The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 07, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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The dictionary answers with
definitions. We answer by giv
ing examples. Any one who in
spects the following will never
need to ask what a bargain is
-'1-inch t-'hius Silk, all
the ; Un colon ami
black suitable for ilromos
or fauuy work Would
not have sold Mow 85
or 40c. if the m iker htul
uot besu obli(t"l to rais uijtiay by
sailing thsm at a lews.
1.00 s yard-
Navy liluo Storm Serge,
luchiM wid all wool,
tine texturo. fast and on
fatliuK color. To reduce
urtantitv we redno the
uric, which regularly in
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
We never did it before -sell
this M inch, all wo 'I
lustrous Black Serire for
a peuuy less thau tio. a
yard We only do it uow
as a temporary bargain.
The renowned Fletehsr
Lace Stripe Scotch Ging
hams, whish hare been
imports! and sold to Am
erica for years at a
yard All the pattsrus
lere specially oilered are new for
The same 'J00 Cbe
nille Table Covers
again that went like
smoke just before
Cbristinss, Nsvsr
expected to sell
hem again below $2.00 But here they
ir same rith, elegant designs 0-4
ize, heavy knotted fringe. Bnt no:
or long.
Palma, fine and full bleached
cotton, m ide to fell at ? cents.
If the manufacturers will for
.'.v ns this time, we promise
r.ever to do it again.
An Aua-'itt Eod7 Organ. led for the
Enemnar Yr.
Special to thts Scranton Tribune.
ForUST City, Pa.. March 6 The
borough council met last night. After
wme general business B.irgess J Mc
Donald read his annual report, whtcn
was a very favorable one, showing
that more money h id been collected for
fines and licenses than any other pre
vious year.
Benjamin Manv. the newly sleeted
bnrgess, then took the oath of office,
after wnich he administered the oath
of office to the newly eloeted conncii
men, ex Burgess McDonald and Fred
The council was orzanized by elect
in? the present worthy president of tne
sonncil, Patrick Cleary, for another
year. John V. Letioy, the prisent
obliging clerk, was . chosen for an
other year.
Woodhnry Coll was elected street
sommissloner John'F. Oahagheritreas
orr of the borough for another year
The following will vrsir police
oadges for the comingyar, viz: High
Constable W. O. Reynolds will be chief
ofpoli.:e;W. L Bates.Oeorge C West
gate, J. G Westcott, Robert Booth,
Thomas Mott, Dan Chambers, ""jr.,
Clark Avery, A. E. Wheeler, T. J.
Avery, James Reams and Frank Hol
lenback as specials.
George C. Westgate and John L
Harris are the retiring conncilmen
wno have proved worth of their office
The Realdsnoe of Mrs Burke Is Sedaesd
to Athss.
ftveiatta the Hcrvntrm Tribune.
Pkokvilme, Pa., March -A house
occupied by Mrs. Bnrke, a widow lady
was discovered to be on fire about H
o'clock this evening, and in spite of
efforts to stay the :: was purned
to the ground, with most of the form -tare
A building adjoining, owned by An
thony Kelly, also became ignited and
was badly damaged.
The fire was ooeasioned by a defect
ive chimney. The house was insured.
Republicans Organise for the Coming
Ppr.cial to the Scrnnton Tribune.
Dir.KsoN.CiTY BOBOCOH, March ft,
A Republican club whs organized at
the Central Hotel hall, on March IS
James hsott was elected chairman and
George White secretary, when seventy
two members were enrolled.
Next meeting to ha held at the above
ball on March 12, 1901 All wishing to
j in enn do so by sanding in their
HUM on Monday night, March 19,
In THOUSAITM f esses the enre of a
tough Is the preventive of consumption.
Tho surest conitli niodiclnn in the world Is
Sr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Hold by
ill dealers on fj guanictoeof satisfaction,
Out of townorriMioiMiits ofTiia Tuts
Dm should stgi ttioir names Id full t ot
uewi letter. Dot for pUOlloatlOO out to guard
sgaiust duouiitktu.l
Interesting Rarort of Currant Kvanti bv
a Ragular C ji resiHimWnt.
SjMCta) to IBs SbrMfcm iV-ibim.
CARBOMDaUt, Pa,, March t. Mrs
Ada Voftl died At midmglit last night
at the home of nor mother, Mr.
I'Uartes Usee, ou Wyoming Btroot
Deceased was M years old. The fu
neral will be bold at her late home,
Thursday afternoon at a o'clock, later
meut will be made in Maplewood cem
etery The following officers were electod
bf the Crescent iooUl club to serve
luring the doming six mouths: 1'ieii
lent. W, J. Borgen; vice president.
I. "in liridgett j secretary, A. M Baakt
This euterorising club have a uismoer
ship of sixty young men, and is m ii
pleudid tiuauoial coudition
Tomorrow i Wednesday! evening, 00
.'urs the regular montblv meeting and
utertatnmant of the Epwortb league.
In the Methodist church, and the fol
wing lutereating programme has
i'ten prepared for the occasion !
Chicago Miss Jennie llutlor
Pennsylvania at tho Fair U l. Wolfe
VoCalSolO Mine Cora Hell
The Midway and the Ferris Wheel,
Mrs. William Edgar
The Fisheries U. J. BookDnberrv
Art Miss Alice Butler
Vocal Solo .Raymond Hockenberry
A Boy's Experience at the Fair.
Charley Humphrey
The Methodist Exhibit,
Rev. William Edgar
Au Evening at the World's Fair,
Miss llattle I'aacoe
John E. Hoover died this morning
it the home of Mrs. Gilbert Coburn, of
Cliff street, of Donsumption Deceased
.vas a cigar maker and cam to this
"ity about a year ago from L tics, N
Y. He has ben sm ployed by R G
Maxwell on South Main street. He
was I member of the Scranton branch
f the Cigarmikers' union. Tne fu
ueral oeeBfl tomorrow afternoon
George J Bjnton spent today in
Afton, K, Y., his former hom", as the
ujst of hi fatner.
Mrs. Frank Carpenter, and little son
Arthur, returned home this afternoon
from a visit with relatives in Afton,
N. Y.
Horatio Moore, of Scranton, called
on friends in this city today
M. A Harrison, of Crans's dry gojds
store, is on a business trip to New York
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Detenck re
turned home today from a visit with
relatives in Port Jervis.
Mrs. B E. Raynor and danghter Gar
crude, of Lincoln avenue, are visiting
friends in Philadelphia.
An unfailing sign that spring is
about to dawn upon ns once again is
'iven by the groups of boys quarreling
over a game of marbles.
The seventy-third birthday of Mrs
R. W. Graves was celebrate i
this evening by a family
tea given by her daughter, Mrs Will
iam Johnson, of Wasbington street, it
was enjoyed by Mrs. Graves' children,
grand children and great grand child.
Frank Stephens, of Girtiil I arenas,
spent the Sabbath with friends in
T. P. Duffy, of Scranton, was among
the visitors in this city tolay.
Criticising a Younr Lady.
"Bhe would bo a pretty girl for but ouo
'What's thatr nskod Charley.
Qoorgo Her fnco is always covorsd with
purple and red blotches.
Charley Ob, that's easily enough dis
posed of. Used to bo the same way my
self, but I caught on to the trouble one
day, and got rid of It in no time.
Qeorgo What was Itf
Charley Simply blood eruptionB. Took
n short course of P. P. P. I tell you, it's
he boss blood corrector. The governor
had rheumatism so bad that you ronld
boar him hollar clear across the country
every time he moved. He tried it, and
you know what an athletto old gont he is
now. If somebody would give Miss Daisy
a pointer, she would tbank thorn after
wards. All the drug stores sell it.
Proceedings of the Assxmbly of Earatst
rhrlstUn Workers
a. .' ' -ranfoe Tribune.
FortR3T City, March 6 Tne Metho
lilt Ministerial association met at
(Jniondale yesterdiv afternoon at 4
o'clock, the president. Rv. W L
Th'.rp, presiding, Rsv. William Raw
lings led the devotional s-rvice.
The orler of the programme was
iakn np and Rev. James C. Hogan, of
Forest City, presented a paper on
"Evangelists and Revivals."
nral discussion followed and was
participated in hy Revs J. A Transu-,
F. Gendall,. H. P. Hathaway, J. Q
Leocock. Pierce Butler, L W Kara
chner. 0 A Benjiinin, D N. Slip
man, Ij. D. Van Campen, II D. Ilsrned,
A (J. Olver, J. B liewii. It F. Lara
bee and Revs. Hint, llrockenbery.
Tower, Todd, Linaherry and Thrope.
In the evening Rsv. A. (',. Olrer had
charge of a half hour s praise servio ,
after whioh Rev. J. C. Leacoek, 01
Dnnmore, deliv-red an address. His
subject was, "The Trials and Triumphs
of the Methodist," and was a review
and narrative largely drawn from per
sonal observation and einsrience as a
preacher. It was bth serious and
amusing and seemd to be greatly en
joyed by lot audience.
At the cioae of the all;. the fol
lowing made remarks on tun suhj 'ct of
the address, viz Rev W D TaorDD,
Rev. James C. Hogan, R.v. P It
Tower, Rev. H. P. Hathaway, Rev
William Rawlings mi l Rsv. I1'. Gran
A large number of the preachers of
the Uonesdale district have ben in at
tendance trom the opening netting
and a lively interest is taken in all the
papers and th general discussion. The
association will adjourn today alter
having been greatly .benofited by the
Little Looals of I iterest Ab)ut the Hint
Hag Village.
Hprrinl to Ihr Hrranlon Trihitnr.
DuitVEA, Maroh 6 -G, A Dills baa
returned from an extended trip
through the western aud southern
The recent txploslon at Moosto was
felt very urlonsly here, there being a
number of window panes and other
light materials btoken.
Mm. White, from Clark's .Summit, is
the guest of Mrs. 'has. Marcy.
Rev. Mr. Stevens, of Prlnooton
Theological Seminary, ocoupled the
pulpit of the Presbyterian chapel Sun
day evening
The Agents Literary and Social so
ciety, recently organized here, promises
to be ope of the leading soeial events
in the near future, The 4objeot of the
society is to promote duoation aud
give a free reading room to tho public.
The society has secured Dill's h ill for
e i
Events of Interest About the Base of
Irvlug ClitV
Sfift ial to the SsfStmOD Tribune.
HONMDAU, Pa., March 8. Tot case
of the (.'.minion wealth vs. Julius Paul,
caiue before court yesterday Paul
whs charged with assault and batlerv
by thq now, well known John W. liar
rison, of llemlo.'k Hollow. The jury
returned a verdict of not guilty and
placed the costs on Harmon. As liar
nseii OOUld not raise the money lie was
lodged in ihe county jail.
The new town council met for the
first time last eveviug and elected the
following officers: President, G W.
Lane; secrelan, V. A. Wood, treas
urer, O M llstz.
In a course of n few days tho SritAN
TuN TMBUNl'l llouesdiilo agency will
he transferred to the building lately
occupied by Cennlfan Bros., where
the wants and OOmpleintS 0( custoiuere
will be promptly attended to. Give
your coupons and dunes to Tllic I'm
lil'NB earners and receive the port
lollOS of the World's fair mid America,
or call at the agency yourself
G. P. Summers left for Baltimore
yesterday ou ftOOOunt of the serious ill
ness of Ins mother .
Jacob A. lliller opened a grocery
store yesterday at the old stand of the
R'ady Pay store and has n nu d his
place ''The Bridge Cash More."
Gotbard 1'ohle, died suddenly early
tins morning ot myeipelus. li was
the proprietor of the Irving CI ill saloon
adjoining the bas. ball groaodi.
t he ice moved out of the lower Lck
awanuu this afternoon without any
dam ige to property along the river.
Tins weather will soon put new
maple syrup m the market.
Johu W. A'oodau has sold a one half
interest in his box factory to William
Itlakney. The firm is now Wooden ox
lUsetlrig of the Councils Contemp'atad
reriu fo the a ' . 'i Tribune.
PrICBBUHO, Pa.. March 6 The
borough council met in the municipal
1)111111111.' at 8 o'clock Mouday after
noon. No business of importaucs was
transacted except the receiving and
p tying of a few bills At 7 33 in the
evening the new council mot. out they
adjourned immediately on account of a
deadlock. Mosers. John Law and Pat
rick Reilly, the two retiring in unbors,
are succeeded by William Summers
and Jacob Yerka. There will be a hard
fight for secretary and treasurer.
Tnere are several candidates in the
field already. Chief of police and
.ret c mmisaioner are r jgard d as
fat plnms.
After the desdlock is broken the
borough fathers should obey the laws
of 1803, whicii says: "It will bj the
duty of the borough oounoll to appoint
a board of health consisting of five
persons, not members of said conncll,
one of who shall be a reputable oltlzm
of not less than two years practice."
This is the time when the borough
should have a thorough good cleaning
The good work of last year com
mends itself to the public. The conn-
i il fought hard an 1 succeeded in get
ting an appropriation of $1,800 from
theoiunty Tor a new limine
Thomas Mooaban and P. F. Galla
gher made a business trip to S -rantou
on Monday.
Tne Eagle Hose company, of this
place, rendered service ,in helping to
to extinguisn the fire in Richinoud's
shaft on Tuesday.
E. W Eken, of Wyoming, Pa., is at
the Central,
Miss Marv J. Logau is on ths siok
W. F. Tracy, general manager, and
Thnm is Grier, outside superintendent
of Richmond's mine, era to bo con
gratulated for their remarkable coo!
ness and foresight during tho present
Topics of Real I itertsc Brightly Mir
rored lu Hialatura.
n.iKc. the Stranton IVitmii
Jerhyn, Pa , Muroh 8 -William
Jones baa moved into tbe home of
William Dray, on Hioond street
A. T Matthews, of Cemetery street,
is confined to the house bv illness.
, ( W. Hall, of Wilkes-Harre, and P.
P O'Neill, of Whites Valley, Wayne
county, were Jermyn visitors yesterday.
A neat sum was realized by members
of the Citizens' baud last evening st
the dedicatory exercises in tiiliuore
hall. The building was tastefully
trimmed and a large picture of the
great band leader, Gtlmoro, occupied a
conspicuous position.
Edward Woodwarth, who was burned
at the school house lire, ufterwirds
taking cold, is very sick nt his home on
Second street.
A remiiiiHtrauca has been nresented
to the court against Miohuel Enoch, f
tbe East Side.
Death of Weetley Stanton, a Victim of
tbe P.iwder Mill Bxplosloo.
Njltffol tv the gdroefen 'Tribune.
MoOStO, Pa., March (J. Weatley
Btanton, who waa Injured at the sx
plosloa of the barrel mill on Saturday,
by haviug a stick run through his
body, died at t he home of his fatner in
law this afternoon, a few miuuun bo
fore I o'olook. A notice of tun funeral
will be given later.
The other victim, An-hie Dyinond. at
tho time of this writing ia belter.
Mies Mattls Hinds, of Mlnooka are
nas, is visiting Miss Carrie Swart., of
The N..m.I Veils.
The in-wont veils ure certainly most be
coming. Generally they ore shaped, but
Homo have straight cut ends, the luce
border being carried along them. Fine
block not and while, or Russian net of
very simple pattern, are alone faahion
ably used, a charming example i of
Mack net spotted with i white ailk em
broidered Htar and edged with n narrow
appuque oi wiute nice, tne assign a
scroll mill flower. Another, bordered
with an applique of lace, is powdered
With lace sprigs, A third is spotted with
white chenille and bordered with a nar
row Valenciennes edging. Colored che
nille spots have goneont Nothing but
black mid white is considered the thing
to wear.
, Bcecham's pills are for
biliousness, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
liver, dizziness, sick head
ache, bad taste in the mouth,
coated tongue, loss of appe
tite, sallow skin, when caused
by constipation; and consti
pation is the most frequent
cause of all of them.
Hook frt'C ; pills 25c. At
drugstores.or write B.F.Allen
Co.,365 Canal St., New York.
1 hero are hundreds of young men and young women In thh
country who have .splendid ability, but they have never Ijcsjii
wakened up.
Wood's College of Business and Shorthand
Has been an Inspiration to hundreds of young people. If you
are tired of Inactivity aud want to do something taugiblo,
oome to the College.
(Upholstery Department
Green or Red Billiard
Covering, $2 25 each.
in Oak Matting Top,
White and Gold, Teak,
Wood and Brass.
Psn Plcturss nf an KiHrprltriS' Town
on ths Main Llns.
fhterittt tn the Semn'nn Trihuni.
Nicholson, Pa,, MarohO. Lte ami
Phillips, ths Tnnnssss fun luakiir,
conl l nut app'sr t ths Opirit hnuss on
l'hiirs'Uv nltfht last, nun of their 00 tn
psny hsin.; ill, Tlmy ar to sppur
this BvwniiiK.
Hurt Witrrnn is visiting frleiIs in
Harry Wilkins, who has bssn in
Philsilnlphu, retnriifvt hom for a v
There ll ft story in eirculntinn that
Mr. A. Boodle, of W.xt Nicholson,
has bought , nut It I) N wton.
A. II Monr t arriva l iiom i from , I iii-
ninnvill Thursday last
A m'stinii was intl'l nt A ll Moirs s
'ifH :h for tlm purpos-t of oi i nat'iif a
hrsnch board of th llipuhliii Sivmij
ind Loan assosle'-in I. ol M iir Y irk
Ths following ornosn wm i.mtal
A. II M 'ors, president i Nloholss
Coopnr, rlos-preildent; Nsi 0 Tiffany,
seorstary and treasurer; s F. Tiffany,
Mr and Mri, llMiry Drown returnsd
iioiiis from a visit to BosqtMhenne,
Krhlay last.
Ths PnatnlTlci nnd Ssvsrnl I l . of
Iinlnm Vin. I hv nraoksmsn.
Pjirrtttl to the Srmntim Tribune.
HoaooW. March 0. --llnrtflars entnrsd
K ll ( lanliKir s hiirdwarw store atnl thn
nostoffloe last nlfht or early this morn
IliK. Thsy ITotnd an Miitraucs into
ths hardwaro storo by pryinR open a
window. Thoy ransacked ths DOOSy
drawer and show cassi, but sssurad
nothing) only tworevolvsrs sud s pock
St km fo.
From ths hardware storo they made
thsir way Into the postoffloe, whsre
thsy oiitaiueii snout sin in money, a
fsw stamps and stivers! money orders
and postal nots blanks.
Mosss DsVls' blacksmith shop and
the Moscow Milling ooinpmy's mill
wsro also entsrud. Mr. Davis missed
nothing from his shop, but a small
amount of inuuoy was taken from tbe
The burglars trisd to foro.) an en
trance into Hotel Allen bv prying open
a window, but ware probably frigbt
entd away. They left no olns and no
arrests have been made.
Chocolate a Beverage,
An Bnthnslastlc advocate of cliorolutt
ufliriiis in un exchange that for those
who wish to keep the Imagination frtwh
and vigorous chocolate is the beverage ol
However copiously you have lunched,
a cup of chocolate Immediately after
wurd will produce digestion in three
hours and prepare the way for a good
dinner. It is recommended to every out
who devotes to brain work the hours lit
should pass in bed. to every wit whe
finds he has become suddenly dull, to all
who tind the air damp, the time long and
the atmosphere Insupportable, and above
all to those who, tormented with a fixed
idea, have lost their freedom of thought.
Dr. K. Grewer
The Philadelphia Fpecialist,
Allll IllN I.M..,1 .fair ,,f 1 ' .... 1 1 . 1 . .ml Oar.
nuu Pnysls!aiia.ars uuw permsnantbt loeatsd
Housekeeping II intn.
Anything containing baking powdel
should be cooked immediately after mix
To lieat the white of eggs stiff with
ease it should be cold, with a very small
pinch of salt added.
Do not wring wool underwear through
a wringer. Use the hands and shake it
thoroughly before drying.
Cut a picco from the top of old kid
shoes and insert it inside the iron holder
you are going to make.
Make boiled starch with a weak soap
suds made Of white snap instead of with
clear water, and you will have no diffi
culty with its sticking.
All Boor and wiiisk brooms should be
thoroughly wel in scalding hot brine be
fore using thorn. It will effectually pre
vent the straw from breaking.
Do not throw away any of the bones
of roust turkey or chicken till fhey have
yielded their flavor to a pot of soup.
Wiit ru ihuy umy be consulted DAILY AND
The Dortnr In a gratbiata el 1ho TTnlvnmity
if Psnasylvsais, Formerly fsmonstrator of
IiiMiolofv and Mirui.ry at the Medico Cblr-uruu-al
College, of Philadelphia He h alao
sii honorary luamber of ths Medico ehlrur
Sinul Aanni'latloo, ami was nhyniclan mid
fnrjeon.inble( of the .. noted Amrinan
ami (leimau hospital, coniwi highly Indorsivl
i) the Itm.iing i.r.iftwors of l'hlludlihla and
New York.
His many years of IiohdIUI ' xnerienoa on
shies this einlneiit phyaician and surgaoa to
correctly dlugnoao and treat all defurmitiai
and diseaaaa with the moat flattering success,
and hi hlith tatidltig in the -mi- will not
all ivl him to accept any Incurable caa9
WK A II NFS or yoi'NII MEM ( I'llRII
If you have neon Riven up ny your phyal
clan call upon the doctor and te examined
Be cures the worst caaesof Nervous Ln-Mllty,
Bcrofula, Old Sorea i atarrh, Itles, Keinala
Weaknesa. Aif actions of tho Ear, Kye, Noae
and Throat, Asthma, Deafueai. Tumora, Can
ceia and Crlnplce of every done rlpt ion. Con
sultation in TCnsllah and Gorman Free, which
ball 1 consldarud aacred auJ itrtctly conn
osntLal ton, .. Ham 0 A. M to 1) I'. M. Dully.
Innday, o a.m. to p m.
90c. one in Ox
Hat and Coat Hooks,
Easels and Screens.
Temple Court Building jsteP Ladder Chair, $1.25.
Oak Tables, 90c. to $1.15,
SPECIAL, to Close Them Out:
Velour and Tapestry Table Covers at jast one
half their former price.
Full line of UPHOLSTERY GOODS, Gimp Cord,
Tacks and Fringe.
National Bank of Scranton,
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000,
The most complete
in the market.
BAIfUKJb HINF.S.irreaidont.
W.W WATSyS, Vice 1'rnetdent.
A. I! WILLIAMS, Caabier.
PAMl Kt. TllNCT,
Iiivimo A FIMOrT,
CUAK, I'. ilAlTUEW-(,
.lAJira M EvynnAiiT.
PlIBCS B. Klxi.EV.
M 8. Kkmkiikil.
John T. I'oktiii.
V. Watson.
This bunk invites tho patronage of business
Dun nixl Dims ui'iifrally.
Hull & Co.
Mr. .lames H. Hand
PUIsdslphla, I'n.
Muscular Rheumatism
Sciatica and the Piles Adds to
the Sufferer's Misery
Four Bottles of Hood's Sarsnparllla
Effects a Wonrlorful Cure.
"C. 1. HOOd ft CO., I oiiell, Mhh4. :
"(ieiitlemeli: An a result of the DSUOrSblS
bllttsrdol Msroh, Ism, 1 oontrsstsd musoulsj
rlMSBISUSO).) Hi II,;, I time I WSJ SSgSgSd tm
J..I. f itSSrnBtUni In PtslsJstd, K. J., and it
wimii'iTiaary lor me to wade tlumiuli I lie hot
to the bOlMIng, a DSD tSSMSDSS, In WhlSB
wei-p workln, Por slghtson montbs alter
WSrdl I wsj laitl up Willi miiseulnr rlieiiiiiatliii
anil MlStlOS. I IbSO Joined In) mm in Inn In
DsnvSf.CoL, where I mm engt(Sd In uteaiii
iltllns and SnlnSSrtn,Stld where 1 commenced
to take Hood'l BSTSSpBItuS lor my rheiiiiinllsm
It SOfSd me IMt only of the ihninintiim and
KlstMM, but nho of outward pilot, from which
tor thirl) unco yssrs i bsd soJsfsd
A Thousand Deaths.
I'rpvious to koIiik to Dunvor I vhltctl tha
Uolvsrsttyo! Psnnsylvsnls to bsopsrstsd upon,
The doctor prODO sd in) cine lloOCStlon Ol
tbe DOVSlS SQd the worst hi ever saw. lie re
filled to perform an operation, a,yri thSt arter
bSVla SttffSrjd SO BUB) yearn It wan not w orth
ttbiiS that I Inuiilil die at that late day from tin,
SflSStSOi IBS kalfS,SOd tile 1 would II ha uied It.
No Man Can Conceive
what I sulTcrml lor thirty-three years. I tried
all sorts of remedies and treatinenta, often
without the sllnhtcst relief. Four bottles of
Hoods Harsapaillla not only relieved, hut
cured, both tha plies and rheumatism. Tbe
only trnen of rheumatism which I feel now Is a
little stiffness when the weather chnnKcs, anil
as I will he 7.s years old In August tbnt Is but
Incidental to my age. This Is A simple stata
nient of facts." James It. Bond, W West
Norrla Street, I'hlladelplila, Pa.
Hood's Pills euro liver Ills, constipation,
biliousness, Jaundice, lck headache, Indigestion,
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
SlHleoient Fab SB, ISOI. culled lor Ivy
the OOsnptrollor m tha Cnrraaoj
Hi sol lu I S,
Loans 1,S16,8fl 00
Ovarttrafta 047.81
t lilted Statas Bondi
Other lleiiila SIS.B1S.Tn
HnnklliK Hoik.- UK, 074 4(1
Premiums t , m BsmmIs..., 04S.W
Hue from It. s Trsssars 7,000,00
line from Hun I.- 'os 4li. 7a
lush 140 sin . M
W! -..-.O (10
Sniniii. -ini 0OO oo
Undivided ProBlS 50,100.00
Clrenlhtloi 01 000,00
Dlvldeodl luimld 34 B0
ii. i- ii- 1, 004,000 it
Das lo It ...I.. AH MOO B0
a,Boa,BB0 io
ii 1 1 iMTONNl ii. President
i.i.o n cam in. M.r Praaldant
WILLIAM 11 I'l l K. ashler
mill i nuts.
Vi'llllani ConnolL Oaorca II. ratlin,
Alfred Hand, Jamas Irenbatd, Heari
llelln, r., Mini.,,, T. Smith, l.uther
This lot nil nfTeis In deiioallma every
faellltj aarrsiitedbi their ualancea, bust
ness end reapntialblllSy.
Mpattlal eltenllon iveii to baSlOSSS ae-
eouata, Interasl paiuoa Uma dapoalta
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been,"
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
Rooms 1 and ? Commonwealth Bid's
aliuloattlio MOOHIC and lit -II
Lsfflln A Hnnil Fowdor Co.'s
Electric natterlaa, Fusei for exploi
ing blasts, Safety Kuan and
RepaunoChemtcal Co.'s High Explosives
White vt don't pretend to furnish ;i
wife, we'll do the next best iiiinp by furnish
ing your home complete feom cellar to gar
ret, and at a verj small oaah outlay. Have
you c er seen tin-
One Towel Rack
One Woven Wire Spring
One HuakS Cot. Mattress
One Pair pillow
One Ingrain Carpet
One Lamp or Toilet Set
K Marriage Made Easy i
Economy Bedroom Outfit? 1
On.- Antique Bed
Kmh Our Antinur Dirssn
KNjPe Antique Waahatand
IMMK Cane Chairs
wUR One Plush Rockei
KWflb IVoorntsdDinnor Sots, 1 Oil pieces f; !M JSadB
LcHi 1 -.. i t ... I Toilet ASS
KSH Antliitio Peilrnoiii Suits daSoB
jk Silk I'lusli Fnrlor vSK
K Sidobonrds, Anii.iie ".il. fflB