The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 12, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Growing too Fast
means that children do not
get proper nourishment from
food. They are therefore
thin, narrow-chested and
the cream of Cod-liver Oil
and hypophosphltes, supplies
material for growth. It
makes sound bones, solid
flesh and healthy, robust
children. Physicians, the world
over, endorse it.
Don't be deceived by Substitutes!
Prepared by Scott A Bowuo, .Y Y. All Druggitti.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
PrftfeJ Baking
Women's Muslin and
Cambric Underwear
A9 IN THE PAST, our etforta this your
have be 'U exerted to (father teirother a
took of I'udorweir that would five the ureat
est possible satisfaction in quality of ui iterl
I, carefulueat of workmauobiu and perfec
tion of St
And wbilo the price re as low as can pos
sibly be afforded for such bth class work, w I
do Dot enter Into competition with the infe
rior grade of good lar-e.y sold at teeruiugly
low price.
The ttock now placed on exhibition i all
sew and fresh No shop-worn or counter
toiled aOOdl in the lot. ana incluit only tbo
latest stylos and shapes.
We mention today some
Special Bargains
y hlch cannot be duplicated
at the prices:
Fine Muslin Corset Covers, 19c
Fine Cambric Corset Covers, 23c
Night Dresses,
Walking Skirts,
(Out or town eorresponlmts of Tun Tum
eric should slsu their names iu full to eiuu
news letter, not for uublio itiou uut to guard
against deoeptiou.l
Dally Rtoord of the Affslra of an Enter -prising
Jtpeciui to the Aft .i-i' n 'tribune.
OLYrHAST, Pu, March 11. --The
teacher's local Ins'ltnte irm hetlil tit the
Wioton school S-uurJay morning.
Teachers from Olvpliant, Diokeon.
Blukely und Winton were in attend -mice.
Mits Konyoo, principal of the Peck
vllle sobool, read Unfiles' Mistakes'
in a very pleasing manner. MlM Nina
Murphy, of Blakely. disoutsed aritli
metic ; Miss Mary McAndrsw, of Oly
phaut, gar a very interesting talk on
geography; ami Professor .lolin H
honv treated on primary reading. Mis
Annie Brown, of Winton, rendered
some very iilensaut vocal selections
ami others recited iu it vary pleasing
miinner and were heartily applauded
Among the visitors were Countv
Ssp'rintendeut Tavlor. of Scranton,
and Professor R .N. Davis and Miss
Alice Swetny, of Archbald
Mrs. J. W Kennedy and daughter.
Jenuie, of BUkely, Bpent Thursday
visiting friends aud relatives at Csr
bondalo, Miss Sadie McCtoveru, of Jeriuyn,
visited Miss Katie Loftus.of Hill street.
Mist Annie Carroll, of Carbondule,
visited her sister, Mrs, J. W. Sweeny,
on Lack i . . street the latter part
of the week.
Miss Jennie Ferguson, the popular
milliner, expects to go to New York
this week to buy her spring goods.
0. (i. Black, the insurance agent, of
Nicholson, was in town Saturday.
Thomas McHale, a driver boy at the
Eddy Creek shaft, sustained a brokeu
leg Saturday morning He was re
moved to hit home on Hill street, where
Dr Van Sickle est the injured mem
Mi Agnee Hill, of Keystone aca
demy, at Factoryville. spent Sunday
at fur home iu Blakely.
Miss Ricliel Evans has accept 1' a
position as cashier at Gorman's Grand
Depot, Scranton.
Miss Sadie Rogao, of Dunmore
street, is coufined to the house with
infiamatory rheumatism.
James Martin resigned his posi
tion with Fenner iSc Chappel at Provi
dence, and will take charge of the ho
tel owned by his mother.
In connection with the special bargains in
M Underwear, we name some
unusual value
Id Children's White Dresses
At tie., Ha, Sec., He 89c
Infants Long Slips
At 29c, &)c . 66c. Sec. II W and l.-3.
It la well tn remamb'jr that when we adver
tise special bargain itii not afe to postpone
examination for a single day The reason is
that all oar notices are- eagerly scanned, and
as we positively avoid all forma of sensational
advertisement it has been proven by experi
ence that everything mentioned in our notices
1 precisely as stated; therefore, th response
la prompt and largo lotj are sometimes sold in
a few boars or day, a it may happen.
All the News of the Day Brightly Para
graphed. Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Jermyn, Pa.. March 11. Mr. Har
riet Ruaael, of Fourth street, who fell
recently, breaking; three ribs, has suf
fered a relapse aud now has pneumo
nia. W. L. Houghton has moved into the
house of C. W. Stanton.
Mri. David Reeve, of Second street,
ll seriously ill.
This week the ladles of the Home
Missionary society held a very interest
ln( meeting at home of Mrs. William
Mite Ida Davis apent Saturday after
noon in Carbondale.
Soo Hoo Lee has disposed of his
lanndry business to Loo Wing, of
Ssraoton. Soo Hoo will locate either
in Nantiooke or Susquehanna.
The Ontario and Western will run an
excursion -to Wilkes-Barre on March
IT. The return fare from here will b
Tbe Rev. Mr. Watkins oceupied the
pnlpit of the Baptist ohuroh yesterday.
Miss Ellen Clark, of Scranton, is vis
iting ber mother on the East Side.
A large number of the members of
Rnshbrook lodge, Independent Order
of Odd Fellows, will visit Olive Leaf
lodge, of Carbondale, this evening, and
witness the degree work as done there.
Professor and ?Mrs. W. O Prim, of
Forest City, are spending Sunday here.
Rev. Twyson Jones, of Pittebnrg,
formally of this place, will act as ad
judicator at an' Eisteddfod to bo held in
Wilkes-Barre March 10
James Prior, of Second street, who
has been confined to the house for a
number of months, is so far recovered
as to be able to be out this fine weather.
Mr. Badger and daughter, Miss Fan
nie, of Bingbntnton, N. Y., are visiting
William Badger, of J. street.
Criticising a Young Lady.
"She would be a pretty girl for but one
"What's thatf" asked Charley.
George Her face Is always covered with
purple and rod blotches.
Charley Oh, that's easily enough dis
posed of. Used to be the same way my
self, but I caught on to the trouble one
flay, and got rid of it in no time.
George What was it?
Charley Simply blood eruptions. Took
a short course of P. P. P. I tell you, it's
he boss blood corrector. The governor
jad rheumatism so bad that you could
tear him holler clear across the country
ivery time he moved. He tried it, and
roa know what an athletio old gent he is
low. If somebody would give Miss Daisy
t pointer, the would tbank them after
vard. All the drug stores sell It. '
on the
Social Squtbi From a Source
Special to the Scranton Tribum.
Di'kYgA, Ph., Mar. 11 The first an
nual masquerade social under the a us
pices of the Adonis dancing class, will
be held at Singer's hall on the 27tb
inst. Mention need only be made of
the master of ceremonies, Dr. John
Hislop and bis eorps of assistants to in
sure all who desire to attend a mag
nificent time. The doctor and his aids
are leaving nothing undone to make
the social paramount to any former
event conducted by this cultured as
Frank Kashube, who for the past
two years condncted the Columbus
hotel on Main street, will vacate that
hostelry on or about April 1. and movy
to Pittston, where he eipecls to engage
In tbe same business
El ward McOinnis, of Main street, is
arranging his bouse preparatory to a
venture in the hotel business. Mr. Mo
(iinnis was tbe only applicant m
Marcy township granted a hotel license.
The new Polish church on Stephen
son street is fast nesring completion
under the supervision of Contractor
Mulhorn, of South Scranton.
A man namid Gallagher from Pitts
ton, who is evidently of "let her go"
fame, isiiws a sweeping challenge to
Ezra Beseker, one of our town sprin
ters, and offers bim ten yards in a 100
yard dash.
The beautunl and inviting out door
weather wbicb seems to influence the
bine bird to leave its winter abode,
seems to have a similar effect on the ir
repressible horse jockey, as a vast num
ber of trades bsve been consummated
in town duriug the past week
Tbe school board held their regular
monthly meeting at the graded soliool
on f rlday evening, it was snort and
spirited, as was exemplified by some of
the members having in perrect order
their snickersnee to shave down a por
tion of tax exoreratient presented by
an ex-collector.
Edward Meginness is repairing his
hotel building on Swetland street,
Fred Stuckey, the popular barber,
has started in the horse trading busi
ness. All people Interested in trading
fast horstt are invited to give bim a
Charles Allen and wife have gone to
New York city for a few days.
- e
been made. It is likely, however, that
a lot on South Railroad etreet will be
chosen. Tnu energetic young men
who oompose the club feel warranted
iu going to this expense on account of
the prosperity that has attended them
within theipast two years.
There is talk of a resumption of
work at the old "StbMtapol" beaker.
At this time of writing; the truth of
the rumor could not be learned. The
breaker hat not been iu operation for
several months.
President lilako, of the borough
council, hss appointed the following
gentleiuau to membership on the
board of health; John J. t'hilblti in
the first ward, Miebuul Mormi and
Charles McDonnell in the S.-c nd
ward, an 1 Michael Nealon iu the
Third ward. The board will meet
during the week. The exact date will
be announced later.
On Friday evening the Crescent
Electric' company of thin place turned
the electric current on the Winton Hue
for the first time. Mne lamps were
lighted. The service is fully us good
as the company has given here
The Archbal I Bee mado its first ap
pearance on Saturday morning It is
a sprightly eight page paper which
readily found favor in the people here.
The editor is Mr J. W. Gould, form
erly of The TtUBUNK
Mrs. T. J lively, of Main street,
called on friends in Sri-. niton on ba
Mrs. P Kearney, of Gr'en Ridge,
made a brief call on friends hero on
Mrs Alra Eaton, of Benton, who has
been visiting relatives here, hag re
turned home.
Mirtiti Cawley, Jr., of Pine street,
sustained a sprained ankle on Thurs
day. Lck Smton, tbe bright young son
of Mr and Mrs. John Samson, of
Duryea. was 7 years old on Thursday
last. His grandparents, Mr. aud Mrs.
John B. Lack, wishing to observe
tbe oceasiou invited about two dozen
of their grandson's playmates to their
home uu Main street and pleasantly
entertained them for several hours.
The little ones had a very merry time.
Mr. and Mrs. Lack and their daughter,
Mrs. Sausoin, made things very agree
able for the young guests, who romped
and feasted to their heart's content.
YouiigLick received many beautiful
birthday tokens.
Jacob Linderman has purchased the
Campbell building, in the rear of the
Ontario aud Western depot, and is
having it moved to the lot on Monroe
street, which he and John Boon bought
James Hughes and son John, of Salem
street, who have been ill for several
weeks, are able to be about again :
John Carroll is adding a story to his
store at White Oak bridge. When the
improvements now uader way are com
pleted the building will be used as a
cigar factory.
Miss Mary Gaughan, of Scranton, is
visiting friends here.
Daniel Mahou, of Mt, Vernon, sus
tained a severe sprain to his right arm
by falling as he jumped from a inov
ing train on Thursday evening. He
was returniug from work at the Ray
mond mine.
The funeral of the late Mrs. William
Farrell, of Hill street, took place ou
Friday. Services were held by Rev.
Father Lucas, at St. Thomas' church,
during which he paid tribute to tbe
many good traits of the deceased laly.
Interment took place in the Catholic
M. J Swift and E. F. Blak wereiu
Scranton ou Saturday.
the electric, railroad is a benefit to
Duryea." Mr. Ward and Miss Bne
dict for tbe affirmative and Mr. Evans
aud Miss Kennedy ae the neg-ttives.
1 lie debate will be followed by a
vocal solo by Mr R J. Gilroy; an in
strumental solo by Miss AnnaMilu-
warrinir, u vooal solo b James Ulark ;
reading of statistics by James McCarty ;
a vocal solo by Miss Ella Menger and
it recitation bv the seoretarY. Miss
Anna Watch.
ratting Bventt of Interett Uri 11 Be
v Tded for Hume I Perutal.
fttecitil to the Mcrdfiluu 'iVibunf,
Nicholson, Pa., Maron 11. The
shingle mill of Maukey Bros, was de
stroyed by Are ou lust Tuesday night.
The building belonged to I' rank Ste
phens. A barn which stood close by
was burned also.
Patrick Mahonev, who has been in
sane for tome time, was taken to Tuok-
liunnock Wednesday.
A brauch of the Republic Saving and
Loan asHtoeialion, wbioh is being or
ganized here by A. B. Clay, secretary
of the Scranton board, is going to be a
a success. Another meeting is called
for next week.
Barrett (1 irdner,who has bien clerk
ing tor II. W. Kliug, hat gone home
on a vacation. Mr. MoKiuuey is iu
bis place.
B. D. Cooper, of visiting
hit parents in town.
K R. Dlakslue lias been appointed
street commissioner by tuo town coun
cil. Leonard Werkizer, brother of the
late William Werkizer, was instantly
killed by the oars at La Plume on Wed
nesday. Ituy THB TlilliUNri nod get the news.
Sntrifl Kuupp was in town ou Tuts
day. George F. Spragno had a turner re
moved from his hip on Friday. Drs.
Newton, Heller, Taylor aud Davison
performed tbe operation.
Events of Interett Intelligently Dlaouittd
by a Talsnttd Writer.
Fjtecint to the Seranton Tribune.
Archbai.p, Pa, March 11. The
borough council has decided to place
an arc electric, light in front of St.
Thomas' church. It is generally con
ceded that a light is needed there, the
space in front of the church being par
ticularly dark, owing to Its distance
from tbe lights at the square and
White Oak bridge. The two latter
lamps will be so changed that the light
will be more evenly distributed.
It is also probable that the school
board will plaoe an arc lamp in frnn t
of or near the graded school building.
This will avoid the necessity of a light
at White Ojk bridge wbioh may be
moved farther down Liurel street. It
wai expeoted that the board would
take notion on the light matter at Mon
day's meeting bat owing to a press of
other business the subject was de
The Young Men's Social club intends
to erect a building to be devoted to the
purposes of tbe club. Several desirable
sites for the proposed building have
been under tonslderation for some
time, but uo definite selection has yet
Regular Corretnondent'j Budget of
Interesting News.
Special to the Siranton Tribune.
PORIMT ClTY, Pa, Mar. 11 Arthur
May returned to Ids home in this plaos
Friday evening from Ctznovia, N. Y ,
where ho had buen attending Cazeu
ovia Seminary for some months past.
Mr. May will remain here until the
first of April at which tim he will
leave for Alleghany College, M mdville,
Rev. Abner Mm rill, of Soqnehanna,
preached both morning and evening in
th First Baptist church today. Rev.
D. P. Lappeni, the pistor, occupied the
pulpit nt Hiuqueriuiina.
Mrs. J. D. Cary entertained the fol
lowing ladies at a quilting "bee" Fri
day afternoon ; Mr. W. H. Bates
Mrs. B. D. Allen, Mrs. W. L. Bites.
Mrs G. S. Emsy, nnd Mrs. I V.
Smith. An enjoyable afternoon was
spent, tea being served at 0 o'clock.
Hugh Met ui I ii in , of MontOet, revenue
collector, In company with E V, Ford
ham, ex-collector, was in town Friday,
Professor and Mrs W. G. Trim, vis
ited iu Jsrinyn yesterday.
Toe cantata "RsbeOaA," was re
hears id Friday evening in Davit'
Opera house under tbe direction of
Professor J. Luther Morgan. Tjie
ingers gave proof of ex ii-llent train
ing, the solo parts being especially
good, and the chorus ia tip to the
stindard Tickets are now for Rale at
85, 85 and 50 cents. Do not miss a
musical treat, bnt come to tho opera
house Saturday evening, March 17.
A typographic il error oonurrod in
yesterday's Forest City itemi to Tin.
nUBUM 'the name John Maxey
ehould have read John Matey
Dr. D Dwyer, of Carbondale, was
engaged professionally in town yes
terday, The following wire guests at the
Forest House yesterday; 0 S. Stev
ens, Eltnlra, N. Y , George Hlckersom,
New York city; James Wooley, Sorau
toii; Joe Finnigan, Starruco i, Pa.; D.
V. Personius, Waverly, N Y.
Oliver Coyle was a visitor In the
Anthracite City yesterday afternoon.
A Pleating Program ne Prepared by the
Adgenda Society
SfH'cial to the Scranton Tribune.
DmiYfcU, Pa., March 11. The Ad
genda Literary society held their first
meeting at Dill's ball Friday evening
and oomplsted their election of officer.
The offlcsrs eleoted were Mr. O. B.
Richards as librarian, mid Miss Ella
Benedict as assistant librarian, Mist
Ella Beuediot was also elected reoord
iiif secretary. Dr, John Hislop aud
Hon. D. H. Evans wore eleoted as
members of tbe board of curator. The
society have the following well soleoted
A debate by four members, the sub
jeot for debate being, "Resolved, That
Epltomlis d Record of Patting
Events in the nlaple City.
i,' fo the Scranton Tribune.
HoNrSKALK, March 11. 'Squire
nmitli issued a warrant Saturday morn
ing for tbe anest of John Brede,
charges of assault having been pre
ferred against hitu by bis brother-in-
law, Joseph Lescb. He was held on bis
own recognizance in the sum of (100 to
keep the peace. Hrede was iu a quar
rel.somo mood Friday aud had trouble
with others.
J. K. Emmet, Jr., passed through
llonesdale on hit way to Carbondale
The funeral of the late Hon. John
Torrey will be held from tho residence
of Andrew Thompson, Tuesday at 2 30
p m.
Miss Clara Gaylard has returned
homo from her Philadelphia trip.
Freeman Secor ie lyiug dangerously
ill at his home on West street.
Fertonal an O her Interesting Para
graphs from the Pioneer City.
SiwtaJ fo the Scranton Tribune.
Caruondale, Pa.. March 11. The
Delaware and Hudson paid their
gravity railroad and shop employes in
tins city on Ssturday. Tno steam road
employes will reselve their earnings on
Mon day.
Miss Cora Ellis, of Waymart is tbe
guest of Mits Isadore Hollenbeck, of
Llirkett street, over Sunday.
Solo Cornetest Ackerman, of the
Mozart baud is on a vitit in Buffalo,
Mits Ruth Fhillipi. who has been
visiting friends in this place, returned
to her home iu Susquehanna Saturday
Miss Hattie Pasco entertained hor
Sunday school class to tea on Saturday
Mrs ureeson ot Lorn ing, N, x., is
visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs
James B. Faulkner of Dundaff street
Four Big Successes.
Having the needed merit to more than
make good all the advertising claimed for
them, the following four remedios havu
run bed a phenomenal sale. Dr. King's
xvew Discovery lor Consumption. ( oucb
and Colds, ench bottlo guaniuteed Elec
tric Hitters, the great remedy for Liver.
Stomach and Kidneys, bucklen's Arnica
Salve, the hest in the world, and Dr
King's New Life Pillt, which are a perfect
pin, ah tneseremeuies are guaranteed to
do just, what is claimed for them and the
denier whose name ie attached herewith
will be glad to tell you more of tbem. Sold
DVMAttneWS Bros', drugstore. -
Inn laW LilAAlAAAAl
1 1 1 1 1 1 f4ll 1 TTtTF
' LkLa-I lanXJsXaLlasL
to health and strength, if vou'ro a nervous.
delicutw woman. The niodiciiiu to euro you.
tbe tonic to build you up, is Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Proscription. You can depend upon
it. The milkers say it will help you, or cost
you nothing. Tliuy fiiz autre it.
As a wife and certain remedy for woman s
ilniouts, nothing Dan compare with the
1 Proscription." It's an invigorating, ro-
storullvo tonic, and n soothing, strengthen
ing norviiin, perfectly harmless in any con
dition of tile feliiulu KVStem.
It's a uutrvulous remedy for nervous and
gouernl debility, Ht. Vitus's Dance, Fainting
BmlU, Diziiness, Sleeplessness, and all the
nervous disorders due to functional derange
ments. It has often, by restoring the wo
nmidy functions, cured cases of Insanity.
PIERCE antols a CURE
Head and Arms
Seemed on Fire
A Sunstroke Followed by
Nervous Prostration
Hood's Restored Health,
Mr. Kilu-ard .Scoff (
Philadelphia, I'a.
"0. I, Hood ft Co., Lowell, Muss. :
"Gentlemen Oh August ie, 1 was taken to
st. Joseph'! hospitui HMonteloui trow the
beut , my leinpcratuie was 100. 1 reitinlnod
Iu the hospital two weeks; 1 was unable to
wutk for four weeks utter that, but then
felt compelled to turn In, at I have a wife
and live children. I soon began to led us
tbouuh Undergoing continuous shocks lioui
an electric battery.
Cvory Norve and Fibre
Ot my body scenic. I In a constant state of ipily.
erlng agitation and tnnulOUttOs, Heat
Hashed from tho calves of my legs up
INfOUgll my thighs and body; my led aim
Slid band lell a though on Are, and my
bend ached us if It would split when 1
stooped down. I had great pains In my
buck around the base of tbe spine. I con
tinued Ui stick to my work, feelhut that
If I must again go dow n I would do so
Struggling for My Family.
I a&Vg always been athletic, but 1 hud lust all
apoeUte, and my strength Isiled me; i was
on tin- point of giving up. I bad read much
about Hood's Uarsaparllla, and cnncluiled t
lilve It a trial, before I had taken half a
bottle my appetite became so vorucloiit that
l oiiiu oo compelled to cat between inci. s.
Hood's HarsaimrillO) bus now fully restored
my Strength and gencial health. That terri
ble nervousness Is entirely gone. I feci as
hearty and vigorous as ovei . The pains Iu
my back have greatly decreased." Knw.uto
ScoLlik, IKMOgden Street. Philadelphia.
Dr. B. Grewer
fhe Philadelphia Fneclalist.
And lilt snarwlated Half of English and Oer
man i bynli.luiis.are now Lermuueutly located
Temple Court Building
31 1 SPHUCR ST.,
Whcro tbey may bo consulted DAILY AND
The Doctor Is a graduute of the University
ef Pennsylvania, for merit demonstrator of
physiology and mrgory at the Medlco-Chlr-trglcul
College, of Philadelphia. Ho is also
an honorary member of the Medico Chirur
glcal Association, und was physician nnd
liirgeou lii chief of the most nted American
and i im man hospitals, comes highly Indorsed
M the leading professor of Philadelphia and
New York.
His many yenrs of hoeDltal experlenoo en
ables tbla eminent physician and turgeon to
correctly diagnose and treat all deformititi
and dlsenree with the most flattering tucreat,
and bis tilth standing in tbe state wlU not
all . him to accept anv Incurable case
Ifyoubave oeen piven up ny your physi
cian call upon the doctor and be examined,
lie cures tno worst caaesof Nervout Debility,
grrofula, Old Bores I aturrh. Piles, Female
Weakness. Afloctiont of the Ear, Eye, Note
and Throat, Asthma, Deafness. Tumort, Can
cert and Cnpoles of every description. Con.
miration In English and German Free, which
shall bo considered sacred and utriotly conn
lential omce Hours: OA. M. to U P. M. Dally.
Sunday, 0 ... m. to g p in.
There are fituidreds of young men and young women In th'n
country who have splendid ability, but they have never beeu
wakened up.
Wood's College of Business and Shorthand
Has been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If yoa
are tired of inactivity aud want to do something tangible,
tome to the College.
r.i m si ss COURSE,
UtORTHANU OOURSa p j, W0QD( proprietor
(Upholstery Department.!
Green or Red Billiard Cloth
1 Uoveriner. $2.25 each.
Wood and Brass.
90c. one in Ox
Hat and Coat Hooks,
Easels and Screens.
Step Ladder Chair, $1.25.
Oak Tables, 90c. to $1.15.
SPECIAL, to Close Them Out:
Velour and Tapestry Table Covers at just on3
half their former price.
Full line of UPHOLSTERY G00D3, Gimp Cord,
Tacks and Fringe.
National Bank of Scranton
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000,
w. w Watson. Vice Prsetdesi
A. Ii. WILLIAM, Cashier.
Iuvino A. FiNcn. PiehcfB. Fini.kv,
Joseph J. Jlkmv. M B, Ki n -
Cuas, 1'. Matthews, John T. I'.n.i tu
W. W. Watson.
This bunk Invites the patronage of business
men and firms generally,
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
Statement 1,1, :s , 1B!U. railed for by
i in- Comptroller of the Currency.
SBSOC hcks.
Loans f)1, 3KI.3JO OO
Overdrafts H4,.:i7
United States llomls HO. 0110.00
Oilier Honda At:i,B7M.7,i
Hanking House X8.O74.40
l'f one, 11- on If, B. Honda..,. BA8.T8
Hue from V. s. Treasurer .... 7. 800.00
Hue from Hanlie 90H.4lll.73
Cntli I4H.OIO.A4
The most complete
in the market.
Hull & Co
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been,"
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
Caitni sitnn.AOoon
lurvlm 4o 000 00
Undivided I'l-onts AOIHOOO
1 iii 1 1 1 :, 1 1 " 1 1 78,000,00
l'i blends I iipalil S34 Mi l,AII4.IIO ,-.4
Hue to Hanks 011.30(1.30
OKO, H. CATXIN, Vice I're.lilent.
WILLIAM H, PKCK, (.'ashler.
I'll I ( KlltS
William Connell, QoorfS H. Tallin,
A Hi. -I liniol. .lames Arcliliald, Henry
Ii. in. Jr., William T. Nmlth, Luther
This bank olTers to denesltnrt every
facility warranted by their balances, butl
liets ami re.oii.lbllltv.
Mpeelnl attention given to business ao
onunte. Interest paid on time deposits,
Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bld'g,
tad nt the UOOBIO nnd rush-
Hood's Pills cure ull liver Ills, coiutlballoit,
biliousness, Jaundice, sick headache, ludlfiCstiou.
Lnflliti & Rntul Powder Co. 'a
Electric Batteries, Fusei for explol
ing blasts, Safety b'uto and
RepaunoChemical Co.'s High Explosives
1 MfJaUAMfl
"The other man ilor-; the work. All I
have to do it to carry up the brick."
The Same Way at the Economy !
All you have to do is to brine in the
money innd very little at that) and we
do the rest. Thii week we otTer the
Greatest Parlor Suit Ever
Offered for the Price.
A five piece over sttitled Turkish frame
suit, upholstered in American Damask,
Trimmed in Silk Plush and extra heavy
Fringe, soft top and spring edge, con
tiling of
The abovo Is n combination of rich color.-).
You Should See It.
SPECIAL A 100-piece Dinner Set
presented with all purchases of f 73. 00
or over.