2 THE SCRANTOtt TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH , 181)4. ONE CENT A Word. Wants of all kinds OOtl that much, e.r erjif Situations Watl,Whick arc (nairltd FRSS. Situations Wanted. WANT E U" V V Po"sl Tl(iNV"As" LADft ff nurse. best uf references. Torino, Sl.-'o per day Address " V. E.," Tribune Office, SITUATION WANTED BY DRUQQI8T, i? 10 years experience; first class reference Ail it , iil'll, 111 care uf Tribune office. oriTATION WAX l'Kl 11Y A lTUST-lLASS i5 book keener uud stenographer; will start at moderate wages needed. Address, J. z" r . ii an furnish references u 0 . Boi -W. city. CITlATION WANTED BY A CABINET C maker and ourtientor in a furnlt lire store Of whore needed. useful. M. 1). It.. Willing to make bimeelt H Hyde Park avenue. oitv. TEAMSTER. O Addresi 1". II , (U Forest court, city. W'A.NTED-l'osiT ON. PEP.MANEN T OR traveling; hardware preferred) hunt' i;ir with architects' plans, toej elerk. solid tor or collector. Address "lliddletou," iLuroe nvenue. DKBSONS I washing sou street. WANTING A LADY or utlUv clooBint, call 114 run Gib- CITUATION WANTED BY A YoUSO O nuiu who is willing ti do my kind of wok; Age. ID; fair penman) CM furnish good reference. Address Jd. U. (Pott Otllcc ,Seran ten. BY A YOl'NO MAN IN DKY OOODS Hit gfOOgfy store, or hm business w here lie could work up. Some experience, good rctVr ence, will work cheap. Address 1'. 0. box T'-'. Montrose. Pa vv Wanted. 'ANTED A SIX oil EIGHT HOBBE power wright boiler, second hand Au dress, star I Stcuin Dye Works. Ourboudale, Helo Wanted Females. (H)ol) COOK AND ALSO A WA1THF.SS t wanted at Alii Adams avenuo. Apply 7 to it p. 111. For Sale. noB BALE A FARM OF EIGHTY Ai'lit.s, V one and one halt miles from Daltuti on the Delaw are, Lackawanna and Western railroad First class farm house with a never fulling spring nearby; two barn, Kood laud nnd good orchard. Will lie Hold cheap. Terms ease. Address II. F VoN sT'OKl'H or ISAAC ELLIS, executors, Daltou, Lackawanna county, Pa. OU SALE tU-ACHE FAKM, STOCK and utensils. .1. M. SIIEI'TIICLD. h Monroe ave. loK sale OR EXCHANGE for BORAH I ton property A bearing oruugu (Trove inorOMtng in nrodiiction and value yearly lu the orange section In llorldu Addros F. E. NE'l'TLEToN, Lake Helen, Florida Agents Wanted. U ANTED A SALESMAN, J'-D 10 $.' weekly caa Ih made with oir goods m liny locality, will prove it or lorfeit 1 100. Salarv or commission as you prefer. '1 lie re aultsof a few Hour-' work often equal a wetk'a wage. Addres. "MANUFAOTUR' KKS.'' P O. Box o&f, Boston. Mass. -ANTED MAN WITH L1KE"aND FI K E insurance experience as solicitor m Lackawanna countv; mod Induce! ante to right mini. Address UMI Beta building, Philadelphia. Pa. U" AN i Lb BOYS AND 01KLS WHO wish to make money when cut of school; send name and we will tell you how; no money wanted. F. BTAYNEB, Providence R. 1. ' ANTED- TWO YOL'NU MEN OF GOOD addreea to call on business houses. Steady employment for good men. Apply NATIONAL OLE Arcade bull ling. AN AMuy at the office of Th'.rd National Liuuk For Rent. "ROB BENT APRIL 1 rHE ROOMS NOW jl occup ed by the Telephone Exchange. M L.ickawanus aveuue. Lehigh Salt Mining Co budding. L. S. and E. 0. Fuller. VOK RENT HotVSE 7 WYOMING AVE nue from April 1. Eleven rooms, all ihe miHlern improvcuien s. rent ?SJ per month Api lyto F. H. CLE5IONS. Lackawanna arenue. Re si Estate. I, OR SALE- HI N OLE HOUSE, IKO yULNOY I' avenue; very desirable location. Anply O. F. REYNOLDS, or W1LLARD. WARREN KNAl'P. :,& WILL RCY MODERN NEWS-ROOM lioiise. all Inii'iovctnciiis. tenns eiu-v; cor ner Madison avenuo uud Duluwaro street. Ap ply n An u i i .r.r.s IM,m WILL BUY VERY DEBIRABLE lot O corner Madiaou avsnus and Dalawaru street. Terms easy. Apply 11ARRV l.EKS. Dissolution of Partnership. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP The copartnership heretofore existing between William Welckers uud Ernest Friend, under the linn name of W Welcker, is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. The business will be continued by the said W. Welcker, to whom nil debts due the late firm must be paid, and to whom all claims against said tlriu should bo presented for payment. W. WELCKER, E. FRIEND Scianton. Pa., March n. Ism. Banking. IlEPOliT OF THE C ONDITION It OF THf: suRANT'ON SAVINGS HANK AND TRUST COMPANY ol' B0RANTON, No f Lackawanna avenue, of Lackawanna county. Pennsylvania, at the close of business, February tS, HMi RESOURCES. 1'nsli on hand S 33,487 IT Checks and other cash items 2,V7d M Due from banks and bankers 12). 468 jt Loai.s ami iiiscounts I.ivsetiuent 1WSSIt,1 cSS!i-.,.. muLS- v Ueu, ,i4.. meiits..JDil.0jtl.;W I Real estate, furniture and tlxtures.. 4,4tKl la Overdrafts 6UT 31 GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES Efforts to Be Made to Obtain a Rebate on Ex ported Coal. A NOVEL POINT IN TARIFF LAW The United States Supreme Court Will Bo Asked to Pass Upon the Meaning; ot Section Twenty-five in the Tariff Act of 1890, Otherwiso Known as the McKinley Bill Mis cellaneous Jottings of Carefully Culled Industrial Intelligence. Hy omuloys from 2.1)00 to il.OOO men. arc idle. A. M. Byors Ai Co. 'a mill Bt PittlbOIB went on double turn. Tbn old men uuve ported for work at the ti rate. Is was reported tbut the Mouonirahel a Iron company at Hays' ntntiou would re- sumo work in full yesterday wltb DOB union puddlere. The old men -t ruck Homo MM MN Utitut tlio introiluclloii of a classification Hyatem that reduced the price of puddling common Iron to l pur ton. A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of ('anaiohiirie, N. Y., MJB thnt bo ftlWATI keejis I r Kiiihh New Discovery in llm house, and hie family hue ulwuye found tbn very best losults follow Its use; that ho would not ho without it if procurable. W. A. llykeniaii. druggist, CttlsktlL, N. V.. snyi that lr. King's HOW LRSOOTOry Is undoubtedly the best 0OO.H remedy; that helms Med it in his family for eight years, and it has uover failed to do all that Is claimed for it. Whv not tie remedy so long tried and tested? Trial ottlcs tree at Matthews IliW. drug story. Regular size 50c. uud I LOU .'il.'JM St ACj.Ts.1 oti LIABILITIES CnpittJ stwk paid in xurpiui fund Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid Deposits subject to check Time certificates ot deposit, Dividends unpaid KB3,Wtl 75 .f .".ii 000 IN ':m ou 640,801 el 1.1UI 5o 11 10 L"oR REN T BARN IN RRARttSJEFFER JT son avenue. In-ar Sprn' street. Inquire of M syciREs, L3S Jefferson avenue, FuR REs'T-IIEALTHIESr AND BKST house in city. All convenli nee. Rent moderate. See this perfectly equipped house belore renting elsewhere. W. tiilison Jones, 811 Spruce street. TxiR RENT-RESIIJENCE; MOOKlts" IM J prOTOmtnlli Coll at Si) Manoa street. "nOR RENT THREE BTORY BRICK r house, ) Ad.aun avo. Apply MAL'KICE COLLINS. aenr. ;.l VvVt Le-k. ave. UR KENT-TWiJSTORY BRICK HOIVe, No. 2 Hal Jstead place. Apply MAC RICE COLi.INS. uc-ut. :J1 W.-st Lack ave. lFoR RENT SL'ITE OF POUR ROOMS ON r first floor, Webster avoune, at Ui F. E. Wood, Wood's College. TX3R RENT-TWO STORY BRICK DWEL r hni house; modern Improvements: 315 Forest place: rent, ilH. Apply to MAL'RICE CiiLLIN'S, agent, 721 West Lackawanna aveuue. TXir. RENT - STORE ROOM tU I.ACKa" r wanua avenue lrom April I. also rooms 3n second fliK,r well adaptM lor business or housekoeping. Also house 14os Capouse ave hue with all moaern improvements, b-auti-fully papered. F s PaCLI. 1 v.i Sanderson avenuo Si'Ci.y.m :j A report in detail of above securities has boM made to C. H Krumbtuar, superinten dent of 1-Hiiking, us call-d for. state of Pennsylvania, County of Lacka wanna, as.: 1, H. S. Kir kpo trick, Wktut, cashier of the above-naiiit'd bank, do soleinnlv swear that the ab,.ve statement is true to the best.of my knowledge and belief, i signed) II. S. KIRKPATRICK. Assistant Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me thisoth Jay of March. lnl signed i O. B PARTHIDOE, Notary Public Comet Attest: :gnedi E. N. W1LLARD, L. A. WATRES. M .1. WILSOR, Directors. rolt KENT- STORE. avenue, oy April, 1. j;l LACKAWANNA Enquire of Henry avenue or at the Fr-v. 421 Lackawanna premises. t'OH RENT THREE ROOMS. FRONT OS MOM) floor, over N A. Hulbert s mu-dc tore, 117 Wyoming avi-nuo, from April 1. In jnire in the stire. HOU.iE FOR RENT ONE BLOCK FROM post office, containing fourteen rwrns ind laundry, all in Cue , rder. Fine location :o let furnished rooms. Apply at HI Linden Itroet. M'O LET FOR A TERM OF YEARS 1 Part or all of three hundred feet of yard rwim along railroad. Apply at 146 Franklin avenue. rro RENT STOHE lxm OR FI RNISIIKD X hall on Green Rid gn street. Verydesin tle location and on reasonable terms. Apply to 1- NETTLETON or O S. WOoDRLFF Republican building. Speclai Notices. Vot1ce-'all'wip'wish'(Vjoij INFOR i nation concerning fiowr i-ulturo or farming of any deportment should procure OtO of John LewR Childs catalogues. It is beautlmlly lRntrat d and ontairis tho most Tell able ir.9trur.tions of any ca'alogue ever j 1 and ibontd bo c-ilb-d the acin cata logue. Mr. Childs has the largest circulation of pra tie of any seedsman in the United Btefei, and the most reliable and trustworthy. A 1 orders are attended to with gn-at Interest, which gives satisfaction to the purchaser. In buying seeds or bulbs ponplo will be better atisfl 'd to buy of this firm. DteWW he give u premium w bleb is very highly appretiated hy his patronizeia. The Mayflower, which they publish, is a very good guide to loversof flow ers or out'of d'or work . It woold be hard to say too much In praise of this excellent paper, which is so earnestly studied by so many thonsandsof reoplu all over our fair land No one can afford afford to Lo without the May flowor, I. AM-. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA zincs, etc , bound or rebound at The TltlliL'.VE office. Quick work Reasonable prices. TF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN OALIFOR X nla you should have our pamphl.-t on the resources of that stat- It describes great bargains. Pamphlet free, Fostor A VSouU on. I ll Washington street, Chicago. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 141, corner Spruce street and Franklin ave nur. Twenty meal tickets for iLM. Oood table board. financial and coyimekcial Etocks and Ponds. NEW YOBK, March 8b Wasbingtou news controlled the stock market today. Sugar was heavy from start to finish end nearly 170,0110 shares were traded in. The total transactions in this stock for this week foot up S86,10Qi The capital of the com pany reduced to shares is 720,000. Right at the opeuing a Hood of selling orders made their appearance and the price broke i to !&. After a break, a rally to 01 fullowul and the remainder of tbe Met advauced sharply on the denials that three million gild would be shipped to Europe ou Saturday. The craugers w-ire then takeu in hand and general Eire trie was also more prominent iu the dealings. It jumped 45, the highest figure for Bomu time. A good business was transacted in the Grangers at this timo. When the re port of the, senate finance committie was given out, showing material concessions t ; the suzur. lend, coa!, iron and distilling in teresfs the feeling was more bullish than at auy other tune of the day and prices were at their tngaest. Ibis does not apply to sugar. The committees uc tiotiwasa disappointment to tbemijor ity who began to sell. The result ws a break in the stock to S7!, a loss of BJ Distillers on the other hand rose to within a fraction of 18, About 2 o'clock the bears resumed active operations and it did not take them lung to bring about, a general decline of to ISi. At the cloie the mar ket was weak. Total sr.les were 3S0,0:i shores. The following complete table showing the day s fluctuations in active stocks Is supplied anri roviseri nauy oy canar a r uner, siocs brokers, 121 Wyoming avenue: Open- Iil.'h tng. est Am. Cot. Oil 2!l Am Sugar. VI A. T.&H. K 14 Can. So. olif; On. N. .1 M" Chic. & H. W IflMt C, B. ft Q by Chin. Oas tVK 0H C, C. &8t. L... :wti Col, Hock. Val. AT. 3) D. ft H URM B L, A W 1H7V4 i). a c. f mm Erie 17tn (. E. Co IP t Lake Shore I27i L. ft M 4714 Manhattan UIVn Miss. Pac '.'I Nat. Lead IM If, 1 . : I4K, H. f . Central Itfjd Propoaals. CEACED PROPOSALS WILL HE RE i eelved up tonoon, 10th Inst., for the ex cavating required lor now building, corner of Wyoming avenue and Spruce street. Plans and specifications may bo obtained upon ap plication to John a. Duckworth, Aroblteot 14 Coal Exchange Building. SEALED PROPOSAL8WILL BIS h celved at the oOicB of the city clerk, 8'Tunton. Pa., until 7 iJO o'clock p. in., Thurs day, March loth. P-Ul. to construtt a terra rottu pipe drain with receivers and fixtures. The said drain to commence at a point at the westerly corner of Sumner avenue and Pette bone street, tbenco extinds westerly through private prop rty to Oeraldine court, a dis tance o about one hundred ami fifty-five feut, thence south westerly along said Oer aldlue court, a distance of about o n- hunitred feet; thonce north westerly through private property n distun e of alout one hundred nud forty two and one-half feet to Lincoln avenue; thenco In tho same direction across Lincoln avenue, a distance of about fifty-two and no bait feet. Biddor shall enclose with each proposal the sum of twenty five dollars cash or certified check, as a uuariiutee lo comply with proposal if awarded tho contra :t In case thu Dtdaer to whom the contract Mhull hsv lojen awarded, nnt- to ex o-ute a contract for eatd work wit bin ten days from date of awiird, the enolosuro accompanying his pro-I- il shall be forfeited to the use of the city jf Scranton. The city roro ves thi rlnht to reject hny or all bids By order of the city Toun. lis. M. J. LAVELLE, City Clerk. 6crnntuu, Pa., March & 1BU1. I'l W m 17 N. Y.. O. ft W. N. Y..S. ft W. IJ. 8. C. Co North Pac North Pac. pf.. Omaha Pac Mall Reading fi4 It.y-k Island IWi R.T 4(.2 st. Paul ran T..C. ft 1 IWi Texas ft Pac k, Union Pac IHfc Walmsn, pf 14 W. Union 'u W ft L E lift W. ft L. E. of 4KH Iaiw Clos est, leg. W4 s7H s;h U ISU !;; tiff lfl 1174 11H H7U lo4i !('!; M "t'Tfi 7!i MHi MM 114?, .--s its 3n DM 'At LUM lH7Vi I85M 187 l74 I'I7 IH7U -7 MM HH I7W 17 17Vi UU 4:tv MZ tm r, mi 'H 4V4 UHi IM L'l Iflj 24 21 am mm am, 12Mi I'H MM 100 llliti If.iM M 16' 1'! ie in in 17 UK m :i7.M 17 im vi u i; im VI, 1 2-fH i m im M Hid Ml l-'W 4H? Chicago Oraln and Provisions. Bchantosj, March x.-The following quota tions are supplied and Corrected dally by La Bar A Fuller.etock brokers,12l Wyoming ave nue. WHEAT. Vur. Msv. Jutv. Opening fH IBM (ifi-i Highest W H R2W Lowest (W in BlW '.losing 68 KM 2 CORN. Opening tSU tU H4 llighnst .'i2 JM HI l.owost KM B714 SHU Closing t:,i 7'H 88W OATS. Opening Mf :!1, jRU Highest Ml lilla Kl'ja Lowest 2I'4 M IstJ Cloelng ami 111 HUM PORK. Opening - 1JH2 1170 lllghast. Ini-' 1170 Lowest ll.W 1 1(45 Closing - 1100 11IW LARD. Opening 700 "7 IW7 Highest. 7in I VI UK,' Lowest 700 WT B87 Cbslng 7110 M IW7 SIBoRT RIBS. Opening TOO t2 1112 Highest 600 ICS 1112 L-.w. -si MI0 M2 1112 Closing wo m ill Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tbe best sulve In tbe world for Cuts Bruises, Korea, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and nil Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required! It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2J ceute per box. For sulo by Matthews liroe, Solicitor General Maxwell hna ask ol tbe United States Supremo court to construe the tariff uct of 1S91). The court of appeals of tbe Ninth circuit hud given judgment in a OM in favor of Charles R, Allen for 87.24 moneys alleged to be due us drawback on im ported bituminous coal, lined on a vei ael eiioa;;ed in the ooastwise trade of tbe United States. It was coutetided ou behalf of the plaintiff that tho right to drawback was preserved by Seclion S3 of the Tariff Act of 1800, while the liuted States contended that the acts of 1883 and 1SS0, undir which the plaintiff claimed drawback! were repealed by Section . 15 of the tariff act of 18110 'The question," said Mr. Maxwell, ' le one of very great tinaiici.il Importance to the I mted fitalee, involving, if the judgment of the circuit court of ap peiili i correct, the refunding of large amounts of money heretofore regarded is the uiiquHtioucd property of the ooveruineut. Information from a prominent offi cial of the H C. Frick Coke company is to the effect that within two weeks uo.trly every coke ovn In theConuells ville region will be tired up The move will cover lit least ninety per cent, of all the ovens in the region, more than .have been in operation at any time for three year pint. At tho vory lowest estimate 0,000 men will be given em ployment, men who are Idle now. The aattgnrun and foreign element gener ally iu the region, it apiours, was never fo scarce as now because hundreds have left within the p:ist few month! for their for eign homes. This fact will tend largely to the employment of Aimri- can workmeu at the worws. The com pany, the same authority statei, will favor American labor and are receiv iug hundreds of applications daily from Americans for work. This move on the part of the Frick Coke company is brought about through the jjfeat vol urns of orders comiug from furnace companies and mills in virioiu parts of Ihe country, ihe McClure Coko company, it is stated, will increase tl e percentage of working, OVeni fully 00 per cent , thus (,'iving employment to at least I..1O0 men. The Pennsylvania lines hnve a class of employes who are known as hill watchers I heir special work is to watch in cuts that rocks do not roll upon the track when the ground is soft from heavy rains, or as a result from freezing and thawing. Within the last foar years the work has been sys tematized. hx:irt quiirrymen are em ployed by day mid by night wherever ther are ilaugerons embankments or deep cuts where there is a possibility of trouble. 1 here is not a year they lo not save to the roads many thou sands of dollars by discovering loose work or sliding embankments AU are -xpert climbers and Wei perfectly at home when suspended by a rope sound ing the hrmuess of a tureateumg bowl der. An sffl lavit of Frank Carter, land agent of the Heading Cal and Iron company, was submitted totboSchnyl kill county court by John I'. Whalen certifying that the compiny had an nulled its contract to keep iu repair the road of West Alahanoy townshlu an 1 that the road-i would be repaired by the supervisor, as heretofore. An order of con t nraying for the nirrou dering of the b n.lsas file. I by the coin pany was prayel for. The local freight ugsnts held another meeting in New York on Tuesday. It was less lively than the ono held at the Reading Terminal two week ago, but not en'irely harmoniou', as tho effort to adjust spring rates to tidewater gain failed. Another m-eting will be held on lb mi Inst. in rennsyivania is making care ful experiment! to test tho value of the Harvey hardening process ns ap plied to tires, crnnk pins, axles and other parts of the rolling stock inbjrOt to rapid wear. The indications of ma teiial reduction! of wear nre very prominent Minor Industihai. Notes: Suits for 180,000 damages for injurios re- reived by Robert Smoltz nt Lancaster were brought against tbo I'eiinsyluania Railroad company. Counts of trade at, Sayre, Athens aud Waverly protested against the removal of Lehigh Valley train crews from those towns. State Factory Insportor Watchorn will swoon down on the ration mines iu Cam hria county, where little boys are Ml t to be employed. The formal transfer of the trolley line between Allentown nnd Hetblohsm was mudo Wednesdav. The Lehigh Traction company gave the Allentown uud llethle hem Rapid Transit company n check for tl, 000,000 111 part payment for tho load On the one hundred and thirteenth bill lot John Magulre,distrlrt superintendent ol the Philadelphia and Readmit company at Tremont, was chosen mine inspector for the hlgbth no tin 111 11 o ilmtriCt. Tho legislature of I'lah has before It bill making train robbery punishable with dent h The metal tin for railroads Is being re vlved ngoin. A new one has neither bolts, rivets, nor keys. Only Ills Of these ties are required to tho mile, against Until or more of tho wooden tie. A writer in tho Railway Ago ndvorntos the "nlckle in the slot" machine for use in passenger cars, especially in tho llbrai and smoking enrs. He thinks it. would he a great. Improvement, on the trnln boy wltb the clarionet voice. The Uiionos Ayroa (front Southern rail road has made some sucressfiil Iriali of petroleum us a fuel for its locomotion The intention is to substlliitn petroleum for ronl ou this Hue, in order to avoid ihe danger of setting fire t 1 tho pampas by spurns. Tho piiddlers at the Republic Iron works hnve refused to work lor ?4 por ton and tne plant may Mini Hown. The Haker Forge romuany has brokeu ground for a new workt at F.ilw I, and expects that it will bti In operation by May 1. ino company win innKo a lino nt si Ial steel shaoes and drop forgings. Tbo buildings will be all lrou. The strike among the BonUMrl at Wal tors, Walker ic Co. s stovo foundry Slisrpsbnrg, is still on. The moulders claim that the llrm will yield iu a day ot two. All tho mills In the Phneuix Iron works are closed, and the vast plant, which usu Tin-: SECRET art of beauty lies not in cos metics, hut is only in pure blood, and a healthy performance of the vital functions, to lai obtained by usiiiL' llurdock Illood Hitters. BUSINESS AND iwsiom I'llVsK IANM AM) Ml KOKOM& R. ii. B. DKAN, Diseases of the Lye, Hon I Throat and Lar. 004 upiucj street, oppo site court bouse. lit a.J. coNNKLL, office 201 Washington J avenue, coiner fspruee etreet, over raucko h druit etore. Residence. 7'if Vine st. Office hours: lU.ltJ to 1 a. m. uud 't to 4 und II 14) to i.:4) p. iu Hunday, " to : p. 111. DP. W K. ALLEN, Olllco cor. Lacka wanna and WashliiL-toii avis .: over Leon ard shoe store; ofhco hours. 10 to 1- a. ul and .lie 4 p. 111; evenings ut reeldeuco, CuN. Washington are. K. C L. KRKV, Pr actios limited to Di J eases of the Kvn. Km- N'oso and Throat; Offloe. 1 Wyoming uvu. Rusidence, itH Vine street. Connolly & Wallace KID GLOVES iR. L M QATBB, lki Washington Arena, Ollb-u hours, StoU a m , l lxlto a and 1 )i p.m. IOII.N L. WBMTZ, M O, OfflOM fti and l I Cum tiwi.ul,!, l,.,tl,ll..... ......... ... Til MadbKiuuve; office hours 1J to 12. if Ui 4, 7 to l Sundays I AO to 4. evonlngs at residence. A specialty iiiadn of ill-eases of tho eye, ear, 1 awl throat and gyneoology. nK. (I O Mo RRAY, specialty made on ilia eases uf era and MS wvomlna Ave. Olllco hours: 1 iit il 111 a m '2 to 4 and 7 to S i. m. VH KltlNAltY SVBCEOMS, E BTUBQB, iusry r-urgiiori, Uen gold medalist ot On- Veterlnar tistry a sisu ialty tsrlo Veterinary 1,'ollogu. Ofllco. SuminiT'i livery, HUu lux at., near Keller's carriage shop Telephone No. 411 LAWYKRS. I M C. RANCH'S Law uud Colleotion of J 1 llc. No. D17 Boi-no St.. oinsistte Forest House. 81 riintoti. Pa.: collections a sneclulty throughout Pennsylvania; reliable correspond ents In every county. ILS8CP.S& HAN O, Attorneys and Conns'.-;. I lore at Law, Cuunnouwealth butldmv, Washington ave. W II. Jr.ssrp, Hoiiack I-: Hand. W 11 Jgaspp, Jr. U'lLI.AKD. WARRKN It KNAl'P. Alt .r tievs and Counwlors at Law. Republican tiiutdinv. Washington ave.. Boranton, ra. IJATTKIWO.N & WlLciiX. Attorneys an 1 1 Counsellors at Law; ottices 0 and a Library building, bcisnton Pa. ROSWLLL II PATTIIISOBJ. Will I AM Wlu OX A LFBBDHAMD, WILLIAM J. HAND, At V torneri and frinniollnra Commonwealth building. Rooms 1. -'0 and tl 1IKNRY M SKKLY Law otlicei in Price II building. 1-tl W ashiiigloii avenue 1 1 RANK T. OXKLL, Attorney at Law. Room 1 . oal r.xchaiige c rant hi. l'a. MILTON W. l.oWHY. 1 Att ys. ISTT Wushinii an von stoRi'H. itoiiav.c 11 Moare A .MLS W. OAKl'iiKD, Attorney at Law. rooms n;i. Ol and li-V Counnoiiwenltti b'l'g 4JAMCKL W. KOOaK, Attorney at Lnv. ii um.". 117 Horace st . Scranton I :,. at Law, 4il A. WATRK8. Attorney . Lackawanna aue. Scranton. Pa P. SMITH. Coun-cllor ut Law. Oflb-e. . riKiiiw 51, V). M 1 oininonwealth building I I it I'lTCHKK. Attorney at Law, Com ' . iiionwea'tli biiiloing. Serautou, l'a. C 1 oMI-.ii YH. ;r.'l Soincest. I v n Kl'.ri.oi.il.K, Attorney - Loans no.ro- 1'. Oaten on real estnte security. 4on Spruce I 1 KI1.I.A.M, Attorney at Utw. iM Vt y omtng aVtnUB, Scranton. HAVBTOUB DI.KDS AND MoRTOAOKS written nnd uekliowhslL-cd bv .1 W. 11ROWN1NO. Attorney and Notary Public, if) tninoiiwe.iltn liulldltil. SCHOOLS t-CHOOLOi.' Till: LACKAWANNA. Scran (9 Ion. Pa . nrcnares Isiys and lirta forcolluirt or business: thoroughly trains young children lutuiogue at request HKV. THOMAS M ( ANM, WAMIH H Boil U fiss WORCEBTER"a rTnDERQABTRN .'I and f-cheol, 4IJ Adams avenue. Pupils r eelved nt all times. Next term will unun Jannart sw din 1 ISTA It M. BTHA1TUN, C I.AUHACH, burgeon Dentist, No, 115 Wyoming ave. at Kxc rpHB REPUBLIC Savings nnd Loan Asso J elation will loan vou money on easier terms and pay yon better on Investment than any tiler HH-,0' l'lllon l ull oil s. . . CAUl. f.. iKIt, Dime Hank building HOTELS AND REST A I RANTS. 'I'lIK W LSTMINSTKR, :i; '.'IU Wyonjing I ave. Roouis heuted with steam: all huhI irn Improveuients (' M Till MAW. Prop ' IKOLKR S HOTKL. BR Lackawanna avu j line, BciunUiu. Kates reaMiuable. P Z11011 u. Proprietor UJ Lb'i'.MINhTKR III i l BL W. 0, sell EN CK, Manager But teen tb ntreet, one block east of Hroadway. at t'lilon Hipiare, New York, American plan. f:t fsi per dav and upward C'OYNE HOC8K. Kurunean plan; gooil 1 roonts. open day and night, liar sup plied wltn tho bsel P It. COYNE, l-ro.rletr QCBANTON HOL'sk, near 11., L h W pas i singer depot Conducted on the Kuropuan ptnn. VlCTtin KoOW. Proprietor HAND CENTRAL, lb" largest mid tMel " I enulppel hotel in Allentown, Pa. j ratal i ' and J'.' " per day. Vli Ton 0. IIAIIM R. Proprietor. All S izes and livery Conceivable Color. Our regular $2 quality. At th; Special Price of . e e The greatest bargain in Kid Gloves ever offered. Do not fail to see them. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF R J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used exclusively inmn-inf. cleanllueaa and i ornfort. TIME TAill.E III nROI I Til I. IBM. Trains leave Scranton for Pitteton, Wilkes -Iiarre. etc . at N.10. B.IIL 11 -III a. m I8jn '(i . 11.05 p. m Kundaya. U.U0 a. DL. 1,00,1.00, 7.10 p. in. For Aihmtlc City, 8 10 a. in. Por New York, Newark end Llizaheth, R IO (express) a. m )L' :i (exprOM with Buffet parlor car;, !) ;iu (exprOM) p. in. Sunday, a.00 !. in. Knit MAUCB CBDKK, Ai-Lemow.n, Htlili.it Bin, Eastoh and Pliu.Alir.Li'HiA, B.10 n. m.. 1180. 8l 80. MO (except Philadelphia; p. ra. Sunday, liOOp. m. F'or Lo.Mi IlKAHCII, Ockan OnovE, etc., st K.lOu. m., rJ.:p. m. For Heading. Lebanon and Harrisburg. via Allentown, l,10u. m., ItSOL 5.00. p.m. Sunday, .'.l p. m. For Pottsville, H 10 a. in , 12.80 p, m. Heturnlrig. leave New Y'ork. fisit of Liberty street. North river, at t.10 (exprees) a. m., l.lo, 1.U0, 4.S'i f express with bullet parlor car; p. BV Sunday, Ol u m. Leave Philadelphia. Heading Terminal. 11.00 ii. m . 'J.00 and 1.80 p m. Sunday, ii HI a. in. 1 hrough tickets to all points ut lowest rates may he had on application in advance to the ticket agent at tn btati. u. 11 P. HALDWIN, Qen. Pass. Agent. .1. II 0LHAU8BN, Pen, Supt. I) ELAWAHE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD 1 ruins leavo Scranton as follows Express, for New York and all points Uaat. I 50, ZX, 515, H 00 und 0.50 a. m. ; 12 5i and 3 50 p, m Eipresa for Easton, Trenton, Philadelphia ! and the South, 6 IS, 8.00 and 1,80 a. m ; 12.55 and B.80 p. m. Washington and way etutlone. 2 40 p. m. Tobyhanna aC'-ouimijdatlon, 0 10 p. BL Expr as for Hlrighamtou, Oswogo, Elmlra, Corning, Bath. Dansvllle, Mount Morrla and Buffalo, 12.10, 2 16 a. m. and 1 21 p. BL, making cloae OOnneotiona at Buffalo to all points In thu West, Northwoat and Southwest. Buffalo accommodation. 9 1X1 u. m. Biugliamton und way stations. 12.37 p. ra. Nicholson and wav stations, 5.45 p. m. Blnghamtou and Elmlra Expresa, II 00 p, m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego. L'tlca und Hichlltld Springs, lit a m. and 1.21 p. m. Una , 2.15 and W.iQ a, m and 124 p. in. For Northumbcrland,Pittston,Wiiko.Harrc, Plymouth. Hloomsburg and Danville, making close connections at Northumberland for Willlamsport. Harr.cburg, Baltimore, Wash ington and tho South. Northumberland and Intermediate station, ti CHI. 0.50 a. in. and 130 and 6.07 p. m. Mantlooke and Intermediate Btations, 8.0S and 11.20 u. m Plymouth and intermediate stations, 3.50 and 9.3a p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches ou all express trains. f or detailed information, pocket tim i table), etc , apply to M. L Smith, city ticket office, 02s LackawaunaaTenue, or depot ticket office. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. A NOTAIiLE EVENT. FRIDAY, MARCH l. CHARLES FROHMAN'S COMPANY Presenting Belneco and Fylw' remarkably successful American drama. The Girl I Left Behind Me With all tho scenic environment and correct surroundings that chsrocterized thii production. 250 nihts in New York 180 night in Chicago. CO nights in Philadelphia. PBICES-Parlor and Orchestra, tl; Orches tra Circle and two first rows Balcony, 75;,: remainder of Balcony. 50c. ; Gallery. 2oc. Sale opens Wtdncsday LEIIIO'.I VALLEY KAILKOAD. 1 tn II, UM, Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia an 1 New York via. D. & 11 R K. at a.m . 12 1). 2.:ii and 11.115 p. m via 0 , L. Jc W. R. H , 0 00, Mb, 11 20 ii. in., uud 1.80 p. m. Leave Beranton for Pittston and Wilkes Harro via D., L & W. R. K., O.Ou, 1.08k 112; a. m , 1.30. 8.SU, n.07, o.:;s p. m. Leave Beranton for White Haven. Har.leton. Pottsville and all points on the Heaver Meadow and Pottsville branches, via E A- W V.. ii 40 a.m.. via D. & II. K. R. at 8 a.m.. 12.10. 2.38. 4 10 p.m . via D.. L. & W. R. R , 0.U0, s.OS. 11.20 a in., 1 80, BOO p.m. Leave Scrunton for Bethlehem, Beaton, Heading, Harrisburg and all Intermediate points via D. & II. H. R , ea rn ,12.10. 2.3. ILU jinn , via I)., L. A- W. K R..ii00,8 08, 11 '.Ma. ra.. Ltt p.m. Leave Scranton forTunkhmno.-k, TowatrK Elmlra. Ithae.-i. Geneva and nil l&termedUte po nts viaD. II R R.,8.07 a in. 12 10 and 11.85 p. m.,via D. L. W R R 8 0s a in..l.:)p. m. Leeve Beranton for H's'hester, Buffalo. Ni agara Falls, Detroit, CbteegO and all poinU west via D 11 R. II. 11.07 n.m.,12 lO.f.15 ll.8' P. m . via D. L. & W. R. R. and Pittston Junction, 80s a m., 13)0.88 p. m . via E. & W. H Ii. 3.11 p. m. For Elm ra und the west via Sahm mo L rla IX H K R H.07 a.m.. i lo.r, (.-, ,,. m . Via D L. W. R K. ,8 0t)a.m.. 1 Uland U.'r n m. Pullman parlor mid sleeping or L. V. ooalr cars ou all tru ns between L. & B Juno tl on or Wilkes Barre und New York. Phiiad dp ita, Buffalo and R 08 pension Hridga ROLLINH WILBUR, Qen Sun:. East Die 'HAS S, I.KV.. O.'n. Pas A t. Paila.Pi A W NoNNEMACHF.lt Ass't fjjn.PaM Ag't South Uethlehem, Pa. ERIE AND WYOMING VALLEY HAIL ROAD Train leave Scranton for New Y'ork and in termediate points on the Erie railroad ut 8.88 u. m und 3.24 p m. Also for Hawley and local points at ti 85, 0.45 and 3 .21 p m. Train leaving at 0.45 a. m and 3 24 pm. aro through trains to and from Honesdale. Trains leave for Wilkes-Barre at 8 40 a. m. and 3 41 p. m. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SATURDAY, MARCH 10. Tho Inimitable Comody Farce THE SKATING RINK The funny comedy tip to date, produ"ed with many scenic and electric features and a cast of incomparablo artists, among whom m,ay, r. mentioned Flora Finlaysoa, Uona Clark. Belle Martin. Fred Frk-r. Jamee Stur g'.s, Harry Nelson, Josepb F. Spark end Nat Cantor. WE BELIEVE Alien ITEOT& AVIS A Hut PI, Arcnitects Kooms 21, 2. and 2il Commonwealth I' ld'ir. Scranton. ? L. WALTER Architect, Library build I) 1 I i. mi' Womln avenue Sciulitoii. P. lL building. 120 ashlnglnn Ave., Scranton. ILLANKOVH, D. SWAHTS W1IOLESALR 8 and v Dime Lank building, NIM I li'KT'oN I I lumber, Beranton, Pa 1 HI A HO EE HHOTIIEHH, PHINTEIW JV1 supplliw, envelopes, mpor bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington uvo, Scranton, Pa. I.OOTE S LlVtHY, ir.ll ( npoiise avenue. V First olaes e irrlaues D I. I'OOTE, Agt Funeral Director and Kiiibiihncr. PRANK I'. BROWN ft co, WHOLE r sale dealer! in Wood ware, Oordafe and im lorn, rw rr. i,aeKswantia avenue. jiAUKR'H ORCHESTRA MUBIU FOR J) balls, ptenira, artioa, reieptlnna. wed dings and ootitvrt work furnlshoil. For terms mldroea H. .1. Bauer, conductor, lit Wyoming ave, over Hiilliort's music store. I.V.HA KISUN SONS, iMiildeis ami contra ii ton, iards: Corner Olivo et. arid Ai ; corner Ash st. and Pinn ave IllllK Scranton 8F.i:ns. SI R. CLARK ft CO.. Kottdamtin. l loilsti I and Nursorvinen; store UH Washington . - I,. ...... ii. M ... ftore telephooi is.1 'i BAB, (IRAN D CNloN TEA CO.. .tones Broa Willi, si KH NS. J'OB, KITETTEL, 6iJ Luckawauna uvonua beranton, Pa, maiiuf'r of Wiro Screens. VP liVLUVAkr .ivn nirr. Hk 11 BON RAILROAD. i oruiiieui ing .May sty, isirj, trains will run as follows; Trains leave Bridge Street Stat on. Scranton, for Pitts ton. likes Barre. etc.. 8 l), '.07. 0 17. 10 42 a. in.. 1210. I 2., 4 hi. 5.15, ii.15, 0.15 and 11 88 p. m. For New York and Pliila dolphia. 800a. in . 1210. SB, 118 nnd 11.30 p. in For Honesdale trom Delaware. Lackawanna uud western depot), 7 09, 8.80, 10.10 u.m , IttXJ ., 't. l, o iu p. m. For Carlo idale and Intermediate stations. ."..in. T 00. 8 .30. 10.10 a. m . UlOO m ,2 17. 1.16,5 in, 8 2u and 0 88 . m. ; from Bridge street Depot, 2.UI a. m., 2. Land 11 ifi p. m. Fust express to Alhstn. Saratoga, the Adt n ndsck Mo nitnlns. Boston and New England po uts. 5.411 s m . arrivint at Albany 12.4.Y Saratoga 2 20 p. in, nnd leaving Scranton ut3 p in. nrrivmg at Albany at 8.50 p. in., Sara toira. 18.88 a, m . and R eton. 7 ' a. m Tne only direct route between the coal Held and Boston "Tho Lcadlnir Tourists' Route of America,1 to the Adirondack Mountain re sorts, Uikes George and Chaiuptain. Montreal, etc Time tallies showing local and through train service between stations on all divisions Dela ware and Hudson System, may be obtained at all Delaware and Hudson ticket olllces. II O YOl'NO, .1. W BURDICK. Second Vice President. Gen. Paa. Atft. c have the hand somest line of Parlor and I )rawing Room SEE V? El'-'otrical Eecentricities The Droll Comodians. Salo opens Thursday. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MONDAY, MARCH 12 HETlTtN ENGAGEMENT. The Coquelin of Irish Comody, WM. BARRY In his latest and greatest comedv succesa-- The Rising Generation By Wm. QUI Beautifully Staged. ? ? I?" "reat Game of Draw Pokur IjU The Sextette of Graceful Dancers. im Lp to uate Comedy Sale opens Friday. Furniture ever shown in this state and we would like you to see it. Jriill & Washington Ava. Ni lTiN linION. In Bfleel Jaeaarr Ssih, isim. Korlh RniinO. iW) J07 tfll.i 5 d r m h '.I' H 10 f 51 7 45 rim I 5 a I U H Stations i rains run , , cept Miiiday i p M Arrive l eave ... 7V5N Y Franklin s; 1 . ... T in, West 4nd street . ... 00 Weeliawken 1 . I- M' Arrive Leave a 1 1.", Hancock i . u . t u v in h lleuo,: .O'i 9Si 08 jsiiii! hx-,-. i. i u z 5 IT If ... rwr i iej 1-.' VJ 14 4: 14.14, 14 4.1 .4 is rum II ,11' II 41 Mi 0.11 vi.' 0 IS M 47 1 1 110: f,i I If. 0 41 888J m ii o 4.1 0 4H Sir 0 41 r. o fo id 4 ,v 0 1.1 I V fo i.i re Mi1 810 4 Mil I' M ! iw n :vi ti 14,11 88 .1 Iill88 8 (Till 81 II IT II 1.1 tl 18 II 10 ii 06 i " Leave 11 uncork Starlight Preston Park Oonio Poyntelle llclniout Pleeiant Mt. I'nlotulale I'orset city i .ii h indu e White Bridge Mil)' lh Id .ii i in) n Aiclilliald Wlnton Prckvllle Olrphaut Dickson TUroop Pmrtdence Park Pluce M'raiiloii i, i il 0 1H , 0 4.1 . 0U4 . 0 4-I . 0 45, . O.M . 10 5H . 10 A .1 . :38 ,1 too .i 00 I' M . 4 08 . V 11 . 4 44 . 4.11 . '.' II . 4.1) . S 81 . i oi S Ot H .1 10 :i 3i 0 IS 18 Is tl MX fit M (.1 4S 01 v in ,i 4,1 ; 4o io i ti v 43 io 08 7 4M 10 111 : m io i.i 7 14 10 17 T .Ml III 4)1 s no 10 44 H 04 HI 411 4 17 X0 10 110 4 84 8 81 :l H 3 ro 4 04 417 4 10 I II Arrive a ha n r All ttiiliis run dully except Sunday, t ttfblflet that trains stop on slgnul for i .i -lengeni, Additional trains leave Carhiudale for Scraiu ton Liu and 8,18 p. ui . arriving at Meruntou i.Ml and 7.00 Leave scranton for ('nrt).indale (.80 and t30 arriving ut CUD indsle at t.88 and '.i ll p. in M'ouri' rotes via Ontario a Western before piirchiislug tickets and save money. Day ami Nlngi K i press to t he Worn J. 0 Anderson, lieu. Pass Agt. T. I'Ulerofl, Plv l oss, Agt Ncruntou, Ta ' TtBBt ill Week commencing .MONDAY. MAlilUj WonderlanuTneatreCo. Monday. Tuosday and Wednfsday, I BonoioaulVl Great Irish Play. COLLEEN : BAWN Thursday. Friday and Saturday, Streets of New York admission, lo.io an.'. :'o CF.NTS Open ehaliecan be reserved, bj rumher. even ar ternwn. from 1 ; to 8.80, fir the evening's entertainment Performancee every afteTnoon exec t Xlendays and Thurhdaye. at 4.30. and every evening at t li. Doors ownnt .X and J.00P.M. c ef c i , c , i DON'T FORGET That we are headquarters for everything In tin. line of WATCMBA If yon have unv idea of paichaalng any kind of a Watch. ladVsor gent's. Gold or Sliver, you will make a arlev ous mistake It you do not give ns a call and gt our prices, which you will find far below all otuers, especially in all the high grades of pgtB, Waltham and Mampdon nioveuients If you have any douhlsand nre at oil posted on prices give us a call and w will have no trouble in isynvinclng you. We still have a large stock to diapu-o of, and will offer vou won dertul Inducement! in Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks and all other goods whicli we have in stock C. W. Freeman P nn Are. and Spruce St. For Delicacy, For purity, and for Improvement of the com plexion, nothing equals Poxzoni's Powder SCIENTIFIC SHOEING, Havlnr secured the SHOF.lXti 1'OHOF. of W lliUm Ultimo & Son for a permanent busi ness stand, I shall conduct Scientific nnd 1 uthologlcal Shoe.ng for the Prevention, He lief and Cm oof Lnmcneps and other tmiedl meuts in the movements of Horses Incidental or dun to Imported shoeing. 1 shall give the work my personal attentb n.nnd guarantee no extra charge, except lor Immurement. Lame iiess, etc., will Ik) Heated afternoons. A free clinic and professional advice given every Monday from i to i P. M. JOHN HAMLIN, D, Y. S, USHiMAX'S . . BIJOU FORMER lY MUSIC HALL. Scranton. Da vo Rockafeller, Lessee; Fred. Ban.leli. Man. Grand Opening March 5. Continuous performance from S P.M. to 10 3J P.M.dallv. UK. FRANK OVSRM tN, The Prince of i omedisn. The Wonderful "OUDA." ,11 11 B JOhUOM.the Uetropolitan Favorite. IHK SlSTtHS MOMiOK. U'MAHON AM KINO, direct from Tony Pastor's Theatre. New Y'ork America's I render MaU'Sonr ino, Hk, OEORQK ll.lssl.LL Mil 1HANR CAttLTOM, Boranton'i WeUknon OonednB, VttK PitiMitosE yi AKii rii: Tho (Ireat and Onlv KISSKI.I., Barnum'a $5,000 Novelty aud late of Haverly s Mas todon Minstrels and others. a refined entertainment, '9 promised and wv intend that ladles and children can at tend without escorts aud will be givoli every attention nnd courtesy by the attaches, un der the personal attention of Manager Huu dell. Prices of admission, 10, il and .U ceuta, with u few reserved seats :or M cents. MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING Cd Kanufaetnrerx and Deaien i Burning nil & '! Lubricating UILO m, Also Slialtiog and Journal Greasi OFFIOK:-::! West Lackawanna Ava WoKKS: -Meridian Street THE LARGEST CHEAPEST UEST The Tribune
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers