8 TIIE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY MORNING. MARCH 9. 1894. GORMAN'S RRAND DEPOT WHAT BARGAIN? The dictionary answers with definitions. We answer by giv ing examples. Any one who in spects the following will never need to ask what a bargain is again. 2H 01-inoh Cuiua Silks, all t A ttle pUin colon and rill black suitable for dressns ll I or fancy work. Wonli J VI not have sold below or 40c. if the linker hud not been obliged to raise mousy by lliug ttieui ut a loss. 9c. 1.00 a yard. Navy Blue Storm Serge, .")'.' inches wide, all wool, lino texture, fust and rtn failim color. To reduce quantity we reduce tiie price, which regularly is We never did it before sell Ihil M inch, all wool lustrous Black Sjrure for a penny Wsa than Oj.1 a yard We only !o it now aa a temporary bargain. 50c. 16 here The renowned Flercher Lace Strip Scotch CHog 1 1 Uain-t. which have been I I imported ao 1 sold to Am vl erica for veari at 85o. a yard. All the patterns specially offered ar new for spring. $1.19. The same 200 Che nille Table Covers again tint went like smoke just before Christmas, Never expected to sell ihem again below $2.00. But here they arc same rih, el.'gant designs 0-4 size, heavy knotted fringe. Bat not for long. 6c. Palma, floe and full bleached cotton, made to sell at 7 cents. If the manuf icturers will for iive n tins tim. we promise never to do it again. FOREST ClfY NlWi. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE THE NEWS Of NEARBY TOWNS (Out or town nirrinii 1:U or Tub Tail Dm should sttn Uietr names in fall to eaen uaws liittxr. not for imbli it u vol to HN Stfitiiiet iioooitku.l CLARK'S GREEN NOTES. for Movsmints of Xaay Prominent People Intelligently Mentioned. Special fo tht Scranton Tribune. Forest City. Pa., March 8. T. J. Avery was the first member of the new police force to capture a "bird." The "bird" proved to be a stalwart Poland er, and Mr. Avery had to ctll three other policemen to carry the Pole to the city bastile, as his lower extremi ties w- r weak after having imbibed too freely in spirits fermenti He spent last night in the cooler, and was brought before Button Many this morning, who fined him 10, which he paid. Dr. D. Dwyet, of Carbondale. wis seen upon our streets toiay. "Dos." is always a welcome visitor here. Two local sports, on1) representing this place and the othr from V'aud -ling, started for New York oity last Saturday with their faces wreathed in smiles and grip sacks in hand an I a good supply of "long green" in their inside vest pockets, determining be fore they reached toeir ''own Smiles" again to "do" the metropolis. It has secretly been made known that two of their bst friends received telegrams from them to telegraph them the "wherewith," as they wished to buy a return ticket. John L Westzate made a short busi ness trip to the Pioneer City today. Edward Reynolds, of Clifford, spent a short time in our borough this after noon while en ronte to Sciranton. William Ingalls, chief cUrk in the Hillside office at Scranton, spent a short time with his old friends in this place today. L. P. Wedeman, attorney at law, was in the Eiectrio City on business today John Biguio has resumed bis busi ness in thia place, after a six mouth Tisit in Italy. C. S. Alexander, the popular tailor, spent a short time in Carbondale to day. Plenty of mud, beautiful sticky mtvl. Leave your order with Thic Tribune news boys for a month's subscription and you will be pleased with the re sult, The Woman's Christian Temperance union will hold a parlor meeting at the home of Mrs. Henry Box on Hall road street, tomorrow evening Mrs. Squires, of Carbondale, will be present and speak. A cordial invita tion is extended to all. e Dyapepels and Indigestion In their worst forms are cured by the nse of E P, P. If you are debilitated and run down, or If you need a tonie to regain flesh and lost appetite, strength and vigor, tnkr P. P. P., and you will be strong and healthy. tor shattered constitutions anil lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash. Poke Root and Potassium) is the king of all medicines. P. P. P. is the greatest blood purifier in the world. For Bale by all druggiste. PLEASANT SURPRISE. The Home of F. D. Maechsll the Son of Much Oatttv. Special to the Scranton Tribnnt. T Minooka, Pa., March 8. A pleasant surprise party was held at the home of F. D. Mnecholl, of Greenwood, last evening, which was greatly er.joyed by nil present. The following were in at tendance: Messrs. Dive Lovrlng, Sam Mahady, Thomas Mnrray, Fred Hollenback, Earth Cardwell, John Morgan, Dars Evans nnd brother, Hyde Park; the Misses Lizzie Lovring, Annie Lovring. Jennie Lovring, Dola Knapp. Sadie Knapp, Rny ;Morgan, Jessie Morgan, Eliza Rosen and the Miss Drten. Ha;ip ntngl of Interest Reported Hurrird Readers Special ti the flsrSMtOS) IVifc'me. Ci.ahk s OttKUN, Pa., March 8. The Literary society of No. 1 school will give an eutertainmoiit in the sobool building ou Friday evening of this week. An interesting programme has beeu arranged. A birthday party was given Mrs L Datosmau ou Friday evening by a large circle of friends to the number of sixty -tWO, After presenting her with a beautiful easv chair the party thru spread their dstlcloQI viauis and spent tUe remainder of the nveuiug very so cially. Miss M E Bevaa returned from her visit to friends lu Anchor, N. Y , ou Friday last. Mrs. Nelson Callander, of Thomp son, spoilt a few days with her broth er's family, F. U. Uoiediet. J. M. Courtright h is return d bono from Toronto to spend vacatiou hero Mr, and Mr. J. V. Mutinies spent a day with a sick sister in Nicholson Protracted meetings are beiug held in the 1! ii'tisr church A "mum" maple sugar social is to be hell ut the housi of F. S. Ujnedict ou Tuesday evening next. W. S. Frace attended the fu leral of the late Mrs. Usury Kara ou Wedus day. Mrs. Ziba Voaborft atlll lingers with uer dangerous malady, paralysis. The remains of the late Lsonard Werkizer was taken to the borne of his sister in LiPluinc, Mrs. Green Rey noldf, for interment. H was about 60 years of age and served four years in the late rebellion. Mrs. E. S Decker, a form9r resi deut, now of Scranton, called on friends here. G. W. Decker is now domiciled in Honesdale. Having be?n a resident Here for about thirty vears. he and his family will be greatly missed. Samuel Smith will erect a new hoose here tbis spring upon t be six aero lot recently purchased of Silas Whits. Dell. RobinBon will occupy Ben E. Wheeler's house and will work the farm of his father in-law, O.I3 Jones. Doll has been living at Ariel for the past year, and has now come to the conclusion that "there is no place like home." Henrv Siaco is seriously and danger ously afflicted with dropsy and rheu matism, and his life is despaired of. Dexter Colvin fled from the measles here some time since, but they over took him at Pittston. JERMVN GLEANINGS. Matters of Interest to Wide Awak Readers Pleasantly Rsoordnd. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Jermy.v, Pa, March 8 C. W. Stan ton, of Carbondale, and C. L. Van Blarcora. of Scranton, call jd on friends here yesterdny. The funeral of John, son of Henry Luxmore, of Elgerton, will be held to day. Interment will be made in Rose Hill cemetery. Among the many admirers of the Hon. G. A. Grow there is no oue more enthusiastic than the old veteran, Wil liam Scull, of South Second street. Th speech made by Mr. Grow in con gress Wednesday pleased tho old sol dier exactly and he, having bieu SS) qq tinted with the congressman for many years, has written nis approval of the course taken on the pension bill by the member from Glenwood. False alarms, such as called the ,ier myn people out yesterday, could easily be avoided by placing call boxes in the places where the buttons are now lo cated and putting a register on the en gino house These boxes being num bered would show at once where the alarm came from. At present no one knows wiiero to go until the smoke is seen. The fire company travelel First and Second streets yssterdsy looking for the blaze. Fortunately they were not needtd. A great many do not un derstand that there are mor-i districts than wards. Thero are four, as fol lows: East Hide, powder mill; south of I! icon street and north of Bsco i street; to the borough line. Rev. F. Gendall will preach the ser mon at the next session of Honesdaln Ministerial association which will be held in Way mart in March, The E Igerton mines will bs idle the balance of this wek. i -Bpeoimen Case. S. EL Clifford, New Casiol, Wis., was tronbled with neuralgia and rheumatism, bis stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alurining degree, appetite fell away, and ho was terribly reduced in fleeh and strength Three bottles of Hloc trlc Bitters ntod him. Edward Hhepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight yeatg' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Hitters and seven boxes of ilucklen's Arnica Salve and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, ()., had live larun fever soros on hie hg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and oao box Uucklen's Arnica Halve enred bim entirely. Bold by Mat thews Bros. t MAPLEWOOU MATTERS. In thousands of cases tho cure of a cough Is the preventive of consumption. The surest cough medicine in the world Is Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Hold by all dealers ou a guarantee of satisfaction, the wheels and substitute runners, and vice versa, thus riding ROOOtiHng to the presence or lack of the beautiful snow. The wheels or runners he could con veniently carry; on urrsugenionts on the side of the vehicle. Solomon Nichols, of Carbondale. is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. V. II Samson. Ii. B, Merring, who has been con noed to the house for some tim ',is now convalescent. V. 11 Merring and brothers, Wayne and Lagrand, who liave been home on a viit, have returned to their studies at Wood's College of Business. Mrs. W, B Motrins made a flying visit to Scranton on March (I Frank Woodward, of Park I'lase, who lias been spending some time with his uncle, W. II Merring, has returned to his home in Sorantoo. PENNED AT PRICEBURG. Bright Nows Paragraphs Culled br an Oooaslonal Correspondent. N)iecial to the- Ncranton 'Irtbiine. Maim.ewoop. Ph., March 8 There has been a throat disease prevalent in this section the past month, bnt nothing dangerous, and all are getting better. The people of this and surrounding localities are about discouraged with the system of getting coal at iMapls wood. If there Isn't something done pretty soon, they are going to haul their coal from other points across the mountain. W. B. Mening, a popular and enter prising farmer of Maplewood, was in Scranton looking after bis interest In a coal works last week. A (medicine man pasted through town the other day with a vehicle that attracted general attention. It was so arranged that he oould, at will, remove Largs aud Small Locals Ctonosrnlng Cur rsnt Toplos of Interest. Fj rrial to thi SOTOafOO Trlh.Md. rmcKiu ini. Pa., .March b. A rag bee was held at the home of 1 homes OHter in Dickson on Wednesday night. The invited party did good work in sewing a i !,. number of car pet balls for Mrs. Oiiver, after winch refreshments were served, and games, singing and other innocent amuie uiMits indulged In Tho following is a list of those present; Mrs William Morgan, Mrs Thomas Basset, Mrs. James Held, Frank Bowman, Mre. 0 G. Rogers, T. Barret. Miss E nma Wil llanil, K 1 Reynolds, Mies Annie L wry, Tom Williams, Miss Emiline Reid an l Joseph Reynolds. Measles are prevalent amongst the children on Dickson Flats. Richard Gallagher, of Olyphant, was a welcome visitor In towu ou Wed nesday. Mrs. John McLane, of Lincoln street, is tbe gueit of her sister, Mis. D ' Smith, at Parsons. The following gentlemen hsva reg istered at the Central: J. Lofts, Pitts- ton; Joiin Mcllane, Milwaukee. Wis.; A. II Austin, Binghamton, N Y. Mrs. James Reilly has rcturnei home from a lengthy visit to her parents in Carbondale. Miss Maine McCabe, of Carbondale, is the guest of her cousin, Mrs J. R-illy os Mam street. Oa March 1G a social will be held in Fadden's Hall. O.i this occasion there will be a drawing for a bed room suit presented by division 11 Ancient Order of Hibernians to St. Ttiomas fair. All are welcome to attend. Refreshments of all kinds will be served by au able corps of servants. Eiectrio cars stoi at the hail every 15 minutes lest car le ives half-past 11. A young man named Dan McLaugh lin was severely burned about the fuos and arm iu Jermyn's shaft on Tuesday night, lie was employed as a runner and was bringing a pat in a beading not seventy-nve feet from the foot of tne shaft, when his lamp touched an accumulation of gas which caused slight explosion. ELECTION CONTEST. A Lively Fight Premised on the Hones dale Tax Cdhctorshtp, Pneeinl to the Scranton Tribune. Hosfshai.e, March . fcrer since election duy there have been minors afloat that Alexis F. Voight would con tost the election of Daniel O Osborn as collector of taxes for the borongh of Honesdale. Nothing definite was done until todav.when Attorney O. L. Row land presented to the court a petition signed by thirty citizens of Honesdale, attached to whioh was the neoossary nffilavit sworn to by Barnard Reilly, Henry Grain hs, R. A. Ferber, A. Obsrhar It. John L)ercher, jr., and William Pellio. The affidavit set forth that according to the result announced by the election board, Daniol C Ddiorn received 203 votes, Alxis F. Voight 201 votes, and Thomas E Callaway lllli votes; that eixteeu votes were cast for the Mid Osborn by persons who wore not en titled to vote, i, e. : Four did not have a legal residence in Honesdale, and twelve had not paid a state or county tax within two years, and that the election board illegally counted the votes; In thst, instead of c.mutUig each vote sopurat.'ly as directed tiy law, the votes were bunched mid then counted in that manner. Messrs )born and Voight each filed a bond for $23,000 and took tho oath of nfflce. Mr. (iibornes bondsmen were E. C. Mumford, W W. Mumford, C D, Mumford and VV W. Weston; and those on Mr. Wrights boa 1 weie F. Dlttrioh, William W'-fferling, A Hart ung and Otto Weaver. The court took the pupnrs under ad visement, and will shortly announce its decision in the matter. TIih oitiz'ius generally arn in favor of a re-count of the votes cast at the last election regardless of the result, as the election board certainly did not count the votes as directed by the law, and a great many think a re count would change tho totals. -e Poll RB1UVATI8II, lumbago, Neuralgia, cramp and colic there is no remedy su perior to the genuine Br. Thomas' Electric Oil. e CARBONDALE MIDWAY. Sights aad Eosnea of a Hustling Cttv Tmm.lv Deeorlbtd. Kjirrtnl to the Scitmton Tribune. Cahuonhai.k, Pa., Marcii 8. This evening's meeting In th" Young Men's Christian association was con looted by Rev. W. L. I an. i in ri v of llnioudale, who took for his subject, ' (Quench Not the Spirit." John Dnrkin, of Sarsnton, was a caller in this city today. J. W. Dimock Is beautifying the front, of his store on Main street by the aid of a coat of paint. Miss Nan Crown, of Honosdale, is the guest of Miss Jessie Weatherby, of Wayne street. J. B. Shandon, tho Silem avenue merchant, is on a business trip to New York. The teachers nnd pupils of the pri mary department of the Presbyterian Sunday sohool are preparing for a in venileeutorteUiment to be given in the lecture room of tho church on Friday evening, March 10 The futiersl services over the remains of Mrs. CharWs R. Vogel were held this nfternoon at 11 o'clock at her late home on Wyoming street. Rev Will iam Edgar couducted the services, The pull-bearers were us follows: Will iam R. Johnson, W. M Lathrcps, Frederick Frank, R. M Vaunan. John Hermes and A. C. Knox. Interment was made in Maplewood cemetery. Mrs. J. W. Coolidge. of Scranton, Is visiting Mrs. F. E. Burr, of Chursh street. Preparations a.ie being made by the various lodges of odd Fellows iu Car bondale to unite on the 23th of April in a celebration of the seventy-eighth anniversary of their order, which oc onrs on that date. Mrs. C S Hollis is visiting friends In Scranton. Miss Mame Wall, of Olyphant, la visiting friends in this city. Workmen are now busv at work placing lu position the Morris Williams elevator, which will carry passengeis to the topmost floor of the American house. The design of the elevutor Is very attractive. e MINOOKA SCINTILLATIONS. Mlsosllaneoub News Notes for Hurried Perusal. Special to the Scnintoii Tribune. Min.hik, Pa., March -Every evening as the factory girls are return - ing from their daily labors a gang of hoodlums employed In the yard hurl insults at the young women which ure very obnoxious to the ears of respect able people. It is time that the proper authorities were interviewed ou the matter and a stop put to these actions. A portion of I bo public road opposite the South Side store at Greenwood, is in a deplorable condition aud is unsafe for driving over A man yesterday who wus net familiar with its coudi tion, drove into it and got fast aud hud lo request the assistance of his brother leuuisters to extricate him from his perilous position. Frankie Burke, ion of Anthony Bnrkf, is ill with a severe cold. , An infant sou of Merlin Ouuguan, of M in street, died yesterday. John U Ontiok will strive to be a delegate to the next county convention. Quoit pitching is again becoming the popular pastime among the boys at the lazy corner. John Coyne, of this place, is anxious to secure a shooting inaicli witu B-u Fern, of the Arch bald. HONESDALE HAPP6NIN85. Bseotdl of Passing Ktrents In th Shadow of Irving Cliff Special to th Scranton Tribune. HONESDALE, I'a., March Thomas F. Torrny. of New York City, general sales agent for the Del iwam and Hud son Cunal company is m town called here by the serious illness of his father, Hon. John Torrey. Fred R. Salmon, one of the editors and proprietors of t ne Tri-States Union Daily Onion and Orange County Far mer, nt Port Jsrvis, was culling on his numerous friends here to lay. 11. B Soy dsr, paymaster of the Dela ware & Hudson Canal Co., paid the canal department employes Here last evening. On account of the spring-like weath er of the last few days tbe canal mule is now feliclatating himself in that his winter's diet of rye straw and hemlock boards will soon be flavored with an occassional oat in order to stimulate him for his summer's job. Colonel McClu War Cry. FMOetsfjlJtfd Timet. It is bad eucngh lor the legislation of the country to be menaced by tbe political freaks of tho senate, who probably hold the balance of power between the two purties; but when to ihese fieaks maybe added a lot of stock gamblers of both par ties, who unite lo delay legislation when the country is waiting in painful anxioty for aciiun, tbe conclusion is irresistible that statesmanship basiled from the body, and that the great interests of the ualion are at the mercy of freaks and gamblers, 'When She Su9pectd. Chicago Record. Maud How long after Nettlo married him did she begin to suspect that be was not a reel nobleman - Jennie It was when she noticed that although two weeks had elapsed, ho was still treating her with kludncss and civil ity. . -e . - Not So Pretty an He Was. ir.ixiifipron IMnef, Tbe Hon. Josiah (Jolnoy is rapidly be coming a conspicuous victim of lack of commence. Hood's Never Fails Business Man's Experience -Cured of Rheumatism. MUX A9SIST NATURE a little now and then, with a gentle, cleuu iug laxative, thereby removing offending matter from the stom ach and bowels, and toning up and mvigo- tlie HO luting liver and quickening its tardy action, and you there by remove tho cuuse of n multitude of dis- trising diseases, such ae hfsldanhw. Indiges tion, biliousness, skin diseases, I lis. carbun cles, piles, tlstulus and mulodics too numerous to mention. If people would pay more attention to projierly regulating the action of their Ikw els, they would have less fr.spiout occasion t cull for their doctor's services to bubdue attacks of dangerous diseases. That, if all known agents to accomplish this purKso, Dr. Plnreo's Pleusnnt I'ellet urn un.iiualled, ig proven by the fact that once used, tlmy are always in favor. Their secondary etfe t is to keep the bowels oien aud regular, not to further eonstltwUs, as Is the case with other pills. Hence, their great popularity with sutferers from hubituulcou stipation, piles end indigestion. W TO MAKE MONEY There are hundreds of young men ttnd young women in this, country who have splendid ubility, but they have lievei been wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an Inspiration to hundreds of young people. If yon are tired of inactivity and want to do something tangible, come to tne oiiego. uuurauN i v.usu COURSE), UUHINIIHS COL'KSi;. SHORTHAND COURSE. MIW YEAR or F. E. WOOD, Proprietor. DNS .JANUARY 1. NEW GOODS (Upholstery Department. CARD TABLES, Green or Red Billiard Covering, $2.25 each. JAKUlrilEKE STANDS Cloth Wood and Matting Top, Gold, Teak. Brass. Special Silver. 90c. one in Ox Dr. B. Grower The Philadelphia Fpecialist, Ami Us exeiKilniml stall t BnatUali and Qsr man PaySeSauUkan now iKiniiauuntly luculwi Temple Court Building .Tl I RPRUCR sr. SCRANTON Wburo tUoy moy bs consoltsd DAILY AND MM. AY. Tln Dorter le a gra.luiiw ot th) rjnivnrsitr Of 1 enneylviinU, feruiurly dsmOBStntOT of WWJ" nuraery a! IDS SeSOMO i.nir- : t i , e . er. urmcai ciu-ne, of Philadelphia, iio i also nan tneir iormsr nnce ehellorar member l tie, M,.,le ( l.lrnr. 1 Fw' UMBRELLA STANDS, Hat and Coat Hooks, Easels and Screens. Step Ladder Chair, $1.25. Oak Tables, 90c. to $1.15. Ur, r. IF. it us, . won known bnilassi man in Pittsburgh, r., wrllee the letter (,'lvm below. Mr. HatlSlf6lt- sfal "i" ni (or the Mains iraalts quarries ami eontraetor for cemetery iin.l hullillnn work, hav- li iK Sli nffl. e at No. 70S PcUl Avuliiio. "('. I. Ilooil d Co., Lowell, Mane.: "Qtttttenwn Wn haven wrjr high opinion f i.eth flood's Barsaparllla ami iio.ur ruin nt out boons and with good reason, 1 have taken ni most every rnme.ly know n Inr i hi'iinmtlnn. anil feel justified In naiiiu that Bood'l Sarsapm Ilia Is the Only one that dees mo any good, i must a.tmlt I bnTS not taken It eteadlly, but only when Urn pains of rheumatism caino OA. Rood's narsaparUln im. Alwayi civen Nlo Rollof, ami like many others, ni snon as I am well I never think of medlelne again until the next at- HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES taek. We arc never without Hood' Sarsapa rilla ami Hood's Tills In onr house, mill have leeominen.led both to dOMU of fi lends. When any of my family am t il, i n slek, no matter with what disease, the first thlnx we do Is to give A Dose of Hood's Pills ami follow It up with Howl's InTtipnrlfll. I miilhl write several paces In praise of tills ex (.client medicine, but think I have said . i ,-h to convince." T. W. IIaih, PittshurKh, l'a. L'leel ABSoeiutlnu. nnd wee i,hvii'nn :,nd euiKeon ln chiof of ths moat uot-d American Slid German hospitals, comes hli-hly Indorsed bv tOO loading prufusaors of l'hlladulphUi aud New York. Ilia many years of honnital rxpcrloaoe on- bleu tide eminent phyeieian are! em goon to correctly dl., i.. and treat all rm 1 end dku.isns with tho most iUtt. rlne enaeasa snd hie I i.h Kte.idlin; In tho xtam will uut 11 w- him 'o accopt any incurable casa I.OSl II.1MIIIUII I.. - It WBAKNRSS VODNG UKU ( IJIIED. II iron nnvti neen L-.ven nn in hkh t,hvsi. cln call upon tho doctor and 1 examined. He cures thn worst caseof Nervous Dobllltr. Scrofula, Old Soros, t etarrh, Piles, Fomals Weakneaa Affections of the F.r F.vn Mrm snd Throat. Asthma, Deafness. Tumors, Can cers sud Crirnles of eynry description. Con pultAtion in English and German Free, which shell bo considered tacrod and atrictly cuutt-dentlal. I Wee Hours: ft A. M. to U I". M. Dallv. Sun. lav . ! H. III. lo X p 111. SPECIAL, to Close Them Out: Velour and Tapestry Table Covers at iuat one 4l D f G00D3, Gimp Cord, Full line of UPHOLSTERY Tacks and Fringe. THIS TRADERS National Bank of Scranton CliGANIZF.D 1S KERR SEEBECKER CARPET AND CURTAIN DEALERS. The most complete medium-priced FOLDING BED in the market. Hull & Co. 205 AND 201 WYOI RG AVE. CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. FAMI'F.I a. h. Williams, Cashier. niNF.S.irreei lent. W. W. WATSON, Vice l'rusidont, tinKCTone. SAMi nr. niNre, JAMns It EvmiiAnx, Ihvino a. KiNcn. pinncn B Pmuir, Joaipn J. Jkiimyn, M 8, hEwi hbil, . i nr.. r m M 1 111 v . jiin T. Ponxna W. W. Watson. PROMPT, ENERGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bsnk Invites the patronage of bnsUMSS men aud llrms generally. Third National Bank of Scranton. Statement Fell H, I8!M. called for by the Comptroller ,,t the Curksaaojv RBSOI in BaV l oans l -li. t 00 Oventrnfte 4;.,T7 I ell. , I Stftlre Itnnds HO.tlllo.ni) Other Ilonds M.1.(V7H 7S I'lll.l.lllL House - ii 1 I ..; i i, pi, inn, , on V. s. Bonds.. "i.i ;;, Due llem V. . Trclistlier 1.1100.00 Hue from Hunks "n- u. Ceeli I l.i eill..Vl I.IAHII.ITIK.S. .rli ,1 Suriilne IJnitlTlile.l Profits Clissnlallon nu mends rti.itl.l Deposltn.1 Hoe to lltinke '.'O'.V.'WO.OO .. SSOO.OOOOO '.'ll00 00 Ml. I Nil lid 8'.'. 000.00 88S ao ...i. mil. (loo ,m tto.aiio.ao U-i,'H ;,.i.-,o no Hoorl's Pills IN prompt injl efQclout, yet sasy In action. Sold by all driiKslsts. 'ioc. Lost Manhood nnd vlrrnr qutohlf . I If lit V illUliile I li) INll.l0. thn ure nt milium iH'iiii'tiT. Willi mri-iraffaarnauttiovtirt, Horn ujr HIM .1 A II i ONM t QEU. II, ( V I I, in UIM JA M D1HRCTOR& wiiiinm Council, Oemwa if. Alfrt'tl Huml. .luiiif-t Arrltlmlil Blltl, Jr., U lllliiiii T. Smith, , v it- Prttldnl ii l i t k. CuhUr CntHn lli'iiry luthsr ill li it ; I I ii t N rtr liiilitiiitn. rvrry TliN Itniilc n'r-i to - nit, hi rinili d l Ihi' llt-NH mill I I sltl.llell III I It IpMtstl nltiMitlon ifivrii to Itiialnciiii no runtn. InitiVeMl i Ala Oil Umo dtpoitte 101 POWDER CO Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bid's IORAKVONi PA. MINING nnd BLASTING POWDER J'.ailo at tho MtlOSIC mul BUSH. DALK WOKK3. Lndlin iV: Rami I'owdor Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Hut tori, vs. Fusoi for ex pin I tng blasts. Safety Fuse nu.l RepaunoChemical Co.'s High Explosives "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. Marriage Made Easy A liilp wo don't pretend to furnish a wife, we'll do the next best thing by furnish ing jour homo com plot o from cellar to trar ret, nnd at a very small cash outlay. Have you ever seen tho Economy Bedroom Outfit? One Antique Bed One Antique Drcaaer One Antique Waahatand Two Cane Chair One Pluah Rocker One Table One Towel Rack One Woven Wire Spring One Husk 4 Cot Mattress One Pair Pillow One Ingrain Carpet One Lamp or Toilet Set The Above for Outfit $39 SOME OTHER PRICES Decorated Pinner Sets, 100 pieces Decorated Toilet S.te, 10 pieces Antlquo 1 Suit room Suits Silk Plush Parlor SuitH Ueby t'virriaces Sideboitrdr), Antique Oak N a 13 50 81 BO 4 75 8 00 All Our Stock at Economy rices.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers