THE SCR ANTON TBIHUNE-TUESDAY MORNING-. MARCH 13. 1894. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, General Manager. rtTBMMlF.r nAIt.Y AND WIKKI.V IN RCRAH TON, PA.. bY TUB TttlllUM I'L'DLIBHINO Company. New York oftiof: TitiBum Bcii.dino, Frank 8. Gray. Manaqkr. Uttered at the liitofHct nl fkranlon, ErermdVlan Hail Matter, Pa . THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. BCBANTON, MARCH 18, 1804. Judging from what sulowaiic critic ay. it will le u mistake by the uian nnoment of the new hotel Jeitnyn to devote the lower lloor to store rooms, thus Unvinsr no coign of vnnUge for the festive porch lounger. To bo miro, the contlaiul presence of this individ ual npon the ed;o of the sidewalk and in full view of nil who may chance to pass, is not metropolitan, nor, in the ense of laduj thus forced to run a blockade of curiotn, and sometimes impertinent, eyes, is it particularly pleasant. Hut it U a meat delight to floor committees. And whom else is the new hotel built for? NOT SHED IN VAIN. With the exception of its regularly eubeuliztd orunns in Troy, Albany and Buffalo, the New York Btite Djiuo cratic machine, which sustains it political hold by flagrant prostitution of the public will and does not scruple at uuprovoked murder when almtUS to foist its favorities into power, DM, since hst Towday'd outrage at Troy, not a solitary newspaper apologist in the length and breatb of tae Empire commouwealth lastsftd of diminish- in? in a ratio correpoudiu.' to the Ross tragedy's historical recession public indignation at that brutal oritn is hourly o:i the increase; and the con damnation of boss rule aud boss methods is swvlliiu' into a chorus covering not Now York state alone, but the sntire continent uj well AsTbiTRI bcne instantly foresaw wueu it first r cvived tilt news of las: Tuesdiy'a cold blooded crime, this rnthlssi slaughter by thiuum's aganta of an upright and lawahiJing ciiz-n, while in the voluntary and valiant per- formanca of a bravo oltizena honest duty, has prove 1 tho added dro; which ovet'.l'.vjl the; the crowning atrocity wtiieh, alter years of patient and uncomplaining toWr ance, has brctwbt down the dlue Not since that other loyal sou of Troy Frank Browne!!, shot down the slayer of gallant Colo lei Ellsworth, in th hallway of th Marshall Hon.3 at Alex andria, Va,, when Ellsworth had trie. to pluck down the defiant, floating em blem of disunion, has there been a re sponse more direct, instant and gen eral. It has DOt been a partisan re sponse, although the tnnrdsr of Ross was a partisan murder. It baa not b.ei an ocasiou for MCOaitftll "cuckoo" talk. Only ona sentiment has been voiced by th reputable citi lensliip of the country, irrespective of partisan and tbttssntiiosnt most eordisl detestation of tim system that breeds such awful deeds. ernmetital affairs of our home com munity? Are wo guarding, as w hould, the portals of our council chambers aud exercising thatuuvary- tig concern touching ull the various details of our government ns a city which is tho inevitable price of Inmost rule? If we are, thou we used not pause to consider further the general lesson of Kobert Ross' death. But if we are not, there is need at once of enrneft and decisive thought with rof oi 'nee to these things. COLOMBL McCLCRI doubtless meaus well in nominating Commodore Ging erly for governor, but it isaslyle of kindness that bustles with iinesttoii marks. Jamks P. TAYLOR, tha genial editor of the Montrose Republican, is to be a oan didate for representative in the stale legislature this fall. It is nunonnced that his candidacy will be unopposed In the nominating convention which, of course, meaus a certain elaotion, as Susuushaumi is more overwhelmingly Republican than ever this year. Mr. Taylor, who at one time was editor of the Wilkas-Hsrro Record, pnroaased the Republican about eighteen yew ago, and during hie resiJonce iu the county has always labored faithfully for the success of the pirty. The elec tion of Brother Taylor to the legisla ture by the Susqnehanna Republicans will be a graceful recognition of fnitli ful service. RICHARD CkOKKK SQQQid be reminded that his threatened arrest of Represen tative Dunphy for telling tales out of school still bdongs to the limbo of the great unrealized. It is well said by the Democratic Brooklyn Eagle, whose ex-Troj in edi tor, :St. Clair McKelway, lias recently dene such valiant service in the purifi cation of our municipal government, and whose energetic warfare upon "Boss" McLmghlin and, later, on "Boss" McKane, contributed vastly to the overthrow of these odious offshoots of the new political science called Murphyiem it is well sail by the Eagle, ia this connection, that "the people are not crying out against frau 1 because it is done by th agents of one party against another, but bacauso they are opposed to fraud itself. The sta bility of th gorernment depia Is upon the confidence of the people in the horuaty of the elections." Instances could be cited in abundance in onr owu state in proof that this is true, in proof that crimrs which look horrible whnn committed by the enemy are no longer converted into virtues by the mrfi imprint of one's own party label If there is one fact clearer than all others in the politic il process of this generation, whether we soek for evidence in one state or another, it is th fact that fraudulent practices aimed at the franchise are steadily falling into pnb lie disrepute. No other sentiment than a common morality could, in our own atate, have banished the old style bal lot and substituted, in its steal, agiinst the practically ananitnotn wish of the practical politicians, the secret ballot, with its fair assurauca of privacy in tha voting and its approximate houesty in the count Bat it has been for somo time necessary that toil oommon and general morality should bav th quick ening impulse of a new and sharp in citement; that it should be fertilizsd into renewed and expanded strength by the rude impact of some severe shock. Well, therefore, did William Rosi, of Troy, say when questioned as to a me morial: "Tho only monument we de sire for onr brother Rob is the promise of a pure ballot." And not the prom ise, but the gnrous and jealous ful filment ia what his countryman fairly owe to Robert Ross' memory. But the lesson of this martyr's doath Applies also oUewhen than to cities creaking and groaning; under bossism'a gigantio misrule. Wo are accustomed to felicitate ourselves here in SorantOQ that we have not yet known, as a par -aonal civic experience, this monstrous distortion of republicanism called Murphyisra for short. In contempla tion of the servility that prevails in many other cities, and in view of the rampant fraud with which the franchise is elsewhere beset, we have been prone to draw tho mantle of a su perior godliness abont our young shoulders and to oomfort ourselros with the delusion that we are safe from theso evils. Safe? How do w know that we ire safe? What praoti caj preparation are we doing to make not problematic il, but certain, onr security against this con taminating municipal contagion? Are we vaccinating onr civic veins with th virus of a wholesome vigilance? Are we fortifying our body politie with true earnestness of mnnicipal patriot ism and a proper Interest in the gov- KOR JUDGE, B. W. LEWIS. In the nomination by acclamation yesterday of B W, Lewis, of Tutik bannoek, for president judge of the Forty-fourth judicial district, the Re publicans of Wyoming county have placid a most creditable and worthy oiudidatu in the fislrt. Mr. Lewis is reCOgnind in his profession as one of tiio belt aud olosest sin lent of the law in this part of Pennsylvania. He ii a man of wide culture, superior scholar ship and excellent personal adJresj. In his civic, ns well as in his professional relations, he has manifested a disposi tion of fairuess aud probity which, taken in connection with his other qualifications, well .jualifi him for ire successful disclnrgi of the judic ial function. Forjudge Sitser personally TBI Tut liusE entertains only the kindest feel ings. It has no dasira to dscry his character as a man or his efficiency as i jurist. But his ronomiaation b? the Democrats of the Forty-fourth dis trict, taking plac-i la full mmwryof ,i.o light of ton years a,'o in which he waged successful partisan onslaught upon JuJgj Ingham, will release his Republican f ri--u la from all obligations of support an 1 if he shall be treated to i dose of his own political medicine he will have no one but himself to blami In an issns between Judge Sitser mid Mr. Lewis there can be no possible room for doubt as to the duty of all true Republicans. Mr. Lewis is the unanimous nominee of the Republican party , he is a candidate having every reasonable claim to the earnest support oi his fellow-Ropublicans, and he ap peals, ; moreover, to all citizens of what ever party who, in their regard for a non-partisan judiciary, shall next fall wish to rotniko the introduction of par tisan politics in this district ten years ago. It will b strange, indeed, if the result of next November's election, with its almost inevitable tidal wave of Republican majorities, shall not places Mr. Lowis safely and fairly in the Wyoming-Sullivau president judge ship. of us overlook a similar, although minor, evil at our very doors. Iu the cily of Scranton, during the past ten many handsome forest trees, proud remnants or the pioneer era.have wo uunecensarily and evn wantonly sncriliced to the despoiling ax? Tae total, could It be estimiteJ. would doubtless prove quite astounding N-arlv aysry day tho close observer will uotice evidences of this destruc tiveuess. Hero John D rids his yard of a stately elm; there Uiohard R e ap plies the woodman's weapon to a grace ful maple, aud anon, ami) corporate organization of Djos anl RoeS, needing a street, a property or other right of way, proceeds nooonoerotdly to gt it condemned aud then without the least spark of compunction or regret, fella every bit of its vegetable growth, down to the smallest shrub. The re sult, In soiu) places, is most uupic tnreique, Foresty, like charlty.should bgin at home. iT is very refreshing to learn that Chinese Inspector Soharf, of (iotham, iudlgnautly refused to accept a $oOO pair of vases delivered auonymously by messenger to his wife, but evidenc ing Chinese purchase. In this respect Mr. Soharf' delicacy is almost fit to come before the notice of ex-Mayor Hugh J. Urant and his daughter "iOJ' sie. " SBNATOR HtLL would oHibly mako a good second edition of Randall if he had the staying qualities and the brains. - CONORB89MAN Wrigut's re-nomination is assured by bis indorsement, yester day, of tha Republicans of Wyoming county. Mr. Wright, although elo quent upon occasions, bilongs to the list of legislators who are content to let their industrious and incessant work speak for them No better man could represent his district. Airant Claea legislation. Ilichmond, i'a., Tititrts, Desia In one thiinr we reiret that the senate committee has left tha un unchanged, and that is in respect, to the lueuiiie tax. It is not fair, it is not just, it is not right, that a man who receives un income ot ehuuM pay no tax, and another who re ceives an inoome one dollar greater should have to pay tnxe.s. This Is class legisla tion! it is unjust, and uo parly cm long letaia pnblia confldeaos that bases it policy upon principle that operate in oue way upon one mau and in another upon another man. i Including Browm- Murphy. PkihxdetpXia Record. Justice should collar and caff the law less iiloinoiit ot Troy. SEE WHAT $2-00 Will buy in the way ot a HI I GOLDSMITH'S $ BAZAAR WOMAN'S VANITY They were talking about the vanity of woman, and one of the few ladies present undertook a flc- "Of COUWe," said she, "I admit the women are vain and men are not. Why," six- added with a ) around, "thenaoktie of the hnndsomaat mm Ld the nm ii even imv no the back of his collar," aud she smiled for every man present put his hand up to the baok of his nock. Thai proves it. We being men are no exoeptlon, What we are vain of, however, is tins: Heing able to offer Inducements Like Tlieseat Our SPECIAL SALE of fence, glanci M USLIN UNDERWEAR AT CONRAD'S Machine Kile is as y9t unknown in Scranton, and Hcrantoni ins. without reference to party, should co-operate to keep it unknown. . It war, interest borough officials to know that all affected communities which hare failed to comply with the legislative act of May 20, 1893. creating borough boanls of health will at oucu he prosecuted for contempt of law. This can be done only through the ar raignment of th derelict borongh of ticida, including burgess and council- men. The law required the creation of a board of health. In each borough, within six months after its enactment and clearly explained how thie should be done. The example of wilful diso bedience set by many boronghi In rela tion to this salutary law deserves pun ishment of drastic dogree. It has been snggasted that Mayor- elect -on-iusplcion Molloy, of Troy, re fute to take his bloodstained seat. Th suggettlon is good, but wholly hope less. Huch men a Molloy rarely die and never renigu. TO SAVE THE FORESTS. An experiment which will bo watched with Interest is to be tried by the commissioners of Scbuyl kill county, in the appintinnt of mounted wardens to patrol the forests md guard them from destructive fires. We have toen as yet no eatlmate of tho probable cost of saoh a fir.) protec tive force, nor any detailed calculations as to how many wardens ar to b i ap portioned to a given number or square miles of woodland. iMerely the an no0nc4ment of the general plan U all that we have to guide ooinmont in this matter; yet it wonld seem to be a fairly feasible reform, provided threatened individual holdings of forest land are willing to afford onorgetio volnntury cooperation. The merest glance at any adjioent hilltop these spring evenings will suf fice to afford lurid proof of the necos sity of precautions SgsiOlt forest Aral. At a time when lumbermen, railway constructors, acid factories and tanner ies are making dully Inroads upon what remaining lumber we havo In this por tion of tho state; and when noprncti cal steps are taken tnoppDsj this stoady destruction, further than ocoaii nal wordy discussions, it would seem to be eminently opportnno or the Institu tion of vigorous measures tow ird t u prevention of thest cotly recurring conflagrations. Although the first few years' salvage from suoh attempted prevention might not equal th ex pense of its rsclamttlo i tne commun -lty would yet be woll repaid in the re sultant creation of a sentiment adverse to unnecessary woodland spoliation. But while regretting civilisation's hostile invaelon of virgin forests, many N6 Douit Mr. Hiius promised tho Pittsiou postofllce to Candidate Battle. No doubt he promised it, also, to Can didat McDonald. Bat only a political cherub would place any coufldonei in u politic d promise tnado by such a congressman. GAPING PRURIENCY. Just before the oponiiii: of the uocond day's testimony i i the Breckinridge Pollard suit Judge Bradley Instructed the court marsh:il to "rpqnest" the la dies to retire. II j conll well havo Q Sd a stronger word. Tho mawkish neis and the morbidity tnat have been manifested during this trial arc enough to give one tho nausoa; uor ia this pro vocation to sickness lessened by tho (act that the most mawkish an l mor bid cf these fluttering court room fre quenters nre women, Mrs. Luke Blackburn sounded tho proper note when sue saiu, upjn tni witness stand, that only a solemn sanse of dutv could have indnced her to brave the publicity and tho embarrass ment of her connection with tho case. Those curious or frivolous women whose coming Into the acnndaldnden atmosphere of the divoro courts is in nearly all cases voluntary, could emu late Mrs Blickbnrn's decornm with profit to themselves an I satisfaction to the pnblic. It is snid by profound philosophers bat icandal in ODgOrlog is an universal weakness, differing among its victims with respect to opportunity rather than degree. This may be true and yet sffor 1 no justification for our un resisting surrender to the weakness. Because woimn, deep down in their wn natnres, like to hear the ample letails of any smsatimal faux pis is certainly no reason why they should besiege the courts and publish their curiosity to an already too prurient community. Can they not read alt the fActs iu the daily papers? AN CPPROPRIATE SIGN. In the Simoun house at Oouldnbiro, Wajne county, I'a , hangs the following sign: "Since f'leveland's election defeated protection, We're in it for four yoirs more; Then don't ask for trust. Or Harvey will bust. And the sheriff will close up the door " Mr. Harvey is the prourietor ot tho hotel. DsTnooracy'i Ptrniiypd Daluiion. AVii) i'o'A Yen. The ostrich. like Intellect of the cuckoos will probably coustrne the sweeping local Republican triumphs in Maine, New York, Iowa and Wisconsin as a fresh command from the peoplo to smash American indus tries. Muiphyism'e D:rct Work. Titty l it,' , Timn. Tim tragedy of Ttiudsy Is a" truly the rlpo fruit of the treo which Murphyism plan tod, watered and nourihol as the pur pie grape is the nm mil product of the cul tivation of the vino. RE we are: NOVATORS Xo Dust left in your carpets. No Moths, Feather Lico or Im purities in your feathers when we get through with them. Don't hesitate to give us your work. We OA.X and WILL please you, No old machinery, All new, anil Ihe best. Mattresses thoroughly renovated and made over good as new. Furniture repaired ami uphol stored. Ci me and see one of Bci anion's newest industries and see how we do the work. Sou are welcome. THE Corset Cover3 at 9c, 20c, 29c, 35c, 49c, 69c, 63c. Chemise at 19c, 25c, 49c, 63c, 75c, 85c, 98c. Drawers at 19c, 25c, 29c, 49c, 59c. 63c, 75c. Skirts at 59c, 67c, 85c, $1.23, $1.49, $1.73. Gowns at 49c, 59c, 73c, 85c, 98c, $1.23, $1.49. All our garments are oul full, well and fashionably made aud neatly trimmed. During this sale we will offer a lot of Ribbed Silk Underwear which formerly sold at $1.73, now slightly counter soiled, at 98c., and the perfect garments of Silk in a lower grade at 59c. We will also introduce the best numbers in the following makai of Cjnets-vPrlma Djnna IFrenoh), R. and (f., Warner's and Ferris Waists. Silk and Cashmere Tea downs, by one of the best linkers in the country, of which we have the ex clusive agency, nnd will be a specialty with us. Your Attention Is Asked to Our Present Window Display, Special Prices in Muslin Underwear will prevail only from Saturday, March 10th, until Saturday, March 24th. Any numb3r3 sold out during the sale cannot ba duplicated. Mercereau & Connell aor LACKAWANNA AVEXL'li With the New Valves Out of Sight Scranton Bedding Co. 602-604 Lacka. Ave. Cor. Adams Ave. N.B.- We are Retailing at Factory Prices. A SPECIAL EXCURSION WASHIHGM, D.C. Via CENTRAL R.R. CF N. J WILL UK RUN ON Thursday, March 22, '94 AITurdliiK tlm Ntidrate of Scrnnt'in ami vlrln lty un eKcrllmit upporl unity tu vinit WashniK toii 'it th" i-,. t-i : it; titftil w-RW'ii of th" jvnr. Spt-ciftl oxi-urHiuti ttrkft.-; from BenUltOtl will hp milil. Komi to ki i nly on train li'iivlriK S, ranton at H in a in Mai. li fAaml for ri-turn on any train until Mntvh 2? laohtnTO, Tll'KKTS FOR T1IK BOUND TitlP Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, CKEDENDA, GENDR0NS, And a full line of Boys' and Girls' Wheels. We arc mak ing extremely low prices on Second-hand Wheels. DIAMONDS, and Fine Jewelry, Leather Goods, Clocks, Bronzes, Onyx Tables, Shell Goods, Table and Ban quet Lamps, Choicest Bric-a- Brac, Sterling Silver Nov 1 . eities. J nWllllnMURRR niLunmuw unu IUI 314 Lacka. Ave. $7.31 Aeethatin Otrar I Connlderate. AVm Orleom Picayune. 0cr Will Iiim pnHtpnuxil hie Amnri MO lortiirn on MOOHBI f tho financial ilpprtuHlnii heriv It will not mill liU men tal di'proneion to the finaucinl bear iluwti. Very Correctly Predloted. llfttituit IreMeertefi linlpaa conjroHa iloi's HinnnthlnK pmtty intrlrllinK iiuck, tho voto will hi pructl nelly DBtOlflWIll for tlin Itxpnlilirnns iu the northern KtateH next Novembor. EolH Truth Aptlv Voiced. A'w Viirfc Amrrlctt, )m. No tiarty Unit pMWitl OOVfttpt men to control ita uffalre can long Imlil iiower.and no free tfovernuicut uiiJit wbluh a party rnlea ly finml can long exist. The Oold Fan- Urayly Stated. ItnitikhiH F'li'. firm. BtMOM ot Troy political mtthodi which CVlmlMtod in BMNW, thi ttii rapre- MMN In YVnuliliiKtori by Kiltvnrd Murphy. Jail Rnnm Yt Yawn. Hnmktyn Ruttr, Vm. Tho work of Mndtng tha miiity to sina SIiik Htionld he coii tinned till wo itrsAaaurod of an htmeet ballot mid n fair count. . Not a Compute Virdloatlon. Rrotillyn KnuU, lU m. The reply that you've mini her lq neynr OODTloetDg proof of the Innocence of tho man who makes It. 1h Only Crrtaln Vao Wlfnlmru (TirmuVc Tilrgraph. The Intost Ofoato trial at OtllOMO proved ono fact very couclnsivoly, Croniu U atlll dead. Hotel Waverly , European Plan. Ftrrt-claan liar att lehol la pot tor lkirgtier 41 Bngel1! i'nmihiutuwr IlT 0. L Cot, 15th Bud Filtart Sts., Philsia, dnnlraliln for rnaldentn of N r.. Tnnn; lylvniila. All oonyenieBOti inr travelere to anil from Droml Btreet etation and tho Twelfth ami Markot Street rtatlon. IJe tlrahle for vltltinir Sarantonlana and ivr tie In thu Anthractto Hegiou. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY SILVERWARE SPECTACLES B LANK l'.OOKS LANK ROOKS MEMORANDUMS Office Supplies of all kinds Inks and Mucilages LEAD1NH MAKES. Fine Stationery WIRT, WATERMAN and FRANK LIN FOUNTAIN PENS. All Guaranteed. Agents fot Crawford's Rous and Buck's Flexible Rubber Stamps. HOUSEHOLD Timothy, Clover and Lawn Seeds, Foote & Siiear Co. 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. LUTHER m KELLER mm, bmmi Reynolds Bros. Stationers nnd Engravera. 817 LACKAWANNA AVR Ueual O .1 Rivaraed. irimiiiiffon Aiiif. TI10 Troy olvctlnn lOBfttl ft TUN uaual order by ung m they vote. tbo Behind Cloied Door. ntttburn C'.'ironlel. 7'neii afih. The Pollard-Dreckinridfre ihould tried iu executive session. bt EDWIN G. LLOYD 423 Lnckawanii.t Avenue. liR ADS. wl iii TM TRIBUNE ut tlio A WORD. ItiBcrt rnto of ONE CENT FOR THE LENTEN SEASON AitklnilK PrMh 1 ii rtBlvd 1 am y Smoked BeiMfcOt, Honalne Vm, Yiiruioiitli Hluiitcr, Salt Mm'kirrl. lull) florhawiiv, C'Iiobh Miiurltr Hlvi-r IIIiki Tolnt ,::5;i OYSTERS KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOR PLASTERING. SEWER PIPES, FLUE LININGS Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. Quarries and Works, Portland. Pa. IRON and STEEL NORWAY I HON BLACK DIAMOND BILVUR BXTRA BPECIAL BANDERBON'H BNOUSH .iKssoD's UNOIilSH OAST BTRBL HORSE BHOBB ILEV RVSSE1 TOK CALK TIKE MACHINERY BPKINO st ) IT BTEEIi ANVILS BKLLOWS BOBSB NAILS L AND WELLS BROS WACOM WHEBL8 AXLES SPRINGS HUBS SPOKKS KIMS BTKKL BREIN8 R. R BPIKB8 BCREW f 0 IT 1 X U M A CHIXI--.KY. Bittenbender&GovScranton, Wholesale and retail dealers' In Wagonmakerj' and Ulacksmiths' FlTPI'LlRa W. Poft Shell Clatae, Shrimps eallepa, H. PIERCE, PENN AVE. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. ECRAXTON AXD W1LKES-BARUK. TA., NANtTVAOTOBXBS Of Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Generul Office, SCRANTON, PA. ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH STOWERS DELICIOUS, MILD 8U&A.H OUIIED ABSOLUTELY rXTH.BJ HAMS. LARD. EVERY HAM AND PAIL. OF LARD BRANDED. mmLm Tgg STOWERS PACKING CO., SCRANTON, PA T HE DUTHEIL STUDIO 315 LACKAWANNA AVKXllK, SCRANTON, PA. f ...... a i.Mt .iirtLii'. a roiuraei wiin i irauu' laetory to turn out l.wi Irani' a lietweon now untl (Mirat Bat. 1 wish tiunnounn to tbo tuib- AeA It.- tint I will mako a OENUINi: CRAYON PORTRAIT ropl.-d from any unmll ono ABSOLUTELY TOES 01 CHAROB. LATEST STY 1.1 :s OF FRAMES FROM eJJ.BO DPWAfMa Workmanship Riiarnntood. Frames OUpcr cent, loss than regular prla t K. DUTHEIL, Artie l. e