The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 12, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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Punch Cigars
Gi., B. & Co.,
ImnrinIM rn Eno,i Hlpnr
Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's.
nil in HllleS ul
F. E Weeks, of HiletDU, was lu Bctan
tou yestfr.lny.
F. Snyder, of et Plltgton, was m this
city yesterday.
v v. Drinker, of Plymouth, wa la
Sorntou yesterday.
Jstnes Coleman, of PittstOU, was a Sag
t th Wesmiuster
Edward Kennedy, of Bloghamton, epeut
yesterday iu this city.
W. L. Crr, of Cupoimo avenue, is pay
Ins business visit to Ntiv York.
Mrs. John Kvan, of PottSVllle, ll visiting
her father. I'amel Silkmau, of Providence.
A B. Chapman, of Wilhamsport, and C
O. Malone, of Cleveland, are at the West-
nina tar.
A. Merrill, formerly of Scrautou. anil
now of llarribiir, spout Sunday with
friends iu this city.
Among the Wilks-Barriaus in this city
yesterday were LtOUll 0 ester, Charles Par
sons and C. D, Murrosford.
Mr. and Mrs. Ziha Kuapp, of Green
Ridu, will start In a few days for Deives
ton, Tex. They trill go by water
P. H. Horrlaajr, mad master of the .Na
tional Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen,
of lialesburg, 111., is at the Vnilev House.
J, D. AldrK'h. presideut of the Commer
cial Travellers' Home association, has for
the past few days beeu the guest of F. S
Waa a Prominent Ficur to Affairs of
Nor'.heastsro Fsnnaylvania.
Hon. John Torrey died at the home
:f hie dauuter, Mr Andrew Thomp
son, ii i ! i. Friday aftarnooa in
hi eighty-serenta yeir. lie hid beeu
eonfined to the house but for a day and
death came peacefully Fuueral ser
vices will Le nld to morrow afteraoou
at 1 d. ui. at Honest lie.
Mr. Torrey wa burn it Bethany,
Wayne cuauty. April 18, Is .7 Ha waa
a sou of Jasou Torrey, oue of the earli
est settlers of Northeastern Pennsyl
vania. Mr Torrv was married Sept,
23. 130. to Rebecea Fuller, of Salis
bury, Conn., who diad S-ot 10. 1S77
He succeeded hie father in tile business
of surveying and was .igeut for the
proprietors of l.ire tracts of land ia
Wayne, Sasquriianna, Pike and Ln
zerne counties. He serve l one term as
associate juJ:;e of Wayne county
Froiu its organization to his death he
was an elder of the Honesdalo Presby
terian cbureii. Mr. Torrey figured
particularly in the history of Wayne
scanty At the time of bis death
bs whs president of the Hones
dale National bank To the last
he kept himself posted on
national affairs, every morning
finding him wumg foe the mill and
telly metropo.itan newspapers at the
lost office.
Mr. Torrey had nine chillreu, lii of
whom still survive him, Edwi i F. Tor
rey, cusnier of the Hones dale National
bank, Henry Torrey. of Montciair, N.
J. ; Thomas F. Torrey general eal-i
agent of the D lawar? and Hudson
Canal company, Nw York; Jonn Tor
rey, jr., California, Mrs. Andrew
Thompson and Miss Caroline Torrey,
of Honeadale. Ellen C. died in in
fancy; Robert N. lived four years;
Adeline, wife of Dr. James A. S. ',
Bey, died several years ago at Cairo,
Eypt Scrsnton's city solicitor, James
H lorrey, is a nephew of the deeeaesd.
"The Skating Ri ik" drew a small
audience to the Academy of Music Sat
urday. The piece is devoid of plot and
in some parts is dangerously close to
being vulgar. It was fairly well pre
sentMil, several members of the eom
crny showing that under different eon
ditiong they wen capable of really
clever work.
This evening a return engagement of
William Barry's most ambitious theat
rical effort, "The Rising Generation,"
will be played at trteAcaleiny of Mnsic.
The piece is a more or lens true picture
of the manner in which wealth and po
litical honors come to men in New York
who begin life amid the most lowly
surroundings. As "Senator MeShayne,"
William Barry is at his best, and he
has surrounded himself with an excel
lent company.
Tuesday night John Kernel! will he
seen in this city again in "The Hust
ler. " The performance will be a bene
fit for Local assembly No. 15, Knights
of LaLor.
"McCarthy's Mishaps" will be inter
preted by Barney Ferznson and his
company at the Academy of Music
Thursday night. Mr. Ferguson is no
stranger to Scranton theater goers.
His delineation of the character of
"Dennis McCarthy'' always provokes
groat mirth.
Frank Msyo has returned to his old
love, ''Davy Crockett," and will pro
dace that western classic at the Aoed
mv Friday night. With the character
of Crockett the name of Mayo is insep
arably conneotcd and he will no doubt
be given a generous recep Ion in this
city on bis reappearance .n bis old
Hoyt's "A Brass Monkey," will be
be attraction at the Academy next Sat
urday night.
Zeldlar's Hotsl People Caust Arrest of a
Han Tbey Thought Dangerous.
Henry Williams. 2'J years of ago, of
North Main avenue, had some trouble
at Zeidler's hotel Saturday night and
when ejected made threats. Later it
was learned that Williams hail a re
volver aud on hearing of thu case Of
ficer Maker arrested him on Franklin
At the police station the revolver was
found loaded with four shells. Mayor
Connell imposed a fine of (5.
Beadleeton Woera's and Ballanttne'e
Ales are the best. E. J., agent, M
Lackawanna avenue.
Dr. C C. Daubach, dentist, Gas and
Water compauy building, Wyoming ave
nue. Latest Improvements. Eight years in
Scran ton.
Hipp sings or a Day That Will Interest Hyde
Park hMu
Caused By Spontaneous Combustion
and tlio Damage was Slight- Death
of Miss Jennie Evan Regular
Meeting of Pliilo sophers A Talk
on Magnetism Funeral of Mrs.
Hannah Kipp -Other Crisp News.
The West Sid ornca of the SnrtNM
Tribunis Is located at 149 Bottth Main ave
nue, where subscription, advertisements
and roratmiuicatioue will receive prompt
attention. I
The alarm of tire which sounded
from box 89 at the earner of Sumner
avenue and Laf ayette street, 1000 after
o o'clock Saturday evening was
cans I by a alight Man in the two
story frame dwelling ownod by Mrs.
Margaret Hughes The lire was llrst
observed by h neighbor, wiio saw
moke issuing from a window in the
MSOOd story, The house was OOOQptod
by Mrs. Hughes anl the family of
Louis Bresowitz. a drayman, The tire
originated iu Breaowlta' side oi the
strnctuie and was iu a bed-tick which
became on tire throngh ipottantom
Combustion The straw was' rapi llv
burning and the tiro was extending to
Mrs. Hughes tide of the home When
the alarm was sounded the Franklin
and Columbia fire com "itu-s responded
to the alarm and di 1 goo 1 work. Kind
hands removed the old lady's goods be
fore anv dam age was do-ie, but Mr
BreeowitI tuffartd a considerable loss
Many of the windows were broken.
There was uo insurance
Psalh of a Ycuna Lady.
The heme of Mrs Catherine L'vans
in Decker court, was visited b, death
iigaiu on Saturday afternoon, this time
t ikiug from her her youngest daugh
ter, Miss Jennie, a girl of about "0
veers. Mis Evans had beea ill but a
short time and death was unexpected.
be was an estimable yonog woman,
standing high in social circles and
much loved by all who knew her She
was a member of the Sumner Avenue
Presbyterian church au I a devout
Christian. 'T'.io funeral will tike plaoe
tomorrow alternoou at '.'JJ o'clock
Services will be conducted by Usv. K
U. Jon, Dastor of Su miter Avenue
Preebyteri an church. lutermjnt iu the
Washburn Struet csmstery.
Thl'osophera Mett.
There was a iare attendance at the
meetiug of the Walsh Philosophic l so
dety held on Satur lay evening in their
rooms on Sauth Main avenue. The
principal feature of the meeting was
an interesting discussion on the "In
come ti of the Wilson Bill.'1 Tne
leaders in debate were Henry P. Davies
and Daniel J. Evans. When the dis
cussion hal been conclud-d Ootdiab.
Jenkins gave au iutttuctive talk on
"Magnetism and its Characteristics "
The musical progr tmrne was un tr the
charge of Profess r William W. Evans.
Mrs K ff Buried.
The funeral of Mrs. Hannah Kiff,
wife of James Kill, occurred on Situr
day aft-ruooa. A large numbsr of the
friends of the deceased withered at the
family home onNorth Qarfield avenue,
where imoressive services were con
duct, I by Rev. W. S Jones, pastor of
the First Welsh Baptist chnreb The
floral offerings were rainy anl of neat
design. The rental nl w-re interred in
the Waatbburu street ceme tery.
Crisp Notes of N we.
The new pipe organ of St. David 's
Episcopal church was nwd yesterday
tor the first time. Tne instrument is a
good one and has a fine quality of tone.
Mits Mame Elsinger, the church or
ganist, handled the Instrument in an
excellent mtnner.
The funeral of Miss Katie Cawley,
daughter of Mr. anl Mrs Michael
Cawley, of Van Baren avenue, will take
pi ice this morning at 9,80 o'clock. A
aoiemn requiem high mas will b-t
celebrated at St. Patrick's church.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Mooney,
of Kevser avenue, who died at her
home on Friday morning, took place
yssterday afternoon from the family
residence. The remains were con
veyed to Sr. Patrick's church, where
services were held Interment waa
made at the Hyde Park Catholic Otmt
tery. The mmberi of Hy le Park lodge,
No. 33ft. Fre and Accepted Masoas,
are requested to m-t at ths Dataware,
LacKaWaona and Western depot at ') BO
this morning to accompany the re -rutins
of their deceased brotnr, James
Stone, to Moscow for interment.
Company F will conduct their an
nnal ball on Thursday evening at the
armory in St David's hall. The bays
invite all their friends to be present as
thy are endeavoring to raise funis for
the purpose of furnishing up a meeting
Rev. William Smith, pastor of the
Bethel church at Nanticoke, occupied
th pnlpitof the Plymouth Congrega
tional chnrsii yesterday morning and
evening and preuchtd to large an II
tnoM at both sessions
Hvda Park encampment No. il!. of
(Mil Fellows, will elect officers on
Wednesday evening
William Sent, of JlOKtOfl street, has
pnrchase.l anbara In a cigar factory n
Nnrth Main street.
Mra. Harry Jeffreys, of North Hyde
Park avenue, has returned from a visit
with friends in vVaverlv.
A meeting of the flyda Park Liter
ary and iJibating society will Im hold
thia evening in their rooma on South
Main iivenii". The society will banquet,
on April ',)
Lovett's Boston Stars will appear in
he Plymouth (,'ongrngational church
his evening under the auspices of ( lass
No. 15, taught by Miss dwliidva Joseph.
The price of admission is 88 and 5U
Memliers of Division No. 1, Aucl"nt
Ordtr HlUernians, Board of Krin, met
at their roome at Co-operative hall yes
terday morning at b o'clock, nml pro
coded In a bo ly to St. Patrick's
church, where they received Holy
communion at the ) o'clock mass.
Stenographer Sam D, Pottit has re
tarned from a visit with friends iu
Mlaa Stella Yohe, of Washburn
street, nod Misa May Trausue, of Tenth
street, are guests of friends iu ltmg
Enterprise lodge, No 81. Loyal
KuigbtH of America, will hold a meet
lng this evening in Clark's hall.
William Harris, of North Hyde
Psrk avenue, has been graduated as a
stenographer fromWood'a Buaitieat college.
It Will Open Up Before the County Judges in
Court Today.
Five Hundred and Thirty Have Been
Filed with Clerk of the Courts
Thomas Remonstrances That Have
Been Filed Against Them Interest
ing Struggle Anticipated When Thir
teenth Ward Is Reached.
Happening of a Day That Will Interest
Many Tribune Readers.
A Hoap Lying in the Streot Com
missioner's Garden -James F. Mc
Donnell, of Waverly, Minn., Coming
- Mooting ol South Side Choral
Union A Candidate tor Sheriff
Funeral ol JamosStone Personals .
Ik vou want the later styles and finish
In photography, you can get it at Grifflu's,
Wyoming avenue. We are introducing
now novelties constantly.
Thia week court will be anfeited with
reasons why they should grant lieensea
to now hotels an l restaurants or rofuse
to relicenat places that already exist
by Authority of law.
It is customary for the throo lodges
to preside over license court but fudge
QonittT h is not yet recovered from his
illness and therefore the duty of listen
ing to arguments and passing upon the
merit! f eases will devolve upon
Judges Arohbald and Edwards
There have been !VI0 applications for
liquor lieeussH tiled with Clerk of the
Courlt John H, Thomas this year, of
these 488 are for hotels and restau
rant, twenty seven for bottlers', thir
teen for wholesalers and seven fur
brewers' license.
To the granting of these licenaes
only about twentv remonstrances have
born filed, although there are applica
tions from m arly forty new bouses
A number of dealer iu the coiintv
who now hold hotel or restaurant
licenses nave declined to apply for n
renewal of them this year Thev Hay
that the high price they are required
to pay for the privilege of conducting
the business makes it unprofitable
when tne oppoaitioll they are compelled
to inbuilt to from unlie mssd places is
takeu Into consideration.
These discouraged ones are the ex -Oeptiooi
not the rule. 'I lie great bulk
of the liquor dealers are quite willing
to renew their lieensea if allowed to do
so. There are a number of enterpris
ing spirits, too, w no are willing to take
all chances aud euibirk iu the business
if allowed.
The strongest tight is expected to
be made when the Thirteenth ward
of tins city is reached.
Numerously signed rem mtrances
have been ril"d against renewing the
license of Captain John Horn. tUe only
licensed hotel keeper in the ward, and
agaiust gratiting licenses to the hotels
of D F. Kearney. James Kelly and Ro
bert Betbe. A protest has also been
lodged against granting a wholesale
license to F. O Ktrrick, formerly pro
prietor of the St Denit.
Those who have signed the remon
strances wiil b respres ented by couu
sel and be prepired to uiak a deter
mined struggle against hotels iu the
From Fell township and Dickson
City borough a number of remons
trance? have alto been filed. They are
directed in nearly every case against
Polanders and Hungarians wbO want
to conduct hotels at these places and
asserted that the applicants are unfit
persons to conduct hotels and hsve not
proper places to conduct bouses for the
accommodatiou of the traveling pub
The Twelfth ward continues to main
taiu its reputatiou of being, from sur
face indications, the ouly prohibition
ward in the city. Not a single appli
cation has been received this year
from that famous portion of the city.
In the Third, Sixth and Tweuty
first wards there is a desire to emulate
the example of the Twelfth ward, only
one application having beeu received
from each of these wards.
The Eighth ward of thia city leads
tne county in the matter of applica
tions filed. Licenses aro naked for
fifty-three hotels and seven Testam
ents, and there are no remouatraueea
to any of them.
Article in the Rtpublioan Does Injustice
to Popular Providence Girl.
Friday's Republican contained an
account of an elopement from Provi
dence in which it waa alleged that
Amelia Bdwardl, daughter of Luther
Bd wards, had without her father's
consent accompanied Charles E Davies
to Syracuse, wnere they were mariied.
The publication of the story urpe-
trates a gross injustice to all parties
concerned. Thk Tiiiiilnk is inform d
by Mr. HI wards that he and his next
eldest daughter ro le in the oarriage to
the depot with Mr Davies and his in
tended bride Tuesday and saw
them depart on the train with
the full knowledge tbat they
were to be wedded on reaching
Syracuse A party of the young
couple's friends were also at tne station
to wish thm a happy journey. Ar
rangements had been previously mado
by Mr D ivies for the ceremony at Syr
aenae at 7 o'clock that evening Short
ly after that hour a telegram was re
ceived by Mr B I Wards saying the
tnarn i;e hud taken place ns arrang -d,
ii n I t'u iiex' day Mrs Divies wrote
her father t ie full particulars of their
trip and t" wadding
The Ini le is it very popular girl
among the younger people of Provi
dence ; the ie pretty, aooompliahtd and
has attaind a local reputation aa n
vocalist. She is Id years of age.
Charles K Davies, the groom, for
merly livsd at PfOVidonoO, where be
lived with Colonel T I). Lewis, but is
now employed us a clerk iu a Syracuse
store. He had hemi quite attentive to
the now Mrs iJivie, for several years,
and for same time his engagemnn t
to her has been known The young
couple, who will return to Providence
for a short visit after IS titer, have the
best wishes of a large circle of friends
Rspublloins of fourth District Nain
Dnlsaate to Stats C onvention.
The Republicans of the Fourth Leg
islative district met at the oltv build
iug Carbondnle, on Saturday afternoon
to elect a delegate to the com I ng statu
Republican convention.
h A. Jones, of Are.hbald, waa elected
chairman and S S. Jones, of Carbon
dale, secretary. Julius Spaeth, of Car
bondale, and 0 P. o'Mailey, or fjly
phunt, were the assistant secretaries
Forty-two dtlegatea were proBent and
the vote for delegate stood Schuhniehl,
H7; Divig, I. T. P. Coagroru, of Arch
bald, waa uiiiiniiiioiisly elected alter
The resolutions the convention
adopted condemn the un American
policy of the Democrats and request
the coming state convention to nam!
Gen. D. 11. Hastings for governor nml
re-nominate QalUsEn A (Irow for con-gressman-at
McHkidk's now Turkish bath. Every
thing new. Hpruce atroet, opposite
Court House.
When Cedar avenue was paved with
asphalt and Belgian block, the units
walks from River street to Willow
were taken up and stored away by
street Commissioner Clret Since their
removal thettouea have been In Kirst's
back yard. Tiiere are several places
on the different avenues where these
OtOSl walks could be utilized Instead
of purchasing stoues, Kirst ought to
give them to anv councilman who aks
for them. The Twentieth ward needs
a few cross walks. The councilman
intend to see Kirat iu a lew days about
A Prominent Westerner Announced.
James V McDonnell, of Wavurly.
Minn,, an attache of the Minneapolia
t ribune and a prominent citizen of the
northwest, ia expected to reach Scran
ton the latter part of the week, He
lived in Minooka fifteen years ago,
where Ilia folks still roiide and where
he taught in No. 3 echool under the
present principal, Thomas P. Joyce.
Resigning that position, he took Horace
Qreeley'l advice and located In Wa
varly, His first work there was in the
pubiic schools ; then he became echool
superintendent of Wright county. He
waa married to a daughter of Hon.
John Cullen, who served a term In
emigres. Later a partnership in a
wholesale grotery luiness was formed
between Culleu and himself. He is a
literary man of much merit and an
orator of the front rank iu his adopted
state. His journalistic work is switched
hetw sen business hours Hie friends
In Minn-oka will give him a great re
oeptlon Mrs McDonnell will aOOOOV
puny him.
Now Choir R-culvei a Labsl.
The Boutb Side Choral uuion is the
title adopted by the organization of
singers headed by Fred Jones and John
Davis. At 7 ,80 next Thursday evening
a public meeting will be held iu Phar
macy hall, to which all persons inter
ested in singing are invited. The mem
bers of the union expect a number of
people of prominence to promote the
welure of the choir by their co-opera
tiou. It is not a eelfidi motive that
actuates the members iu striving for
tirst prize. Local pride is the domin
ant impulse. By all means help them
to wiu it
C. O Boland for Sh"nff
C. (i Boland ia named by yesterday's
Free Press ns a candidate in the next
Democratic county convention for the
nomination for Sheriff A Tkihune
reporter learned that the announce
ment waa, neither by implication or
otherwise, authorized by Mr. Boland
or any of bis friends It must not la?
taken for granted, however, that the
namlnatton would be refuse!.
Funeral of J imea Stone.
The funeral of Jam98 Stono takes
place this morning from the family
residence on Maple street. Funeral
services were couducted at the house
yesterday alternoou. which were at
tended by the mem bora of Colonel
Monies post, Grand Army of the Re
pnblic.of which the deceased was com
mander. The funeral will leave the
house at It a m. aud procee 1 to the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
depot. Th" remains will be placed on
the J 50 train aud taken to Moscow. A
hearse will be awaiting the train, and
the mourners will walk to the ceme
tery which is but a short distance from
the station. The Hyde Park lodge of
Masons will meet the fnneral at the
depot in Scrauton and take charge of
the remains The services at the
grave will be according to the Masonic
rites. I he nge of the deceased was ,3
P. reonals.
Dennis Griuiea, of Nebraska, will
leave for the West this afternoon nt
1.88. Conductor Richard J Grimes. of
the Minooka and Greenwood line, who
has secured a three weeks' leave of ab
sence, will go with him,
Michael Higgins nf l.'m street, whore
illness was heretofore announced, is
very dangerously ill.
Mrs. C. G. Boland ' condition lint
greatly improve I and her speedy re
eovery ia hoped for by her numerous
Thomas J, Plnnnery, clerk at the st.
Charles Hotel, left at Yi 111 last night
for Ringhalnton
Jeaie Kennedy nf 310 Wyoming ave
nue hue gone to Bingloiinton Sue in
cepted a position in a large millinery
establishment there
do to L. V. Bofchersft Co, for fine
wall paper and ready mixed paint, 713
i V'lm avenue
Huotsr raragTHrhs
Stone avenue, near Cherry afreet,
needa attention from the street coin
mleitoner. It is next to impassable at
pr. e ill f ii t
The lookup on Abler street ia a lone
some place. There has not been a
hilarious guest within iis precincts in
a month
A foot rsotnsj hnndienp will como
off on Bnrke'l grounds, Minnokn,
March 17 Over a score of entiles are
recorded and amne tall sprinting is
looked for.
Thia Happy Chanoa Will Boom Faaa
The question is frequently aaked,
What does it require to constitute a
successfully educated man or woman 1
some oue has answered this question by
saying, "An educated peraou la one
who knows how and when to act.
( )ur amateuroratora hare often thought
to tickle the fancy and play upon the
credulity of their audieucea by pointing
to such men as Lincoln as glorious ex
amples of the mail who have Niicceoded
without an edunatiou. Thwus orators
mistake college buildings for education.
Lincoln wua an educated man he got
his education at a different sort of col
lege from that of Harvard, Yalo, or the
University of Michigan. He availed
himaelf of the means within his reach.
Aud this ia true of every man that
bus made a incests. Thk TriBCNB has
practically endowed a university. It
hits brought within the reach of its
readers a college as complete aa any in
the country, namely, that great reser
voir of human knowledge in all the
ages, past and present, They have to
cured to their subscribers the whole
sale price and theeaaiest possible terms
of payment on this great masterpiece
of human genius the BuoyelonsdlS
Brltsnnloa. (July 111 cents a day'
With this great work as your own a
thouaand gates to prosperity will utand
open before you which without It you
will never discover. Send a Idraas and
a volume will be sent for examination
to any part of the city Remember
that only twenty-two days remain in
which to aecure the slab rateaaud easy
terms of payment, whioh is supplying
hundreds of families with a library,
1 -
Wondarlnnd PiomUas an Kxuaedlngl y
aood Mil Thlt Week.
Patrons of Wonderland are promised
something unusual in the matter of en
tertainment this week
The many friends of the Institution
have been sighing for a variety per
formauce, and Mr. Divisis catering to
their taste m this direction and he
promises that the artists who will
nmiiso the patrons of the house are
among the beat in the profession
Going through our stock we made a careful selection of
To close out these odd lot we will sacrifice them,
Oar Bargain Counters Filled with Surprises.
Milwaukee B.'t'k Beer.
Pabst Milwaukee Bock Bear on draught
John i omtaNR't,
81V Lackawanna avenue.
Sole Agent,
205 Lackawanna Ave.
Martin. & Delany
Coal Exchange, Wyoming Avenue.
PRING . . .
Styles of
Progressive Euchre Prizes.
Tall Flower Vases,
C U 0 P
Wife lamp Frames for Covering.
Have arrived.
Best quality and
lowest prices.
220 Lacka. Avenua.
Easter Opening
Jackets AND
I or the Spring and
Summer of '94.
Stock Large and Attractive.
Prit is iho Lowest ou Record.
116 Wyoming Avenue.
MiimmisiiisMiiiiii c
Haven "
s; ESTAB 18G6.
jj Now Tore: wareroome. No. 5
N Fifth aveani SS
S E, C. HitKKH S CO.,
9 Sole dealers in this section m
nil ! : Vdatni avenue
Scientific Eye Testing Free
By Dr. Shimberg,
Tim Bpectalfst on the Bya Beadsehss nml
Nervousness relieved. Latost and unproved
style of Bye iiUsi.-s and Bpeotaoleeat lbs
Loweat Prtoea Beat Arntfloial i"ye Inserted
for H
S5 SPRUCE ST., op. Post Olllce.
We are now in our
new quarters,
Come and see our
Window Display
Saturday, March
Florey & Holt
& Co.
Cloak Makers an.l Furriers,
"rrvo si ri ice fax.,
)Uo coi NX HOUSfi stirAHK
Special for This Com
ing Week.
T, ulies' Kill Button, jiointerl
Philadelphia tOta, patent leatlirr
tips; special pnee, $i 69; worth, 8 50.
Ladies' Dongola Kid Button, band
sewed, special price, $3; worth d 50.
Misaes' Rid Button, plain tees,
sprint; heel, special price. (1.50;
worth $9 00
Boys' School siiooa, Donfola top,
aiz?a '.'I to Bi, special price, $1. 50;
worth 19,00
Men's I'alf Patent Leather I, ice,
pointed tOSS, special price, $3.00;
worth $4 00
Men's Call Blnoher, hand sewed
welt. Piccadilly last, special prio,
j. 89; worth f:i 50
Little Boys' Shoes, imtton and
lace, sprint; heel, made "just like
pipa'a, slaes " to Hi(, special price,
if 1 50; worth 1.Q0
Youths' t'alf, button Slid lace,
prni(j licels, Qoodvear w"lls slzs
11 toll, special price, $2; worth, f' 50
SCH A NK S Arcade Shoe Store.
j" AST YEAR he had sa ol 900)
Be bought a house worth $1850
paid &W0 down, pave a mort
gage for $1,550. Today lie estt
mates ns follows:
Rent saved
Interest ..n mortgaae..
Takes sad repairs
Net saving on rent ...
Bated on suiarv
To apply oa mortgage.
IM ft)
.. -.'6 SO 111 W
!2D .VI
REFLECTION "In lot 11 rears HiaC
hoaae will be free rro an deal ami i .nail
have a home of m own."
OR) 1 S RinOl I. the iaiadie for
homes. Plan v s.i,s have recently Bas
Lshed a heHiillfttl ilia, r.lilcli lhe offrr.
on eaaj payraente, at shhmi.
rail at t tie ir ofllee, betweea Ha.liitisten
1111,1 Adanason Olive afreet,
run i r
TheOreal Marvel ol Dental Scieuoe
A recent discovery and the sole
property ir
Henwood & Wardell,
316 Lackawanna Ave.
After having eleven teeth egtrneted nt
one sitting by She painless aaethod, i pros
DDiiiioe It entirely sntlsfactoiv In overj
partleulan J. u. si aiio.ns.
ktr si Fraaesi ttir Hod Popalar asd Itsfaned by
tA'Aitins Arlluls
Wtrsreenif i opposite Ostumbni BenonH nt,
20S Wnshington Av. Scranton,Pa.
POUIt r 111 AM COUrONS, pro
Hitlit fit Tlio Trillium 'Ol1l-. tOV
net psjnn nrnmo ftnd Bpfnosj BlrMti
tntlUttthfl Itold)! In alt tin- prlv
llegM ol tlx unpRmlleletl otTiri
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Rinoni our i t i inrpt uuuio
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san rltM Out IOIMllliH litHrlt'i't rrotn
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