THE SCKANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. MARCH i). 1894. OUR NEIGHBOR VENUS ITHE TWIN OF THE EARTH, WHICH IS 40,000,000 MILES AWAY. Where There la Perpetual Day and Per petual Night Speculation us to the Plan et' Inhabitants Another of Our Neigh born I Jupiter. Vonus Ih tho twin of the earth, ber dl meter being about 7,700 miles, or only some 200 miles lesHtuau that of OUT globe. Jupiter is tho Goliath uf planets, being 80, 600 miles in diameter, or about 1,300 times as grvat as thu earth in volume. Jupiter makes a less brilliant appearance than Venus, because it is teu times as far away. When a telescope is directed ni tho two planets, tho dillereuco Iwtwoen them bo comes much more striking. Venus looks theu lifeo a crescent moon, dazalingly bright, with faint shades that cun only bo detected by a practiced eye aud a good glass. Jupiter, on tho other hand, is mag Jiilled into a huge globe, perceptibly flat tened at the poles, streaked with irregular belts of various colors on each side of its ec,nator aud accompanied by its four moons, the shadows of one or mora of which, as bluck as drop of iuk, may occa sionally bo seen slowly crossing its vast cloudy eurfaee. Since Venus is much nearer to theearth, its distance being 40,000,000 niilue, while that of Jupiter is 400,000,000, it would bo natural to expect that the surface of Venus should appear more clearly deilued in tolo scopea than that of Jupiter does. As a matter of fact, however, we cau see very little of the surface of Venus. The fea tures of the planet are hidden in its own brightness. Apparently its atmosphere Is filled with clouds, or else that atmosphere itself reflects so much of the sunlight that it become an effectual veil, coneeuling the face of the planet beneath. Tho best tinr." to look at Venus with a telescope is In broad daylight. When best seen with a powerful tele scope, the surface of Venus appears shaded with lighter and darker regious, recalling the lands and seas of Mars. Uut these ap pearances are so falot'and ill defined that great uncertainty exists in regard to them. Yet as long ago as Ku'7 Bianchlni made a globe of Venus based on his telescopic observations, and gave to certain dark spots on tho planet such names as the"Sea of Columbus," the "Sea of Galileo" and the "Sen of Marco Polo." Most of the earlier observers of Venus thought that tho planet rotated on its axis onco in about 04 hours, so that its dayj wero of similar length to terrestrial days. But in 18M tho famous Schiaparelli. the discoverer of the canals of Man, made tho surprising announcement that Venus prob ably turns only oncu on its axis in revolv ing onco around the sun. The year of Venus, or the time required for it to com plete a revolution around the sun. is about of our days. If Schiaparelli is right, theu one side of Venus enjoys perpetual day while tno other side is buried in end- less night. Between the lightand thu dark hemispheres there is a narrow region, broadest at the equator, over which the sun slowly rises and sets once in tho course ef every 2'2o days. It is cot scientific to speculate concern ing the possible inhabitants of Venus, but it is interesting. Do those of the sunlit side ever pay visits to their neighbors of the dark side Can men indeed livo and can plants grow where there is no light but that of the stars? Yetstarlight is but a faint sunlight sent from millions of (lis taut suns and faint only because they are ao tremendously f;ir away. And what, on the other hand, are the conditions of life under a never setting sun? Do the inhab itants uf that side of Venus, blinded by perpetual daylight, think that the universe consists only of the world they live on and the sun that lights it? Have their philoa ophcrs learned that by goin round tu the other sideof their world they can see a sky ablaza with other suns, among which, brighter than Venus looks to us, shines -their neighbor the earth? Are the inhab Hants of the dark hemisphere of Venus concerned in any manner with the aurora like Illuminations which terrestrial astron omers have beheld there? In short, it appears that Schiaparelli -discovery about Venus Las disclosed a new world for the imagination to disport in. In France, where they do everything dramatically, even in science, M. Kugene Antonindi recently conceived the idea of making a "tour " of the planet Jupiter. Ho accomplished it with the aid of a telescope. Ttnmense as the bulk of Jupiter is, it makes a completo turn on its axis In a trifle lesa than 10 hours. By watching it continuoosly for 10 hours, then, M. An toniadi was able to see every part of it in succession. Of course tho same result could be ob tained by studying different parts of the planet art different hours on different nights, bnt tho Frenchman's artistic sense of unity prevailed over considerations of onvenience, and so be made his "t ur dll mondc do Jupiter en dix heures" (tour of the world of Jupiter in 10 boon), At in tervals of an hour he drew pictures of the planet, showing all tho details that were visible with a telescope 0J inches in aper ture. An inspection of these pictures gives one a very vivid idea of the appearance of the great planet as it swiftly rolls under the eyes of the observer. There Is evidently something very Im portant going on upon Jupiter nt Urn pres ent time. We probably do not sou the real surface of Jupiter any more than we see that of Venus. Jupiter, too, wears a veil, but it isofquite a different character from that of his petite sister planet. Venus is a cool and solid globe, like the earth, purrounded by a transparent atmosphere. Jupiter la a heated and liquid or partially vaporous globe, more resembling the sun than the earth, except in its power of rndl ntlon. Although Jupiter is 1 ,300 times as large as theearth, it is only .".HI times as heavy. In order to become as solid ej the earth It must condense to one-quarter of its present sizv. Kvidently such a process of condensation Is now going on, and that is the cause of the disturbances which tho telescope pliinly shows are afflicting tho big planet. The. effects of these disturb ones wero very Imposing whn M. Antoni ndi made bis "tour." Garratt p, Servlss In New York Sun. barrister, liko Sir Charles Kusaell, hus an income variously estimated nt from $75, 000 to tlou.OUO a year, while it is said on good authority one of themselves that SO er cent of the barristers muke nothing. Those who make anything make $1,200 a year, thoso of thu next grado $8,000, then $10,000, which is the top score for the great majority, and then a very limited number who make $25,000 n year. Prac tically thu same figures hold good for thu mudical men, with the exception that thu percentage of those making nothing Is smaller, mi indication not wholly without significance us implying that the Briton would rather pay to have the gout than to havo a quarrel where lists are bared. Con sider the following list of incomes: Annuities to 14 members of thu royal family, 18, 000,000 per annum; miner with family estimated by one of them fi!"-0; archbishop of Canterbury, $75,000 a year; average clerical income, $000 a yeur; at torney general, $05,000 a year; average barrister making anything, $1,200 a year; Sir Andrew Clark, physician, $S0,000 to $100,000 a year; average medical man, $1,200 a year, head of great public schorl, $U0,000 to $40,000 a year; Milmwistcr in small school, $500; editor und part owuer of great newspaper, $25,000 or more n year; hack writer, $S00 or less a year; Macau lay, "History of England," $750,000; Scott's novels, etc., about $1,000,000; es sayists, poets, majority of novelists, noth ing; dissenting minister, very popular, $.1,000 a year; dissenting minister, not popular, $450 a year. Judiciary well paid: Lord chief justice, $4",000 a year; lord high chancellor, $50, 000 n year; judges In county and city courts, $5,000 to $10,000; cabinet minis ters, $35,uoo a year. Forum. L J FACTS ABOUT DISEASE GERM 3. The Strangett of the "Trao fairy Tales Modern Science. Among the well know n diseases whos. bacterial origin is already placed beyond reasonable doubt are erysipelas, tubercu losis, diphtheria, tetanus, typhoid fever, croupous pneumonia aud influenza. The facts dlaeovered regarding gome of these during the past 15 years are umong the strangest of the "true fairy tales" of mo 1 ern science. Forexample, the micrococcus of croupous pneumonia, ns discovered by Dr. Sternberg, lurks in the mouth and U harmless there, awaiting, as it were, an optKirtunlty when a condition of lowered vitality of the system, as fromexposuro lo cold, shall enable it to take up its active abode in the lungs and begin n develop ment whose results will be manifest in an inflammation of those organs. Again, it appears that the bacillus of tetanus, or ; lockjaw, is abundant everywhere in the soil and may rest on the surface of the . human body or be taken into tho stomach without producing injury. Even ou the surface of an open wound it cannot devel op, it being one of the bacteria that can not grow in the presence of free oxygen. But If introduced into a deeper wound nway from the air it may develop rapidly and produce the painful and often fatal disease tetanus. Thus is explained the fact, always before a myttcry, that even slight and seemingly insignificant punc ture wounds are more likely to produce this disease than are open lesions that otherwise are far more serious. It is an interesting and highly suggest ive fact, as show ing thu power of resist ance of the human body under normal conditions, that a bacterium capable of producing such a disease as this may be so abundant all about us and yet so infre quently llnd opportunity for malignant ac tivity. But the same thing appears to be true in greater or less degree of all tho other bacteria that may develop in the hu man body. Even when introduced into tho body they are harmless, unless they lind the conditions there favorable to their de velopment. Thus there are probably very few persons who have not at one time or another inhaled the bacillus of tuberculo sis or its spores, but the lungs of only the relatively few furnish a favorable soil for its development. Thtsu susceptible per sons develop the disease. The others are said to bo immune as regards this partic ular bacillus. But susceptibility and im munity ure relative terms, and a person whose tissuisatone time resist the mi crobe may at another time succumb to ir Tho exact nature of thu "inherent vital ity" which we are accustomed to speak of as giving the tissues power to resist the micro-organisms we understand as little as our ancestors understood the real cause of the contagious dlsee"s. Perhaps the microscope will h'jlp to enlighten us in this regard in tho next half century. Harper's Weekly. INCOMES IN ENGLAND. Fanes That Danglo From tho Top and Bottom Hounds of the Ladder. Every roan, profi ssional or otherwise, Who gets to the top of his purticular lad der In England is paid not only in money, but in comforts, in homage and in admira tion out of all proportion to those below him. The heads of the great public schools, such as Eton end Harrow; the great prelates of tho church, the archbish ops of Canterbury and of York, tho bishop of Ixmdon and Others, tho lord high chan cellor, tho lord chief justice and the attor ney general, tho popular physicians, tho eminent barristers, solicitors and civil en gineers, mako what in a democrncy would be deemed fortunes every year. On tho other baud, the professional ragtag and bobtail receive less notice and less money and aro far more restricted In their social opportunities than with us. In giving llg ure. relating to professional incomes In England, this chasm, impassable except to the strongest, between mediocrity aud suc cess becomes at once tho moetstrlklng and depressing featura of the discussion. In the church the archbishop of Canter bury receives 15,000 a year, which Is equal to $80,000, or probably more, while the avcrago income of tho clergy is well tinder 11.009 A IMr. A Yery successful The Old Southern Gentleman Still. "There ure some touches of nature to bu found among the decayed gentility of the south that to me arc peculiarly sympathet ic," said L. E. Buford of Charleston. "I was in Augusta, Ga., some time ago, and I will relate an Incident that illustrates w hat I mean, Greeu street In Augusta constitutes the principal business street, and at either end of the business thor oughfare Is a market in the center of the street. I was stroll Irg through one of these market houses when I noticed a very old man w ith an antiquated hat frorn which all the hap except few strangling threads of silk had been brushed, a wide shaker, a broadcloth suit buttoned to the. throat, and carefully darned nt the elbows and around tho binding, and carrying a gold beaded Cane, He walked with an air of dignity, While at his he i i trotted a bare footed, ragged pickannlny, Ha went u a meat stall, and In tones of unconscious patronage said, 'Give me 8 cents' worth of round steak, sir.' The meat was wrap ped up, and the old man iej FChtd his pockets, thu expression of hia 'face show ing the greatest rnortillcat Ion VI y'A have n dime, sir,' he said. The dW'c.ffas found, and after receiving a nickel in ulfShge the old man handed the meat and the nickel to the little darky, who trudged homo be hind the (dil man. It was a little thing, but It contained a whole biography of that man's life to those who knew the customs of Mm old time southern aristocracy." St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Frew the K V. TWMiiWi Ko t, ism. The Flour Awards "Chicago, Oct. 81. Fhe first official announcement of World's Fair di plomas on Hour has been made. A medal liae been awarded by the World's Fair judges to the flour uianu factureil by the Washburn, Crosby Co, in the treat Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis, The committee reporte the Hour tlrong nnd pure, and ontitlee it to ronk as first-clues patent flour for funnily aud bakers' usa." W1EGARGEL & CONNELL WHOI.ENALKAtlKNTs. SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above brands of Hour can bo bail at any of the following merchants, who will accept Tin: TuiiiiNK FLOUR 00PPOM of 80 on each ono hundred pound of flour or SO on each barrel of flour. Taylor Judge A Co., Oold ttedali Atbertos A; 00., Siiierlstlvo. Huryou- Lawreie'o Storu I'd., Hold Modal. Moomc John Mil! Quid Medal. Pjttston M. w. O'Boylo, uoM Medal, (.'lurk s Green Praoe Parker. Superlative, Clark's summit- V. If, Young, Oold Medal, llaltoii -8 E. Finn & Son, Hold Meilu: llniu 1 SI 1 1 1 "li I 1. I KM II U'averly-M. w. Dllss Js fs.m, (told Meihd. PsctoryvUle Ghtrlee Gardaer, Hold Medal. rtopboltoUV N. M Finn A Sou, Uu!d Mulul. ToDTbanna Tobbanna. & xtiii Lumbe r I n Hold Modal Hruii'l ( lull (lnb .ro S A. Adams, ltd 1 M 'lal llniu d Moscow -Guitfo tfc Clements, OuM Modal. Like Ariel James A. Bortree, Oold Medal. Forest City -J. L. Morgan Co.. Hold Medal THE Upholstery Department OR William : Sissenberger Opposite Baptist Church, Pei in Avenue, Is repleta with line and medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Rockers, Couches and Lounges for the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets, Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholstered in a Substantial manner. Will be as good as new S!cranton-F. P. Prleo, Washington avonuj I uoiu ueua liraml. Dunmoro-F. P l'ricu, Oold Mo.lal Iliund. DumnoreF. D Mauley. Superlative llran I. Hyde Park Carson St Eluvla. Washburn St. Oold Medal Brandt J.suph a. m- .i m , . avenue, tSunerlatiVS Brand. Oreea Ridae A LHpeneer.Qol 1 Medal I'.rand. J. T. McHale, Huperlatlve. Provideueo FenuL'r A ObapPelhK' Main avo mi.'. Superlative Brand ilS J wUluplei W. Markot atreet. Qol d M.-l 1 1 Urnnd Olyi hunt -James Jordan, Superlative Brand, Pe It vi1 e lb ltt K. Is r Suporbxtlr i. Jemrn O, U. Winter AC0 hupnraiatlvn Arehnald Junes. S nips n Oo , Bald fod tl Carbondale-E 8. Clark, Oold Mrdal brand. Hunodale-I N. Foster & Co. Ooli Moil. Minooku-M 11. Uvelle. A Curloua Hello uf the War. Walter French has a curious relic of the war. It Is a watch with a bullet firmly iuiliedded In one side of thu rase. The watch belongs to Captain McfJunnlnlc, who was g member of thu Ninth Maesa chusctls Infantry volunteers and now lives In East Boatan, in ihih atth battle of Laurel Hill, daring the battles of the Wilderness, Captain MeGunnlgla was car rying the watch In his breast pocket when he was struck by n bullet. Tho bullet could Dot penetrate the watch, and Iii9 life was saved. When the watch was shown toO'Fei rall of Virginia, ho became Interested nt onco and told how during the war he was car rying an old fashioned daguerreotype of his sweetheart in bis pocket, and o bullet struck It nnd glancrd off, saving his life. It wus tho plcturo of a Baltitnoro girl, but Iho end of tho rumnnce was out of tho ordinary run. When the war cndM and O'Ferrall looked her up, he found ber mar ried to another man, nnd thus sho lost the chancoof becoming tho wife of tho govern or of Virginia. Boston Advertiser. Thu oldest mathematical hook in the world Is culled the "Papyrus Bhlnd." It I in manuscript, of course, and was writ ten by one Ahmes, an Egyptian who lived in the year 2000 B. 0, The hook Is now In tbc British museum. There was only ono complete die made for the purpose of coining money by tho Confederate States of America that for a 1 cent piece, which was made by Lovstt, tho Philadelphia engraver, Ju 180U Auction! Auction! AT 'Bargain Stores 133 Penn Avenue. COMMENCING MONDAY EVENING, JAN. 15 A CHANCE to buy at your own price Hardware, Saws, Hammers, Tinware, Lamps, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions. Fancy and Other Goods. Sign Red Flag. N. A. HULBERT'3 City Music Store, - WYOMING AVF, 6CUANXU& HTKINWAY SO DECKER HltOTIIKKS H :iAM( I! & HACK H I I 1.1 & BAUUll am PIANOS JliKSlargs flock of fjmt-olM ORGANS an sk ii:n:HANDisii ut sic, ura, Kxa PUZZLE. THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable as a Souvenir of the Fair. QUITE i:ahy vhi:n YOU know HOW $.100 IN PRHSttfl YVIMj BR D1OTRIBUTBD TO THOSE DOINd THE PUZZLE IN THE BHoKTKsr SPACE K TIME FOR SALE BY ALL NRWI COMPANIES BTATIONEBS AND AT toy STORES, OH HK.MT TO ANY ADDItKHS UPON KECEIPT OP PRICE, CKKTS, Bit COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO.. 112 AND 114 SOUTH KUTAW STHEET, BALTIMORE, Ml). .jam .cwM-scm'j RESTORE LOST VIGOR Nt'W (llflrnier T Will knee n.n nnln wuab fl.,: A ,t I. U- n t r U ' if A RAN KR to (urn NirT m tVhtlii I ., nret.nmt MMft i . ' 1 ' ' ' 1 1 r I ' i h l " i j i t n i 1 1 - , i 'if DfgJvrterl. such UiiuMhs l i l' vmsiiminii'ii it Hum ay, vi lX till, G hoirs Inr With err f. For el bv JOHN II. PHBLPS, l'hai uiacint. i'nr. Wvomlna Ave. mil Rnrtiut Rrmntdli. Pa. MANHOOD RESTORED! 'NERVESEEDS. Tblt wmrWfM rnrr-l? cmr tntvr'l tn ran all li nmie dll tpr'. "nvh ns WAnk Mpitiory. I.osncf train I'nwpr. IlcnilBcbn, Waknriilnpni, i.oht .viiuiimon. Mfiuiy MnlMlons, nrrroQfMMMllfl10lina 101101 i ' in i in ml I vp ( vrirftttA of flt)n r MtymuMd hy ortertlon. ouOilil rrrvn. ' ' mIm' d' of lohBCOO, opium or stimulant, which MM to I mi i : i--. n '"tuiiDtlon or Inan nil j-. I'nii t- cnrrlPd In tput porkPt. VI ptl bni, for tft. Ij... ejerLie 3 ll.&Muei NmhUi fu ij. .i.t Cm .11 XeMMate a .1 it lal! "LruntunUNr ItMUdlRb Kothur. AiiilresH KEUVi: Ml f lMO., Aiaouie Toiupio. (JBICAOU. lUb For Sale in Hcrunton, Pa., by EL C. SANUEUSON, DrufflBt, CM WaghlngtoD Vkl Snn:co ytroots. illit UKli AUD AKT1.K UBINU. RESTORED MANHOOD Tho ttrunt VMMdff for nrrroua prostration nnrt bI l nervou ttlMMM i aw tuMirnuivp iirvrins 01 maavr IU. puvu ns Pfrroui rrimiraiH n. ISLr liiH or lost Manhood, Inipotpncy, Nlyhtly KmlsnlotiH.Vonthful Krrors, Montal Worry, ero-sslTo ua of Tohivt'o or Opium , which load to Con aumptlnn and Insanity, with o?ery Sft order w plvo a wrlilon uar hiiU'p to euro orn'hmil tliu money. Hold nt 81. OO per hox. O boxes M W...OO- UK. JMO'l 'i 'M 4 Id KM l AlilOu t ltwluud. If htu DR, MOTT'S M l!l I HIM'. PILLS lurttulo byC. M. II .Ml K I , Urugulst, 147 1'euu Avtuuti, Atlantic Refining Co. .',:... '.:..";.'! mid iXM'.cre in Illuminating and Lubricating OILS Llnaeed Oil, Napthai and 0.110 lirii'd nf nil radei. Axle Qr"ase Pinion ( irense and (,'olliery Com pound; nlao, a lario lino v! Par iiifnue ax Caudles. We nlso handle the Ffttnoni CR0WY ACME OIL, the only family safety burning oil in the market. WILLIAM MASON. Manag?r. offiro: Coal Exchange, Wyoming .v W urks ut I'me Bruuk. DUPONT'S MIM.NU, BLA8T1NO AND BPORTIMQ POWDER Muuuf aetured at 'ii Wapwallopm Mills, l.u- leme county Pw.. uii.I ut Wil luliiKtoii, Ixluwaru. HENRY BELIN, Jr. Qeaeral Acent lur iiit Wyonilaa Diatrietb 118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa Ibird National Bask Umkluif. AOMOin, Tlins FORD, Plttat a, Tn JOHN 1! SMITH & SON : I'lymouUl. Pa. E W.ltULLIOAN, Wllkee -Harre. Pa Apcnt for tbo nepauao CbemloaJ Cuiu I'any'u High Bapleelfea lllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllll A DVER flSE YOUR WANTS IN T HE SCRAN1UN TRIBUNE iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiimiiiiiiiiiiD Oily, 'iniwr niatnlT. mrkr.1 b I'w.'i" , w I mititi1 nmF,.iu) iw imr noc. , Mrilirniff.1 iron. lllhfniro i..pUfiiml.ftnt mull Whim Hot Sl'tinii I Ita4 mutjfui, i,.T Mnelo Remedy win I lliaaull 1111 n"i RKm TO, ra-ir. III. I BUT KB smii: CO.. toe'p. rajiltal. fl,ooo.fl00. BEIT SHOE IN TUB WOULD. "A dollar Hfift 1 i ihllar tamtd." Thli ! mil. MM Frrnrh lnn(olii KM flul ton Hoot ilcllvt're.l fr.-p where tn Ihe I s.. rt i'l'l otUeea, Money (inlr, or nelal No" 'or l.So. KoiiaIa every Waf Iho bools rolil In nil relull itorei (or BiMQi Wo nuuke tbit 1 1 oiirwlve, therefore wo guar- aafei im ft, tite ana trtar, ami If any ono la not MlliiUeil wo will reiiinu tno money neiiilnnolherjialr. Opera Too or Common Henae, vMtai ', i, E. BE, 1 tn . and bull ilzr. Stud your tee witt tit yon. moiimiM Cata loirue FREE Dexter Shoe Rffi Sptctul Umi to lu i.!. alMNNK Iii the snip of the shears, The bondholder hears The Bonnd of his money enhancing; Why nol copy liis way, And clip every day To get something that's quite as entrancing. You Can Do It! BY SNIPPING AND CLIPPING YOU GET $24 VALDE FOR TEN CENTS AND JUST THINK OF Just to think of the delights of a trip alt over our own country, from Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico! Being able to do it in easy stages, at TEN CENTS "a stage," inclucl ing the services of a guide! Yet, that is just what we do for you. Realistic Pictures from ever part of America, done in NEW process indelible typogravure delineate the journey. The incomparable world-famed traveler and lecturer, PROF, GEO, R. CROMWELL, is the guide. Journalistic enterprise is the conductor of the trip. America "From Alaska to the Golf of Mexico," will be jmblialieil in weeklv eeriee of eixteen views .ich tiew 1U13J inchea, fully worth $1 60), and will embrace tbe pbyaical and ecenic woadere o( Our Own Land, the whole edited by Prof. U. H. Cromwell. Each serifs will be enclosed in handsome covers. The CftplfOl, WtshinBton. 1 in' otnmon, Kotton. Printing iiouf Sqimri, New VorU Hfven Mill- Cheyenne CMtOB, Colorado. Chrstnul Mi'i'i i 1 hlledetphla. rllnwftoiio I nil. iin)n. Brenton! (ovn, Nrwpoit, Central Turk, Mluiit'fipolU. Audftorliim Hotel, Clilcnpo. Long Nult KapttU, St. Lwrnc River. Temple Square, salt Lttk lly, Mnuntein Houiee. Cieoton Surlngt, Ta. ValitnEton Mnnumrnt. Baltimore. Hi-, shoe Falls, Niafcara. City of Victoria, II. 0 Mtkii. Alaska. Each Series Lasts but one Week, See That Yon Get Them All jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiuiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiHiing I AMERICA COUPON NO. 10. wm I s Send or bring two of these coupons, differently numbered, s S wiih Ten C'culs, and get the llrst series of sixteen magniticent S photographs. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinirl jt.llHlllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIti 1 MARCH 9 I This Coupon, with two like it, but of different I dates, and with Ten Cents in cash, will secure one g I part of the World's Fair Art Portfolio in four parts the one announced before. I MARCH 9 This Coupon, with another like it, but of differ- ent date, and with Five Cents in cash, will secure i the "Trip Around the World" portfolio of photo- graphs, a rare and interesting glance at noted a spots in all climes. Uiaiiiiiiiiiet.iiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiii.iiii)imiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers