THE SC It ANTON TKIB TINE-WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 7. 1894. ONE CENT A Word. HVitifa of all kind rot! tnat much, e.r reif Situations i'nntrl,trhkh are inserted Situations Wanted. 1? nniker and carpenter in a fiirniuirestore or where net il si useful. M l R Willintr to make :.u fiyde Park avenue,. niTUATIOM n Ad.lrcsi F. 11 , II I For WANTF.D AS TF.AMsTKH. st court, city. r ANTED- P08IT on. PERMANENT um travel ii: hanlwaro pioi. rrou. laiuu r u-itli .nvhltccU' I'l.llis. ttock clerk, sollol- tr nr collector. Address 'Middioton, 411 Monroe avenue, ukksons Wanting a ladv fob I washing r office cleaning, csU 410 llib Bon afreet. VITI ATION WANTED HV A DRESS Q maker to go ont by the day, Adores A 14.. Tribune olflce. m u O ITUATION W ANTBD-BY A PHACTH A I . c dressmaker, work either at home or out by the day or weak. Addreea, .iiis Bather Boafleld, LfB Book itrael, Hyde Pari;, Bcran ton. MTUATIOM WANTED BY A Yol'Nti man who is willing to do any sum or wo'k; ago, in, tair penmen: can iiunisi, ".'.i reference. M. 3, Croat Offlce.),Scrna ton HV A Y 01" Nil MAN IN DliY IK'UDS OK urooerv store, or aomo business where bo For Sale. I. OF. SALK -A FARM OF BIQBTY AOBBS. V one and one half nidus troin linltuu on tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad. First class farm house withanori'r failing soring nearby; two barns, rood ihu.i and good orchard Will be sold ehetip. 'forms Mr, Address I). I', von BTOKCB .:r Isaac ELLIS, executors, liaiton, Lackawanna county, Pa, 1OKSAl.L NBWI.Y r. (H.oss 1 Landau Berlin coaches, extuaalon tot) phaetons and wagons of all kinds at M.'l. Keller1! Laidrewauna Oarrlam Works I'OU SALE 02 ACItK I and .1 .U. Hour FAUM, STOCK SHEFFIELD, 4'Jtl COB BALI 08 BJCCBAMOl FOB BCRAN 1 ton property -a bearlua orange grovs Increasing m production and value yearly In the orunve action in Florida Addrea F NETTI.F.TON. I.nku Helen, Florida Proposals. CEAlED PROPOSALS WILL III' RE i oelvcd opto noon, lllth Inst., for the ex cavating required lor new building, corner of Wyoming avenue and 8 prune street. Plans and ipeolBcatlonj may U. obtained upon ap plication to John a. DUCKWORTH, Architect, 44Coal Kxsnange Bonding, CEALED ; fl col ved at 115 could work up. Some enetk will work cheap. lion trow, Pa. erleuco. good refc Address IV O bo . For HenL ni'RNIBBBD BOUSE IK UBE1N B1DGE T with law yard and all ImnroveOMUta tor rent durintthe rammer to careful party with, out children. Addreea "Comfort. noli KFNT-si'i rE t)v poub booms on V tirst tioor. Webater avenue, ut s.a f B. Vsd. Wood'! Collage. r0B BKNT-TWO 8TOBY BRICK DWEL J'" ting house; modern Improvement ;" ' Forest, ourt; rent, '., Ancly to MAI UU'K COLLINS, agent; TJ1 West Lackawanna avenue I'or; RENT-STORE ROOM 3S LACKA V wanna avenue fr"in April I, al rooms on second Boor well adapted tor nnilnesa or boneekeeping a:o booas 1KB Cpnose are. hue with au modern improvement, beanti fully papered, t 8 F.U'Ll. 1J.M Satidorson avenue IV R KENT-SIVRE. til LACKA W ANNA I4 avenue, by April, 1. Enquire ot Uoury KrT. 421 Lackawanna, avenue or at tho premlsen tVK BENT APRIL I THE ROOMS NOW occupied by the Telephone Exchange, HP Lackawanna avenue. Apply at Itia olllco of Lchih Salt Mining Co.. Third National Bank building L B, ana E 0, Fuller, P-B RENT-HOL'SC 17 WYOMINU AVE V nue from April L Eleven rooms, all the modern improvemen s. rut per month Apply to F H. clemoxs, CH Lackawanna avenue. t'OR B8NT-BABN IN BEAB JEFFEH on avenue gn -ar Spruce street lu.iuir-. of M ?UIRtS, Jl J,'tlL'rs..n avenue, nOB RENT-IN BUBR BtTILDINO,WASB X ingten avenue, a few desira' hi i V. nd tlsts. Bent very reasonable Ito deairabl par tita. Can be n by applying to Janitor In Iding For ternis apply to C8ABLES A Bt'uK. -Ji North Mam avenue. POR RENT-THREE BOOMS, FKONT ON IT second fl.or. over N. A. Huluert s music Btore, 11' Wyum:n'av..nno, from April L In quire in the store. H OlE FOB RENT ONE BL' CK FROM wwt office, eoneainina fourteen rooms inl laundry, all In Bn- .Pier Fine location . . , !..f l,rnih.l r, n. M :, VIT I.m.l.'n UKOPt S.L ILL Lt .. .. v .v "i-i -J w ; ri,,,, .... V. - ... . undersigned for tlie building of V LET FOR A TERM (JF YEAR ROPOMALS WILL UK the ortl e of tl it V elerl). Scnintou, Pn.. until 7 , Id o'clock u m., T'bura da, ttaroh loth. IM't. to coiistru t a terra cotta ptpo drain vrlth receivers and nxttires. I he ,iul drain 0 Oomtnsnoe at a point at the westerly corner of Sumnor avouue and Pette bone Street, thence est 'lids wr-.l. i l) tin , . ugh private piop.rty t Ueraldlne curt, a dla InUOt 01 auOUi one hundred anil tlfty live feat thence south westerly akwg .jid itat aldlns oonrt, g distan. o afabonl one hundred f.s.t: thence north wostorly Inrongb pnvate nroperty ndlgtanonof abonionohuuArwd and lortj two and one halt t t to Llnuolu nvenosi thanoe in the anmidlraoUun acrosi Liiit'olti svenna, aoiatnnoo of about tlfty two and i no half feet Bidder shad undone with each preputial th ' -urn of twenty live rah orcortifleol oheok,aaa uuaraii'o lo oomply with pr, n it awnrde I tho contra t In case the (bidder to whom th contraet shall have bean awarded, emits toexiouteaoontraol lor laid work within tan days from data of gward, the enelesure gvcf tttnanylng nil pro posal shall be ftirfvltod to the nseoftheclty of roranton, Ti it teauvea ihi to reject any or all bid. By order oftno city councils. M. ,i. LAYELL8, t'ltv Clork. mteii, i'a., March I, Hl. Q BALED PB0S0SAL8 WILL BE RE reived by the Scraoton Board ol Beaith at their .rtice in the Munlc i il Luildlmr until March t MM, it i n p m., for the colieetloN o garbage, either i. y districts, nereafter lie. scribed, or for the whou city, subject to tuo foltovring con titiofta: 1. The contractor ihnll provide himself w th suitable vclucle. ti be approved by the Bogrdi with water ttht. motnUe bokej and as near air tt-'iit as may i.e. 2. --The ooUectton ot garbage thai bonttd from cans conveniently located on the pram isesofthe revpactive property hollers three timiss a week from th.- Mrst of June to the ilrt of October, and twice a week from the ilrat of October to the llrst of .lime. I, Bktl to bo lsod on tha price to la' charged eaeh family fau- week or month for eolteetinri gnrbnsjo as above specui, -i. with special rtci for hotels. i.-The nontracterahallcoUerthlsown bill, as the Board of li.alth win asaumsno raapons ibluty. Tl e F'rst district shall embrace the First, Second, Third and Twenty llrst ward i no second district shallembraoe tin. Fonrth, Fifth, sixth. Fourteenth, Kuteenth and Eigh teenth wards. The Third du-trict shull embrace the Eleventh. Twelvth, Nineteenth and i wentieth wards. The F."irth district shall embrace the Eighth. Ninth. Tenth, Sixteenth and Seven t. ent.h wards. . 1:-' Fifth district sral! embrace the Seventh and T'or'e.'iith wards. 11. ds for t!i- ml lection of ashes may also be rnrjosed, but must lui made s,-;iiratoly. The t'oani reserves the light to reject any or all I ris THE SCBANTON BOABD OF HEALTH rvALTEB BR1 o ;s. Secretary, GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES How a f.reat Railway Syskiu Breasted the Recent Severe Panic, PENNSYLVANIA ANNUAL REPORT It Roveals Happy Results, Consider ing How Serious Was he Depres sion That Cut Into the Road's Rev enues -Some Recont Channes in the Industrial Situation as Indicated in Current Telegrams and Minor News Jottings. itreet. 1' 1 Part or all of three hundred foi-t of yard orm aioag railroail. Apply at '.WFrauslin .venne. . TO RKXT-STOKE f&unOB FL'RNISilED 1 hall on Green RWgo street. Very desira- ur C WOODKL v ile location and on terms. Af p.y il WW, F E. NETTLET'lN Kpnbhean bnilding Agents Wanted. A TED-MAN a ITU LIFE AND FIRE Inwirtnoa. morianco as soil-ttor in Lackawanna county: gmd Induoeotenm lo right man Address UBVM Bets building, Philadelphia. Pa. U-ANTED-A SALES MAM. TO ,'.) weekly can h made with nnr gnods in anv locality, will provq it or forfeit $100. Salary or eommisston vs you prefer. The re suits of s ftw nonr-' work "unals a weeka wages. A '.lrs, "MANTFACTL'B ER. P O. Bov MOt, Boston. Mass. RFaKIVKH l.. by the a foundation wall for the Hethodist Episcopal church of I'".-kv::r. Mafort.-il such as -tone, lime sand, etc. to be furnish -d and pla-.edon th ground bv th- buildlA.2 i ommittoo. UonuBltte re Mr.", right t.. reject any or all liids at abelr discretion. H i HAtM AN. ". retary of en mltto, B.a aw, PeokvUle, Pa. Peekvllle, F. b. :i. im. U 'AX TED-BOYS AND OIRLS WBO wish to .i.i money when out of school: send name and we will tell you how; no money wanted. F. STAYNER. Provideano R. L U 'ANTED TWO YOL'NU MEN or D addreea to call on business houses. Steady employment f ir gosl n.-r, Apply NATUJN Ai, I.T.BAN TOWEL COMPANY, Arcade buTding. Wanted. RELIABLE BOARDElts WANTED AT M Franklin avenue. "ANTED A fOOD l. HEAP HORSE alx.ut l.liiii or weight, not afraid '.f can THOMA.-4 A. By ABB r-ar 1199 Luzorno street, city. U" ANTED wagon gTorery ind Henry Reh. -A SECOND HAND I OTEBED for singla driving to use In Lut'her hnsin.'ss. Apply to 'SI spruce stre t. Speclo Notices. Sf KAltTOV. Fob. SL 111. rpBl NNTJAL KEEflNfJ OF THE J stockholdors of tb Ijuiitswanna Iron and Stsel company for th "lection of di rectors and transaction ,f sue;, oticr husineas as may properly come hofom tba meetlm will 11 held at the oflaj of the companv In theojty ff Scranton, I'ennsylv.mia, OB Wed nfday, March T. Igtt at I o'. ;. p. m. The pulls will remain open f ir one hour. The tranaf g ooIm will hj ci.ciedon Feb. :i, i-'n and ra Op on Mareii IBM. I. IV HIOUtNSON. R-vretnrv 1 LAN K JIOOKH. 'PAMPl'lLKrs. MAO A 1 zmos, etc., bound or rei-mmd at Tin: Tnntrai .mn. Qulak work Reasonable j-nees rj'ni: fABTNEBBHIP BEBF.TOF 0B8 EX I Ist ng tKtween and known as Iters . ft Mnrpbj, slly bill gugtssi and Hcran' on 'I ranafi-r comi any. has th s clay been die solved Bf mutual cowasuttW, W Murphy in tiring in favor of -l 0, Knse. who will pay all delti and Ufnmi all obligations of ! h aforesaid, lirm, nnd to whom sfi moneyi due lain firm must be paid .1. 0. REESE, W. W MUBPRT. Banking. TJ El'ORT OF THE CONDITION It of TH.. Bl B ANTON BA VINOS HANK AND Tlir-iT f'OMI'ANY OF SC KAN ToN. No. t Lackawanna avenu". of Lackawanna county, Penusylvania,at th" cl,., .,f business, February M, UB4: l(F .T'lffT.s. ( 'ash on hand Checks ami other cash ittuns.. Due from banks and bankers. Loans and discounts ....... . . S-s'ks. Bonds, Invsetmin' , . naaj scnmies i ,.....' . rj,. o-vned. viz: TwESgJ Real estate, furniture and fixtures.. 4. 4m 1 overdrafts Hilt ill Ml JO i :a,4:i; i: J.HT'. '.il l .':u s K4,M tnLTH ii LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in (surplus rund . . Undivided profits, sgpnnjoi and fax.-s pstd Deposits suliject. to check Time certificates ot dep'aiit, Dividends unpaid SS1 SflO ' . vi urn in M.iii mi 540,011 i mi ti Ml r, YOL ARE INTKItESTED IN (,'ALIIdR nla yon HWatd have our pamphlet on the resoureee of that stat- It QOecrlbeg gr. a, bit resins. Pamnhl'.t free FonCor A V. ood on, ill Washington street. I'lnc -u - MEAL TTCKETa 0AM UK MAI) AT 111, cornsr Sprueo strm.t and Franklin avn line. Twenty in.ral tickets for fil.VI. Ooorl tnbln board . Ron 6ntato. ,-OK KALE KIN OLE HOUSE, nr. gtTINOY avetiUAi very di-sirublu location. Aniily fl F. BKYNOLDS. or W 1LLAKD, VTABHEN A. KNAl'P. (DV,oM WILL UL'Y MODERN NEWS-BOOM tjp house, all linf.roveinonts; t4riiis easy; nay ner Madison avenue and Dvluwaio atreoU Ap ply IIAKUY LF.P.rt. A HOOD FAYfNO IHJHINKKrt TO EX cbnmrefor vacant lots, or BOOM and lot Ajply to UF.l'LOOLi:. 4HH Kprm-i. street t.l.siU WILL BUY VLRY DEBIUAHLE LOT tj cxirner Madison avonua and DolaWUTS Hreet 'Terms uny Apply If AftPV I.EF.a Legal. nHTATE OF OK HABINA KWIFT. LATE 1j of the boron h of Archbald, Lackawanna county, I a. Letters of adminlalratlon upon MM above named estate having been granted to the un d rslgueal, all p rsons having cliilnis or ib -inauda ngainst said estat i will present them for sottlemoiit.aud thosii Indeiited thereto will plonsg make Immediate payment to JOHN .1. SWIFT, Administrator. Arrhlwld, Pa. .Ioiin R. Jonkh, Attorney for Estate. fitfl.siKI A report in detail of above -ncuii i s ts'n made to C II hrumbhanr. raoelinten dent of linking, as i nlld for. state of Pennsylvania, i onnty of Licki wanr.a, as. I. II. H. Kirkpatrtck. issliitial, r.ashi ir of UN isink. ilo soimnuly swear that, the above statement is true to the bsst.Of my kn'iwleilge and belief, 'slgii'-rl) H. S Kil-tKf'ATUM K. Ask st i:.t I ..shfer Huliserlhed and sworn to before, me this Cth day of Harm. !"!l 1 si-n "1 1 o B I'A UTI! II " IF,, Notary Publll l'.,rr'-e-Attest. (BtiglMd) B B, WILI.AHK. L. A WATKI'.s, M .1 WILSON, I dreotor DEPORT of THE CONDITION tX OF I ML LA' K A WANNA TRUST AND HAKE DEPOSIT fo.ri'ANY of Kcranton, Luckawsnns county, Ponnsyl vsnla, St the el,, or iMHinn l-o, , l. II HMO IUC KM ' ash on hand $ Ml 7M 01 Checks and ataer ' ash items , mi Due Iron, banks and bankers 4,1-. 1 1 i(0 i ossmerelal ind other paper own. d Xi.;,t;i si Cad loans up. .n .-ol laterals 17 "Jl III Tune loans uisjii . ..llat. rao. Loass npon is,u(isnnd . . investment i st.s-ks.oieis. t seciiriiies ' wc sjshst.j s.: . owned, via I Miingen, IlLfgH I'O I(. ul estate, luridturo and ilxtur. a Kafo rleK.slt. vaults Overdrafts Miscellanu .usasai'ts IX. itti IS.7U N .T.T.IKII W HB.3M .'U 10,01m oo N n UTt 07 ?'oi i n i; Ladles Who Value A refill, d complexion must use Porxoni's Pow der. It produces a soft and beautiful skin LIABILITIES, Capital itOOk paid In Kurulus rund undivided profit, lots expeus. sand taxes pabl Deposits subjt-et to i-tior-k benonftg special One to banks mid bankers Dividends unpaid ( oininer. lal and oth.-r paper or se curities pledged Hills pi, i Hlsceltansoni liabilities Imount Trust Fundi Invsstad Aiununt Trust Funds unluv.-stcd. II I -IHIII III U'S.tlii T.1 UBtM ;.i icpi t 7.07)1 . H n im Bono None None (101.4111 P . .$ RUH :,4 Ti'4 "I r .'li.iilJ :11 Report In detail of above securities Ins bean mads to 0 D KRuMBBAAR, Bupertn. tend. -nt of Bunking, ns called for. Slate of I'iiinsj ivanln, County of Luka wanna, se. : - I lb nry.l Ai.d tson.v the gboTO n mid company, tin solemnly stvenr that the g ,ove stntgnont Is true to tho Ut of tny k .owlildo mill belief (Sini-ih II .1 ANDERSON, Vice-prist. Huliecrihml and sworn lo before me this lib day of Mnreh, 1NIH ( sinned i MILT'oN W. LOWKY, Notary Public Corn-el Attest: -(Sinn. I ' M. T Mi l II. I R T. MI.Al K. ; Directors QBO HANDEWKON, i lu the opinion of u Philtdoiphia journal It is a anhitittitlnl Nii;n of the improving titntslbBl Iho Philadelphia MllPOad Irafli Is on the increase. On month ago tho company'ri riioorilii showed 13,000 idle relgTit. 0BM itore I itway ut various points, YoitordAv the ROmbor wns leas than IO,UO0 It is probable, however, thai tho car have litinn sent to western points, as tho movement east is still qrjttl light. Ao oordlns to the records mi Cnhiiithla the iTobrnary movoatnl offrolghi ut that plaog shows a decrease of BO, 111 l care from tho January movomanl nnd also a decrease of 17. '.ISO oars from tbs niove rnsauto( Fnbruary, 1801 The move niont for the month .i Pobraary wan as follows Trains east, 1,099; loaded ears, II, olil, empty cars, 10(i; total. II, Sllii. 'iTalul went, (Ills; oadM bars. 7, (09; empty curs. 119,039; total, 41,180. (hand tot ul, BS 08 I. John II I) iv a & Oo'fi cireulur drswi this picture of trala whiati beaomai uliuost ii political docuuieat: It in uu r. oi idieueai: ot law money, aio mills, i lie workiniQi idle ialrameo,id)g brokers. Never lieforj has this con ditioM applied, at mie and the win- time, in bo miiiy ' ' r - ut lines ol in- ilustry and of prodaotn, Tim furin- tra are feeding wheat to tbtlr bog. hi. I tho iron minus of Minnesota are paving millers 1 per day wh n they foirucxly paid $3 U. and getting m rt work out of them than ever o i m .- live Idle men arc standing around waiting for the joo of every m in who dro;is his pick. Tnere are 1330,000,000 on doposit in the banln of New York city, and 100,001 people in tho Hmn city who don't kuovr wiicro tli food tor the I iv is to c.iiiie t'niui. Iron c in he maile lower than ever before, but iron manufacturing h so dull tint 99.000 people in the Iron City are being M itti in charity, Railroad service is being reduced and train hands laid oil for want of traffic, and freight agenti are eattlng rate:! to picees trying to get a share of what little tonnage there is. Money is I 'tidiiu on c.i.l at ! n-r cent. a year In New York, and tim nnrltet rate in Cirnp;in Center rang from It p?r cent, in Berlin to 0 per cent, in L uidon and t per rent, lu I'aris. The iollnesi at Hid ritocif eionange is Indi cited bv the f..o'. that the aveniL-e price of ttv.'ntv active stock flnctuat'-d leat than 1 points daring the month of tebrusry The annual report, of the hoard of directors of th" Pennsylvania Railroad company for lH'jl will bt) submilted to the stockholderi ..f the roti at th, an nual meeting n:i Miroh 18, Tho report In tnbstanoe is a follows: (iross earn ings of the three grand divisions east of Pittsburg mil Erie, embracing the main line. Unite! Rtilroadaot N-w J. r-tey anil Philadelphia and Erie rail road and branches, were 00 ;i7,,i.'..,ii! hi ; rxpeniea, $18,096,017.18, l'ving tbo net earnings $19,870,900 59. To this there il added iJ'i.'oO il!l 07 for interest from Invrstmenis, rentals of roul estate, (qui;, in i,, etc., making net earning! of $99,418,147.69. After nil deductions and addition) tha final bal ance to the credit ol profit, and lot on Dec. 81, 1383. bnme fJG, 473,152 31 The amrofnt of the c a pi t at stoe'e out standing nt the close of tho year i I given in $199,971,000, an increase of $9,406,830, 'Lie to the conversion of that inn. unit f the scrip illTldond d" clnred in May. 1809 During the year were additional securities pnrchas.l nt a cost of $1,087,704.41 mating tbe en tire cost ot the saenrltlM now held bv the comnanv i! 18,680 408 ! The total iimonnt (Zpended for oonstruotlon and equipment during thytar was $0,664 3U1 2:1 The number of tons of freignt moved on the thren grand di visions east of Pittsburg and Brio Wai 69.887 460, a decrnase of a, 097,805 from the iinnihr of jns- sggggri carried wai 44 189,891, a dti ertaaoof Btw Tha total amount of coil mined by tee four OOttl SWOpauljM In which tbd oompany I Intareated was 3,619,788 tons, an increase of 40,879 tons over I8M Tl ere was n decrease ill the not. enrninds of the mining companies of 37H,0-i.".7 J. bnt this was fully offset by the stock of coal on hand at the end of the year. On the lintis directly opirated Wtl of Pittsburg the nut profits were $1,996 012 01. On the otner lines went of Pittsbnrg which th" cotnpiny operates there wns n loss of $49,901 Bl.tbUI leav ing tha total net pr .liton all linn west of Pittsburg $1,876,110.17 Thennm ber of tons of freight moved mi tho lines west of Pittsburg was II! 1,11811, 118, a decrees., of ! 030, 7511 otsi V.i.i: The number of pnsstigers was I7.01" V.i, a decrmso of 1,3118 133. The net earnings "f all lines ess, and w 'lit of Pittsburg lor tho year vera $89,008,898 78, There were 185, 514,888 tone "I freight moved and hi. 15'i.iMI patsongen carried Tim Penn vlvaala avtm of railroads at tba nlono of 18113. comprising nbont Ho Ml ml In, nil r.f which ara oontrollad i v lean" or oivte-ribip, cuiislstod of I ID i DfDOrattOOl with an agRrogntii share sil l bond capital of aboilt $918, 000,005. The asset i of the company are if','71. $48,890.18, an Increase ol M 890 760 70. Tba total llabilltlea are $974,848 890.88, less the $96,000 0011 profit this year. The sliipiii'iits of anthrarito coal (tppregmtd) for tlin week ending Feb. 4, 1084, oomiinreil with the oor resiion ling perloil last year, were as follOWl I fell. M l ob '.'.. i-llt. IMHI. Ill im.;iis nuuii 4.74.1 sg.lll i:i.:.m:i Iti.Mia I4,mi HVVKI7 Ml, 107 company is able to ray all its creditors in full. Tho I.ehijh Valley railroad shops nt, Wllkes-Harro havo returned work 011 full time. Until further uotico the eniployis will work ten hour a day. Work has been begun en the Krnnkrord brunch of Hie Reading company, mid it Is expected the road will beoompletorland in running ordor in a few months. Tho New Jersey Oaalral movedta hW 6,310,088 tons of coal aad 6,869,781 tons In 1608, The revenues from anthrai itn cosl tonnage were SA$8!,0TV in 1808 11s com pared with fo 840,100 In 1808, Th tonnage luertaaed BbOiTW and the rsvenues tSUB,137, The poUlera tmployed by tin. Potto town Ir .11 company went to work Woodsy at a reduction winch bring their wage down to 19.16 per ton. Tbia la Ibti lowest sun ever piihi the puddlers in tho Bcbuyl kill valley. Jobu 'I'ayior, g iral trafllo maaagar of tlie Lshlgh Valley, always remains at. tllti Bsthleheni offtoa on Monday, A. .1. county, of the secretary depart meat of tba Pennsylvania Railroad com pany, h is reported, bus fallen heir to a srge estatn lo Ireland, Tbe gross earnings of asTaotytwo rail" roads during the second week in ITebronry decreased 14,61 uer cent, Qeorga Kersobner, who for the past, ten years had been general mine superinteiid- o it ut Hollywood for i 'ni vi 11 Pardee 4b (Jo., has been trautferrod to tbo l.atlliner col liery, lliii place bag not yet benn Dlled, FINANCIAL AND COMMcHCIAL Stncka an. I Boudt Ntw Vork, March 0 Rarely, if over, ill the history of tbe ItOCk OXOhMgS havo there been no violent AunctnatlODS in a stock as were witnessed in Atnerlranaugar daring th.) Bret hour of boslness to lay. At the start tin re wns a decline of nboiit li points lo !b, following with a rise of HI point to illii took place, then in lens time than it takes to teii it. tlie stock sold down to 01 and osok to B6ji(i Reasoni Innumer able were glyen for 1 e sensational change In the stock, it wns Mil. 1 tbat Wssblngton and local benra had bow alarmed by te iilaolnc of u big buying order, and In d rushed 111 to cover, which resulted in tie phenomenal rise already noted, oiinrs bold t thai tbo risa was the result of pen) inlying. Tho anbseo.nent collapse to 0 lU was said to be due In I ho fact thai the I g boars ill the stork had bfOO Compelled to rnnke a paWate settlement nt 100, Ofcourse null thewlimination of th short Interesl then was no longer ny reason to support the price, and Inlying orders were with drawn with the result already noted. The following eiunpletc table snowing tbo dsv s lliirtiiatlons 111 active stocks Is supplied snd revised daily by I.alhvr Kullsr, stock biokt'iH, 121 Wyoming avenue: Oneu lil.'h- Ine. .. JTtf ,, K.I ,. HI .. BUM Connolly So Wallace KID GLOVES All Sizes and Every Conceivable Color. Our regular $2 quality. At the Special Price of ....... . ill nil sgejgsjt I he greatest bargain in Kid Gloves ever offered. Do not fail to see them. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Am. Ot Oil Am bngart a T. aTBTf Cull. So tVn. N. .1 Chic. A N. W r . 11. a y Chlo. Oas c. c. 0, tt st. I,... Col . HooliVVal. ti I 6, 11 p., I .v w li.AC. P Krle U.K. Co Luke sboro C i n Manhattan Miss, l'ao Nut. Lead N. Y. ft N, K... N. Y. Central. , N. Y., O. ft W. N. Y.. H, As T, II. S. 1 . Co North Tar Nnrlii 1'ae. pf,. 011111111 Pae. Ms:l Heading ltock Island It. T st. Pkui r..c. ft 1 Txna I'nc... union 1'ae Wabusn, pf W, Union V. ft L K W. ft K. uf.. Hi', : id. 8KK .. - .' I .. 17 .. 41 ..! .. 471. .. ., Mi .. m . Hr's . . H 0 , .. Ithi est 1141 M DOM ids' EOU ID gall Low est. rm HS IW lOJi lei's Jil MM ml Clos lea. KTM in lojii 7nia "lOs m mi 17 MM 171? 41', ItM tin, mi IH imi 15K- VH l-l 17 IIU l.l'-M I1 I filM 1111 Isle 141,1 MI'S 111 4- s mi I7is a 71" u 4't. ,i t M ieisj I4V4 1-714 m 45 0U m 4ji m ii:, iryj 4f4 MM ItM iivi ttO s., JIW I Hi im 11m in MM mi m MM I1M eJ us nu 4' 1 4M 11 l-fl, ISii '.''I ifU isif isa 138 kaU m,:i, iQ iru 4-sf, 4st N, J. OKI.AWAKI., w EHTRBA It HIGH AND SU50UF.HANNA DIVISION Anthraeite roal used exclusively, Insuring cleanliness snd i omiert TIMI. TAIll.l: 1'. Kri'lli T I'l.ll I. Is'JI Trains leave Hcranton for PitbvUn. Wtlke Parre, "tr . t 8,10, n.i;,, 11 :i n. au, U.UU, ou. MO, S..0U, T.IS 11,0 p in Bundays. 9.UU a. m., I OU, 1.00, 7. Ill p, in I'or Al lactic I it y, II Hi a. in. For New York, Newark and Blltabetb, (.10 (express) a. m , 11.80 (express with Uuifet parlor can, II :n) 0 sproaa) j. in. Kunday, .W p, n i on Maui ii I'm ,k, ai.i.i n iowx, Barni.X' MiM pABTOK and PIllljtpHLI'niA, n.lQ a.m.. IIIIO.B.00, r,.no (except I'lilludohmlaj p. in. Sunday. SU) p. m I'or l.o No liiiAHi'H, o, i an Gnova, fte at lio a. n . I2.wn in. i'or lUading, Lebanon and Rarrlabnrg. via Alleutown, 8,10s, in., ItOO, O.OO D.m. Bnnday, -if p. m. for rottevltte, 8.10a, in , 12,90 0, in. Hetuiiiing, leave New York. f..t o Liberty treet North river t i.iu (itapr-ss a, nt, l.ln, 1.30, 4,:i (express with Iiuffei parlor earj i. . m. Bnnday, 4ii n m leave I'lnlsdnlphia. Reading Terminal. 0.00 ii. nt., 2,00 slid 4.11 ; p in. Sunday. 0 27 a. in. Through tlaxeta to all points a lowest rate nay be had on application in advance to thu ticltel agent nt the statii n. II. BALDWIK, Qcn rasa Agent .1. II 0LHAU8EN, Hen Bunt LACKAWANNA AND UAll.KllAI) Trains leave Scrantofl as follows: Express c.r evs lorsnuti an e.p,l r.he!. I it). I 6-1?, 1 "I and !' ' a. in . 126. and :i GO p. m. Express for Ijistou. 'fr.-uton, fbiladelphui ami lie- Booth, ! b.( and KIO u. in ; a:,', and 8.U p in Washington and way stutmns, i.s'i p m. Tuhynanna .aoeornmodatlon, spi p. in, Kxpr m. for Dinifhaii.toi-. t,Bwee., Qmlra. Corning, Bath, pSMVtlle, Mount Morris and llutfnlo, 12.10. 21.; a. m. and I 24 p. m. muklng . lose oonueetions at Buffalo to all point in thu West Northwest ai.d Koulhweiji. Buffalo i.ccoiniuodation. 'J. Hi u. in. BinghanUia und way stations, 12 37 p. in. NicnolsOB snd wav Mati-get. 5 4i p in. Bingham ton and Elinirn Kxprees B 01 p, nt ExproM ior i ortland. ayraense, Oswego, utlea and Richfield Borings, 2.1j a. in. and 1.24 p IB. Ithsos, tit mid u in nnd 114 p. m. For Ni.rtlniliils rlaiiri.Httston, Wl.l(f Rarre I'lymouth, libitiislmrg and Lianvili-, nuking rinse eonneirtioes at Nortnnmb riaud for wllltamsport Harris burg, iiaitimore, Wauti- Ington and tbe South. Northuiiib. rland snd iiiterinodlato htationa tlAi. Ii.&u a in. and I4M and (MR p. fa, Manttooke sad Internadlata stations, an snd 11. 2U ii. in Plymouth and lnt-rmedlute stations, (Aland H3ji. m I'lilln.nn parlor and weiUllllg on all XjpreSJ truins. rOT detailed information, pocket tlin table.). I etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city tlocst offtoa, ;i Lecxa wanna avenuti or dejiot ticket mBm ACADEMY OF MUSIC. WEDKESDAY, MARCH 7. The Oerjnuh Comedian, CHAS. A. lODER, In the Masical Faroe Comedy, Oil. WHAT A NIGHT ! Reconstructed and K I Duaont author of " Mini. OanasIL Bvolvne J eniDlaj Alue MarsbaO, lmise lllce, Bulda Hali-era, Mrs, chits Sale opens Monday. i -written by frank J ns Bsinatakei Harry HH'ofl, Harry Blekox, Hurry ' 1 Bbttnk, warren v. Asbler, II C Caubmau, A Lodcr. 17 BIB AXD Id liOAIl WTOVnia VALLEY HAIL- Chicago Orin and Previilom. HritANTov. Mar.-b 5, The fnlloivinj quota tions nre sop piled and enrreeted daily by La Bar ft Fuller, stock brokers,!-'! Wyoming ave nue. Bucklan's Arnlci Sales. The best salve in the world for 1 ut i Btuisea, Boiea, Ulcers, Suit Hheum, Kovor Bores, Tetter. Chsppeil Hands, (Chilblains, Corns and nil blti n KrupUoiis, auti posi tively cures Hies, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Trice US cents per box. For enlo by Matthews Bros. Ht.gbiim. Wyoming.. Lchlglt BchnyiklU. ToUl T, .till for to dale rjaoressi 008 M Ul 2211 8(1 1 yaar 1,808,188 n,7ii,il7l t,WiaM Minimi tKDOtniiAii Nona i Ball wata offlelals say reports ooaotfitai cuts Hi fust bound rates urn exaggerated, The apparent tncoess of important rail road i'oiiiiauii's in ri'duclug i .tpi'iiri'S ami nalotainlni net tarnlnn orestea toore ConftdenC ihnt heavy reductliua of divid ends can 00 avoided, fudge Jenkins, In Milwaukee, on Kitiir dny, discharged tho receivers of thu Le high Valley Coal and Iron company, whloh failed In April, ITO, to; ll.ajaOOO, Tho W I II". AT. Opening. . . Highest. ... Lowest, ... losing. . .. OOKN. Opening... Highest.... .OWOst,... ;looln OATH. Opening... llighc t.... Lowest. ... Olnalng.... PORK, Opening... iilali"! i.... Lowest.... closing.... I.AItO. Opening... IIIUllPHt,.,,, Lowest..., CI sing.., sn it. Opening. Highest . . Lowest... Closing. . Kills. I nr. ITM Hta !: M 2..:' MM pa it i IMS 111, IUB 1132 lis", Ml 88,1 885 .vo MO 6V0 Mav MM Hlti iviiJ "7ld 37-., In'u 8TM .10 miu an; K44 tins 1 1430 inn in: 112 hi: IisA &v (OD roj nn 80S .Tnlv. mM (8 MM ii2 NU m ml i a i '.a., m lliin inn KM IIW w bs2 UK2 I EHlQa VALLEY RAlLBl AD ij Pan. ii, leu: Train leaveH Scranton for I'liilatlelplna an 1 New York via. U A II K H nt 8 a.m . 12 in. 188 and 1181 p. m via D . L A iW. R. it.aiw, N.iis,H.i9J a. in., and 1.3U f. in. uoave Bcranton for Pittston and Wilkes Barm via II.. L A- W, it l(, r u-i. s 0, 1121 a in . l it), 1,80 8.07, 1' :w p. w Leave Si'ranti.n for Whito Haven, Hazleton. Pottsvul and all points on the Beaver Meadow and PottSVille l.iuiiehes. via E A W V . &0s.m . v,n 1). ft II. H. It. nt M a Ut. 11.10, 2.ns. 4 10 p.m., via t) L. ft W. U. R., (v.o, com II '.Ha in., I 3D, IK rant Leave Bcranton for Bethlehem, Baston, Reading, Harrisburg and nil intermedial i points via I) ft II. il. H.. - a tn.,12.10. tS, I Mi i in .via I)., L. ft W. It I5..H lJ.s (in. M.20 a. In.. 1 UU p.m. Leave Scrantn forTunkhaniciok, Towan la, Elinira. lthacu. Qoneva and all lnterm idi it.i points via D. ft II l R.,0 1 7 :i in.. 1 2 10 and II. r, p. m via II L. ft W It K.. mis s in.,l.:i p, in. Leavs Soransoo fog Reansatsr, Buffalo, i agarsfaua, Detroit Cbtnago and aiipoiats west via D ft 11 it. ii. 8,07 cm., 12 tO.R.18,11.11 p.m. via I) L. ft W. R. R, and PitUtot Junction, mis m 1! 0.18 p. in , Tin B ft W. R H. 3.41 p. m. for Blmlrs and th ) west via Bslamtnat. via ti. ,ii 11 K It ItuTa.m., Ig.10,8.18 p. m . via I) . L. ft w H i,'., ,8.08a.m., 1 island 8.07 p m. Pullman parlor snd alaogdng or L, v. chair oars on all tra ns between L ft 11. Junoti in or Wilke- Barre and New Vol Pt: ilit-1 lpld i. BiilTulo and Baapensioa Undue Km. LIN II WILBUR, Oen. Sunt. East Die OHA8 s. i,v; Oen. I'm. a.-t Pblla.Pw A V, NONNBatAOHRBtAss't O n Pa-s Ag't, Koiltll Bethlebeni. I'a. rata leave Scranton for New York snd in. I termedlate points on the Erie railroad nt 8 V l n. in. and 1124 p m Also for Hawlev and j local points at 885, 0.45 and 8 2 pax, ! Train leaving st 8.45 u m. and :121pm. 1 are through trains to and from Honeeaale. ! Trains louve for Wilkes-Harrc .it 0.'i a m and 8.41 p. 111 WE BELIEVE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TBCRtDAT, HAB. H The BorasjrUe A-tor. DUNCAN j;. HAEEISON And company in tin- Sensational Comedy. , Llrsma, The Paymaster KIECIAL eCENEHY AXU EfFECTS. Siiecial eniagement ul th" World s Champi-.n C t. SAMPSUK '''"'.'v- U - :T' :' Randow's only equal Perfnrtni - very feat that Sandow does Holos the ebamnlonsnin belt of the iv, rid. Llltel 4.ijn( p-.unds ' Salt- opens T-jesdav. W c have the hand somest line of Tarlor and Drawing Room Kbaai-,c IData, New York ProdUOS Market. Nlt-w Yoait. March 8, FtOOB ESntier, more active. WHBAT Dull llrmor with options; No, '2 red htoro nnd eb vator, K'.'efillc. : OoMe.) f. o b BaxaBto.) ungraded red, BHnllac. ; No, 1 northern, Ii!',-. ; options rlusi'datoady, UnMc- ov"r yostorday; No 2 ml .ilarclt, 1.1 ,c; .May, t.lo.; .nine, i." 1 . ; .Tul v, I'si'c.; August, r.T'ji,; September, r.-,'4c., Decnmher, 71 JsJC. COKN Hull, tinner; No. 2, adlgfl ; eleva tor, 44c , all at, options, ami, tlrni, (,,. higher; March nnd .May. 4'lUOtl April, 480. .1 uly, 44c. Oais S.ots dull, firm; options fnirlv nc- Hvt.nrmer; .March, ::,c. ; April. 85 Wc.; May, MHO ; IN". 2 white, 8441400, 8IK0.1 Spot pin:.. N .. ;. 378710 ; Ho, 2 white, 8Kc.; No. II Chicngo, :!..'.; No. 11,87c, No. 8 White 8HU0.I mixed western, White lb. Ibbl I !c ; white fitat nxxi- iiuii, steady. Bgxi ilAMa-gjiet. 'ftincap ban lusctlva, t ut Mkatm Dull, weak. Minni is- Nominal, LanO-ntet, weak; western steam, .); city, il;ail'1f . Atarcbit IMIS; Ala, tTM. rotlueil, dull; t nutliienl t W; biniih Aitu rira, B.Su; compouiul, iiail.'sJo. Pong .Moderately active, vaay: mess 8IU iWolMtV UtrrtBB Dulli lower- Pannsylvanls. ci eatnery, 2.s'.; Western ilalry, new, IStfaloo.) d". creamery, lOsBttci do. fat logy, llalftc. ; rolls, ilnl.V; I'lglns, BBo. 1 i mi 1 1 h i nt 1 1 creamery, isalfu cnaisa uoou demand, arm, I'linilged. Bnoa 1 Mooei ate (.amsnd, and Pennsylvania, I0il0)4ju,i ruse, f -j WatllLOOi wrenurn duck, Hit'. ii n- iteady j state Ice b nise per lro.,li. IIUi gnaw.i limed, iio i southern, iia Philadelphia Tullow Marlcst. rnibAnii.t'iiiA. Mnrch .--Tallow una qoiot and steady, Ptiota wore. Prima uty, In liogshtads, 4j,c. ; prime coun try, In hogsheads, 4Wa do, dark, In hog licads, IJgO.) cakes, lie , grease, 4 n. hhmiv Bt uoapRALa, foraman Raary King I'nckiiig coinpniiv, Ht. Jusoph's, Mo., uses Or. Thomas' Klectrlo Oil with his men for sprains, cuts, lirulnos chapped bands, etc, It is thu bust. A nousnhohl Treasure. i). v. Foliar, of Oassjoharis, n. y,, mys that ho always keeps Dr. Kings New Discovery In the Boose, and bis fatally has always found the very best, lusults follow Its use; that ho would not, ho without it. if procnranio, o. a. Dyaaroan, nrngjrlst, Catlshlll, N. V., says that Dr. King's New Discovery Is UMOUOtedly tho best cough remedy: that helms nd it In hi fiimlly f or eight, years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for It. Wliv not tie a remedy so long tried end tested' Trial bottlrs free at Matthews llros'. drug story. Regular siy.o BOO, and IliOO, Tin: HKi'ltrT art of beauty lios not in cor. no -ii -, but is only in niirn blond, nnd a healthy performance , f ine vital Functions, to be obtained by using Burdock Bioou Hitters. DELAWARE AND HUD snN RAILROAD, Commencing May to, 1802, trains w ill run ns folio WV! Trains leave Bridge Streot Btatktn. Bcranton, for Pitta. I ,, V llUes.l'.sre,, sol 9 i i", 8117, 10.42 a I,,,. s I... U.IU, ,1,11, 1M.I and ii IE p. m. I'or New York ami Phila delphia. S I'lii ill . 12.10. i 2.V 888, 4 in and II 80 p. m. For i -., - i irom Delaware,Laokawanns and wiwl.-rn depot), " HI, Mil, Id 111 a.m . 12 u in.. 2. 17. 10 p. m. For CarboDdale and Intermediate stations, .Mil. 7(10. 8.80, 111.10 s. m . ItOOm ,2 17. ;. 2. Mo. atsindva)p, n ; from Brldgebtreet Depot. 2.IU n. in., 2. 1, and 11 a p. in. Fust elpr.-ss to Albeliv. BaratOga, tin. Ad, r. ndaoS Boantalna Boat .n and New England points, 5.40 a m., arriv.n at Albany 12. 15 aarstogs 1.10 p. m., mid leavinii Bcranton st ;i p m , nrrlvlng nt Albany ul I I p Bk . Sara km I A a. m . nnd It. .iiton. I 00 a. m The only direct route between the tsial Aeldl and Boeton "The Leading lonrlsta' Runte of America to tbs Adirondack Monntaln n sorts, Lakes u sorgo and Unaunplaln,, etc. Time tardea showing local and through train sci i Ice between ststi .ns on nil dlvlalovti Dsui' wiire and nndeon system, may be obtained al nil I lebiwire and Hudson ticket offline, II o Vul'Ml. .1. Vi lUHnicK. Second vice President Glen, Puss. Agt. Furniture over state like vou shown in this and we would to see it. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. A NOTAILE EVENT. 1 BID Y. MARCH CHARLES FROHKAN'S COMPANV Presenting BeUaoo and PyU- remarkabiv successful American drama. The Girl I Left Behind Me With all the s"cnic environment ami correct surrocndingt that characterised this produc tion. 261 ni tbta in New York 150 nights in Chicago, nimgbtsin I'hilad l.-.hla Pnirrs-r.rl .rsicl 4r.-bwra. 81: Orch,. tra Circle ar.rt two flcst rows Balcnv 7V- 'ema-.nder Baloonv. Mc. ; UaUerv. nit' S.ile opens eJn.-i-dav A CAD KM V fiP Mi-cir- ' w staf a SATl'K!iY. MARCH 10. The Inimitable Cojno-tv Farce THE SKATING RINK Th-funny ,.,,ItH...r ,,p to Ahta ,,ronc,.,i with many scenic anJ ens-trie festu-cs sud n cast of laOOmparabls artists, smoni ii-bo". m,Hyt JWPOned Fior:. Fmlavson. Usina i .ark. Belle Martin. Fred Prior, games Btur arts, ktsrry Kebior Josapfi r s-sra indNai Cantor Connell Washington Ava. SEE lb. neotrioal Beoeatrieltlea , he Droll Comedians Sale opens 1 hnisdav. Mi'IIATllN 1 1 I I I . i In I (it. i January Nib, i ii. Noi III ll.ionil. vim gut vii.i Btallona sKiuin II. i noil. iOi gel s llfl I I III Ila Bl La liu le -, j l S e,:(Trnlns Daily, K--'-. ' 3 -i 1 r r, cepi aunday " H 'g a r m H 201 f 10 7 Mil ?DI T if' 7 'n 7 m: i ra iv r.'. i r.2 12 4, iv H2; n H i'i in1 rr in .. nam tnr a n wi r. M , .l n r in -i tl ni '" r , in - .j ii ii f(1 IV)1 11 llll Il li'l n .'i rn in i. IB jo 1 1 III. M I 1 1 'js fi jifllH fn mifi Mi' a All lie I.i-IIM 7c7i Franklin Hi 7 lu West 4Ud street fooj Weehawken m ai rive Lsave I 8 Hani . . .. .Iiiiictlon Hancock Stiollkllt Plosion park Conn) I'ointclli' Belmont Ploananl mi l id 'iidnlK I'orscl city Csibonuaio While llrldge May field Jcriuyii Alchlbild Wluton I kvllle Olll'llllllt in. ksim 1'nroop Proi idenoe fin k Place l alll nil Arrive II '.'I II It, II IN II HI II in u in irs'liiani at r uv I'm oyi.cuo l M 711.1 sin I' M I 0.1 2 II i I '.' Ill H4I Il .VI j :. 11 oi . oi ii in :i ii I.O.I . ii isj . II IS' , r. 21 . i. u . i " 4 . lilW . lilDt. . . I" A ; t t a ii. . 21 0 4s ; t M 1 1 4i 7,si n : ,ii 4i ; in i oi2, :i si 7 4.1 10 Oft' .1 III 7 IS 10 111 H III 7 88 10 bl 4 til 1 M 10 If 4 IT 7 Ml 10 2 i 1 10 sin 10 84 4 1 S 1110 1.1 4 IT SO. In, 'III I'll i a a r .v w I) :SIVIISe7l sS-lswV. .Ml . inliis run dally except Sunday. t ilglllQ thai trWDS Stop Oh elgOal (or pav snngers, AatUllonsl traliiK leave parbORdalo tot scran, tea i. in and 0.1.1 p. in . ariii lug st Mrrauton im and f.OO. i.eave scranton for carhondalo, 550 ami b.n arriving ai carboudoi at r.Mamu,uu,m inonre ratis via Ontario a Western before jiurohiiHlng ilrki'is and . ine money Bay and Kiiigt Lvprcaa to 1 in- Weal I.e. Aiideiiun, tien. I'nss Agl T. Flllcroft, Dlv. l ass, Agt Stranlon, I'a For Delicacy, Forpnrlty, and for improvement of the com Pleslon, nothing r.;iials POSSOaTt'S Powder. DON'T FORGET That wc are bcinbjunrters lor everything In WVlliltx If ,,ii gal .1 anv idea of purchasing anv kind ol a Watch, lady S or gent's. Bold or stiver, yon will make a irrlsv Sns mistake It you do not give us a call and gat our prices, which you will Bad far below all others, specially III all the high gril les of Mgln, m "lib on nnd Hsmpden movement If you have any aOUDtl and are at all posted on price glvo us 11 e. ill and IN WUl hare no trouble in convincing von. We still have a large st sik to dispo-ss of, and will offer yon son- iirriui Inducements la ,'cweiry, Silverware, Clo ks and all ethec unnls which we have In Stock. C. W. Fr&&m&r IV nn Ave nnd Sprnci St. SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. naringsecered the siioF.iNti Font if. of Vi'lliUm Blnme 4 Sitn for a permauent busi ness stand, 1 shall conduct Hdentifto and i iiihoiogicai khooing for tbe Prevention, Be, lint nil. I Cms of LanieiisKs nnd other impeiil niciils in the movements ol' Horses Incidental or due to Imperfect shoeing. 1 shall give the work my personal ntteiitb n and guarantre no ektra charge, exi t pt for Iminovi nient. , Lamn DOSS, wbl betieeted aitemoons. ,A free dUnio nnd prwesslonal adVteS given every Monday from . to - I'. M. JOHN HAMLIN, D, V. S. W.-k rouuncnetng MOKDAT, KARfH, WonderlaDdTheatre Co. Monitay. Bour Tu.srisy aa.1 ctnlt's Oteai 1; Wrdnrstiay, tsh riav. COLLEEN : BAWN Thursday. Frid.iy and Saturday, Streets of New York ADMISSION. 10 0 and .lOlLNTS Open etuuiacan be reserved, ov nnninsr, eei at' trrncs-n fr.-m 1 ; re 8;0. fcr the to entertainment Performances every afternoon except Uondaya thursdaya at 2.;', and ev, ry ever.lrgat f I V lWia ois?n at l.;B and 7.1'sll'M. ("USHMAN'S . . HIJOU F0RMERIV MUSIC HALL, Sornnton. Have Reekafaller,Laaoesi Fred Baasrsll, Maik Grand Opening March 5. Contlnui us performance from 2 P.M. to 1UIB P M. daily. .in I BAKK CI slill W, The Prince of i . in linn. The Wonderful "liCDA." .11 I I H ,llli. DON. the Mrlropehlnn Favorit i ii k aiaTKna MasmOjc v M MAIKIS AMI KIM., direct from Tony I'nsters Iheslre Aesr loll; Ameiies's I'remier Mali BaMaUQj Mil, UKOHUK HAa&kl l sill I HANK IhLTON. Scrant. iii's Well-lenowii Comedian, nil piuMHii-t QrAltTI i n Th,. Qreal and Onls KISifiEtL, Haniunrs JA.OIV Novelty and late of Ilaverly s Mua todon Minstrels and others. A refined t ntortalument Is promised and we intend that ladies and nhildrra oau st tend without escorts and will bo given every attention and courtesy by the attaches, un der the personal stteution of Uauager Ban twL l'rieesof ad.nlsslon. 10. 'JO and ) ueula, with a few reserved .t fur 31 cents. THE LAROEHT CHEAPEST UEST Tl T ll me in