' I. I I v-n't
let tiiir 1 , ..y at-l) voit iinii ' i n
(mlttttU.n li. -N on hit tuff I MM I'll rr01iOtbl V
nt til I- 1 ' 1 1 n till ! t in Ir . ., i . . , . fro'. I 1 1
Orl-.ittil 4ritlrnl (' . I'raaw,, t hlao, IM., a.-m.
S'! f by Mntilif Ac to luih.4 nm, Retail
!inKei.itc.. Si KANTUN, I'A , and ulbet l.ead
ilia, 1I URKi-'ls
Complexion Preserved
BctnoyeS Frssklst, Pleiplss
Liver - Moles, Rlsnkh-.r ill,
Sunburn and Tsn. and re.
nt. i , tbt tklti lo raortgr y
not bKhntstj prodaolBg aifjR
rlenr and hesltby coin iiU'
pn xion. hius'riorioan nioe
Meparntlont and perinily bsmiless.
At stl
igifista,nr mailed lorSO t.i. Hend lorrireulnr.
VIOLA BKIN SOAP U riasli i...iibv. m .
Aln irllTln. Sn.i, m,Mi.i,w t tl tees. Rift .ICii-iii .
rl,il us il" i.iirwsf. tljsilSUlf JSHt .eS Stllri.1.1, tMe
,,,i sitratjlMi, Pries 21! Cesh.
Q, C. BITTNtH es CO., Tci.cdo, O.
Kor sate by- Mttthtwt Bto .Morgan Broand
Moras n .V i jo.
tW . Tfkv
mm ,Arv
- BJg 1
CNftOfIMP lT Tilt HlflHfwT Mfll-tt. AuTMAHlTitai
,wmM i - -
w yettKMnv haw. you
- at" a nnu
Dr. B. Orewer
ihii Piiiiaiiei)h!:i Specialist,
And ins steoeUted ituit.,f Knadtsb and '
n un ntytwitmar aoti neruiaasuthr located
Temple Court Building
:n i RPRUi i: sr
Whrtlwr may be . ousnltad La1L.Y AN1
SI N lA V.
Tbe Die tor is a gradtat ot the University
Of rsnnsylvtaia, foiuieily di-inoustmtor of
physiology aud mrgerv at tbe Medieo Chlr
uigie.l College, of pbilKd-i Ida He fa also
n honorary n ember of the Medico blrur
eal Aanoelatlon, m. 1 v. n bbjrilelaa and
surgeon In chief of the most noted Am-rlcaa
tad lOerman hoapltala comns blbly Indorsed
by tBaltading proleasors of Philadelpkla ana
New York.
Hie many years of bosnltal jne.rlenoe en
sbles this eminent iihymetau and surgeon to
correctly diagnose tad treat sll - -m .1
slid dieee-ies with the unfet flstVeriug suecosa,
and bin hub standing in ihe suite will not
fcll.w Lin, to accept any- incurable case
Jf you have iee-u nven up ny your phyal
clan call upon tie- die tor and be examined
He euros the worst cssesof Nervons Debility,
hrrofula. Old Korea. 1 atarrh. Piles. Ksmale
Weakness a.- . of the Ksr. Eyo, Nose
and Throat, Asthma, Denfnee. Tumor. Can
cels and Cripples of every deeeription. Con
rultatlon in EngUSO 1 nd Oermau Free, which
shall be contiderisl sacred ani btricily cund
dent. si.
IIMee Room OA. M. to U I'. 31. Dally.
Sunday, b iu 1 111.
Iksai iu in gar roe, a
Wi. lull-1 fill In. on 1 . ., , ,
from Colli., MoreTltt-imf,
iiniienrii. n , ..,1,111 1 1..
"Ml t 1 I I I 1- II Altir ll
lmniitlaf rrlitt. An enli-lenl
Ti 1 , , t.,1 v 1 . .,1. iiIimi t t.i nam
In pie-lei, lo nun nn lit el In. II. nil. n of cold
, onin.iin, ... , it, 1. l-erninnenl l ine.'iiiyithirinlie'.liT monsl relnnileil Prlee,
M Tr1a t, il liriiuai.l- llculBlereil until.
ai tenu, I, d. cmntAii, so., Thm rumi, tick , u. s. t
MPNTtini I'he siireii mnl snfe.t reniivir for
I nut all kln illaessee , K. renis. In li Sail
flhi.inn.i.lil Hoie., Iliirna. Ciitn sVonaerlYll rem
Id tor PI Lata, I'rlre. a el., lit llrni' nil um
IJjlJ or lit mull pri.nllil. Allilrsaa a. alime DHLIvl
For sale by Mm 1 bows llroe.. Morgan Bros. and
Morgan A Co
'1 III-
National Bank of Scranton
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000,
PAMI'F.L HlNT.S.trretident
W. W WATSON, Vice President
A b WILLIAMS. Cashier.
SAMI'CL HlNKS. .lAMI's M FvmnAftT.
Inviao A. Fini ii. PiiacK B. Fim.ev,
.1 lata I'll J. JMtllYtl. M S KalMKHKIk.
CllAS. V. II A IT 11 KW a, JoHX T 1'oiiTia
This tAnk Invito tlio iifativiiRire of lusinos
men and At in gem rally.
TUer n urn li 1 tin 1 1 ci Is of j ouiig nn 11 uud youti wuiucii in thij
country who havo KpL-udid ability, iiut tuey have uever buuu
wukfiied up.
Wood's College of Business and ShorLhand
lias lieiiii 1111 inspiration to hundreds of yotlllg people, If yon
me tired of inactivity and want to do komeUiiug tangible,
come to the College.
COMMON iSNQLIgH cnuitsi;.
SHOHTHANU OOUagB. p g W00D( propriQtor
lUpholtit3ry Department ,
Groen or Red Billiard Cloth
Covering, $2.25 each.
Wood and Brass.
90c. ona in Ox
Hat and Coat Hooks,
Easels and Screens.
Step Ladder Chair, $1.25.
Oak Tables, 90c. to $1.15.
SPECIAL, to Close Them Out:
Velour and Tapestry Table Covers at just on?
half their former price.
Full line of UPHOLSTERY GOODS, Gimp Cord,
Tacks and Fringe.
The most complete
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
Rttemn lib .'a. ISS4, called lathi
Ihf Coin ,0 1 oiler ol I lie I n i i en e i
III Mil 1,1 I
in the market.
Hull k Co.
205 AKD Ml IT.I AVE.
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been,"
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
Ola- lillKlla
I sited state. Bonrti
Ottiei Hnndi
t in a l nil Batst
rtemltttnt on I . s Bottdl
inn. in. in i . s lYeaenrer, ,
line f i ii in limit,.
1,416,3411 oo
.... 80.OOll.OO
.... Bta.a7a.7fl
us, ta on
lOM sin
I 411 114 P. ,14
1 1 Aim nn 9
Ulltllltl. .......1 ,
tin. iii iiie.i Profllt
I 1 1 . . 1 1 ., i loti
Dlvlileadi i npaid
ptpotliti '
Dv lo lo.oi. s
.. -oo (HID
7. OOO 00
11.11 50
I. mi I nun .14
6i.:nirt ,io
'.v.'tw .1.10 no
Mil I IAMI ONNKtit. Presldeat
QKU H CATLIIS, li,.- I ii. I. lent
m ii 1 1 tn ii i'i i K. cait
Din tec roua
tTllllata i nioieii, Oeorce It. t siiin.
ahiimi iinmi eTaMtat Artiibalil, Hat
I-. II.. Jr. William T. Smllli, I nil,.,
Till. Intuit offtrt lo ilelm.lttii . ,- .-1
lltelllti o ii. I. . 1 1. 1 their DlaHQi bttth
esi. anil irsiiniiHllillltT.
aplal atttatton ni.o to t.u.i m.
toaata latttttt paldoa tlat dapotlta
Every Woman
Sometimes noedi a nil
nlli niuntbly togulntinf;
Ai" prompt, safe nml eiirlain In result. Tho sen.i.
!re(Dr. I'osl'.) noirer dliappolnt. Bent euye him.
11.00. Pail Msdlelne Co , tMovoliiud. o.
Bold by JOHN II. PHEI.P.S Pliarmncitt
corner V. j ouilnii avenue aud Bpruoe street
Boruntuu, Pa.
lJadottlu MOOSIC mid KUSll
Lnflliii & Rand l'owder Co.'s
Klectrio Batteries, Fuse for explol
lug blasts, biiloty Fuse ami
RcpauaoChemical Co.'sHifch Explosives
MaVafeBaaaaaaHHal BET JA jj ft, 'tRJ TK
"The ctlior man .'.,is thu vriirlt. All I
have to di is to cavrv up the brick. ''
The Same Way at the Economy
till you hava to dolt to bria( in tsVt
ttOnty (atld very little at tlistl ami we
do the reel. This week we offer tht
Grc::::; PirlcrS ui: Ey::
. .w a. -w w
A Bva-piaea o?ar ataffad Turkish frsm
sun. nphalrtarad la Anarioao Uamask.
Triamal la silk Plvab and extra heavy
Fringe, soft top anil iptiBf 1:. 0OB
tsllrj of
Tho above Is a oomtduatioti of rich colors.
You Should See It.
SPECIAL A 100-pifc Dinner Set
pnttnttt, with all porohaati of j?3.0i)
or over.