The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 08, 1894, Image 1
Bear in Min 1 That only TWENTY -POUR DAYS remain in which to secure a TRlBl'fC ?T clopedia. See page 6. fit-t4ri ;3&"" ?t i , i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii i '-iMKMS iv ii i i 1 1 1 1 r A.nt.irir are) The Part Of wisdom is to embrace such an opportunity before it eludes your grasp. See page G. EIGHT PAGES--. COLUMNS. M'li ANTON. PA., TIIUWSDAY MOKMMJ. MARCH , 1S!M. TWO CENTS A COPY. TfUl T WAY Tl U1 n UNT A n n kn u n IKE IS Tl AOVERTI IE FDR Til TO E BEST fmM wtdk SERIOUSLY ILL Caught Cold While He Was Walking Homo from Brooks' Club. IS NOT IN IMMEDIATE DANGER The Grand Old Man Contracts Cold from Exposure at Night, Is Seized with a Chill and Is Now Confined to His Bed-He Makes Light of the Attack, but His Physicians Are Apprehensive. I London, March 7. R. GLADSTONE la seriously ill us the result of a cbill. According to the statement merit made iu connection with the siekuess of the ei-preiuier.the latter walked home from HrookV club. No. 60 St. Jarues street, yesterday evening, after diuing there with bit. late secretaries. As a result Mr. Glad stone contracted a chill, and upon reaching his houie hud to be hurried off to bed. In spite of Mr Gladstone's desire that a physician should not be sum moned, clalmiug teat hie imlisyositiou was, only a slight mutter, a doctor was summoned and Mr. Gladstone was put under treatment This morning Mr, Gladstone's condi tion was inch that another physician was summoned to attend him, m 1 this afternoon one of tne physicians iu at tendance upon the distinguished p tient gave a stateueut to the news papers which indicates that Mr. Glad stone's illness is undoubtedly serious. NO IMMEDIATE DANGER. Mr. Gladstone's physician said that the absence of a hih ferer, however, indicated that there was no gnat dan ger at present. Mr. "Gladstone left Brooks' club, which wae highly heated, at a late hour, and walked home through St. James' Park, though the night was a chilly one for even a young and robust man to venture ont into after leaving a heated club and dining. Tnis morning Mr. Gladstone was found to be suffering considerably from hoarsnss, and was kept in bed despite his I remonstrations. He in sists -that he is only suffering from indisposition, and toat be will bs ail right in a day or so; bis physicians do not. take this view of the case, an 1 while they say that be is in no danger at present, they will not allow him to leave his bed until a considerable im provement has taken pi ice in his con dition. The report of Mr. Gladstone's illness has spread with remarkable rapidity, and from many quarters are coming In. asking for particulars con cerning bis illness and expressing hope for his speedv recovery. Mr. Gladstone, late this afternoon, was reported to have somewhat im proved. The offisial bulletin, issued this afternoon, only says that the ex premier is suffering from hoarseness. BESIEGED WITH CALLUS, The reports circulated in regard to Mr. Gladstone's health caused a num ber of prominent people to call at bis rssidenee during the day. Among those who tailed were Lord Rosebery and Right Hon. Henry Asqnltb, the secretary of state for home affairs. Mrs. Gladstone has sent a letter ex cusing Mr. Gladstone from attendance at the dinner to be given by the Dnke of York this evening. Mrs. Gladstone, however, will be present at the dinner referred to if the improvement in Mr. Gladstone's heslth is maintained. After leaving Mr. Gladstone this evening Dr. Bond sitated that his pa tient was suffering from infl iramatinn of the throat and a troublesome cough. He remained cheerful. Dr. Bond said he had a good appetite. Mrs. Glad stone attended the dtnner given by the Duke of York. HAS AROUSED THE CRANKS. Bsprtsentatlvt Meredith in Reoslpt of Numerous L.tters. Washington, D. Q, March 7. --Rep-resentative Msreditb, of Virginia, who had a heated colloquy with Represen tative Fink, of Illinois, on Friday last, growing ont of the consideration of the appropriation bill, has received a num ber of abusive of abusive letters from varions parts of the east. These writers of letters are located in Pennsylvania and Nsw York, Some of the writers express a d fairs to come to 'Wnshington and thrash Mr. Meredith, while all of the number write him in the most intemperate language. -- ESCAPE OF JAIL BIROS. A Number of Prison Drunk Out of Nsw Castle Prison. New Castle, Pa., March 7 -William Hart.a notorious robbsr;'William Ash- ton, a common thiei; Hamiinl Soheli, charged with robbery and assault and battery; Perry Henry, charged with larceny, effected their escape from the county jail last nignt by forcing a cell door fastenings and tawing two sets of iron bare over the jail windows. The discovery was made at (1 o'clock this morning. Therois no clue to their whereabouts. GETTING OUT LIFE BOATS. Citizens of Wlllsos Barra Preparing for Thtlr Annual Bnak. Wilkek-Bahhe, Ph.. March 7. The Susquehanna river at this point is rapidly rising, nnd at 0 o'clock tonight the water was eighteen feet above low water mark. There is a probability of the West Side being flooded by tomorrow morn ing. CUTTING DOWN PENSIONS. Jtlfrht Hundred Notice of R.duotions Will Be Mailed Today and Tomorrow. Washington. March 7. Hereafter all notioea of reduetion of pension will be sent to pensioners by registered letters, ibis plan has keen adopted by Commisslonsr l.ochren, and necessary arrangements havo been made with the post oflice department. The number mailed today und Thursday will prob ably aggregate 800, but after thut daily average between IU and MO, It was stated at the bureau yesterday that a margin of nine or ten days in addition to the required thirty days from time of recsipt o( notice iu which additional evidence could be tiled would undoubtedly be allowod. Fur ther time will be given if asked for by the pensioner. . JACK IS STILL AT LARGE. The Story of Hie Captuto Shown Up as a Canard. London, Marah tl The most careful inquiry ou the part of the United I'ress fails to reveal auy foundation whatever for the sensational story cabled to America today by a certain news agency to the effect that the Simon pure "Jack the Kiper" had boeu dis covered iu Loudon. Notaaiugle newspaper in London prints anything of the kind today, nor d the police know anything about the alleged discovery of the Wnite Chapel batcher, The story sent abroad today U a silly and utterlr baseless canard. LONDON DYHAHITE SCARE. An Explosive Found Outside the Eow Street Police Station Creates Great Alarm. GOING THROUGH Will A RUSH The Seigniorage Bill Travels Rapidly iu tba Senate. HON. G. A. GROWS FIRST SPEECH Ably Advocates the Cause of the Veter ansSenator Sherman's Last Effort to Stay the Tido-Tho Eill Will Prob ably Pass Today Mr. O'Neill Tries to Excuse the Pension Whittling.. Sarcasm of Mr. Henderson. London, March 7. The police of London in general and of the '"E" di vision in particular, are infferieg from snother dynamite scare, but their previous experiences in this line have led people to look with suspicion upon their alarm. Aceordiug to the story told by Super intendent Richard W Btegglej of the polios division referred to, a tin box apposed to contain dynamite or some other high explosive was found last night upon one of the windowsille of the historical Bow Street police station, almost fronting the more famous Bow Street police court. The tin box is described as being two inches deep, one inch broad, an 1 as having a round hole in it from which protruded portions of a burned fuse. The discovery of the box was made by one of the policemen attached to the Bow street police station, and he immediately gave the alarm. The in spector aud snperintendent were called and tbe box was taken to the extrem ity of the yard of the police station, wnere it was watered for a long time. The discovery ef the alleged bomb was signalled to Scotland Yard, and from there tne news spread that au attemnt had been made to blow up Bow street police station by moan, of a dynamite bomb. In fact, the startling "find" wa soon magnifi'il into a report that the Bow street station house had ac tually been the scene of a dynamite explosion. Gradually, however, the effects of the scare passed off. and the superin tendent of police made a careful ex amination of the alleged dynamite bomb. When the box was opened it was found, it is said, to contain a cart ridge, supposed to be loaded with some high explosive, though the scoptics in sist it contained ordinary gunpowder. In any esse the box was found to be blackened with the smoke and fire irom the bnrned fuse, snd there is still some doubt aa to whether an attempt of a very weak nature was made to cause an explosion at the Bow Street ponce station, or wnstlier some prae tical joker had been at work. ANOTHER FIGHT IN GAMBRIA. The West India Raiment Ir.fl cts Heavy Lose on the Natives, L'inii N, March 7 The admiralitv oflice is in receipt of despatchei from Uathnrst, Gambria, this morning re porting another engagement between liritish troops -a detachment of the West India regiment -and a strong band of followers of Chief Fodisilah. Rear-Admiral Bedford, of the 11 ig hin RaUigh, reports that the West Indians were attacked by the natives while advancing upon the village) of B.mijur yesterday, a Bffbt ensuing, in wiiich seven of the British soldiers were wounded. The West Indians ODenad a deadly fire upon the natives, causing them to retreat. The advantage was followed up until tbe British took possession of Uainjur, which they burned. The loss to the natives in killed anil wounded was very heavy. e-- SHAKING THI PLUM TREE. Numerous Appointments are Confirmed by th Senate Washington. March 7. The Renate bee aonfitned the following nomina tion: Charles Jonas, of Wisconsin, consul general at Ht Petersburg. The injunction of secrecy was re moved from the following nominations which Were c nhrinnd veslerday: Ht. Clair A. Mulholiand, pension agent; P, Gray Meek, snrvsyor of onstoms; John R. (tend, collector of customs, all at Philadelphia, SUNDRV STATE NEWS NOTES. Water taroa have been lowered in Road ing. Attempting to tow a log ashore, Wil liam D, Hoffman nm swept over a dan In )he Schuylkill river above Heading aud drowned. he Mil mil All fl ' ! I erniJM iv.i naunpin. tlon of Schuylkill county favors the taxing of hunting dogs nnil the hhIi- i f di ail game pronionea oy law. A great nnmber of llerks county citi sens have petitioned tlio coinnilssioners ti build a 112,000 bridge over tbe Schuylkill above anouuiaKeravuie. II. H. (Jriggs, a Media Republican, who wns disiniisen irinu mo i 'niiaaoipnia post office, after twenty years services, lis asked the civil service authorities for hearing. It is understood that Factory I Inspector vt stcnorn win proceeu against certain firms luid corporations for violating the semi-monthly pay law. It is slated that he bas already proceeded ngalust the United collieries at Iloutzdale, Clearfield county. Tbe appointment of Freeman C. fiay, Henry u. Tsmpie, or yvestmoreiaaai sum uel Ilgenfritz. York: James ( 'leaver, Juhu W. Eichelbnrger, of Bradford, and General John A. Wiley, Vennugo, aa members of the Pennsylvania commission to assist the Antletam battlefield board in surveying, local ing and marking tbe lines of the bat tle at has been aunouncod at the executive department at Ilurrlaburg. Washington, 1). ('., March 7. BILL appropriatiug 148,000 for the purpose ot reclaiming the United States ship of war Kear eage and her equipment was re d to the senate and passed. . Harris, Tenuessee, called for a vote ou hie motion for a second reading of the seigniorage bill. T ie bill was read in full and the presiding officer said the bill wss in committee of the whole and open to amendment. No amendment being offered he followed with the unnonucjiu 'lit that the ques tion was on the engrojsuiout and thir l reading of the bill aud thut the stage being rapidly passed he s lid that the question now wss on the question shall the bill pais. All this hnd been accomplished so deftly end speedily that the opponents of the bill did not seom to realize that their opportunities had slipped away. Finally Mr. Hoar inquired what bad become of an amendment wbloh Mr, Stewart had offered or proposed to of fer. He was informed that Mr.Stewart had abandoned the purpose, and aa the presiding oliicer put the question, "Shall the bill now pHi-','" Mr. Hoar interposed a motion to ndjourn and called for the yeas and nays, The mo tion to adjourn was taken by yeas and nays. It was defeated yeas 19, nays 50. Mr. Sherman spoke brilly and in an tiniuspassioue 1 in inner, but with great earnestness ngiiust what he t-Ttnid an attempt to rush a bill through. The precedents of the senate had been set aside, and the day would come when this would return to plague the senate Mr. Sherman said that he desired to address the senate at lengtii. No one dreamed that tne bill would bo passed today, and he was not prepared to speak now. After some fnrther colloquy the bill was allowed to go over till tomorrow principally for the aooommndation of Mr. Sherman, but with no indication that there would be tomorrow an abandonment, or yielding of the par litimentarv a iv intago which it occu pies. After action on Mr. Allison's motion to reconsider, the next vote is to bo on the passage of the bill. After a short executive session the ssnate at 8.20 adjourned until tomorrow. PENSION BILL IN THE HOUSE. The discussion of the pension appro priation bill was resumed in the hon e this morning. Mr. O'Neill iDsin., Mass i, in charge of the bill, closed the general debate Me reviewed the varions speeches by Republican members end replied to their several criticisms of and charges against the bureau. The csiis of the great sudden decrease of the isatie of pension certificates, he said, was a decision mad ' by Assistant Secretary of Interior Hnssey, In the late administration, which reduced the allowance of a certain class of certifi cates " per cent. 'The bill then came np for consideration under the B-unuute rule and for amendment. After several amendments had failed, Mr Henderson (Rep , 1 1 I cause 1 some thing of a sensation by lefemng to tin speech of Mr Black (Dam., III.) He said that gentleman had stood up here with a bouquet of rhetoric in one hand to attract the votes of the soldiers, while in his other, his withered one, he held a dagger to drive into their hearts." Hon. o. a (mow's first bpkob. Mr. Grow, (Rep Peon. ). offered an amendment making the lowest month ly pension rate for disability, i ' If the government were to do anything for the old soldier, be said, it should do something substantial. Dollars and cents should not be weighed in tiie national scales against the heroic deeds of the defenders of their co untry. The magnitude of the struggle of 1MDI 68 nnl the magnanimity ot the vi ctors to the Vanquished were the sutijeot of nn eloqd nt fivr-minute outburst by the ex-sieakor. Ii was bis first speech since re enter ing the house and hn was listened to with close attention. His voice was full, round and impressive, and his stirring sentiments evoked n round of applause, The amendment, bowevor, was obnoxious to tho point of order thai, it changed existing laws. i be committee then rose and the hill whs reported to the bouse. The Pickler amendment wns agreed to aud the bill pawed without a division. At 4 10 the house adjourned until tomorrow. e - FIRE AT PLYMOUTH. I' House of the Delaware end Hud son Breaker le Destroyed Wilkkh-Baiiuu, Pa., March 7 The extensive engine house and pumping stntion of tho Delaware and Hudson Coal company, at breaker No. 'J at Ply mouth was dsstroyed by lire this morn ing The large trest ling near the boiler house was altio badly damaged. The loss is estimated nt f.12,000. The ori gin is unknown. Work at the breaker has bsen suspended for a few days. ev FREE THINKERS' DEMANDS. Desire to Be Heard In Opposition to Put tins the Deity in the Conetltutlon. Washington, March 7. Much fool ing has been aroused iu religious oir clou, und among free thinkers as well, over the resolution of Representative Morse, of Massachusetts, to secure roc ogtiitiou of the Doity In the ouustitti tiou. Haviug heard the statements of the church people, the committee is o mfronted with the question whether ii shall afford a hearing to tho antago nists of the resolution. Requests for au audience have been made by free thought societies of New York, Chicago nnd Washington. There is an apprehension on the one hand that these people may present tboir views in a manner which would bring down criticism upon the committee for listening to them. On the other ha ml. a refusal to listen to both sides of the esse would invol.'sda charge of preju dice aud illiberality. BALD HECDED ROW ANXIOUS. Rush for Seatu at the Pollard-Brsokln-ridse Trial. Washington, D. C, March 7. The trial of tho suit against Congressman Breckinridge, of Kviitnoky, by Made line V. Pollard, for broach of promise, and iu whioh is involved the charge of seduction, will begin tomorrow in rn ing iu this city. A. A. Wilson, the marshal of the District of Columbia, has received httn dreds of applications for seats at tho trial. In view of these applications, Marshal Wilson has asked the judges of the district supreme court to allow tbe largest court room in their jurisdic tion to be used, nnd tbe request will be granted. This chamber, known as criminal court room No. 1, was used for the trial of Guiteau. CHARLES Log ULAN SUED. A Manager Wautu Damages for Failure to Fill Hie Kngaaemeut. PITTSBURG, March 7. Manager Hiin derson.of the Duqueuse theater, has be gun proceedings against Charles Cogh lan, now tick in the hospital here, for damages for noil fulfillment of con tract. The engagement at the Chicago opera house next week bas also been cancelled. FIGHTING PORTUGUESE. TROY ELECT! MURDERERS ihii: ul lbs; Asiassins Said to Have Been Seri ously Injured. THE POLICE PROTECT THE THUG Excitement Still Hifih Over Yester day's Affair Crowds of Excited Men Thronp; the Streets Arraign ment of John Boland Bat Shea Still Believed by Many to Have Shot Ross The Election to Be Contested lives. On January 'M last he waa or dered to vacate the premises by the board of health, end it is said that .he believed that Alderman Lomasney wAs responsible for this order. In conversation with a policeman, Duuau when asked why he shot tbe alderman said: "I had a good reason for doing it. If you knew aa much as 1 do you would have done it yourself. He is a villain and anything but a friend of th unemployed." This was all the prisoner woald say. He will be arraigned tomorrow. ANARCHIST CELEBRATION. at U an British Subjects Constructing Tele graph Lines in South Africa En counter Stubborn Obstacles. Port Natal, S. B, Africa, Maroh 7. The Portuguese having obstructed the progress of the British parties en gaged in constructing the telegraph line between the British sphere aud Tete on the Zambesi, Lieuteuaut Com mander L'arr, iu command of the gun boat Mosquito, landed a party of blue jackets in order to protect the men at work upon the telegraph lines. The Portuguese fired upon tbe Brit ish lauding party and the fire was re turned. The latest advices from the scene of the encounter say that Gov ernor Quillman, the Portuguese official in charge of the district within the Portuguese boundaries, has been snm moned to the spot where the conflict took place, and he is said to be on his way there with two Portuguese gun boats and a nnmber of troops. It is added that the British com mander la believed to have asked for reinforcements and the latter are aaid to have been hunted forward imme diately upon receipt, of the message announcing the conflict with the Portu guese e STRUCK BY THE "OWL." A Oanc of Lnborers Run Down By a Flying Train. Nkw YORK, March 7 At. H o'clock this morning train No. 7, known as the "Owl," eaatbonnd, on the Pennatl vania railroad, wh"u near Elizabeth struck a party of men who had been put off a freight train. Tho men were thrown in all directions When the crew made a search one was found with a crushed head ami both legs cut off. He was taken to the hospital in Bliisbetb, where ho died an hour later. Aiiomer victim was found between the tracks torribly in jured. He was taken to the hospital, where he will probably die. The men are UQkaowo, and were evidently in search of work e THE LASI BODY KECOVERED. IiiQnost on tbe Victims of the Slatington (1nvs In. ALLBNTown, March 7 The body of the fourth and last victim of the quarry accident at Slatingtou was re UOVered this afternoon. Like the other three bodies fonnd, it waa in a w rribiv imuilateil condition. 'The coroner's jury tonight returned verdict that the deaths of tho four Hungarian! were accidental, 40. . STRIKE AT YOUNGSTOWN. Tho Car of the Eteotiic Street Railway Are Still Tied Up. YoUNOstown. O , Maroh 7 -The Electric Street Car company mude no effort to run their cars lust night nor today. bmy men have been sworn in ns deputy sheriffs, and another attempt will be soon made to run cars if tlie militia has to he called out to protect the uon-union men. - ' Fire at Blnffhantton. BlRORAMTON, N. Y., March 7, 2 n, m. At 1. ir Ibis morning lire broke out In 0 C. Smith's huge cigar factor)-on Noyes Island, this city. It is now burning llerce ly. The bla7. hM Spread t0 an old build- in"; near by and has also set lire to the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western rail road bridge over IhoOlieuejMJO river. -e- FLASHES FROM THE WIRES. In the doorway of I . own bouse, Btepnen ueer. a Dairyman, or .leneisou vilie, hid., was ahut dead by au unknown assassin. Potter Palmer, the millionaire propria tor of the Palmer bouse at Chicago, is seriously ill with the grip. Mr. Palmer Is 70 years of age While talking with tho governor, .'ohn W. blue, e prominent Louisville polltb ian was struck blind and speechless and is now dying. A World n Tair in Mow York in 1000 Is proposed by William Morrie Hayes, to col- enrste tne opeuini; or tne twentieth con- tury of the Christina ore- Vicar (lenerul Michael May, the aged pastor or tue uuurcn or the Most Holy Trinity, Williamsburg, who was made monrignor about a yenr ago, Is dying at his boms adjoining tbe churok. Ho has been in the parish for more than forty -live years. Tkoy, N. Y., Murch 7. excitement of yesterday, .used by the killing of Robert Ross, a Republicau watcher, and tho woiimliir' of his brother William at a polling place iu tbe Thir teenth ward has not subsided this morning. Never before in the his tory of this city. remarkable for election contests, was there one like that which has just term i tstediu the election bv a small plurality ou the face of tbe returns of Francis J. Malloy, the candidate of the Murphy Democrats. The street corners this morning wore crowded with groups of excited men. The crowds consisted lamely of employes who had failed to return to their work. It is learned that John McGongh, ono of the mon who did the shouting in yesterday's tragedy at the election polls was seriously woundoi in the hip, although he escaped after the shooting of Robert and William Rosa. The po lice know, bul will not divulge the lo cation of McGoagh, but it is intimated that bis wounds may prove fatal. "Bat Shea, who, it is alleged, tnur- lered Robert Ross, is iu jail. The pis tol wound he received iu the head dui ing the inlee was not serious. THE COHPITIOR UK WILLIAM HUSS. The condition of William Ross is ssi i to be improved, and it is not believed fatal consequences in his cass will en sue. John H. Boland. who surrendered himself to the police yesterday when it whs learned that the police were looking for him in connection with the shooting, wns in police court this morn ing. Magistrate Douohne stated that as the coronet's jury hnd the investiga tion relative to the trasoly in hand, he would adjourn nil proceeding in police court until after the coroner's jury had returned a verdict, and Mr. Boland was remanded to jail. WORK AT GAYLORD MINE. The Labjr of the Searching Party Qoee Unceasingly On. Wilkks-Bahue, March 7. There are all sorts of rumors afloat from the Gay- lord mine at Plymouth and nono of them are true. There is nothing iu the Uorv sent out that a fearful stench was letected yesterday and that work could not be resumed nutil disinfectants had been used. The rescuers are hard at work and from what could be obtained by the United Press reporter this afternoon is to the eSeot that it will be some days yel before the bodies will be found. 'Thirty of the men employed in the work of rescue were discharged this afternoon. Snperintendent Edwards osme nut of the mine late tonight saving tno workers bad gained twenty-live feet to- lay. Superintendent I'icion savs the air is ns good as can be expected in the mine, sud that there is no o lor what ever from decomposing llesb. The place where tho rescuers are now nt work is being carefully watched H8 the roof is not very safe and "squeezing" continues to some extent Another rumor was spread at 11 o'clock tonight that the bodies bad been fotiud. This maf not be accom plished for some days yut, from the present outlook of affairs. . SHAKES HANLON'S TEAM. Another Club Will Represent Alleutown in (lis State Laau-'. Alii ntown, Pa., March 7. Albert L. Johnson! president of the Lehigh Valley Traction company, and former owner of the Cleveland Brotherhood Baseball loam, today said that Allen town would bo represented iu the State league but not by the team signed Ly Manager Hanlon. Mr Johnson is negotiating with au ex-national league player for manager and tlio majority of the local team will ha reservo players held by the Na tional league and who will bo leased to tbe Alleutown club when uot needed by their own team. i TO STAMP OUT SWEATING. The Siilstv of Practical Frcgrese Will Take Action. QARRtSBURO, Pa., Marsh 7 The So ciety for Practical Progress is co-operating with the factory depstiuont in its crusade against the "sweating" shops ot Philadelphia, Pittsburg, and ether large oitici of the state. Mr, Watohorn and his deputies are endeavoring to locate these establish ments, but, with poor success. He ways: "With the co-operation of the Society for Praotloal Progress anil kimlrrd organizations we hope to eventually stamp out this great evil ' e M WOUNDED BY A CRANK. A 11 I n Receives a Shot In a Boston, March 7 Alderman Martin Lomasney was shot at noon today iu the city by a crank named James Doo n in, 117 years old. lie tired five shots, one taking effect in one of the alder man's legs, Doouati was immediately arrestod. Tho alderman was romoved to the city hospital. His assnilant is evident ly a laborer, who has been hanging around the city hall for ssv ral weeks. The motive for the assault is not dis ulosed. The assailant's name la James H. Dnnnn, an oil finisher by trade. He Is the owner of tbe bouse iu which hu A Demonstration Will Be Allowed Kerlin, on March 18 BERLIN, March 7. Anarchists have decided upon, and are already perfect ing arraugemonts, to march in proces sion to Friadrichshnin cemetery on Sunday, March IH, to place wreaths on the graves of tbe anarchists who were killed in 184 The police authorities havo signified that they will offer no objection to the procession, provided it shall take place In the early hours of tho day. On the occasion the organ, Der Ssial iet, will be printed ou red pap;r. LATEST FROM HONOLULU. Hawaiian Provisional Government De sires Shelter Under the Wing of tbe American eagle. FINLEY'S Annual Spring Sale of SILKS In addition to our nian-ijincenh. stock of Printed Iiidia Silks, w" Lave added a new line of Wash Silks, Louisennes, Crystals, Glace Brocades, Swivels, &c, &c. San Fkancisco, March 7, Ths schooner Transit arrived from Hono lulu at 11 o'clock this morning bring ing advicss up to Feb. 20. Advices sent by tbe Oceanic, ou Feb 13, report ed important action having been taken by the provisional government in tbe matter of preparing for a constitution al convention to organize a representa tive government. This was followed on the 17th after au evening meeting of (he annexation club, by notion ou tbe part of tbe lead ing members f the club as citizens in organizing formally a- apolitical party iu support of the government. This movement embraces all classes and divisions hitherto arising Htnoug the snpportsrs of the provisional government. Among tbe principle of the platform agreed upon are- the following: To support the provisional government. Resist the restoration of monarchy. Establish a practicable form of repre sentative government. The govern ment to be united as soon as possible with that of tbe United States. No class legislation discriminating against any class of loyal citizens. No persons to be employed by tbe goverumsnt un less loyal to it. The Monowai yesterday brought the nnWH of the passsge of the McCrery reiolntioo. The second paragraph is generally regarded as final and decisive j that the United states will not inter fere to restore the queen. The native royalist dailies, however, ully insist that in supporting tbe principle of non-interference, it means that Mr. Stevens' violation of that principle must be redressed and that tne queen s immediate restoratlou is accordingly to be expected. 1 his tsacliiug will doubtless be more or less believed for some time by the majority of the natives. -e CHLOROFORMED BY ROBBERS. Four Wcmen Are Rendered Iis;nsib'e by Burglar Philadelphia, Pa. , Maroh 7. A bold burglary took place last night at the resilience of Mrs. Anabel Long on Washington street, iu tbe heart of the town. Mrs. Long's household consists ol henelf, her three daughters and her son. Some time last night burglars en tered tbe bouse, and after ransacking tbe first floor, made their way to the second story. Mrs Long anu her eld est daughter were sleeping together iu one room nnd in an adjoining room the two other daughters were asleep The burglars chloroformed tho fonr women and tied the oldest daughter's hands together While tbe robbers were searching the room the effect of the chloroform passed off from Mrs Long and she recovered consciousness and her outcries frightened the men otf and brought her son to her from the floor above. Long tired a half dozen shots from tbe window to alarm the neighborhood, but the burglars made olt. In their hurry to escape they left most of the booty they hsd Collected, - - THE FAMOUS CRONIN CASE. After a Four Month's Trisl Will be Sub milled to tbe Jury, CllU'Aoo, March 7 After a trial oc cupying four months, and involving an expenditure of f 100,000, the case of the people of Illinois, against Daniel Oongbltn, charged with coinplicy in (be murder ol Dr. P. 11. Orontn was submitted for a verdict of twelve men this afternoon. Only Judge TnthiU'e instructions re main to be delivered, Prosecutor Bottnm conoluded his address at 4 :H0 o'clock, and on account of tbe hour the court deferred I lis reading of the charge until morning A long retirement of the jury is ex peoted by everybody. The general sentiment is that the jury will dis agree, e NOTES FROM OVER THE SEA. Kossuth is laid to bo improving iu health. Kaiser William has bought a villa near Potsdam palace for Ins eldest sou, and ho will remain under tutors there until ready for tho university. Of 10(1 anarchists arraigned in I'aris courts, thirty-four were held for further examination, and tbl rest were discharged for lack of evidence. Preach papers applaud the speech of Lord Duffcrin, the ktiglteh ambassador, who declared the prospects for European peace even brighter than in 1SU3. e WEATHER FORECAST. Extraordinary Values in BLACK SILKS aud SATINS. Four Great Specials in PEAU D' SOIE and SATIN DUCHEBSE, 98c, $1.15, $1.35 and $1.50 The best values ever offered and wear absolutely guarauteed. Cheney Bros. Black cade Duchesse. Bro- John D. Cutter's (warranted pure dye) Taffetas, Gro-Grain, Mervelleux and Duchesse Cord. 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. IHE BUTT PERU RUBBER mm FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE. CHAS A. SCHIEREN & CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak tanned Leather Belting. H. A. Kingsbury AOEN'T 513 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. Washinc.toh. March ". Fore cast Jot- Thursday: For tatt trn ftaasyleanM, genrrally fair. MrfaMt winds. f'or unuf- ria f VnnsifraaiVi, (irciifrniai onrf light shower, probably Hlgktty wafmerOM the lakes, nerMeatl itimfj boeomtog variable. Lewis,Reilly & Davies Reliable Footwear. Feet of every description fitted at Lewis, Reilly & Davies. Will close every evening at 0.S0 P.M. except Saturday. We Examine Eyes Ft oo of charge. If a doctor is needed you are promptly told bo. Wo also guarantee a per foot lit. WATCHES AT COST for ono week only. 1 J, WEICHEL, ARCADE JEWELER, 215 WYOMING AVE.