The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 06, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Our Fashion
March NumDer Just Out
Describes and contains the
Leading Fashions, Latest
Dress Materials, Stories, An
ecdotes, Humorous Illustra
tions, Valuable Information,
Elevating and Pleasing
Reading tor the I lome.
rout or town oorreeponnenti if tub trih-
DMaboalaoupi their nameo in full to oino
news letter, not for publication oiit to euard
!-s.-l del
tO t.lOL'
our store.
who call for
k at
are sole audits ift scran
ton lortiie sale of
English Skin M
Price $1 Per Eox.
Clean your Kid Gloves by
Instantly removes SPOTS
or stains without injury to
the Finest Fabrics, Kid
('doves. White Shoes Silks,
Laces, Woolen Goods, Car
pets etc.
Has no bad odor; never
leaves a ring on cloth alter
prica 25 cants psr bottle.
The Hustling Smq :iel i:m. Count;
Towa Written Up Gracefully.
8ptkU to the ScmntoH IWbiiea
Forest City, Pa., March 5.- Mrs.
Bd, a. Reynold! and daagliter, o( Clif
ford, urc spending today pleasantly no
the gneati of Mr. ami Mrs. A. li. Mor
gan on Uailroud street,
Fred swrinr, who Dai bean spending
the pait faw dayi at the home of his
lister, Mrs. Cbda, riiffgint, returned
to hie home Ht Norwich, N. Y., today.
1,'ov. W. 1,. Thorpe, presiding elder
of the Boneidale distrlot, preached a
very interest im; eermon to , large and
appreciative undienoe at the Methodist
ESpiteopsI obnroh last evening, taking
lor liitext tht' third mill tonth verses
in too nineteenth chapter of St. Liik-'.
The oboir, consisting of Mr Qeorge
.Ux--y, Mrs Samuel May, Mi's Luna
Reynolds, William Jones and Joseph
W litres, with Mrs II F Aldrioh as or
ganist, rendered soms ohoioe music.
Cb tries O. Bardlok, of Honeidale,
pent yeaterd iv witn li; parents in this
Mrs, T. Box, of Georgetown, has
been the guest of ber hod, Qenry b is,
for tin past few dnye,
The Domorest medal contest, whioh
was to bae taken plaoe Wednesday
night, has been poetpoueJ until Maroh
rouorrow svenlng Arch Dsnoon
Coxe, D, D , of t ii Scranton diooeie,
win oonduot services in Christ's Epis
..,.,il fbnroh, Delaware streot. Air.
Coze is sn sloqaent speaker and it will
he a plessnre to hear him.
Mis. Mattis Cabill, of Susquehanna,
is visiting at the iioino of 'Squire M. J.
P J, Osgool. the popular mllkdls
psuser, is replacing hi old, store front
by an el gant new one
.). C Hltchner, of Pittston, and of
"Tid Bit" fame, was a visitor iu this
place today.
Tomorrow evening the Bpwortb
les.uue will bold an interesting stasiou
in ihe Methodist Epiicopal churoh, M.
1. Evans Will read an essay upon the
life of Longfellow and members of the
league are invited to give a quotation
from the above named author. An iu
i llation is extended to the public.
J, L. Morgan, of Pittston, who lias
two laro stores here, was looking
after bit business interests iu tbii place
Frederick Hsrrifk, of Ltrabee's ton
sorial parlors, spent the Sabbath iu
Great liend.
Miss Hattie Reese spent the day with
Carbondale friends
Mr and Mrs. A. G. Li' j i returned
from Honesdale today, after having
spent Sunday with Mrs. Liljs's par
oly?han r iiiws triiMS.
Current Topics Carefully Cullsd and
Graphically Kported.
Spcnai fA- Scronton IWeaas
OLYPHANT, Pa., MarcbS. Mrs, Wil
liam i.riirtell and son, of Scranton,
spent Sunday with Mrs John O'Mal
lay or. Dun more street.
William Riciiar ls of Bait Orange,
N. J., circulate 1 amonir bis msny
friends here on Saturday,
P. A. Fhilbin, of Arciibald. visited
in sister, Mrs. P. F. Fa-Men, on Sat
Miss Jennie Telford, of the West
Nde, attended the concert irivin at the
Elra Park church, st Scranton, Satnr
lav afternoon.
Miss Day has resigned her position
stthe Eeady Pay store, and expects to
go to the Moses Taylor hospital tobs
come a trained nurse.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Pres
byterian cbnrch will meet at the home
nf Mrs William Mason on Lacka
wanna str- et, Wednesday afternoon at
2. GO o'clock.
(Jharl"i Lewsley. of Carbondale,
sailed on his many friends in town
iatnrd nr.
P. W. JlcLonghlin, who has been
visitinjr relatives in New York the past
week, returned home Saturday night.
Mrs. D. L. Perry, of Diakely, who
hno been serionsly ill, is recovering.
V las Annie Shen, of Green Ki-ige,
visited in town Sunday.
John N. Wilson died at his home on
Hudson street Sunday night after a
brief illness of typhoid fever. Ds
censed was abont years of a'e an 1
leaves a wife and one child,
John J. Carbine took charge of the
post office this morning. His sister,
Miss Mary A., will assist him.
C. M Putnam returned to bis home
in Deposit, N. Y., Friday, after spsnd
Ing a few davs in town.
John P. O'Malley, of C-irbondale.
was scon on our streets today.
Bncklen's Ainlea Salv".
The best snlvn in tbe world for Cuts
Uruisos, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
frores, Tetter. Ubapped Hands, Chilblaini,
Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and poi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to glvn pnrtect satisfaction
or uinuey rifuiided. Price 145 cent per
.a. For sale by -um..- . liroe.
Confronted with Evldnnoi, Frei Blch
mond Admits B Ing Oullty.
Special to (As Scrantim Trilmne.
HoxK.siiAi.E, March B, Fred Rich
mond, a former porter at th Allen
house, was arrested Saturday, ohirged
with buri-'lary. and plaoed in the coun
ty jail. Fred Smith w is also arrested
HI an necoinplioe, cirg-d with re-
c -iving stolen goods, n was rdieaseu
on hail.
It seems Ihnt for soim time pist tho
proprietor and clerks at the Allen
House have been unsung money from
the safe, usually in smsll amounts,
nnd havo been unable to account for its
disflpiiearance up to Friday, Feb. 23
On that dny the olerk, Edward Wood,
left the oflioe for a few moments anil
on returning saw Richmond leave the
oflicii and nlfo discovered that money
bad been taken from the safe during
his absence. H followed Richmond,
fonnd the money in his poisession, and
succeeded iu haying him admit his
Mr. Wood then set about tracing the
movements of Richmond for tho past
few months, and found he bad been
nslng considerable money in variune
parts of tbu county.
The evidence thus collected was
brought bofore Richmond, and be
finally admitted his guilt, bnt denied
that Smith had anything to do with it.
i As the sale stands in plain view to
person! in the) hall and reading room,
the Loldneiisof the robbery is surprising.
Our Begular Budsrat of Entertaining
News Paragraphs.
Svtctal to the tjcranton Trihuns.
Jebmvn, March 5. Win. J. Baker,
who has been attending a school of
dentistry in Baltimore, is home for a
vaoa tion.
It is proposed, unless the council de
cides to sewer the town, to orgsnizs a
private drainage company, nnd allow
anyonswno desires to connect with
the same.
Tne vonngest 6on of II ismer Fowler
is ill with scarlet fever.
Sonday afternoon Rev. Mr. Balsl"y,
of Carbondale. held service in the St.
James Episohpsl churoh.
Miss Lilla Hutching', of Mooiir,
spent Sunday with Miss Kate Olcott.
Mrs. C D. Winter is eontined to the
house by a severe injury to her eye.
Sunday, Hal Jadwin, of Carbondale,
was thegnestof Mr. Alfred Walkey.
Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Shield! left yes
terday for a protracted tour in the
southern states.
St. Mary's church was crow lei to its
utmost capacity Sunday evening to the eloquent! sermons by the rev
erend psstor. Father Lynott.
The St. Aloyiian society will hold a
fair after Laster. There will be a num
ber of booth representing the different
countries, viz., Japan, England, Amer
ica, China, Spain, etc.
Rev. F. Gendall will deliver an ad
dress iu Uniondalo today. Snt.joct,
"Encouraging Feature of the Temper
ance Reform." The reverend gentle
man is a good speaker and will do full
justice to the subject.
David Lewis, of Honesdale, is visiting
friends in Jermyn.
John Tighs, of lower Main street,
who has been confined to the honse for
a number of weeks, but was thought to
be recovering, suff ered n relopie yes
terday and Is in a preoarious condition.
H. D. Hwick, of the firm of Swick &
Nail, transacted business in Soranton
Patrick McDermott.of the East Side,
Is seriously ill.
About 800 invitations have been is
sued for the entertainment in Gilmore
ball this evening. A fine programme
has been prepared and a good time is
in store for all who attend.
Criticising a Young I. I .-
"She would bo a pretty L'irl for but ono
"What's that?" asked eiiarloy.
floored Her face is always covnrnd with
purple nud red blotches.
Charley Oh, that's easily enough dis
posed of, Used to be the siim way my
self, but I caught on to the trouble one
day, and got rid of it in no time.
QeOrgS What was Itf
( barley Simply blood eruptions. Took
a short course of '. P, P. I tell yon, lt'4
lhe buss hi o id Corrector, The governor
l,ad rheumatism so bad that you could
bear bin holler clear across the country
every time he moved. He tried it, and
you know what an athletic old gent he is
now. If Somebody WOUld giV! Miss l)aiy
a pointer, she would thank them after
Ward!, All tlie drug stores sell it.
A Serious Accident to a Child Other
Newe Items.
bYwcifll to the fleroafsei IWeeae,
AmilliAl.i', Pa. March 5. The first
issue of the new weekly paper that is
to chronicle the affairs af Archbald,
will appear next Saturday.
A serious, and perhaps, fatal accident
happened to a Child of Mr. and Mrs.
George Sohimmeli, yesterday morning,
in the absence of its mother, the
boy obtained possession of some
matobee and while playing with them
set tire to bis dreis. A iioighbor was
attracted by the screaming of the child
and entering the house found the little
one in a mass of 11 ime. The tlames
were extinguished and medical assis
tance obtained as soon as possible The
boy is badly burned about the face and
body and internal Injuries are feared.
Professor Hsydn Bvans, of Scran
ion, called on his friends here last
Matthew J, (iilhool, who for the
past two years has been identified
with tiie interests of the Metropolitan
Insurance company in Archbald aud
vicinity, has received notice of his
promotion to the position of assistant
superintendent with headquarters at
Bingbamton, N, Y. Mr. Gilhool is one
of Archbald's best known and most
popular young men, and the news of
Ins success will be gratifying to his
many friends. He will leave for Uing
hamton the latter p irt of 'Ins mouth.
William llosie, of Scranton, passed
last Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Patrick
Mayo, of Hill street.
Some changes h ive baen made in the
afternoon school hours in the boron h.
Initead of having sohool called at 1,10
aim dismissing at 8 I it will be oslled
at 1 p m. and dismissed at 'i From
8 o'clock Until l Um teachers of the
borongb will Study drawing under Miss
Richardson, of Soranton( in the ceuiral
school building
P. A Philbln has severed his connec
tion with the Scranton Truth, and will
hereafter devote his attention to the
study of law, in which he is engaged.
Editor Gould, of the Carbondale 1 i-r-ald,
was a caller In town yesterday.
Martin Mabady, who ii ill with ty
phoid fever, is recovering
The Father Mathew society will hold
sn entertainment eu their hall on Bis
ler Monday night.
Frances, the 'J-year-old child of Mr.
and Mrs Thomas Finnerty, of Hill
street, died yesterday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Tiie little one was the life of
tue family and her loss will be deeply
regrett"d. The funeral will take place
Wednei lay afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Brief and Interesting News Notes Com piled
bv a Graceful Writer.
fpecioi to the .Vrrort'oa 7W''Me.
Mousic, Pa , March o Miss Minnie
Heasler, of Wilkes-Bane, and Mils
Jennie Wildrick of Aver i, spent Sat
urday and Sunday with tlisir grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs D. II. Wildrick
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Shirra, of Scran
ton, visited over Sunday with the bat
ter's father, Giorge Bonnie, of Brook
Wesley Stanton and Arehie Dy
tn nd, the other victims of the terrible
disaster, are very low, but little hopes
are entertained of their recovery.
Archie Dymond lies insensible aui has
since the disaster.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blackrnsn, of
Scranton, visited G. II. Pearle and
Miss Jessie Bsnnie, is visiting rela
tives in Scranton.
Kittis Johnson, of Ponobacot, is vis
iting in town.
William O. Nelmas, of Green Ridge,
was in town yesterday.
Ihe funeral of Ihomas Weir who
was acci lently killed by the failing of
a steam pipe at tne explosion ot tne
Barrel mill at Moosic, Saturday morn
ing, was neia in tne iTesnytonaii
church on Main street, this afternoon
at 2 o'clock. Addresses wer given by
the pastor of tho church, R;v. L. A.
l.mdeinnth, and a former pastor, liev
Andrew Brydie of Rochester, N. Y.
The floral designs wore bountiful. In
terment was made in the Lanccliffe
cemetery at Avoca; Mr. Wier was a
in -m her of the Ulenwood lodge, Wo
ol!!. Knights of Pvtlnas.
Miss Ray Hamlin and sister Queenis
of Pittston, spent Monday at Miss (ler
tie Uamuu s on renn avenue.
Colonel II. M. Boies and wife, ac-
oompanied by Mr. Robinson, of Scran
also J. D. Sherer, were callers in tho
town Monday. Colonel II. M. Boies
very anxious that everything shall le
dono for the oase of the injured men.
A trained nurse is attending the mei
F. II Johnson, superintendent of tl o
Penobscot Powder mill, was u caller in
town Saturday.
Thomas Crossley, jr., passed Snndsy
with his parents. He drove in from
Ledgedale Saturday and reports
sleighing playing ont.
The Misses Hubbard, of Carbondale,
were the gnests of Miss Sarah Sly over
Mr. and Mrs, (Hies Schenck passed
Sunday with W. P. Kchouck.
Henry OrHUibs is home on a visit.
Call on The Thiiium: agent and ex
smiue the portfolios of America Mid
the World's fair. Two coupons and 10
eonts secures each number. See ad
vertisement on another page.
Miss Sarah Sly left this morning far
an extended visit with her sister at
J. (irnham Rose, of Kingston. N Y.,
was she guest of his uncle, L. O Rose,
over Sunday.
Mrs. E B. Hnrdonbergh left this
morning for a short trip to New Yurk.
The Live Topics of an Enterprising Lo
cality Bricnv Recorded.
Special to the Seraiitou IWftnac,
Tavi.uu, Pa., Maroh 5. Wednesday
nigut U ladies' night at the Price Li
brary association.
A hustling board of trade could msot
and discuss the advantage of good
roads iu our borough aud a thousand
more things could they agitate. How
about such an organization, gentle
men. John'Metl, of Moosic, was iu town
Mrs, 11. I. Fvaus, of Hyde Park,
spent today with Mrs. W. .1. D.Thomas
Mrs. David Hussar is dangerously ill
ut her home on Ridge street.
A police ollicer of Roudham, in a
state of hillaritv, went out of his
mills and to show his authority
Members nnd N wly-Kleotsd City
CfflciaU Bworn I".
Special lo the Srrnnton Trihune.
Jkiimyn, IV, Msrcb 5. John F.
Nicholson, burgess and the three newly
elected councilmon, took the oath of
office last night.
The retiring members are David
Phillips, Republican, First ward;
Lswil, R -public in, Secnid ward;
Wm, MeDsrmot, Democrat, Third
They are succeeded bv Joseph New
eomb, Ropnblican; A. D Swick. Re
publican, and Mike McUale, Demo
crat. The following ofnoers were elected
for the ensuing year: Secretary, John
Merrick ; treasurer. Edwin Graves.
IIkmiv BCBOinULS, foreman Honry
King racking company, St. Joseph's, Mo.,
uses Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil with his
mon for epraioe, cuts, bruises chapped
hands, etc. It is the beet. "
Pleasing Paragraphs of News Penollled
bv a Versatile Writer.
Rpeeiat to the Serunton Trthnne.
Av IAj Pa., March 5. J. J. Chain
hers, of Rhone, spent Sunday in town
The Women's Christian Tempsranos
union will hold their regular muting
in the class room of tho M-thodist
Episcopal cnurch Thursday evening at
7.30 o'clock.
L. J, Baxter made a business trip to
Archbald today.
The new council will organizs this
evening. A lively time is anticipated
Miss II. (J linn, of West Avoca, has
been successful iii'securiug a position
in one of the schools in Lnnira, N Y
Misses Maggie Joyce, Belle Allen,
Lsna Miilronuy, Maggie an I Lillll
Kane, of I'itUton, wsro among the
callers iu town Sunday.
I, F Nolan attended court at Wilkus
B irre today.
Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Price were visi
tors to Scranton todav.
The Women's Foreign Missionary
society of the Methodist Episcopal
church will hold their regular monthly
meeting at .1 p. m today.
Mrs. Stoiitenger returned to her
homo In Cerboudalo today af or a few
days stay in town.
Willie Brown spent Sunday in Manch
The hoso company intends in the nn
future to build a new houss for them
selves It will he a frame structure,
24 by 5 feet, and will be built on the
site ot thoir present home.
The Ladies' Foreign Missionary at a
recent meeting ehcled the following
Omocril President, Mrs. C. L, McMll
Ian; vice presidents, Mrs. J. M. Alex
under, Mrs. D W. Boone; treasurer,
Mrs. William Brown; secretary, Mr
J. II. Anderson.
Hollister & Bowman nre having the
interior of their store beantined by
new coat of paint.
R. Moore nud M. Judge, of Taylor
spent last evening in town.
In THOUSANDS, of cases the cure of
cough Is the preventive of consumption
The snrest cough nuslicine in the world is
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by
all dealers on a guarantee ol eati-ractlou
Up to Date News from the Enterprising
Cnpltal nf Wayne.
Sprriat to the Ncrantan Tribune,
Honicsdai.k, March 8. Ed Holly
wood pasied Sunday at hii home here,
Beecham's pills are for
bil iousness, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
liver, dizziness, sick head
ache, bad taste in the mouth,
coated tongue, loss of appe
tite, sallow skin, when caused
by constipation; and consti
pation is the most frequent
cause of all of them.
Hook free ; pills' 25c. At
drugstores.or write B.F.Allen
Co., 365 Canal St., New York.
broke, his club, placiug the borongh in
lebt, Aud to his sorrow ho sprained
his siikle. Council do your duty.
Lizzie Daniels rosum t ber positiou
ss teacher iu the Feltsville sohool yes
terday after a week s illness
Mrs. W. J. Iloakin spent yesterday
in Moosic.
i'he Sons of Temperanue lodge had a
breach of promise mock trial tonight
at their meeting, It was full of wit
an I humor.
Rev. Ivor Thomas is in Olyphant.
Bece 1 Davis returned today from
Now Y'ork.
Misses Jennie and Mary O. Divis,
Sun lav with Rsv. J. A Faulkner and
wife, of ( iroat Bend
Mrs. 11. li Siierber is visiting in
Philadelphia and Palmyra, N. J.
1 or hlectric baseball club has again
re-organised for this season, The club
is made up of the same players as in
Joseph Comics, halfback of the
Taylor foot hull club, had his leg
broken this afternoon while pluying a
practice game,
All the News of the Da; Graphically Be-
tlerinl to the Scranton TVtbune.
PbICEBDRO, Pa. Msreh 5. W. II.
Sliafer, of Piovidence, called ou friends
in town on Saturday previous to his de
parture for Honesdale, where be will
make an extended visit.
A treat number of our citizens are
unaware ot the fact that the new
brigde which will cross the river neur
Woolevs farm is almost completed
under the able aunervision of N. T.
Dick, of Croton, N, '. It will be con
structed of iron aud with fair weather
for a few more days it will be open for
Dr. Dawson, of Providence, paid us
a friendly visit on Monday.
We are pleased to announce thatctias.
Carlin who has been through a long
siege of sickness is back to bis position
is clerk at the baddeu House.
A minstrel troupe has been organiz
ed in town and will meet for practice
every Tuesday night at the Suburban
hotel. Ihe followiug have been as
signed positions; Endmen, T. Logan
and John Murphy; banjo, J. Dolphin;
musical director, John lisnaijan. Sev
eral more gentlemen will also take
Ihe contract for thehnilding of St.
Paul's German Evangelical church has
been let ont to George Ries. better
known as Cooney. it will be erected
ou the proposed site, behind Jermyu's
W. S. Delaney, of Jerinvn; Thomss
Rogers, of Tavlor, and W. (i. Court-
right and Philip Cssno, both of Pint-
ton, registered at the Central on Satnr-dav.
1 hero are hundred of young men and young women in lliit
country who Have Splendid ability, but lliey hare never been
wakened up.
Wood's College of Business and Shorthand
lias been an Inspiration to hundreds of young people. H'you
are tired of innetivily and vaut to do something tangible,
( nine to l lie College.
SHOUXHANU COURSE. p j; W00D Proprietor
Dr. EX Grewer
The Philadelphia Specialist.
And jus skBoeiuieii itcfl t English and nor
man rbjrttoianaaxs now permanently locatud
Temple Court Building
nt i spruce sr.,
Where they umy bo consulted LIA1LY AND
The Doctor Is n graduate ot the University
cf Pennsylvania, forinorlr demonstrator of
physiology end Kurgorv at the Medico dilr
urKloul College, of Philadelphia. He h also
sn honorary member of the Medleo-Chlrur-glcnl
Association, nnd was physician and
mrgeon in chief of tho most noted American
ml German hospitals, comes liitrhly Indorsed
by tne landing piSbf.MHoro of Philadelphia and
New York.
lli many years of boenltal rxperlanoe .n
hlee this eminent physioian and surgeon to
correctly dlitgnoee and troat sll deformlt el
nd disease with the moat flattering uecos
nd his blvh Manding In the state will not
i. I . him to accept any Incurable case
If you have mil kivou up oy your physi
cian call upon the doctor and tie examined.
He cures the worst casesof Nervous Debility,
tcrofulo. Old Bores. ( atarrh. I'iles, Female
Weakness, AlTectioiui of the Bar, Kyo, Noes
nd Throat, Asthma, I Maf .. Tumors, Can
oeis and Crlnnloe of every description. Con
sultation in Ka, M. b nnd German Free, which
iluill be considered bacred and ntrictly coull
OentlaL Ufllee Hours: O A. M. to tl P, M. Daily.
Sunday, 0 a.m. to 2 p in.
Tl 110
National Bank of Scranton
Imported by Us direct from Saxony, Germany.
Sole Agents for Scranton.
A Beautiful Carpet Size Rug, made from Best
Mohair on Hand-Loom, soft but tough Mohair
Yarn, double tied into the back of the texture,
thus making its durability everlasting, the
more so as Mohair remains completely inacces
sible to moths or dust. The silk finish of the
"Mohair -Sultan" perfectly beats the genuine
Oriental Mohair Carpets and tha cost is but
One Half.
We carry also a full line of
Axminster Rug
In Various Sizes at the prices of Smyrna Rugs.
Real Daghestan Rugs, $9 Each.
Bokhara, Anatolian, Bahudurr and Kazae
Oriental Rugs.
406 and 408 Lacka Ave.
After the Grip
sin: was
Sick, Lifeless, Dull
BUT now is
Healthy, Happy, Lively
This Decided Change Brought About
by Taking Hood's 8arsaparllla.
"C. I. Hood Si CO., ItOWett, Mass.:
"Gentlemen i wish to oertUy to the follow-
liiR facts: My little girl, 1,111a May Outhrle,
had n Severn BttaOk of the grip, anil got some,
what better, but she did not spem to get right
w ell. She lingered1 along from day to day, poor,
weak and languid. Wo consulted a leading
physioian, and lie said It was tho dregs ol the
cilp still iilioiit her. We gave tho modlduu ho
ordered, hut site seemed to get
More and More Delicate.
She could scarcely eat anything, nud what llttlo
she did take seemed to do her no good. Her
llcsh was sell and not healthy, and she was
stupid and dull with no atnbltton. Wis wera
very much concerned about her. No medicine
seemed to havo nny effect until about two
months ago we SOAUMn I to give her Hood's
Sarsaparilla. She had not taken half a bottle
before she began to eat heartily, and we reuld
see a decided change hi her. Today she is Iu
tho lull enjoyment ol
Porfoct Health.
Her llosh Is solid, her appetite good nnd checks
rosy, her slevp sound and refreshing, and her
spirits high, she Is full of life, and as mischiev
ous as she ran be. All tills Improvement was
brought about by taking Hood's Snrsaiiarllla.
My wlte loins Willi me In reeoniineudhiL'tbls med
icine as the best In the world for building up tho
lysten." Iua Huthuik. Ilealhvllle. Penn.
N. B. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Hood's Pills euro nil liver Ills, constipation,
biliousness, Jaundice, sick headache, indigestion.
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000.
faMIT.i, HINE8,fPrealdent
W. V WATSON, Vice President
a. li. wti.TTiA.ifa, Cashier.
Ikvinu A. FiNcn, P1BRCI B,,
.' rn J. Jkhmvv. J! S. hi mi i ..
i h i-. 1. .M. i in i.e. s. Joun T. Poursu.
W. W. Watson.
This bank Invites He patrouage of business
men mid tlrms geuerully.
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
The most complete
in the market.
Hull & Co.
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been,"
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
Organized 1872.
- $200,000
IIIIS loin I. one.-. to lien
facility warranted by their balances, bual
Deal and respi ni .Utility.
Spools attention uiven to biiNlnens ao
ciniiits. Interest paid un time deposits.
WII.I.IAM lONNI I.I, 1'resldent.
i o II. i I I I IN. Vlce-l'rs-.ldent.
WII.I.IAM II. I'l l K, I'nsblor.
wmium roues-it, Georae it. Oattla,
Alfred Hand, James Archbald, Henry
Dallri, Jr., Willi.., ,i T. smith, Luther
Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bld'g,
Made at the UOOBIO and KUSU
1 1 A I.I-'. WORKS.
Lafflin & ttand Powilor Co."!
Electrie Betteriea, Fusos tor explod
ing blasts, Safety Fuse suit
RepaunoChemical Co.'sHigh Explosives
Marriage Made Easy s
While we don't pretend to furnish a
wife, we'll do the next lu'st thing by furnish
iiiK your home complete from cellar to gar
ret, and at a very small cash outlay. Have
you ever Been lite
Economy Bedroom Outfit?
One Antique Bed
One Antique Dresacr
One Antique Washstand
Two Cane Chairs
One Plush Rocker
One Table
One Towel Rack
One Woven Wire Spring
One Husk& Cot. Mattress
One Pair Pillows
One Ingrain Carpet
One Lamp or Toilet Set
The Above Outfit
Decorated Dinner Sets, 100 pieces $7 00
Decorated Toilet Sots. HI pieces i
Antique Bedroom Suits IS 'iO
Silk Pluih i'srlor Suits ill 50
Haby t'urrisces I 78
Sidebosrds, Antique Oak 8 00
All Our Stock at Economy