THE SCKANTON TRIUUNE TUESDAY MOiiNINU-. MARCH 13, 1894. giniiiiiHiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: (Pipe I 1 Valves 1 Fittings I I THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO, s siiiiiiiitiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiR DO YUl' WAN T A NEW NECK BAND on your old ihtrl Wo do it. Lackawanna THE Laundry THE BOARD OF CONTROL rOB Penn Avb. A. B. WARM AN. NorrmanA Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue New Goods In Lazes, Embroideries and Trass lrimmmgs us tun 415 Lacka. Avenue. Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, etc WILLIAMS & McANULTY. '2 "7 Wyoming Ave. CITY NOTES. Ernest Damon, the Scranton Tractiotn .'ompany emnloye fipulien ot in yesterday ' Priblne. has never been identified with the Franklin Avenue R-scue mission. Th funeral services of tbe late Mrs. Jen nie M. Heeley will beheld at th residence of her son, 917 0:ivo Htreeit, at 18.18 p. m., Wednesday. Interment at Torty Fort. The tax coramitteu of tbe select council will meet this afternoon at the city clerk's office. The session will be an important one. as tbo p'jle tax. which tins parsed th common council, will be acted npon. Fred Coon, of the Tenth ward, heat kicked, and otherwise abused Mrs Km;, f Little England, lastaveinaK. and Officer Jones arrested him. At the station house the charire of vagrancy was also prefarrjd against him W. S. Millar, 'of tho Central Republican clnb, stamps as a cross error the statmeiit appearing in a Sunday paper that a Dun rcrarir caucus of the select council used tbe Central Republican rooms for meeting pnrposes Saturday nl?ht. Oenrge Miller, who was arrested Sun day for the theft of a bicycle from Robert White, of Green Ridge, which he pawned fori, was yesterday committed to await the action of the grand jury by Alderman Wright in default of 1400 bail. Miss Ilessie White, tbe domestic who left note at W. D. Kennedy's 1717 Washing ton avenue, saying her body would be found in the river, has not , been located, and tbe polio think possibly the Woraiin had no intention of destroying hjrself. At the regular monthly meeting of the Central Republican club held last night at the new rooms in the I'rice building, the following officers were nominated to serve during the coming year: E. P. Kingsbury, president; Major Everett Warren, vies president: W. S. Millar, secretary; W. Saylefd Thoniaa, treasurer. The election will be held the second Monday in April, '.be next regular meeting. At last night's meeting, which was enthusiastic aid argely attended, a new sot of by-law i was adopted. e ENTERTAINMENT AT COLLEGE HALL. Will Be Qlven by J hn Boyle O'Reilly Council, Young Ken's Institute. On Thursday evening John lloyle O'Reilly Conncil of the Young Men' Institute will give an entertainment at College ball. Tbe principal feature of it will be a lecture by P. H. O'Donnall, Georgetown University, on "Ireland's Contribution to Civilization. The pro gramme arranged for the occasion is: Remarks Pres. M. A. McOinley Instrumental music. Dickson Mandolin and Guitar club Solo, selected.... Miss Maggie Harrington Bolo, "Roll Call" Pensutl Richard Thomas. Duet. "Harp of the Winds" Abt Misses Manraret and Lizzie Reynolds. Bolo, "I Am Waiting" Rruch Howell Davles. Address P. H. O'Douuell Duet, "I Feel Thy Angel Spirit," Miss Kate Mongsn, William Watkins Holo, "Promise Me," William Watklns Duer "Two Sailors" Gwent Howell Davies and Richard Thomas. Solo, selected Tim Sullivan President C. H. Von Slorch Anuounced His Committees Tor the Year. NEW HIGH SCHOOL FIRE PROOF The Board Decides That It Shall Be Erected In That Manner - It Will Mean Decreased Insurance and Greater Safety Communication from the Board of Health Regard i ii K No. 12 -Pay Roll tor February. President QH You Storoh announced his committees at last night's mtsting of the board of control. Tbe position of honor is given to F. L Wormser, who was named oli'ilrmnn of th teach er' committee. He tilled that position before with great satisfaotio'i. The list of committees is Teachers -F. L Wormser, W S ftatT, John Devunney, Georje Mitchell, J. P. lfabon, K. S. Barker, R, J. O'Mailev. Building Qeorga U. Carson, T. J. Jeu mugs. W.J. Welsh, 1.8. Jacobs, W. G. 0' Valley. Finance J B, Williams, w, s. Wat J. Jwnlngs,tV L, Wui inner, llermaa N-tz Supplies o. s. Jacobs, J. P. Mahon, 0 B Mireitev, K. S, UarKcr, James O'Hoyle. Insurance O, U. Shreifor, Ueore U. Carson, Thomas Coai'. Auditing U. J. O'ilalloy, Juuies A Evans, Thomas Coar. Text Book George Hitch til, W. s. Watrorm, Charles Oonrad, W. G. 0 Mailer. J. A. Evens Roles- T. J. Jeutnuu's, J. H. Williams. High School-W. J. Welsh. Tbe high school co nmittee w isdi reeled to elect Its own ohairm ri. Mr Wormser made a ptea in fur r of tout ing the new high school building m i Is tlreproot. lis sid it would i:iiro is the cost of t!ie building from 03 to 30 per cent., but that in his opinion the .mount would be saved by th district in decreased insurance. Mikiutue buitdim; tics proof would ulsj InorsMa its safety, he said. BUILDING will PE riBI PSOOF, Mr. Wormser followed his remarks up with a motio.i directing that th bailding be mad- fire proof. it was unanimously adopted On motion of Mr. Scareifer tbo building oomiuttto was directed to put a small iron fencs in front of Xo 3ti building to protect tho grass. A communication from the board of health called attention to what was termed "the abominable condition of old No. 10 building," on Emtuet street in the Eighttenth ward. It was placod on file and tbe n, ; - a of tbe boar I that Hereafter buo one session be held daily iu that building was ordered complied with. Tne list of delinquent us collectors appoiated by City 'treaj nrei R- G. Brooks was read and the appointment of those whoss bond had been spproved, confirmed. The col lector! are tho same as tliose wbo were appointed to collect deiiuq'-ient city taxes. Solicitor Knapp notifi'd the board that the title of fhom n .1 Morgan to the property adjoining No. 03 school had been perfected and that Ua wis ready to maki over to the school dis trict a atrip of land fifteen feet wide, which it was thought advisable to pur chase for the district.upon the payment of $500. The solicitor was directed to have the transfer made if it is found that the taxjs hare besupdd oa ItM property. THE BILLS APPROVED. An order was directed to issue to Contractor C mrad Sshroedar for $1. 305, the second payment ou new No. 12. All public night sahools of the city wiil closed Thursday night. A number that bare completed the four months havo already closid. The psy roll for the month of Feb rnan was read and ordered paid. Tba amounts are as follows : Day school", Isaclmra, 10,7Gl 77; substitute, 165. 50; total. $13,088.44; night so'iools, teachers. $007, sin BtUatee, $J SO; jaai tors, $100, total, $1.05190 . Beautful w lndown. Onevof the most attractive displays of ladies' nndcrwear, corsota and tea gowns ever shown in this city can now be seen at Goldsmith's Bazaar. The collection of garments is wonderful and the symmetry with which they aro arranged attracts icorcs of ladies from morn until night. Frksu made butter 02c. eggs at Reinhart's market Strictly fresh Easter millinery opening at Mrs. Lang tuff's lOtf Wyoming avenue. ber of the board, and made it returna ble Maroh 06. It is alleged that tbe board refuiss to pay for the lambs on account of a de tect in the certificate with regard to the matter received from the auditors of the district, who are charged by law with the investigation of all claim i arising from the killing of sheep by dogs. Mr. Chapman is t-prenntd by Attorneys Hnlslau ler & Vosburg. BARRY IN THE RISING GENERATION. A Largs Audlenc Well Pleased With That Clever Play. William Hurry was graeted by a large audience at the Academy last night as he deserved to be. His previous appearanot here had awakened theatre-goers to the merits of "The Hieing Oaueratiou" and they tUMisd out in force. William Harry has long fizured on the stage as uu Irish oomedian, but it remain for his "Martin MoShayne' in "The Rising Generation" todevelop his best talents Hy his rich brogueiuaint mannerisms ant perfectly natural bearing, he charmed a large nudionoa last night, and the laughter sourojly ceased while lis was on the stage. Miss Viti! Mack-flerliu invested the role of Miss McShayuo with an unctu ous humor Hoarc.ely excelled by that of Mr. Hairy. A gams of poker, which is cleverly introduced into the ploy, created no eud of lusrriuisut. . M. C. A. ATHLETIC5. Notes of What the GUdi itora of the Ovmnaeir.m Are Doing. The trip to Wilka Barre of an all aronnd team of six men to comp-te in the Young Men's Christian association games in that city has been abandoned. The contests, which were announced as open to all Young Men's Christian association athletes of the state, bare been restricted to only local men Lonis Conrad lias presented a white sweater as a prizs to the winner of tbe potato race m Thursday night's ail ii round cootant. The prizes are on ex hibition in Stewart's window, Young Men's Christian Association building. Members will be admitted free to the contest; non-members will be charged 10 cents admission. The base ball team will begin prac tice work this week. A number of val uable additions to the team have been made; Thomas Drooks, one of the old time pilcheri, will probably be located in tbe box this'season ; F. White and HI l.ittenbender will also add strength to the team. Flash light photographs were taken last night by Physical Instructor Wes ton of many prominent athletes while iu the act of polo vaulting, jumping, etc. s FRUIT VENDERS ARRESTEO. If uat Have IJoensa to Bell Their Waree From Pueh-Cartt. Eight push-cart fruit venders, six Italians and two Oreeks, were arrested on lower Lackawunua avenue yester day afternoon for selling their wares without license. The Italians were employed by Joseph Longo, 240 IUv mond court, who paid their fine of $5 each. A friend of tne Greeks paid tho same fine for them The round-up was conduotol by Hit geant Davies and Officers Jobler and Jones. The raid is the echo of an or dinance passed last January directing the chief of police to abate the nuis ance. Complaints have been made to tho mayor by proprietors of fruit houses that the venders were doing business without license and interfering with trade. The passage of the arrested crowd en i out" to the police station created a great deal of interest and amusement. To do business hereafter they will pay a license of $10 HIS LAMBS KILLED BY DOGS. E J. Chapman Want the Sohool Dis trict to Pay for Them. E J. Chapman, a South Ablngton stock farmer and butcher, yesterday applied to the court for a writ of man damus to compel tho officers and mem bers of the South Abingtnu sohool board to give rsasou why they soould not pay him $10 for four lambs owned by him, which were ItilUd by dogs. The court granted n writ of alternn tivo mandamus directed agsiust Asa Nichols, president; W. P. Lilly, Beers tary; Wilding Swallow, treasurer, and teilsB QrifSn and Giles Stanton, mem- 1) OINGS OF the Military, Residents ol Arclibald, Dicksoa City and Duamoro Anxious lo Begin Business. THEIR PLACES ARE NECESSARY The mm com iin - loned officers' school last Thursday was well attended, The interest taken and the general intelli gence displays-1 snrp isse-l all firevious schools. These auuools provs to bo of great advant igo to non-commissioned officers, and cannot help but rddound to the general good of the entire rogi meat. There is not today in the Nu lional Guard Pennsylvania a regiment that o in boast of a more intelligent and better posted lioii-somiulsioned corps thau the Thirteenth re.'iment contains. The Thirteenth owes it.s incosaa today more to its intelligent uon -commissioned olfi;ers than to uuy one other factor. The non-commissioned officer is a veryi:uportant factor in the general efficiency of a regiment 1c is a fact beyond ail dispute that any and all regiments are successful or un successful just as their non-commissioned officers may be intelligent and brUht or un-int . ; h and dull. Adjutant Millar, accompanied by S-rgeaut Majjr Conkllng, went to Honesl't'.a list Fridav evening and conducts 1 a nan -commissions 1 sch ol at th quarters of Company E The sains interest and Intelligence dis played at the school Thursday evening among tho non-coms of the Sorauton companies, was manifested in Com pany E. e The board of examiners for non commissioned office's' warrants meets at the Scranton City Guard armory the second Moudsy In each month. All nnn-jommissioned offiors not having warrants ars required to appear bsfore this board for examination. Tbe board insets tonight, HlADQCARTBHS 13TH RKOIMEXT. I I.NFAXTKV, N, G. P., Scranton', Pa., March 5, 1894. ) Special Order No. 1 : I. In conner.uenco of reckless and wilful abuse of privileges and property in tho Scranton Ulty uuara Armory, no iii games of basket ball for either practice or in matches will bo allowed in the armory except under the supervision of a commis sioned o'.llcer, who Will report the gnoio with the names of tho-e engaged and any damage to the property in consequence of such gam II. A-semblv of members of the regi ment or citizens in tho armory on Sunday is hereby forbidden. III. It is amatter of groat regret that an order restricting the privileges heretofore freely accorded tbo members of the regi ment has b' come necessary, but the out rageuos conduct of some pursons has com pelled it. Hy order of COLOXIL Ezra H. BtPPUs, W. 9. Millar, Adjutant. s ft a The non-commissioned officers who persist ill remaining away from school will soon have an opportnuity of tell ing the board of examiners what tber know about drill regulations and gnard duty, s s e At least cne evening a month should lie devoted to guard duty in the several companies of the regiment. I he. com ing encampment npon the historic Uattlefi-ld of Gettysburg will be of more than ordinary inter! to mem bers of the Thirteenth. There ate very few in the regimonttolay that were at the famous bsttlr held with the regi ment ten years ago Critic e LOCAL AGRICULTURISTS WIN. Judge Arohbald flays They Cannot B Sued as Individual. Judge Arclibald handed down ni opinion yesterday in the case of the Pennsylvania state Agricultural so ciety against Edmund U. .Termyn. Jo seph .T. Jermyn. Dr. William Hag- gerty mid John M. KNiumerer, tbe ad visory committee of the Lackawanna Conniy Agricultural society, who as sisted ia the management of the State fair held at the driving park iu Sep tember, 1890. Some time after the business con nected with the fair had been settled t he state society offhsrs sued the advl sory committee of tho local society as individuals to recover $1.7 Id. OS whlc i they said they were entitled to as the state society s share of the net proceeds or the lair Judge Arclibald decides that the men cannot lie sun! as indivldnils as they acted for the Lackawanna County Agricultural society Colonel F L. Hitchcook, conneel for the state society, said yesterday that an appial will M taken to tho suprom court. V. M. C. A. SUMMER OUTINGS. Members Will E J y a Varied I..' of Pleasures the O imlng Season. A varied list of outing divisions is be ing formulated for the season of '01 by Physical Instructor Weston, of the Young Mens Christian association. There will ! Ins i ball, bioycle, ten nls, athletic and tramping divisions. The latter will be In uhnrgo of J. Wa ters. A camping party will be made up to spend iiiem: two weeks on the moun tains In charge of Professor Weston The locality for the camp bai not yet been selected. ' WILL OF STEPHEN GUTHEIiNZ. He Leayes All of Uls Propurty to Hi, Wife. Barbara Outhelna. The will of Stephen Giithslnz, the South Stde busi isss man who died last week, was admitted to probate vaster day and letters testamsntary granted to his wife, Mrs. Birbira Guthelnz She is by the terms of the will made Mr, Gutbsinz sole log Gee. PLENTY OF NEW HOUSES That Is What They Tell the Court When Called to Give Reasons Why Licenses Should Be Granted to Then -Who the New Applicants Are in Dickson City an! Dunmore Bor oughs as Hoard Krom. License court begau yesterday mo' ii- lng with Judges Archbald and El wards on tbe bench and all day long these patient jurists listened to the more or lers logloal and convincing reasons advanced by applicants for new houses or old bouses tigainst which obj ctious were filed. Iu the First ward of Arohbald thero are a number of new applicants and all of them averred that their places are essential lo tho welfare and Uanpi- uess of their neighbors, A remon strance wsh lilvd against granting a lloenso to A It DUillap, who wants lo conduct a restaurant in the First ward of Hlakely, Muj r Everett W-ir tea lean-sented the otijectors and At torney Joseph O'Brien the petitioners. A number or wituissea werj ex unmet on both Hldea And a variety of re. is ,iit given why the license should be grunted as well as why It should be refused. lllil.ATIO.NH AOA1M9T HIM Frank A. Borrow! asked for a license for a hotel at Helmout mid Oak streets n the Sixth ward of Carboudsle. I lie court said that its attention had beu called lo the fact that the plase was only a lew uuors iniiii a pumiu suuuui, and, further, that the petitioner had sold liquor although lie was refused a I cense last year bjtotai wnnsaiai were examined to show reason why the license should bs refuse 1. Among those who testified was aa aunt of the applicant's wife. In the iirst ward ol DicHhou city tne following are appliomta for new houses: George Kolata, H-nry Whitall, Joseph I'aliaky. George Hilwig, John Hurke, p 11 Gallagher. John Lihotaky, Frank Grab.iwslci, John Monaskie and Patrick Long All ware represented by attorneys who labored indoetriously to show the court tho necessity ror granting licenses to these new houses. Remonstrances' were hied agaiimt Kolata, Pollsky und Lahotsky, bnt they were objected to on ths ground that they wsro not sworn to. want WHOLESALE LICKN'Sn. The proprietors of the lieichard brewery at Wilkss-liirre asked ror a wholesale license i-i th Fir3t ward of Dickson City. Tnev say they have erected a storehouse and refrigerator at that place and want the privilege of Imposing of their product in this county. Arguments were also heard in favor of granting licenses to the following new bouses in Dunmore: John Gib bons. John Powell. John Sammon, Patrick J. Donghertv, l)om"tiico Vac- caro, Rinalo Lolli, Grady & Uolaud, Michael Finnerty and M. L. Lingan. Iu the oase of Mr Ltngan court de cided to hear further argument this morning. CHARITY ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT. once for signers. It asks councils to pave the portions of Niuth, Robinson and Jackson streets, which constitute the road, from Lacbuwanua to Mtiu avenue with Helgiau block pavement. During the greater part of the year i In ho streets are in a bad condition. Several West Side businuis men have agreed to subscribe money towards de fraying the expense of pavement and they will have u opportunity to do so. s SHORT CIRCUITED GENERATOR. It Will Be Olven at the Penn Avenue Baptist Church, The entertainment to be given by the lonng People h Society of Christian Endeavor of the Penn Avenue Baptist church this evening will consist of ths following programme: Piano Duet Selected Male Quartette, "Tho World Is What Yon Make It' Soprano Solo "The Daisy Song' Declamation "iue insh riant Drill Boy's Brigade Recitation "Paul Revere's Ride" Violin Solo selected Soprano Solo Selected Declamation.. ."Patrick Henry a Aaaresi Piano Duet Selected The admission fee will be 18 cents and cake and coffee will be served free The proceeds will be given to the nn employed of, this city through the church missionary s AT CUSHMAN'S BIJOU. Many Clever Entertainers Perform at That House. The continuous performances drew many persons to Music hall yesterday and last night, where an excellent eu tertalnment was given. The Primrose quartette again appears this week, as do McMahou and King, the buok and wing dancers, who created such a fa vorable impression Isst week "The Great Ooda' executsa remark able feats on the trapeze und James and Ida Gtlday, sketch artists, add mate rial strength to the entertainment. There are besides these several other txoellent performers on the bill, THE BICYCLE DISAPPEARED. Colored Boy Will Answer at Court for Bteallag from B O Coarsen. A week ago a bicycle belonging to a son of E G. Coursen was taken from the family residence yard. Offlosr Roche located the wheel in Dix alley, where It was iu the possession of a boy uniued Harry Sohoonover. Schoouovsr . bought it from Josua Miller, a not overly-bright colored lad of the same locality. Miller was ar rested, aud rsmsudsd by Alderman Wright for nppearance at court in de fault or (J0O bail. . e STOLE A SUM OF MONEY Landledr and Fellow-Poardrr Mouru th Loss of $1S0. John Wrnbluwtmkl, aged 83 years, about 5 ft. 0 In. In height, hoarded at 10211 Elm street with Mrs. Nazarzyker until yesterday, when he left, tslting with him $128 of the landlady's savings utid $23 helonglug to a fellow-boarder. Wroblewoaki left behind hlm a sev en months' board bill, and carried with him some articles of wearing ap parel belonging to the other occupants of the house. Caused Incanveuleno ta Patrons of the Street Railway. For a time last evening fears wer entertained hy many persona who had businss iu the central city that they would be compelled to walk to their hoiio s i'ii is was caused by a story that had been put iu cireulaliou early In the evening to the effect that the machinery iu the power bouts of the Scranton Traction company was dam aged so badly that it would he Impos sible to operate the system, Such was not the case, und althoiuh the usual high standard of the company was not maintained, no one had lo walk hems. The trouble was in the Providence road power house and was caused by a short circuited generator burniuj; out the brush holders. General Mauagur Archer was promptly on tbe scene. superintending repairs, and every thing will be la working order this morning Owing to tho accident It was found necessary to reduce the number of cars operating on ail the Unas last night. INJURED IN THE STEEL MILL. Patrick Coleman Hit on tha Hsad with a Bar Patrick Coleman, of 400 Lu.ernu slreot, a bar man at tho rolls In the South works, was injured yeterday morning, Coleman attended tho hot ingot, hi it went to tile blooming rolls. When it returned after its first passage lie was required to turn it with a bar. In stead of putting his bar under tne in got it caught in the live rollers underneath. The bar, thus caught, hit him on tho side of the head, stunning him, and he fell on the hot plates, gettiug a lew supurliciul burns I ho injured man was taken to the Moses Taylor hospital. At intervals dnring the day Lo became unconscious, but laet night he was resting easily. The physicians nt tho hospital any that ho will be entirely well in a few week. Coleman is 24 years old and unmarried. FIG STREET GRADING MATTErt. Judge Arohbald Oorilrms ths Report of the Viewers. ' Jndge Archbald, by an opinion handed down yesterday, overruled the exceptions to the report of viewers with regard to the paving of Fig street and confirmed the report (In ally. City Solicitor Torrey, in his excep tions, held that the appointment of the viewers had been irregular and that tlivy had erred In not assessiug benefits as well as damages ,,.- , WOULD BE VERY DESIRABLE. Petition to Be Clrcuiatid for Paving of Driveway to West Sid. Common Councilman P. J. Noalis, of the Fourteenth ward, has prepared a petition which will be circulated at ABOUT BASE BALL GROUNDS. Directors of Ecrantoo Club Will Meet manager Archer Today. Manager H. H. Archer, of the Scran ton Traction company, returned from Philadelphia yesterday and was waited upon by directors of the Scranton Base Hall association, wno were desirous of ascertaining what tbe Traction com pany was willing to do in the matter of securiug and fitting up snitable grounds for the Scranton club. Mr. Archer was too busy to discuss tbe matter at tbe time, but will meet the bass ball men this morning at 10 o'clock and give them bis answer. The club will open its season in this city by an exhibition gams with Wilkes-Barrc on April 21. On April 82 ii will play in Wilksa-Barre, April 23 in this city and April 24 at Syra cuse. RICHMOND SHAFT INQUEST. Jary Unabl to Agree and Adjourned Until Tomorrow Night. Tho jury empanneled by Coronsr Kelley to investigate tbe recant disas ter in tbe Kichmoa 1 mine mit last night at the coroner's offha. After three hours deliberation they wjt unable to agree upon a verdict and ad journed to meet tomorrow night. Of tbe six jurymen five stood for a verdict, the nature of which could not be learned, while one .took an opposite visw. However, it is understood that the one insn wanted to censure either Mine Inspector Roderick or the com pany agsiust the wishes of the others, VAUDEVILLE AT WONDERLAND. Scranton' Business Interest. The TRIBUSI will soon publish n care fully compiled and classified lint of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing aud professional interests of Scranton and vicinity. The edition will be bound in book form, beautifully illustrated with photogravure view of our public build logs, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of leading citizens. No similar work has ever given an equal rep resentation of Scranton'a many indue tries. It will be an invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers and be nu unequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation Is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to those ooncsrned ns well us the city atlsrge. Representatives of Thi Tribi ic will call upon thohk wiiosk RaHBI are desirku In this edition and explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences in tni edition will please 1 ave notice at the office. W OPn Today our new stock of Boys' Waists, "The King'' and "Mother's friend." l'lM.KV'S. New llioycl. A new bicycle worth tTi will be Sold for tHrV The machine is guaranteed and ia a rare bargain. Machine may bo seen at the 'iribuno ofllce. 21 Ut "-ugar l, at Reinhart's market. Before We move to 117 Lackawanna aveuua we offer a ipeoia price on nil of our Silver novelties, UMBRELLA STRAPS 35c. Each. W. W. Berry, Jeweler 303 Gpruco St. Best Sets of Teeth, $8i00 Including the painless extracting tf teeth by an tutlruly new proles. A Splendid Peiforraanus Qlven Last Night by (lever Artists. Wonderlaud, after a prosperous sea son with its stock company, returned lo a vaudeville performance last night for the week. It Is thu constant desire of tbe management to furnish such a diversity of entertainment as will please the public. Th loll last night was a vory strong one. Zoyarrd did some of ths most sensational work on the revolving adobe fcver seen In this city, und "The Only Rubzort," gave nn interesting ex hibition ol vocal powers. Beside these thvro were Nettie Bond, Harry W. Bloadsll, Jones and Edwards, Alexander W Wilson, Uau. C Manning, Miss Ida Bailly, aud James aud Mac Haisly in tins specialties. Faster Millinery Opsnlntr. An exhibit of trim hat-, tasteful in de sign. A dl-play or straw goods, Isoesjota, Bowers, etc.. st Jlis. Laugstalf's, 108 Wyo ming aveuue, Friday and haturday. March !0ndl7. Call whether you intend buy lug or not. filuelo Box Excluaivaly. Host made. Play any deeired number of tunes (inutschi & Sonx., manufacturers, 1U80 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchestrial organs, only to and $10. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired and Improved with new tunes. .4 PaSsT Milwaukee liock Beer on draught and Rocksway oysters, fresh from the shell, at John Lohmann'h, 'l'J Lackawanna aveuue. ev Frjuh creamery butter at Riin- barl a market, Lackawanna ave. Anheussr Ilucch Bear. Louts Lobiiiaii'a, ,o bpruce -k !DIMil.tSiBIBslSkfit;ilI!BBfillBIBIIlli2 "VVATCH this space for our open ing days. Spring Is Coming, We are showing an ex tensive line of beautiful Spring Garments. It will pay you to buy a Fur Garment and Winter Coat3 before they are packed away at less than half price at jr. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. Tne only Practical Furrier in the city. AGATE and still Buffer- m nri ing from the DLUJu (k'eP cut in prices. WARE; s s In a few days we will 5 have the very latest novelties in Kitchen g I Utensils. The assort- ment will be large; the prices will be low. I 5 f Henry Battin 4 Go. f 196 PENN" AVE. me u. J. illlllllllllIIIHlllUlllllllHlltlslin Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CORNELL CO. Dr. Hill Son Albany DENTISTS Set teeth. tUfh best set, 5S: for poid raps and teeth wltbont vlates. called croxn Hnd brides work, call for prices and refereaeee TUNALUIA. tor eitractm,- MStll WltbOOl pain. No ether. No gas. Huntington HOME BAKERY. OVER MUST NATIONAL HANK. OSLAND'S 128 Wyoming Ave. GLOVES and CORSETS All tho popular luake.i The only Clove atnl Corset Store in tbe rallty, We are now oprn for I miners. OSLAND'S. We have a larcra assort ment of PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, ICE CREAM and WATER ICES Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE., or 413 LACKA. AVE. Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until midnight. Eureka Laundry Go. Cor. I inden St. and Adams Ave. Coca? Boca Bquari, All kimls of Laundry work pnarnnteei the iicsL. GENTLEMEN, p nn shoes Better Than Most $4,00 Shoes You Buy MADE LIKE HAND-SEWED. l o Seams or Tacks to Hurt ionr Feet. All Btrlesead CMt!n In Oonsjcas or Laos. The Beit Shoe oa Earth for the Money Try ii Pair ind you ill VPMT no QthcT RANTQTJJB'CflQ AA 8HOE on tmmuiLin uipu.vv every boxi BANISTER'S, L'cmJ J te Our $2 $o Shoes arc as good aa anyboda $3 00 Shoes. S. C. Snyder, o.D.s. iaa wyouinu ay i. SPECIAL OFFERING IN EN'S NECKWEAR, At 25c. and 50c Each. Remarkable Vulnes. Look in Our Windows, This week we open nn entirely nsw lino of Indies' Spring Suits, Coats, Capes and Jackets M BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.