The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 13, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Tnit Scrantox Tiuuunk's Pittatoo de
partment is iu charge of J. M. Fauy, to
whom news items aud complaints may be
A Stormy Ssssion In Whioh Kaoh Mom
bsr Participated.
The town council lu'ld mi adjourned
meeting in the town hull last arming.
T tiers were present Messrs. Kennedy,
Donnelly, Mnlouy, Clifford, Knowles.
Lvnoit, llennigau, Figirc Kearney
and Mfttigau.
The meeting wu called to order by
President Mangnn at 8 15 o'clock. Bo
ongh Treasurer Langan presented his
bond in the mm of (40,000 for tb con
sideration ot the coanell, after bring
referred to Borough Solicitor Bohan,
who prooonnotd it oorrtot, It mi
signed by Joseph Bileiaan, C Donnel
lv, William Drnry, M. Bolin, Albert
Brown, A. R Brown, Peter Joyoe,
Jiiuies McHngh, Jacob PflagltOD and
Jituei Langan.
A motion introducsi by M N Don
nelly to elect a sergeant at arms, whose
duties wonld be to protect order at
every meetiui;, at the rate ot $' per
nitetiug, crvatvd uo little comment pro
and coa. It wai dually disposed of by
laying It on tiie table.
The boml of High Constable Deinpey preaanttd ;iu.l found to b prop
erly attested to by Messrs M Demn-'V
and Mm Detnpey iu theeumof (800.
Chairman Mangau appointed the fol
lowing committees for the enening
year. Fire committee, M. X. Don
nelly, A J. Clfford, P. P. Malouev.
finance committee, Ueorge Heap, M
J Lynott a::d Jaui-.s Kennedy.
Permits to erect building wnre
awarded on motion ot L?ti Koou. John
CounelL T. F. Burke, of the Juuction,
asked permision to erect a two story
fr;ime dwelling on North Main street.
OO what he termed the Barnum tract.
As the request was not explicit euough
the ro,uest on motion was referrel
back to petitioner. Llorongh Trea-urer
George L Houser submitted till report
for the fiscal year closing Marcii & It
was read and accepted.
Burgee Malouey snbuiitted hi quar
terly nd yearly report for th year
eu ling March 5 On motion ther were
accepted. O O. Esser, of the Lehigh
Valley Rilroad company, submitted a
communication in rei'reuce to a iewer
runuing from th properties in the
Ticiuity of th Tower hall. As th
nilroad company reqoirtd certain con
cessions which would cost the borough
considerable expense, it was decide I to
abandon the idea and accept th ot? r
made by Messrs. Sutherland & Mc
Millan, which was that tb borough
could attach to their sewer tree of
cot. Tne chairman, therefore, on
motion appointed Messrs.
Kennedy, and Clifford a committee
to hare the necessary work done.
Messrs. Kennedy an l TlgU' wre ap
pointed a committ to employ a civil
engineer and establish a gride for
Ewen street Messrs. Knowies. K.'ar
Ljy and Clillor i were appointed a com
mittee to confar with ex-Borough
Treasurer Houser relative to the ad
justing of such accounts as are iu dis
pate between the aulitors and Mr.
A rMofaHon wns carried empowering
Burgess Malocey to ncttfy the Strong
-state to remove the rains of their
building on Souti M. street within
thirty dayt under a penalty.
Tne election of a j.inltoresa for the
town ball for the ensuing year. The
name of Mrs. Bannon, the present in
cumbent, and Mrs. M:H1 were bal
lotted for, and resulted in a tie.
MeMrs, Kennedy, Tigne, Hennigan,
Kearny and Maloasy voting for the
i.itter, while Messrs. Mang'in, Lynott,
Enowle. Clifford and Donnelly votiuj
for tb former. A committee consiet
ing of Messrs. Knowle. Donnelly and
Clifford were appointed to report at
'he next meeting the adviiability of
axing the sslariee for the various bir
:ugh officers.
The propriety of establishing a boir l
of health was touched upon but not
The propriety of the proper course to
be pnrinad in tb matter of taxexoner
ating called forth a heated discussion
batween Messrs. Clifford, Hennigan.
Tigu, Donnelly and Knowle. Th
Utter characterized the proceeding as
"(choolboy play," snd claimed there 1
no busings being transacted Th
question was disposed of by Messrs.
Clifford, Maloney and Ileum jn being
Appointed a committee to inquire into
suob exoneration a akd for.
O. N. W. John asked permission to
erect a frame building 60x01 feet in
ze at the rear of tb McDougall prop
erty on South Main street, John
Eicholtzr. of the First ward, asked
permission to erect a bsrn. Cnarles
l.nrry among others forcibly objected
to the granting of the same, as tne ap
plicant bad of his own free will pro
ceeded to build the barn without the
necessary permission and that it would
lie a nuisance if bnilt. It wa referred
to a committee for investigation.
Attorney James L. Morris submitted
an Hccountof varions judgments stand
ing against the borougb in the accounts
of Auditors William Morris, Robert
Armstrong and M. N. Donnelly for
serrteee rendered It was referred to
thefinanca sommittue for disposal.
Mr. Knowl moved that the council
men for last year b paid their several
nmonnts for their services 124 each.
To this M. N. DountUj forcibly ob
jfcted by aH-rting that to do so would
at some fntnr time, perhaps, leavo
tli council liable for voting away
inony which did not belong to it. By
a vote of 8 to 1 It was decided to draw
orders on the treasurer for the several
Orders were ordered drawn cn the
treasurer for the several bills outstand
ing. s i
Death of Mrs. Flanagan.
Rose, wife of Jnraos Flanagan, of
Mnrket trot, diod at I k yester
day morning, from tl.o effects of a par
alytic ttroku, which sho sustained at H
o'clock last evening. Mrs. Flanagan
was aged 4!1 years, and leaves a hus
band and eight children four sons
and four daughters. Wis wan a sister
of James and Frank McCann, and
Mrs. J. Allen and Mrs. I'aui Bohan, all
this place. The funeral will occnr
Wednesday morning, at !) o'clock, with
a mnss of rtqntetn at Kt. John's
church; interment in Market street
Ilia kahi.ikk symptoms of dyepnpula,
such as distress after eating, heartburn
and occasional Imadachp. (hould cot bo
neglected. Take Hood's Sarsapanlla if
you wish to be cured.
Hood's pii.i.s cure all liver ill, bilious
ness, jaundice, indlgeition, sick head
Our Regular Correspondent's Latter from
a Lively Soranton Suburb.
.Special to th ScrurWon Tribune.
Dusmork, Pft. , March 12. The gen
ial couuteuauce ot Frank McDonald,
the newly aptiotuted postmaster, ap
peared at the delivery window for the
first time yesterday morning. Ue re
ceived hi commission on Saturday and
immediately made arrangements to
take charge of the offiee, and bv yester
day found him fully installed nnd ac
quiring a knowle lg- of postal affair.
Mr. McDonald tol l TheTkibunb re
porter last eveniug that for the pres
ent no extensivo ohanges would b
mad iu the management nor would
there be until he had acquired a
thorough knowledge of how tu busi
ness whs transacted. Mr. Oradv, who
lias made such an effiolent assistant to
Miss Mooney, the late incumbent, will
be retained for some lime.
The retirement of Miss Moonev, who
has served the public so faithfully and
courteously for ro long, Is regretted by
all who found it necessary to do busi -ntl
at the offlo She has been ever
ready to oblige nil, rich or poor, grwt
or small, and the systematic
manner In which she had han
dled Uncle Sam's mails baa re
ceived universal approbation. In ihtl
she has bean assisted to no little extent
by Mr Grady, who has been connected
with the cftlus all through Mus
Mooney' trm. The immense popu
larity Mr. McDonald enjoys argues
well for the future of the office nnd
without doubt he will oondnol busi
ness in a manner thai will nil et credit
on both himself aud assistants whoever
they m iy ue.
A grand social will be givsti by th-
men of the Presbyterian church in the
parlors of the Utter place this evening,
i lie event will be iu honor of the free
ing of the edltio from debt which wis
consummated on the New Yesr and
will also give the older members an
opportunity to weloome the in my uew
members, who joiuJ lately, aud pro
vide for them a sociable evening
It will open with an onter
tainment after which the eveniug
will be epent in social inter
course and a splendid suppsr will be
served free to all. Numtrou com
mittee have been appointed to look
after tb comfort of strangers Cp0
ia!ly and otbr guests generally. Tnote
m charge have issued a cor ii il invita
tion to everyone to j jiu thsm in their
The social will b held irom the
hours of 7.3J ami 1 1 3d o'clocK.
The Red Men will give a grand 'in
niversary entertainment at the Old
Fellows' hall ou Thursday evening
Further and more notice of the
affair will be given later.
Harry Winters, Mis Funny Mir
cook and Miss Kv.i Ostsrhout atten led
tbe mock trial at Keystone Academe
on Saturday and remained witu friends
over Sunday.
Rev. Father McCabe, of Avoca, con
ducted the services at St. Mary's
church Sunday evening.
G. J Kinrin an J. Cogging, ot Oly
phant. spent Sanday witu Djnmore
Miss Margaret Carroll, of Hyde Park,
spent Suuday with Miss Lizzie Cron-nen.
The Movements of Prominent People
Chronicled With Care.
Special to the .SVnuifoH 7Wbune.
MOCOOW, Pa., Marota 12 The Mos
cow Medium will make its first appear
ance uttxt Thurs lay, the 15tu iust. It
will be published every Thursday nn
dr the auspices of th Moscow Pub
lishing company, with Miles A Davis
ns editor. It is to baa six column folio
and 1,200 copies of the tint issue will
be printed.
B, A. Wilcox has sold out his livery
business to his brother, J. H. Wil
cox, jr.
L. R. Randal, representative of the
firm of Parian, Potter A: Co., New
York, I at Hotel Allen, suffering with
the measles.
lino. J. 9, LuTouche has been ill for
several davs.
Frank Cary. of Tunkhannook, was
doing business in town Tnitrsday.
John Boanlon is having a house
erected on Maiu street.
Mr Walker, of Binghnlttton, is vis
iting his daughter, Mrs. Frank Pelton.
i e -'
Vigorous Applause, from an Audience u Floor to Settle.
BfiecUU to the SafOlltoa Tribune.
CaABONUALK, Pa.. March 12 A
Ladies Who Value
A refined oompltxion mast use Pomoni's rows
der. It produces a soft and boautlful skin.
Fcran'.on Wholesale Hark:.
Pcjjsrrx. Mar. 12 Fruit and Pito
bvcx ined appiea, per lb., i7c.: vap
ornted apples, lOallC. per lb.; Turkisd
prunes, SHaSe.; English enrrauts.'21ia'J1Jo.;
layer :a.-,i!.e. $1. mnscntela, tl.oa
1.30 per box; new Vulenclaa, C7.
par lb.
Beans Marrow-fats, 18.908.80 per
busQel; mediuma, tl.70al.8O.
Paas siretn, tl.25al.80 per bnbl;plit,
t3.30a2.fl0; lentels. HalOc, per poand.
POTAioaa tiOaSSa. par busheL
Omu.ns 6070c per bushel.
BcTTaa 80a88e. per lb.
CHrjCBB 10al3c. per lb.
Io Freah. lT.alSc; pickled, 14al5c.;
coolsr. 12aI3c.
PocLTnT-Chickens, dressed, 11180. 1
turkeys, 12al3c.
MiATV-nama Ua; larga Wc;
akinaed ham 10,; California hams,
i.'i.; shoulders, ijo.; dfy salted bellies,
9e. ; smoked breakfast bacon, ll!;c.;
fresh pork lolna tfc.; "Wyoniiug" porg
saasage, lie.; Wyoming borne made sau
sage, 8-pound pail, larded, lie,; butch
era' sausage, 8H'c, our own make; (resh
cork shonldera. Ml: fresh purs' feet.
Sc.; fresh pigs' beads, 5c.; fresh spare
ribs, 3c ; fresh leaf lard. He; fresh
kidneys, 8c dor.; rongh aausage
meat, 8Xc. ; tongue. H He. : plncKa, Sc.eacn;
whole hogs, 7in.
foag .Mess at 117; short cut, tlS
Laun Leaf In iire at in tubs.
SXt.; m 10-pound pails, 10c.: in 5-poaud
pei I a, 10c.; a. pound palla lu4. per
Ekif Choice sugar cured, moked beef,
Flour Minnesota paUnt, per barrel.
M.Pia4.oQ; Ohio and Indiana ambr, at
t0.75; Graham at Ki.50: rye ttonr, at
Buck whxat Friua t2.."i per cwt.
Fiutn Mixed, par cwt, attl.lK).
Grain Kye, 6Ge.; oorn, tbto.Vie.; oata
I'sa r.r. per bnabeL
WOULD yon ride on a railroad that uses
no danger signals? That COUab is a signr.l
of dancer, The safest core is Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup. Hold by all dealers
on a guarantee of Hatisfaction.
tVlien Baby was tick, we give her f'ostnrl.
When sin- was a (lillii, she cried for Ciu.torla,
When sh'; hocsaie Miss, she clung to (.'nstorla,
WLea ateS luwl CliilJreu, sue gae thi-ui Custsirta
IS THE Bf ST. (let prices and
sen the furnace nnd bo con
vinced. A full line of HEAT
ERS, Appello and Unuze Door
MARCH 13, 1894.
Your choice of three beautiful
pictures, "Telephone Oirl," "De
livering Gbjrwmaa ProsonUi"
and "Maldeoa Bwlngiog." Heud
by niail or JiieefKHiger or bring
coupons like this of three differ
ent dates, with 10 cents, stamps
or coin, to
Cor. Puun Ave. and Spruce tit.
panie almost occurred at Harrick Ou
ter, a villago a few mile north of this
place. On Saturday evening an enter
tainment was being held in a hall at
thnt place nml at the olose of a tab
leaux th audiecoe, which numbered
about 1)50, ware applauding so loudly
with their foot that the floor gave way
and settled aevirul inches.
In a mt 1 1 1 1 ut the audience made a
rush for the door, but, by the stforta of
the ontoi tamers, th panic stricken
peopl were quieted and nil pasaod out
iu safety.
Th Mom- was proped aud made safe
today aud the entertainment f us held
Brief Notea of Intereat to the Powder
Mnkll,,; People
. .( r.. t ,. SmMtfOM JWtan.
ftlOOSIO, Pa., March 18. lit, and
Mrs. Oeorge Orilli.hs, of Miuuolia ave
uiie, havo a new boarder to stay- a
Mrs Henry I'encesou and Hister.Mias
l la Henry, of llrooklyn, N. Y.,in visit
Ini; nt the home of their mother, Mrs
U Henry, of Mlnooka avuiiue.
Miss Matti Hindu has returned after
Visiting the pant week iu Moscow
George II Pearl was a caller In i'itts
Inn Monday afternoon.
A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa.
Thousands Remnants of Dry Goods. Cloaks and Fur Capes during
sale at less than cost of material.
Every inch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever
Ladies' Felt lints, this season's styles. ..
Roys' Winter Waists
.. 10c. each.
. . 10c each.
. . 30c. uuch.
$ 1 .50 uach.
Great Clearing Sale.
a. e.
We have placed on sale
our line of Ginghams for the
coming spring and summer.
Finer Goods, More Tasteful
Colorings and Lower Prices
than ever before, are what
will recommend them to our
Drawing to a Close
. ' " Jar ik' .
Z JET jJ '
r a . ftk. "OA.
l w
DEAR READER: Do you know which of the subjects in
this circle your child will ask about?
Of course not; for he may be a genius on any one of
them. But you cannot be prepared to answer him on all
of them; if you were you would know everything.
And yet he should have his questions answered while he
is eager, or he may lose interest in what would otherwise
make him successful and, maybe, famous.
Is is not better to tell the child that you do not know,
if you don't, and invite him to help you look up the ques
tion in the Encyclopedia Britannica?
In this way he soon becomes an investigator.
Your child now has a chance to secure a set. THE
TRIBUNE will supply this splendid library to you at 10
cents a day.
A. 1W X
'3 mm
Scranton, Pa., Nov. 13, 1893.
The Encyclopedia Britannica, with American Ad
ditions and Revisions is a work every family should
have. The price at which the enterprising TRIBUNE
offers it to its readers, combined with the easy plan of
Sayment, brings the Encyclopedia within reach of all.
fo one eager to own this most valuable compendium
of knowledge need now complain that it is too costly. I
have examined the work and find the print, paper and
binding just what are wanted in a book of reference.
Any plan that spreads the advantages of educational
facilities deserves the patronage and consideration of
the public. J. C. LANGE,
Principal High School.
The oiler, as extended by THE TRIBUNE, to furnish the
Britannica at wholesale prices and on easy monthly payments
can remain open hut H) days more.
Why wait for the last day and then subscribe because you
know it's your last chance? You have resolved that you would
have this great library and such it truly is. Secure it now!
On receipt of $4. 50 we will send the complete set, the bal
ance to be paid on easy monthly payments. If asked it you
mean to possess this great work you unhesitatingly say, Yes!
Our niftlinil is suited to the cirriimst.incea ot nil.
Remember, that it costs no more on the easy payment plan than if vou paid cash! Start it on the
"10c. a day" plan and any time you desire and circumstances will warrant you can close the account by
one payment, as hundreds have done. The people who wait until they can lay down the cash are the
people who are without an Encyclopedia.
The books can be seen any time during the day or evening at 437 Spruce Street.
If yon are fully occupied a volume will be sent to any part of the city for examination.
In ordering by mail address all communications to
THE TRIBUNE E. B. Department 437 Spruce Street.