THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING. MARCH 8. 1894. FANCY NEEDLEWORK. DAISY WORK IS POPULAR, QUICKLY EXECUTED AND INEXPENSIVE. Ordinary Dotted Nttslin Is tlir r'oumliit lun of Tills KffecttTe Work Tho DSSlgaaAM Jinlirolderoil In Washing Silks or Knst Colored Cotton. Daisy work recommends Itself to tlioso Wlio liki what can be very quickly ixo cntt'd ami which costs little. It has an other charm, and that is that it is e.isy to Ordinary dotted muslin is the foun- ktion of this pretty work, and the best Daisy work MILLINER'S FOLDS. do jlmlity is nono too i;ood A daisy PATTBRH, may also be dono for different rises on spotted ribbon or sateon as well as on muslin and can of course bo thus Adapt ed for many different puqiosos. It will redeem an ordinary material without making it absurd by elaborate work. It is particularly a pretty linish for conntry couch or hammock pillows made of tat een and even for a finishing border to children's frocks and aprous. In either silk of some spotted design or in muslin over silk or sateen this work is appropriate for nightdress sachets. Some are made in the shape of the "crackers" with which nil party poin children are familiar. Each end may bo gathered in with a ribbon or finished by a rosette, and the nightdress goes in through a slit down the middle. The case is of course stuffed with wool or wad ding. Small teacloths can bo similarly made, and so may inexpensive little cov erings for baby's cot, the maker using her owndiscretiou in adding elaborate linings or full frills of lace. Several attractive designs of this daisy work are furnished iu The Housewife, which gives the following directions and explanations: Never pull the thread; never let the muslin pucker; never carry the silk from one spot to auother. Use only washing silksor fast colored cotton, for whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. Spending one's time on fan cy work that will not last is not doing well In the first design the spots on the muslin are treated exactly like daisies, the pattern being so simple that it needs no explanation. The second pattern is specially designed for curtains or toilet irticles. The original was done in red Directions For Making This I'opulur Trlm iiilp For Dress Bodices and Skirts. The pi ?sent fancy for trimming skirts and bodices with milliner's folds is a pretty one and quite effective, but it is not an easy matter to make them neatly unless one has had considerable experi ence in this sort of work. These helpful directions from The Household will therefore prove welcome: Cutting the material is an important part of the process. The strips must be nit exactly on the bias, 01 the fold will i FiG-l I free a FfG3 f ! ..." r-rr ".lilliiTiV- ".VJUIittl MAKIM1 Mtl.l.lNiai's COLDS, wrinkle. To do this it is better to pin one edge of the bias material along the Straight edge of the cutting board. The points of the pins can be easily stuck into the wood sufficiently to hold it firm ly. Then measure the width you intend to cut the strips at either end of the board, and stick another pin into the wood at these points. Then, with a yard stick, chalk a line with French chalk from one pin to the other. Take tlh pins from the material and cut the strip at the chalk Line, repeating the process of pinning the material to the board for the next strip. For a fold of ordinary size, which is five-eighths of an inch wide when finish ed, the strips should be cut an inch and a half wide. Fold one edge over a little less than half an inch on the wrong side, as at b, Fig. 1; baste it with accuracy, then fold over the outer edge. ig. 8, at a. so that the edge will not quite meet the edge of b. There should be about an eighth of an inch space between them. Baste this carefully. Fold b over onto a. Slip a thin, narrow whalebone through a, bend it slightly over the forefinger, and blindstitch b to a, running the sewing as tiear as possible to the outer edge of the whalelnme with out running it off. Slide the whalebone along as the work progresses. The whalebone will prevent the needle from going through to the other side of the fold, thus spoiling the symmetry of the work, and it is not necessary to use the care which is needed when there is no whalebone. KM i SMI fe:;:';." :''e- :J ' -1 ft fe I m A : Ill Colors and Dinners. It cannot be too strongly emphasized that "pink dinners," "yellow dinners," "violet luncheons" and the like are not "good style," although they are contin ually recommended to the public by writers on decoration. Yellow satin rib bon and yellow tissue paper flowers can never take the place with people "who know" of the spotless napery. brilliantly polished silver and immaculate crystal of a well kept table. pgr i CROSSES AND FRENCH KNOTS, crosses, with a yellow French knot in the. middle. The stitch for the is picot stitch. Every spot has also a yellow French knot. The French knot is made, as almost every one knows, by twisting tho thread around the needle ono or more times and then replacing the needle in almost the same spot. This gives a delicate little point of color very effective in many in stances. Caring For a Cold. Pnenmonia, pleurisy and consumption are partners of carelessness in tho dress ing of the chest and back, ami tho colds, which might stop at the throat by a lit tle prudence, are their apprentices. To get relief from a cold, in the first place avoid too much medication. A properly clad skin and a clear digestion ought to shorten the life of a cold. If a little comfort nan bo secured by wearing a light covering on the bond during indoor hoars, it should Iks respected. Ventila tion of apartments comes in for a Might amount of attention, and it should be sufficient to furnish fresh air and not to produce currents. Nothing is more fallacious than tho belief that health Is promoted and life prolonged by ait in excess. There are a few good remedies which appeal to us as matters of tradition. Our grandparents used them with effect, and we might fid low their example without injury. One of these is sassafras tea. Another is boneset tea, and another is senna b. Each has its office, says tho New York Ledger, and each is of value in Its jxen liar line, and at the same time is entirely harmless. . To Mend Table I.lnen. A housekeeper, iu the Albany Culti valor, advises that flax embroidery floss of a fineness corresponding with the thread of the cloth bo used. Under the ragged edge of the tear or the thin, worn place that will soon become a hole if left to itself lwsto a piece of stiff writing pa per. Then make a network of fine stitches back and forth over its edges, running them an inch beyond the edges of tho cut. Cross again with "one thread np and one thread down" darning stitch nd the cloth will have a new lease oi fe. If the placo is not so thin as to M almost a hole, Bimply run with the flax one way. Towels and napkins may ho wended in the sumo way. A Good Hnet I'mlillng. Take a cup of suet, chopped fine; one half cupsngar, one-half cup of molasses, cup of raisins, 8 cups of flour, a tea ipoon of soda, one-balf teaspoon of salt: milk enough for a stiff batter. Steam 7ne hour and a half. A sauce for tho pudding may bo made as follows: One half pint of water heated to tho boiling point. Thickon with flour to the con sistency of a good gravy ieason with a good teaspoon of butt- ,.i any flavor ing preferred, suub .tinon, vanilla, smtme. Delicious CoCee Cake. The following recipe is for a coffee cake whicli ii inexpensive, easily made and not so rich that it will injure even the weakest digestion: A cup of granu lated sugar, 2 caps of flour, a half cup of butter, a half cup of New Orleans mo Usses, a half cup of cold coffee, a cup of raisins with the seeds removed, 2 eggs, a teaspoonful of cinnamon, a teaspOOnfoJ of mace, a teaspoonful of cloves, a tea spoonful of baking soda. Take a largo earthen bowl and put the sugar and butter in the bottom, and stir them into a cream; then add tho eggs and beat these till they blend nicely with tho butter and sugur. After this add the molasses; then dissolve the soda in the coffee and pour it in the bowl. Now put tho powdered spices in and stir till they are nicely mixed with the other ingredients. Chop the raisins quite fine in a chopping bowl, sift a little flour over them, and stir them about in the flour so they do not, stick together; then put them in tho cake bowl. Last of all, stir In the flour. Put the mixture in a large cake pan or in two medium sized ones, ami bake in a slow oven. Butter the Inside of tho pans well before putting the cake mixture in or line with tissue papet well buttered. Try, Try a . Before laying a carpet, washing the floor with turpentine to prevent buffalo moths. A stripof wood back of the d'xir when the knob hits the paper in opening. Powdered pipe clay mixed with water to remove oil stains from wall paper. For grease spots, equal parts of ether and chloroform. A teaspoonfu' of ammonia to ono tea cupful of wate- .or cleaning jewelry. Kee ping a iisb of water on the back of a tight stove to purify the air. Darning gloves in buttonhole stitch, related till the hole is'filled up. Sprinkling the inside of damp gloves with violet powder. Using old matting under carpet. A pail of cold water to purify the air of the room. (rood Housekeeping. Fashion Notes. Pin dotted changeable satins are tiRod for fancy waists. Shot serges are very effective when made up with a Uttle velvet of tho color prevailing in the wool. Tho favorite weavings are wide diago nals, closer woven serges, bopsacking, basket cloths and other canvas weaving and deeply puckered crepoiiB. Among charming novelties for house waists are chine flowers on moire grounds and also bayadere stripes of satin in delicate tints, pointille with a darker shade. Hats and bonnets have a tendency to ward becoming yet smaller than they were last fall. The simplest form of the double skirt is the bell skirt slashed to open on a tablier or panel that simulates an under skirt. Tho coming change in dress will affect the skirt rather than the waist. The in novation will probably be either in the direction of panniers or the tournuro. Basques of all kinds prevail round, fulled, tabbed or pointed, SUPERLATIVE iiom rir x ? iwtoaa Met hus- The Flour Awards "Chicago, Oct 81. Fhe first official announcement of World's Fair di plomas on flour has been made. A medal has been awardsd by the World's Fair judges to the flour manu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co, iu tho great Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis, The committee reports the Hour strong and pure, and entitles it to runu us Brst-claie patent Hour for lauiily aud bakers' USS." MEGARGEL & CONNELL VI HOUtBALEAGKNTS, AND GOLD MEDAL 'lhe above brands of flour can be bod at any of Hip following merchants, who will accept TrlB TrUBUNI F1.0UK COUPON of W on each one hundred pounds of Hour or r0 on eooh barrel of flour. Taylor Judge A Co., !old Medal; Atherton & Co., HupsrlstiTsv luirvea Lawrence btors Co., Hold BtsdsL Mooslc-Jehn M.o rlielle. Until Medal. Rttston -M W O'Boyle, Gold Mew. Clark's Green Fraoq & l'urkor, Baperiative. Clnrk'H Summit 1 M- OUQS, Gold Medal Dalton S K. Finn & Sen. Hold Modu'. Brand Nicholson J B Uiiidiiik'. Wavrrly- SI. . WIsh S.,n, Hold Medal. Ffti'tnryvlllii Chnrlos Gardner, Hold Medal lloiihottimi N. M Kinti & Mini, (leld Tohyhanna -Tobybaniin . Lehigh l.iimtiu r I i . Iliilil .Me lal llllllld Houtdiboro h a. Adams. Bold Medal Brand i Moieou ilaiyo & CieinentM, UuKl Medal. j Luke Ariel .1. nans -V Bortreo, ttnld Medal. Forest city .1. 1.. iiurpn & Co., (lulu Me.u BSrantonF, P, Prion, WuHhlugtou aV'Miu I ' i .iieoa oriitid Dnnmore F. P rrloa Gold Medal Brand, ponmore F. D Mauley. Buperlative Brsni Hyde Far k Carson et Davis, Washburn St. Gold Medal Brand; J Mph A. Mr.irs, Mion avoiino, Superiattve ltraud. iirocn Bidm A lkBpenoerQold Medal Brand. J. T. MelLle, Superlative. Frovideuce Fcuner A Chanoull. N Main ave uue. Buporlatiru hrandiG. J wlllesple, nv. Market strnut. (loM Mensl Brand ilyiihant Jumau Jerduu. Buperlatlvo Brand. i'eckvii;e sbejfr Sj K-is-r Buperlatiy. Jerinvii V. U Winters Co Superalative Arelifiatd Jones, S ttpson Oo . G ilil Mo lil Carbondale & s Clark, Sold Medal Brand. llnneldale 1 N. Foster ii I'o Got I Moi l. Minooka -M. II. I.ivelle. PbJPh PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT g AND POTASSIUM Makes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula P. P. P. purifloa the Moot, bnlldsnp the wuk ami debtlttaltiil, m-, .. , etrongtt. to weukone'l DefYM, expoN diseases. giTfajrihoiuitlent health nnl l: i whuru sic'liness, pTloumy and . i . t Urnt preraUed. For rr1marv,moondary and tertiary syphlli.-, loruliiud polaonlnp. mercu rial pulmuo, malaria, dynpepala, nnd in all blood and skin dlae&fle. llko blotches, pimples, uld ohronlo ulcers, tetter, acald heal, bolln. erysipelas, eciema wo may say, witbuut fear of Contradiction, that p. p. P. Is the best blood purifier Id the world, and makes positive, speedy and permanent cures in all caaes. Ladlos whose ayitenis aro poisoned and whose blood is In an impure condi tion, duo to menstrual irregular! ties, are peculiarly bunolltvd by the won derful tonic and bloo.i luanlng prop erties of P. P. P. Prickly Ash, Poko Hoot and Potassium. Bfrinoftrld, Mo., Aug. 11th. 1693e I can speak In the highest terms of your medicine from my own personal knowledge. I was affected with heart disease, pleurisy and rheumatism (or 35 years, was treated by too very best fhylcians nrm 8p-nt hundreds of dol ars, tried every known rernetly with out finding relief. I have only taken ono bottle of your P. P. P., and can cheerfully say It has done me moro good than anything 1 have ever takjn. lean rot ommend your medicine to all sufferers of the above diseases. M US. M. M. YEARY. SriugUtld, Qreon County, Mo. Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores Catarrh, Malaria 3 and Kidney Troubles An- 'nllrt'ly MHMfM by P.P.P, Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potas sium, the greatest bluod purifier oa earth. ABitRPt;F.:r, O., July 21. 1891 Meh'ik.i. I.ii'PM a n Bkos., Havnnnub, Oa. : DkahHiks I bought aboutuof your P. P. P. it Hot Springs. Arii. .and It has dono mo mor goon ilian threo months' trentmentat the Hot tfprluga. Hond throe bottles 0, 0. D. Respectfully yours, JAS. M. NEWTON, Aberdeen, BfOWO County, 0. l apl. J. U. Jolinalun. To all whom it may concern; I bore by testify to tho wonderful propertlen Of p. p. P. lor eruptions of the skin. I eufferod for Severn! years with an un Blglitly and dlnagrceabte eruption on my face. I tried every known reme dy hut In vain, until P. P. P. was used, an'1, am now entirely cured. (Signed by) J. U. JOHNSTON, Huvauuah. ua. V. In ; iHircr Cured. Tettimony frvm Af Mayor ttf ScqulnSex SFgriN.TKX., January 14. 189& Mkssrn. Lippman Hros., Huvannnb, GaVt l)tutUnien have tried your P. P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known as skin cancer, of thirty yr irs' Handing, and found great relief: it pur i lien trie blood and removes all ir ritation from the seat of tho dMease nnd prevents ; . ..i nding of tho Bores. I have taken five or six bottles and feel eontideiit that another course w ill effect a cure. It has also relieved uie from indigestion and stomach troubled. Yuurs truly. CAPT. W. M. RUST, Attorney ul Law. ecjK on Ml Diseases Md Free. ALL DB0OQISTS SELL IT. LIPPMAN BROS. PKOPItlETORS, Llppman's Illuck.Mitt iiunnli.On THE ruUtuUMlWUWUiiUai; 1 PUZZLE. I niiss.ll I HM.U..I.UI Ill ssSSSJSSWSSSWSSSSSSSSS THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. VHlunble n n SunvPiiir of tho Fair. QUITE EASY WHHN HfOO KNOW Upholstery Departmen - OP- William : Sissenberger Opposite RaptUt Churcb, Fcnn Avenue, , Is replete with fine and medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Rockers, Couches and Lounges for the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets, Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholstored in a Substantial manner. Will be as good as new HOW MOO IN IMO.l.s WIIil, BR IMKTItllll ITBD TO TIIOSK l)OIi Till POaSSliU IN THE BHORTKST RPACR OF T1MK i on HA IiK DY AI.Ij NEWS OOBtPANIEl BTATIONBES AND AT toy STOKER, OH SENT TO ANY '. ; UPON HECUIPT OP PRICE, CENTS, It Y COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO, 112 AND 111 sot'TH BUTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MR MANHOOD RESTORED! NERVESEEDS. ThU ' i lul , ...... I. en ii fl li.fiir all ... ... n. rtlf. rsfti(s. IMS us Wonk Mpmnrjr, l.ussitf llrsltl I'owpr, llrmluirlin, Wnkufiilni's, list MhiiIhmhI, Niitlilljr KmlsslMiis, NiirToiinnesH.iillilrnliiHiinil nss of inwsr liilJi'iMirnllvoOfiinMS of tMlhnr srxrsusoil by oyeri'iirtlMii, f-oiilhlil trrors, pk-iissItimisii nf lnhitooo, nplum nrstlninlsiits, wlih'h I I lo laarntty, Qpp iNtiiniitloiiorliiaaiiiiy. din hcrBrrlrtilln vor.tpi'cln't. SI ihtIhu, 6 fni ar, i.v -him pnipslil. With n fflft nnlrr iv nlvr m ivt-lttvu eii.rnntpr to onri' ' fi'liinil llii' miini'. I'lrpulsr fri'n Hnlil h V n II Alk fuM t. Issi uOQRF. AND AFTIR USING ihmiiih'i. iiiiiin'ss KKIive kkciiio., Mnsuniu ti'mpir, For Kslo in Scrunton, Pa., by H. C. BANDKKHON, Drufrelst, 00 WoahlUftOfl Dli BorUM Htrot tit. Tho only snfo, oviro and reliablo t'omale FILL over offered to Ladloe, uiuuiuiiy i noomniona ed to married Ladlnn. -Ank fur EK. MOTT'S PBWMTBOYAL PILLS and tako uo othnr. J fw Send lor oirouiar. rrire yi.uu ptr ni y isr sa.un, Ull. IV1U 1 I n L:Mh;MlUAL .;., - tmvuisiiu, -lik. lor Sale bC. 1. 1 1 A S1HS-, Uiuutflst, 1'41 1'enu Avuue. N. A. HULBERT'S City Music Store, WYOM1NO AVF.. HC1CANT0 PENNYROYAL PILLS. HTKINYVAY ft SOM DKCKKH HltOTHEKS AJTB KKANICH & BAOil s i I 1.1, & HAUl'ilC PIANOS t In Urn at first-lass ORGANS SO SUM, M 1 K( II NDISU SI IMC, J,T(J . I.IU Atlantic ReOning Co. Manufacturers and DsotstS in UlaminatiDg and Lubricatio OILS Lin?ceil Oil, Napthai nnd (Jaso lini'H of nil smdos. Asia Grease, I'inion tiieiie anJ Colliery Com pound ; also, a laro lino oi Par rlli:ie Wax Candles. Wo also handle tho Famoni CROW, ;CME OIL, the only family safety burning 'oil in the market. WILLIAM MASON, Manager, onvo: Coni Bsehsngs, Wyoming avj. u i irks at 1'iuu llruoK. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND BPORTINO POWDER Monnf setnrsd si tii WepweUopen Mills, Lu zvruo riiunty Ph.. anil at WU miiit uti. Dvlawsra HENRY BELIN, Jr. (Icnoral Aei'iit for tho Wyoming District, 118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa '.ii.; National lla nk I ... . - AOSKCtStS Titos. Font), Plttston, Pa jolIN 11 SMITH ft BON; Plymouth ra. K w MULLIGAN, WUkes-fiarrs, Pa. Ayonts for tho I;. , . ; OhssniOSJ Com pony's HIkIi BtpIoslTea lilllHIIItMIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII A DVERTISE VOl K WANTS IN T HE SCRANTON TRIBUNE BLOOD POISON I "MnKioRni etly, iiii'Iit iiiuriily, hatkl li 'ii"lVMical.l. IhsrawpraoSssed IOOjissp l-.k . ill-istrsts.1 Iroml llfhrmn, pcilsrnrl,rrti l.r msll WhsnHotSpnnsi I nd Msn-nrj fsii . Oui Mnnlc Remed hi I imilUtrlr ''if. IIHIk lirnimi I'll , I'Mrsts. III. PK1TKH NIIOK 00 In ': Cspllel. SI ,000,000. lil sr i,ro HUOK IN TUB WORLD. ".I thtUnr utii cd in a doldf tafRfa' . This i, mli.'i.' MoiM Preach DasigalaKM it ni ton Ituot dellvuroit Uvo nnvwhiTO in tho I ,S.,on leMlptofGeih, Money Order, or l'uslnl Nolo for 1..h. Kauuls ovory way tho Iniuts solil In nil ri'iiiil stuii's for t i.m. we mis sou boos uutsflviMi, tiicroforo wo guar unfrs thu ttl. ntifU ami irrnr. timl II any ono Is not sattsfliM wo win i''i iiio motii'V or sontl snothi'r pair. Opora oo or uommon eeneei wMths 0, l), K, it II, 1 to H ant half Scurf uournUr; 9 Will M tIMI. lllimlruli'J Cata lopiu FREE FEDERAL ST.. I BOSTON. MASS. Speciut termt lo Z'suto. m i SBI9r.tills-,Cl w. , - I Ul ... 1 f43 m Iu tbe snip of (ho shears, The bondholder hears The Sound of his money enhancing Why not copy his way, And clip every day To get something that's quite as entrancing. You Can Do It! BY SNIPPING AND CUPPING YOU GET $24 VALUE FOR TEN CENTS. Just to think of the delights of a trip all over our own country, from Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico! Being able to do it in easy stages, at TEN CENTS "a stage," includ ing the services of a guide! Yet, that is just what we do for you. AND JUST THINK OF Realistic Pictures from ever part of America, done in NEW process indelible typogravure delineate the journey. The incomparable world-famed traveler and lecturer, PROF. GEO, R. CROMWELL, is the guide, Journalistic enterprise is the conductor of the trip, America "From Alaska to she Gulf oi Mexico." will be publietio-1 in weeklv series of sisteen views (each Tiew 11x18 inches, rally worth $1 BO), and will embrace the ptmical and scsnic wonder of Our Own Land, the whole edited ly Prof. G R. Cromwell. E.ich series will bs enclosed in handsome covers. lhe spllol, VI Ralilngtrtn. I lu- ODtlllOVJ, llimtiin i rmting Houae Sqttere, Niu Verli ren Full, i hesresisie i'huoii, Colorado, Cheltnal Unit l'hllmli'iphle. Vollon-Ktone I'alU, , niinu Bs-enSon'e C'ove. Newpoit CiMitial 1'ink Mliiiienpnlls. A ml It or I ii in Hotrl. Chirnco. Long Seult Keplrln, At. Lswrenre Klin, 1 1' nip If Square, -nit Lake t lly. Mnniirxln lloniie, Cremioii Sprlngf, Ta. Washington Monuiutut. Baltlmorr. Huns ShorFalU, Niagara. City of Victoria. M. C. Sitka Alankn Each Series Lasts but one Week, See That Yon Get Them All, UIKIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllHIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIUIHIIIstt AMERICA s COUPON NO. 9. Dexter Shoe Co Bend or bring two of these coupons, differently numbered, a s with Ten Gents, and get the tirst series of sixteen magnificent 3 s photographs. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimire JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIHIIIilllr'J MARCH 8 This Coupon, with two like it, but of different s dates, and with Ten Cents in cash, will secure one i part of the World's Fair Art Portfolio in four s parts the one announced before. MARCH 8 This Coupon, with another like it, but of differ- ent date, and with Five Cent3 in cash, will secure the "Trip Around the World" portfolio of photo- graphs, a rare and interesting glance at noted S spots in all climes. niBiiMisiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiihiiiaiNiiiiiiiiiaiistiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiii;;