THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH (5. 1894. A Word. Wants of all Hdi 001 that MUCA, e. -ffjif Situations llVinfaf, icitci on Inserted FRKX. Situations Wanted. SSFCXSicS'vaStbdby' acabi S bt 10 maker and carpenter taaforalturostore or whore, needed, ViUiiiu to make himaoii uwtnl. M 1) B . .'ill Hyde Park avenua.oity, QITUATION AS TEAMUTBR i AddresiP. B , 118 Forest rourt, city. UrA.NTED- POSIT OK PERMANENT OB traveling; hardware preferred; fundi lar with architects plans, stock clerk, solid tor or collector. Address "Middlcton," 421 M .nroo avenue. WANTING A LADY FOR or office olesnlng', call 416 Gib 1)1- liSci.NS 1 wMbini SOU KtrtM't. UlTt Al'lON WA.NTLl) MY A DRESS n maker to ko out by tho day- Adores a. O.. Tribune office. QITUATION WANTED BY A PRACTICAL i? dressmaker, work either nt homo or out by tho day or week. Address, Miss Either Bond ski, tun Hook street, II yiie Prk, Scran ton. , ciTl Al'ION WANTKU BV A VulNli O man who is willing to do eny kind oj wo'k; sge, IB: fair pennfttii cod farulsb Rood reference, Address jU S. (Poet Office), Scran t n BY A YOUNQ MAX IN DRY GOODS OR grocery store, or tome buiiitou whore he could work "up. Boms Bxp9rioQoe good refer MM will work cheap. Address F 0. box 78, Montrose, TH. w Wanted. AMTKI) STABLE KOOll FOR TWO horses, or will rout barn It cheap. UKKSE 4 LoNO, Old P o Bawling Agents Wanted. U'"'NTElV.MAS I rBLlFE AND FIRE insurance experience as aolloltor In Lackawanna county; i: d In luueraents to right mau Aaaree, uaa-au ness Dwiuuig Philadelphia, i'a. 117 ANTED BOYS AND GIRLS WHO vl wish to make money when out or school; send mime and W Will tell yonhow; no money wanted, F. STAYNER, Providence K. 1. I1TANTED TWO YOUNG MEN OFOOOD M tddroM to call on business hou-es. Steady employment for food men. Apply NATIONAL, CLEAN TOWEL COMPANY, Arcade budding. For Kent. PURNISHED HOUSE IK GREEN BIDOE JT with laro card ami ah Improvement tor tent dorlne to summer to oareful tarty with out children. Address "Comfort. fnii BENT SUITE OF POUR ROOMS ON I Brit Hour. Webetor avenue, at Jiu. P. L Wood, Wood's College, nOB BENT TWO Si'OKY BKh i DWI'.L V Ims honao; modern hnprovementai BU Forest court; nut,;;". Apply to MAURICE COLLINS, agent, 721 Wont Lackawanna UVI'IIU". rOK BENT-STOKE K-ioM 223 LACKA T wanna avenue ir.m April I, also rooms on second floor well adapted tor bualnaat or house ttsonlni Alio boon 1406 Capouae are hue with all modem Improvements, beantl fully pap -red. F. S. PAl'LI. l.Vil Sanderson avenue. Y-olt RENT STORK, t i LACKAWANNA Jt av-uue, by April. I. Enquire or Henry Irey. 121 Luckuwiintiu avenue or at the premises. L'OK KENT IN BURR BC ILDING, WASH r ington Avenue, a tow desirable offlnea and Hat Rent very reasonable to desirable par ties Can be seen by applying to Janitor In luildlng For term" apply t , CHAULErt A lil'KR. i'l Nurrh lair. avenue. T'mU RENT THHEE ROOMS. I ffONT O.N 1 lecoun Boor, over H. A Hulberts mnuo store, lit Wyoming avenue, from April L In o.uir" in the store. rpu LET FOR A TERM OF YEARS 1 Part or a'.l of three hundred fee; of yard room along railroad Apply at 240 Franklin a Miue. rpo BENT STORE tfoflU OR FURNISHED i hall on fir"n Hi lg" street. Very desira tle location .vnil on roaaonable terms. Apply to V E NETTLETON or C S. WOODBUFF, Rrpnlihean iMiildlng. For Sale WILL BUY A t-Di LLA!t l'1'RH HIT 0 plaao, only a few months in nae, im ,,. aware street, Green Ridge; owner leaving town. nOB SALE -A FARM OF EIGHTY ACRES, Jl one anil one-half mtlsa from iJalmn on the Delaware, Lackawanna and W--tern railroad. First-olaai farm house with a never lulling spring neirbyj two hams, good land and good orchard. Will be sold cheap, l erms t-M . Address B. F. VON" STOUCB or Is AA Ei.LIS, executors, Dalton, Lackawanna county, I'a. T-VlR HALE - la-ACRE FARM, STOCK 1 and utensils. J. M SHEFFIELD, l&l Jlonnw av. POB sale 08 EXCHANGE FOR 8GBAN A ton property A hrin' orang" grove increasing in nrodoetioa a'ld value yearly in the oramre section in Florida Addres V. E. NETTLETON, LakeHslan, Fioridi Proposals. OrvicE or Ttxi PuiaafLVA ia Commis-I su n nt BOLDIIIt OnPIIAR Schools, y llAitiiisiit'iiii, hi . March I, I sti t. ) CEALED PROPOSALS ABE INVITBDFOB O the election H!ld completion of the Atl- mtnlatrawon Uaiirting for the Pennsylvania goldiere' orphans industrial s.-uool, lit Boot land. Franklin c innty, Penna, Plans and specifloations may io seen, blank forms of piopos;,!- olitamed mid sn inform. i tloi had, at the office or the arcliitect, '1 hoinas V. Lonildsle, Manhattan Life build ing, corner Fonrtb and Walnut str. i-ts, PhtU' dolphin. I'a. I'olliplete sets ol ldlle pi lilts and spkbificationa can be had upon nnpuontlon to tho architect, upon payment of tie sum of ten dollarsi one half of which will he refunded nponretnrnol said print-, and sptolBcatlona Plana and specifications can alio be wan and tdauk form ol proposals obtained at the cillo, -of the Com ml sUm ol Holdtera1 Irjnkau lehnolaj (apitol Bntldlogs, Harrisborg, rv.tofflco of B. H itipple, Scranton, F: liiomaaG Sam ple Allegheny. I'a; Battler's Bxobange, Pbiladeipnla; Rualneer's ufUoe, o. V. n. If.. Chnmborsbnrff, rs and ofBos ofQoorgoQ, Boyeri Chairman Bnttdlng Committee, comer beoond ami Market stu-ets. Ilarrlsburg, I'a. lrupoaabi to be delivered at ti e pfflOe of the C, mmesuiii at or hefore II o'clock p. m., Tues day. March BOth, IBBt, i aoh proposal to 1st accompanied by a certi fied check for three thousand dollard The contractor will have to f mulsh security to tie approved uy the executive committee of mitl ( oramlsaion, for the amount of twenty live thousand dollar, and w ill In' required tofu ly complete the building for use ami uOoupancy hy Oct. I. siU For each and every day 8 de lay two hundred doUtfl will he dedltoted 1 1 om the oontnwt price as llipiidat id dam nges. Twenty per ci-ut. will be hold hire serve from each payment on account, until final completion ol the buildlag l-ldsof lllesoousltile parties or persoie'. i.ot poas aflug ttie r ,pilsite skill and knoa'ledge to properly perform their son tract w il no rej-. ctod. i'lie CuiuiulHsleti reserve the right to reject any and uU bids. UEORGE o. BOYBR, Chairman Building Committee. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL HE RE cat red up to noon, luth Inst., for tin-en caVating rcquiied ior now tiuihtiug. corner of Wyoming avenue and spruce street. Plans sua speciitcatioiis stay be obtained upon ap plication to JOHN A. DUCKWORTH, Architect, II Coal Exchange Building. Sealed proposals will re he- O celled at the oflj f tho city clerk, Bcranton, I'a.. until 7JB0 o'olock p mi Thorn day, Stsrcli loth, i-i. to const rnM a terra cotta nine drain with reeolvcri and fliturea. Theanl drain to commence at a uolntat the Wcsicrly corner ot oumner avenue au.l I i He hole- stns't. thence ext-nds westerly through private piop-rty t, Geraldtne court u dnv lane o al, ut oiie huiidr,sl alii 111 ti live feet, thence south westerly along said Hit aldine court, a distance of alien' one hundred foot; thence north Weaterly through private on nertv a diatini f about one hundred ana c ri two and one-half i-, t to Lincoln av, line; thence in the -.line dii oction across Lincoln SVenUO, ad stance of alsjut lllty-twoand cue half feet. lUdders shad eucloso with eadi proposal tba nam of twenty live dollars cash orcartlfled check, asn guarantee to comply with pr. p It awarded tic contra t in case the bidoer to whom tb contract shall have been aw trded. emits t axeonte a contract for e;d work ivilliin t,-n days fuen tut - ol award, the onoloaure ace mpanylng his pro p sal shall he forfeited to the Use of th city of scrunt.iu. The city tooi ves ib right to reject i,ny or all bids By order .if the city council-, M. J. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Bcranlon, Pa., Marcii 8, PHH, S!artlin StatcniDiil Mi.1t- by the Plttsbiin! Times. VICTIMIZED THE CARNEGIE CO. Uncartliinp; of Gigantic Scliemo to Bleed the Groat Steel Company. Tho Workmen Forward Second Rate Armor Pinto to the Govern ment and Then 8hare in Rewards Given by the Navy Department for Exposing tho Business Other In dustrial Notes. The Pitlibara Times yeeUrdey nni.l ; I'lie Carnegie sund ootnpauy, limtttd, us uertnitlo l us. 'if to bo in ido too vio tim of u bio coniplraoy. Thii in bilef is I lie lino cxnlatmlioii of tlin iissousiti of $140,480.01 ilnuiHKoa. or lino, laid ty 'rosldrntiClevalaU'l end secretary of tho Navv 1 1 - ihii a ;,ir. tlin ciiiiipuny (or (uriilshing the uovci intuit with armor Utos. whlobi to qoote Becrewry llur- bert. urns good, ull exoelUos the low est limit of tolerniicn in the stieciticH- tions, yet portiona of it not up to the i i, possible tunrk of scellenoe which by their oon- trnct t tin onuiputiy whh boiind to Httaln, Tbu oi inspirator were four in narubir,aU well known workmen here- nbonta, Who. until recently, wsro em- loye.t at the Carntgte'i bix liome- tead plant. The prion they received from tho government us a reward for their cmisplrauy was about 185,000, or 'i percent id the ilaumu iiNsvssiiicut. tuado hy 1'icniilant Cloveltm! nguinat lie caroegle company, i ins onartette of lohemtns workmen worn usmsiud in getting iu touch with tho govornmunt by a Plttabnrg attorney whose omce ir within tho shadow Of the court boneo and by n prominent ei-federnl ofllciul v.'iiosu home :s in this state. I ho man tier In which thene facts hiivn leaked out is similar to that in which tho imons Tweed conspiracy (lret bcouiio knowu in Nw York. Banking. riEPOBT OF It THE CONDITION OF THE Lost. T OST BEVEN-MONTHS-OLD BULL PUP, a-j spouoi yenow ana wmw; answers to name Snyder; ears and tail cut. Reward for return to Knnpp's hnrn, rear BU :,! nroc nvenup. Specld' notices. Boaajrroa, Fub. 21, isai. HMIC XNTL'AL MKETINO OF THE I ttoekbolderi of tho Lackawanna Iron and Steel rorapsny for the emotion of di r, 1 tors and transaction of inch other naslm m as may properly m-nn before tin meetlni will he held at thi oflloe of the com pauv in the city of Heranton, Pennsylvania, on V d ncsday, llareh 7. IBM, at i o'clock p. m. The polls will remain nien for one hour. The transfer hooks will In cifnesq on Feb. i, UM, nnd re-Open on March H, IBM, JP. limniNSON. Beerstary, rjHI WltoM it MAY COM'KlfM "as MY 1 wife, Mrs. John D-xter. left iny bed and board without any ju t OatUS ,,r proVOca tl n. 1 warn all perfins not to trust or harbor her on my account, a, I will nay no bills con tract d hy her JOHN DEXTER, Imumoro. Mareli fi. 1MB. I M.A.-i. IKiOK.m, PMpHLBTB. MAtlA I rines, etc., bound or rebound at Tin; Tiiihi'ns office. Q-iIck work Bnasoiiabi,- prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN HE HAD AT 141. corner iipruco street and Franklin ave line Twenty meal tickets for &M Oisjd table hoard. Real Estate. oa.nnn WILL BUT A SPLENDID HOUSE O of nlns looms; best location in Green JtiilKc, if sold hefore April 1st; all modern iin fir 1 c tn-nts lirpiiici'ti Ii ,.-.w.ire stn ot THIRD NATIONAL BANK nt Scranton. ill the State of Pennsylvania, nt the chase of business, Feb. 3. WJl. RESOURCES Loans and discounts 11,316,310 n Overdrafts. seenrod and unsecured. iu, L". S. bonds to secure circulation... 6O.0UU (i Premlnau on U. S. bonds 'M'i 75 Stocks, securitlos. etc 518,671 Rnnkinff house, lurmt-iro and lis- tines 88,071 J Hue from National hanks (nor ru- mtvo sieiitsi i'l.jn- 4;i Due from State Intsks and baak-rs. . I.StH W Inn- froniaiprov,-d re-erve agents.. 17,s.."d "1 Bl Civ. eks and other cash items o.i-l Exchanges for clearlog bourns P. IT" nt Notesof other National bunks L6M 00 Fructioiiiil paper currency, nickels undents 1, 1 1.1 01 Lawful money reserve In hank. Redemption fund with I' S Treas urer (5 per cent, of circulation).. ".tKin ll Hue from L'. S. Treasurer, other than "1 percent, redemption fun 1 4. con ml Total SA202,U0 l LIABILITIES, Capital stock pai l In e-jm.Hin H!l Surplus fund .'to.iim no I imivid d profits, ieps expenses and taxes paid 66,189 ml National hunk notes ontatandinj... 78,1X10 il Cms tooth, r national bunks 6IJHB s Due to Stat" banks and bankers. . . . JJIfU ii Dividend i unpaid I4 SU IlllllVldl'.al deposits subject to i h'i k laVM.071 IK Demon 1 ccrtilicat -s of deposit L'.KNI HI Cortmed chocks nasi go Cashior's checks ontstandlnn I,ni7 1 Notes and lulls re discounted Noni liills payable HOI Total S,2(KLH0 00 State of Pennsylvania, County of Lacka wanna, ns: - I. Wm. II Pock. Caahler of the aims ni.mi d l ank, do solemnlv swear that tic sbon statement la true to the best of my snowioage arm oeuei WM. II PECK. Cashier Bnbacribed and sworn to before mo this 8th day of March, 1-ni ciias. l, UAWLEY, Notary Public, Correct Attest: 0(0. n. CATLIN, 1 AI.FP.ED l'AI), VDircctors. LUTHER KELLER, I DEPORT OF THE CONDITION l. OF '1 HE LACKAWANNA TKCST AND DEPOSIT company of Scranton, I.acknwannu county, .aula, at the clou- or inisin-ss, roll UESOL'ilCES. Cash on hand, Checks and other cash items line Irom b. oiks and bankers Commercial and other paper owned Call loans iiponcoiluternls Tune loans upon ttoBatSTalS 1,' ins upon bonds and mortgages... Investment ( Mtookbonda, j securities - 0)0 f;'4''. hi; 82 owned, via: (M'taagea I17.WJ hit Real estate, furniture and linturi h, Safe deposit vaults Overdrafts If iscallansons aassts nOB SALE SINGLE HOUSE, M6QUIHC? ji avenue: very oeHiraoni locallon. Anply O. F. REYNOLJjd, or W1LLAHU WAltHION & KNAPP. y. fsiiiWILL BUT M'lDERN NEW K ROOM 'IP house, all Improvements; terms easy; ror-iu- Msdisnn avunue and Dslewale itrout. Au pjy HARRY LEES, ffil,gXI WILL HL'Y VERY DESIRABLE LOT O corner Madison uvuiiim ua I Duiaw.irj street. Terms essy. Apply HA'.'h'Y LP. ES. Legal. K STATE OF OF SAHINA SWIFT. LATE 1 of the borounrh of Archbsld.Lnnkswatnia county. I'a. Letter" of administration upon tie- above mine d estate having been granted to the nil dcrsigned, ail persons bavins' olalmi nr d -maoas ntruinst said estate will prsssnt then for ssttlsment,and those indohtcd thereto win ileusu make iminedia'n iiayment to John J. BwlFf, administrator, Aiclilmld, Pa. Joil.v It. Jiinch, Atlorn y for Estate. Proposala. PROPOSALS WILL P.E RECEIVED until Thursday. Mureh H IBM, ly the m.dnrilKned for the buildinirof a found. itlon wnll forthe Methodist KptSOrpni church of PeekvllD. Matei Isl siv h as stone, lime, sand, etc . to he fin nish 'd and placed on tin- ground by the lmlldinj committiio. Ootniuitto rer serroH rl(ht to reject any or all bids nt their discretion. II CHAPMAN, secretary of com mute, Box ana, Peckviiie, pa. Peckvllle, Feb. M, lH'.ll SAFE Pi-nnsyl i's, UU: t 28,781 11: 6,401 4.'l 518 .11 186,471 83 17,680 no ia-,.;i 12,768 60 'i7,U!il 89 88,311 0 Bu,nn 1 hi Ml Kl 1801,481 1 LIABILITIES. Capital stock pid in svtimii tm Surplus fund nU.OOII 00 I ndrtrraea prollts. les- exis-nses and tsxes paid 28.884 Donidts subject to check 063, 48 U IWpoeRS sper lal 18,886 21 Dus to banks and blinkers 7.H76 . Dividends unpHli! IK)!I (10 Uommsi OiSl and otll ar paper or so- curltins nletlgSd None n its payabis None Miscullaiieous IbUlflltlSI Nolle 5!l.4:il ii A mount Trust Funds Invostod 8 mi.KiT Amount 1 runt t iinds uninvested. .. . i.'4 HI B STjBn Report In dutail of above ssoarttles has Is on luaile to C It. Kltl .MI'.HAAK. Superill tend, lit of ItaiilJiiK. as 1 ailed fur. State of Pennsylvania, County of Lacka wanna, sr.: l.llcnrv .1. Anderson. vies nreslof thn tm 11 mad company, do solsmaly swear that tho a ove statement s true to 1 10 st ,,r I. ,owe"m, mill niill,-I. (-"Ilfoeoj II. .1 ANDERSON. Vice Prist I abecribed uml IWorn to hi fore me this 6th imyor .unirii, lain (..sikih-I) MILTON v. lowuy, Notary PubU Correal Attest) - (SlmieiD WM. T SMITH, I 1: t K. rDtreetora fJEO SANDERSON, ( A Ilouonhold Trrnaure. D. w. Fuller, of Cansjonarie, n. y snys that ho nlw.iys km-in Dr. kioijs N Discovery in the Imuso, mid his fmnily hna iilivnys fniiuil the very best icsiilts follow its use; (hut liu would not b) without it. if procurable. (I. A. Dvkeiiiun. ilru-ui Cntiskill, N. Y says that Dr. lCiug's New Uiscovtity is undoubtedly tho best oouh remedy; that helms nsi ,1 it in hisiimily ror eight years, nml it has never ailed t do nil Unit is claimed for It. YVhv not tr a remedy bo long tried and tested? Trial bottles frcit nt Matthews liros'. drOg story Regular size 5:c. and 8I.IKI. 1 - Thk RKi niiT art of beauty lies not in cos luetics, but iHonlvin pnro blood, nnd healthy performance 1 f the vital functions, to bo Obtained by oaiOg Burdock Rlood I lit I ers. tNERAL m OF INDUSTRIES SEVKRE EKPGSURF. Often results in eolils, fevers, rheumatism, Hi.1!: uml kiudrisi deningonMlta Wo do not "catch cold " if ive are in good condi (ion. If the liver is active, mid tho system in consequence ttobut its duty, we live in full health and enjoy life " rain or shino." To break una cold there's nothing so valuable us Dr. Pierced Pleasant Pellets, They keep tho whole system regulated in n perfectly natural way. if wo do not fii haonr, if we worry nnd grtnnlde, if wo nro morbid, if tho days m "in dreary ami long, if the weather is liad, if things go nwry, i' is the liver which is nt fault. It is generally "torpid." A common sense wny is to take Dr. I'icnv's Pleasant Pellets, vv o generally eej too much, tnke Insufficient exercise, by means of which our tissue changes become indolent nnd in complete, lie otrntfortablo you an com f, liable when well. You'll be will whin you havo tp.kcn " I'lcamnt Pellctc." No Constipation foUowe their qbb. Tut, up sciiJcd ia faus always troril and reliable Connolly & Wall ace CID GLOV FIFTY DOZEN All and Every Conceivable Color. Our regular $2 quality. At the Special Price of $1.12 'One1 of tho oontplratort who got butfJ.OOOont of tho $89,000 rewnrd paid by the govsrnui"nt, learning that hound, in common parlano, gotten the 'short end' of the deal, g;ive ex pression to his feelings while some what tinder the Inflaenca of llnnor and ektlful irn s ioning ml innro ltnnor brought out of the entire Btory. Tho story has bcun known to n nnmhiir of people fur six weeks past, In a very lover manner tne oonsptratori nan Hgtd to pIsco with the armor plate thut hud been passed upon anil accepted by the natal officers stationed at the works hs inspectors, piawfl niut uan r.uiuii tn come up to the higneHt pos pildo ttitirlc of cxcnliHnco, but which wero 'good, all excelling the lowest limit of tolerance in specification.' Tho substitution of defective plates ex tended over a psrlod of time and w is done In n systematic manner, the con spirators keeping a careful record of evi ry plate substituted. Late last ' ill the cotispiralors mane ro ily to reulize mipI consulted an attorney, wiio niter examination of memoranda, etc., re fused to'bnre anything to do with ttv matter until guaranteed n contingent fee, ssid to have ben 110.000, It was also t i.o understanding that tlio gov ernment should not be put in poisas sionof the facts until it was pledged to pay tin? reward the conspirators wero nftur. I lie altornev then put himself in communication with the ex-federal officer and through him negotiations With the government were opened The n waril was promised and the conspira tors tten made oath to tho correctness of their inviuorauda. 1 hen Chairman II. C. I riclc wns summoned to wssbiogton nnd bo- oompanied by Vice President fjslsb- m in. he wont on. Hint w is in D'com Per last, an I they were then informed by Secretary Herbert for what they liad been summoosd) Tuoy doniod thin what tney wereobarged with hail b-'cn done, and the swnr.i BmdarltS were then placed bslore tnem i;iey ro then informed tint damages w ire to l.o assessed against them. I hey protcnteil and appealed to President Cleveland. Andrew Carnegie w is sent for and appeared on lb sons scon af terward He and Mr, Frick are said to bnve go ie bofnro the president in tiie matter of the nppeal. The president BUStalned ii'cretary Herberts levying of damages, or nne, or blackmail, or whatever it may he called, and the Carnegie company submitted to and paid over on ,lun. 17 the $1I0,-1h. 111, of whica tho t' nr conspirators got ih par cent. It now seems li;;ely that wor'.c on tho prnpoKed V iiBalnffl n mid Hiltimire idcctnc railway will soon begin, lh; ilialauce is iniiiething like forty miles It is the purpose of tho company to (imp the line with inolcl Vestibule trains, make the trip between th two cities in one hour nnd the rate of $1 tor the round trip. It hi also reported that the plan to 0, utiect the cities of Now York and Philadelphia by a trolley line has ussumed a definite shape Tho decision ot Judge Grotscup, of tho United States 1J. strict court in Chicago, that witnesses were not hound to testify in t lie case of the Lake Shore road, which was chargod with violating the Interstate law, when they choose to think or SHy that their evidence will oriminati tliMiisalves. amounts to a reaffirmation of the Conuselmun case, though it U full .and more decisive. The decision will probably help the am culm Mits t the lOterstutB bill now ponding iii congress. Ir the law is to be operative tho com mission must have mora power in ninny directions. Tills, under tin do cislonBof Juigo Dead?. Judge Drawer Judge QreshaU. Jadge OroHscup an t many others, it has never had I i f the Commission his not only not ha I the power to enforce its decrees, hnt tho Statute under Wblo i it Wnfl BT6I I lacks scope, ns experience since 18H has shown. The courts have always been salons of the interstate eomtnts si n 1 iissnmplloti of Jit liciil p w.ii mi l Hint tiody has hail a serlnns tlin enr red, 'l no company! through iis agents, lias paid t tho administrators of dead per sons about BBOjOOQ, and paid ciaims for dsmigeson ncoouot of Injuries nearly iii, UtJfi making n tot; of S-Jn.iKH). : The Iluenns AjrcHOrand Southern Rail mad bus made some SUOCeesful trials of petroleum us a fuel for i:s loromotivus. xhajlntentlon is to substitute pgtrolenm for cnil on this Hue, iu order to avoid the danger of hotting lire to tile pampas by parks, There are 109,000 locomotives in use hi the different countries of the world. There mound to he 0:i,iKla iu Kuroiie, 40, Oho in America, 1800 in Asia, M, WJU in Australia and TOO in Africa, nr those used iu Bu- Ope, tireat Mi Itain and Ireland is credited with IT.O00, (leiiunny with ItVOOO nun rrance with 11,000, At Detroit it is reported that tho I'ull- oi Palare Car company baa sold Ita plant toll aanei ridsce I ar coinpiinv. I ho mrcbase price is placed at 1170,000. The ulln an company liasonly tieen working liyht force at it plant here for sumo far. The Wagner company, it is said, w ill put on a full fores ai once. FINANCIAL ANl COMMERCIAL Etocks nnd L'ond?. NxW YiittK, .March 5 Hopes of nirnli- Bed tnnif legislation by the senate started up a lively bull speculation nt the Stock luCODange today the reeling was moro ontldent tlisn of late mid the unfavorable features of the situation were not perinit- I to exert any hill nonce on the uiurkot. Sterling exchange was stronger than ever, making lurther gold exports tolerably OCrtSlQ, In Tact, uulus there ts a material increase in commercial bill.) before the lid of the Week the French steamer will take out some gold, nnd it Is quite-likely, so foreign bankers say, that an efllux lo London uisy set in shortly. Neither the likelihood of an outflowing of the yellow inu.iil nor the pour exhibit of earnings made hy some of the rends for the fourth week mid month of robtuary served to check the b.illisli tendency . Bo far as rail- ly earnings nro concerned, operators rere disposed to accept them nsa reflec tion of the pnt conditions and not a lore- asttothe future. American mcar was the great speculative card. The stock opened up at 85 and advanced rapid ly to II I, elosulg nt Ml;. .Nearly 11M.IKIO shares wero traded in and the dealings were attended with considerable excite ment. The rise was assisted by reports that the regular dividend of II per cent, on the atock will be declared by the directors this week. 'J ho rnmored formation of a bull pool to take 50,000 shares of the stock did not receive much credence. The pre- stece jumped -1; to ;!);, Lead, General Electrla nnd nisaey wei e al 10 in demand. Lead common advanced to W, pre ferred ;.' . to 1 Qenersl Blectrlo ifc to tBKaXi anil Vhikey to SKa1,. I'h" follnwlBfl commote table sBowine ths lav's lliietuations in activo stoclts is diutnli-cl and revised daily by Lallar fi Ifnller, stork brokers, 1-1 v yoiinn;,- nvmiue; Op'ii- Hwh big, ess ... I1M ... BW The greatest bargain in Kid Gloves ever offered. Do not fail to see them. gunorslly during ita yOttOg yours. If the law is worth mending It should he perfected in its many vulnerable or weak parts. Ml NOB gBUBTBIAL KOTXB; Hie ulllclius o: inn t .it iiegte Meel com puny at I'lttsbnrg possltlvely refuse ti ir.uke soy statetneit concerning the chargi t nut wei I, men were Implicate I in a ceil spirncy sgniust the corpoiation. The cull be little doubt, however, Hint th-ofll rials will In a few ihivs make u nublii statement. It i believed that theof&cinls df lle Curnegie Steel OOmpaB are waiting lo near irom rar, t arnegle. Of Seveuty two claims due to the colli slon on the Ilackeiisai k niendows.of whit thirteen were for loosof Hie, the Lucks wniiiin has succeeded in keltliug furtv iSVsn, including fire iu which death OC CONNOLLY El WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court Hous8Y RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF IA j, LEHIGH UNO SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite cos! used exclusively, Insuring cleanliness and i mnfert VtMBTABlBm EH kit i t. it. I, IBM. Trains leave Bcranton for iittstou. WOkes Barre, etc . at B.1Q,, U.80 a. m.. I18D, 100, BOO, fine, 7.B, 11,09 p, m. suudaya ti.uu a. m., l.ixi, (,00, p, in. For Ailantle City, s in a. in. For New York. Newark and Elizabeth, 8.10 (express) a. in,. lexjai-is with liuQ.-t parlor car), :i W (eiprats) p. m. Sunday, ZVJ p. m. lOS MAI ci: CuiniK, AiiLSNTOWa, ItKTIII.K USlfi OASXOII and 1' II 1 1. A OKI. I'll i A, H. 10 a in.. 12,80, 1,80, B.00 (except Philadohmla) p. m. Bunder, umni p. m fAor Lonii BlUMOH, OcKAS QaoVB, etc., at 8.10a, in.. IJ.:J p in. For Keadmg. Lebanon and Darrlsbnrg, via Allen town, b. 10 a. m , It :w, 5.00, nail. Bnndav. '.'.HO p. in. For PotUvtllv, s. in a. m,, 12.8X1 p, in. Reternlng. leave Ilea York, foot or Uborty slris t. North rltcr, at 1.10 (express) a. m., 1.10, LOO, i.'i (express with Boast parlor can p. in. Bunday. 1BJ1 a. in. le ave PUil.i lelphia, Keadins Terminal, B00 a. in . -'.00 and l ib n, in. Siindav, 0.B7 a. ir,. Through tickets to all points at. lowest rates may he had on application hi advance to the ticket agent at ih station. II. I' BALDWIN, Uen. I'a-.i Agent, J. II QLHAU8EM, Pen, Bant ELAWABB, LAl.'KAVV ANN A AM) WK8TEBN DAlLSUVAD Trains leave Scrantea an nUowst Expresi for New York Kiel all points heist. I 6 BOB, f. U, B.00 and 9J0 . in ; 12 5i and 8 Ml p, m. Hxnrsss for Baston, Trenton, Philadelphia and th" South, B.00 and V.N a. iu.; 12 U nnd BAO p, m Waablngtoa and way stations. 2.40 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation. Ii In p. in. Kxpr ss for Btmrhauif n, Oswego. Ehnlrn. Joriung, Until. Dinisville, Mount Morrii and Pulfalo. 12.10. 21;, a. in. and I .1 p. m.. iiinkiiii; close oonoectiuns st Buffalo to all points iu th . West. Northwest and rtoutln-es-. liuffslo accommodation, BOO a in. Hi i gbamton and way stations, IJ.fl" p. in. Nlcnolson .nei sraj stetlona p. in. Mnghamtoa and F.imira Express, tfll p.m. Express for lortUnd, Syracuse, (isweiro, L tlca and liichihli Borings, 118 a m.aui LH p. in. Itbacs, 2.18 and ItnO a. in. and 1 "I p in. ior NortliumborUnd,PitUton,VViikes-Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsbnrg and Danville, making close connections at Norwumberutad tor wintamsnprt, Rarrisbarg, linitimoru, Wash- logton nnd the South. Northumberland and intermediate stations, (ilk). !l.iiO a. iu. and I mi and B07 p, m. Nsnticoka and Intermediate stations, soh and II BO a m Plymonth snd Intermediate stations, 32k) and a;w p. m. Pullman parlor and ileeplnB coat lies on all express trains. i , rdetaili d Infoi matlon, pocket tuaitebles, etc., spply to II. L. Smith, city ttoket offloe, ;.-s Kawsnna avenue, or depot ticket ofnoo. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TL'KSDAY. MARCH O. The Clovor Character Actor, pr pr I I v and his 1 -lV COM I uv MORRRIS COMPANY, l'n S'-nting three successes, A Game of Cards, Tho Vagabond, Moses. A dellgbtfnland artistic blendlni of path is nnd comedy. Sxeallsnl cast Couipletr- details, tegular prices. Sale opons Saturday. Am. Cot. Oil Am Suuar. A. T. ft S. e in. So fen. N, .1 hie. d N. W ., B. A O Chin. (as C C, 0, it S L.i 1 . Hock.Val. & T i). sH II., L. V !).& C. F Brio (. B. (x Lake Shore... N Manhattan Miss. Pan Nat. Lead N. Y. k N. K N. Y. Central N. Y..O. & W n. i ., o, a w u. s. ('. Co North Pae North Pao. of Omaha I, Mail 1: l-land R, T St. Paul l'.,C. fz I 'l ex is Pae Union Pae Wabisn, pf W. Union f, AL B W. A- L. K. of BUU 110 1IMU ISM B3) n4a I0H 1 ,e , I1M ..lew "iS s A .. lows ,.100 .. I'.H .. m ibS m em 1'-" I8M I4'a 882 m SM St x 14) III ROM 111 IC5M ;oh oels ION 18BM in Mi ItBU M ISO MM iiii i oil ION pi ivi uis 0 IBM in 14? iiiH Loir est. f.0d Mi 124s 'ON 110 lei'., IS m mi 17 IIM iinS m ti 21 ION no 10 , i -4 'jii i-'i :iri? 2'n Ml Pi IBM H J 'I iau 4S Clos b e. W4 18 nr, i('.v., mi MM BBm log iwn E6N 1714 m 128 4Tbj 12 !4l4j IU IU, wok! ;ki in 4t iSN 4'-, i'.is-., in, IBM l..i 8 l' Chlcaio Orsln and Prevlilom. HritA NTOIf. Mar.-h a. -Ti e followinr iiuota- lions are siuudied and crrceto l daily bv La- liar Fuller, stock brokers. I -I Wvo ir.n.- avenue. WIIF.AT. sr. Mav Ju'v. iieulmr MM BOM fl Illtthpst Ii7M f4t r-IN Lowest, MM BtM u Closing Klf Km 1M OUBN, Open hag rt; rnw I7l IIlKhuet Hit 87U WM Lowest Ii44 tin., BtU Closing ti;,, 1,7! Si" OATH. Opening KM W 2;:H pighesi IBM :w IBw Lowest K8M HON Closing 2;K :in rtla PORK. opening HU U.'O 114) lllnhust I IV, li72 u;o laiwst ll.W IlM lltri Closing II, J I Hi.' lliii OiKUitUK 701 BAi ii Hlnhsst 701) Ob tn Lowest IIIII BWI H Cksdng BO) VOi fi57 sibdiT UBS. Opening sm uj plgbssi wi fi b'limt BIM 'SJ Cloiln IAH) 0W I EHIOHVALLEi liAii.iioAD IJ !wn. 11. 1801, Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York Via. 1) A II 1; U. at s ,, .. KM ). tSH and 11.08 n. m via n . L .A W. t; imiuo. BfKlLxO a. in., and l.0 p. in. i.oave MTantoii ror Cittst -n and v. iltas Harm via D.. L 4j W l(. it, li.oj, BOB, ll.HJ a. m , 1.80. 8,60, B.07, u :is p. m. Leave Scranton fr White Haven, HaStstoDj, Pottsvtlle and all points on the IVavur Meadow and Pottsvllte branches, vial &W, , il eie.m.. v,a I), fi I. l; K. hm bl. lib) LSI I hi p.m . via l., L. & V. Ii. 11.. 6.00. 8.08 II .n a m., 1 :n, I'.'iip.m Leave Bonn tori for Bethlehem, Baston, Reading, Harrlsburg uml nil Intermedlats points via I). A II. Ii. ft,, Ra.m J2.UL B.88, II. Ii p.m , via 1)., L. A- V. Ii. I;..i, iLSOa. m., I ll p.m. I .cave Scranton forTnukhanno -k. Towandi, Elmira. Ithaca. Qaneva and all interni -di it DO nts via 1). A II R.,0.Ut a ni..l-i In and 11.3 p. in. vlu D. L. V H It., s0 a m..M p. in. Leave Beranton for Hnohoster, Buffalo. Ni agara Falls, Detrnlt, Chlnago and aUpotats west via D. fi H. It. It, B.07 i .ni.,1:; I0.W.1 , 11 8", P.m. via D. UA W. 11. It. and Plttstoti Juiiction, kus a in., 1-00 088 p. m., via E w. R I!.. .''.11 v. rr. For Klmira and th i WSSt v a Sal km mo i. via 0. H i! I: B0 I:.-10,11,16 p. m ri) L. A W. U.K.. .8.08 a.m.. 1 1 1 and ;. 17 p. n: Pullman parlor and deeping or L V. chair ears on all trains between UaB Jnnntinu or Wilkes Barre and Nets xork, Phttadelpbla, Buffalo ami Siinii,.ii-iou Bridas BOLLIN II WlLBUB, Gen Mm:. East Dlv CIIAS. s, LHB, (ten. Pasi Ag't, PbiU.Pv. A W NONNEMACHEB.Ass't a u Pass. Aa't, South Bethlehem. I'a. I7EIE AXO WYt'MINU V ALLEY KAIL- Train leave Bcranton for New York snd in tu medlato point i on the lCrie railroad st 6M, . m. and :kJ4 p m. Also for HaWtey nnd local points at A 86,0.48 and BBIn.m. Train leaving nt 0.48 a. m andBSlpim, sr tbrongh trams to and from llonealale. Trains leave for ilkea-Barrc stt.M a. m. and y tl p. m. Nsw Yoik Pioiluos Marktt. New York. .March B. VtiOVM-Qnlet, held steady; low grades, 8a8.4l0j do., fair to fun cy, $1 4.1a'.' 7,1, do . i nienis.fcl Mi ail 80; Minnesota clear, SOsg '.IJ; do., straights, ?3 26a8.00; do., patents C l.Toa I Oft; low extras, Sji.noa9.4fl; city mills. BB.05I do, patents, Bt.lPat86 rye mix ture, rifUaBSOi tnnerflne, I1.78a7l,10i flue, ll.7oal.UU, Wbkat- ball, steady) No. red str. uml elevator, Bl)is0l)ici afloat, bjbs88V&; f. o. b., ii'iit'.v. ,!-. : Dngradsd resotN6N,i No, 1 northern, OBJfaosysfc, ; options opsnei I weak nnd fell ;Bi.'.; tell jsMa, ad vauced MiaJc, ami clocd Headv; Qn Chang id to Bc. up. trsditi) fait) Mav and Jane most active; March, closing (il.Hc; Hay, 08kci Jane, inc; Jsjjr, tioc.j Dm unber, 7 i)fc. OOBNDnll, flraior; No. t, 0J(c ; risva tor. MXadMfe, nptloas advanced ,tiiV,'('. mi i sed firm, with a mndurate trade, and influenced bv the deoreased stocks, mi receipts nnd local coreiinff; M iv moal ac tive; Marclb 4'Jc.; April, !.";.; Mac, fsk&i -Inly, l ive. 1 HinTKii -MiMjerats demand eav ststo daiiy, new, ldatSo.1 Jo ni l, IBs 17o i do., creamery, now, S9o, Pennsylvania, do, Mc, Western dairy, now, Uatdai do, creamery, ISaSte.) So, fat-.torv, ltalS)sj0, rolls, liable; BlginSkMc limitation cream ery, llalH-. ( MKKSK I'.dr demand. Orate') State IsriA BUslllfe.; fsnoy. IIWatlKa; do. tman, lOMalw.) part, skims, wtaluat full ski-ns, lVa. Emia Mode; ate I'emsn 1, SteSdlor; State snd Pennsylvania, IOilB)4ja. tea house pr case, fi iVI.if-t; wixtern Iredi. laKultln - oueii, .oiiavc. IBs, limed, Uo.l soathota.Kl'-ia- DELAWARE AND BCD Mix BAILBUAD, Commencing May (B, 189 trains Wdl run as follows: Trains leave Bridge stis-et Bt ifon. Bcranton, for Pitta- Kf Br 4tJLVS; m . 1 s' "rre, eic.,o.w, If A B an a t.. 1 1 vi a. m., l.'.ni. V U P I-'-'-' -:! I l 8,1 . i IS, 8 15 tuff r and II a i in. ff r For New York and Phlla- del bin. Sdu a. in., U.10, !Jft BOB, 418 and ll.SU p. m. For Honesdale (from Delaware, Laokswanns nnd western ilepoO, 7 0.1, Mri, 1.1 In a.m., p;,,i) in. , ',' 17. V in p. m. For Cnrbondslo and Intermediate stations, .".40. 7 00, 8.110, 10.10a. m . IB.00 in ,S 17, 8.83,6 HX 0.30snd0atn, m : Ir.-n Pridiiu street Oeiiof. LMtl n. m., ;.l7and II : m. Past exjnvsi to Albany. iMUNltOga, the .Vdi n tidsck Mo attaint Boston and Now Kngand points, 6-40 a. m-, arrlvlnt at Albau i.i.y earstoga 2.B0 p. ra , an l 1 vin .- tier ant at i p m., arriving at Alhaav at ADO p. m, sr L ara. 12.66 k m . and B ato a, 7 n s. m. The only direct rout., I live, n the josl field ami Boston., "The Leading tVinThits' Route of America" to tho Adirondack Mountain re sorts, Lakes Qeorge and CbamplaJlo, MoutroaL i te. Tints tallies ibosdne local nnd through train service between stations uu all divisions l)ola ware and llmbou sj-steni. mv be ootained a', all Delaware ami Hudson tlekot offices, it. ti. youno. .i. vy iiritnicic, Beeond Vies President, Den, Paai, Agt, BELIEVE W c have the hand somest line of Parlor and 1 )ravin R3om ACADEMY OF MUSIC. WEDNESDAY, MARCH T. The Ucrmnn Comodtan, CHAS. A. LOOER, In th" Kuslcsl Farce Comedy, OH, WHAT A NIGHT ! Re0M Strueted and Re-written bv Frank Oumont, uutborof "'ih Balnmakers.'' Minn (. mneQ, Barry IM ,, JH rnTemnlo, ,m Hiekoa. Ail... M -i -ha:l, n ,rry .-. Bhunk ;",i'-"" Warren v. Ashley, llulda Balvere, n. c Casbman, , -M's ( has. A. LoJir Bale opens Monday. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THUUiDAY, UAH, s. Tim Romantic Actor, DUNCAN B. ITARRI.SON And company iu the Beneutional tomolr Drama, The Payrrias'csr SPECIAL SCENEBY AND EPi' Bpei-ial engsgoment ol the World's ''ii unpl in C. I. SAMPSON oiKARm1' Bandow's only equal, "loriirm. nv-iry feat that Hsniion does. Holds the championsbin belt of too world. Llftol 4.0il0 puaua Bale ..pons Tnesday, Furniture ever shown in this state and we would like you to se2 it. .1 &. Conneli Washington Avj. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. A NOTAl LI EVENT. FRIDAY, (ARCll 0. CHARLES FR0HMA:r5 COM PANY Presentttui Be is..., ujj r.-i, -.- remarkably s ssfnl American drams. The Girl I Left Eahind Me With all tho Iconic environment and correct snrroumutins that cli iracv.r:--.1 thts dm Inc. lion. OtUnlthts la New York. ISO nlahts In Chloarfo, nnlffbtsui Philadelphia, PRICES-Parlor and Orchestra. Ill Orches tra circle and two Orel rosrs Baiowny ;v r omainder of ilslnony, 10 . : Ghillery 25c Sale opens Wednosday S"ltATirl .flVI-ION. In Bfllesi Janaarv 8th, I It fit. 2 , Norm Kountf. ., Hound, fSo tOtiilOSi ma .m i 96 B I1! Ills Sl 5 6, ,5 C h ai '(Trains Dallv, K : 3 ' V. I rcpthundsyj p J ? M.Alllve Leave 7 4'iN. Y l'rankllii s; 7 iii irest Una street 7 till Weehau ken f M'Arrlve Iciivim m i f., uanconk .luneu i I im Hancock t,ii) iOfts, StarUaht ism I'J.w rriston Park in" coma PoyutcUa iii Inotit Pleasant Mt. Unloivfnda FOISOl i lty lip lud&in w nne iiriiteo Mayfleid Jenny n Aiclillnll Wllltoll ivokville Olri bant PKksoa 'I BTOOB Prnvldsnoo park pi.. ' Scranton r vi i' 8i ... a ,0, ,, 7 H .. iii:: rr iu, ... :"!i. i tr.i II 4! N i . r. . -' e II Ii . fsM ft?., o ar. nai rr, id! I I I .. I , It so i'1 '.V oi t;ii ii.. ... ii . ii til rino e a.. Ili! ii Ifi 00 1 1 Sal fi 14 1 1 .", ll'-'IK.V m,u ii r irti fi ll h'l ,.Mi II 17 II 1! II I 1 1 li I ft.-n r m'i1 mIa M'UllVll Arrive 0 1 M i DO : u Kill i' M o-i I "II i D4 ., ,, C II ... u I Jj ,11 IlitS ... ti Ik) ; If) a a .i m 7 -t Ii Ii 3 SI 7 Iff '.i 1813 M i SO f M 1 1 S 7 III It, "il S A ', ) tS :i U 7 9 mil ;i ! 7 ! - in ie, I I U III la -t III 7 M II) t7: 417 7f.(l lOfll 4 10 BOO lo'-T 4 14 Hnfiotfl ii Sir. In 111 4 i!l I 111 Ml' M All Indus inn ilniu nXOept Sunday. I sbiuliles Uutt trains stot) on sbfbal tor raa ssngsr -. Ail.llil'Uiid trulus h ave curb indole fnr rerun, ton 1,10 and ii.1", p. in , an I vim; al Bci anion i 5g and 7 no Leave Ecrantnn for Carbondthi ii"1 and sao SrriVlnjtai ailnudiilcai ; laud 9,15 p in iicii.c rat, -, via niarln a Western before pin cha in,: tickets and save money pay nnd riinji Bsprt ss to the West. .i c AndorsoOi Gen. pass ajft, T. nitcri.n, niv pass, Agt ersnton, Pa' I For Dolicacy, For parity, and lor Improvement of thooOSB picxion, nothlns equals Pbssom's powder, JJI W c n y n , ,i I-LA 9 - DON'T FORGET That wear" hssdqnarters for overythlruj in the line ot WATCH M. If yoa have an v Idea of pnrohaslng any Wind of a Wait h, ladv's or seat's, UoW or silver, yea ui neike a sjnse Ens mistake il yon do not sirs un s cnii sad iret our prices, which yon will find fst ItSWW nil otners, especially in all the lnh-h eradSS of Rtsia, Waltaaa mm lumpden moveraeata if yon have aoy doubts aid aire at nil posted on pries i;l i.. nsa ealt MM WS wUI have no trouble m oonrinelns yon, we stfll haven lasts i teek to dlspoe of, and will enf von won rlertul ladneemeate In Jewelry, silverware, Clocks nn I nil other I nods which we havo in lock. C. W. Freeman l'inn Ave ntnl Sprnc S; SCIENTIFIC SHOEING, flavins secured th.- SBOSING POMSel v. iiu iii Dinine i i- n for a psirnaaeat bnsi- PteS stand. 1 frhall conduct SctentiOc and I all, oloi;ical she i ii for the Prevention, lb lief andtlnveaf Lsmenese and ethsy hapedl in. nts in tho movements i Bora incideatsi or due te ubperleot shoeunt, i shall qivetho ii ore my personal attenUi u sail itnaraates no txtracbargeescept for Improvement Laino Hess, etc., will is. i leated atternooM, a free cliui'. nnd piofesi-loliiil edvice Ktveii every Momlav Ir.uii i lo . I'. M. JOHN HAMLIN, D. Y. S, Vejk corr.inoncinK MONDAY, HAntBS, Wonderland Theatre Co. Monday, Tinsriny an.i Vcdntsd.-y, iBonoloanlt's Qreal Irish Play, COLLEEN : BAWN ThuiSany, Friday and Sltonliy, Streets of New York ADMISSION, 10,80 and :io ckntu Opera ehauscan be reserved, by number, even a ternooa, from 1 JO to B.80, for the svening's entertainment Performances svery sftsrnoon Steepl Mondays and Thursdsya at 30, and every evening at ii. t'ecs opcunt 1. JO and 7.W ft M. (USHMAN'S . . IUJOU FORMERLY MUSIC HALL, Scranton. Uavu ttocksfeiler.tiesscei Trrd. Bandeu, Mau. Grand Opening March 5. Continuous performance from 3 P M. to to 3d P.S.aally. wit. PRANK rt siiMAX, The Prince of i omodiim. The Wonderful "nl'DA." .ICLKS .Joi. HON. the Aletropolltsti lawn-it THK alSTKItS MONHOR, St'MAHOM M KINtl. direct from Tony Pastor's Theatre, New Yoric. America's Preralei Msi-soorano, Mm, OKOitm hassh.i.. .11 it. O-MAXst CAMTuTOM. S l ant ou ii We!I-uoivn Coniisiian. nil: i-itiMitiKK oi'Ae'i'in k. The Oreat and Only RlSSWXL, Hsrnnmls j ,000Movslt and latpof lUveriy's Mas- tudon Minstrels and otssrs, A reSnsd entrtslnmnt h prurjilsod nnd we Intend that Isdlae snd ohildreu can at tend without i-s. orts and wtli he iriTon evsrv attention and courtesy hy the nttaohss, un der tho personal attention of Mauatrr Ban dell Prices 01 sdmlSSlSa, lO, I1 and H) csnta. with a fciv rsSQl'Vsd sests for 00 cents. THE LAKOEST CHEAPEST DEST The Iftae