The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 08, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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I Pipe I
I Valves I
Fittings f
your old shirt. We do it,
J08 Penn Ave.
Norrman & Moore
20 Wyoming Avenue
New Goods
In La:s3,
Embroideries and
415 Lacka. Avenue.
Wall Papers,
Window Shades,
Mattings, Rugs, etc
127 Wyoming Ave.
There will be a "roll call" at the Penn
Avenno Baptist church tonight. Every
member of the church and congregation is
requested to be preseuf .
Marriage licenses were granted by the
clerk of the courts yesterday to William
EL Chadwick. Brooklyn, X. Y.. and Jeasin
Flutcher, Winton; and Elmer J. Peet, Dal
ton, and Sadie J. Ross, North Abiugton.
The funeral of William, the little son of
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Loftus. of Capon"
avenue, who woh killed by an electric car
Monday, took place yesterday afternoon.
Interment was made In Hyde Park Catho
lic cemetery.
The Young Men's Social club, of Arch
bald, fl'ed its application for a charter
with Prothonotary Pry or yesterday, The
object of the organization is the social anil
liternry advancement of its membeis.
Those who attached their names to the ar
ticles of incorporation are Patrick J.
Kielty, Patrick McAndrew, William Cu ai
ming, John Mabody, Henry Battle, M. F.
Murphy and Thomaa Loftus.
Jury Says His Copyright Was loJrlDged ou by
J. E. Williams.
James Gavi?an Says It Has Damaged
His Propirty to Extent of $3,000.
Jamei Uavigan.who owns property
on Penn uvenu?, near Ash street, d
clnres that the refinery of tho Atlantic
Refining company at Penn avenno and
Poplar street is a nuisance and has de
preciated the value of his property
$3,000. He brought snit yesterday
against the company, through Attor
nsy I. II. Burns, to recover that
Mr. Oavigan's home and lot are
within eighty feet of the refining com
pany's work. Ho said that in consc
ience of the refining of oil an I keep
ing large quantities of it stored in the
refinery, unwholesome gssns premsate
the atmosphere to the great prejudice
of his health and comfort.
It is also asserted that the leakage of
oil from the refinery permeates tne soil
in the vicinity of the plaintiffs house,
greatly Increasing the danger of its de
strnction by fire.
Unique Social to Be Given Their Parents
at Y. M . O. A.
The band of juvenile athletes com
prising the boya' gymnasium class of
the Young Men' Christian association,
will on the afternoon of the Saturday
before Easter, tender an "Easter
Social" to their parents at the gym
nasium from 8 to 0 o'clock. The first
hour and ft half to be devoted to gams
and races, after which light refresh
ments will be served.
The affair will be under the personal
direction of Physical Instructor Wes
ton, and, jndging from the interest of
the youngsters and the uuiiiue'ieiB of
the entertainment, will be extremely
interesting. A similar social was
given last year with marked success.
Flowers Oiven Away.
On Saturday, March 10, from U a. m. to 9
p. m., we will give a beautiful bouquet to
every customer who buys 80 cents worth
of goods. Mraiih St Hauin
415 Lackawanna ave.
New Stationery Store.
John L. L. Travis at 508 Lackawanna
avenue bus added to his store n stationery
department Blank books xnd stationary
of every description can be hud at low
Declares That His Agents Entirely
Revised and Corrected Mr. Mulley's
Directory Argulltf for an Injunc
tion to Restrain an Alleged Infringe
ment ot a Patent New Trial A d
for in the Ruddy Insurance Case.
The jury in the case of 11 E Leonard
and Patrick Mulherin against the
Equity Improvement company, brought
in h verdict yesterday morning to the
effect thut the United States Circuit
court for the western district of Penn
sylvania had no jurisdiction in the
Ambrose Mulley nasinst J. E. Wll
liaius, proprietor of Williams' Soranton
City directory for infringement of
copyright, was the next oise called.
Attorneys & B. Price and II M. Han
tilth represented Mr Mulloy uu l At
torney E. H. Uisley of Utlca, N. Y ,
and Attorney C. fc. Wool ruff of this
city, Mr. Williams.
In 1st;, Mr. Mulloy had copyrighted
a book called "Mulley's Scranton Street
Directory and City Quids," feature
of which was a street directory show -iug
the looation and length of the
streets of the city. The hook was
published in ISSti
In 1887 Mr. Mulley entered into an
nitieeiuent by whioh Mr. Williams was
permitted to uie his street direction in
the Williams City directory of that
year. It is alleged that every year
since then the street directory has been
i feature of Mr. Williams' city direc
tory and that it has been used without
Mr Mulley's consent. To recover dam
ages for that infringement the suit was
It is contended ou the pirt of Mr.
Williams that when he in I Mr. Mul
ley's street directory in 1S7 he discov
ered a uuutber of errors and the follow
ing year he had it entirely revised and
corrected from information obtained
by agents appointed by him. He
thereafter considered that it was his
When the case was called counsel for
the defense asked that the plaintiff's
declaration bo dismissed. When the
l.iintiff rested, defendants asked for
a nou suit, but both motions were re
fused. An effort to get binding in
structions for the jury also failed.
At 4 o'clock p. to. the case went to
the jury on the charge of Julge Buff
ington after arnguieuts had 0'en made
by Attorneys RUley and Price. The
jury an hour later returned a verdict
to the effect that Mr Williams had in
fringed on M.-. Mulley's cooyiigh;
and that he should piy him w oompea
nation therefor the sum of $100.67. Mr.
Riley, counsel for Mr. Williams, at
once gave notice that he wonld file
ronsous for a new trial within teu days.
After the Miller case wen', to the
jurv argument was heard on the appli
cation for an injunction by William
Kellogg to prevent V, W. Burcaw, of
Hazleton. from infringiogou a weather
strip, of which Mr. Kellogg is the
patentee. The defetidaut claims that
his idea is such an improvement on the
Kellogg strip as is allowed by law.
Attorneys Hulslauder and Vosburg ap
peared for the complainant and Attor
ney W. S. Diehl for Mr. Burcaw. After
listeniug to the arguments Judge Buf
fington took the papers and reversed
hi decision.
Immediately afterward a new trial
was argued for in the case of Tnomas
Ruddy, executor of Francis J. Ruddy,
deceased against the Michigan Mutual
Life Insurance compnny. .Mr. Ruddy
sued to recover $o,0W which he said
was due on a life insurance policy held
by Francis J. Ruddy. The case was
tried a year ago before Judge Bnffliijr
ton and a verdict returned in favor of
the company, which alleged that the
policy was obtained by falso representa
tions. Ex-Judge W. H. Stanton nrgued for
a new trial yesterday afternoon and
Major Everett Warren and Attorney
George M. Watson oppoied tin mo
tion. The session of the court will close
An Eff.irt Mad to Recover Prtpjrtjr Al
leged to Have Been Sold.
The case of Richard Rhnle, adminis
trator of the estate of Richard Rhnle,
deceased, against W. II. Davenpurl ,
was heard before arbitrators Fred W.
Kleitz, J. W. Browning and Fred R
Stark yesterday and an award of no
cause of action retnrned.
About eighteen yeais ago it was nl
leged that W. H. Davenport gave to
his father-in-law,. Richard Rhule, a
bill of sale for the farm implements
and stock on a farm nt Taylor worked
by Davenport. The property was
valned at about $3,000.
It continued to remain in the posses
sion of Davenport during the lifetime
of Mr. Rhule. After his death his son,
who is also his administrator, demand
ed that Davenport turn ever the prop
erty mentioned in the bill of sale or
the valne thereof. Davenport refused
and the action wns broaght.
Attorneys Ilulslander and V M'.mr.;
appeared yesterday at tin hearing for
Mr. Rhnle and Attorneys George S.
Horn and John M. Harris for Mr. Dav
enport. The arbitrators took the ground that
if the oi ler Rhule had a vested claim
to the property he wonld not bava al
lowed eighteen years to elaps without
making an eff iff to enforce bis right.
Deoeaeed Was One of the But Known
Merchants of the City.
After an illness of five weeks, A. H.
Coleman, the well known merchant of
this city, died yesterday afternoon at
his home on Jefferson avenue. He
leaves a widow and one daughter, and
is also survived by his brother, W A
Coleman, and two sisters, Mis Har
riet Coleman, of this city, and Mrs. C.
L, Wheeler, of Cohocton, N. Y.
Mr. Coleman was a son of the late
Alexander and Catharine Coleman, and
was bom in 1837 in Clifford, Susque
hauna county. He name to Scranton
over thirty years ago and has long been
identified with the business interests of
the oity.
He Suffered a Paralvtlo Stroke Yntnr
day Afternoon.
James Stone, the janitor of the conrt
house, was afflicted with a stroka of
paralysis yesterday -afternoon. Mr.
Stone was in Alderman O B. Wright's
office at the time. Deputy Sharif! Bor
tree atid Constable George Wilson as
sisted him ouielde or the building,
thinking the air would revive him.
They did not know at the time that he
was sutferiug from paralysis.
Oa the sidewalk Mr, htoue collapssd
mid had to be taken to his home in a
carriage. Dr. A. J Connell was sum
mon d who founl that Mr Stones lufi
slie was paralysed, ills sult.rer is lu
a critical oudition but Dr. Coun ill
has hopes that he will recover.
Mr. Stone is well advanced in years
and has been for mi time the j tai
lor at the court house, lie drove one
of the first mail coaches that ever en
tered this city and afterward served in
the civil war.
Bull" Pressed Brick Building on Spruce
Street a Cltv Ornament.
What will be one of the handsomest
business structures in Hcrantou is the
font-story edifice under construction at
110. 419 and 114 Spruce street. Builder
M. E. Worden, a young man who has
of Into been recognized in the front
rank of the city's prominent contract
ors, is doing the work for Fcbmipff,
Christian & Wagner.
Tuc whole structure is divided into
three separate properties, numbers 410,
413 and 111, owned respectively by the
gentlemen mentioned above.
The buildings are of buff pressed
brick trimmed with blue stone utid gal
vanized cornices and will cost about
48,000, The middle property will be
lurnished with bevel plate glass ou the
ground uud second stories, a feature
new in Scrauton buildings, as i the
bull material used in the construction.
The new Delaware aud Hudson depot
being the only other edifice in the city
built of this graceful, light colored
Mr. Sohiuipff's portion, No. 410. will
be occupied on the three upper floors
by the Scrauton Rowing association.
Mr. Christian will occupy the ground
floor of the middle building aud the
upper floors will be let for offices. G.
t'. Jacobus, late of tho Forest House,
is reported the expected occupant of
No. 411, Mr. Wagnar's building, where
he will locate a cafe, and tiie other
floor will be devoted to offices, Attor
ney Joseph O'Brien having already en
gaged a portion of the second floor.
Mr. Worden commenced work about
Dec l.nud expects to complete con
struction April 1. He also has the con
tract for the intei lor work and paint
ing. The present aoutract is but one
of numerous prominent buildiug jobs
done by him, Zigler's bakery, the
home of 0. J. Weichel, the warehouse
of Joseph G mister and Judge Gunster's
beautiful villa at Like Ariel are among
the structures he bnilt. Mr. Worden's
services are sought by prominent
Scrauton people for the reason that his
work call be relied upon to be well done
and up to date in all processes.
A Literary Gem Presented at the Acad
emy of Music Last Evening.
Charles A. Loder aud n number of
men and women, styled by the pro
gramme uctors nud actresses, appeared
at the Academy lust night in a plav en
titled, "Oh. What a Night"
The followiug is a lucid synopsis of
the intricate plot of the piece,
Comedian What are we here for?
Soubrette Ob, we don't know: let's
( h .rus Hooray, H'rny, H'ray. (All
Siug. i
ACT n.
Leading Man-1 wuut your life.
Comedian I can't spare it.
Soubrette Obi you meu are so awfully
funny. Lei's mug some more.
Chorus Hooray, H'ray, II ray. (All
Comedian "Has anyone yet fouud out
why we are here?"
Soubrette "Oh: This is a farce comedy.
All we are expected to do is to sing. Now
all sing at once."
Chorus "Hooray, H'ray, H'ray." lAU
Mr. Loder was made up to represent
n German, and spoke with a strong
Pittsburg accent. There were about a
dozen persons in the company.
Mrs. Kirp'.s Says That He Persists In
Slanderlug Her.
Mr. Frances Koopts brought her
second action in trespass for defama
tion of character against John Oitrosky
yesterday through ex Ju.Ige W. II.
Several week ngo Mrs. Koopts, who
resides with her husband nt Priceburg,
was publicly charged by the defendant
with unfaithfulness to her husband.
Mrs. Koopts had him arrested for
slander and Oitrosky gave hail to wis
wer at court.
As soon us he was roleased from tho
custody of the sheriff Ostrosky returned
to Priceburg and it is alleged by Mrs.
Koopts again slendered her, saying
that she had been guilty of immoral
conduct, to bide tho effects of whicti
she had on several occasions had abor
tions performed.
For these last slanderous remarks
Mr. Koopts askes $3, BOO damages.
Michael O'Netll'i Wife Asks Polios to
Protect Hereolf arid Children.
Mrs Michael O'Neill, of Seventh
street, c ome to the West Side police
station at 2 o'clock yesterday morning
and asked the sergeant in charge to
take her husband in oustody. She said
she aud her children had to stay out of
doors, as O'Neill was violent and they
were afraid of him. Officers Saltry
and Palmer arrested O'Neill and be
will be given a hearing at the police
court today, when his wife Is expected
to appear against hlin.
O Neill claims that he is not harsh
toward his wife or a bad father, but
says that when he reprimands or scolds
the children his wife interferes and a
quarrnl ensues Mrs, O'Neill appealed
to the mayor and Chief of Police Simp
son yesterday to separate her from her
husband. She does not wunt him com
united to jail, but wishes to be rid of
hi ui.
- - -
The Ccming Srason Will B One of Un
surpassed Popularity.
That Lake Ariel will be an ideal nud
favored retort for excursionists this
season, is indicated by the numerous
dates already taken, and the dally in
quiries which are being received.
Improvements and new features
which are now contemplated, will
greatly increase the attractiveness of
this popular resort and meet with the
admiration and approval of its annual
Boys, Attention!
Wo will give away to the boys on Satur
dty, March 10, SI Hi bono balls at our store
at 10 o'clock sharp. Y. M. C. A. building.
Flory & Holt.
You are invited to visit tho Scrauton
Cash Furniture Store; Is now open; 134
and 130 Washington avenue. r
New Bicycle.
A new bicycle worth 175 will be sold for
t85. The mucliiue is guaranteed and is a
rare bargain. Machine amy be seen at the
Tribune office.
Well-Known Young Man Fires a Bullet Into
His Breast.
A Special Policeman and Employed at
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
Freight Depot Not a Drinking Man
but Came Homo Intoxicated - Re
ported That His Wife's Conduct
May Be the Cause His Recovery
W. H. Schoonover, living at 1110
Railroad avenue, shot himself in the
left breast about till! o'clock lust night
and will probably die. lie is 25 years
of age. married and employed as fore
man ut tho Delaware, Lackawanna
ami Western freight depot.
He came home for Hiip,ev slightly in
toxicated and was chided by his wife.
Both entered their bed room where
Schoonover whipped a revolver from
his pocket and pointed it at his wife,
threatening to Blioot her. Sb ran from
the room, and after about live minutes
had elapsed a shot was heard. The
door was opened and Schoonover
was found lying noon the bed naked
aud blood OOZlag from u bullet wound
In the left breast about two inch -s be
low tho heart Dr. Lotigstroet was
summoned at once and Dr. O'Malley
ater. They probed for tho bullet, but
could not extract it uud said he could
not live.
Schoonover has not b -m a drinking
man, his inclinations in thut direction
only extending to an occasional glass
of beer, uud his friends are at a loss to
understand his being intoxicited last
night. He was seen at 4.80 o'clock in
apparent good spirits and ruber.
Up to a week ago Mr. and Mrs.
Schoonover lived in Pine Brook, at the
corner of Penn avenue and Aeh street.
They left to reside with Mrs Schoon
over's parents on the West Side, where
the shooting occurred It is renorted
that the change of resldinot was du
to some domestic nn pleasantness, woich
may have played a part in yesterday's
tragedy. Mrs. Boboonovet is a girl in
years and quite pretty.
Schoonover is a special policeman
and in that capacity probibly carried
the revolver with which he committed
iast night's deed. List summer he shot
and slightly wounded a man named
Soanlon while trying to arrest him for
disturbing the peuce. Scaulon caused
hclioonover's arrest and the case is now
pending in court,
At the house of Nay Aug Engine
company, of which Schoonover is a
member, Biveral were discussing tho
attempted laloids last night. All said
he was looked upon by tne members of
the company as a sob-r, reliable, earn
est and popular companion. None
could assign any cause tor the act ami
scouted the idea of his being intoxi
cated lsst night. They said he was
not a drinking man.
The ('tuple have been married but
little over a year ago
The weapon mod was a six-shot self
ooeking revolver of thirty-two calibre.
Four nnexploded shell. were found Id
tho cylinder.
Tbev were accompanied bv Mini In-
P"Ctor Roderick and Superintendent
Gner, but descended no further than
the .fourteen-foot vein. Gas, foul
air and a vast quantity of water pre
vented a further descent. Members
Richards and Sykes of the jury are
practical miners, and, if feasiule, will
today Visil t a x ict ocili y o tin e.
ci lent.
The inqu st will be hold tomorrow
evening ai 8 o'clock in the arbitration
room ut the court muue.
Many Organizitims Iotereeted in
Burial Seivica.
Tho victims of the cuvein and ex
plosion at the Richmond mine will be
interred in Forest Hill Cemetery to
day, Yesterday Coronnr Kelly and
jury, accompanied by Mine Inspector
Roderick, Superintendent drier and
Chargemnn Turnbull, decended the
Richmoud shaft and looked at the
scene of the disaster. They ntterward
viewed the bodies which lay prepare I
for interment at Undertaker Jones es
tablishment on North Main avenue.
The bodies of the last two victim
found, Richards and Northey.preeented
a sickening spectacle.tbeir heads being
pulverized by the immense fall of rock.
Several of their most intimate friends
failed to recognizo tliera. After tho
coroner and jury viewed the remains
they adjourned and will meet Friday
at the court home to hear testimony in
the matter
Lodge DOS, Knights of Phythias, have
tnken charge of the arrangements in
connection with the burial of Richards,
who was n member of that society
They have perfected arrangements to
pay all possible honors to the deceased
knight The Liberty Hoiie company
have draped their quarters in mourn
ing, in sorrowful regard for their de
ceased brother Thomas Holwell, who
was an esteemed member of. the com
pany. Crowds gathered around Jones' un
dertaking establishment yesterday to
take a look at the bodies of their late
friends. Tho sight presented was up ill
ing to the most stout hearted.
James McAndrew, a miner employed
in the Bunker Hill slope of the Peunsyl
Vsnis Coal company, met with a pain
ful accident yesterday forenoon. He
hud been endeavoring to bar down a
loose piece of bone rock, but was un
successful. Thiuking the rock solid, he
commenced to work under it, when it
fell, striking him across the buck,
breaking three ribs and injuring his
spine. The piece of rock was about
three inches thick ami two feet square.
Had it struck him on the head it would
undoubtedly have killed him instantly.
Mr. McAndrew is a young unmarried
man, nnd lives with his mother at
Bunker Hill.
George Euglert, a brakeman on the
Erie and Wyoming Valley railroad,
had his hand hurt on Tuesday after
nooli. Two fingers were so badly
smashed that the doctors tbonght it
uecesstry to amputate o:ie, bat Mr,
Euglert obje'eted.
Chief Burschelof the fire department
has appointed George E Richter of
Electric Hoie company. No 4, to act
as first assistant chief, ami Alex B
Haddeu, of Neptune Hos company,
No. 1, as second assistant.
President Fred Hartuoll has com
pleted his appointment of persons to
act on the numerous committees that
will have charge of the men's social,
which will be held at the Presbyterian
church on Tuesday evening, March 18,
These committees are actively at work
and it is expected that the fruits of
tiieir labors will be an enjoyable even
ing for all who attend. Neither time
nor expense will be spared to make the
affair the most elaborate gathering
the congregation of the Presbyterian
church has ever held. The welcome is
not extended to the members of the
congregation alone, but to all who may
feel disposed to attend,
A meeting of tho council was culled
lor luesdiy evening for the purpose
of furthering the Sixth ward sewer
subject ; but a quorum could not b su
The Patrick Henry club should
caution its members against using such
damaging language while they are in
the citizens part of the council room.
Last Mondny night the visitors were
treated to a string of sotto voce impre
cations too disgraceful to mention, that
were hurled at a councilman whom
tliev nseisted to elect. He was called
all the vile names imaginable baca ise
he was, iu their estimation, breaking
his pledge, where, in fact, he was only
voting jnstly and conscientioutly.
The following prozrarame was ren
dered at the Epworth leagu) meeting
on 1 ilesday night: Slugiu, HtSirS
Swartz ant Dryer; orations on the
quest io i "What is the greatest blessing
enjoyed outside ot religiou, iUessrj
Jolinson and Powell; d net, banjo and
guitsr, Messrs. McL mghlin an 1 Wolf;
solo, Miss ranme Huycook; recitation,
Margaret hwartz (8 years old); duet
McLoughlin and Wolf; solo, Miss Mime
Townsend ; quartette, Swartz brothers
ami .Mr. lirver. men came tne open
ing of tho qustion box which contained
queries too numerous to enumerate. It
was decided unanimously that health
was the greatest blessing outside of re
The friends of Borough Clerk C P.
Savage seem determined that he shall
hold the office during the ensuing year.
His enemies, or rather the Patrick
Henry club, are equally determined
that tie shall not handle the borough
documents. Mr Irwin, whom they
wish to appoint in Mr. Savages plac
is a member of the ring, and as the
councilman are pledged to elect him it
is supposed that war will be waged
fiercely lor m my moons to come. In
the positiou of borough clerk Mr, Sv
age has proved himself invaluable to
all interests, and bis abilities are not
questioned even by tne counciltnen who
wish to depose Mm In fact it is plain
to bo seen that if it were not for the
cast iron pledge, Mr. Svage would be
elected, and words of regret are heard
on all sides because of his attempted
'The Paymaster" will come this
evening. It is Duncan B. Harrison's
sensational military melodrama sud his
work in the same has been eztrava
gantiy praised in other cities. The play
i trod uc s the champion strong m II
the world. C. A Sunpiou, who does
some won leriul i lungs luring tne pro
gress of the pty.
"The Girl I Left Behind Me. " fresh
from the conquest of all the principal
cities of this country, and with a rec
ord of 20U consecutive performances
n New York and Chicago, scened,
staged aud surrounded with all the
correctness of detail that characterized
the production iu these cities, will be
presented at the Academy tomorrow
The revival of Robert Griffin Mor
ris farcical comedy, "Ihe .skating
Rink," which takes place at the Acad
emy Saturday night, will Intro luco a
number of good artists. Among them
may be mentioned I lora r inlaysou.
Blanche Chapman, Belle Martin, Leon
Clark, Lea Van Dyke, Fred Frier, Jo
seph Sparks, James Sturgls and Nat.
B. Cantor.
It Was Withdrawn aud of Ad
ministration Granted.
Register of Wills Koehler heard
testimony yesterday with regard to the
legality of tne will of John W. Lynch,
of Providence who died about two
weeks ago. The matter wub brought
Lefore the register by a caveat ob
tained by James Lyueb, brother of the
deceased, who alleged that his brother
had no knowledge of the contents of the
will he is supposed to have executed.
At the hearing, Attorneys Hulslan
ler & Vosburg appeared for James
Lynch and Attorney David Reedy for
Mrs. Mary Lynch, wife of the deceased,
to whom the will left all of Mr. Lynch
Alderman lioran, who drew up the
will, said that John W. Lynch was
about to expire when the document
was finished -jid ne was unable to
make known i, i contents to him. It
was thereupon agreed that the will was
not a legal document, und It was with
drawn and letters of administration
granted to John Haggerty.
Lynch was the owner of a house sod
lot at Providence and had several han
dred dollars iu bank.
tlsh of all kind nt kVlnhari'a
Hen. L S. Coffin, of Iuwa, to Addreee
Eorantnn's Railroad Men.
Hon. L. S. Coffin, of Fort Dodge, I.,
will give a tempsrance address at the
Railroad DepHrlment Young Men's
Christian association tonight nt M
o'clock. Mr. Coffin, who Is ex-railroad
commissioner of Iowa, is best known
as the promoter of the bill which p tssod
congress lust year for the protection of
brukemeu nnd other railroad men. He
is also the author of the White Button
work, the greatest teinpernnue move
ment ever inaugurated among tho rail
road men of America.
Railroad employes and their families
are cordially iuvited to attend Mr. Cof
fin's lecture.
Erlck Sample Room lu Rear of Hotel
The first steps towards razing the
Forest House property were taken yes
terday when workmen attacked the
small two story brick sample room In
the rear. A large portion of the upper
story had been torn down before night
fall. As rapidly as possible the furniture
aud living i of the hotel propir are being
sold and as soon as they are disposed of
that historic structure will be removdd.
With It almost the lust of the notable
landmarks ot the center of the city
will have disappeared.
made butter i!2c nt lteinlmrt's
Coroner K.lly and Jury Mads a Trip
Down Iato ths Miae.
Cnronor Kelly and the jurv impan
nelled lo Investigate the Riohmond
shaft iiccldent, yesterday morning
viewed the remain of Riohards anil
Northey and went down into the mine
to study the locality of tne oatastropbe.
CiUSaH made
butter '.".'c at EUlnbart'i
Artist Duthl'l Alio O.voi Security for
Hi Appesranci at Court.
Jennie Ross was brought before the
United States court yesterday and eti
tered bail In the sum of 11,300 for her
appearance at the May term of court
at Pittsburg Her stepfather, William
Ross, again qualilnd as her bondsman
Eugene Uutheil, the Lackawanna
avenue artist, who is charged with
having sent a threatening postal card
through Ihe mails to it formr ngeut of
his at Olvphant named Lubignno, en
tered bail iu the sum of $S0O for hie
appearance at the next term ot the dis
trict court in this city. Fred Durr
became his bonds man.
"li ix. sugar 11,00 at Reiuhnrt's market.
Is betweeu Meats & Hageu'a
I f Goods llousi! and ,1
Bcotl nglis' Carpet House
That is w here
vv. w. Berry's
Don't forget it. Bargains
at the old stand until then,
Look in our windows.
Best Sevs of Teeth, $8.00
Includlug the painless extracting
cf teeth by an tutiroiy new iao-SSM
S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
XTATCH this space for onr open
ing days.
Spring Is Coming.
We are showing an ex
tensive line of beautiful
Spring Garments.
It will pay you to buy a
Fur Garment and Winter
Coats before they are
packed away at less than
half price at
138 Wyoming Ave.
The only Practical Furrier in the city.
Mueic Boxee Exclusively
llest made. Play any desired number of
tunes. Qautschi & Sons., manufacturers,
1U30 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derful . organs, only $3 and $10.
Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re
paired and improved with new tunes.
FUSB creamery butter 22c at Reinhart s
PABS1 Milwaukee Bock Beer on draught
nnd Rockaway oysters, fresh from the
shell, at John Loumann h,
La kuwanna avenue,
You ore invited to visit the Scranton
Cash Furniture Store; Is now open; 134
and VM W'unbington avenue.
Anheuser Busch Beer.
'.a Lehman's, 'Sib boruc st.
Money ooes u Ion;; way without
k'ettiiio tired if you take it to
T 96 ?xenn
Copper Boilers, $2.00
Wringers, .... $1.90
Best Goods.
Steel Spiders, 15c. S2?f$
Henry Battin&Cc.
Household Specialists.
128 Wyoming Ave.
All the popular makes. The
only Olove and Corset Store in
the valley. We are now open
for business,
Ms and
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
Dr. Hill Son
Set teeth. f!iM: beat set. $8: for gold caps
and teeth without plates, called crown and
bridge work, call for pricee and referenoee
TONALQIA. for extracting teeth without
pain. Xu ether. Ko gas.
We have a large assort
ment of
Leave your order at
or 413 LACKA. AVE.
Our Lackawanna avenue
restaurant open until midnight.
Eureka Laundry Co.
Ccr. Linden St. and Adams Ave.
COVM llorsE BquAaa
All kinds of Laundry work guaranteed
t he hest.
Spring Styles in
Men's Hats, Neckwear,
Millinery and Ladies
Outer Garments