2 THE SCTATntTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 12, 1894. ONE CENT A Word. Wants of ntl htndt eott thut much, tee rept Situation! li mtis,waiela ore Inserted FRSS. Situations Wanted. POSITION' AS LAD1FS' r references, Tei ins, Jl.'Jo relay, Mdrete "W. ft, Trlbnne otnee. l' an t m I nurse, iest WANIKH BY DKUaUlAT, i erienee; llrst vIks i t'fi1 Address, ('I'll, in cere uf Tribune OuW cMTl'A HOD O In veals exi eriatice; lust eias i eferetici QITUATION WAN t i:i BY a riKsT t'l.ASS O book-kieper and tteuographtri will atari hi moderate wages; oan tnratata rarereBoei 11 needed. Address, J. U . box in City. CI'lTAWS WANTED BY A CUtlMll' k miker Mid earpenter Inafamlturestore Of whel Metal, m d id n it W'llliiw :.u Bydi to mas . hunicll Park avenua.clty O1TUATI0M k3 A. l,lu. i P, WANTED as TKAM8TKK. i; . 418 Forest .Min t. city. D1TUATI0N WANTED UV A Yol'Nu Hum who Is willing t' do my kind ui woik; age, it fair pouni.ti. fan furnish gtsst reference. Address it u iivu Office ',-vrau-t.u DY A YOUNU MAN IN DRY UOODM OR J) grooory storet or tome bnsltttsi a hers ho could work up. Bonio eaporlonee. cssl raft r MOB, ill work cheap. Address I' O box ilantroa. I Agents VVjnted. 'AN tSO- MAN fifl LIFE AN 1 PIKE miurancs experience aa sollaitor m Lackawanna co only; good Indaoomauta to richt man Address lli) iO Met building, Putla.lelphi.i. l':i 'ANTED BOYS AND QHtLS win1 wis. i to ninki money wnen out of aohool; wad naiuo and we will toil youhow; to money wanted. I. Sl'AYN l.K. Providence K 1. ' ANTED A BAUUMAM, 130 TO 6U weekly can be nit. with our koo.N in any locality, will prove it or forfeit l0U. ttaiarv ot i imiiiilsalnn .is yon prefer, Tha ra Bltiof a (w Bonr1 work often e.pials a wt' nti Aldrcss, "M AN I't'.U' IT U IKS. P S Box NSJS, HosUu. Mass. ' ANTED rWO YOUNG MEN oKiiooD address to .all 011 business bouses Steady employment tor good men. Apply NATU'NAi. CLEAN TOWEL t-VMPANY. Arcade building. w w GENERAL NEWS Of INDUSTRIES For Rent. noR best ii"Ai.VniVsr "and Bt's r Jl house in city All COBVOnlefl -cs Kent moderate. See this pertectlv SttUippad bouse ketcre ranting ataawnara. W. Qlbaon Jones, Sll Bpruoa street H KKN RESIDENCE HODERN IN x troveuieuts. $1? par moutu. Call at 3) Jlariou atrvet. L'OK KENT THUKE S'K'KY 1 UKK'K liuuse. Adams ave. Apply MACKICE COLLINS, aienr. 7:1 West La..k. ave. noR KKN T IWM.srnHV BK1CK HOUSE, r fto I Hallataad place. Aptdy MACRlCE COLi.INS. .i(eut, T-.'l V, it Laci ava. V'uK KEN'T-SL'iTE Of FO! R BOOHS ON A llrst Boor. Webster avenue, at i.o. V X. Wood, Wood'a Collega. 1AH RENT-TWi 1 STORY BRICK DWEL; A lm huuae. modaro tmpruvem.Mits ttd F'ireMt piaee. rent. J'.K. Arply to MaTKICE Ci'LLINS, ant, West Lacaawanna avenue. T.'r; RENT-STORE ROOM LA' EA X wanna avwu Irom April I. akfo rooma on seeond I1.XT well adapted tor busm. or housekeeping Alao house 141th Oapouseavo hue with all modern improvements, baanti' fully uupjred. F fi PaCLI. l.VU Sanderson aveuuo "L'OR RENT APRIL 1 THE BOOMS NOW X .. 'juued by tha Telephone Exchange. 900 T ...li.. n.nn i.i.'&n.iu Ar.nl .. iSu ..Pn.-u ,.r Lehi.'li Salt Mining Co.. Third National Bani ! t''1 ctI0-1 bu;ld:ui. L. S. and E. C. PoUar Trolley Electric Transit System to Externl From Gotham to Washington. LATEST BIG ELECTRICAL SCHEME. Also Another Direct Lino Contem plated from Philadelphia to Pitts burp, That Is if Iho Elkins-Widrner Trolley Syndicate Is not Indulm in a Little Springtime Talking Con test Better Look Out tor Hying Machines Activities in the Anthra cite Field and Other Pertlna.nl News and Uossip ot Industries. Thi trolley gcoi ntrobing on. It latest piuiati is ootnprissd in a slgsntlo lehameto ran a roottnuoui trolley ay tatn from New Vork to Waihinittoo, anil (mm Philadelphia to PlttabarE The Klliitis iden-T lyodlaate of Philadelphia leaatd to ha baok of tins ilea, ami it undoubtedly baa the inosej to oapltallse it, should it so da sua. lu this oooneotlon, thonttb, it would ho well for the trolley's exuber ant boomers tn ponder tha puullo pre diction of one J. nadolp 1 Zooerbohler, who claims to have aoonratt koowl' rdES that within twelve 'noutha at urtliest "men will navlttate th. air at will" Mr. Znborbnbler nay te da ceWed us to hi time limit, hut there stem to be llttia reason to doubt the illuiuut realisation of his aerial liopeSi iu sttffloieot IhorouBbnees to render BSeletS many milllous of dollars of luvxlmetita 111 electrical and steam transit fsolUties. Belore xoini; too lieaeily Into this trolley (ad it might i well to bear Brother Zaberbohler'i prediction iu miud. T111 Bnglnseriag and Minium Journal hv the total ejai nrodnstion -f the United State. In I89d was 188,483.710 tone, uud adds: Theee Sgaree are enr prlainp;, for, notwilhatandim; the te vera bnsiuess depression which existed 1 hroMboai tne e psntry dnrlag the last half ot 1893, there baa heeu au lucrease of S.O'.'S.Oyd toui. or 1.67 par cent over that produced In 15'.'-. mMcuitj l?0d the banner year o( coal nrodnoiiou in tha United Matea. Tbil iticreaee is all the more remarktthl whan contrasted with ti e course of onr Other staple, pig iron, toe production of which decliued '.''J per cent, daring the same year. Tne total production of PeunsylTatii re mained pr.ictually the Mate asm tha previous year, decrsasimr only 00 1 per cent. Taere was, however, a deerssss of 2 0 per oeut. iu the bituminous pro 1 action, hut this wis alinxt balanced by the increaia from tin authracite minea of 5 per ceut. Penniylvania Drodnction was ss follows! Blturalaona, 10,384,881 ton.'; anthracite. 53 810,314 tons, I.'oK RENT- B d.'riE kfl WYOJIING AVE X nue frjm April 1. Eleven rooeBa all the fjodera iniprjv-inen '. runt $iy pr month Apply to F H CLBAtOS A 1 Lu..-ltawar.na avenue. ,'UR KRNT-bAKN IN HE A K JEKFEK 'on i--une ft. ir - : e - ..." E of 11 MjL'iRE :23 Jefferson aver. rOi RENT, APRIL 1ST! DuL'BLR .STORE X known as Neve York :it.jre, duulile or stu- mU Apply to k. L PaaM.; T on bEBI .eioets. i 1 Lai kaW.iX.w X avenue, by Apr.l. 1. Mn.iuire or Henry Frey. Ul Lackawanna avenue or at the tr -unsea "L'iiK UENT -THklvE Rooil.S. FRONT ON J in'ool (loor. over N A. Hntbert's rausio ator 117 Wynffltn,. avenue, from April L In qulr- iu the at.rn. HoC'.-E For t orfli'e ar.d laundry, all t. : si. I tr.-t RENT ONE BLOCK FRoM containing fuurt-en rouins in tine . rder. Fine location rooms. Apply atW Ua lac TO LET KoK A TBBM OF YEARS Part or ail of thrm hundred fw f y r t room along railr oad. Apy at 'H6 Franhlia avenue o RtNT- sTOHE MO OK FL'KNISHI.D hail on Ors..n Rldf street Very desir 1- ale location and on ra.sjr.ahl.1 terms. App.y tnf . NF.TT LETON or O & VHajUKUPP. Spnhhean bniMlaff Sotcla Notices. TiLATlv' HOOKS. HAMPlll F.TM. M AHA JJ elBea, eta . brsand or rebound at Thc Tumi VI office. (Juiclc work MeaaonaM.i Brieea TF VOL' AKF. INTERESTED IN CAtlfOB X nla fob aboBld have oar paaaphiat OB the rewur':s of that slat. It dnH.ribss rfrat bargain. Panuih.et frea F're:' A tojd a, 11. Ill W.'istnr aton sirn.t. Chkago. EAL TICKETS 0AM rorn'T .Snru.-e str 1M nr.-. Twenty meal table braird K8 RAD T 111. and Franklin ave t xots for I.i..V) Oood Wanted. noMinoN WASTED bv vol no man J with ta -hnical edn-stion. eaoAble of do Ing any work raqulrl -,g eneriry and ni mmon n.- T-arhin. draBffhtlM or BenOe A'ork preferred Adreas M. P , Tribune, (Wanton, nOARD WANTED BT OENTLEMAN ON the Watt Midn wlire BBt few boariera are takn; atate full partenlars, Addreea F Trii.nn offi U-ANTEI) A six ok BJQHT B0B8E power upriitlit beQi r aaeond hand Ad dress, star St 'in Dye Work. 1 arboiidalo, Pa Helo Wanted Females. AOOOD COOK AHO AlSO A WAITRESS wanted at oil Adams avenue Apply 7 toll p- m. For Sale ffi&i WiSX liW A' tBR (u...H 'C!H,I I O piano, only a few months in nse Mi Del awaru atreut, (irtwu Itidtfe: owner Iwvina town. 1(;K HM.E. 1 anniel; at CHOIOE FBUI1B, home 7 llnakor str.-et, Hiran ton. Pa U"OB SALS A PABHOr BIOHTT AOBES, J one and one half Brliel trom Ion .n on the TJelawar.'. t,sek.iwainiA and W-atern r . . , 1 . .'I Pirst Claris farm house with 11 never iailiui( spring neirby; two barns, go.! ittiid ami g'.si oreaard Will lei sold rheaa, lenns aal . Addrsaa B t VOM STOatCH or IfAAU El. LIS i x. rutora. lialtoii. leo kawiiuim county. Pa. ,'OK SALE Bt-AORI FA KM, STOCK and utensil. .1 M BUKFFIELD, fit Monro., ave VOB KALE ok BZCBAMOl FOB BOB All J ion piop.-itv A ts-ailnr 'rani;" grov" Ibrrcaalng In tirouiietloti and vnliie yearly 111 the orange section In I loi Ida Addrea V. E. NF.TTLFTON, Lake Helen. Florida J" Rcji Estate. fcS.ivm will nrv SPLENDID HOUSE t nt nine rooms: bi'st lisiatmn lu Oreefl Kidge. If sold t'.-'oi April 1st: all modem iiu provellli'llts Iii'IUIIi I'H ll.dllW.ir" street SIN (ILK HOLSK.. turi (ib'INCV or W1LLARD, WARREN r-OK BALE i F. KKVN'oLDS KNA1P. tja.MuwiLL buv modern newbroom ! house, all Imjirovemonta; UTins easy: cor ner Mndison avenue aud Delaware street Ap ply 11 Alt It Y LEES. gl,m WILL BUY VERY DEB1K ABLE LOT IP corner Madisou avnu uuu uaiawara ttrect. Trn,.ey. Apply A dispatch from H izlaton ys: Dj spite tt)9 dull limes and depressed con lition of the coil trade, oprtors in are making vigorous af- :' MTta preparing fo: the boom which they confidently predict will soon take place. Coxe Bros & Co. have just tajun ilnvins a tnunel thromth the monntain betwee'i E:kley and Old Buck mountain. The purpose of tiiit petiing is to Jriin the watr from the latter mine, which were aband meJ some years a;o. When these shall divabeen opened and timbered, the coal will be hanl'd over an electric tramwav to Eckley for preparation Pardee & O. lire making aitensiva impruv-iuduu to Cranberry, BeSle, Lattimer and Laurel Hill colliries At iaver .Meadows the greatest activity s manifested The co'Merias of A Van Wickl- & Co. art IOW working about two days ;r wek. The compiny h is enoag'i orders on hand to work full time, bat art unable to do to owing.it is claim 1, o the scarcity of cirs. Toovercom 01 1 n-w railroad is undar coastrnc: llon to connect thm collieries witn l ie Pennaylvtnia aystein. Tne breaker at Coleraine is D-ina enlnrired to donLle it aize, and when completed will have a capacity :o hanile more carl than any nrher 'mker in the Lt blgh region. One hundred more men will be given employment Saturday 1 larje force of laborers were pat to work cutting down tue brash and tri which lie between Loviston and Park view, prspar it ry to opening a atrip of -vral nnndree sciat, Two lur uteain shovels are now Icing' put Bp, and will be used to rx IBVSt the earth, which covers one of .a Inreit soami of coal in the anthracite field. The annual rsnort of Mine In'ptotor l.dward Bodenok of the First district, foi the year lill'l, shows tnat tlie total number of ton of coal prodnced was i't 202 131 84, an increase over H92 of 847,493.04 Fifteen bnndred and tidrieen mom men were employe 1 in 8M iban In ISM; and yet, aithoogh i;rea!er nnniber of ton of SOB I were iiodnced. and a urater nuinleir of men employed, four less fatal and ntns ten less 11 in-fatal ane'd-nts ocr.urred than dnrtnp Ibsysar 1893 The nnm- lir of fatal nccldon'a whic i BSPpBOed wss ol ; and tho numbr of non-fatal h: ..l-i.te is ' I-i IWrJ the fatal aceldsnts naiabers.1 M sod the) noa fatal accidents 11.1. 111.610 tons of eosl were DlOd forBSOb fatal accident, n increaee of 18 IS.) ton per each fatal 11 ci lent oer 1803 The total nom' of ponn la of powdai nssd was 8,864 000 and 1 H tons wer'i pro Diced pT eunii ponnd of powder m- d. The total tuini tier of emiilovs In the district w is 18.884 Tli' nnmbar of wives mad widow was 01 mi l Ihe number of children made f .therlea by the rci dant wit si. an lnr.re of on widow and 01 phso over 1800) Thi 1 Ihe view of a current problem trken by a prominent riilliidolphlun interviewed bv the 1'iiilad'dpliia .Stock bolder. ' The Pennsylvania railroad i DrbSPStbS typical American railroid on! its :.i'.. expense 1, . enormous very feat About .the only property that can compare wl'.h It iu m 1 : 1 lad laths Atohia ii. which nS 0,844 mil-, while the Pennsylvania hue S.U011 mile. The Atchison has been sharply criticised for Us issue of second morl game li boil Is, which could be used ac rear to the xl-nt of tVMW.OO:) for im Drovetnents, whtlo the Hist roars sovtd be lssuad nt the rate of ... 'o.uihi per mile for eitanaloat and doaole truck. 1 ns Pennsylvania railroid iu 1808 held down to this atnoanl 61 money, would have is- n lu poor condition. It lie tit on its eastern lints alone. including new piers, 0.884881. and on it western line 'ivmi; a total of 811,187,378, ennivaltut i.. - ner cent, of the net earnings of the entire system caat nnd wegt. In addi tlon to theee turns large amount have bean taken from earnings nnd Ob anted to ODeratlnp: expenses. Great railroads must spend great sums to keep in con uitlon, The trouble la that all rail roads do not have the earning capacity of the Petiusvlvania railroad and put up their capital account fatter than the traffic will benr." Tlio Pennsylvania company hut been compelled to redace its freight rates on iron sblpiaantl from Pitiaburu to Chi cago, Detroit, Cincinnati uud other western points, the cut ranging from I cents a ton to 78, according to dls tanO0 For several weeks past rail roads ruuiiluKoutof Cleveland to west ern points have boon malting n cut lu rates on iron mid steel, which natur ally led I'itlthiirK shippere to aond their products west to Cleveland over the Cleveland and l'ittalmrg rail road and thence to more distant points over the rate cutting lines While the I'euutylvanla company se cured the business as far ai Cleveland, it lost it for points west, and nothing wart left for it to do tint to nrrango its rates to meet the Ottll of other roads rhe cut it to continue Into elfeot, how - ever, only until a iiiiitutl adlUttmtUt f rntra is clreotnd with oouipntlue; lines. At present there Is a fair iron shipment west, and nutter the new lies tho I'.Muny I v an la company will, i utual, t oi, nun I the bulk of the trade, Jlldi: Simon ton of It irnsbur ; has in tided a writ of alternate mandamus against the 1 enuaylvaria Kallroad oompsny, to compel that corporation ttnse tllsci ltutuattug itualnsl it. H. Wigton is s,m iu freight ohargss for coalehippid from mines iu Itjdford, leartitfld an 1 Westmoreland noiiiitlei I'he discrimination, it is alleged iu the petition, lias been practiced allies last ptamtiT 1 tie writ la returnable March IU Minimi Industrial Notes: Four of the twelve coal train crews of the Pennsylvania railroad's Schuylkill dl Isioit huve boeu suspended. t he ore iu the uicaei mines in Lancaster nut v is : t t i. and thuy will bo abaudonsd Andrew Caroegte, after givlag 8141,000 to the Plttaburg relief rund. has slopped his coin ribuuous. 1'ho JscktOh ami S'larp couipunv, of lltniua-tou, I'ol , has recelvtid a c nitruct tor forty cars for the Dairy company, of Pennsylvania, t bo used iu the milk trade ii the Lehigh Valley railroad. One of liie ha nlsouiest private cars ever made has been presented by the Pull man company t I resident KSUUBI t, of the Atclusou system. The rate war amOBg southvru railroutls healnnlns to assume a very serious phaae. a tueetm ot trunu lino passenger struts will be held iu Now York ou Tues- lav. r tie South Jersey Kallroad company has awarded tht com met tor twenty live rtrst-class passenger coaches to Uarlan ft UoUitijtsworih, ot Wllmlogton, Del., to be completed by May 15. ihe Keystone r ibro company haslitgiiu operatloui in its new building, at hast Siroud-lnirit. It will maniifacuire wood pulp pails. The East Stioudaburt,- Wood mill is uow rnnaing full, with oucourag lug prospects of a good husiueas. Toe coae trade is Dooming, nver iwluuu tons were shipped from the COBnolUviilO region last Week, the lare-t Smonntfor over eight months The restarting ot iron mil sleel mills nil over the country la the cause of this boom. A. Crawford, Joseph Work and Joseph H. Wood, all of I'.iilad-dphia. made a tour of inspection of the coal property of Tyler, Mclurk ft Co., at .New Cattle on Satur day. A compauy Is to bo forme I, ami a piaut win be put np tnat wm employ sou r more men ami boys. Ex-Chief Jut ice Paxsou, one of the receivers of the R adiug railroad company, will leave in a few days for O.d romt otufort to en IV a f-w days' rest. Colonel FrnuU N Uarksdale, the Penn sylvania's gem il chief of publicity, expects spjud sorm timi lu buiope this sum mer. Work on constructing the new line hich is to connect the Cumberland Vil ley isilroad aa l the Western Virginia ft Pittsburg railroad will be let this mmth rba new road is to be built batwoeu Cum berland and iiagerstowu. Last bound grain train rates nre again lemoraiuetl the ordinary tariff price be ing generally cut. Owing to the low price prevailing for iron end steel, it has led the railroads in the Now Eaglaad states to do more iron work, especially in regard to bridg IS thau ever Ml ,re. The Cambarland Valioy Btllrosd com pany has placed IU order wit i the Pennsyl vania Steel company for 1,000 tons of steel rails, which nr.- to tie made at the Steelti p ant. These rails are to bontored at White Hill and rroiu thento will oo Ulstriouiel along the system. Tne Erie has Wf loOOmotlVes. 881 PMSBB- ger curs and S0.4S7 freight tins. It owns and controls 1 .07", miles of track. Tl." I'enui lvnuia railroad is the most important rm road in the world iu the ex tent nnd variety of its tram", the amount of its earnings, the iimnhur of its em ployes, nnd the amount uf capital invest ed. In the past year the railroads of the state pai 1 in taxes gOOfl is 1 117, liar At Fuller, stock brokers. Ill Wyouilu ave nue. WHEAT. Lowest (.'losing (JOHN. Opening ITil lIKIloab , Lowest I'losing OA las. i burning nisnaat Lowest Mi ULstlug PORE opening Highest l.OW'St floslllg LARD. t i it,,- uiguaai LoWl'Ht lT"Sllltf , SII"KT KDIS opening Hltfheat leiwest , ('losing t'nr. Mav. Julv. r,Tu rsisw (iijiii 67U 6II'h n h- f.iut, liHs c;b, ui afl 1 5IJ Il7ts tS t-sj l.74 ihiH MU k7 V, koyt mi tikit, ls 12ssj STM UM ill mi ma, fH HH IIH w H ii 11' , IU1 iiiu in.' n ii M jiff lb7 inn i i iu no ii mi on 7o us I HQ D7l! mil ill.1 una BW 117.) 1170 ttt M Ml Mt.i r, i.l AK7 B m BM7 isu 6s7 is; Connolly &, Wallace SIX ITEMS OF INTEREST. TltB SLOOO is the source of health. Koep It pure by raking Mood's Sarsaparilla, which is peculiar to itself, and superior In strength, economy nod mndh liial mn lt. HOOD'S PltttS are purely vegetable, care fully prepared from the best Ingredient. Twenty-live cents. FINANCIAL AN i) COMMERGIAL Ptoeks and Hondl Nkw Voiik, M irch 10 American Sugar was the feature of the stock speculation tola,'. The stock ranged hei ween PI) and Kfif, and i loxeil at. VI. The rise was based ', mi o liolirt t'mt Tim lir Tt'.r will dn c! are n rsgubir divl lend either today or nil Monday. So fur its protection on ronnea t .; e r 1 1 roncrini I an olll' iiil or the com , or sat I o.t' , o familiar with the ..- tr business Knows ttinl wlieii the vary Ing rlVVS Of toe aavi nre reduced to a par ity of 100 oegreel of raw sugar there is practically no margin wuai-v.r lor UM American rellners 1 no . .put i on, Howe vei, had DO Bffect on IBS stock which ODD tinned to uuvo up. Chicago gas was lu boiler demnlid Itdlwuy stork were i dot for a time, but. near II o'rlock a brisk iinjiiiry set in ami prlnes ndvanted, Ths foil wlni comple'" tablt aliowmv the l iv BBetaatloni in neiive st.e'ks la auppllvd and revised dally bf l.allar A Kiillar, atonk brokeis. 121 Wyoming avenue: Am l ot. Oil Sin Sugar A T. XiH.r (Ian. So fiati. ff. J. . ....... ( hie AN. W i' , it. a j Chic. Das ,. 0 . c.. c. ft St. 1. i ,,l , 11,,, it V al ft T. li. ft II p., L w.. II. AC. P.... Krlo .... (I. K. Ul Lake Shore . C. A N .Manhattan... Miss I'ae Nat. lend N. V. ft N. K N. V. Central.... N. Y.. 0. ft W... N. Y., H. ft W... If. H. (!. (a) North Pan North I'ae. uf.... Omaha H I 'a. Mall Reading H IttMik Is and II. T 4V St. Paul HSI T..c. ft I IW4 Tei ,H ,t Par St,, Colon Wabasn W. ITiilou New Yoik ProdUOl Market. New Yona. hlarob IU. Floob Doll, WSBAT Spot market more active, unchanged: No. 'J led store and elevator, UlatUtt'c.: f. B, b., NUluSka; nngraded red. WaiMo i afloat 6ea88J.Ci No, I northern, BSIajaBBjC.tOptloni opeuotl WSBk Bud dei liinttl a'a'a Much, Blkci May, M& June, ili '.ti , July, 0OC. Dace m her, Tljg c Cohs spots dull, blgham; No. "J, 4tc ; elevator, 46a48Jgo.J options, dull, Arm; 'haH,c adnanoe: March, tsytfci April, 4.1c, Mav, 4S,0. July, sli'.f. Oats Spots oall, IWady, March, 8B)4o. Apiii, SBJgBii Mny. MJto ; spot prim, No. 'J, BTei MO.0 white, ilrlljr : No. li Chi cago, DNc. ; No. H,.'lilc, mixed wcaleiu, llo's,c; white do., I-'V . itStB, 40)4 ( hltistfo Prodttcs Matkat. UHIOAOO, Mart h 10. 1 he loading fulurcs ranged ai follows: Wheat. No, " Mnrnh, h7'luuM,c ; Mav, MKaWHo.; "'v. 81a lil .c Corn, No. II Maith, 'i.i-i, May,87Xs87Ki July esaSso. uau. No. 2 March, aVKalwB.l May tf'V'l :; July, MHaOOo. .Mess nork Mav, ft8BaU.U July, lll.4Uall.4S, Lanl, May. tl.77Ha 1175; July 08.70aS.T0, Short ribs, May, ffi o5a5 s7V July, s.87)4a4 B I Cash .notations were at billows: floor steady, unchanged, No. li spring wheal, .7I4U : No. :ido., BesOOo.; No j red, Wka fc. No. li coin, :c. No. ii outs, aoxc No. 2 rye, 45V. No 9 barley, Mo. No. 1 llaxstM il, II.30W. Pi line thuothy ki d. 14.15, Mess pork, IlLtOalLlifi I, rd. li H0M M'iH- Short lib sides. I&8BB0.00, Dry salted shoulders, IS.0Oafi.iU. Short clear sides, o 87kan,80, Whisker, ti. is. Sugars, cut lout, SMS; granulated, 14.68: Itaodard A, I 55 per barrel. - 4, THI UOBST art of beauty lies not in cos metics, but is only in purtt blood, and a healthy pel formative of tbe vital functions, to be obtuined by uslliu' thildock lilood Hitters. ss- Blrdl in 1 IUJ ot War. Two sparrows one lug, the other little simultaneously swooped down upon a piece of cotton cord in front of the City Hall the other day Both wanted it nnd both pulled, hut without visible advantage to cither bird. 1 hen began B real tuir of war. Of course the smaller sparrow was heavi ly handicapped iu the mutter of weight hut this ho more than made, up in skill ami strength. For a few momenta they stood Brmly braced on the asphalt walk and pulled with all their might. Finding their efforts Bgainsl each other futile, they, with a common impulse, Hew upward without relaxing Ihelr hold upon the coveted ob ject, and continued In midair the straggle for the trlng. Once oil the ground the tmallar spnrmw appeared to figure more conspicuously, for while his foe Hcemod to futi -y that weight would toll in thc end the little bird udopt tsl shrewd tactics. When thc big bird flew he flew with him, nnd when he darted up w ind or rJgsagged from side toaida he was with him every time. In fact ho let tho big one cat out all the work, and it was plain to thc crowd Of people who stood Watching the strife that the big bird was wearing himself out. This proved to lie true. Suddenly the little one, seizing a favorable opportunity, made a sharp down Ward rush, instantly followed by a quick upward dash nnd thc cord was jerkisl out of the tired beak of his rival. Hut iu mak ing the effort the prize fell from his own blu. For a single asooad it floated in the air, then the little victor quickly seized it, ami with n tiny screech of triumph flew away unmolested by the larger biid. This little tug of war only lasted two or throe mlnntOs, but it WSS a show worth seeing. NOW York Herald. Uuickiy Popular, In the book entitled "Famous English Authors of the Nineteenth Century," Mrs Sarah K H ilton gives l otne facts in regard to tho instant popularity of tho poem "Marmlon," by sir Walter Scott, lu lean then n month after "Marmlon" was published the first edition of ii,ooo copies w as Hold. It wont rapidly through many editions. The people read and re read it. The following story told by Hut ton is not at. nil improbable: Two strangers met on a dark night in London. Doth were repeating the last lines of the BCCOOut of FlottOSB Field. One man exclaimed "Charge, Chester, charge!" when suddenly B reply came out of the darkness "On, Stanley, on!" whereupon they linished tin1 death of Marmlon between thom, look oiT their hats to each other, and parted, laughing. I ft fk Ladies' Umbrellass, made of w J Cotton Gloria. Paraeon frame and fast black.novelty handles. Special price, $1.00 each. IAA Dozen Children's Hosiery, V J seamless and fast black A genuine bargain Sizes G, CM, 7,at 10c; sizes 7ys, 8, 8 ., at I2y,c. 1 iQO oz. Boys' Famous Cast View iron Hoa.erv: our sDecial number. The best stocking for service ever made. 25c. per pair. Iff Dozen Men's Colored Border, w el Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at Half Price. 10c. each. I ft Dozen Ladies' Kid Gloves. Do I ww not fail to get in on these two lots, at 79c. and $1.12. T QQ Boys' Navy Blue Sweaters, A a superb quality; usually sold for $3 00. Our price, $2.00. Open III ill Low ('Ins Ing. ait est. Ing, ,'. in lllit t'i ui .. Lit, 14V ia I4K, ,','iir " 117' 117 " W" .KTiVm in.lv IfiU ll'5Vi .. huh, im ml EH .. 11.114 ri2 riv 10 11 mi mi nt mi ft Pac Hi Pan IHVl n, pf It lou HilU W. I.. B MM W. A L. K. Df tl , VtiH Ifuu V. 111, HU III, MM MR UM MM MfB lis I Mi g 4TU 47H 47M 47U, I m a in . (I .IH4 ill HI 11 vi 1 in tiss .iniiu iiNifij niii imu I i'. IIIU l'4 HI' 4 1,1, IM, I .1, I..44 . ni), I.-, in', im . 4H 4lJ 4i m Wk im lit nut nut i"M ti 'il tM H in 1,11 1 ! v.'h in 11 iiu, 11U.4 1 IhU 11 Isii illl IIU 14(2 Mil MI'S, 1 nit im ml 4uit, 7(1 llli Chicago Grain and Provision. BciiANTOH, March III. The following quota tlons are auppllad uud oorrooted dally hy La- An Ka-Marof of Ni-w York. A. Oskey Hall, who iisikI to t mayor of New York In the old Tweed days, ran bo nwi along tho Strand almost every Any, si HI looking Woll and henrty. He has n qu;ct hoine and seems to lie very wrll ront4ntrd with life, dtl luring that n man ran Imy n great deal In Borland fOT what he eat ;ie, nnd does not. Hem to want nr. much ns tn the United States. Loudon Uor. Atluntc Constitution. Ililiu MMIHM racks Hut sih'oiii lik.t a thombicriw, itretrrati before I hi Dower of lli.od's Sitrsapaillls, which purifies Hie in (inil. at a- . BOShMlB.1 Aiuloi s. Tha bast salvn In tha world for Cuts Utilises, Soies, Ulrsrs, Salt Itheutn, Kt-var Hnrtst, 'letter ' Ii it t 1 Mauds, llillhlaliis, UorBiaDO nil Skin ICruptlons, Hudpusi lively ruren I'llos, at no pay ipmilrnd. it Isgiisrsnteisl In give pt-rfnet sat Isfartion ,r money refunded. Pries VB eatits sr hoi. m sitlti by Mattlit.wa llrus. WKAK MEN your attention l.l.r.l) TO Tllll isVN S) 'oeut l ugiish Remedy, W (ty Gray's V p-ciUc Meillclne 4sQt trm 'Wilt MTtS USM1 Mltty, WwfikrifMt ' 1 1 h ' i IF YOU SUFFLR" H mm a a vimh he DfBod ftttd Mlml, BptfflM it 'Mi c v , uud nil iHirtntMi thnt HitHit finm ivtr ' 1 1 ' ' , i , . , uihI 'if id" -. . I ' nf Mi' im try ittd rOWSF, IIiiiiim f Vlt I'tti. rftiutttra old AutMimi iiihiiv utiiiT iiiu 4MMI (lint Imm'I to liimtiilty or Conittttpnoil Rtnl nit M ly 1 hv . Wflto fof n imiui'lilt't A.MtnH-i OKAY MI-.DK INF. ( u, HulTitlo. N. Y Tm ' i -hi. Mttllrlho In M hy fill rtl IILrtflMTH lit $ Ptf .HlOkHtfl', Of HlX HirkHK,H io orMint i- hm,i M i. . i't 1 1 1 tmmi'y.Btul with ovr Itfon nrdtr Wr IttlARANTI- t i. ' if "i I linn) I BiUtlUBQ !" iff iiu R0MU1 -f QOUftUj Mti wo lutvn 1 f i 1 1 1 ' i i ii it'iiow w rapMfi t Im only k iiitv hold ui 1 i . i i ' 1 1 ti v Mutthnivti i i ' Spring Capes and Jackets Now Open for Inspection. CONNOLLY & WALLACE m AVE RAILROAD TIME TABLES. (JENTRAL HA1LK0AD OF N. J. LEHIGH AND SUSfJULHANNA DIVISION Aathraolta coal used exelnslvalr, Insarini t huiiihiie&s nnd oinfi.i t. (1MB TABU IM mini rBB I, ISM TritliisltiaveMfmnlonl.il PtttstOB, Wilkes Ilin re, ot, . st b.lli, U. 1.1. 11 St n. ui.. li ltJ, 1100, H.H0, il (i, K, ii ug p , Sundays V.00 a m , i.oo,too, r.lOp, in t'or Ailantle ( Its, S III II. III. For Nuw vrk, Newark nnd Elisabeth, 8.10 (eipress) u. ui. l-'IHi (express with llulTut parlor car), Saw Cuprite) p, m. Bandar, tot) p. in Kim mai ' ii Chunk, llbmtowm.Bst8m HEM, KAITOI and PMILABBLBHia, 8.11 u lu lUOL&ia '..'ii (exoept PhUadelpblaj p. in. Sunday, SO B ni rot Lobo KiiAB. ii, tn i.an Qbovb, etc. at s 10 m iu . u :lp in Par Raiding. Lebanon snd iiarrisimri;. via Allen town, 8,10 a. in, ItBU. .VUU n.m, Hundsv, i in p. in Fur PottSVilUj I 10 h in . VI .Hi p in Hetiiiniuif. Isum-New Y' lk fo,t of Liberty treat. North river, at 1.1(1 (express) a. ai., 1. 10. IM, tM i express with BaBll parlor car p. ux Siinduy. 4.110 a in Leave I'hUiidelphlii. Keadlng Teriiiiiial. 0.00 a. m . 100 nnd 4 if i p in. Sunday, I, tl iu m. '1 hroutth tickott, tu nil points at lowest ratos may i bad on anpUoatton . ..-i , tt tbe ucaet ueui ui tnetnu,.n 1,1-LAWAHK, LACKAWANNA AND l Ot BSTKR 4 BAll.KOAp Trains leave Beraatoo as foQowa: Ezpreaa for New Yurk and sll isints Bast, i W, 2.50, 6 IT, s ni nnd 0 DO a in . 1 2 H and I U p, BV tiniest. I,r Kiuituu, Tr iiifju, I'lnladulpbia ami the Suth, ill, 800 and V.au a. ; VI li and 'i .Hi u ii, Washington and way stutiona. 2.40 p in .' 1 . i. .i.i. i, .c. 'lutluti, 0X0 p. in. ecp, Elmlra, . Morris and r.xnr us for Blniihamtan. o CornlBf, Bath. pauvtUa, Mount nurraio. u in, i v., . m. m,,i 'j4 o. ,,,,,1,,,, olyea OBoectumt ut Btufala to ail points iu th,j West. N ni tli west uud Huuihweat. I.e. accommodation, U in a. in. Blushem too and way stations. 12.37 p. m. Nicnalaoo tad wtw ttirlnni 41 p m. HlnKbiuPm uud Elinlra Kxpress. 603 p, ru Express for Cortland, Syracuse. OeweK'' I'tlea and Mlchfleld Springs, lU a m. aud 1.24 p in. ltha . 'J IS and 0.KJ a in and 121 p m. For Northuintsjrland.IltUiton, Wlites Bsrre Hyinouth. Hhs,inburg and Dsuville, making cjpst aoBBBOttoai at Northumberland for Wllllainaport Hamaburg, ButJuiore, Wash laaton aud the Soutk Northumberland end Intermediate stations. 00(1. M a in. and 1.30 and 8-07 p. m. Nastlooka and .i.'. , i. . en,... nations. 8.08 and II l a m PjytBOBth and interu.Bdlat, Btations 31 and 0.3b it- in l'ullmao parlor uud lleeplng eoachet ou all express trains. Fur detailed Information, pocket tim-tables, te., SBpljf to M. L Smith, city ticket efllcs. i Lu, is wan tta avenue, or depot ticket o&tae. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TUVBSDAT, MA It. 15. Tbe Eccentric Irish Comuditn, Barney Ferguson and Compaoy. In the Laughable Comedy, McCarthy's Mishaps A Merry Sinjrle of Suairs, Deuces and SiOe-Hpllttlng Eventa Sale Opens Tuesday. .1. II OLHAUSBK. (it,ll Supt. I' 11AL1IWIN, (leu l ass Agent I E11IUU VALLKY KAILKuAD 1-J Vf.ii II. l"!t; Train leaves Kcrantun for l'hilodulploa an 1 Nt w York via. li At 11 I: It at N a m IS 10, ills and 11 lli p. in via D , L. ii W. It. K.tlOO, 8.08.HJB u in., and 1.30 p, in. Leave Seraqton fur Pittstm and Wiigss Harre Mali.. L A- W UK., 0.00, eo, II 2j a. in . 1.30. 3.6). i, 07, '.t its p. ,n. Leave BaraBton for White Haven, Hazloton. I'uttsvlllu ami all points on the Beaver Meadow and rutt-vilie branches, via E A; W. V.. 0 4'ls.in . v a ll. & 11. K K. at s a in . I2.pi 2.11s, 4 111 p.in , via I) . L. & W. H K , 0.U0, s.08. 11.20 s in., IM, 3. 'i p.m Is-ave Scrsnton fur Bethlehem, raston, Beaalaf, Harrlabnri and all In termed tail points via II & H. It K., Sam .12 10. 2 .Is, II. Hi ji.m .via D , L. A: W". li H..0 00 8 0S. 11.20 a m I. :m p.m. Leave Scr.nton f irTunkhinn lek, Towsntv I- In, int. Itl.a t. Ofutva nnd all iuterms.il tU puiuts via 1 1. & 11 It R.,ti ii7 h in. 12 lu and 1LSS p in., vis I) L. W K R.. s0 a m.,12 p. m. Leave Soranton fa! Kcchester. Buffalo. Ni sgsrs Falls, Dstroit. Chicago and all poiati west vial) A-II. It. II. 9.07 e.m.,12 10.M.1.Y11 S'i ii. in , via I). L A- W. U. R. and Ptttston Junction, s OH s in., 1-40 0 3S p. m , Via E 4 W. It K.. 3.41 p. in. F'or Eluiira and th west via Sahmmo i. vis I I. B H K 1! t'.n; a.m.. 12 10.8. (." p. m . via D L. At W 111, sista m.. 1 in aud 0.07 p m. I'ullinan parlor and slettplng or L. V. eh il . cars on all tra ns between I, A" B Junction ,r Wilkes llarre and Kew Y'orK. Phlladdphla, BulTalo and Snspen-ion I id HOLLIN 11 WlLlHIR, (en. Supt F.t Div ('HAS S, I.KE il,n. I'.vs. A i't. Pnila.Pi A w NONNKMACHBR Aaa'l O in Pas Ag't South Bethlehem, i'n. I7BIEAN0 WYOMIMG VALLEY RAIL 1 I. "All T ram leave Srrantun for New Y'ork and in termediate points on tbe Erie ra.iroad at 0.30 a. m. and SSI p BV Also for Hawley and lu ai points at it 35 9. IS and 3 24 pm. Train leaving ut 9 4j a m. and 3 21 t, m. are through trains lu snd from Honeaaale. Trains leave lur Wilkes Barre at8 40 a m and 3 41 p. ui ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MONDAY, MARCH 19 RETURN ENGAGEMENT. The Coqueliu of Irish Cwnedy, WrVI. BARRY In his latest ana Kreatest comedy succeess. The Rising Generation By Win. Gill beautifully Btaired. Q I."" I"" The Great Game of Lrew Poker OJjJj JJt1 "etteor Graceful Dancer The Cp-to Date Comedy Bale opens Friday WE BELIEVE w1 'IIU t AHTOKEHARTMAN 'JOG South Washington Avenue, Cttntrartnr snd builder t Concretn VkMBtnex Cuncreta Bluoks, Potato, Butter ant CVil llhis, WetCellata dried up Orders may bo left at Thompson H Pratt, Will niiis A Co, Main nnd 1 y n ii Hir.-et . or at Scrnnton Htovti Works. Also Poundatloiia , Fish Wire TBBBell an J c'olllus. Flag.dug for Garden Walk tiiri AWAirr avn arm, 4 L' SON RAILROAD i oinmcucing viny 21'. is-.':, trams will run us follows: Trains leave Bridge street Stitt on. SiTiiiiton. fur 1'itts ten Wilkes llarre. etc., 8 (10, .1.117. 9 87. 10 42 a. in.. 12.10. 1.24. US. 4 l. .M.i, 8.14, 9.1.1 and II :i p, m Fur New York and PhiBl dell his. sou a. BU 1210. 1JU. 23s. 410 and 11 p. m For liraiaediia (from Palawan, Laoka wannt nnd western depot), 00. Mill, 10 10 u.in . 12 01 m .. 2 17, .V 10 p. in. Fur Carloiiilale and intermediate stations. r 40 7 00. HO. Id 10 a. m . 1100 in ,2 17, ,3 mt 10, 0 20 and VS9 p in ; frniB BrMteBtraet Depot 1Q n. bl, i.iTaad II 14 p. m. Fnst pi press tu Albjiy. Sarat 0BB, tho Aii roBdiek Moantalns, BostsmaM New BB4tlF nd points. .Mil a in . arrlvin: at Alhnn ,.' 4", Sarstos'a 2 20 p. ni , slid lesviicr Serant'ci at 3 p m . ntrlvnig nt Albanv at s.S,' p. rx. Ssrs Ml II S4 ik ru . and B ,sfo;i. 1.00 a m Tlieunly tllreet l ullte between the cnaltlcldi mid Boston "The LeadlBB Tourrtti Kouta Of Anierlca'' to the Adirondack Mountain re sorts, Lukes George and Chaniilain, Montreal, etc i inn teniae inovina es'ai ami tnrensB train service batWien stations 0B all tlivlaioiis Dsbv ware slid BBdsoQ system, may ts ubtalued at all I ' ,w and Hudson tlehet ,,01,-es. II (4 YOUNO, .1- W Ill'ltPICK. Heeund Vice President 4hn. Pisa Agt c have the hand somest line of Parlor and Drawing Room Furnture ever shown in this state and we would like you to see it. Hill & Hl'IIANTUN I'lYlwlON. In Flit t l .Inn, inl MI, IHII4. Idorih Bnnnrt. Houiti Hound. 2(ii yiu ifo.y iot vrnt Siih - -I P H S B U Washington Ave. r H 2" . s .il 74. . 7 l 7 M 718 . 7 . 7 . f7 19 7 nsr fl M I 8 4V4 3!'a '" ' ;.: "j .Trains Pnllv, Fx. J v, I cept aunsay j ! h Arrive Leave .... ; S9 N Y Franklin s:. .... T in West 4Vlltl it net .. 7 im, Wcelntvtkeii 'r m, Arrive LsBve I IS Hancock .luncllon fn 4W '. i no i a r.s) rid I ' 17 ID 3D IV n 12 l:li nam: 1 1 na II 41 tllll! 1,41 a :!', tn ;v! Il II Vt. 0 21 fl) 19 8 14 i. in I' H i li n fn in fl v. I Ml II s IU1:, ii :i ll l ii ir, II IS 11 lul II IV. aU m Leave llanoeok ' I . lUli! Pi etton Park Uomq I'm 111, lie nil,,,.' Plaiiant Mt. unlondiii Poreet Cltf Cai li iiidain U hue Hi )d,-e Ms Held .lerinyii Aichlhald wlnton PcckVllIe Ulyphant Dickson Throon Pun Idence I'm k PI808 Soranton t s II . o ro . II 18 . tic:, . 0 3 J . 0 4 . (I Ml . in ss I'lA M Arrive 0 1 ID I ifl 5 J , M t nt 7 M 8 ill ' M ii 2 24 .' I I 2 41 V M I! 84 3 01 3 119 i IV a tn, 3 34 ll 4S 13 3S tl SI (WMf.14t : :il ti H .1 4.1 7 4ll 10 Ct 11 M 7 411 III M 3 at 7 4S IU 10 ,1 M 7 40 10 I.V 4 04 7 44 10 I7 4 ( J 7 .',11 10 till 4 10 H "" I,' ft 4 14 SOU in 111 417 IKVMnlhl 4 lit) I RA a r M BBBt 111 BtBBBBeBlBBBBBBBBBB I EH itilAiJHBiBlal i ii ii aaassiaiii i i Week roromencinn MUMiAl MABI U 12 This vt whde the Wonder and Theater Comiaayise tertaminj the cirizsai- o! Car Oondale, we shall present ONE OF WONDERLAND'S OLD TIME Variety Shows The Best Artiste Money and Experience Can Procure ADMISSION, 10.2(1 and 30CF.XT Opera chalis can be reserved, to iiumber. everv ar ternis.n. frcm 1 ad to S.90, for the evening's entertainment PertorniaLCett very afternoon except Mondays and Thi.rsdara it tM. and evt ti eveclngat LS. Doors utienat 1.3U an' 7.00 1 M (USHMAN'S . . BIJOU FORMERLY MUSIC HALL. Soranton Dave Kockafeller. Lessee; Fred Ban Jell. Man. WEEK COMMENCING MARCHI2 HIGH CLASS 'ATTRACTIONS AT POPULAR PRICES. .lames and Ida QlldnJ, Miss Lottie Barnstrd, Miss Floronop Leroy. Lu Poiito Bdith-Osrlton and Aiuirows And by Sjnvial Request Ouida, tho Marx ol. McMuhon nnd King and a host df otbors. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY AtterBooaett.lt; Bveainsat 8.14. l'opu- Isr rrict.. 10. SO and 3 Oents MT. PLEASANT DON'T FORGET That we are hesthpiartcrs for everythlnit In the line of W 4T0Htr. If t i'ii hare any Idtvs of pnrrhaaina anv kind Ol b W a(, b, li.dv'stir lent s. Hold or silver, you will mskestfiiev os mistake!! yuti do n't give us a call and atoorpnoea, WhiehTOB Will find far below all olners, especially In all thtt lush i . f Kigin. Wiiitham and Birnpdin ntovetttenti If yuii havB any dOBBta BBB are at all posted mi pi loll gl' e umt call and ws will have lie troBBtO in eonvliielna von. W'e still haves Isrie atoea tt njipose at and win . r.. von won tlerlul Inducements In Jewelry, Silverware, t'ln. ks and sll ether goodl which we have In MM C. W. Freeman Prnn Ave. sndSpraoeSt All tialns i im dally except Sunday. 1 shinnies that trains slop on slKiial fur pim engera, A'liiiiiniuii tiuins leave curbuiidaic tor Bores ton I 111 and n. 15 p. iu . ai i It Inn at St raiKon m and 7 ixi Leave soranton tor cni biindaic u.vi and sso irrltlliK at . a. I. mdiile at . 38 and 'J. If, p. ni Mi iire rates la Unttwio Western briers purchasliia tickets am) save money Hay uud rllhat Kt press to the Wrst J.c Anderson, Hen. pass, gt. T. ITIlcioft, Div 1 ass, ci SirRiiton,n For Dollcacy, For purity, and for Improvement of the com plexion, nothing equals Poiioni's Powder. SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. Havlnv secured Ihe isllOKINll KllRUE of llliirn lllniue A S ui for a permaueut Imsl ness stiiinl. I shall roadBOt Htlentlflc ami PiitholuKlcal Slio.t n for the Prevention, Me lief and Cine uf t.itmenens slid other Impedl intuits in the movement" of I lor sen incidental or due tu haperleet shuelng I shall kirn ths work my personal attenti. n and iiuaraiitoe B0 extra charge, except lor Init u vt mi nt. Ijime neea, etc., will he Heated afternoons A free clinic aud professional advice given every Monday (rem i to -1'. 81. JOHN HAMLIN, D, Y. S, AT RETAIL. OBI) of the tiest qualltv for domcsti.' BIB in Bf nil slr.ee, delivered in any fart ut the city st lewest price. Orders left st my elects, mi. ii8, mroMtnta atxntjb, RsBt ropnt, first fl,sr. Third National Panic, or sent hy mail or telephone to the mine, will receive prompt attention. Special contracts will be made for the aala snd delivery of Duck wheat OoM WM. T. SMITH. MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING COt MaBBlaatoreri an Dialin lubricating UILw Also Shafting and Journal Greasi OrnCEt-TIl Weat Lackawanna Ave. WOKKS: Merldlsa hires'. THE LA H( I EST CHEAPEST UEST The Tribune