SEE PACE 6 -1 B ? I EfUJIT PAGES-56 COLUMNS. SEE PAGE li SCRANTON. PA.. AVMDNKSDAY MORNING, MAIM II 7. 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. 1 111TB FR P "IB UOH RULEW REFORM VOTERS SHO I DOWN TROJAN THUGS Are Coolly Assassinated While Trying to Stay the Cor rupt Tide. BOSSISM'S BRUTAL CLIMAX Municipal Revolt Against Murphyisiu Is Punctuated by Unparalleled Violence EMPIRE STATE'S GREAT SHAME Robert Ross and William Ross, Two Republican Watchers Who Endeavor to Thwart Democratic Repeaters, Are Shot Down in Cold Blood-Bat Shea, Regular Democracy Hench man, Arrested on Charj ot Mur der Malloy Elected -Great Excite ment Prevails Throughout the City. A Mass Meeting Will Probably Be Held Tomorrow Evening for the Expression of Public Indignation at the Outrage. with other and endeavored to effol 111! Ca hire. 1 CM not nv what bt came of McGouub, the excitement wan 10 ureal. " There were five candidates for mayor In today's eleettion, but Interest cen tered in the contest between Mayor Whelnn (Ind. Dam ), whom the Repnb liciim tiMd endorsed, and Kraneis J. Molloy, the choice of tli regular Dem noraoyand the adherents of United BtatH Senator Murphy. Excitement wa not diminished to night It u rnmored that a maai meet ing will im hld tomorrow evening, when public sentiment will nndonbt "illy find expression ooncorning tie election outrages today. Bat she wan arretted this evening on a charge of ut order. Incomplete ratnni Indtoatt the eleO' Hon of Molloy, the regular Democratic nominee by a majority of 1,800 rbe board of aldermen will remain nnder Democratic control. . . - . AN ODD FREAK OFJUSTICE. Th Sim Penally tor S'.ealtrjK a florae or a Oh-eken. NORBISTOWN, Pa , March 8. A pe culiar contrast In lentenoM was made in tourl here yesterday, David Holt was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary for stealing n norse, and John Brown to two years for iteailng a ebicksn TROT, N. Y. , Alnrch 0. I EVER ban Troy witnessed a more exciting municipal election than that woich took place today Tuere hail been scenes of dis- Order at many of the polling placet, but the ontrageotll ilisresard for law reached it height at noon, when one Republican was mnriered and another was seriously wounded. Tonight the streets are crowded with excited throngs and tbe under current of Indignation caused by the itovsruor ' refusal to sign the Troy inspectors' bill has given way to a tidal wave of denuucition. Tnose in official life on whom excited oltiieni place the respon sibility for the nomination, are ac (;' in most bitter term. They claim that had the in;otor' bill be come a law, repeating would not have been attempted. VICTIMS OF ASSASSINATION-. Robert and William Kus were the victims. They were among the citi zens who (fathered at the polls in the Third district of thi Thirteenth ward to see that the election lawsw-.-re not violated. The voting htd be spirited at thi district, but not until the ap pearance of a gang of repeaters was there a ripple of excitement. A man who had no right to cast a vote then presented himself at the polli and d niuuded ballots. The R publicans who challenged him were ejected and the applicant wes afterward pushed into the street by other Ripublicans. Tnen bullets flew through tue air an 1 four men were strnck. Prominent among the fighters wera ''Bat" Shea, John McGough and Jerry Cleary, who idrew piitols, and so did .1. i n . Oliier. in me crown. nysianaers say that Robert Ross was knocked down with a club and while he was lying wun mi raoe iown me assasnn seni n bnllet into his braia, causing almost 1 Hunt oiain ai locner w in ran w n i.i . . i . ; -1 ti . . wi i .. i i. . i . . i i i Clause i scaip wuuuu. j inarm man ras shot and it is reported tonight ttiat be is John McUough. 8hea is being closely watched and vrjill probably be arrested. John H. It i in I. a p-ominent citizn. was ar rested this afternoon on a charge of being implicate I. Justice Foreman refused to take bail and lioland was remanded in jail. bystandkk hoi.and s statemknt, Bolsnd made the following statement the Lnited Press reporter: "Im- enenn vvitu m on jr VI --vm.y cui.-iii do hi all toward securing an honeat . M h.U f . . L. ..tll.i. e li Tn iiLi.i'ii'i. i . ill Liiey n i L' . i . . ,. Hi . . a ... . acien in un rirsi an i .-vicuna aiincis of the ward. Repeaters were said to be operating in these districts nlmot without moUstation, and when the Democratic heelers began to arrive th lespectable element was ou the alnrt to prevent fraud." ' 'At noon Shea, John McGough, Jerrv Cleary and one or two others whom I do not know, went into the polling place with a repeater, and a wataher followed thm Into the polling plac and made a protest against the fallow voting. McGough, Shea and the other followers of their crowd forcd the watcher and crowd beck. McGongtl drew a revolver and ordered the crowd to stand back. Hhea and Cleary did the same, and all three at once bnitan firing. Robert Ross wna struck under the ear. He never uttered n word af ter he was shot. rows' imOTIIKIt also shot. 'William Ross, seeing that his brother was shot, rushed to the reseue. Before he could reaeh bis brother's inf. np inn irn. nnnr. ill i n i linn iriirn ,i..,l ... .1 I.. II ... Ik. .... in,. I I..!., nui niinrniir irn: no r inneii ill I nil rending a light as I ever saw. John Ross was holding his dying brother's bead and moaned: 'Look at my dying brother's life blood,' as the vital strength of Robert Ross oozed from the wound in his hoad.dyeiiiK his brother's hands and tho gronud a bright oritniOD, "The trouble originated and the fight was precipitated by John Mc Gough, who is a Democratic heeler. The firing was fast and furious tor a few moments, and it is a wonder that others were not injured. After the shooting McGongh dlsnppearod. I saw McGough empty his revolver Into the orowd, and believing that he had killed my friend Ross, I followed him TARIFF BILL ON THE TURNSPIT Senator Hill Precipitates an lotimtiog Dis cussion. SEIGNIORAGE STILL SLUMBERS After Discussing; the Practice of Ap pointing Naval Cadets from One Stite and Crediting Them to An other, the Houso Denounces a Re cent Selbctlon by Secretary Her bert -The Pension Appropriation Bill Considered. Conferences Between Mill Owners and Workmen Have Thus Far Been Fruitless. Lebanon, Pa., Msrch ti. None of tl i mills in this city were running to day and there is no clmngo in the sit uation. Stwral eonferenOre have been held between the men and their em ployers but as yet no satisfactory un derstanding has resulted. A secret conference of the discontented mill bauds was held in the birch wooils in Independent district this afternoon. The men grouped around the leading spirits in one corner of the dancing pavilion but whut transpired could not be learned. All persons excpt the poddlers and helprrs were excluded, and even re porters were requested to keep away. All seemed quiet, but evidently de termined on adopting some plan for fu ture action in view of tho little they have accomplished in conference with the proprietors. The mill owners imist that they cannot pay any more than their com petitors in surrounding cities They say they are sorry for the men, and advise them to return to work for the present. They assert that there are thoiuauds of men who have had noth ing to do for months, who will gladly take their places if they do not want tbom. On the other hand the men say the reduction means starvation wages, and that they may as well starvo doing nothing as working. THE COWBOf WON HER. One of Buffalo Bill's Star Runs Awav with a Chicago Olrl. CHICAGO, March 6. The romantic courtship by a young cowboy of a young lady of Euglewood, persisted In despite the opposition of the parents, yesterday ended in the elopement of tnn pair. Gertrude Risen, of 8184 Evans avo niie, left her home with her little brother to visit friends. Bbe deserted him at. the Thirty-fifth strvot statlou of the elevated railroal, ami is thought to have gone away with A. W. Gormley, her cowboy lover. A (.J,. Rosen, the father, has secured a warrant for iormley's arrest, and the polio are now looking for tin couple. The affair dates from tho World's fair. A V. Qromley came to Chicago to perform feats of horsemanship in Buffalo Bill's "Wild West" last sum mer, He secured an Introduction to Miss R isen. Love at first sight re sulted, but Mr Rosen denied Qromley the house The latter persisted and Mr. Rosen hail him arrested and placed under 1800 bonds. All through these trouble the young people continued to meet clandestinely. Finally Miss Rosen left her home, as stated. Her little brother Freddie's description of the man she Diet at. the station corresponds to that of liromley. CALLED HIM TOO EARLY. Charlea Johnen Bhoit Hi Brother and Thnn Comin t 8ulcide. PflIt.ADCt.PHIi, 'March C. After at tempting to take the life ot his brother, Charles JobnSOD , aged 88 years, sent two bnllets into bis own head this morning and died soon afteward. Peter Johnson, the brother, is the proprietor of a sailors boar ling house. List night Charles, whom Peter had not beard from for fifteen years, called at. tho boarding bouse Under the influence of liijnur and got permission to remain dining the night, Thll morning whn Peter arnnsed his brother for breakfast Charles drew a revolver and tired. The bullet en tered Peter's shoulder an 1 befell to the floor. Charles then shot himself tlitougb (be Ilea l and be died instantly. The wounded brother, who will re cover, canuot account for the deed. ST3ANGF. PARRICIDAL ACT. Can the OULDNT 00 BADLY, FOR I GHA1GE, WOULD 111 HER WAGE!? rOR A CHURCH W (8HIKQTON l. C, March 6 H PRELIMINARY, bat highly iu IU si motive discussion on the sui lr J' ' rl"' tariff hill, and tho de U u ay in reporting If, was precipi tated in the senate today by a question of privilege, that first, in order of titn. names resolution offered by Mi. Hill, New York, with a prvniubl" as sertlng that by the treasury statement, there was a deficit of $7N,O0i, OU'.I for the cnrrenl lineal year. In addition to snob deficit the Wilson bill discarded $78,000,000 of revenue, and Instructing the nuance committee to frame amendments to the bill that would admit the internal anil direct taxs and provide sufficient revenue for taritli ig other foreign imports, and otherwise revising the turifl without creating a deficiency, The resolution was at Mr. Hill's re quest laid on the table for the proseut lo be called up by him probably very soon. The seigniorage bill, which was nominally before the senate during the whole of this diseussiou. went over till tomorrow, when it will agsiu be presented for its second reading. The senate adjourned at 8 00, THE BOUflK ISKBL'KEH MR. HERBERT. After discussing tor a short time the practice of the navy depart mont of ap pointing naval cadets from one state mid crediting them to another, tbs house today passed a resolution de nouncing a unauthorised and void the recent appointment by Secretary Her bert of u cadat from the district of Rep resentative Bank bead, of Alabama, and crediting him to the district of Repre sentative otrait, of South Carolina. A resolution was passed lttiiorizing an Inveatigation ot the order of Jo lge Jenkins in the Northern Pacific . rail road receivership. The house then pro deeded to toousider the peusion appro priation bill under an agreement to close general dobate at 3 o'clock to morrow. Speeches were made by Sick les and Coombs, (D'tn's. N Y ), Milli ken (Rep , Me ), Grosveuor. (R-p., O ), Bluir, (Rep., N. H. ), and liattou,(Rep., Pa.) SITUATION AT PLYWOUTH. Discovery of the Bodies of the Gay lord Victims Expected Hourly. Flying Rumors. Danlal Trcy Bli'.ot Father and Aailgo no i(aion. Highland Ckktkb, Wis., starch 6 Daniel Tracy, a young man of town of Rich WOOst, tins county, shot an 1 killed bis father, Anthony Tracoy, this morning After the shooting be took bis rifle, went into the wood where for a number of hours be held th officers at bay. He was finally indued by friends to glva himself up. Hu assigns no reason for the crime. , -NOTES FROM WASHINGTON. The senate lis couth mod the nomina tion of Patrick Ilriody, as postmaster of South Bethlehem, Pa, Hecretnry Morton has Jolt addml a new division to the orgnniz mon of the Weather bureau, to be devoted to tbo subject of meteorology in it- relation to agricultural soli. Professor Milton Whitney, of Mary land, late of John Hopkin's university, has in ' ii appointed cLOr', Wilkes Barrel Pa., March 6 (treat excitement took place at tbo Gaylnrd ehafr at a late hour this afternoon when a rumor gained currency to the effect that the thirteen entombed men had lieen found. This was supplemented by another at r o'clock that the under takers bad been notified to prepare of fins, and have them all ready in an hour's notice. .Mine lnspictor Williams, who was seen later on, sai 1 the party were making good headway, but ue yet there was no truth in tho report that they hail found the men. It is true, however, that the rescuers at work are gradually approaching the point at which the men were working when they wore buried beneath the fall, and it now looks as though the re mains of the vietim may be nneovered almost at any moment, FIRE AT LANCASTER. The Nln ... Town Agitated bv Thounand Dollar MsStS l.N''AS1Klt, Pa , March ! Fire this evening badly damaged the building at M East King street, this city, occupied by ii, M. Myers, ptotore and novelty dealer, and Miss Mary Rose, um brellas. Myers' loss will be about. 17,800 and and Miss Rose's 9,000. Both covered tiy Insurance. The loss on the building is 18,000; insured e STRAY TELEGRAPHIC TICKS. The slandsrd dollar coinage last week whs BbBiMQi The livening Star, of Memphis, is tbo l nited press' latest, acquisition, ExtotiMvo beils of bituminous coal have I n discovered near I he City of Mexic Wild parsnips eaten by mistake, killed tWO children ot John Kelly, at 1'ayet.te- ville, N. Y. Michigan's Salt, trust i iisil tbo price of salt, III cents a barrel, osteii-oiily to iirnvunj losing money. (in a wager for 110,000k (ins Kuehn. of New York, will try to drivo from Alaska to Qotham in a dog curt in iiotl davs Despondent over Dnanotal ami family trouble. i, Henry Dobmer, book-keeper for a l,ouisvilli bank, put. a bullet, In Ins le-nd Chicago barken of Thn ubuo TIiouiih ate likely to withdraw from him their B naranteS and let him return to New York. In a frarns over retaining the pastor flllv members ot u I in it Int. cliurcli near Lebanon. (J., were Injured end ho peWt and carpet rained, Word I,,, . I n received of the safo Sf rival lit St. ThomaS, West Indies, cf tile Pen uavlvhnla School Bblp Bsratota. aii on board are well. Telegraphic advices have been received from Panama that a revolutionary upris ing bus taken place in Con a Uica. ft Is understood thst the rebels nave not as yet tnel wit n any lUCOuSS. 1). II. Stager, of Bcbnylklll Haven, I d ad. aod 71 years, Be was the father of TrmiHiMi'tiition Mister () W. htager, of the l'hiiaileipiiiii mid Eteadlng Railroad company! and Blltor Htsgar, ot tue Sons of America Camp Mows, i' dladelpnia. A Vivaclnue Dell HI lea u Korae Clutbss llue l'sshion. PlTTSBOBQ, Pa., March (! The most novel expedients on record for the rais ing of uhnroh funds have driven the sheriff away from the Coreopolis Meth odist ohnrob, a few miles below this city, and caused him to lake down bis placard Of sale. One vivacious young h"lle of 88, Miss Fannie Siobold, won a wager by riding n spirited horas with out a saddle, clotbesllus fashion, for the church fund. The whole church community was animated by thcotn mon purpose of keeping the sheriff from tbo church door. Miss Siobold beat them all. for though she made she male portion of her host's family, in a country house hold, remain indoors wnile she strode the turnback hors-, she only won her fifty cents for the church by riding be fore men and women who chanced along the road and marveled at, what they saw. Station Aeut Samuel Mar shall blacked boots, IWept out a pool room, wheeled M W Watson, a staid oilisen, about, ;iu a wheelbarrow, and turned burlier to win hie churcb moneys, Mrs. Hamilton, a well known society !i:dv, sold bread, lanndried tho gentlemen's ties and cleaned shoes. Sli' returned about -std ss the result ot her labors, and tho total ifund Kised is if'.'OH ,V ; so tho sbiiiili's sulo has been stuved OS, - ' ' RIOTOUS MINERS AT EAGLE. Strikers Thirst for the Blood of the Man Who Disclosed the Dynamite Plot. Charleston, W. Va., March u. An excitiug twenty-four hours havo passed in tbo mining region. Ibo disclosure uf a plot to blow up the troops with dyuamite bad an eleclric effect ou tbo strikers, and they are bloodthirsty and lotermiued to find the man who ''peaobed," A mob thronged Hundley, spies wore in every bouse and the man's life was in the utmost danger, and bow he escaped detection is a miracle. This morning he whs taken secretly from Hundley to Liglu ou a locomotive and there placed under the protection of the military. The strikers do not yet even know wboro he is. Alarming reports come from Fay- etteville that the jail, if not already tired, will be before night, strikers re leased and Wyant lynched. Crowds ot miners have been hurrying in tbo direction of Pavotteville since late In the night by tram and on foot. I wo gatlmg guns were sunt up this morning. Ibe trial ol Wyant and his two men is taking place now. LAD HUNG ON A MEAT HOOK. Suspended ia Mid-Air While Uis Hand Was IS. ii Torn. Lebanon, Pa., March ( -An agoniz ing accident yesterday betel UNorge Sullivan, a Pr-dnricksburg lad. Ho was playing in the cellar at his home, anil was endeavoring to touch a beam overhead by leaping up. After several attempts lie touched tile coveted beam. bat bis baud was cau,;nt by a huge meat hook that projected from it. The iron pierced his flesh and he was unable to release himself. His feet were a foot from the ground, and his whole weight was simp irtod by his baud. It was tearing bis hand every second, and ha screamed loudly for help. Several companions went to the rescue and took the lad from bis terri ble position. -- - NEAR DEATH IN A BREAD-RUSH. A Starving Wonnin Truuioted and Her It he Broken. Chicago, March 8. A grim approaoh to deetn in a wild rush for bread to etnvo oil starvation was experienced by Mrs. Bridget Riley, an emaciated, wan little woman, who full fainting at the county agent's office this afternoon. Sue and her husband had come for food for tiieir family, When the door opened the other ap plieants weresoeager that Mrs. Riley, entirely exhausted, fell and was crushed in the crowd. Before the police OOUld rescue her shn had been mercilessly trampled and two of her ribs broken. - AIL ABOUT THE STATE. Some Tioga county tohtOCO growers will discard that crop and raise ciibbsgo. Allentown wants a bridge over the Le high river, to connect. South Allont.iiivn. Criminal court, opened yesterday at I'otlsVllle with "50 cases on the calendar. Diphtheria add scarlet fever are alarm. ingly prevalent in the vicinity of Pine I liove. In one grave Mrs. William BchSeffof and her daughter Rosa were buried yesterday, at Reading, Thieves die-polled a Hlot machine in Michael's restaurant, Pottevllle, sad got mi in nickels. Rev, Dr, V, II. Dunbar, of the 'ion L0 I derail church, Lebanon, has resigned to go to llalllinoro. A man whose name is supposed to be Os borne, of Hoboksn, N. J., was found dead at Ingram station, Allegheny county. While asleep on a chair at Pottavllle a little sou of John K. ohver tumbled against a stove and was burned to death. The dynamite house of the Juniata Min ing company at Williamsburg. ISimr coun ty, win blown upon Sunday, but no one was hurt. The York Dally, which was burned out of Its home ou Sunday, appeared us usual yesterday morning, printed from a con temporary's ufBoe, The directors of the s mthwsst Pennsyl vat, ia It ulioad company, a branch of the Pennsylvania railroad, mot. tn hiy and de clared a dividend of live per cent. Philadelphia and Now York capitalists propose building an e e trie rail win from Philadelphia to Burrlsbnrg via Reading, Publication of intention to apply for a charter was nude hero this afternoon, At the executive ISSsiotl of the sunate yesterday tbs following Philadelphia ap pointment wore continued: John 11. Read, collector of toe port; f Gray ffrolr, surveyor of the port, ami st. cist; ttnl- hollum) pension agent. Airangemauls have been completed for a 74 hour bicycls race between Dnwsou rournwald, ol narrisbnrg, ami J, J, Mo Uiattuhlln, uf UolUinbla, liegonnim 7 p. m., Apiil II, and ending Op 111., April II, for the championship a ccntiui Peunaylva aw TUT! STORES 1 IN no to Terrible Con Halation Nearly Annihilates a Southern Town. DYNAMITE ALSO CREATES HAVOC Three Blocks at Cullman, Ala., Wiped Out by Fire Four Persons Fatally Injured by an Explosion of Dyna mite - Fifty Horses Roasted Alive. A Methodist Church and Many Handsome Dwellings Also Go Down. Ala Birmingham, Ala., March ft HEAVY rain, which began fall ing at 'i o'clock this morning prevented the total destruction by firo of the town of Cullman, The hre started at 10 o'clock last night in York's livery stable and fore the flames were subdued, the tire business portion of the town, eluding McMinn's ( ipera house twenty stores were swept away. During the progress of the fire a large quantity of dynamite, stored in CoODIUan M" Hordes' warehouse, ex- be -en-111 and pin led. instantly killing rb-rks U F. Mitchell and (). Dinkelberg, and fatally injuring P. M Allison and A P. Leiob, Twelve other persons were seriously injured. The firo was undoubtedly of incen diary origin. Two men were seen to leave the hay loft of York's stable shortly before the fire was discovered. Their identity is unknown. Fifty horses were roasted to death In Y'ork's stable and ten others iu Coopmau cc Qerdes' stable. Among the buildings destroyed were the Metnodist church and four hand some residences The burned district is about three blocks in extent. The total loss will aggregate nearly if 100,000. with only a small ;amonnt of insurance, MILES AT SANDY HOOK. The Famous Indian Fighter Inspect the Nw Gun SANDY Hook, N. J.. March ft Gen eral Miles, the veteran Indian fighter, with Ins aide decamp General Maut, arrived at Sandy Hook this noon on the tteatner Ordnance. He proceeded to the proving ground, where Major Comly directed a series of firing from modern guns, snch asG 'ti-ral .Miles, in his long service in the United States army never saw before. The general left for New York late in the afternoon highly pleased with his visit. TRAIN WRECKER'S SENTENCE. Michael Burn Five Years In the Eatrn Penitentiary. MEDIA, Pa., March ft. Michael Burns, the discharged railroad employe who on Jan. 'vO last attempted to wrock an express train on the Philadelphia. Wilmington and Baltimore railroad, near t'runi Lynne, was tried today. lie was OOnVlOted and sentence 1 to five years' imprisonment iu the Eastern penitentiary, . - - EMPIRE STATE ELECTIONS. The Returaa Show Larue Republican Onin Everywhere. MinnuTON, N. Y March 6. William A. stumbnry, Republican, was today sleeted mayor of this city. Tho Repnbll cans sweep the city. ITHACA, N. Y., March li - At the city election here today tho Republicans elected the recorder and the city civil justice. The Republicans carry three of the four ward, AMsrcBOAH, N. v, March ft. The Re publicans hud n sweeping victory in this city today. They elect a mayor, city re corder, city treasurer, live aldermen and four out of live supervisors- ui.nvK.iisvii i.k. N. Y , March b In the city election bre the entire Republican ticket, was elected by over 1,000 plurality, the large. t ever given. ROME, N. Y., March 6. The charter election today resulted in tho election of Charles Oarmlohaol, Democrat, for re corder. Tin- oombion council will stand the same us last, year, tea Republicans to seven Democrats, with a Hemocratio mayor holding over. BoRNBLLaVILLB, N. Y , March O.Tlio city election today resulted In s Republi can victory. Rochester, n. Y.. March 8. The Re publicans have elected the entire city ticket. Pouohkkspsis, N. ., March 6. Elec tion took place iii the twenty towns in Dntohess county outside the city of Poiighi.eepsu- lodav. The Republicans elect sixteen sil l the Pom n'rut four su pervisors, Last year the -mmo towns sleeted nine Republicans and eleven Demo crats In the city the Republicans have four mid the Democrats live, making the board stand twenty Uepubbcans and seven Democrats, Instead of thirteen Republi cans and fourteen Democrats as before. OWKOO, N. Y., March II The charter election held here today was the mosl ex citing and the most closely contested In the history of Owego, The Republicans idect MX out of eight aldermen. Newburoh. N. Y , Msrch 0. The Re publicans today elected all their candi dates. 1'ki KsKn.i, N. Y., March o The Re publicans curried everything here today. Arm UN, N. Y . March ft. -The entire Republican ticket was elected today. BLMIRA, N. V.. March (l --The Democrats sleeted ttaeli candidates here today. BROOKLYN, N V., March ll. The special election ordered by Governor 1'lower for the purpose of electing a supervisor from the l-'.ighth ward, resulted today in the election of August t '. Fisher, Tb elect ion of Fisher gives the Republicans toll con trol in the board of supervisors. Lb Rot, n. Y March K The Republi cans elected their entire ticket here to lay. Ni ah Aitv FALLS, N. Y., March (I. The ejection today was unfavorable to the Democracy, CORNING. K. Y March II. The election tod, iv resulted h the Ripablioons electiug their entire ticket. lUi'AViA, N. Y , March (I The liepub licans eleced their whole ticket by large majoritiee. KoOHEBTBB, N. Y , March 6 Out of thirty-nine towns mid wards the Dam I BfaM today elected bat six supervisors. RIOTS AT VOUNGSTOWN. Fruitleea Eff irt t'i Run Street Care with Non-Union Men. Y0DO8TOWN (.)., March (I There was a enisll riot in this city today na the re sult of an attempt made by the Youngs town Electric Street Hallway company to rim a car with nun union men. The streets were crowded by thousands of idle men who hurled insulting epithets at the men on the enr, A wild rush was made for it when the public, square was reached. Every pane of glass was shivered to atoms in a minute. A short time afterward a terrible ex plosion was heard and the first thought wsa that the mob had resorted to dyn amite to blow up tho cars, having threatened to do so sinos'the tie up It was found, however, that sympathisers oi the mob had exploded a large dyna mite cartridge to frighten the men who bad taken the places of the strik ers. At 2 o'clock the company announced that no further attempt would be made to run cars for the present. COM FOR r FOR H ASTINGS. Th Delegates of Two OhuntlSS Instruct ed for Him Yesterday. BeLLEFONTE, Pa.. March C The Republicans of Centre rountv today elncfed James A Heaver and Mr. John P. Harris delegates to the state eon vention. (i-nt-ral D H Hastings' can didacy for the gubernatorial nomina tion was endorsed. Lock Haven, Pa, March c.-The Republican county convention this af ternoon elected S. M. McCormick dele gate to the Republican state conven tion with instructions to vote for Gen eral D. EL Hastings for candidate for governor. CARLISLE, Pa., March 0. The Cum berland county convention (Rpnbli can) met here today and elected C. P. Adams, 1 f Carlisle, and Alfred Lou don, ol Silver Springs, as delegates to tho Republic instate convention. Gen eral Hastings' candidacy was endorsed. WILL BLOCK THE TARIFF. FINLEYS Annual of R -publicum) Will K-p the Bland Bill Baler the Senate Twu Moalhe. Washington, March C The Repub licana to n man are determined to get the Bland seigniorage bill in tbe way of the tariff if they can. They held a caucus last night an 1 decided 0:1 this course. They decided to get the Beig niorage bill before the SSOStS and to hold it there in the way of the tariff bill for two months. The finance committee have practic ally completed thoir work, but this new turn of affairs greatly alarms them. They agreed this morning ou a plan'to get tbe seigniorage bill ou the calendar, tint there was a blunder made somewhere which may make the plan fail MEETING OF THE RANGERS. bpnng Sale SILKS In addition to our magnificent stock of Printed India Silks, we have added a new lin- of Wash Silks, Louisennes, Crystals, Glace Brocades, Swivels, &c, &c Extraordinary Values in BLACK SILKS and SATINS. Four Greal Specials, in PEATJ D' sou; and SATIN DUCHE88E, 98c, $1.15, $1.35 and $1.50 The best values over offered and wear absolutely guaranteed, Cheney Bros. Black cade Duchesse. Bro John D . Cutter' s (warranted pure dye) Taffetas, Gro-Grain, Mervelleux and Duchesse Cord. 1 Fifth Annual National Convention Session at Toledo. TOLEDO, O March 7. The fifth an mi ll convention of the supreme coun eil of tbe Patrons of Industry of North America was called to order in this city today. The following supreme officers were present: President B F. Kerrick, of Durell, Pa. Secretary (ieo- A Ii'iiuett, ot Marengo, 111. ;lreasnrer M. E. Hoginlre, of Bangor, Mich. ; Lecturer A. S. Partridge, of Flushing. Mich. A new constitution is to be adopted at this convention and it will be a ra dical departure from tho one uow iu vogue. MINE RS STRIKE AT DOVER. Three Hundred Ir. n Worksra Demand Iiicrinn cf weaea DOVER, N. J March ft -Monday af ternoon mm mini rs employed by the Mount Pleasant Mining company, at Mount Pleasant, within three miles of this city, went on a strike, they hav ing received 90 cents a day. and they demand $1 88, The company is not disposed to yield to their demands Tuis ulteruoon a committee was appointed to meet the officials of the company. If a general strike should be ordered there will be fully 1.800 miners thrown out of em ployment, MM- - TWO BODIES RECOVERED. Vicilma of lh Slutlnstcn Dleaetir Crushed Peyomt Recognition. BlaTIHOTON, Pa., March ft The bodies ot Griffith l) Pritahard and one of the Hungarians killed by the cave in at Williams & Sons quarry last Thursday wore recovered today. Tho remains could only be reCOg tnzed by the clothing, the bodies hav ing been crushed into a shapeless mass by the hundreds of tons of rock and elate. HIS PENSION WAS STOPPED. A RUrVlVOI of LtbbS anil Anderaonvill PrUona llnuir Himself. Celina, , March 8 George w. Sherry, an BIUnlo0 soldier who had peut nineteen months in Anderson- Vllls and Llbby prisons, bung himself yesterday morning. Il had grown desji indent, over the suspension of bis pension of tVi a month ROLL OF THfc GRIM REAPER. Captain Sumner Marey, 7(1 years old, of Cape May, N. J, Wniier li Breneiser, sole heir to the large estate left by his lather, In Reading, Pa, Buddenly, after an operation for' ecu oar of the eye, . I. T. .Murray, of the New York Cotton Exchange. George M Norton, n noted mining ex pert, ot Denver, OoL, formerly superin tendent Of the Coinstoek Lobe, and known as the "Hoy Broker." .lames I,. Bines, si years old, a shoe maker at Gloucester City, N. J,, for the last half century. Deceased served two terms iu tho legislative and was mayor of UlottOSStcr City in IST4. WEATHER FORECAST. Wahiiinutov. March li. fore cast for lvsdnestfcifi PVr cost era V)iHcitiim, svattrml sAotesfs fonfoAf una fa the sarfe momfap, oftoMwd by jni; much odder irsttfastv windt bsoomtag aoWAtesst, For tMsteni BntHsulwafa, ftiiv ia fas after noon, prsesoVd by HhouvrH on the Inkts, tUgktly colder, utlodt beoehifao aoWaussi, 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. THE GUTTA PERCHA RUBBER ITS HI FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE. CIIAS. a BCHIEREN CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak tanned Leather Belting, H. A. Kingsbury OKNT of 3 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. Lewis. Reilly & Davies Reliable Footwear. Iff? -r N-T y Feet of every description fitted at Lewis, Reilly & Davies. Will rloHi Ttry cvotiiuu nt 680 I'.M. XOept Stiirtirty. We Examine Eyes Free of charge, If a doctor needed you are promptly told so. We also guarantee ;i per fect fit. WATCHES AT COST for one week only. 1 J. IL, AKCADK JEWELER, 215 WYOMING AVE