ONLY ONLY 26 m DAYS DAYS txmn 4 jrSOGS&IBBSato 4 1 v Ay shv . aa. wflkw a a A .: -MKiftssx iSte-TSk-. .-..;?MJeW&' -m ama Ia a. a a a. . dk ONLY ONLY 26 DAYS DAYS EfOJIT PAGES--.-) ; COLfcMNS. SCRAKTON. PA.. TUESDAY MOKNINii. .UAK(II (!. ISiM. WTH FEE rape (We toe D) 1R1 y nt re THE TWO CENTS A ( OI'Y. HI THOSE Bui THE NECESSITY II DRY IOWA 1 Free Alcohol Petition Presented by Senator Cockrell. SEIGNIORAGE POT BACK ft DAY The Famous McG.u-rahn Claim Bobs Up Serenely An Eventless Day In the House Mr. Cannon and Mr. Black Amuse the Audience with a Gentle Tilt The Pension Appro priation Bill Lags. Washington. D. C, March 5. THE senate committee spurt two hours today in open session and one hour in executive suasion. The famous McGarrnhsn claim came up in the shape of a bill (the first on the calender) to refer it to the com luittee on private land claims, but it Wfot over till tomorrow without ac tion. Petitioua einanatinz from the Iowa Pharmaceutical society against an in creased tax on alcohol as one of the necessaries of life, were presented by Senator Cockrell, of Missouri, who ex claimed. ''Imagine that, alcohol au ab solute necessity in prohibition Iowa. " The seitfuorag bill was rrceived from the house and was presented by the vice president, who was about to repeat the usual foruiula--"Kead the first aDd second time and referred to the committee on tinince," when ob jection was interposed by Senators Stewart iN'ev.i. Hale (Me l and Allison (Ia ). As a bill cannot, receive its first and second rending on the sain duy. if objection be made, the seigniorage bill rem tins on the vict president' ta ble till tomOROW, wiien its second presentation will b tnvle, whica may lead to objection and delate. The senate at 8.05 went intn execu tive session. The doors were reopened at 3 15, when Mr. Morgan (D-ra.. Ala.) offered an amendment to the tariff re vision. It was read and referred to the finance committee, and then at 3 20 the enate aojonrned. EVENTLESS DAY IN THE HOUSE The house spent an eventless day in committee of the whole considering pension appropriation bill. Toward the end of the session the monot ony was broken somewhat by a tilt between Mr Cannon and Mr. Black, of Illinois, caused by the form-r ui.ik in? an unsuccessful attempt to have General Black tell whether he was or was not in favor of Mr. Cleveland's pension policy while lie was commis sioner of peusions. No progress had been made on the bill when the house adjourned. PITTSBURG SCHOOL WAR. The Junior Older of American Mechanics Ocpis th. Num. PiTTsuiRU, March 5 A storm is brewing in the central hoard of educa tion over the granting of teachers' cer tificates to the nuns elected to teach in the public acnools. Those of the t.oard opposed to the innovation have sought legal advice and propose to combat the issue when the committee nppointed to pan on the examination of the sisters of charity Bled its report on March 13. State Councillor W T. Kerr, of the Junior Order United American Me chanics, authorized the statement this afternoon that h list definitely de cided to make a legal test case of the right of the nans to wear their relig ious habit while acting as puulic school teachers. OBJECTS TO LYNCH LAW An Indiana Jndjf i'i Emphatic Evidanc of Disapproval. Lebanon, Ind., March 5, The grand jury met here today and Judge Neal instructed them as follows: I want you to thorouguly investigate the actions of the recent mob which attempted to lynch the negro Hall a short lime ago, and if the information obtained by rash investigation will possibly justify it, yon will return an indictment against every one impli cated. I want no favor shown in this matter. Lynch law has co place iu the statutes of Indiana.". Hall is the negro who assaulted a fawner's wife near here. He is now n prison. THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT. Uettlnar of thi Hjuii of lord. Tbt i it ' I' ).- . l London, March 5 The house of lord6 met at 1 80 p. in.- The local gov ernment bill received the royal assent, the queen's speech wag read and the bouse adjourned The speaker and members of the honse of commons were summoned to the house of lords to he ir the Queen's speech n ad. Mr. Labonchere and half a dozen other Radicals remained bt hiud. Later the queen's speech wm read in the bouse of commons and that body adjourned. FIELD IS STILL HELD. Justice Patterson Denial Hla Applica tion for a Baleaa. New Yokk, March .1. The applica tion which was made for the dis charge of El ward M. Field from Lud low street jail was denied today by Justice Patterson of the supreme court. He is now iu jail under civil process In au Bctlon brought by Charles Nette In which judgment was entered in De cember, 1892. Judge Patterson holds that Mr. i i. Id's sanity le now established, and he ia mentally and physically capable of preparing to atand trial. fees of the sffiue to have been $808 88, while his voucher for the county showed them to have been f 187, 111; both statements being sworn to, He was also charged with taking Illegal fees. Dr. it. f. W. Urban, the ox-olerk, the judge ihowe I had receive I in the three years of bis term which ended Jau. 1 last, over (80,000, on which the judge said he understood that the state had received no percentage, no return having bjcii ill idi by Clerk Urban, Liu lor the act of assembly the state Is entitled to 50 pr cut ' of the re ceipts over and above aaal.irv of 000 and olerioal expenses The judge siv the Moused officials until April 10 to prepare a statement In explanation, and Intimated that Indictment would follow. AFTER COUNTY OFFICIALS. A Lanoatter Judge Makes Serious Charges Against Clerks. Lancaster, March 5 In court this afternoon Judge Brubaker summoned before him Clerk of Quarter Sessions M. 8. Fry nnd ex-Cleric B. F. W. Ur ban, and made serious charges agaiust them of defrauding the county and state. Clerk Fry's return to the audi tor general for January showed the 1111 MCEI HAS APPLIED FOR UiVOIlCE. The Husband of tht Parmer of Pac Wants Separation WrXSEsBABRB, Pa.. March 5 Al bert V Belbel, a prominent business man here, commenced proceedings to day for a divorce. His wife recently eloped with one Dr. J, Q, Pace. They nre said to be living together iu Blwood, Nebraska. ATHENS OF AMERICA JUBILEE. Observation of the Colonial Oovern ment Bi-Centenni d Interesting and Lively. Annapolis, Md., March 5. The "Athens of America," as this city was called while the colonial government tl wished, today celebrated Its bi-cn- tenulal as the stat of state government. The city was iu holiday attire and the stars aud stripes were waving every where. At 1 o'clock this afternoon the parade formed In three division. Th city's officers, ex-miyors, cletgy, legislative committees, public school children, St. John's college c.dets. United States marines, secret societies, firemen and historical and patriotic societies were in the procession. At -1 o'clock exercise! under direction of St. .Tonus college wer- given at the Masonic opera house. Historical ad dresses were Interspersed with national music. Tonight Thomas S. Bier presided over tho meeting on the part of the city and stite in tile hall of the house of delegates. Eiihu S. Riley, the local historian, read a piper au 1 Profess r Alfred P. Dennis, of Priuc-ituii college, delivered the oration The day of pleasure oonolnded with t masquerade parade in which Lord Baltimore and other Colonial charac ters appeared, aud with a charity ball at the Assembly rooms. MAYOR ON HIS MUSCLE. The Chief Maglsrvn of Denver Bounc?s an Official Denver, Col., Maroh 5 -Mayor Van born threw Street Commissioner Thomas Foulkffl out of his olHee today and told him never to set foot in it again until he 0 msonted toobay orders. The act of ejectment threw the whole city hall stall' and visitors into a state of great excitement. The American Protective association figures iu the row. Street Sprinkler Viancourt, a frin 1 of the mayor, who says he is a competent man, was dis charged by Fonlkes, it is alb-ge l, at the instignation of the association. A MAD CAT TORE HER FACE. Mrs. Kruno' i Son Had to Beat Pussy Off with a Hammer. Chicago, III., Maroh 5 An enraged cat which Mr. John Kremp.of Tnirty first aud Doiitield streets, tried to drive out of the house, 11 tw into her face to day and with teeth and claws lacorated her features frightfully. The woman's icreams brought her son to hvr ricu-, who tried to get the cat away; but the enrage 1 animal only lore and scratched the more. Seizing the hammer, Kreuip bit the cat over th head, dropping pussy to the fl mr. NEW INOICTMtNTS ORDEREO. The Collapsed E.iuklnic Firm at Lancas ter Will Be Pur.ti-d. Lancaster, M irch 5 The conrt to day ordered the indictments against E.'K. Smith and E E. Grravblll, ol the col lapsed banking linn of E K. Smith & Co., of Columbia, to be quashed and new ones to be prenared. The Indictments wero quashed on the ground that the sheriff had not properly qualified before thu drawing of the grand jury. IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. THE SP1 Three Yoiiiij w mm Invostlgtta and Beoome Raving Maniacs. DANGERS OF THE HARK SEANCES The Daughters ot Jj jeph Schenk At tend Spiritualistic Meetings and BuCjmc Hoptlesjiy Insano They Rush In the Strj:tti Clad Only In Their Ni,-;lit Clothes -They Are Placed in straight J.-.ckets. Roller akating is again a craxe in Read ing, There are in lllair county 101 applicants for a liquor license. Over 2,1)00 loaves of broad wero yester day given to the poor of Heading. About 4,01)0 trout wero placed in the streinnv near Birdsboro on Friday. The BoonomlteS at Heaver Tails have bought for 1180,090 a large manufacturiug plant at that place. Ex-Governor Hoyt'l librarv was so'd at auction lait Saiurday iu Wilikos-U.irre. He dltyl a poor man. Two Children who were run down hy an electric car in Pittsburg were saved by the excellent guards on tho car. Escaping from the Lebanon jnil ten year:, ago. Jaoob Eberaole, the robber, was captured Friday night at Annville, Over 14,000,001 feet or logs will be Boated down Kettle Creek from Potter cmiiity this spiing to the IrVilliameport saw nulls. The residence of Hubert llutchius at Forty Port was oompletelv destroys) bv fire yesterday. Loss, 17,200, insured lor 12,000. Henry Johnson, who will be sentenced today, at AUentoWn, to be banged for drowning his child, spends bls tlne sing ing hymns. I ."iters patent were yesterday issued nt Harrisburg allowing Maintleld and (,'lmr tiers boroughs to consolidate under the name of Carnegie. The executors of (Jongreasman William Lilly's csiate, at Munch Chunk, have paid :; collateral Inheritance tnx to the state, he baring no direct heirs. Kilward WilktnS, aed 24, a mlbor ein pawud nt the Ghm colliery, near Wilken-Barre, was killed ynsterdav. A maasof coal fell upon bin and when it was removed he was beyond recognition. LOCKPORT, N. Y., March 5. HE pretty little village of San born, situated ton miles eat of Suspension Bridge, on the falls division of the New York Cen tral railroad, is iu a state of excite ment today over the misfortune that has just befallen one of the most re spected families of the place. Joseph Schenk, n wealthy farmer, with his three dbughters, Mary, Marin and Elleo, lived happily in a handsome home in the Tillage, The young wo men, being highly accomplished and devoted daughters, were admired by the people of the village for miles around. Of late the young women attended spiritualist seances ami it was noticed that a change had come over them. Nothing serious was thought of the matter until Saturday evening, when the people of the village were startled by s eiug three women rushing through the roids clad only in night gowns. Investigation proved that the Scheuck girls had run out of their rooms and were 11 Miiig, no one knew where. The neighbors soon went in search of them When found the three women were raving matliaos. They were taken back to their homo where everything possible was done to quiet them, but it was no use, and it was finally round necessiry to place them In straight jackets, The father is prostrated at the terri ble condition of his three daughters and i nnable to account for their sud den affliction, He has arranged to have tlieui taken to the Baffilo Insane asylum tomorrow. The people of tne village did little to day hut to talk about the affair. They held the young women iu high regard and sympathized deeply with Mr. Scbenok In bis troubles. The Schenck women were quite handsome. CRANK AT THE WHITE HOUSE. Ccm'nandd bv God to Take Clia-d Hrald efPopullet Power. Washington, March 5 At s o'clock this morning, an boor before the white house is opened to the public, a wild eyed, bearded, commonly dressed man about o0 years old, appeared a', the en -trance and told the watchman that he had come to t ike charge of the h. ue. He said he had a revelation from God and iiad been directed to come here aud take charge of the white i.oue and turn it over to the Jews. The Democrats had to go out; the Re publicans could not gut In, but the Third Party, to which ha belonged, would predominate, The man was no! violent, but he was very positive and insistent. While ho was talking a telephone call brought the police patrol wagon to i ho door and the man was arrested and locked up In the i bird pracinot station. He gave the name of Abraham Juliai Killer, and said he had come from Baltimore. 1 BANK ROBBHH ARRESTED. H. C. Wilt-haw Caught in Buffalo; Chnnr'd with a rvime in N. w York. Buffalo, March 5 Harry 0. Wilt- shaw, dlas H. C Waikius, has been arrested h-re by Deputy Marshal Watts lie ia atvuse,! robbing the United State! National bank, of 11 Wall street, New York. He was in dicted by the Lilted States grand jury last January. Two deUotives, M Ii. Tobin and George s Dougherty, traced bin from New York to Boranton, Pa., aud from Beranton hare. Marsh ii Watti made the arregt on an order from Marshal JacobiiH, of the Hicond district of New Ymk. lie is charged with making false en tries and smbeatling lli.OOO of the bank's funds. Wiltshaw baa been a gu-st ut the Genesee hnt-d for some time and was abont to open a bucket shop in the Erie Oottuty bank building under the namo of H C. Walking. DR. AMICK GETS JUDGMENT. Mfdlcal Journal of St. L nils Could Not Mek" Ooml Its Attack. Kr Ltit is, March 5, Judgment was rendered in favor of Dr, Anting, of Cincinnati, against the St Lviia Clin ique, This medical journal questioned i he right of hia treatment for consump tion, which many physicians here say is the only cure for this disease. Amlck keqn his formula to himself and Bends free modloinai proviug to the consumptive Ii- can be cared. All this is against the medical code, hence ttioattack and vindication. i DEAOWOOD SCORCHED. I Is Visitid bv a Dn;ruo ivn Fire Yea terdav Morning. DBaDWOOD, S. D., March 5. A large portion of this city was destroyed by fire this morning. All that part of the ci'y lying between the center of Main strnet and Chinatown Was destroyed. The loss is es'imated at $150,000, on which there is au insurance of not to aioeed $15,000 QUINTUPLETS ARE RARE. The Kittannlng Farm.i's Wife ErJ yi a U nlit le Ohitinctlon. Kittanninu, Pa, March 5 It is possible that Mrs. David Ii nenherger, who, on Thursday last, nave birth to five babies, has won a distinction en joyed by no other woman who has lived iu Pennaylvauia for a hundred years. Statistics show that quintup lets are exceedingly rare. Dr Char- pentler, the famous ITrenob obsstriolnn, compiled some Interesting flgure heetr Ing on this subject. Among 10,088,888 cases of confinement, In various coun tries in Europe, there ivsre twins fl, H07 times, triplets, 8091 limes; quad ruples, fifty-nine times, and quintup lets once. A "other eminent physician found in 17,780,074 CaBeS, only quadruplets and one quintuplet, Theife are about 150,000 casea nf couftneijisnt In Penn sylvania every year, so that, if the European ratio holds good in this coun try, even with the present population ot this state, there woutd be only one case of qulntrtipleta in a century. r MISS POLLARD'S BAITLE. Conainsamin Braokinrlda'S Will Havd to Face n Jury This Week, WaSIIIKOTON, March 5 Tna Pol" lard-Ureckiurl Igo trial has been lit for Tbnraday, Judge Bradley, of the su preme courl ut the District of Columbia mi I'M) 17 listened to preliminary ar KUmelltl iu the case on a motion by the defense f"r a further postpone ment. Miss Poltsrd wa; not present. but her attorneys say sUe will attend Thursday. Seventy-three witnesses have been examined east and west and their testi mony has been sensational in the ex treme. On the side of the defense the name of the late Colonel Swope has been dragged into the cane, witnesses swearing that be and not Congressman Breckinridge had paid for MiBs I'ol- larii's education aud Intel expanses as Well. The wife of Ssnator Blackburn has testified to the fact that Congressman Breckenridge introduced Miss Bollard to him as his prospective wife, and gave details of conversation anil inci dent, which threw a black light on the Contentions made by the defense, Colonel Enoch Totten and Phil Thompson appear for Colonel Breck enridge, and Calderon Carlisle for the plaintiff. It is likely that the case will take several weeks for trial. JUBAL EARLY'S FUNERAL. Thn Confdnit Gratters! Burled Yeater dsv wnh Impo' iou Ceromonlce, Lynchburg, Va., March s The funeral of General iub.-il A, Early took plac this afternoon from St. Paul's Ohuroh. The procession was an im posing one, an I was witnessed by thousands of pnrsins who lined the thoroughfares along the entire route. Hundreds of oi l vet-rans who servi d nndei the dead general during the war msrehed on foot in the procession. The corps of cadets of the Virginia Military Institute, about '200 strong, were conspicuous in the lids. .. at i SUICIDAL LOViiR SHOOTS. Clara Fiiend Fatally Wound'd by an t a-: Lunatic. New York, March 5. Frlti Nolty, 40 years of age. a sailor, this afternoon shot Clara Friend, 10 years of age, iu the left temple ulld then committed suicide :t ih rdsldence of the girl's parents, H" Vermont street. Brooklyn, Nolty has been pest.ring tiie girl witb'hii attentions, and for the past week hits been living at her home. The shooting took place while the Biri'a parents were out of the house. The girl cannot recover. . WILL TALK ONLY OF DUCKS. The President's Mmd Wanders to Water Fowl wimn Interviewed. NORFOLK, Va., March 5 In the In terview, tht president statod that he killed about thirty ducks and twenty geese nnd SWAU He declined to speak about congress ional mutters ami merely said that he had heard that the Bland bill had pasted the houss. . NuT-lS FROM WASHINGTON. COLD BLOODED Th8j Cruelty Shoot and Bob a Htddlesmlth fi.ld Citizen. DESPERATE STRUGGLE FOR LIFE Two While Men with Blackened Faces Enter tho House of Jackson Vaher shamp and Demand Money In a Struggle Over a Gun, the Latlcr Is Shot in the BrSSSt The Thieves Escape with a Sum of Money. Congressman Hourko Cockran will go to Snn Antonio, Tex., this week, where be will meet Tammany's chieftain, Riohard Croker. It is said pence has bsflU declared between the men. The court of c'.niins today decided against the claim of Charles B. Armstrong aod 188 others, of Plttsbnrg, Pa., for fortifying l'uisbnrg, i'li., against the confederates during Lee's march into Pennsylvania. The senate has conflrmeJ the following Dominations! United Suites Consul, John M. Bavsge, f New Jersey, at Dundee, Bcotlnnd; Bngene Tbwnsond, superintend ent of the United States mint nt Phlladel phla. FLASHES FROM THE WIRES. Columbia county, ).. Is bankrupt An lee (jnrge two miles heig chokes the Republican river above MoCook, Neb. Bummer weather prevailed in Burling ton, la., Saturday, the ihermomotor rls lug to 70. Seven dynamite slloks, placed bv a mis. creant in a New Providence jewelry fac tory, failed to go off. Despnndencv drove Edward J. Gonway, su Inilisnapcdls business man, to hang himself to a bedpost. A d"se of morphine ended the woes of Thomas II. Pngnall, of the Calhoun Opera company, nt llutte, Mont, wuii a gift of 110,000, President Beth Lew. of Columbia college, endows a f-b lowshlpot sociology at tne institution. Democrats of Creed, Ool.. nominated for City clerk Miss Carrie Pell, the first we man candidate for offlOS the state ever had. The Pullman I'nlnre Car comnanv is re- nortsd to have sold its plant at Detroit, Mich , to the Wagner oompany for i;n- 000. Deteotlves have oaptured, in st. Louis, JntaU I). Praser, the easier who stele le, 000 rr.on theQrana Trunk railway in To ronto. While sitting at his desk nt Hay Sprinus, Neb., tleerge A. Still, telegraph Operator, was ihot dead by an unknown nssnsin, James W, Kennedy, who reosntlv lifted a It!i0-pound dumhell, fell through a trap uoorann was osoiy injured at water town, N. Y. Wealthv, nnd heretofore respected, Parmer Isaac Qoodman has b'oU arrested at Blkwood, Ind., for actloga "fence" for his sen Dick's robber baud. The New Ynrk Press club will present Mrs. George w. ChiMswIth a silver heart ihaped plaque, bearing resolutions ot sym pathy with her upon the death of Mr. Chllds. it whs ThsddsuN v. Bsulton,of Orsntt) N. J., who Committed the mysterious ell! oldest thaGedney house. New York. He was president of the Urewers' Metullie Ltuiig cumpaiiy. 8TROOD8I)L'l:a, Pa., March 5. THIS oonnty is again the scene of what will prove another runr-d-r. Jackson Vullersbamp, who lives in Mid llesmlthfl Id, near the Milford road, nine mil s from Btrondaburg, Ii the victim. Just be fore noon ns he was alone In the house he was pounced upon by two men, wno demanded hia money. A struggle en sued aud Vallorahamp sUOOeede 1 i'i knocking the men down, and then ran to the closet and got his gun. The men were on their feet In an in stant and grappled with Mr. Vallars bamp, and iu tna struggle succeeded In getting the weapon from blin. In the effort to get possession of tiie gun, Val lershnmp received the contents in the breast of a full charge of snot, blowing a hole through his body, taking away part of the left lung taud coming out at the back. The thieves then robbed him of his pocketbook containing $33, washed their hands in a creek that runs near the house nnd then escaped. The men had their faivs aud hands blackened, but in the struggle the shirt of one of the robbers was torn off and some of the black was rubbed off' the men's hands nnd faces, showing that they were white. There Is no clue. The robber ransacked the bonse, overlook ing $100 stored in a trunk. The neighborhood is np In arms and a systematic lesroh is being made. Two peddlers were arr -sted 00 suspic ion by Policeman Welter, of the Btroudsburg police, but as they gave a clear account of their movements dur ing the day, they w. re released. Val lershamp .is atill living, but there is littl'j hope of his recovery. -. SUPREME COURT OFINIONS. Decrees He.rid.-d Dowu from ths Final Ben oh of Justice ' Washington, March 5. A number of opinious were banded down by the United States niprnne court today, among them the following: No. 140, .1. Dniilap iV Sons, appellants vs. Sim Held, Maeou A; Co. Appeal from the circuit court of the United States for the eastern district of Pennsylvania, Decree reversed with costs and cause remanded with directions to dis mife the bill. Opinion by Mr. Justice Cray. No. ill, the Johnson company, plain titt In error, vs. William Wharton, ir . & Co. (limited), etc. In err. r to t. e circuit court cl the United States for the Eaeteru district of Pennsylvania. Judgement affirmed with cost aa I in terest. Opinion by Mr. Justice liar Ian. No. 2(10, the Pennsylvania H ilroul oompany, plaintiff in error, vs. Thou as P, Jones. No. SOI, (he Pennsylvania Railroad company, plaintitl hi error vs Charlsa T. Stewart, pnssed on account of sick ness of ronbeel sul ject to t he provisions of the 20 'i rule on motion of Mr. Wil liam A. McK mney In behalf of oou is.i for plaintiff In error. ROUNDING UP IN TEXAS. Sorrowful Democratic. Politicians Ga'.hor in ths I.m S:ar State. San AKTONIa, March .Vlt is ru mored here on good authority that there Is something Important beyond the movement of Hie leading Demo cratic politicians of New York to San Antonio Hon. Frederick Cottier! arrived here about a week ago and is atill in the city, Hourko Cockran is on his way and will probably arrive on Wednesday. On top of this a dispatch was received here today stating that Mayor Oilroy, of New York, who is on Ills way to California, would arrive this week stopping off here a few days. Mr. Croker was asked today if the gathering of the Democratic leaders here was of any significance. Tie re plied that he was not aware that any of the leaders were coming to Sm An tonio. - CONFESSION OF A BURGLAR. A Prisoner Attempt i Bulolda and Ac knowledge. Having Committed Harder, COLUURUS, O, March 5 Charles Murray, a negro burglar, serving a twelve year seiit-nce imposed in Greene county, attempted suicide tonight by bursting a poker into his throat an I dashing his head against the will. Believing that he was dying, he made a confession lo Warden James to the effect that in 1887 he murdered a farmer ami his wife near Xenla, O, Robbery was his object. To conceal the crime he burned the house with the bodies iu it. Ha was suspeoted and tried, bat the jury acquitted him. The prison phy sician behoves Murrey Will recover. WHERE MOB LAW RULES. Ewift Juaiiot Pursues a Murd irer in the Land of Cotton . Savannah, Oa., March 5 A special from Collins, (la , ears: Sylvester Rhoaues, the negro who shot to death a young white m n, named Robert Rosier, at Cobbstown, on Feb. 'J I, was brought to this town tonight. Tiie negro was instantly surrounded hy uu enraged body of citizons aud It ia reported that at A p. in the negro was shot to death. MINISTER POTTER DIN .P. Qiven a Farewell Dati'innt bv Ammican at Rome. ItnMic, March 5 The Americans in Rome gave a farewell dinner this evening to tho retiring United States minister, William Potter. Tfce Rev. Dr. Nevln presided. Among tho aeventy guests ware Wayne MaoVeagb,the incoming United States ambassador; Baron Blanc, min ister of foreign affairs; Count (Han otto, court chamberlain, and the most conspicuous uimnber.1 of ths diplo matic col pi. - LOST HIS MOUSTACHE. A Younor Lavyei'ri J-:ncl.lnB Fxpsrianoa st Bwavthmorc, Mi ma, March 5, John W. Hutchin son, jr., a young attorney from New Y irk city, and a former student at Svnrthmo; - college, called upon a young lady at the Oollege and start' d lo go to the train shortly after 0 o'clock. In the darkness be wn attacked by about fifteen or twenty young men Students of Sw..rthm ire. He savs they threw him to the ground and shaved off i,is moustache. Then they dragged llim, head down ward, over the mud ly ground for a distinct of a-tvral hun dred j nrls. The unit of clothing he had on at tiie tuna was dragged n the mo 1 and completely ruined. U. the crowd who made the assault upon him he recog nized several of the party. He knows of in motive for the attack but that of jeal my. By the advice of the dis trict attoruey, Mr Hutchinson went before Justice Walter and swore out warrants for the arrest of the students hahi-d. Mil. I Conspiracy of Strikers Who Pro posed to Use Infernal Machines in the Destruction ol Property. FINLEYS Annual Spring Sale of Charleston, W. Vs., March 5. A dastardly conspiracy was unearthed in the mining region today. The strikers took to Acme twenty seven largo dyna mite cartridges to blow up the works snd destroy the store the other night. At their meeting yesterday, last night and Saturday, the arrangement was made to arrest Wyaut, bring him to Montgomery and turn him over to a mob of urikera. Then it wus that the cartridges al ready distributed among the strikers, were to be thrown among the troops who came with the sheriff pOSSe. Tne plan was next to kill Wyatit and thon go down the river to all the works, burning, killing and destroying. The plan wis frustratoi by Wyant's being Cikjn to F.iyetteville, thus sav ing Wyant's li'e an 1 tho lives of the soldiers. A man whose name is not known now nnd of whom no mention has been yet made in the dispatches, lies bnried 00 the ridge above the tipple, shot to fl stii by the sheriff's pos.e iu the tip ple. . - JOHN JOHNSON'S TERMS. Announce., Tint He Wid Not Rac Z mmerman for Money. Minneapolis, Minn., March 5. Bicyclist J inn s. Johnson announced today that he would not race with Champion , A. A. Zimmerman for money, but would meat him for "a suit able pr.z-" and the championship ol the world Johnson proposes to enter in "class B" of the League of American Wheel men. BURGLAeS BLOW UP A SAFE. T ley Also Chloioform a Family nt Gir- crdviile. QlBARDVlIXE, Pa., March 5. Bur-g- irs last night entered the house of J iiu) MoKernin, obloroformed the f am i v and ransacked the premises, They sscured but little for their t ouble and they turned their attention 1 1 the office of the Sohuykill Traotion c impany Chey blew open the safe and ot $u00. fllr Wilbu 'a Promotion. SOUTH BSTHLKHIM, Pa., March .V Hoi !in a. Wilbur, eastern superintendent of I he Lehigh V alley railroad has been ap pointed general superintendent ot the whole system from Jersey City to Buffalo. NOTABLE DEATH ROLL. Major David P. Uivin, vice president of the First National bank, at Huntingdon, Pa. Kx-County Auditor J, It. Cassel, also secretary Ol tho school board at North Wales, Pa. Mrs. Mary .1. Isznrd, W years old, wife of Samuel beard, president ol the com mission e)t puoac instruction, ot t auulo'i, N. J. Albert Wallace, of New Hampshire, aged S0-, for HO years an employe in the treasury department at Washington, where ho dropped dead. Robert Haines, widely known in central Pennsylvania for his remarkable resembl ance to James ii. Blaine, and a Republi can politician, dropped dead at SuuwShoe, Pa. Sergeant Joaeph (illligan, the Dnvor, (Col.) weather observer tot tan years, is dead. I le ha,! been iu the signal service ii? yen's and made the Drtl weather obser vations taken at Wellington. Dr. W. 11. Williamson, aged 4l) years, a resident of Bedford springs, l'a., died nt Wllkee-Borre suddenly, of hear I failure. He was a director nnd general agent of the ttssoi Ic Mutual Savings and Lean associa tion ol Chicago. In addition to our magnificent .stwk of Printed India Silks, we hitvit added a now lim.- of Wash Silks, Louisennes, Crystals, Glace Brocades, Swivels, &c, &c. Extraordinary Values in BLACK SILKS and SATINS. Four Qreal Specials in PEAU D' SOIE ami SATIN DUCHESSE, 98c, $1.15, $1.35 and $1.50 The ix-st values ever offered aud wear absolutely guaranteed. Cheney Bros. Black Bro cade Duchesse. J ohn D. Cutter' s (warranted pure dye) Taffetas, Gro-Grain, Mervelleux and Duchesse Cord. 510 and 612 Lackawanna Ave. i Til" PMTTI rrnriiti a nunnpn iunn n i int buiin mum Si mm rrbun FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSK. CHAS A BCHIEREN ft CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak-tanned Leather belling. H. A. Kingsbury .AOF.NT 313 Spruce St., ScraBton, Pa. FROM ACROSS THE. SEA. Mr. (Hailstone will recommend that bis friends, Btuari Rendeland Reginal Wilby, he raised to the MlUge, Thomas Bills has been selected as Llb eralWbipiu plaoo of Mr, Usjorlbanka, Who goes lo the lioii-o of lords. Thomas Bdward Kits, M. P., ouo of tho I ad-of the treasury, has been deelgnSted to succeed the Right Hon. BdwaraHar orlhanka as patronage seoretary to the treasury and OOiei liberal whip, the latter having sucoeeded to a seat In the huusc of loi ds. It le officially announced that the Karl of Kimberly will succeed Lord Roeebery Be seoretlkry of state foreign affaire, and lit. lion. Henry Hartley t-'owler, presi dent of the local government board, will take tho place of the Karl ot Knnberly nt secretary of state fertile Indian depart ment, i i 4- 1 WEATHER FORECAST. Lewis, Reilljf & Davtes Reliable Footwear. V Feet of every description fitted at Lewis, Reilly & Davie3. Will close every evening at'J P.M. except aturilay. WARM Waauiitotog, March f. Fort I iu for TVetdoy: For eastern 1 nansyftNiato, gntmlly fair, ooaHNtted aiga lanueratitrescittsj leiin.v. h'tir tft'ylern I't na.s;ntritn, lair SffCSpl SAOS9efa oa tAS fuA-e.v, voider 7'ites cejnioif, seuMsXISt ituls. We Examine Eyes Fiw of charge. If a doctor fa needed you are promptly told so. We also guarantee a pec feet lit, WATCHES AT ( '( 1ST for one week onlyl W L 'J JS.JDLJ.IJI I I U I II J-IJ ARCADE JEWELBR, 215 WYOMING AVE. 'fin i ir'lr.atrliMi