THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 13. 1804. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G., B. & Co., ImnrlntM "n Each Rlfinr Carney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. - Ul A. DR. ware: H. E3. sr! 1 w.isi-. EYE, EAR, NOSb: AND THROAT. '35 WYOMING AVE PERSONAL. R. Tv stuiirt. of Carboodale, wj la Bcrantou yosun ,ly. John K. Itallech and family Will result' at tb Wyoming for itu um raw iiava. v. i. Boon, of Wilkee-Barre, a a,i Juititm uisurauoe loswei iu the i-iti featar day W L. Welta of CatnOTla, N V , i ttw 5 ntm of hit brotbw-io-Uw, Wtj Solicitor emee H Torrey. 0, R. MiivillA MBWtl IttaaagM ol th Delaware and Hmmm Canal ooeapaoy, t Carbottdale, vm iu Bcraoton yeeterday. D. B Atherton. rotnravd vwlwrdM Iron N'fW York, wbrt h h.A.H Iveu tMUMOting buniii m th. latOtm it the BOTMtOU board of trade. Mr Ivan (.rilNirt nJ Ms--:. JoMph ti thuersou, of I'boater county, 9:urs of Ur-oeml Maaagw ftronar aragiteeteof lit uii Urn. Archer, ut their JerTersoa ave nu tu-ai?. D. P. Wedamso, of ForMl City; S. M. Both end Boyd E. Wilkinem. of WiU iuvwrt; Will Blttaabander, of Plymouth; ad Wll'lam Everett, ot Willie-lUrre, ere at tb Weetuiiuster. John Sjheuer. jr. of the South SiJe lodgjo, Hector Casapbell, of Hyde Park lode, and S. W Kedera, of Autlim eite lodj:v, will repreeti: their rwpaotivt Crunchen at the OOBTOOtioO of the Order of Toutu at Syracuse, " Y. J. S. Swisher, district passenger ageat for the Jersey Central read, c-'UCeiupUtea moTia his family to Scrantou .VDril I. Tb- miiiy of bu family here will regret tteir departure, at thwy will be greatly mieeed m cti.irch and the social circle. Tankbasaook Ag-. B. W. S rougman, of Hoaesda'e; A J. Detueru, of Biu.;baoifou, W. J. L.swu, of K:ait v . i r. isi M-v ?. '.' '..'is f baawtoa; W. D. Ctooka and 0. at Schieu, et WiUiaaaaport; Biehard smith, of Wiiitos Barre. ad hofnaaoi C. A. Welu, of Syra coae. a;' at :he Valley House. COURT M0U9I NEWS NOTES. KFBIISI1 Attorney H. 0, Murray yesterday filed hi report at auditor m' caw vf Betts Jc Weslear egatnat at M. Ki-aruey. Jade Arebbald yesrerdiy granted a new trial in the case WHoaa Xjou against W.hiam Oodd. administrator. Toe report of v-ewers in the matter of a rood becw-en OWpb.mC and Bialiely teruOijlH was confirmed finally oy the roort Mlirday. A farther eiteasioa of time antii Mon day, March iii. wa granted by the court yster'lay in Aldermau C. M. DeLoag atJochmist p::c- lia, The LiCawaaaa Bar association has filed April U as the da:" for it aaaoa barnjuet. It will be held ;a the maiu cor ridor of the court house. Th'! hearing iu the preliminary lajanc tiou obtained laat Taonday by John Schwenlc against F. runberg was yesterday continued by tbe court until Mariu 19, Arbitrators C. B. Gardner. Walter E. Bngxs and H. L Taylor have tt ed an award of no cause of aettoa in the case of Ehjaa M :rgan aga:us; Joan LuTering, ad muisV'ator. Court yesterday appointed Matthew Beani? constable of old r'ur?e t'.wnsbip in in place of D. M. DaTis, rasantd. PhiiliD Hoffman wax appoia:ed constable of the third ward of Dunmore. (.'cart made an crder yesterday allowing the congregation of the church of St. Rose of, of Carboniaie, to sell Its pnatr.rai ri1nce to the Antnrasite Iand and Impr .vement company. John W. Benjamin of Court street is on duty as janie.r of tne court house Ailing the vacancy caused by the death of James Stone, who for so many years acceptably discharged the duties of the position. Mr. Benjamin was formerly janitor at tne er.nrt house. In court yesterday coumel for defend -ints made tne bi'tteet and bst bid for the proparry in dispute in th equity case of lr 0. rvepnen attains". Jatia O. Frsnlthn and others. Tne commissioner appoiated by tne court placed a value of i,5n) on tne property Tne bsd of the defeudauts for It was iAVt John Lewis, through Att)rney John ft. Jones, began proceedings yesterday to pro cure a divorce from Annie lewis. They ware murriel on Aunns', jo, 1 -!?.', and lived together until Anzust 20 ) hn Mrs. Lewis, it is alleged, deserted Der hus band. It is oa that ground that the divorce is asked. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE jUn'ler this headine short letters nf interest will lei pulilisr.e ! r,or. v.'otiip-n.ed. f .rpoh hcatior.. by the writer's name TuaTRiat.'sa will not he held resoonslole for opinions here eiprosH.-.i . License A fp i-iatlon Opposed. Editor of the B jianton TaMStm; Daaa Hir. We find la thi Hal of ap licants for in the Fifth wsrd of this city, a notlot of an npplt'ation for licenss for 1,708 Washburn s reef, which we belit-ve to bi a new application, this boose having DMB occnpiedaa a store ever aince it has DMn built. Within fifty yards of this is an old established hotel, and torty yards further a restaurant of many years' stendlng.botb of which are an eyesore to many who have to travel by their doors many ilmee during the w'ek, and we wonld wlt.hont any other argument submit tba matter to the consideriition of tba authorities of onr city, and also to the honorable judgos whohavethe power of grantiiiK these li censes, whether or not In their judgment two saloons are not ample and sufflcletit to supply the wants of WON who are in the Immediate virlnltyof these houses, the tattor b'ing surli a short distance away, The neighborhood Ih not In the least, thiol ly populated, one side of the street being merely an open space for the entire tatfta of the blocks la which the three houses are situated. Surely these two can Btipply all their wants. Onr ignorance of the lulus governing remonstrances has deprivd us of the op portunity of preseuting such, but should this have been ntt"lideu to no doubt a large majority of the citir.ens iu that, nsighborbood would have be. n glad of the opportunity tOalgB a remonstrauco against granting a license for t!ii house, and it is to be hoped that this means of rommuul cating our ideas will rea'di the eye of those who are in authority and that they will wigh the DMttar carefully and con gciouttoUHly. We hope this may be the means of convincing our honorablo judges that there is no nred of any more saloons on Washburn slruot, and that they will lie determined to reduc i the numbrr of sa loons in the city rather than to increase them. Hi.: i. Davieh. Scranton. Pa., March 12. Happculus of a Day TtAt Will Interest Hyde Park Rcidjn. A VERY ENJOYABLE GONCERT Given at Plymouth Cong;r0ftation.l OhUPCh by Lovctt's Boston Stars. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Ralnhart Ccli brate Tlioir vVtdding Annivors.u y at St. David's Hall-lnlorestiii", Talk on Raphael -Dannie Reese Honored. The West Side ciflb's of tile BORlirTON Thihvmk la located at l.'s; s.nith Mam avs lice, whafOaQbaoriptlOlta, advertueiuaiUt and rommnoiMtioai will raoalva prompt stteutiou.J A lare and RpprtolhtT6 Midlenee greeto i Lovatt'a Boaton stars at the Daw Plymouth Coogragatlonal obnroh last eveumg. Iha uewiv famlihad adlfioa lookod vny oaantlful with its White walls and ll thI due iratlont The Brat nam bar or the prattrantino w i piano aolo, "Polka Oaprloe," by Marion Osgood, Wbkoh was well rei'sirsd. A recital. "T'obe's Mounuieut," was t'luelv girau by Mis Bertha Brfwer. Mia Brewer i expreaaioo is ezoellent The next number was a soprano selo entitlad, "Sweetheart," ren- Jared by Miss Viola Morrell, the famous linger, in anon a manner that be was ooutuellail to reaDoad to an eu thusustie anoore Frank Q, Royuoldi delighted the auilienoa with hnmorona Imperaonationa. Mr. Reynold'! equal li us tiuver been eseu on this aids. A violin eolo waa given by Miss Osgood She b untied this Inttmutent ill a won derful uiiUitier, and won r-t applanie, Mi Morrell and Mr Etaynoldi then leiulere 1 a diut entitled "The Sm t . 'i Leaaon," wbioh was ezoellent Miss Brewer again recited, after whleh a 10 pranowaa rendered by Miss Morrell, Mr Rsyuo! Is again came before the audience with his always aiunsin.; uu pereonalioue, Iu his oharaeter as dude. Mr, Reynoldi acqnitted btnualf nobly. A violin sol ' by Mus 0;ool followed and Mr Btynoldt oloaed the performance with an Impsraonatl :i of a Mleol stfair at the .loues . WhlOD was excellent. Tail affair retljets greit credit npon Miss Qwlayi Joeeph, teacher of claea N'a 15. nuder whose auericts th atfsir was given and the foil sriti - member. Walter j Jones, DaTidOweua, Tel lie Evans. H.rt Ek'nou, John Stepheus, E 1 he Hughss, Sun Jones, Arthur Stover, Willie ReynoMa, Davil A. Evans, Dannie Thomaa and William Willlauu, Tne proceeds of theaifiir will gj towards paying for the window that the mem bers of tae class aav pledged inem selves to pty for Mis Kt e Cawlsy Burisd The fuasrai of Mise Ksti Cawley, iausthter of Mr aud Mrs. Michael Cawley, of Van Bureu avenue, took place yeetarlay morni'igtrom '.he fatu ity residence ut 9 i o'clock. A large nnmber of the young la Iv's friend gtthered at the home anl viewed the remains for the lasr time. At Sr. Pat ricia cliurcri Rsv. Father Wuelau celo oratesi a sal-mn high mass of T' ti-m There were many beantif :! rliwsrs, among thein a pillow which bore the Inscription, "Cousin." The pall bear ers were. John TU;h, Michael Calkin, Bernard Cnlkin, Michael Tighe, John Flynn aud Bernard Mc Dermott. Interment w is made at the Hyde Part Citbolio cemetery. A. Wediina Anr.ivarsary St, David's hall, on North Main ave nn, wnich has just been renovated, preaanted a brilliant scene last evening. The occt.ion was the seventh annivir sarv of Mr. and Mrs. M II Reisbart, of North Ky le Park avenue The even ing was spent in an enjoyable manner. Over 100 guests wre present.and danc ing anl speeches were th principal features Refreshments were served at a late h)nr. A Ta k on RaphsaL Miss Leah Heath, daughter of Dr. Eastrk millinery opeuiug at Mrs. staff's, 1011 Wyoming avenue. Latig- NCilweukee Bock Bear. Pabst Milwaukee Hoi 1; Boer on draught John I.ohmann's, 2 i'.i Lackawanna avenue. W. M. Hsatn, of Scrantou street, gavs an Interaating talk last evening on "Raphael," the great Italian painter, and also exhibited forty illustrations of his works at t n horns of Dr H. iibbe, on Booth Main avsuue. Thi at ter.ilenr.e was finite large and the work of the talented young lady was much aporeciated by those present. A social followed. An Evsnin Party. A vry pleasant snrpr:se party was given laat evening in h nor of Dannie Reeae at bis h im', 111 Honth minora avetiu. A vry enjoyable evening was spent O itnss and music wsrs the principal features no 1 were kept up for many hours. Refreshments were served at mi might Personals and Kiwi Notts. Rev. William Fn;-r, of N-w York state, is th gnnst of M. L. Blair on South Mam nvenue. The fr.neral of the ynar old daugh -tr of Mr and Mrs. K I ward Smith, of liellevno, will take place today at 'i T0 .clock. r'. "-trir; eamp, Patriotic Order of True Amerioarit, will give an nter-temm-nt this evsning in their hall. S. M Reese, the hardware man, of Sontb Main avenue, will remove to the Harrison property on Jackson str-nt in the near future, Tba furi'Tftl of the i raarold son of Mr. sn'l Mrs. Jarrms Wei", of 8 Wetland street, occurred ysterday afl"rn .on from the family raaldenoa, Tim r .Ico w is conducted by Edward Btowail, of North Lincoln nvtntlta lnt'rineril was made in the Washburn street crnelerv. Mis Jennie Is lieck'T, of N'w Yor!. Is the gnost of 1 Kimiia ll-cker, of South Main nventie. William Phelps, of Mfl Fourte'inlh street, has boon misse l from his bonis since a week yesterday. Il is a d.irlt oompltxlonafl maa, dark mMttobt,balf and eyes, lib out live Net four inches In hoight and .'t'J yesrs of age. Any iu fortnatlon as to his WhWMbMta will b" gladly received at the above ndilross. ' -t FUNERAL OF MICHr.FL MTACUF.. Inttiment Made In llvdo Paik Catholic c natel y. The funeral of Michael McTaguo took place ycetr ley moriiiiig from his late retidenon Oil Penu avenue and was very largely attended At Ht. Panl'l (latluillo c'.nirgh R auk-mii rfqniam mass was otUbratad by Rev. Father Dunn, following which Rev. P, J. McManus, paslor of the church, delivered a thoughtful mid elo iineut sermon, during which he dwell on the beautiful death of the deceased Interment was made In Hyde Park cemetery. e McBkidk's new Turkish bnlh. Every thing new. ..o Spruce street, opposite Court House. AMUSEMENT NOTES. Barney Fergnaon aud "MeOartby'a Mishaps" will lie at the Auadeuiy of Music Thursday evening and no doubt be greeted by a large iiudituco. ll lias been h re many tinea, and eiioh time bus proved a more meritorious perform lime. Tbt playon are always talented mid the Hpeciaiista aro always novel. Thia aeaaon many nnnbari that sure to prove exceptionally interesting have been added, and the ensemble is one of the stiongoat presenting fare oonedy. Barney ETergnaon, funny in personality and method, is still the little Irishman WttO is nuvjr out of trouble, MAYO as daw CROCKET, (if Fnnh Mavo's impersonation of "Davy Crookatt, which will be seen at the Academy Friday i ic lit. the Da tmu Free Praia says "Mr, Mayo u the Ileal bark woo Isman a hero In buckskin lie is commanding in ! lure, an Apollo in appenranoe, strong a. Hercules and as lander as a woman, a'faoatbM tar manly beauty is not UrpaMtd, nu I no eye that can tl ish Ilka the lightning, oi nailing in aoft- liens can look deepest love into a Woman's eyes All this, with R Voieo sweetly nuitoal, or loud in clear, ring lug tones that thrill, make him the vert' dream of the drauiitisl who lim ned the titauulully poelie oharaeter which is to well ideal'.s.l in Mr, Maya" NORTH END. Yesterday's March for the body of Mlaa Hndget White waa fruitless. Mr. Kennedy, In-r employer, ha I nau learobing along the Laakawanna but could tin l nothing to indiaata that she destroyed betself Sunday evening she parforned the usual household work aud appeared to lie in as good spiriia. She lias alwayi teeii of a ineUucholy turn el nlnd and her de spondency aroused no suspicious iu the minds of the people aha lived with Until the letter which she left was found soon utter her disap pearance The letter showed abstrac tion and nental disorder. The ideas were disconnected, Iu it she at tempted to arrange her nli'iirs, giving what in may she possessed to her fi its ti ds and providing for her burial Lately she has worried about a eist-r who was out west Slie has been In the employ of Mr Kennedy eevetal ye irs, but waa previous to that iu the Dmville insaii" asylum Miss White's character as a faith rul domeatlo was exoellent, and her relationship with the family of ber enployar of tba plaaaantsat kiu J. The Primitive Methodist Mission room, on Washington avenue, was opened on Sunday. Tho nantbarablp waa 1 r'e and realize 1 the eiptotatiooa of the promoter! A Sunday school claes With forty members was orgaullsd. The Suudiiy School convention of Primitive Methodists, of Wyoming district connection, will ui"t today at the Sheridan Street ohoroll, Wllkes Uarre. The llev. Mr. Savage, of tho Esst Mark it street church, is president of the Sunday scuool. A brutil assault was CJtntnittrd in I the vicinity of Lloyd street and I'rov I ideuce road a shott time ago, i The I parties ssstnlttd were two Palandtri I who were cotnlnjr from Scranton. They , were robbed of au 1S suit of clothes and also savagely assaulted. The matter was reported to Sergeant Spell mau, who went to work to Hud out ; who th miscreauts w ro. Warrants I have ben issue I for Joseph McD-r i mott and Edward Brown, of Park Place, w::o are suspected of the crime. Mrs. M. J. Lavarn, of Weat Market street, peacefully passed to her eternal reward yestr lay et the homo of ber liuihter, Mrs. La wren ( Moran, of Wst Mirket street. D csssel w is an oid and respected resident of this place, having dwelt hero lor u long time. She was one of the oldest resi lenoe of Prov -idunce. She is survived by John, of Philadelphia; M. J Lavern.of Bellevne, and Mrs. L Moran, of West Market street. Notice of interment later. D Joues, of North Main aveuue, leaves today for Philadelphia. Moliie Brown, of Wells street, was arrested at the instance of Mrs Mc 'luire, for breaking her doors and win d iws Constable Cole took her to the Providence lockup. Mollis is all of 75 years of age. She wis intoiicated when arrested. Anthony Bervosky was seriously iu jured in Storrs mines on Saturday by a fall of rock. NOTES if SOUTH IE DR. PEARCE'S VACATION. Hs wu Not Take a Needed fUat Un it After Confranoe, Contrary to arrnmncements made, kev. w H Psaroe, l D , of tho Bin Psrlt Methodist Episcopal church, will not immediately take a vacation. At n meeting recently held by th ofilcial b'mrd of the church it was decided to pr ffer Dr Pearoa a vaoation, owing to the strain he lias boon snbjecti'd to in the last two years The pastor, whil anxious to enjoy a ne"dod rest, has decided to continue trial regular church work until after the conference, which meets at the K'm Park church, Anril II Until that time Dr. Pearce's pr-snce It needed to arrange for the antartalnUMIt of It'll! visiting ministers mi l other Important matters pertaining 10 tha conference. sja CUdlOS OF SfAIF MtWS. Ill Ordarto enlnrtaln the rursl attend n ' a) a sale on nor buiband'l farm, .Mis A iiiok Vo.lnr baked Wl pies, loastrxltwo calves and half an OI All wen eaten. In the css of Mrs. Prederlok Robinson againatber inothar-in-law, JndgaOlayton, at Media) baa decided thai lbs removal of a bnsband'l body from one grave tO an other Without the Widow's COOSent Is not. a orlmlaal offense. a hog several days ag" bit Hanry Klaen- trnger, of DoylaatOWO, on the hand. The wound has become so serious that ninpu talloii nftba arm may be BSOISSary Iu save the victim's life. Laborer w. M. Roberta, of Parksrford saw three tone of rook situs down a bunk r pun t he Psoaeylvanla railroad i ne ks an t after lliree hours' work ihovled ll off, just, at tbl PoltSVlllS eipr.snlsslii'd ronml the curve. Robert's prompt w irk uu doubtadly prevented a frightful orasbi sav- - Haa Been Hadiv Dlstatmbsrad, Aeo'ifioieM ratd Oongrsuman wiison, wh hai bsan ser iously ill, will, II, is BOUOUn led, "soon be bimsell again," Hh bill, wbioh has anus the whole oonntry III, will hardly ba reo ogniaad bv its author wli uit oomas out of I he setielo. It will never bn "Itself agalu," -St. . Lehi.. VtlUv Jl.OIr nrt Company Annonnce, oonnanelng March li, their dining car on tha European plan will run on tram I, leaving Beaton IO.S0 n. in., ar riving nt WllkcH-llnrra l.'.'.l p m , mid Irnlu '', leaving Wilkes llnri " I. .i5 p in., arriving nl Baslin 7.40 p. m , instead of between Jersey City and, Will;- llarre, lis hereto fore. Ami train 80 leaving Wtikei-Barra s OS ,a. in., uud train il'J leaving New York 4.10 n. m., win now currv Pullman Buffat Par lor cars between Wilkes Bane and Now York. 'J iis rates are very nominal, as h -twecu How York and (.'atasuuiiua sent.s am only 145 OSOIS) between Now York nml MaUOh Ohunk. .ID cents, and between New York and WHltes-Harre, 75 cents. Uaiiponiufri ol a Day Thai Will Interest Many Tribune Rttden KILLED UNDER WHEELS OF A CAR Patrick Roilly, a Brakcman at tho South Works, Crushed to Death A Laily Loses Her Pockotbook b.jt Has It Restored -Tramps Growinp; Puatilurous Appronchinij; rlagt Personals and News Notes. P trick Iteilly, aged 17 yeHrs, neon of Bdward Retlly, of ih 1 1 Plttaton av- enne, wns crushed under it ear yesler day at twenty nillUtea In 1 o'clock, and the life was Kiiieezd out of him IToung Weiity was anployad as a braka hi ii on one of the small engines at the BoUth works of the Lackawanna Iron and Steel company The engine was pushing a Inp of cars loaded with ksIiiis out to the oiudar dump si the Lackawanna Rival uoar Central Park gardens. He wns riding on the front oar of the trip, an I m attempting to gel "ll, his clothing oaugbt In a bolt, and lie WaS ..... o I uiidtr the lirat ear Qua wheel paaSOd over his body near (lie hip When assistance readied him lie wns daad, Tba casualty was pin el v acatdantaL Announcement of the tuu aral will be made tomorrow Coroner Kelly Investigated toe aooident, but decided that mi Inquest was i sniy. Uotortuan sllutrbti'a Hant.ty. Uotormaw Thorn s J Qallagber, of the South Stdu line, was tut principal iu an affair that occurred on bin Oar Vesterd iy moriiiiig ou una of itsoui w.ird trips Two young ladies got on the ear on Lnckaiinnna UVanUS uinl one of them in puliiur out lior hand- ksrcbiaf unwittingly pulled out bar pocket book and it dropped Oil the flour of the car. She got OS without mus ing her loss, and after the car rsaohod the end of the line Mr Qallagbar found It Opening it ba found that It contained over S3 He suepicted who the owner wns nod later in the day re turned it to the young lady. Wedding Cards Are Out Very pretty wedding cards tre out annonnolng in- marriage of Rosa, tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs o L Hei- risgal, to Henry Sontag, of South Washington avenue. The ceremony will take plaOS on April 18, at 4 p iu , nt the iamilv residence, llillo Cedar avenue. In tho evening a eeep- tloii will be held at SehimplFs ball ou Cedar avenue. A hundred Invitations have been sent out to the frietius of the yonug couple Ki lifhtacf tht K .ad drawing- Bolder. Something inuet be douesoou to rout the trumps stationed lu a shanjjr near "Miller's field. 1'. is not unuiaal for one of their number to anuoanoe him self ut a kitchen dor and iu a very peremptory manner ask for fool. Women urn afral 1 to refuse them, oven when they ask for money. Personals John Kilcullou, of South Washing ten avenue, will return thia afternoon from a business trip to New York. Miss B. A. McTigne.of Cherry street, lett yesterday for Rochester on a busi ness trip in the interest of Haslaolier's millinery Btore. She will be utseut two we-ks- Shorter Paragraphs. Thomas J Moore, treasurer of the Phil. Sheridan Monumeut association, has the subscription books on hau l and will distribute them in a few days Amounts to suit the means of the donor will be cheerfully taken, no mntter how small the contribution may be. A quarterly meeting of the official board of the Cedar nvenna Methodist B iscopal church will occur this even ing in the lecture room of the church six new communicants wtre ao mitted 00 probation at Sunday night's reception or the Cedar avenue Metho dist Kj iscopal church The young men of the Twentieth wnrd have drgaii7.d nn athletic club, and the lint meeting Will take place to morrow night at Msttle's hall. Johnny Weiss, 1.1 years old, of Palm it reel, was slightly injured in the Dodge mine yesterday afternoon by being Niueer.ed between a car and the mule he whs driving. Not long ago his hand was mashed an I two of his Qiiw'"iM bn I to be amputated. Stie-t (' mitulssiici-r Kirat declarea thai ii" line no flagstones stored in his yard that ar th property of the cily. He hue a few curb stones that he pin chased for Ills own use uud they belong to him and not to the city. VOU SHOULD NOT MISS IT. This Happ Chasoi Will 6oom Pass Away. The question is iremiently liked. What doe,, it reiiuirn to constitute R successfully educated man or woman'.' h line one hasuiiswered this question by Baying, An educated psi'son is one who knows how and when to act." lurauateurjoratori have often thought to tickle llis fancy and play upnn the redulity or their audloiHieii by pointing to such men as Lincoln us glorious x -amplus of the men who have suoonodeil without an education, Tlis oratori mistake college buildings for education. Lincoln was an etiucated man lis got his education nt i dilTerant sort of col lege from that of Harvard, Yale, or the University oT Michigan lie avalltd himself of the moans within his reuch. And this ii true of every man that has nude a success. Tug TUIBONB baa prAOl ically , endowed a uniVeislty. It has brought within the reaoh of Be readers a college as OOnpUtS us any in the country, namely, that grout reser voir of human knowledge in nil the ages, psst and present. They have ae cured In their Hiiliacrilmni 'he whole sale price and theeasissl possible terms of ntyinenl on this great masterpiece or human genius the rvioyolopodla Britannioa, Only in osnta a dsyi With (his great work as your own u thousand iitn to prosperity will stand open before you wnich without It y u will never discover. Send a Idress and a volume will be sent for examination to any part of the city Remenboi that only nineteen days rem Mo in which to secure the club rates and May terns of payment, which is supplying hundreds of ranillea with u library, sf BURGLARS WORK IN AVOCA. Tbay Loot a Dtoot but Obtain Little i t Vaiue. Isiile Sunday night or early yestei day morning burglar broke into tin Delaware and II i Ison station at Avie The persons having a knowledge ol what was taken ire Very retioenl o the subject They say that little of value was taken and thut they have a clue that will lead to the apprehension of the marauders. . s Ilendlestoij & WoatWU iuid Ba'dantlnsya Aim are the best. is. J. IV aisbil, atnl. Si istiJiawaiiUH avenue. MR. PEIL IS A FREE WAN AGAIN. Couit Y.t'ei lay llandsd D ,wn a Daoree 8evn,iiiK Mairlmpalal Hond. I'red Pell was yesterday divorced from his wife, Kate Pell, by a decree handed down by the court. Mr. Peii sued for a divorce) on the grottod that hit wife w ta unfaithful to him, The evidence mstalned the charge mid the divorce was granted Mr end Mr, Pell were married on June 88, IH7K e 3UMM0NC0 HIS Wirt TO HIS SIOF. gaol (Java Hist to Report That W. II. Fcheoaover Was Uvlng W. II. BchoonoVsr miumoned llis wife and nemberS of hia fannlv to his biUli" nt the Moses Taylor hospital yesterday, winch g ive use to report that h as dying. 'I he flu ials at the hospital inserted that he ba I passed a very easy d ly and had fair prospects of recovery, II 'III "l 4- . SMtS It ia not what Us proprlstors ssy, but what Hood s Parsaparitla does, that tells the story of lis meHt, Hood's Barsapars nu cutoa, Duniap Hats SPRING STYLE ON SAID HATTER CHRISTIAN Sole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave. Cioinsr lliroiifrh our stock we made a careful selection of CHILDEN'S BRAND NEW SUITS 300 m To close out these odd lot we will sacrifice them, Oar Bargain Counters Filled with Surprises. Martin Sc Delany Coal Exchange, Wyoming Avenue. Housekeepers, ATTENTION S I'RING . . . Styles of HATS CARVING SETS KNIVES FORKS SPOONS DINNER SETS TOILET SETS LAMPS SILVERWARE, &c. Largest and Best Line in the city. Have arrived. Best quality and lowest prices. COLLINS & HACKETT 220 Lacka. Avenue. CHINA Easter Opening OF Capes, Jackets AND Wraps For the Spring and' Summer of '94. Stock Large and Attractive. Prices the Lowest on Record. VISIT US, BtTJ OR XOT. ALL 6. W. OWENS WEICiiEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. iiitifiiiimniriiiEMiiiiiii: g The QKN1 INE Nt B I llJnUSriLT FINOS 1 w, ITAIl Ri 8c Co. Clonk Makers nn 1 Carriers, 'nilvj 1'ivi ci-: -sT . UUO COI KT HOI ssi: SOUARl IS 5" Ni'v York MMnioniiL . N Y ravonaa, B E, C. RICtBH A CO., sj SBtilt deelen In thii ie tten s" i Ifflea in Menu avaune S Scienlillc Eye Testing Free By Dr. Bhimborg, Thi Sprrlnllal on tin. l'.yo tloailaolira nml KerTowaeH r altered. Leteel tad IniproTad Ht Is- f Bye llliiss.. nml S.. ta.'li-M nt tho tiowettPrloee Qatt ArUDoltl Byai laaeried for 'i S"b SPRUCE ST., op. Poel Olflce. Removal Wo are now in mr new quarters, ( Wyoming a Avenue. Come and sco our Window Display Saturday, March ioth Florey & Holt Special for This Com ing Week. Ladlet' Kid Button, poi tiled anil riiileilpliiliia toan. patanl lpather tii, aiioiiil prioe, $3 69; worth. 3 oO. Ladlta' DonRola Kid Bntton,haod aewed, spefial Tli-', $y, Hiirth 4 Misaca' Kid Button, plain toei, iprtntt hael, soial price. $150: worth 8 M llnva' Si'lioiil S'loea, DOSgOta top, ilaea t to 5ti iptolal prloa, s; worth I8-00 Men's cu Patent Leather Lie, pointed tota, apaatal price, $3.00; worth . 100 Mon'a Calf Blaohor, hariil eoiverl welt, Piooadilly laat, oparial priov $1.80; worth 8 W Little Boya' Bhoea, button end laoa, iprtnR Itaal, made "jnat li',;e papa'a "iltaa B to t". ipaolal price. i 50; worth Vottthi' Calf, button eml lloa, iprtnR heele, Qoodrear walti ilte 11 toil, apei-ial prioe, ; worth. 9 BO SCHIM'S Anadfl olios Slore. i miiiim; a i. HOW LIKE A MAN HE FEELS AsT YEAR he had saved 1800, Ht bonghl a liuse worth I18S0 -paid ifvUK) down, gave a mort jrup' for $1, ,"."(). loilav he ostis mates as follows: I5ic: sarad latereel nn moTlchgv Taxi." M r,.p, Krt saving on rrnt . . SaTrsi w nalarr J.'4-l 00 . :t N 11I SO WD 5 ... ... i-ViVl TheQraal Marvel ol Dental Botenoe Ansesthene recent discoverj and the nolo property of Tr anrilj , n mortfMirp f.'T,' .V tartsBonoM "in four n,t hoaee Will be free Irnm rfebl mm I -il h.ii- n h.inr nl nn nun." QRKKN RtnOB I. lhs pnia.ll.o Fnt hueaae, I'lnn A ii. hnTe rssrssnlly fln-llis-,l a bramllnl llla. whlrli lbj off. r, on , ,,!, M mu.mi I'all at ihclr olflc' lni,,,.n IVa.lilnelon anst Allans, on Oil ve itreei EZRA FINN k SONS. THE Ctl Pfi?ATtr x a 3Sff o a Art at I'l. '-'ii'. ll r al,ii rpiitar: ai-e r,a'na ijb. Vnv War,' rr mn : Opp?HClnniVM Wsvumffit, 20B Wn5hlnton A . Set o n :-n,Pn. uiiiiHiiNiiiiiniiiiuiiinniiiHtiinH I TRIBUNE BOOK COOPOR Henwood k Warddl DKNTISTS, 316 Lackawanna Ave. what j. u. bba mons sa ys about an.ksthem; iiltu HENWOOD S WABDKT.I.: Ari.r havinu; eleean tertii vairaclail nt oiio alttlng by Iho pnlnleim mMhufl, I pro iionnoa It vntirelj aatltriwitorT In ttcr; tmrtloular. J. O. Rr AMON B i s I E . : I RVIltfld Ut Ttl0 Trlhllirr Oftl I', fll'f- nar IVnn nvrim ntiit Hpnies r rntltUiithf holdtr to mi th pHw gl ol tfc nrHHntHolid nflVrr for at 1 - i i- I . I ir iruiikfl non onr ii-Ufleri. Tl offprn tntsifo b" lite Tribune n n i.. mi. ut arr an lollou j 1.". ( T.NTS and Four Coupon Tvr :iny voltimr Iti tht ClumliDt So tit, Ofr 100 tltl(ifrC(irrirct rrcsm 0970 itnd Four Coupom fr i 10 Vol nml -ft 11 DlAhnnv' romplAtf workH. SO CKNTS anil Four Coupon for Hiiy book In tliet Kugtry v: u-t 25 CEKTS and Four Coupon for mi v book in thoOifonl NerliHa. flHIIIIIIIIIIUUilllHIIIIIIIIiFlinUI