6 THE SCBANTON TRIBUTE WEDNESDAY MORNING. MARCH 7. 1894. SPRING TROTTING DATES Arranged W the Eastarn Pennsylvania Association Yesterday. Aiaentown, Pa., March 6. The Eastern Pennsylvania Trottiug assoeia tion met here today and arranged the dates for the spring nnd fall meetings The spring meetings vril 1 be held as follows: Bsthlehera. June 12 to 15; Wilkss-Barre. June l'J to Scranton, June 26 to 29. AUentown, Heading and Pottstowu decided not to hold spring meetings. The fall dates are: Scranton, Ssptem ber2 to 7; Wilkes Birre, September U to 14; Bethlehem, September 17 to 22; AUentown, September 25 to 23; R tad lug, October 2 to 5. The date of Potta town meeting was left open. The purses of the several places will bo 8,000 for each meeting. SKIDMORE'S TROUBLES. Marrlagi to the Wroug- Oirl to Prove a Failure. Mii.waI'KKK, Wis., March 0 Benja min Skidtnore, a member of the firm of Skidmore A Friedlich, was yesterday made defendaut in a suit for breach of promise. The plaintiff is Mary Fos. a young woman well known, and the sum demanded is $25,000. The complaint charges that the de fendant six years ago rained the plain tiff. Miss Fox also claims that Skid liiore promised to marry her, but in stead married a young soelety belle. Skldmwe' answer has not yet been filed. KING BSHANZIN'S MESSAGE. It Is D.livirsd ia a Truly Noval Mau ner. Pauis. March 0 -A dispatch from Dahomey says that King Behanlln 00 the eve of his surrender, summoned hi widowed mother and after telling hr of his intention to submit to the French, said he must inform his father and would therefore have her take him a mssag. Behanzin therefore ordered that his mother be beheaded, and, smoking a pipe, cslm'.y looked on while the at teulauts decapitated her. EX-PRESIDENT'S LECTURE. Mr. Harrison Hold the Close Attention of a Lame Audienoe. Menlo Pahk, Cel., March 0. Ex Presideut Harrison's introductory lec ture was delivsre I tolay to an audi ence composed of the students and faculty of the Stanford university and a few invited guests The sneaker held the close attention of the audieuce for an hour while be outlined the employ meat of the national constitution. i BISHOP PAODOCK OEAD. Missionary of the Protestant Episcopal Church Es-.fi at Santa Barbira. NlW York. March 6 Intelligence was received here todiyof the death, in Santa Barbara, Cal , of the Right Rev. John Adams Paddock, S. T. D,, missionary bishop of the Protsstaut Episcopal jurisdiction of Olympia. Washington. Bishop Paddock died Sunday, M irch 1. of apoplexy, after a somewhat protracted illness He was 60 vears of age. He WSI boru in Norwich, Conn., Jan. 19, 1825. TABLECLOTHS AND NAPKINS. WOMAN'S IDEA OF OFFICE. Lavtnworth'a Police Commissioner, Qc.s for Variety Shows. Leavenworth. Kan.. March 6, Mrs. Eva Blackman Leavenworth's woman police commissioner, who recently caused the removal of all the bachelors from the police force, has now set in to rid the town of variety theaters, L st evening she had cffiui-tl notices served on the proprietors of such places to close up and leave the city within thirty days. Mrs. Blackman's new movement may lead to a legal contest. A BOMB IN CHICAGO. White Linen Always Appropriate Stylet For Homo Vae ami For Company. Every housewife takes it deep interest in the table linen, and fortunately IM may give free rein to her fancy in this portion of her renlm, whatever fashion may dictate in other directions. If lor any reason this tablecloth or 'that set of napkins commend themselves to her fa vor, they may bo purchased and used for all ordinary occasions. Natnrally she will have a special cloth, "with napkins to match," to be brought forward on the more ceremonious occasions. The size of the tablecloth must bo de termined in a general way by that. of the tab!:, says Uood Housekeeper, authority for the following i Where an extension is used there should be one cloth large enough for the table when all of the leaves are in place, but such a spread Would be entirely out of place when half of the surface had been taken away, and smaller cloths should be provided of proper size for the ordinary use. While any approved pattern may he purchased, it is generally a mistake to select fancy colored linens. The white is always standard, looks well and will be in fash ion, but as much cannot lie said for the colors, which may be popular one season and entirely under the ban within a year. Tablecloths may be bought either woven and finished complete or by tho yard. For kitchen tables, and not Infre quently for general use, the latter is an entirely satisfactory way, while it is de- cidedlv more economical. The ends may bo secured by a simple hem or finished in any approved manner, and some very pleasing effect! may be petduml by the housekeeper skilled in such work and having a little spare time which uiay bo thus employed. The nttpkin la now Indispensable at all Well regulated tables. Breakfast nap kins are considered of the right size if half a yard square, but for dinner they should be three-quarters of a yard. Be sides the tablecloths and napkins there ure numerous bits of linen connected with the table service which will be found awful, and most of which can be readily made from linen remnants that may be bought for a tritle or from tho best portions of worn tablecloths. We thus secure curving cloths, traycloths, children's cloths, us well as the means for protecting a tine cloth or the table from tea or coffee stains and the like. Sometimes a square of thin oilcloth may be placed upon the tablecloth, and lie- lug in turn covered by what might lie called "a table rug" will ijive double protection. Cute For Sewing Materials. This case may be made of kid, chamois or linen canvas and lined with linen. It may be bound with braid or simply stitched, according to the material used, THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA by Columbus brought enlightenment to the world. New II. -Ms of enlightenment in this century are in the lines of science. The triumph of Conservative Surg ery is well illustrated bv the fact that RUPTURE- ically cured without the knife and without pain. Clumsy, charing trusses never cure but often In duce Inflninnistlon. strangulation and drnth. TUMORS Ovarian, fibroid (Uterine) and I vmvnwj many others, are now removed without the perils of cutting operations. Pll F TUMORS '"""ever largo, Fistula TILt I UlTIUnO, t her d wanes of t tin lower bowel, are permanently cured without pain or resort to the knife. ST0NF '" ",p '"edder, no matter how 0 i wiii. iBre w ci uahed, pulverised, arashed out and perfectly removed without cutting. STRIPTIIRF I'rinsrv Passage Is also 01 mvl UllU removed without cutting in hundreds of cases. For pamphlet, references and particulars, send 10 cents (In stamps) to World's hispensarv Medical Association, ttN Main Street, Ituffalo, N. V. 4, A Disreputable House Btdlv Shattered by an Explosion No Oae Injured. Chicago, March 6. Kitty Day's house, a place of ill repute, 152 Nine teenth strset, was wrecked by a bomb this moraiag, which was thrown Into the hallway. The inmates of the house were all seleep at the time of the ex plosion. No one waa injured. The front portion of the nouse was completely wrecked and the place rendered uninhabitable. SECOND TRIAL FOR MURDER. R chard 3. Hu h Agaia Before a Bar of Jiietioe. Fresno, Cal., March The second trial of Kichari H. Heath, charged with the murder of Louis B. MoWliirter, a prominent Bocsocratio politician of this citv, commenced yesterday. The firs'', trial was one of the most sensational in the state.ttie jury stand inst eleven for conviction an 1 one for acquittal. CONFERENCE IN SESSION. Annual Meetings Held Yeeterdtv In Faston Opera House. Easton. Pa., March 6. The Phila delphia confi rmice of the Methodist Ppiscopsl church begins its annual ses aion in this city tomorrow in the Able opera house. This evening the twenty seventh an niversary of the Historical society of the Methodist Episcopal ehuroh was eelebrated in the .Second Street church. CHARLES COUGHIAN IS ILL The Well Known Actor Sojolning In a Pittsburg? Hoaplta.1. PiTTsm:K(, Pa., March 0 -The actor, Charles Coughlsn, was today removed from hia hotel to M -rry hospital, Buf fering from nervous prostration, over work and worry. His physicians say that he will not he able to leave the hospital for a week and possibly longer. Mr. (Joaghlan's company disbanded today. Dyepapsia nnd Indigestion In their worst forms are cured by the Use of P. P. P. If you are debilitated and run down, or If you need a tonio to regain flesh nnd lost sppetlto, strength and vigor, take P. P. P., and you will be stroug nnd healthy, or shattered constitutions and lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash. Poke Hoot and Potassium) is tho king of all medicines. P. P. I'. is the greatest blood purifier in the world. For sale by nil druggists. A Personal Argument. Chicago VVifmae. Tommy Huh! You needn't feel so stuck up. Yuur daddy used to drive a milk wagon. Sammy I know it. I've heard him say your daddy's been owiu' him a milk bill of 14 for more'n sixteen years. T'o earlier symptoms of dyspepsia, such as distress after eating, heartburn, and occasional headaches, should not be ne glected. Take Hood's Uareaparilla and be cured. Hooi'a Fills are the best family cathartic and liver medicine. Harmless, reliable, sure. BR KITED ft: ANNUAL 1 SA 1 JJLI A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Rind-Hearted Maiden (fishing for a stray penny in her purse)- 1 suppose you pnor blind people feel your misfor tune keenly? Wind Mendicant-Yes, indeed. The Lord only knows how 1 miss the pleas ure of beinp; able to look into the beau tiful faces of the handsome and lovely ladies who ure kind enough to donate Kind-Hearted Maiden (fiahing out a quarter) Here, poor fellow, take this. I'm sure you are deserving. Puck. - Foit rhi'.cmatism, lumbago, Neuralgia, crump and colic there is no remedy su perior to the genuine ur. inomas Bieotrie oil. Thousands Hciniiaiits of Dry Goods. Cloaks and Fur Capes daring sale at less than cost of material. Every inch of counter room covered with tho greatest bargains ever shown. Ladies' Felt Hats, this season's styles 103. oich. Cove' Winter Waists 1 00 each. Muffs 30C. each. Cloaks $1.50 each. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUE COME IT WILL PAY YOU, Great Clearing Sale. A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE PITTSTON, PA. B RICK DRAIN TILE, FRONT, WIRE CUT, HOLLOW. VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COMMON B R I C K Best in the market Hranrltriau PrndnrfPn UIUIIUI UIUJ I IUUUOIUU1 OFFICE: Blngbamton. N.Y. FACTORY : Brandt. Pa Fair and Timely Warnin We desire that none shall be be left out, but that all shall have come in before the oiler closes. an opportunity to When riaby was sick, we gave her Pastorta. Wlit-ri she wan a Child, sho cried fur Castoria. When sh. became Miss, she clung to Oistoria. When sho hud Children, she gave them C'ustorta. 'Mi WEAK MEN MR A SKWINi l CASE. atiJ the straps may be of kid or ribbon. The furnishings of this useful oane, here reproduced fron Modern Priscilla, are thread, darning cotton, scissors, thimble, needles, etc. The little boxes, three of which are shown under the wide strap which fastens them down tightly, are those that pull out like a drawer and can hold buttons, studs, etc. The use ful pocket at ime end must not be for gotten, and the flannel leaves for needles and pins should be completely furnished. Narrow ribbon is provided for tying. Selftctini; a Mualc Teacher. Pupils who talte lessons of an incom petent teacher for several years and aft erward study with a thorough teacher slways find that they are obliged to go back to the beginning. The instruction (?) they have received has too often beer, worse than no instruction at all, and time and money have been wasted. All this might liave been avoided if the pn pil had beer: more careful in selecting a thorough teacher at the beginning. Pupils who have been taking lessons for a year or two and do not know the difference between the legato and stac cato touch aud play piecea anil do not know what key they are written in should know that there ia something wrong and should find out as soon as possible wheth er the fault is theirs or their teacher's, If it is the former, they had better liegin to use their brains as well as their lingers in practicing, but if it is the latter they had better change teachera, says The Etude. -The film After f.rnee. When Abbot Znrdus prohlMtsd the drinking of more tlmii three CUDS of wine at dinner by the monks of the .Marienhof monastery, in the h"tior of the Trinity, they were SO angry tbet they rose frntn the table. Aii appeal was taken to Pops Boni face VIM, who nuiiir-.e'l the ahliot's in junction, hut. granted an additional cup to all whoauid their grace. The saying: a Bin after urnce, iiy (he luw f Bonlfaoe, rose from thia deciaon. Notes and Queries. YOUR ATTENTION 18 CAI.U.Ii TO THE Ureiit luiulish Remedy, Gray's Specific Medicine IF YOU SUFFER from Ner hktuii an wc voas De bility. Weakness of Body mid Miud, Spcrma toi rhctt, aud Imputt'Qcy, and all dlsoAscs that arise from over-indulgence and clf abuso. as Loss of Memory and Power, DimnesH of Vis Ion. Premature Old Attn and many other dis eases that h ad to Insanity or ( ousumption and an early crave, writ" for a pamphlet Address (J HAY MI'.DK'INK CO., Buffalo. N. Y. The Specific Medicine la sold by all dmiriristM at per packaftis or aii . . k for o.or sent by mail on recolpt of money, and with every W) order WE GUARANTEE a care or money refunded mmm mm mmmm lc'On account of counterfeits we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper, the only genu ine. Sold in Scruntou bv Matthews Bros. ONLY 25 DAYS remain in which to take advantage of the THE TRIBUNE'S ; successful because they took advantage of opportunities as the;: uta.tta must do likewise. THE TRIBUNE now-v.-i its uultituie of rsa l;r. T.j'lia offer. These men became eminently :l M;n;e'vii. It you would succeed you Fair and Lrasly Warning of the closs of MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL. Coal of the best quality for domestic uacaud Of all absea delivered In auy part of the city at lowoxt price. Order loft at my omen, NO. UK, WYOMING AVENUE. Bear room, flrat floor, Thir l National Batik, or ent by mail or telnpliouo to tho mine, will receive prompt attention special contract will be made for the aale and doll very of buckwhoat Coal. W1YI. T. SMITH. Iloolh' Retort. In the days of hia lasimigemerit nt the Winter garden KdWln Booth received a letter from a clergyman aayiiiK that ha w ished to nee Month In bin principal parte, hut desired, if poadble. to he admitted Into the theater by a aide door, na lie did not care to run any rink of being seen by bin parlHlilonera entering from the front. Edwin Month made answer in these words, "Sir, there la no door in my theater through whi oh Ciod cannot nee." Ban Franciaco Argonnut. Polks who are froubled at the mixed eharac'terof New York's population should visit the tagiOB lyinK aDOUt Abingdon square. In thnt region they will lind hotels and Knnt saloons where crowds assemble to eat, drink nnd play cards or billiards, audit Is comparatively .rare to bear any other liiniinKe than KiikIIhIi spoken by the visitors to these places. Specimen Caaaa. H. U. Clifford, Mew Casual, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia aud rheumatism, bis stomach was disordered, bis liver was affected to an alarming degroo, appetite fell away, aud ho waa terribly reduced iu flesh and strength Three bottles of Kluc triC Bitten rnrad him. Kilv.ii id Shepherd, I tarn .bur,;, 111., had a running sore on bis log of eight yeaia' sUndiug. Used three bottle of Hleotrio Hitters aud seven boxes of Duck leu's Arnica Halve and bin lev ! Round aud Well, John Speaker, Catawba, ()., had five lartre fever sores on bis leg, doctors said be was incnrable. Ouo bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Halve cored him entirely, bold by Mat thews Bros. AHTOHEHARTMAN 906 South Washington Avenue. Contractor and builder of Concrete Hagtrl nit. Concrete Bbcks. Potato, Flutter and OM Bins. Wet Cellars drle lup. Orders may be left at Thompson ft Pralt, Will ama A I'n, Main and Kynon Streets, or at Serauton Move Works. Also Foundations, Ulster OS, Kldh Win. Tunnels aud Collins. Flagging for fjarden Walk . THE Thatcher IS THE BEST. Got prices and sen the tnmaoe nnd he con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Appello and iauz) J)oor Ranges, CONLAFS HARDWARE PITTSTON, PA. LYMAN ABBOTT. What is More Attractive Than a pretty fscu with S fresh, bright comploxlont For it. use PoOSOni'fl Powder. MARCH 6, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON Ytnir choice of three beautiful piol 11 res, "Telephone driri," "I livering OhrlatmiM PreiontB" and "Maidens Swinging." Send by niail or meBSeugei 01 bring coupons like this of three differ ent dates, with 10 cents, stamps Or coin, to TRIBUNE OFFICE, Cor. l'oun Ave. aud Spruce Kt e mm nrlW'i ''A V.;. Sil . ... ' Mba CHAUNCEY DKPEYV. OLIViMt WENPBLL HOLMES. THEIR UNPARALLELED OFFER Which has tarnished bondredi of bom s in our midst with lihrarr sTBioh ran not but make thoan homes happier and briRhtor bv its ridluliiK aud cultlvatiui; influence for culture and refinement are synonmous with a ktiowledg) of all things. It has h.n endorsed by the pulpit and the action! as an edaoatl dial enter prlso worthy ot prall 1 and the hearty oo-npratton of our citlsens. home people would not take wisdom trout Kinu Solomon its a grtcloni u1'1 Bat most people arouinbiiieus to leeru and to know Such will get in on this wonderful chaBOO to Secure tOS llritenuica, which ia tho repository of wisdom of all 1 110 Kinixs of Knowlcdijo the world has evor knovu. It is thn Ultimatum of Master (Junius. It is a Library you will be proof of if you own it Dj not p.it oft aanodlhtnt. Ooms or send atonre and have your uame placed on this Ioiik lloll of Honor. PTIStl TWBNTY.FIVM i vs ntoi TH18DATU thooTor will ho dosed and not an other order accepted. Now is the tiros to make sure of this Indispensable Hot of Honks at Wholesale 1 In'i Hiitos. If you put it off you will have to IWV the publishers' price, Itr.AI) (MHKKltl.l.Y OIJH IMtOrosl HON AMI) UK 111 IV MIMI THAT THIS BPECtAti oi'l Kit WHjIj IlKMAIN OPKN JUST 34 DAYS LONGER tin receipt of 14.50 we will forward the cutnpletn set of volumes of our New WidB-innrniii Klitiou of the Encyclop-dla Brltenoica tho bslanos to be paid at the rate of 15 month ly; or we will send one-half the sot at OOOSOn receipt si 111, aud tho balauoo to ho paid at tho rate of 1 couts por day, payable monthly. The romalDdei ol thetat Will be sent promptlyai soon as the llrst. half of the set is pnld for. This edition is printed on a flue quality of paper and is elegantly ad subs tan tiallv bound in heavy aiik cloth. The 1 ids of the back are of stout oakom board, winch will hold its shape and never warp. Tho lettering is (told loaf or ihe purest quality. It Is hound with a double flexible back just like the Oxford Tenohers' Bible, and is moro strongly bound than the edition whica is sold for S pur voiuuje. We will guarantee this work to be precisely as representod iu every way. Rsadors who dostro to examine b fore ordering the eutire set can have a volume sent for examination. Ito 11 111 mind that tliis olY.ir will p lsltivsly bo withdrawn In 25 DAYS. A beauti ful Dime Savings Hank will bo sont to oaoh subscriber for the books, whereto yoii can depose adiniMidnv. THi: I'liit r, or this kimi ion tothosk who TAKE advantage Of1 THIS SPBOIAti OPtVRR IS ONliY$l.H PFll VOLl'MK. This elegant library can benriMi ntTillC rUlBl.N'KK B. Deparimoiu, No. 48; Spruco street, nay day or evoniug ttutil tie - offer closes. Adlrossall communicatioos to The Tribune E. B. Department, 437 Spruce Street.