THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH S, 1894. ONE CENT A Word. Wants of alt kinds mst that mm-h rcpt Situations Hon feci, ieiicA an FRSS. f.r- tnstriea Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED ISY DIU 'HOIST, lu nui esretlonoe; Hrst-claes rdMnm Address, QPll, lu care of Tribune omoe. O lTUATlON WAN FED BY A FI HST-CLASS l bookkeeper and stenographer; win -tart at moderate srageo: can furnieh references if needed. Address, J. 0 . Bos aw, CttT; cItTjatTos wanted by A cabinet maker and carpenter in it furniture store or where needed. useful. M 1) K, tViliimr to maka hlmselt 1 1 Hyde Park For Sale. oiTsAEXFAjiTlKim' ACHES, ! ..!.. and one-halt' miles trom Dnltim on tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western rnilroad. First class farm house with a novcr tailing spring aatrbrj two barns, good land and good orchard, Win ii sold cheap. Terma 'Us.', Addict 11. F. VMS STuitOll or ISAAC ELLIS, executors, Daltou, Lackawanna rounty, Pa. iVOlt SALlv-LAliUE LINK OF NEW I bnniaai sorrles, phaeton, atora wagons, business wagons, sted skein lumber wagons it bargains at lii. T. kellek's. Lackawanna Carriage W orhs. VHtmWlLL Ill'Y A JoOO-DoLLAU CPR1GHT O piano, only it few inoiitlia in uaiv I'.M Del aware street, Qreen Bulge; owner leaving town. FA KM. STOCK SHEFFIELD. 2o GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES COB SALE Ci ACRE I1 and utensils. J, M. OITUATION WANTED -AS TKAMsTEIt. 5 Addrost F. B . 113 Forest court, city. r ANTED P08JT ON. fKBMANKNT OR traveling; hardware pieforred; f.imil' lr with arohitecta' plana, teck clerk, solici tor or collector. Address "Middlcton, 421 Monroe avenoe, " 1)1 KSUNS WASTING A LADY FOK I washing or office cleaning, eat) lis Gib- eon Htroet. tom'ATiUN WANTBDUY A YOUNG 1? man who ia wiilinn to do any kind of WOlk; ago, 19: fair penman; can furnish gissl raferenoe, Address M, G. (Post Oillcoi.Sornn- ton. . 1)Y A YoCNG MAN IN DHY GOODS OR IJ crocerv store, or some business wn ire ii could work "up. Some experience, good i ence. will work cheap. Montrose, Pa. for- Address F. O. box 72, for Kent. in'i Si r i ms on 'sEcoiiu KL' 10 V lTli range, bath; rent. I. W yonilng. ,'Olt KENT THKI E SIOBY IlKIl'h e Apply .MAI It 111'. :d Lack. live. i 1 honae. 13 1 Aoam COLLINS, azent. T.l W H'N 10 NT 1 w, i - : i ItlilCK IK ' I I, Appl st. Lack E, i ' r No. 2 llallstend place. Apply MAC KICK COLi.lNS. agent. 721 , nOR RENT ELEGANT RESIDENCE ON 1 Jefferson avenue, between Ulive and Fine. Apply 118 Wyoming avouoe. nOR RENT-8U1TE OF FOUR ROOMS ON r first floor. Webster avenue, at Jill. E. Wood, Wood's College. tVUl KENT TWO STuKY BRIOiv DWEL J; ling house: modern improvements: 814 For. si place; rent. Apply to MAURICE COLLINS, agent, 721 West Lackawanna avenue. HUM ttS LAI KA wan:::', avenue irem April I, also rooms nor. KENT on second floor well adapted for business or honae keeping, Also house uos Capouse ave- hue with all modern improvements, beauti fully papered. F 8, PAULI, li',4 Sanderson avenue. 170K RENT-STORE 5.1 LACKAWANNA V avenuo, by April. I. Enquira o; Henry Frey, til Lackawanna arenas or ut the premises. TOU RENT-THREE ROOMS, FRONT ON I s. co-ai lloor, over N. A. llulbert's nttsifl store, 117 Wyoming arenas, from April L In quire in the store. HOUSE FOB KENT ONE BLOCK PROM post office, containing lourt en rooms Bud laundry, all in tine . rder. Kino location to let fttrnjabed. Booms. Apply at r!7. street. Po LET KOlt A TF.K.M iK YEARS X I'art or all of three hundred feet of yard room along railroad Apply at dio Franklin Veutlff. ri'o RENT-STORE SSxfluOK FURNISHED 1 hail on Ureen Ridgo streat. Very Ueeira Ide location and on reasonable terms. Apply to F. V. NETTLETON or Q S. WOODRL FK, RspnbUcan buildintr. Agents Wanted. MAN" Vt ITU LIFE AND FIRE experience as solicitor in Lackawanna county; g'ssl IndnoententS to rislit man. Address IlSo-iW Bi-tz building, Philadelphia, Pa. U- AN TED -HOYS AND GIRLS WHO wish to make money when out of School; send name and we will tell yon how; no money wanted. F. STAYXER. Providence K. I. Monroe ave. I70R SALE OR EXCHANGE FOB SCRAN I ton DroDsrtv A hsarlna orangs arovt Inereaatng in production and value yearly in the nraneo section In Morula. Addles r r, NLTTLETON. Lnke Helen. Florida Dissolution of Partnership. 1SS0LUTION OF tO PARTNERSHIP. 1 he ro-i, irtnershio her.tofore exi.stmi: between William Wolokers and Ernest Friend, under the arm name of W Welckcr, is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. Tho business will be conttuu'd by the said W. Wclcker, to whom all debts due the late Arm must be paid, and to whom all claims against said firm should be presented for pat merit. W. WELCKER, E. FRIEND. Soranton, Pa., March 0, IBM. Banking. DEPORT OF THE CONDITION IV OF Till. BCRANTON SAVINGS HANK AND TRUST company OF BCRANTON, No. 401 Laekawanna arenas, of Laokawanna county, Pennaylvanla,at the dose of business, February 18, UH: liESOCKCES. Cash on hand 8 B.481 17 Checks and other cash Hums -'.'.'" M Due from bunks and bankers 133.46s Loans and discounts ol,-M U Stocks, Bonds, ) 1 .... 'Nt " . I "II I I m8nU..W6.o5).8bl Real estate, furniture and fixtures, . 4,4:fl I", Overdrafts U) 31 larsBtmcnt Mscurlties owned, vir. VITANTED- t t Insuranc e28,8W 7'i LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in J WW ml Surplus fund gAODU OU Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes pain 7.0M Deposits subject to check'.ll Id Tune certificates ot detioslt. l.lul Dividends unpaid lilO fti-.M. sj;i A report in detail of aboVO SSOUrttlss has been made to c. ii. Krumbnaar, superinteU' dent ot hiitikiio;. as call d for. statu of Pennsylvania, County of Lacks. tvannn. ss. :. 1. U. S. Kirkpatrick. assistant, cashier of the a oove nam so oanx, uu soiumniy swsar that the above statement is true to the b"st.'of my knowledge and belief, (signed) II. KiKKPA THICK, Assistant Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 0th day of March. InH fSlgnedJ O. B. PARTRIDGE, Notary Public Correct Attest: CSlgned) E N, WILLARD, L. A. WATRES, M. .1. WILSON, Directors. DEPORT oF THE CONDITION Li oF THE LACKAWANNA TRCST AND SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY of 404 Lackawanna avenue, Scran ton, Lack awunua count v, Ponnsvlvaula, at the clusi of business, Feb. -. 1D04; RESOLRCF.S, Cash on huiiil S U8,79l Oil .1.101 183.33H 12.748 SO 11 'ANTED- TWO YoL'N'G MEN OF GOOD Steady employment for irood men. .NAlluAu i it Arcade building. Anolv VlTloVl, I I F.VM TlllVKI. IHKI'iVV B1 Special Noticc3. (LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAOA zines, etc., b und or rdsmnd at Tiif. Tit I BI NE otfice. tuiek work. Reaionalde prices. TF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN OALIFOR 1 nia you shon'd have our pamphl -t on the rcsonn-es of that ltat It dsscrlbsa n at bargains. Pamphlet (res. Foster A Wood Son, 144 Washington street. Chicago. VfEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD T 111. i'l corner Spruce street and Franklin nvo- nne. Twenty meal table board . tickets for $a..V). Good Re: estate. WILL BUY A SPLENDID HOTJ8E O, (if nine rooms; last location in Green RidRe, if sold before April 1st: all modern lm proveinents. In'iuiretftJ Delaware street. T70R SALE-SINGLE HOUSE, ()5(L'INuy V avenue; very desirable location. Anply i F. REYNOLDS, or WILLAiiD. WARtiLN K N A PP. OV.5aU WILL BUY MODERN NEWS ROOM tD house, all improvements; terms easy; cor err Madison avenue and Delewuro streo& Ap I .v HARRY LEES. 1,4110 WILL BUY VERY DESIRABLE LOT O corner Madison avenue and Dcl.i-.vari ttreet. Terms easy Apply HARRY LEES, Charter Application. AT OTICE IsliEHKBY GIVEN THAT AN Xy application will bsmadstotheOorsrnor Of IBS Lommonweiiitti ,,r ivnnsynauiii on Baturday ftie '.'4th day of March, A. D.. Is'ji liytiaorn M. Uarnenter, .lames w.Smitn, Albert W. Reyuulda, George ) 'Tiampliti, Edward J. Northun, Jerome Britti n, John W. Miil.rand Albert II Turner, under the Act of the Astembly of the ConimouvoBlth of I'onn sylvania, " entitled "An Oct to provide for tho in 'orporation and retrain ti 0U ol certain oorpO1 raiions.-' spprorod April SB, A. 0,1874, and the (o.pplemen. s thereto for tbn charter of an In tended ' orporation to bo called, tho "Scran ton Dairy company" the character and ob jector wnic.i is the t-rodurin and maiiufac turuiK milk, butter, choose, butter milk, and other dairy products male from milk and e Hug the same, and f ir these purposes to have, possess and onjoy, nil the Hunts, benefits MM) privileges of tho said Act of Assembly, aUd its supplements HORATIO N. PATRICK. Solicitor. Checks and other cash items Due from bsnks and bankers . . Commercial and other paper owned 136,471 Kl Call loans upon collaterals IT.fiKI till Iiuie loans upon collaterals Loans upon bonds and mortgages... investment i ococga,uonas, j securities Ac S4l),4B2 82 - 'i'i7,VJl owned, viz.: I Mtaagea.. 117.V.".i lot estate, furniture and fixtures. 33,311 20 Mile deposit vaults 3U.00U IN Overdrafts ftl Kl jliscellane, us assets .,101 001,481 i7 LIABILITIES. Cnpital stock paid in surplus i una Undivided profits, les expenses anil taxes paid Deposits subject to check Deposits special Due to banks and I ankers Dividends unpaid Commercial and other paper or se curities xdedged Bills payable Miscellaneous liabilities 1250,000 0 1 uO.IMI lJ 55.1,40 lii.i1i.-i 7,879 :w:i 00 None Nou. None Amount Trust Funds Invested.... Amount Trust Funds uninvested. ?'.l.i:il 17 ,.5 30,007 :,4 8 37, UK 83 Report in detail of above securities hi been made to C. H, KRI MBHAAH, Superin- leimeni: oi ttanKintr. as eaneii ror. State of Pennsylvania, County of Lacka wanna, ss.: I.Henry J. Anderson. vice prest.of the alsiv Q mod company, 00 solemnly awear that the a .ove statement is true to ttio ocst of my a lowieoge iini; oeuei, Leumpai H. .1. ANDERSON, Vlce Pr Bubscrihod und sworn to before mo this oth day ot .uarch. ls.M i signed) MH.T'oN W. LOWLY, Notary Public. Correct Attest: - (Signed) WM. T. SMITH r: r CEO BLACK. SANDERSON, Directors. 8 Proposals. r'.ALEI) PROPOSALS will be re- ceived up to noon, Ititn Inst., for the ex cavating reqnirnd for no building, comer of Wtomttlg avenuo and BpTUOfl street. Plans and specifications may be obtained upon ap plication to John a. Duckworth, Architect. 44 Coal Exchange Building. 'BALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE- ceived at the ofip-e of the city clerk, BCrantOn, Pa., until 7.30 o'clock a m., Thurs day, March Utbi IhOI. to eonstiuct a terra CottS pipe drain with receivers and fixtures. The said drain to commence at a point at the Westerly corner of Sumner avenuo and Petto hone street, thence extends westerly through prints property to Gernldine court, a dis o about one hundred and llfty-five .'l et. thence si u'.h Westerly along said Oer lldine court, a distance of about OSS hundred 0t; thence north westerly through private in perty n dlsttnce of about one hundred and arty two and ono balf feet to Lincoln avenue; SMhOS in the same direction across Lincoln avenuo, a distance of about flltytwo and one half feet. Bidderi shall enclose with each proposal the sum of twonty five dollars qash or certified chis-k, ns a gunrnn'e- to comply with proposal if awarded lh" contract In case the (bidder to whom the contract shall have boon awarded, omits to ox IQOtS a contract for said work within ten- days from date of SWHrd. tho encli sure accompanying his pro pOOS) shall bo forfeited to the use of the dty f Soranton. The city rostrrss In rloht to raisot snjr or all bids By order of the city iouncils. M. .1. LAVELLi:, City Clerk. BcTsntOn, Pa., Maroh 8. 1801. DROPOSALS' WILL BE RECEIVED 1 until Thursday, March H. UH, by tho in lAaMSanad for the building nf a foundation Wall for tho Methodist In.' church of 1 kti.l . Matorial such as stoue. lims. sand, etc.. to Isi famished nnd plai cd on the ground bv the bulldlnr committee. Commltto re- srrvee right to reiut any or all bids at their discretion. H. CHAPMAN, secretury of com mitte. Box SOil, Peckvllle, Pa. ITevkville, Fob. 24, 1804. Nsw York Producs Markst. New York. March 7. FLoUH-uiot, steady. WHEAT Dull llrmor with options; No red store and elevator, n)fo6s)(c.: nttoat, hie: r. o. D,, uMMHO,! iitiKrudea No 0OM00.J No, 1 northern, (;!i4c. ; options were fairly active, irregular, and closed firm nt sn advance of KsWe.J No. 2 rd, .March, wgi!.; .May, t)4Hc-: July, (id :c. August, tiifi - September, O'Jc. ; Decembor, cohn DnlL firmer; No, ?, 43MaSBUo elevator, 44Vo44m a, sflont: OPtioos, dull but Closes llrnt at Hdvanco; March, 3Xc; April nna Amy --c.; duly. I4',c. iJATs-rairiy nctive.lirmer: options more smve, strongor; ataron, diic. ; April. jojiic; amy, DOMa; no, wmto. unroll. April, IWc: spot price- N i. '.I. 37k"c, No. 2 white. 8 Un.'i'Jc. ; No 2 Chicago. 'Vc.; No. 3, odJ4Xc. No. whit,, do. 87a l7!4c: mixed western, t8oMi4f white do.. SWMkVi. white Rtate, bl)a42.c. i-.trr-iulet, stendy, uncbtingod. BlBF Hams Dull. 'JigiKT.n Bkef-DuII, stendv: city oxtrn India most, otoaxu, ( UT Mkats Quiet, weak; pickled hob lies, OKI OO, shoulders, 0WMI do. hams. IH rsmrii rs nnminii. Lahd Quiet, llrmor; western steam. ?7..i7W; city, ftisR(lKc. ; Mart h. 17.80 1 Mnv. (7.8(1; rsdned, quiet; contimmt 17 80; Souih America, s iu; oomDouno. OSDMa, I'oItK .Moderate deiuimd. steady: mess. jl.i.oai.i ij. i'.UTTKit Lnrt;e supply, lowor; state dairy, new, loulai 00, Old. iMloja, I do, creamery, new, 23o, I'eiinsvlvnnln, do., SSO,; weHiorn DanrT, now, IsMglOO,! do. creamery, now, lonWS,) do. factory, 11a ISO.) rolls, liable; Klgins. V!2e. ; Imlta tion creamery, 13a 17c Ciikemk ! irm, Rood demnnd; alnte latrfrv, VXalliJ.; fancy, ll) MBnU, infill. ic; part sklins, oHalUc. ; lull skims, 2a3c. LdOH rnlr demnnd, firmer; state and lVntisvlvania, liul7c,; ice hotiso per case, fw,MMa.W western irotn, l,o, duck, 283tlc. : southern, 14(nl7c. i Philadelphia Tallow Markat. rnii.AriKM'lUA, inarm .. TSUUW was (juiot und steady. I'ricos wore. Priino city, in hogshead", 4c; prims couu- try, iu hogsheads, IJ4C ; do. dark, in hog. heuus, tc. ; enkes, oc. ; grease, 4c. Coxe Bros. & Co. Greatly Benefited by Their Deal with the Lehigh Valley. THEY CAN NOW ACT INDEPENDENTLY Although They Are as Yet Working in Harmony with the I raae, I heir Situation Is Represented to Be One Which Gives Them the Power to Pursue Whatever Course They May Elect Other News and Gossip Re- I ti:u; to Industries. Says tho Philadelphia Stockholder: When tho Lsliioh Valley railroad en tered into a truckage, iigroeimint with the Delaware, SuHiiuehanna oc Schuyl kill. thsHhort roatl owned by Coxo liroa. & in. it was Minted that the doiil would be most beneficial to the Lehigh Volley. It is uow, however, uu open question whether elicit will In the case. indeed, thrru is reason to bolievu that all ths advantage nnd benefit attaching to the dual is on tht side of Coxe Uros. & Co. By Uling their own cars and locomotives they practically become independent snippers as tiny have bvuu producers, arid us such are likely to no more of a lance in the coal trails than eror before, What is to prevent their reducing freight rtte to tidewater wheuevor tuoy electV Not their con tract with the Lii ;li Valley certainly, tor, aivoioiti.; to 11 Kcntlemuii who ex amined tho contract very closely, It contains that prevents thorn from low erinn rates to tidewater if they fuel so disposed. Whether tliey will do so is another question, but if Cjxj Bros. & Co. want to bo consistent they will cer tainly make a reduction. In their suit against they Labigll Valley, which was instituted several yesia ago, and which id still ponding iu court, they charged discrimination in coal In ; lit rates, holding that tbu rats to tidewater from the minss was excess- If it was excessive theu it is ex cessive now, nnd Loxo oros. 6c Lo. owe it to theiuselres to lower the rate, ither that or withdraw their suit ainst the Lehigh Valley, as they would have hut little standing iu a case where they are doiug the same thing they charge others with dolnx If they lower the rats the other com panies would naturally be ooBtpolled to uieet the reduction, else Cm 13,-os. & Co. would sretire u much larger por tion of tiJewatur buiiness than thuy now enjoy. P. F. Lsufmnn, the liionoer tin plate manufacturer of Pittsburg, says he has discovered that a 0 imbius of Welsh operators will be formed to nullify a slight advantage which the Wilson bill has unintentionally given the Ameri can producers while destroying ths pro tective duties Mr. Lauliil in has stu I- led the Wilson bill and keepi track of all tlie changes in it which : 1 the iron interests. He discovered a few days ago, after having closely watched the Huns 1 marksts that it was going to be p issible by making close margins to carry on tho tin plate industry in America even umier the Wilson bill. How cIori Mr. Liufmun tigursd on tins 111 ty be seen iroui tlie fact that in one instance tho Amer icans will have an advantage of only cents on a double box oi over 800 pounds of tinplate. Under tin rj'iim which will tie inaugurated with tho passage of the bill, if it pisses in its present shape, it will be impossible for Western Pennsylvania m inufacturers to compete iu eastern marksts or lor the eastern manufacturers to sell goods west of the Allegheny mountains, lhe reason tor this is that the Western manufacturers can produce their own block plates cheap enough to meet the foreign compslition, while tho Wilson bill hns put the duty ou block plat-s low OUOU)(h for the eastern oper.itots to import and sell them low nuough to meet the foreign competition. And this is where tun Welshmen will get in their work Tney won't send block pi itrs to America, and the eastern dip per will, in oontequeooe, bo left. The wi stern mills will not suffer so much. Iu the conrse of nn extended editorial discussion of the free coal project the New York Sun Fays: "TO measure ih' severity of the competition to which American producers would ha subjected by their Canadian rivals, in case coal should bo imported free of duty, one should take into account tho sitintion of the Canadian coal Qlldt. us well as the unlimited extension of which their output iscapable. There nrs great deposits "n the very ede of the Atlantic and Pacific, coasts, while tho intervening mines lie for the moil part 011 tho Hue of the Canndisn Paci fic railway. Immediately behind Hali fax, for instance, and closely connected with It by rail, are the Pictou nnd other Nova Scotia coal fields, which, even now, while their product is shut off from the American market, turn out about l,00d, 000 tons of coal psr an num, lo tlie northwest h tho island of Cnp3 Ilreton, around whose (ino har bors ro numerous mines Irom wtnen are raised yearly 1,OJO,00() tons of cosl of excellent quantity for steaming and other purposes. It is impoisible for coal fields to have a more advantageous ponitlon. for hero the months of tho hits are in somo cases close to the shore, and as the mines aro oarnel far out under tho s?a, a ship may hind di rectly over the spot whence the coal Is obtained. contains a larger amount of fixed car bon than the urodnct of esstnrn Ponti- sylvania, burns rather more rapidly. and gives out a grsater heat. This coal is used exclusively by the Caun- diun Pacific railway for heating its curs aa far eastward as Like Superior, md it is sold for domestic piirnojes us far eastward as Winnipeg. t Canmnre, only ten miles distant from the anthracit i mine, is found an other kind of coal, uliuoiit smokeless, ind possessing the onaTlty of cooking well. Wereit admitted in the markets of our states near it its adsptitiility to smelting purposes and relative cheap ness would drive out all competitors. Coming eastward we find in tho prtirle country of the Canadian Northwest uti other extensive coal deposit. The Gait mines at Lsthbridge yield a good bit nmlnous 0 ml. well ml ipted to railway uses, which, if the duty were removed. would be exported in large quail ti tles to the states lying iiiimeoi- ately to tne south. It is estimated by Dr. Dawson, that the coal masanrns stretching eastward from the Ltth- bridge, along the American border, to Mauitoba, cover ITlOOO suuaro milea. We may add that along the banks of the Saskatchewan, in, the vicinity of Icliiiunton, thick seams of ooal are visi ble, and that a serviceable domestic oal is delivered at tlie place for $2 50 a ton. lo obtain free nccess to the iVinerican market for the ontpnt of these vast coal deposits, and for the other uatural prodn -ts of tho Dominion ttioro is no doubt that Canndaiana would eventually const nt to annexa tion. It is tho part of American pa triots to give for nothing a privilege which ought to be sold for a great price." Mine Inspector Williams, of tho Fourth Anthracite district, has just completed his annual report for 1808, It shows a total production of b.OOo, 708 tons mined. This is an increase of 016, 111!) tons in production over 1802. '1 bo total number of men employed in 1K!M was 22,790, an increase of 1,009 Ouritig the year there were killed in the mines, 77, and injured, 221, leav ing 49 widows and 1111 orphans, MiNoit IsDcsTitiAL Notes: ; An official of the Pennsylvania railroad snys there has been a decided increase in freight business within tho last two weeks on t hat road, both cabt aud west. A 1 irgo atuonut of coal snd coke is being Bhippsd from the CoDneltSTillS region, and 400 empty box cars have been ordered west for eastern giaiu and live stock i-bipiuouts. Tho trafllc is deoldedly better tbau it was a month ago, aud will, it is thought, cou-tluut- to increase. A lurijo steel manufacturer says that sieel rails last week ssld ut tho lowest price ou record. Tho Susquehanna nnd Western railroad lias changed its fiscal yesr to Juno 30 from Dec. 81, in order to comply with the iuter taje commerce soti consequently uo an nual report will bo made this spring. Passenger rates eastbotiud from Chicago aro bt iug cluudestiuely cut. nnd railroad managers will meet Friday to brace them up. Drexel, Morgan & Co. aud J. B. Morgan Co. announce that tho Lrio plan has been declared operative, a majority of each ulitkS of bonds having been depjsited. Connolly & Wallace KID GLOVES All Si zes and Every Conceivable Color. Our regular $2 quality. At the Special Price of ....... . 1$1.12P The greatest bargain in Kid Gloves ever offered. Do not fail to see them. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insuring cleanliness and comfort TIMK taule in SITBCT 11:11. 1. MM, Trains leave Scranton for Pittston, Wtlkes Ilarru, etc , atH.10, IMS, 11 III) a. in., 12.1U, 2.00, H8 'VI1' I-W 11 05 '' m Sundays, U.UU a. m., LOO, 1.00, , .10 p. m. For Atlantic Citv. H lo ,n i or .New ,irlt, iNewi AND ExprMS (express j a. m., pallor car), 8.80 (express) p. in. Newark and Elisabeth. 8.10 IX.3U (ezDrasa with Bntrat n. in. Sunduv. L'.UO I on MAI en Cbdkk, Allsxtows, Brbls mi:m, Kai.toS! and 1'uii.aiiku'IUA, H.Iii a. m U'.. a.ild. r,.ii0 (except Philadelphia) p. lu. Sundsy, 2 Wy. m F 1 For Lono IIiiahcii, Ocua.n GltovE, etc., at s.lOa. m.. I2.:tup m. For UeadmgLebanon and Harrlsbnrs, via Allentowu, H.lUa. in., U.80, J.oo, p.m. Bunday, -.00 p. ni. For Pottsvllle. H lu a. in., 1180 p. in. Returning, leave Now York. fiKit of Liberty street. North river, at !;10 (express) a. m., LIU, 1.90, 4,80 (express with Ballet parlor cur; p. m. Sunday, fcSO n. in. Leave Philadelphia, Beading Terminal. tf.OU n. m., .00 and I.8J p. m. Sundsy, 6.81 a. n.. Through tickets to all points ut lowest rates may be had on application in advnuco to tho ticket agent at tho station. 11. L'. I1ALDWIN, . . Gen. Pass. Agont. J. II. OLIIAVSEN. Ben, supt. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Sticks and Bondi. New Yoiik, March 7 American sufjar was uijein the feature of tho stock market. The price ranged from BOX t0 8Mii and closed at 'J4,, a new gain of t. The transactions Were Dot as heavy as on yes terday, but still reacli-d 10D,tX)0 shares. The b.'iirs were not permitted to hsve con trol of tho stock ut any time, although when It touched Wlf they were imprested with tho idea that the bull movement was over ard they put out Iresh Hues. The other Industrials were ia brisk de- msnd ami moved up rapidly. These stocks were Influenced by Washing ton reports that tho senate would grant ome lirotertloti lo all the liidu-trles. At least this was the reason ascribed iu the room for the improvement in the stocks. The general railway list was ilrmiutbe early trailing iu syinntby with the strength of mgar. Later on there was a re-actiou of to 1 per cent. Still Inter on Loudon houses bought round amouuts ol the Grantors and other stocks ami this hanged the temper of spend itlon nnd tl e market fell off strong with a net gain f iai tor tho day. The foilowinir comiilete t.thlo shotrmi? the dny 'h tluctu.ttloiis in active stocks is supplied smi roviseo uany oy uaoav riiu.r, stoca brokers, 11 Wyoming avenue: Open- Hleh Lew Clos- Inc. est est. lug, .. 2711 U "Tl 211 .. 01 OH UU H4 .. IfK it I2U la ... 'UH rd?S (04 614fj Hucklen's Arnica Salvs. Tho best salvo In the world for Huts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever rsores, loiter, mapped Hands, i hilblalns. UOrna and nil rikin bmptiniis, nnd posi tively cures Piles, or uo pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price cents per uox. ror sale uy aiatthews llroa. IlgNiiY SrnoKPiiALH, foreman Henry Krug riicKing company, St. JOOSBU'S, Mo uses Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil with his men for sprains, cuts, bruises chapped hsuus, etc. it is tne Dest. 'If we cross lhe continent, wo find tho coal of Itritish ('nlutnbia cipially well nlecd for acquiring control of the neighboring American markets, if it is admitted to them !freo. It should be remembered that along tho whole Paci flu coast of South Amorlca there is uo coal found suitable for steaming pur pos"s, nor is there any on the coast of North America until wn come to Pneet Sound. Ob the American shore ou this Round there are coal fields now worksd, hut their product will bs driven from our home markets if it is expotod to competition with the output of the richer deposits on Vancouvor Island. Tho annual delivery of the mines at Nannimoaud Wellington on.this island has rapidly risen above a million tons, and ii c.ipablo of great expan sion. At iNatiitimo, moreover, the principal mine is directly on the shore. and the gallsries ar piuhod out far under tho watar, so that here, as at Cape Breton, ship may load iminedi ntely over tho place from which the coal ia extracted. There nro, thtfe fore no chsrges for transportation from ih' pit's mouth to the plaoj of ship nient. Another important coal area of the Dominion has lately bnn opined in the Rocky Mountain district. A few miles from UmfT, unl scarcely hundred yards from th lino of the Canadian Paelflo railway, n mine of anthracite coal is now worked, ahQ many outcrops of the same deposit nre Am. Cot. Oil.. Am Sugar.... A T. As S. V... an. So en. N. .1 ( hie. & N. V IMU II. & O Tlili Chic, (las (I.MJ I.. C. C.&Ht. L... nu ol. llock.Val. &T 1). & 11 M M I). & C. r Krlo (1. E. Co Lake Shore.., I,, ft N Manhattan... Miss. Pnc Nat. Lead N. Y. ft N. E N. Y. Central.. N. Y..O.ft W. N. Y..S. ft W, II. S. C. Co North Pad North l'nc. pf.. Omaha , Pac. Mail , Keadlntr Itoek Island to It.T 4'i St. Paul BOM i row ls snz mi as le.-,M SOtJ f.v, asm . KM . 17 . l-'3s .127 . 47 .in 1 1 Vt ,100! , . im . hi . in . H . m nsii 18614 uM :.M, 8H I'..c. ft I Texas ft l'ac i n,. .ii l'ac Wabssn, pf W. 1'nlon W. ft L. U W. J L. L. Ill' llll l- MOM m ij 4i mt . .. i " i I74 47 :u IU lUM IJ4W tttt SPj 21-u IN M2 :;m HM IPs, I3U IKiH 100m loouj mi Wn IOm IH 111 10 W-i It Hit-Sj ii, h m IS. 1S;(, W m :m aii M iiii 7i U N '0 H M t.ii Ml 82M 'Jiti 80 sm 1SH ISM i lKl, c7Ki MM s5s HM W LL1IIUU VALLEY UAILHOA1J. Pan. ii, lsoi. Train leaves Seranton tap Philndelnhin nnd New York via, L. ft 11. 11 . at s a.m. l-'.ln, ills and 11.83 p. m via D., L. ft V. K. It , u 00, a. in., and 1.3I) p. in. Leave Seranton for Pittston nnd Wilkes Iiarro vial).. L ft W. 11. li (i.Od, 8.08, 11. iJ a. m , 1.30, ItSo. ii.UT, 9.88 p. m. Leave BofantOfl lor White Haven, Hazloton, Pottsvllle and all points on the Heaver Meadow and Pottsvllle branches, via E ft W. V , 0.40a.m., VIS D. ft H. H. It. at. S a.m., 1X10, 1 1 p.m, via I).. L. ft W. K. R G.OO.S.IM, ll.Ala.m., 130. a.Vii.m. Leave Seranton for Bethlehem, F.nston, Heading, Hurrlsburg mid all intermediate points via L). ft H. K. It., Sam .12.10. 8.88, 11.83 ji.m .via U L. ft W. ft, U..B.OO.S.08. 11.20 a. lu., LOO p.m. Leave Seranton forTiuikhtuno k. Towitu la, Elinira. Ithaca, Geneva and all inter medltts points via 1). ft 11 R.R..9.U7 s.m.,12 Id and 11.35 p. m.. via D. L. ft V. K It., s.ijs,l.:w p. m. Leave Seranton for Kochostor, Buffalo. Ni agura Falls, hetrelt, Chieago and all points west via D. ft 11. H. It. B.07,12 lO.O.lfi .11.81 p. m . via D. L. ft W. R. R. and PitUton Junction, S US a m 180 0 3.S p. in., via E ft W. R H.. 3.11 p. u. For Elm rn and th) West via Sal unmo i. via I), ft 11. It. It U.U7 a.m.. Utl0,tt.lfi p. m.. via D L. & W h.k.. ,808a.m., Lrioand o.u7p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. ehair cars on all trams between L ft B. Junotion "r Wilkes Harre and New York, Philadelp'iia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge ROLLIN H W1LHUK, Uon. Sunt. East Die ( HAS S. L'-'.K (ten. Pasv Ag't, Phila.Pt. A W NoXXF.MACHEIt.Ass-t Q n Pass Ag't South Bethlehem. Pa, DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA WFJSTEK.I RAIl.ROAU Trains loave Scranton as follows: for New York and nil itniiitA V.uut 1 5. IB, 8.00 and D.fiO a. m. ; IS 53 und 3.50 p, m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philudelphlu and the South, 515, B.00 and 0.50 a. m.; ia,55 aud 8.50 p, m. Washington and way stations, 2.40 p. m. Tobybanna accouimisiatlon, 0.10 p. m. Expr ss for Bintthainton, Oswogo, Elmlra, Cortilng, Bath. Uansvllle, Mount Morris aud Buffalo, 12.10, 2 lie. In. and 1 24 p. m., making close connections at Buffalo to all points in the West. Northwest and Southwest. Buffalo accommodation, B OO a. m. BlDghamton uud way stations, 12.37 p. m. Nicholson and wuv statious, 5 45 p m. BluKbamton and Elmlra Express, 6 05 p.m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse. Oswego, L'ticannd Richfield Springs, 2.1J a. m. and 1.24 p. m. Itasca, 2.13 and O.nO a. m. nnd 1.24 p. ni. For Northumlsrland, Pittston, WiikosBarre, Plymouth, Uloomsburg and Danville, making close connections at Northumberland for Wllllamsport. Harrlsburg, Btdtlmoro, Wash ington and the South. Northumberland uud Intermediate stations, 800, 0.50 n m. nnd 1.30 and 807 p. m. Nantlcoke and intermediate stations. R.OS and 11.2U n. m Plymouth and Intermediate stations, 3.50 and 0.3s p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches ou all express trnins. For detailed Information, p kettlm (tables, etc , npply to M. L. Smith, city ticket offlco, o2s Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket odico. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THURSDAY, MAIL 8. ERIE AND WYOMING VALLEY RAIL KOAD Train leave Scranton for New York snd in termediate points on the Eric railroad at 8,88 a. m. ami d.24 p m. Also for Hawloy and local points at 8 35. 0.45 and 3.24 p m. Tram leaving at 0 45 a. m. and 3 24 pm. are tnrougn trains to and from HonesJalo. Trains loave for Wilkt-s-Barru nt 0.40 a. m. and 3.41 p. in. WE BELIEVE sou 1-',K 9 Chicago Oram and Provision. KonANTON. March 7. The following .mot . lions are sup3llud aud corrneted daily by La liar oc r liner, stoca nrouor,ui irjomins avo nue. WHEAT. Vnr. Opening fisij Highest Mf Lowest Sstii Closing fisaj CORN. Opnning. Highest.. Lowest.., (losing.., OATH. (pulling.., Highest... .Mnv. mm 'OH 8sU ooM Ju'v. B1U BB Ollj 02)4 rr l5H 83 8','3s JOlf ml Lowest !iiU Closing ;ii, POBK. Opening Iir, Highest. 11.32 Lowest 114.3 Closing 1152 LARD. Opening rs, lllghoat. 888 Lowest...., BU3 Closing 8M UII'iRT RIBS. Opening fOO Highest 000 Lowest (HRI Closing BU0 H7 7's B7 KU BOM .;!( SUM 1115 11(17 1112 11U2 (W.3 Oil IM two 507 dill Ha Bo" ns WC14 2su BSM IBM 1170 11711 H7n 1170 077 881 0 e5 0B7 807 OUT 007 found in the vicinity. Tuis anthracite j Bittors A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of C'anajoharie, N. Y., says that he always ktwps I)r. Kings New Discovery in tbo house, and bis family has always found tho verv best insults follow Its use; that ho would not ho without it. if procurable. O. A. Dykaman. druggist, tJatUkttl, N. Y says that Dr. King's Now Dlscoveiy Is undoubtedly the best cough remedy; that he has used it in his family for right years, and It has never failed to do all that Is claimed for it. Why not tro s remedy so long tried and tested? Trial bottles free at Matthews Bros', drug story. Regular sizo 50c. and 81.00. The secret nrt nf beautv lios not in cos metics, but is only In puro blood, and a healthy performance of the vital functions, to be obtalucd bv indue Burdock Blood DELAWARE AND HUD SON KAILROAD. Commencing May 88, 1882, trains will run as follows: Trains leave Bridge Street Station, Seranton, for Pitts ton. Wllke Harre, etc., 8.00, J.7. 0 37, 10 42 a. m.. 12.10. 1,25. 8.88. 4 .1(1. 5.13, 8.15, 0.15 and 11,88 p. m. For New York and Phil i- (lulobia, sou a. in.. 18.18 1.2,1 888, 118 and 11.80 p. ni. l or Honesdale i trom Delaware. Lackawanna and western depot;, 7 0J, S.3U. 10.10 a. m.. 12 00 m.. 2.17. 5 10 p. m. For Carliondsle and Intermediate stations. 5.40, 7 00. H.iiO. 10.10a. m . 12.ou m.,2 17, 8.85,8 in, 0 80 and 0 35 p. in ; from Bridge Ktreet Depot, K.UI n. m., .i i u .o p. m. F'lst express to Altuinv. Saratoga, the AO p ndiirk Mountains, Boston and New EngteM points. 5.40 a m arrlvint st Albany 12.4.3. Saratoga 2 80 p. in , nnd leaving Scranton at :i p m . arriving at Alhany at ABO p. in., Sara toga, 12 68 a m , nnd B ston, T.00 a. m. The only direct route between the coal Holds md Boston "Iho Leading Tourist.-, Route of America" to the Adirondack Mountain re forts. Lakes (ieorge and Chumplain, Montreal, etc. Mine table- showing leeal and through train service between stations on nil divisions Dela ware and Hudson system, may bo obtained It all Delaware and Hudson ticket offlees. ii. o yocno. .i. w. nuitnii'K, Pecond Vice Prosident. lien. Pass. Agt. Wc have the hand somest line of Parlor and Drawing Room Tho Romsntic Actor, DUNCAN B. HARRISON And company in the Sonsational Comedy Drain a. The Paymaster SPECIAL SCENERY AND EFFECTS. Special ongagomont of tho World's Champio n C. .. SAMPSON 8tr0??aEu'v Sandow's only equal. Performs every feat that Sandow doea, Holds the championship bolt of tho world. Lifted 4,000 pounds. bale opens Tuesday. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. A NOTABLE EVENT. FRIDAY, MARCH O. CHARLES FROHMAN'S COMPANY Presenting Bclasco and Fylos' remarkably successful American drama. The Girl I Left Behind Me With all tho scenic environment and correct surronndinus that characterized thij produc tion. 2i0 nijjhts in New York. 150 nights In Chicago 60 niithts in Philadelphia. PRICES-Parlor and Orchestra. 81 Orches tra Circle and two first rows Balcony, Tic.; romsinder of Balcony. 50c. ; Gallery. 25c Sale opens Wednesday. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SATURDAY. MARCH 10. Furniture ever shown in this state and we would like you to see it. Mill Sc Connell Washington Ava. The Inimitable Comody Farce, THE SKATING RINK The funny comedy up to date, produeed with many scenic and electric features and a cast of incompnrable artists, amoni wbom may be mentioned Flora Finlavton, Leona Clark. Belle Martin. Fred Frier, 'James stur Kis, Harry Nelson, Joseph F. Spark Mkd Nat Cantor. SEE ln'' Eleotrleal Eccentricities. The Droll Comediana Sale opens Thuisday. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MONDAY. MARCH 12. RETURN ENGAGEMENT. The Ooqnelln of Irish Comedy. WM. BARRY In his latest and greatest comedy success The Rising Generation By Wm. Gill Beautifully Staled. C I.1 1? Tn'' "reel Game of Draw Poker OJjIj Th- Sextette of Graceful Dancerj. The Up to-Date Comedy. Sale opens Friday. PRATlN nil I-IOV In I'n'rrl .Innunrv 2H. 1804k Knnh limine. 2011 207 20o v a H M Stations (Trains Dally noiiiIi Bound. . (12 -M I 2ll -i 3 -s s'? 3 t IT " S lt- - rent Sunday I r H r x H 801 H 10 T.'d 7 fT 19: 7 Ov . I I rd M I : I' ll II o:is (8 M'i Ii Sit1 1129 5 21 ffl l ' I 18 M 6SH p M'Arrlvu Leave, 7 2.VN Y Franklin s;.. .. 7 in West -Wild street . 7 e; weehawken .. e M Arrive Leave t 1 . It,. 11 . 1 mi 12 SS' 1888 12 47 12 112 12 88 12 lit MM II 60 II 41 r, 27riM0i 8W 1 1 it'll r, 14 n n 507 so: (I On i fr. Mil - 0 10 4 So II OS; 1 1 l fll2.-, II 21 II 17: u is ll 1:1 il in p m'p h!a M Leave lllllleoek Btarllsbt ih estoii pert como I'oyntelle Uelmonl ITessaiit Mt. I i I i ,1 ,1 Forset city Cmbondiiin White,',- May field Jenny n Archlbsld Wlntoii Peekvtlle OLvpnant Dickson Thtoop Provtdeiice 1'aik Plnco scranton Arrive 2 x sa X M 7 3S 7 9(1 800 I' M ,2 0B I 2 11 2 24 2 31 I 2 41 2SII 2 B4 :i oJ H 09 1 111 (', 00 0 I (1 li is, i; 2S 3J B I ii IS ss1 IS Be . 10 s 24 9 49 3 81 27 II 4S 111, Is C 88 id mm. is 7 all 9 90,8 4A 7 III 10 02 II SI 7 4n io us 7 4S 10 1(1 7 92 10 IS 7 84 10 1 7 SO 10 2,1; s 0,1 )e :.'! H 11210 21 II M 3 Ml i M 1(1 i pi 4 14 I 17 H OS 111 80, 4 2il I KA M r M 93 - DON'T FORGET That we are headquarters tor everything In the line of ILITCHKS. If you have any Idea of purchasing any kind of n Watch, lady's or Rout's. Gold or Sliver, you will make a griev ous mistako It yon do not giro us n call nod get our prices, which you will find far below all otners, especially in all the hlyh grades of Elgin, Walthain and Hampden movements If you have any doubts and nre at all posted on yrtcne give usa call and ws will have no trouble in convincing you. We still havoa largo took to dispose of, and will offer you won derful inducements in Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks and nil other goods which wo have In stork. C. W. Freeman IV nn Ave. nnd iSjirnce St. Week commencing MONDAY. MAB4 H . WonderlandTheatreCo. Monday. Tuesday and BoncicBult's G:eat I: Wednfsday, lsh Flay. COLLEEN : BAWN Thursday, Fridiy and Saturday, Streets of New York ADMISSION", lO.ttO nnd .10 CENTS. Opera chaits can be reserved, by number, every af ternoon, from 1 3d to 3:0. for the evening's entertainment. Performances every cfternoon except Mondays mid Thursdays, at 2.80, and every evening at 8.18, Doors open at 1. 80 and 7.0J1'.M. All trains run dally except Sunday. f. slgnliles that trains stop on signal for pas sengers. Additional trains leave Cnrhondale or scran. ton no undo. is p. in., arriving nt Scranton 1.59 ana 7.00. Lenvc s'crntiton for cnrboiidiile 8.80 and s.2oi arriving it carnonuis ut 7.30 nun p. m, neure rstes tin Ontario a Western before ptirchnslng tickets aiid savo money Day and,' r.,iieno i" win nmi, J. C Anderson, Uon. pass. A!,U T. l'Utcroft, Dlv V'ass, Agt fcranton, Pu Ladies Who Valuo Arpfincd complexion mnnt use Fo7fni'n Pon dor. It producon n noft and benatlful skin SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. Having BSOUred 'he SHOEING FORGE of W uiluni Blume & Bnn for a permanent busi ness stand. 1 shall iiniduet Hdentiflc and I'nthologlcal Shoeing for the Prevention, He lief and utile ot Lanenese and other u&psdi- ments in tho movements of Borses Incidental or due to Imperfect shoeing. I shall give tho work my personal attentb n nnd guarantee no eitra ehnrge, exrept for imruovfincnt. Lame lines, etc. , will bo treated afternoons A free clinic and professional advice given every Monday from 1 10 - r. M. JOHN HAMLIN, D. V, S. ("USHMAN'S . . BIJOU FORMERLY MUSIC HALL, Soranton. Dave Bockafeller.Eessec; Fred. BsnJell. Man. Grand Opening March 5. Continuous performance from 2 P.M. to 10 30 P.M. dally. Mil. PKANK crsiui iN, Tin- Prince of Comedians. The Wonderful "OVDA." Jt'I.KS .lOi.DON.the Metropolitan Favorite. inn Msn.n MOMKOst. M'MAHON AMI KING, d.rect. from Tony Pastor's Theatre, nw York America's Premier MaleSopmno, sik. OBOROK MASSbXL, Mil. I'ltANK CAKI.TItN, Beranton's Well-known Ccmedlan. Ill-: PK1MKOM1 QUAHTUTTK. y riskc:i.i., Harnums ;..(XH) Noveltv and late or, The Great and Only oveitv .uei isi" oi iiavenv s jias todon Minstrels and others. A refined entertainment Is promised and we intend that ladles and children can at tend without escorts and will bo given overy attention and courtesy by ths attachet, un der the personal attention of Manager Ban dell. Prices of admission, 10, 2J and li) cents, with a few reserved seats tor fJ cents. THE LARGEST CHEAPEST BEST lhe Tribune
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers