The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 10, 1894, Page 9, Image 9

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Tho Shadow of u DMd Father Lead! n
WamlcrlnK Horseman to tha Dosolrtto
Homo Whore a Little Girl Was Slowly
Famlshlnc A Trno Story.
1 rhaokad my homo, and iittor one long,
UniiniiiK look ainutiil owned to myself
that I WH lfjiV I h i I MUMSted thofuct
ometitnoitluce, but had stubbornly fought
down the MMpUton, though my horae evi
dently nioliwd With pailMt endurance
ho plodded along, resignation plainly ex
pressed in the droop of his tail and ears.
In place of thl ranch, the hearty welcome,
pleasant words, bed, supper aud fire I had
expected to roach by sunsot, there was
nothing to lie seen before, behind, on either
hand, but thu dead level of the plain
There were paths In plenty; in fact, the
trouble was there were too many all ur
row and wludinjj, for whoso meanderlm? . fh' .,,, ,i11jVi ., ..,b tide
there seemed not the slightest exeuie. ex
Oept the general tendency to crookedness
most tliint, animate and iuauimato, alike
possess. Hut it would have taken the In
Bttnet of a bloodhound or a trolling Indian
to have said which paths had hevu made
by horses' feet or those of cattle.
Now that the suu was gone, I found my
knowledge of the point of the oompeM
gone with it. As I sat perplexed and wor
ried the gloom of twilight gathered fast,
aud tho chill of coming rain smote me
through and through, while m the distance
there was the roll of thunder.
It WM now ijuite dark, and very dark at
that, though at short intervals close to the
horizon a faint gleam of lightning showed,
too distant to cast brightness ou my path
ainl only sutlicieut to intensify tho black
ness about me.
All at once I saw mau wijking about
fifteen (eat in front of me. Yes, I kuow I
aid it waa ;:! dark, but all the same
I repeat it. I saw a mau walking lu front
of me, and, furthermore, 1 could see that
he was a large man, dressed iu rough but
well fitting clothes; that he wore a heavy
rod beard, and that he looked back at me
Cram time to time with an expression of
keen anxiety on his otherwise relaxed feat
"Hallo:" I cried, but as he did not halt 1
concluded he did not hear me. As a second
hail produced no result I spurred my weary
horse up to overtake the stranger. But,
though the gray responded with an alac
rity most commendable under the circum
Itunrw. 1 soon found that this strange pe
destrian did not intend to lit me catch up
with him. Not that he hurried himself.
He seemed without any exertion to keep a
good fifteen feet between us.
Then I began to wonder how, with the
intense darkness shutting me in as four
black walls. I was yet able to see my
strange couipaniou so clearly, to take iu
tne details of his dress, and cveu the ex
pression of his face, and that at a distance
more than tw ice my horse's length, when
I could hardly see his head before me. I
am not given to superstitious fancies, and
my only feeling was of curiosity.
We went on iu silence fur nearly half an
hour, when, as suddenly as he had appear
ed, he was gone, looked arouud for him,
half afraid, from his instant and complete
disappearance, that I hid boon dreaaiiug,
when I perceived that I WSJ close to a
small, low building of some sort. I reined
in and shouted several times, but not the
slightest response could I hear, aud at lost
I rode boldly up and tapped on the wall
with the butt of my riding whip. Then,
as this elicited no simn of life, I concluded
that I had stumbled ou some daMB)ed
house or that it was the abode of my ec
centric friend; so, dismounting and tying
the gray, I resolved to spend the rest of
the night under a roof or to tind some good
reason for continuing my journey.
I felt my way along the wall till I
reached a door, and trying this and finding
that it yielded to me, I stepped inside,
striking a match as I did so. Fortunately,
I carried my matches in an air tight case,
and as it was dry the one I struck gave me
a light at once. I found myself in a large
room close to a fireplace, over which a rude
shelf was placed, and on this mantel I saw
an oil lamp to which I applied my match.
On the hearth was pod a ijuantity of
ashes, and over these crouched a child, a
little girl of B or 6. At the end of the
room, which was plainly and scantily fur
nished, lay a man across a bod, and as I
raised the lamp I saw that he was the same
I had been following, bot there was some
thing in his attit ude and fare that struck
me as peculiar, and I was about tn go for
ward and look at him when the child, who
hail at, first seemed dazed at the light, fair
ly threw herself upon me.
"Have you anything for N'eliy to eat?"
he said, and then, "Oh, Nelly so hungry"'
I ran my hand into my pocket and drew
forth what had been a paper bag of choco
late candy, but WSJ now a pulpy, unap
petizing mass. I must confess to a child
ish fondness for sweets, which I usually
carry in some form about me. I handed
the remains of my day's supply to the
child, and then walked over to the bed.
Ye.s, it was the same man, red liearrl,
rciugh clothes, but setting off the magnifi
cent frame to perfection; the same man,
but dead, long dead.
I took bis hand only to find it stiff and
cold, while his face had the dull gray as
pect, never seen in the newly dead. A I
stood gazing down on him a little hand
touched mine.
"Nelly so hungry:" said the child.
"Have you eaten all the candy?" I asked
"Yes, yes! Hut me hungry, for me had
no dinner, no brekkus, no supper, and
paia won't get np."
The house, which consisted of tho large
room, a smaller kitcher. and a shed, where
I faund a qnantlty of hay and fodder,
seemed quite bare of food, but by dint of
searching in the hay I discovered a nest,
wh.'ch Nelly Informed me was there, and
In it two fresh eggs. These I boiled for
her. When she had finished I soothed her
to sleep on n bed I miulo for her before the
fire. Then after I had put my horse In the
thed room aud fed him I performed as
well as I could a Mrrioi for the dead.
When day dawned I was able to d iscorti
at. some distance from the house a lino of
telegraph poles, and Inking tho child with
Die I followed these to the nearest town,
where I notified the authorities of the death.
The dead man's name was Frederick
Barnstaple, He was an Knglishmau, so I
found, a recent, arrival in those parts. His
daughter was restored to her family across
the water, and is now a pretty girl of 17.
I have never told this story ls-fore, but I
am ready to take an affidavit to its truth.
It nil happened about thirty miles from
Dallas. l'hil uiclphln Time.
Every electric ntrest car lino In the
United States that has Seen pped and
operated commercially has becu a succcm
t ul and profitable Investment.
Numbering I'lies of Mamlserlpt.
The best way of numbering pages of
manuscript is to use a lend pencil till the
manuscript is really fluislied. The pencil
marks can be quickly chauged as often as
necessary by using an MM r. When the
manuscriptis ready for itstravels thu num
bers can be inked, or erased and ink writ-ten.-Cor.
It, has been discovered that some of tho
deep sea crustaceans of the Indian ocean
are highly luminous, thus furnishing what
is thought to lie the first positive proof
that the source of light iu the dark abysses
of the ocean is the self luminosity of the
animal Luhahitnuta.
The Great Chain at West Point.
One of the most notable events connect
ed with the manufacture of iron was tho
making of the great iroe chain which iu
17TS was si retched across the Hudson river
nl West Point to prevent the passage of
British vessels, l.ossing, iu his "Field
B lot the R volution," gives a very in
teresting uccount of this work, of w hich
we can quote only the leading facts:
"The iron of which this chain was con
structed was wrought from ore of equal i
parts from the Sterling and Long mines In
Orange county. Tho chain was manufact
ured by Peter Townsend. of Chester, ut
the Sterling Iron works, In the same
0OUJIty, which Were situated about twenty
live miles back of West i'olnt. The chain !
w as completed about thu middle of April,
177s. and on the 1st of May It was stretched
across the river and secured. It was fixed
to huge blocks on each shore, aud under
cover of batteries on both sides of the
"It is buoyed up," says Or. Thncher,
writing In 1781), "by very large logs of
about sixteen feet long, pointed at tho
ends, to lessen their opposition to the force
logs are placed at short distances from
each other, the chaiu carried over them
and made fast to each by staples. There
are also a number of anchors dropped at
proper distances, with cables made fast to
Various novices ol Student to Pass Kx-
aaslaattoas Without study.
At a recent meeting of a number of col
le"o mm in Hartford oonvtrMtlon hap
pened to drift to the trials and strng:.
of examination days. It was lad that way
by the first story Idler who said thai, hav
Ing beeu at one examination where cadi
student drew a separate slip of question,
he met a classmate who had to go In with
the next division. "The thing Is not likely
io bo a chance," bo said to his friend, "bin
In case you should draw the paper 1 had,
I'll tell you what euch question was " So
he did. Tho fellow looked them up. went
In and drew that very puper, und came out
ltut that proved u very mild case when
the others came up. It seems that lu one
examination at Yule some years ago In
Latlu, one fellow, who was very shaky,
put his own Interlined textbook Into his
overcoat pocket, and entered the room. He
was called to the desk, and the tutor
gave htm a text hook, of course not Inter
lined. He shoved It Into his other pocket,
walked slowly back to his scat, drew out
his own book from his pocket, and was all
prepared. After reciting, before tk tutor
could call for the book, he absent minded I
thrust It buck into his pocket, aud turned
awuy. lleing asked for the book he upolo
the chalu to give It greater stability." Tho gl.ed, hauled out the other one, and re
total weight of this chaiu was ISO tons.
Mr. Leasing visited Wost Polut iu 1848
aud saw a portiou of this famous chain,
and he tells us that "there are twelve links,
two clevises, and a portiou of a link re
mainlnC. The links are made of iron bars,
two aud a half inches square, ami average
in length a little over two feet and weigh
about 100 pounds each." W. V. Durfeo In
Popular Bclence.
Letters from Iwo Ladies, a boc-
tor and Two Druggists,
Such Frank and Outspoken Words Are
Soldom Read.
American Wealth.
Not greater than the wealth of America
was the fabled wealth of the Indies. There
are a thousand Americans worth fl,000,UOU
or more. There are at least live Amor
loaU richer than Ctivsiih of song and story.
The wealth of the Duke of Westminster,
whose fortune is the greatest in Europe, Is
at a careful estimate Ui.UUO.OOV, or KS0,WX,
UOu, and It is the accumulation of a long
Sill est If Most of the American fortunes
are the accumulation of a slugle genera
The aggregate wealth of the Hothschilds
reaches nearly 1,OUO,IW,000, but It Is dis
tributed among so many thut 00 individual
Kotaschild is worth over 4U,lVU,UUU. The
Vunderhilt family wealth foots up nearly
gHO.UUO.ono and is held iu comparatively
few hands. There ure scores of Americans
who aro richer thau any ruling monarch
of the eastern hemisphere. The incomes
of many mouarchs arc large, but they are
derived from the civil lists of the countries
over which they hold sway, and do not rep
reseut the accretions of their owu fortunes.
As a people the Americans are the rich
est iu the world. Mouey Is more easily ac
quired here than anywhere else, and it is
likewise more liberally spent. What are
considered uudoratc fortuues here aro in
other lands regarded as stupendous aggre
gations of wealth. There are DO such op
portunities of making mouey in other
countries as in this, and therefore it may
lie expected that tho number of American
millionaires will 1 multiplied and the
fortunes of the present millionaires dou
bled, tripled and quadrupled within the
next two decades. New York World.
The Itest and Truest American.
It is evident that the makers of America
belong to the middle ranks of society, and
that here is the center of our hopes in re
gard to the nation. The rich families
cannot tie large in number with us, nor
can they maintain in successive genera
tions their hereditary prestige. The war
broke up the old order of things at the
south, and the fact that at the north there
is no room for the man who is simjJly a
gentleman of leisure has prevented the
people who represent social distinction
from taking an active part in the legisla
tive life of the country The old families
have less influence today than they ever
hod, and the leaders in legislation, in the
professions, in making and guiding public
opinion, and In contributing to the pros
perity of the country are. for the most
part, men who have come from the ener
getic middle class families everywhere.
These are the men who have derived most
benefit, from our institutions and beat un
derstand how they are to be still further
developed. We do not, care how rich a man
is, nor who hil grand father was, but we ask
what his Capacity may he and what his vir
tues are, and we give him our confidence
chiefly on the basis of what he is and what
he can do. This current opinion as to what
constitutes family excellence has a wonder
fill effect, in the shaping of American fami
lies. If the making of money is the ambi
tion of most Americans, there is a second
ary ambition that concentrates itself in the
Integrity and purity and strength of the
homes of honest and industrious and Intel
ligent people. iioston Herald.
Once In aluinul hall ut Yale a shaky stu
dent w ho couldn't hear to part with his
class discovered lu advance a knothole lu
the lloor. lie secured the desk by that
hole. Pretty soon he had the misfortune
to drop hie pencil. Bending over for it he
shoved his examination paper down
through Ihe knothole, l'ellows iu waiting
In the cellar ran oil with it, filled out pa
pers for him, nut too well, but well enough
to save him, for a perfectly correct
luatiou was net consistent with his record,
aud on returning signaled to him. This
time he had the misfortune to knock a lot
of paper oil hi table and litter the lloor.
He got down and conscientiously picked
everything up, including the relief papers
that came up through the knothole.
At another time where papers were
drawn one fellow drew two by sleight of
hand process, passed ou oue, surrendered
It aud went out. Then ho gave the extra
one to a lame friend, who at once "cram
med" thut paper. Then he went In, drew
his paper and calmly substituted the oue
he knew, passing well ou it aud carrying
away for w hat might be termed outdoor
relief the paper that he Irew. This was
kept going ull day and Worked well.
Another fellow, Illustrating ullke the
sharpness of the boy mid the laziness of
the professor, having pructically no knowl
edge of one heavy subject that had bee I a
study for the term, went to the record
and learned by heart the answers to euch
; of the twelve questions asked in each of
i the previous years, discovering the while
thut, instead of being thirty-six questions,
there was a good deal of repetition. Know
iug these questions thoroughly, and not a
word outside of them, he went lu, und,
sure enough, the professor had drawn suf
ficiently ou hlfittirllTT pupers to cnabN
this ffllOW to answer more than enough
to pn?s him. As for the rest, his paper
Wiw a blank. Hartford L'ouriuit.
riuying Cards in Alabama.
Burr Mcintosh, the actor aud quondam
Dewpaper man, relates a funny anecdote.
"About a year ago our company was de
layed several hours at a little wuy station
iu Alabama near Iiiriuingham. Several of
the party, Including one of the Indies, sug
gested a quiet game of 'hearts' to puss
away the time. There were absolutely no
sigus of civilization about the place except
ing au old cow and a pig grazing quietly
near by, but we hadn't been playing live
minutes wheu a big, burly fellow came
alung swinging a club und pompously
said, 'You are nil under arrest!' We
thought he was joking, ami paid no atten
tion to him until he repeated the remork,
when one of the party did consent to say
"Hut the deputy cbentE, or whatever he
wa. wouldn't have is, Hear rested us all,
even the lady, ulthough we protested that
the game waa for fun nnd not money, and
took us before the 'mayor,' who fiued us
II each und then tacked on costs enough to
make it fj. I got even with the sheriff a
few days later on our return by throwing
a bottle of ink ull over him as our train
passed the station, but I never again ut-
i" tempted to piny 'heurts' iu Alabama."
New York orld.
Here Is some interesting correipuuJouco
thut we waut you to read. The letters
were sent voluntarily and speak for tlieiu
elves. They will be found valuable.
No. 1.
Owiooi N. v.. Pen. b, ism.
Pre 'Digested i'ouA 0oi New York.
Uelitlflllell Two of our hunt luilios tolil mo
this week, one thut itho had gullied ,1 pounds,
tho other - pottUflS i lonely through the Use
of your i .a, r u i," t There is u strung
desire Ullltilltf gout! WOlnoll to lie pllliup llllll of
uood woiuiii. i know of there is a groat lu
turn for ruskolu
Yours truly,
.1. 0, Klnyon, Uruwlat,
No. ,
Hchanton. Pa,, Fob. V, IteJI.
Uciitleuioii: My wlfo loin boon an invalid
for twelve veuis ami lia, doctored with u
number of pliysli-laup, hut she QeVSf reeetved
i uood ruhiilts until she heuuii tukliu! Pal
kills. She Is Is now hetflunhitr her fourth Init
io) slid I would not take I'Ji.OU for the buimtU
11 has already uoiiu bur. She In like a new wo
nun In every wny I taku plousura iu reOOttV
luuuuing It tuiuu iiunile.
Yuuiu truly.
G. M. llol.M VKI.H
stery I epartment
William : Sissenberger
Opposite Baptist Church,
Perm Avenue,
Is replete with fine and
medium Parlor Suits, Fancy
Rockers, Couches and
Lounges for the Holiday
Trade. Prices to Suit all.
Also Bed Room Sets, Din
ing Room and Kitchen Fur
niture. Parlor Suits and
Odd Pieces Re-upholstered
in a Substantial manner.
Will be as good as new
City Music Store,
M W X011LNU AVE . KCIIAN lu-fc
One Way of Milking a Living.
There scemn to lie no limit to the variety
of way-i iu a dollar can be earned by
a sharp witted man. I know one who
rankee a comfortable livln by nttendiiiK
nurtion sides of furniture. He is not in
collusion with the auctioneer; In feet he
will only attend such nales as nre. genuine
nnd peremptory, where every article in sold
for the highest figure bid, no matter how
low that may lie. My friend simply t rades
on the weakness of human nature, espe
cially of the feminine variety. Many
women attend thesn sales, and are really
desirous of seciirinK certain articles, but
shrink from the publicity of tryinpt to out
bid some other would be purchaser.
They prefer to (five two or three dollars
advance on the price paid by the successful
bidder. This man sec ures all he i nn of the
iiest bargains offered, and then dUposcs of
them st n smnll advance upon Ida outlay
to one or other of the disappointed bidders.
It. is not unusual for Mo to clear from ten
to twenty dollars a day. There Is no Urns,
for even If tho articles nre left, on his hands
he gets his money buck by sending thorn to
a general auction room. -New York Tele
Mr. Parnell ns ii Playwright.
Mr. Parnell Is known ton good miiny
Australians in a character in which he has
never figured on tho northern side of the
equator that of drnmntic author. Kor
more than live years a play, entitled ".Sham
rock (Jreen. Ily Charles Htewart Parnell,
Kst., M. I'." has enjoyed prodigious favor
Bjnong provincial audiences in the colo
DIM, The lucky CXCltlsiva proprietor of
this piece botlta of having nl ready netted
CA,pOp by It.
Its proprietor -an Irishman, by the way
has never yet venturuod to produce It in
Mi Ibourini or Sydney, doubtless from a
shrewd silsplrlou thnt the drnmntic critics
of these capitals would want to know
something more about its history und un
teeedents than the bald announcement ou
the piny biu thut "Mr. Pnrnell wrote this
1 V when n young man ut college." i'all
Mall Curette.
I'nuHiiul I'lintlng.
While there are doubtless many printing
presses In existence thut would fulQII a
more useful mission if trniisformisl iuto
road rollers, still it has fallen to the lot of
u newspaper in Middlcsboroiigh, England,
to make the first adaptation of a uteam
road roller to printing purposes, aud It was
with such u unique machine that The
Northeastern Daily Cuzette. printed M. edi
tion of 04,000 copies. The motive power of
The Gazette office is a gas engine, but ou
the day in question sn accident to the gas
works suddenly cut off the supply of gas.
A gang of workmen were hastily oh
tallied from n neighboring establishment,
aud heavy Iron plates were laid in the yard
adjoining the printing room, iu the wnlls
of which a large owning was made. A
fifteen ton steam roller was then pushed
into the press room, shored up and belted
to the shafting, and an hour after the
usual time of going to press the presses
were started nnd the entire edition was
run off without a hitch. Newcastle
What tlnlneri' the Meeting,
Mr. Wiggins-Well, my dear, did the
Woman's Hoclety for Reforming the Earth
have ngoml meeting?
Mrs. Wiggins (a fair reformer)-Well,
just so-so. You sen business was going ou
beautifully, when some one uskml the
presldeut nlmbt the new bonnets worn by
the younger Porosis women at their an
nun! meeting.
Mr. W.-Proceod.
Mrs. W. (bliiHhinglyj And then then
the hour for adjournment had come and
goue before she got through. Pittsburg
Tb Festival of Fools.
The "festival of fools" WSJ a feature of,
each new yenr with tho Parisians. It be
gan on the 1st, of JutUU7 nnd continued
for some days, during which all sorta of
absurdities nnd indecencies were llccnoed
This feast was not celebrated after the lal
ter purl of the Thirteenth century. Fools
or licensed Jesters were kept at court, up
to the time of Charles I. Hi!S, but the an
cient feast was never revived by the peo
pie. Detroit i'n c Press.
The following letter was sent to ii. L,
Kates, druggist, r air cor t, N. Y.l
Pkrinton, N. Y.. Jan. '.d, ltoi.
Dear Sir -PaskolS is du'nit tuu u great deal
of good. For two or three yours have suit red
more or less from Imperfect dlgestlun ami
neurnliilu. Since taking I'nskoln my diges
tion tins ban much hem-flted and iieuruiglu
greutU relieved This speaks Well fur thu
shun time I have u .ed PasKola,
Yours truly,
Emma II. BTM
No. 4.
OaWMOt N. Y., Jsn. 8, ls!.
(leiitlomon: Pluusosend uio twoslo.uu hot
ties of Puski'ln. Enclosed please Hud check
ou uccount.
Yours truly,
C. H. BtrtlH, Drugclst,
P C- A young lady just lu reports a gain
of tivu pounds after too use of two ortnree
small bottles of Puakolu.
No. 0.
CHKUIBA, Muss., Dec. I, imi
l're Digested Food Co , New York
Gentlemen; It gives ms great ploasure to
spesk In tlw highest terms of your delightful
proparutlon. 1 u,kola I have lately pre
scrltiod It for one of my ladv patients and 1
urn Kreatiy surprised at its wonderful power
us a flesh producer. The young lndy has hem
out of hi'ulth und losing flesh She began
taking Psskoia in diraoted, Hur weight was
le;i pounds; xlm has taken four bottles mid
n iw weighs 10U pounds and is looking much
unproved. Hrys she feels like a now eren
turo. I believe this change has boeii brought
about by I'askoln.
Respectfully von
o. w. Babcock, m. d.
The parties who wrote tho abovo let
ters are tittople of standing in the
places where they reside nnd would
not deceive the sick and feeble by false
Many doctors and other peoplo write
and ask ns what I'nskola is made of
and how it is that it can so of tan bring
a person baok to health when drills
have proved of no avail. Paskola is a
pure pre-(lig(sted starch food. It is
made of the finest grains aud cereals,
comoined with the natural digestive
ferments used by nature to digest other
It Is not a medicine ami it contnins
no medicine. It is simply a delicious
food artificially digested.
That is the reason it will do good
when drugs will not. It doesn't upset
your stomach; it helps it. Paskola
feeds yonr system und nukes you fat
when your digestive organs are too sick
to attend to wants
Good food strengthens nnd invigor
ate a tired body. Put only nfter it
tins been digested and absorbed.
The same result is observed with
Paskola. But as Paskola is pro-digested
and is sbnorbed almost 18 wn!
lowed, the effect Is much mora install
taneciis I'nskola refres it s and invig
orates a woak system or a tired frame
like inagio.
A pamphlet giving full particular
respecting Psskoia will he ssnt on ap
plication to the Pro-liigested Food (Jo
30 Heads St, N. Y. City.
Where ( lu Istuias Trees Cum From.
About fifteen men handle the whole
Christmas tree trade iu this town. Most
of the trees come from tlio Adlrondneks,
Cntskills, the banks of tho Hudson und
from Mnlne. You tuny iinugluu how the
air is laden with their pungent fragrance
along the line of piers when they nre kept
for sale. Tho Wilsam Ilr is the favorite. It
is the most trimly shaped and must uro
mntlc. The t rees look like closed utnbrel
Ins, with their boughs lightly strapped to
their trunks to seen in them from break
age The wholesale price is iibout, ninety
cents u bundle. New York Cor. Pittsburg
it mis Bard,
A Michigan man who was picked up by
li locomotive running forty milea nn hour
had his skull crushed, both urttis ami both
legs broken, both shoulders crushed, buck
and nose broken nnd live ribs stove In. ull
without drawing a drop of blood Detroit
l'f ee Cross.
OoBlparitlva Cost nl Aluminum.
It must lie remembered that, at $1 a pound
aluminum Is really not so high as It hsjks,
for the re 's' l ion of a pound of aluminum
toapounuof otlr metals Is something
like thut of the i.onoiis pound of feathers
to the pound of lead. Aluminum Is almost
three times as bulky as iron, weight for
weight; It Is uAire than four times as bulky
as silver, and more tliiin seven times as
bulky as gold. Thus, if silver were, 1 an
ounce, and aluminum fl a pound, silver
would Ik really fifty times more costly,
hulk for bulk; aluminum ut ( a pound
would b only twice as costly as copper at
llfleeu cents a pound. Brudstreet's.
Australia of llio Futon.
I ronfrsw that when 1 consider this
charming young nation, with its romnntlc
past nnd Its most, uttrartlve future pros
pects, Ifeel a littletbrill compnrnhlotothnt
with which I watohod Ihe fortunes of the
water in Its Went worth valley; so full of
surprises must its lifn Is--ao splendid in
Its ventures, in Its fearlessness, In Its Jov
otis seeking of dangers, in its bold plunges
into mlilair. in Its enjoyment of the culm
prosperity of peaceful moments, and in Its
ceaseless progress to new adventures and
Conflict, Its future is hidden, like the
strentn in t he forcsta at the bottom of the
gorge, but, the sea Is fur away still for the
young mountain torrent; and tho long
course Is full of fair scones and great ex
Australia will not be oue of the happy
countries without a history, but will sun
ly know, In ( arlyle's sense of the word
the "blegaednras" of having a history. It
vanou anil progressive Hipuiuiioii, its eon
H i i of climate, Its
itiiirlaii, iKwitlnn In the I'acille, Its vask
resources and Its social progrosslveness all
unite to assure It of a very slgniuVui
place In the future tide of civilization. -Professor
Koyco iu Serlbncr's
r Stinted in u (llitsu ur Water.
The war alluded to is tho war of the
Spanish succession, caused by a on. -t
between Austria and VfeMMM ns to whether
an A.UStriarj or n French prince should sit
00 t lie throne of Spain The war had Dean
determined pu for several Man Is-fon- the
death of the old King Charles 11, but
about the time of his death an English lady
in Paris wo. raising a glass of wnher to
bar lips at a crowded reception. A PNOOh
gentleman Jostliil against her ami splltthc
water on her dress. Her escort took up
the matter and a duel resulted, followed
by so general a it ua n ol between the French
and English residents that It, was face
tiously koIiI the war was brought on by
upsetting a glass of water.-St. Douls
Hhen Btarahiag Wus first Taught.
Starching was tlrst Introduced into Ung
html in IBM by Mistress Dinghmii van den
Plans, who came from Flanders. She
(Might starching publicly, nnd charged
four or live pounds for teaching her pro
tension, and un additional pound for teach
Ing how to make the starch. CTouk end
thut Review.
Use a largs stock of first-ehus
MUSIC, k'l'U. Km
Atlantic Refining Go.
Manufacturers uud Dealers in
Unminating and Lubricating
Linseed Oil, Napthas and Oaso
lines of all grades. Axle Grease,
Pinion Grease and Colliery Com
pound ; also, a large lino of Par
ralliue Wax Candles.
We also handle tho Famous CROWN
ACME OIL, tho only family safety
burning oil in the market. ,
Wyoming Ava.
W-a Jjm)k 4;
From Ihe JK V. Tribune, Xov. 1, 1S03
The Flo
"Chicago, Oct. 81 Fhe first oillcial
announcement of World's Kair di
plomas on flour has been mndo. A
medal I, an beeu awarded by the
World's Fair judge? to tho flour mana4
factured by the Washbnrn, Crosby Co.,
in the grent Washburn Flour Mills,
Minneapolis. The committee reports
the ilonr strong and pure, and entitles
it to rank as first-class patent iiour for
lutuily and bakers' use."
The above brands of (lour can be hud ut anv of the followlnz merchants
who will accent TllE TBIBUHI PLOCB COUPON of !i5 on each one hundred rounds
of flour or GO on each barrel of Hour.
Kcrnnton -K. I'. Price, Washington arrant
Ooli Mcila' Bmlid.
Pnnmnrs V, P, Price. Uold Modal Brand.
Pnsmore-r. D. Munley. Huperlntlvo Brand.
Hyde Park-Carson a Davie, Washburn St.
Hold McHal Brand; J uepn A. r M-,
avenue. Superlative Brund.
(Jreen Rldgo-A L.Hpencor.Ciol'J Medal Brand.
.1. T.McIImIm. Rnnarlitln
Provldenos Fenner & ciiuuncli. N' Main ava.
uue, Suuerlativs Bread;!.. J Olllnpij, W.
Murmit trut. fio'.d M-d.l lirnnd
plyphant- James Jordan. Superlative Brand.
kvil e'-r Ktttsf HnnarlaHva
Jermyn -C. U. Winters mOo SuimralatiVH
Arelibulil-.loneH. 8 mpsoii A: Co . (Kid Mount
Carhondalo-H. K. Clark, Oold Medal Brand.
Honesdals-1 N, Foster Co uoli Meli.
Mluooku-M 11. I.avclle.
Taylor Judge & Oj., Oold Medal; AthartOO
& Co., Superlative.
Imryna-Lawreiice Ktoru 00., Oold Medsl.
lloosle John McCrlndle, Oold Modal.
PjttBtOB-lt W O'Boyle, Oold Medal
Clark's Oroen-Frace tc Parker, (Superlative.
Clark'h HamaUt-F. M. Young, Gold Medal
Dalton-S E. Finn Son, Oold Med! Brand.
NP holson -J. E. Harding.
V.'uvi-rly-M W Bliss & Hon. Oold Medal.
Factoryvllle-Charles Gardner, Oold Medul
llopbottom N. M. Finn Son, 'Jold Msdsl.
Toljybannu T hybannn & Lehigh Lumba r
Co . Oold Medal Brand
liou!dsb;ro H A. Adumi. Oold Medal Brand.
Moscow Oalge & Clements, Oold Medal.
Lake Arirl James A Bortree, Oold Medal.
Forest Cltj J L. MoTgaL & Co., QoU Medal
Offlco: Coal Kxchanp
Works at l 'u.'' l-i -.
Manufactured at the Wapwallopnn Mills, Lu
leino county Pa., nnd at Wil
mington, Delaware.
General Agent for the Wyoming District
1 1 8 Wyoming Ave . Scranton Pa.
7hlrd National Bank Building.
Auction! Auction!
133 Penn Avenue.
CHANCE to buy at your own price
Hardware, Saws, Hammers, Tinware,
Lamps, Hosiery, Gloves. Notions, Fancy
and Other Goods.
Sign Red Flag,
Titos FORD, Pjttaton, Ta.
JoHN B SMITH A SON: Ply-month. Pa.
E W Mt'LLIOAN, Wllkes-Bamv Fa
Agents for the Kepaiino Clieinloal Com
puny's High Kxnioslvoa
P U ZZ L,E .
Valuable as a Souvenir of the Fnir.
wiLii nr. Distribute d
800 IN PHl.r.S Willi. III'.
Ftttflir rrWimirt 100-f hook, illiiflrfttwl 'mm
HMronn" i konr.i ft. l mill Whsn Hnttfirin ,
snd Umii Mil (hu Mnglr Remedy win
a u . nn mott'si PliVirVROTAL PIIiIiS and take no other,
ftVSond for oireuUr. lrlo (H.rtO per hox, 0 bovea for ?.'..00.
: lilt. .Mll l'TS ( 1IKM1CAL CO, - -lovclnnd, Ohio.
Tho only safe, gurc and
reUable Femalo FILIi
over offered to Lndio-j,
oapeciaU; reoomtnend
ed to married Ladies.
int. juv:
byC, H. HABRW, Dragilit, Ul ivnn Avran.
mum HIIOR CO.. no'p. ( anltal, IMMMjh
"A deffur tilled it 11 dur rarf.
Thlsl.ii.ll.-.' lolld fmth Dmignlii Khl Hut
ton Knot dellvsrril fn-n imywlirre I" II"- t s "
ro-elptult ash, Uuneytirurr
or Postal Note for $1 J0.
Kaimls WUf y tho boiil
MM In nil retail stores hi
J.M. Wo nioks Hit" Iswl
ourselves, thotefors we guar
inter tho Jit, etile iiinf ii'fiir,
noil If nlivona In not aansllnt
o wilt rotiinn ino nii'iii-)-
or etsi uolber pair. 0H.'r
I 'io or 1 .'liininn M-nsi',
vlilllis 0, 0, S, p
aire 1 to I ami Imlt
Uses. .SVrnf iimr tier;
Mil nl i
limit uli-il
FEtlurtL ST.,
Special temt to JHtittrt-
V.LMu It- ' - aVi V
K' f .'1 B4' I" s'
fl Hit A D. riHli'WUV
Dexter Shoe Co,,
This Coupon, with two like it, but of different S
I dates, and with Ten Cents in cash, will secure one
1 part of the World's Fair Art Portfolio in four
3 parts the one announced before.
This Coupon, with another like it, but of differ
I ent date, and with Five Cents in cash, will secure
the "Trip Around the World" portfolio of photo-
g graphs, a rare and interesting glance at noted
spots in all climes.