The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 09, 1894, Image 1
23 DAYS Those twt'iity-tlm c days,re member, are disappearing rapidly. 23 DAYS You had better order that TRIBUNE Encyclopedia this very day. Eruirr pages--61; fqpi SCB ANTON. PA.. FIJI DAY MOUNING. MARCH 9, 1S!4. TWO CENTS A COPY. "ma GHT, H EST AMD CHOCK FILL IF I Ell," ILpira BES THE WEE EKLIT mm IE SHERMAN S HEROIC EFFORT Gives a Convincing Argument Against Ike Seigniorage Bill. GRAVE DANGERS POINTED OUT The Proposed Violation of Faith Criti cised in an Unimpassioned Speech. The Country on the Eve of a Period of Disastrous Inflation The Pas sage of the Bill Would Inevitably Re sult in a Sin.cle Silver Standard. Dull Day in the House. Washington, D. C, March 8. H FTER the passage of a number of A bill, at 2 p. ui , the vice presl M eD' m before the senate the LTu i .t,l business, being the Bland neiguioraK aot, the peodititf queation being on Mr Allison's motion to reconsider the vote of yeeterdey or derinir the engrossment and thirl read ing of the bill. Mr. Sherman, Ohio, expressod th hope that the aeu ite would m iki no real objeotlon to Mr. Ailisou's motion, bo aa to leave the bill open to m u id ment. Ua proposed to show the im portance of hurinur the bill amended. He declared that there was no dispmi tion on hia aide of tba chamber to pre vent action on the bill. He suggested that senator on both sides should pro ceed in the matter without tiktu? ad vantage of a rapid declaration on the ' part of the presiding afllOOT that the bill had been read a third lime. In his opinion th bill ws a viol i tion of the public faith, as declared in the aot of ltK), which pledged to the redemption of the silver certificates the entire silver bullion purchased by them. Ha believed, also, that it was the beginning of an unlimited iisu of paper money to meet current xpjndi tnres. And' he beliaved that it woul 1 substitute for this bi-mstallic itandard of gold and silver the monometalism of silver only. DIR2LT VIOLATION OF FAITH. Tbia bill is a plain and palptble vio lation of the puolis faitu ta plain aa if yon should refuse to pay United States notes. The bill before us, strange to aay, provides for taking fifty-five mill ion of the bullion pledged to the re demption of the treasury notes. It takea it from toe vaults of the treaanry department, where it is pledged, aa sacredly as a mortgage npon laud or us any other obligation of publio faith. In the further courts of bia argument Mr. Sherman declared that there had not been a dollar gained by the govern ment in the purchase of silver bullion. There naver had tien any foundation for aeigniorage. The word "seignior age" was one which onght not to he en grafted on the laws of the United States. It represents the powr of lord or king to seize a portion of the bul lion brought to the mint bv its owner to be coined. It meant toll, But there could be no seiu'uioroe in the caae be cause there had been no profit in the transaction. WHAT TIIF. BILL WTtli PRECIPITATE. He believed the passage of the bill meant the beginning of an unlim ited iasue of papar money. There was outstanding today of the various forms of demand obligations :t36,(XW,000. an 1 it was prorosad to add to those lia bilities the sum of 169,000,000, or if the senator from Nebraska was correct, theposaible sum of $110,000,000, Did anybody suppose, Mr. hliermau asked, that tbat vaat sum of money could be maintained at par with gold? What waa there on haud to meat that enor mous liability. Mr. Harris expressed hia determina tion to resist any re-consideration and any amendment of the bill, on the ground that if the hill had to be sent back to the house, the clianoes against action on it there would be nine to one. Finally it was arranged tbat Mr. Allison would have the floor tomorrow to spenk in favor of his own in dl on, and then at 4 . V), the senato after a short executive session, adjourned. PROCEEDING1? IN THE HOUSE. After the passage of several minor bills in tna honse this morning Mr. Sayers, (Dem., Tex. j presented the con ference report on the urgency dsil clency bill and It was agreed to. Mr. Richardson. (Dam., Tenn.,) called up the bill reported by the deekery commission abolishing the offices of commissioner and deputy commissioner of councils and asked its consideration as a privileged matter. Mr. Cannon adverted to the methods of accounting in the postoffice depart ment, which brought up the star route frauds, and the discussion drifted off to tbat subject. Tbe bill was passed and the honse then went into committee, of the whole on the District of Colombia appropris tion bill. Aa reported the bill carried a total appropriation of $5. 157,573 and provided salaries for 2,054 persons, in cluding teachers of the public schools, as against $5,418,224 and 2,001 salaries in tbe bill lor the current year, and SS timates of $0. 000,103 and 2. 108 sahiries. After brif da bete bv Messrs. Morse (Rep.. Mass.) and Wheeler (Dam , Ala..) tbe committee rose and at 4. 50 the bouse adjourned. GATHERING THEM IN. Haven for orders. Engineer Patriolc Dngan, a new nun had just stepped off his engine and us he was about to outer the telegraph station nearby, the en gine exploded. The Bran an whose name U John Ltfiiox, a new man, who caiuo from IjMig Island, was at bis pout and Ar thur Hotter and Edward Fox, two brakemeo, who lived at White Haven, Were killed outright. The engiua is a complete wreck. . THEIR SPRINGTIME BATH. Aesthetic Wllkei-uarreana Ara dazing Upon th Rislnir Watsrs. Wii.kks- Bauiik, Pa., March 8. The Buiquehanua river her continues to rise rapidly. Early this morning the water broke through the channel near here, and this afternoon a large portion of tba west side of the river ii sub merged. All traffic by electric curs or vehicles to Kingston and other points has been abandoned for a time. As far as can be learned no particular damage has been done as vet. TRIAL OF THE BATTLE SHIP The Indiaua Makes a Most Creditable Show ing Alluat. FIRST SUCCESSFUL DAY AT SEA Tho New Cruiser Taken Out for a Preliminary Trial A High Rato of Speed Easily Attained, and the Suc cess of the Trip a Surpriso All Around -Thousands of Enthusias tic People Welcome the Boat Upon Its Return. FAMOUS CASE OPENED. Madeline Pollard Will Face tho Gal lant Kentucky Colonel In a Court of Justice. WASHINGTON, March 8 Congress man w. O. P. Breckinridge, long en titled the "silver tongaad orator" of Kentucky, son of a Presbyterian min ister, veteran of the confederate army, a member of one of th most distin guished families of his state, and here tofore conspicuous as a politician and churchman, began to lav the rolo of defendant in a suit for $90,000 damages for ereacti of promise and sednctlon brought by Miss Madeline Pollard, nleo Kentnckian, Half an horn before 10 o'clock, the time for the court to opu, the corri dors swarmed with people seeking en trance, including several old ladies half ashamed of tneir pre-nce. So small is the courtroom that Judge Bradley had given orders to exclude every one but those having a legiti mate interest In the case. First on the scene of active pirticipiiits in the ca-i were the attorneys for ttisi Pollard. Messrs. Wilson and Cariisl. Soon afterward the most constrictions pr sonaije of all, C donel Brecki aridge, of Kentucky, arrived. There was a ruddy g'ow of health on his face, tringed by the snow white heard and looks. He was accomoanied by Bn Butterworth, the Ohio ex-congressman, who had been engaged to take the place of Colonel Totten in the de-fens-. Last Angust tho anit was filed, a few days after the coid marriage of Col onel Breckenridgo. Since then both parties to th suit hava been engaged in taking testimony in Kentucky and Cincinnati, the attorneys for Miss Pol lard undeavoring to suostantntte her assertions that Colonel Breckinridge sednced her when a girl in a seminary at Cincinnati, was the father of h"r three children and had made repeated rrnnises to marry her; while the xtatem nts secured by Mr. Breckin ridge ten 1 to blackn the character ot the plaintiff. M;ss Pollard for a year held a clerical position in the census buraan nt Wash ington and has done mnch writing for the newspapers, sometimes under the name of Madeline Vinton Pollard and occasionally aa Madeline Breckinridge Pollard. Colonel Breckinridge, it is under stood, will take a leading part in his own defense. If he does so there can he no doubt of tbe ability with which it will be conducted. Apart from tho able assistance he will receive from Colonel Pnil Thompson, an ex congress man from Kantn-ky, who is a brilliant lawyer, Colonel Enoch Totten, counsel for the defense, is one of the strongest Washington at torneys, a middle age 1 man with a white moustache. He is in i lorida bs cause of weak health and will uot re turn until the 15th, for which reason the defense has unsuccessfully endeav ored to secure a further postponement of the trial. On-' of th most active workers in the arrangement of the de fense it a son of Colonel Breckinridge, who has been untiring in nts efforts in his father's behalf. Issue of the charges against him is considered of the moat vital importaico to the Kentnckian since hia OMBpaigu for re election to hia seat will be con- luctel this summer. In Washington society, and particularly Kentucky cir cles, tbe greatest interest is manifested in tbe case ' -FLASHES FROM THE WIRES. I'll TIIF. now first of nnvv, r from a i Seven liars Anarchists Arreatad by the Frsnoh Polios Paris, March 8. Seven anarchists were arrested by the police today. Including in the number is the father of Martial Bourdin, who was killed by tbe explosion of a bomb he was carry ing Greenwich pnrk, London, on tab ruary 15. LOCOMOTIVE EXPLOSION. Three Man Instantly Killed b the Enratlntr of a Holler. Wilkks-Barre, Pa, March 8. A Lehigh Valley Railroad engine, No. 468, hauling a coal train coming north todny was side tracked at Tunnerv station, three miles below White At New Orleans, Tom Kinder, accused of murder, died fiom nervous excitement. Canada's great railway magnate, Dun can Mclutyre, is Beriously ill at Montreal. Dr. Arthur Dotutron has been indicted at St. I - for tho murder of his wife and child. Mrs. Abigail Hobart, nt Nnshua, N. II.. celebrated tho footh anniversary of her birth. Illness and melancholia led William I'. King, a lialtimoio young man, to shoot himself. Re-election is asked by Senator ('hand ler in an open letter to New Hampshire nepu ouoen t, Robbers tnnrdsred Joseph M Archer, a rich stoyk dealer of North Baltimore, to get his hoard of (8,000, Silver bullion certificates may bo struck off Now York's Stock Kixhauge list, as trading has nearly conssd. The New York supreme court has din no I the appeal taken In tho Seamun will cute, involving $l,noi),(MU. Threats of assassination were made against rather I II 7.grld, of Fremont, Neb., who knows no mason for it. Bagel to di together. Dentist J. .I.Lock, of Ban Fraucivco, und .Vlisa Alice Alders ley, took gas, and the woman is already dead. Tho Denriison, (Tex.) cotton mill, which cost S.YI0 Oou ami tins nover been used, was sold at public su.o for I, WW to satisfy u judgment. In tho interest of harmony. W. J. Honl Iter, of Providence, withdraws from the Republican senatorial nght in favor of ex Uoveruor Wotmnro. For t4."0,000 tho Cincinnati Commercial Ouzetto has boon sold to Now York capi talists, represented by i'erry S. Heath, the Wusulugtou correspondent. Tbe Mississippi river is booming nnd hns risen over ten font In tun past thirty-six boors. As It is over aevontoen feet from tbe danger Hue, no trouble is anticipated Philadelphia, March 8, h ittleship Indiana, the her (d iss in tbe new returned this afternoon most hucc 'ssfnl prelimi- n uy trial trip. She cam up the river with a big American Bag at her stem, and tho Cramps burgee at tho mast head. Her steam siren bellowed al most continuously in return to the sa lutes of nil sorts of craft along the water front. HlVgN AX OVATION. Crowds of people wavo I the big war ship a welcome back from th do. ks and home tops along the river, and when she swung into her berth at the ship yard she was cheered by the thousands of work men engaged in fin ishing the Columbia, the Minneapolis and the other ships under way iu the yard. The Indiana left the Cramps yards at U o'clock Tu 'sday Doming and an chored (iff the Delaware breakwater for the night. At 4 08 a m. on Wednes day the anchor was token aboard and the shid headed out to sea. The day was a psrfeoc one for a sea trial. Too coursa over which her trial runs were made was off Cape May, and ws between tbe southwest lightship, at the five fathom bank, to the northeast lightship, DOo nauticil lines up the coast. Tn ship was put over this course six times three times in each direction. The turns wero rasde at full speed and the trip waa practically under five hours' continuous stoaming at high spaed. The averages were 14,03 and 14 12 knots respectively. A mo lerate force draft of half an inch nir pressure was used for the next runs and an average" of lo knots was maintained over this course. This is the spend called for in the contract with the government. The last two ruas were made under a forced draft of one inch air pressure. TKIl' WAS SATISFACTORY. The great mass of steel and iron ploughed through the water, but only a slight vinration from engines or screws conil bo felt. The ship made lo i knots on these last two runs. At 7 o'clock this morning she startsd on hr return trip to this city. Coming np the bay and river an average of 14 knots was made, with n favorable tide tot eighty miles. Ths perfortnanos of the Indiana on this preliminary run was very satisfac tory when tne condition of the ship is considered, tier side armor, turrets, conning townr and guns have not been placed on her yet, and she consequently ilraws three foet less water than she will on her official trial. This will ink her screws deeper and is expected to increase her speed. Ordinary soft coal was nsed on this trip, while caro fudy selected coal will be employvd When the official trial takes place. Taking all things into consideration it is predicted that the ship will make at least sixteen knots and possibly a quarter or a half knot more. A prem ium of $25,000 per quarter knot will be arnttd by tho builders fur anything abov fifteen knots, ami from $100,000 10 $100,000 will probably be paid by the government iu addition to the $3, 020,001) numed in the contract. WORKERS AT GAYLORO MINE. Thoy Are Still Pushing a Tunnel Tow ards th Entombsd. WlLU8BARRB, Pa., March H. There is nothing new to be obtained from th Onvlord mine up to this evening The rescuers are still poshing the work, but with considerable dlliiculty. Tho latest from the Oaylord mine st 11 o'clock tonight is that the workers have gained thirty-two fret today. This is tho greatest progress mado in any one day since the accident oc curred. Baperinteodeot Jooo H. Davis mads ids way over the fall of rock and ooal lain this afternoon to a point where the entombed men are supposed to he. On coming to the snrface tonight he re ported that there worn no signs of find -nig them at this point It is simply guess work now as to whun they will bo reached 4 WILL PAY THE FREIGHT. 1880, when be wot ttripptJ of bit dt trctivo stsr ami placed under arrest he enjoys the preOlOUS boon of personal liberty, Onco convicted of murder and Conspiracy and consigned by the verdict of tho jury to tho peni tentiary for the term of his natural life granted a new trial by tho supremo court as the result of errors iu the previous proceedings, broogbt back from Joliet nftor three years of incarceration, a jury of Ida peers this nfteruoon declared as the outcome of a second trial that has oc cupied four months ami four days, that he had neither part nor parcel in the assassination of Dr. Patrick Henry Cranio, Tho jury retired on the stroke of 11, and attnndud by three bailiffs, was led to a room on the floor above. At 4.25 a verdict of not guilty was returned. THE SHORTLIDGE CASE. Witnesses Testify Hafore th Grand Jury at Ma.1l... MEDIA, Pa., March 8 The case of Professor Hwithin C. Shortlldge, charged with the murder of his wife, was before the grand jury today mi l a Dumber of witnesses, including Rev. Dixon Jones, a brother, an I Mrs Jonos, mother of tho murdered woman, were examined. A true bill will undoubtedly be found, but the condition of the prison er, who is confiued iu the Norrletown insane asylum, is such that bis removal eutinot be permitted at this time, BEATEN BY AN ANGRY MOB. Two Thousand Silk Weavers Severely Handle a Workman Who Re fused to Join a Strike. SOM E FEATURES OF THE BILL The Calamity Has Been Postponed for An other Mouth. WILL GO INTO EFFECT ON JUNE 30 with a manager by the name of Knuh, Miss Nicolaus visited Roster & Bials. To her spokesman Mr. Kour saidl "I do not nsre to have Miss Nioolaus here," said Mr. Kostsr. "This theater is no museum, and we nre striving to keep out of it anything of a freak na ture. There is nothing further to be said. I decline positively to even con aider your suggestion. " The party lost no time in getting nut, and clotting with Mr. Kaitb, who hod not heard of their visit to the other firm. The contract is for ten lillOO a wnek. to bogiu April L -. DYNAMITE ACCIDENT. ulonros Clllzans Hava D-cldd to Ship Negro! Out of th County. SnOUDUORQ, Pa., March 8. The negroes, who now sro living iu camp oear Tannertvllle and tbe vicinity, who have been terrorizing the farmers of the neighborhood, will b sent away at tho expense of tho county. Tomorrow the linos of thirty of the men will bo psi I and they will be shipped slesswbere. the report was false. General Ritumptlnn in thn Oonnellsvllle Coke RfKlon Will Not Ooour. PiTTHin iiu. Pa , March 8 -The re port that. the. was to be a general re suuipiion of work in the Connellsville coke region and that (1,000 men would get employment was untrue. The superintendents of the big Frick and McCdure coke workers say that only if the demand for coke increases will the ovens be fired up. e COUGHLIN CQUITTEO. Jury Declares Tint lit Hud No Hand In tha Cronln Murder, Cmcauii, March 8. Daniel Cough lln is a free man tonight. Cor thn first time sinoe tbe morning of May 35, PATTBBflON, N. J , March 8 A mob of about 2.000 men aesninbled in front of tbe Murray Silk mill at (I o'clock this evening. Prank Newkirk, a rib bon weaver who refoted to go on strike with the other operatives of the fac tory, left the mill, but had not pro ceeded far when a powerful weaver, who headed the mob, struck him on thn face, knocking him into the gutter. Newkirk, who is also large and power ful, regained his feet, and drawing a piece of iron about n foot long from his pocket, facd the crowd and rntreateu buck to the mill felling all who came in his way to the ground, Whnn he arrived at the mill, he was unable to gain an entrance nnd while groping for the door, almost blinded with blood, a striker struck hiut on the bead with a stone, knocking him down on Ibe steps of the factory. The crowd then pressed forward and bsgan to trample the prostrate man, when two policemen appeared, and after much difficulty re-icned Nowklrk who was again on his feet, wielding his iron bar right and left, trying to keep the crowd at bay. Tho policemen then undertook to escort Newkirk to his home on Stony road, but wiien near the foot of the hill near thn Passaic Palls, a number of those in front of thn procession threatened to throw the badly scared weaver over the preoiploo, Thinking that the strikers would carry out their threat the policemen hustled Newkirk to thn police station. When Newkirk and thn officers wore near the postoffice, stones and bricks wore flying in all direction'. It required the services of several officers to prevent the mob from entering the court yard. RIVAL TROUPES FIGHT. Old Kentucky and Uaderths City Lamps Riot on a Tram. QDIMCY, III, March 8. A small riot occurred on the Wabash traiu out of CJiiincy yesterday betweeo the male members of the 'Old Kentucky" and "Under the City Lamps" companies, both of which showed here Monday night. They left on the Wabash for Jacksonville yesterday morning, nnd about thn time the train reached Camp Point, twenty mileseastof here, the fight was started. One of the beligereuts was stabbed with a knife nnd snvoral others wore bruised by being hit with sticks of stovs WOod, Tho two companies have happened to be in the same towns on the same dates i-overal times of late , and there is much bail blood between them. Kisnuth Hue n R lapse. Ti uiN, March 8. Louis Kossuth has suf fered a relapse and is now very weak. . IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. Firms in Philadelphia violating the semi monthly pay law will be prosecuted. By MM explosion of n boiler ut McDonald, J R. Nelson was blown forty feet and killed. Many Italian friends at PottSViUc mourn the absence of their countryman, P. Au tonis, nnd tOT. A machine in the harbor wire works nt AllsntOWO nearly torn off ono of Harry W. Slefnrt's iirnis. It hns developed that AngUSt Dixon was tho victim of murderers in Pittsburg, lie had been robbed. The snow flood in tho wes t branch of the Bosqoehanna river will start tho logs from the lumber samps, AOQOsed of embetlltOB funds from a building association at K iading, Charles 1. Derrick, an agent, is iu jail. Among the appotn t incuts yesterday of fourth class postmasters is the following: Pennsylvania, L. I. Stevens, Helta. A large millstone in Randolph Mc.Mtil llo'l ohop mill, at Altoona, bnrsted, knock ing a hole through one side of the build ing. The Rose Tree Coon club, at Media, cap tured tho biggest coon over seen iu Dcla wnio county, and banqueted on tBe car die". Warrants uro out for the arrest of Po lice Sergeant Qoaekeobos, of Heading, who most answer serious accusations inmlo by Hannah Richardson. The grand jury today found a truo bill against .lames Menu, who i- charged with tun murder ot Jonn Miuiidors during n drunken quarrel in Cheater. The fourteen inch mill of the Itesdinu Rol ling mill company, resumed opera! ions yes terday morning, sun with other depart ments running, the mill gives employ inent to nenrly .isn men. Rev. Mr. Allison, editor of tho Presbv leriao Hnnner, has decided not to accept the positiou on tun siate board or chari ties made vacant by tho death of James B Scott, of I'ittsburg, nnd which was ten dered to hlui by Uovuruur Pattlsou. Tho Provisions of tho House Bill in Regard to Importad Tobacco Are Unchanged -A Reduction Upon Smoking Articles, Playing Cards and Other Necessaries of Life Um brellas and Parasols Aro Lightened. Matches Reduced One-Half Other Changes. Washington March 8 n 8 previously stated iu the United jp Press dispatches the date whoti J the Wilson tariff law goes iuto U u effect is changed from June 1 to June 80, 1801, by the senate com mittoo, aud this dato is mads to effict not only articles Imported but articles withdrawn for consumption except of course where otherwise specified iu the bill. Tho provisions of the homo bill in rogar 1 to imported tobacco are left unchanged, ami there is no change in tho law as to the sale of tobacco on hand, the only tobacco changes bjing iu regard to dom-stic cigars aud cigar ettes. The house bill also stands unchanged as regards pottery (exotpt ono little Increase of 5 per cent, oil porcelain) Internal revenue tax of 2 cents a pick on playing cards remains, but with a proviso that uo pack shall contain moro than fifty-four cards. rW UISCKLLANEOCS CHANGES. Among miscellaneous articles changed by the bill thero are a number whicb have been previously mentioned in these despatches, but may ba re peated us follows: Unsised printing paper, suitable for books and newspa pers, is redoosd from 15 to lOpsr cent , parchment napjrs ara increased from 25 to !i0 per cent. ; tire crackers are changed from S cents a pound to 50 percent, ad valorem; gunpowder is taxed 10 cents ad valorem; matches are rod need, from 80 to 10 per cent; furs on the skin, but not made up, are taxed 20 per cent, ad valorem, fur lists and ma terials are raised from 130 to 35 per cant, ad valorem. Lead pencils are increased from 35 to 40 per cent, and slate pencils from 25 to 30 per cent , and clny pipes are made dutiable at 10 per cent, ad valorem, in stead of 10 cen ts per gross. Umbrellas and parasols are reduced from 35 to 80 per cent. Careless Handling of the Exploalve Ellis Two Men on chipboard. St. Johns, N. P.. March 8. A Beri ous dynamite explosion occurred last night aboard tbe seuliug Btoumwr Wul rus, at Orneuspoud. Tbe harbor being tightly fru7.on, it was found necessary to use dynamite to break tbe ice so that the ship - could gain open water. Three of the Wlarus crew were wsruiing dynamite in tho galley when the explosion occurred. Two of the men were killed ulmost instantly and the third seriously injured. Tbe ves sel was seriously damagad. BOMB THROWERS AT ROME. A Terrific Explosion in Front of Camera Di Deputati Cre ates Havoc. the FILEY'S Annual Spring Sale of PEDAGOGUE W-S UNPOPULAR. The Appointment cf a Schoolmaster Crestea Riot nt Brussels. Brussels, March 8 A riot occurred today in the village of Comblaln Au Pont in the providence of Liege any about twonty-ilve miles from the city of that name, which involved almost thn entire population of the place. The recent appuintment of a schoolmaster who wan generally unpopular was t lie prime cause of the dislur Kane. Hep 'aled protests against the reten tion of tha teacher having been of no avail, the people made au attack upon the residence of the burgomaster this morning aim tlireutened us destruc tion. l'he crowd, refusing to disporse at the command of the burgomaster, that functionary ordered thu gendarmes to fire upon them. Tbe command was obovud and the tiro was returned. The crowd was Anally scattered with the lose of two killed aud a dozen or mora wounded, - ; QUIET REIGNS AT EAGLE. Troops Have Been Withdrawn and the Strike In About Over. CHARLESTON! W.Va .March 8. Com nany K. ol Iho state militia, arrived here today having i -en ordered back by tho governor. The other two com panies will remain lad finitely. All is quiet and Montgomery hails with joy tbe departure of Company K. A committee of the United Mine la borers yesterday heida conference with Captain Pegs and the sheriff stating that they denounced tho rio: . had noth ing to do with it and would assist in bringing th rioters to Juttloe, It is said the strike will probably bo ended soon, and a I general go-towork move up nt started, ARRESTED FOR ABDUCTION. Cowboy Qormley Returns to Chicauo with Bis Wife nod Is Jailed. CHICAGO, March S Ucnrude Kosen, tho daughter of A R Rossn, who dis appeared from her home Monday night, returned to Chicago last night as the wife of Andy Qormley, the cowboy, formerly connected with Buffalo Dili's show. Her bosbsnd was at OBOC placed un der arrest for sbJootloD. Bs takes bis arrest very coolv. They were married by a Milwaukee justice. . . ARE NOW SUING THE ORDER. An Alderman at Enetou Decides Thirty - five Trainmen c.tess. Kaston, March 0 The thirty-five suits brought by men who claimed they wero induced by the Order of Railway Trainmen to quit the employment of the Lehigh Valley Hiilroad company during the slriko Inat fall were decided today in favor of the men against the order by Alderman Young. He awarded each of the men 888 for one mODth'f pay. ZELLA TO TREAD BOARDS. Clor donl'l's NiKhtinarn Will Blossom as a Theatrical Star. Ni w YORK, Marsh 8. Miss Z-lta Nil olnns. who gained notoriety through the $10,000 check which she said was taken from her by George Gould, its alleged maker, is iu New York egSiu, Sim bus decided to go on tbo stage, and yesterday arrangements were perfected to that end. Previous to closing an engagemi-nt ROUE, .March 8 About 6' o'cl e this evening a Urritio explosion resem bling the detonation of a large cannon startled everybody iu the vicinity of the chamber of deputies. Persons wsre hurled to the ground by the force of the explosion, while others, able to keep their feet, ran in all directions iu their endeavors to escape they knew not what. When tbe excitement had somewhat subsided the fact was roalized that a bomb had been exploded in front of the Camera Di Dep ituti, wherein the sittings of the chamber of deputies are held Two persons were found to have been dangerously wounded and several less seriously injured. Many of those injured were cut by fragments of brokeo glass, but others were hurt, some of them badly, by being thrown violently to the ground or against buildings The polios are on the alert to catch the miscreant nnd his accomplices, if he has any, while the populace are fearful that other explosions will occur before the bomb throwers nre caught The chamber of deputies had, for tunately ndjourned an hour before the explosiou took place, otherwise it is likely that several persons would have been killed, as tbe number in the vicin ity of tbe chamber was at least four times ns great an uour earlier than it was at the lime tne bomb exploded. The police say this evening tha' eight persons wer wounded seriously by the explosion. Two men and two women have been arrested on suspic ion of having boen implirated In the plot. Soon after the explosion troops were stationed on the Piazza Di Ciio no. and in the streets leading to this open space before the parliamentary building. This evening all the streets in the neighborhood are doubly pa trolled. t WILL VIGOROUSLY PROTEST. Convention of Workinamsn Raise Their V Agaiaat th Wllion Bill. Philadelphia, March 8. A move ment to hold a l ig convention of work- tnginen in Washington on April o and to protest ngainst the nassage of the Wilson bill by tho senate, was inau gurated here tonight. Delegates representing about fifty of the largest manufacturing establish ments of tbe city, employing about 20,000 operatives, have joinod iu tbe movement, SIGNS OF GENTLE SPRING. Baa Ball News of Intoreetto th Cranks Generally. POTTSVILLB, Pa., March 8. The Pottbville Slate league team hns been formed Into n stock company with A. 1). Cochran as president. .lohu F. Smith, of H.istol, is the uianagsr. Tho State League association will hold its next meeting in Pottsville on April 2, aud elect the umpires. HOTEL DESTROYED BY FIRE. The Hostelry of Thomas Williams Ie Burnod nt Midnight. WiLKBS-BaRRI, Pa., March 8. The hotel or Thomas Williams at Mill Creek was destroyed by tiro at midnight tonight. Loss will reach $10,000, partially in sured. The origin ol the tire is un known, HANDS ACROSS THE SEA. Economies amounting to 17,830,000 will be mods by the Argentine government. Unban deputies have rejected a bill pro viding for a World's fair at Rome in ;x l-Yw American nrtisN arc repreeouted in the Intel national Art Kxhibition at Veinne, "Tho greatest financial genius of mod era times," is what Dr. MiqnsL, Prussia's finance minister, styles ox-Promier Qlad stotlo. Qeorge Armlstead, whose residoncoat Blaekoralg Castle, Scotland, Mr. Glad stone visited last fall, has declined tho offer of a peorago. Merchants of Bengal and Madras pro Lest to the Indian government again at the exemption ol cotton yarns and fabrics from import duty. JOTTINGS FROM THE CAPITAL. President Cleveland and Major Qeoeral Bcbofleld have promised to roviow the Knights of Pythias next August. Becood ' iomptroller slensur has decided that the government win par only $VM per Union cannon hi nt I rum Washington to Sim l'luucisco. it is proposed by Benator Wilson to abolish railroad ticket "training" by im posing a penalty of 15,000 on ibe "scnlper' nnd on the railroad dealing with him. - mm WEATHER FORECAST. Iii addition to our inagnifkeuti stock of Printed India .Silks, we have added a new line of Wash Silks, Louisonnes, Crystals, Glace Brocades, Swivels, &c, &c. Extraordinary Values in JiLACK SILKS and SATINS. Four Great Specials in PEAU D' SOIE and SATIN DUCHESSE, 98c, $1.15, $1.35 and $1.50 The best values ever offered aud wear absolutely guaranteed. Cheney Bros. Black cade Duchesse. Bro- JohnD. Cutter's (warranted pure dye) Taffetas, Gro-Grain, Mervelleux and Duchesse Cord. 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. HE EUTTA PERCHA & RUBBER M'F'BCl'J FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE. CBAS. A. SCHIEBEM A CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak tunned Leather Belting, H. A. Kingsbury AOEKT Sf 3 Sprue St., Scranton, Pa. Washington. March 7. Fore cast few Friditir- For eaattrn 1'ennayhiinia, fair, variable iciiids. roe western I'lnnHulm nut, fair, warmer brainy ataML' SVNlds DCi omtap southeast, Lewis, Reilly & Davies Reliable Footwear. til Feet of evsry description fitted at Lewis, Reilly & Davies, Will close even eveaina t 0.30 p.m. except Saturday. We Examine Eyes Free of charge. If a doctor i needed you aro promptly told bo. Wo also guarantee a per fect lit, WATCHES AT COST for ono week only. i j. mm ARCADE JEWELER, 215 WYOMING AVE.