The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 05, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
.. : :;D DEPOT
Our Fashion
Marcli Kumbsr Just Out
out of town oorropin i''it of Tin Tutu
Das nhould sign thuir names m tall to eson
news letter, not for pablloatlon out to guard
gainst deception.!
Describes and contains the
Leading Fashions, Latest
Dress Materials, Stories, An-
ecdotes, Humorous Illustra
tions. Valuable Information,
Elevating and Pleasing
Reading for the 1 lome.
to tho who call for it at
our store.
We are sole agents in Scran
ton for the sale of
English Skin Food
Price $1 Per Box.
Clean your Kid (iloves by
Instantly removes SPOTS
or stains without injury to
the Finest Fabrics, Kid
(iloves. White Shoes Silks,
Laces, Woolen Goods, Car
pets, etc.
lias no bad odor; never
leaves a ring, on cloth after
Price 25 cents par bottle.
Programme of tho District Convention
tn Bn TleH at Unlondale.
fiirn'al to lit Scfttatoa lYf&aS, City, Pa., March I The
following in -tho prnsrr.imrao of tho
Honesdale District Mtnistsrl il assocu
tiou meeting to be hM at ITaionilala,
Ph.. Monday anil Tuesday, March 5
and 0: Monday afternoon, -I p. m.,
devotional services', Wiium Rawlinga;
4 IS, "Evangelists an I itvivuls." J. 0
Hogan; I 80, general discussion of tho
Evening: 7 3). opnin serrice, A
' (' Olver; 7.48. address, J. 0. Leacock;
alternate, V. P. Doty.
Tnendny morning: 8 ,80, prayer ser
vice, F. Marshall; 8. 00, business ses
sion ; !) 30, "Childhood and tim Church, "
J. H. Hoice; lo oo, "Charon Work In
Rural Section," J. A. Transits; 10.30,
"Tho Secularisation of the Pastorate,
P. it. Tower; 11.80, "Tho District
Camp Mooting, S, 0 Siwpkins; 11.80,
"The Conduct of Pabltc Worship," 1
N. Khipinnn.
Afternoon: 1.80, devoth'i, J. H.
Perry; 1.45, "How to Utilise the
Committees Appointed y the Fourth
ynurtrr Conference," L. T. Van Cam
pen , 2 15. "Encouraging Feature of the
TenperMoeJIUfortn,HFi Grrendall ; 3.00,
review of liijnop Vlnoent'd "better
Not," William Edgar; 8 30. "Tho Care
of Prsbtlootrt,"F. P, Doty; 4. 00, 'The
Parsonage," W. L, Tborpe; l 80, "Oon
fersnce Claimant's Fond, "J. V Newel'.
Evening, 7 80 opening services, P.
Houek;7 15, sermon, D. Evans; aiter-
natt, F. Gondall.
Dulawaie and Hudson train loavo
Carbomlale for Unlondale at 8,03 p. m.,
arriving at Unlondale 8.40 p. m,
Local preachers and psetors not a
ligned thews ant requested to l pres
ent and prepare to dlsonsi themes.
Committee, w, L Thorpe, I. N. Sblp
man, C. A. Benjamin.
BeVi W. L, Toorpf, of Honosilale, is
tho president xi the itinti, and
lt"V. J. C Hogan, of Forest City, is
the secretary.
Brief Tarjcrapln of General Newe from
a South m Suburb
fjircui to the Scranton THessc
MlNOOKA, Pa., March 4 David
Kecae, a miner in the No. 1 shaft of
the Greenwood Coal oompany, was se
verely injured Friday afternoon while
m the net of picking some top coal
which had hem loosened by a shot
Thinking it was fast, ho had entered
into work without comprehending the
danger when it came down with a
crash on hi hack, pinning him to the
ground, hut without fatal results.
i . M. llobbs and Holand Davis, of
Greenwood, attended too funeral of the
Into David Jmkins, of Hyde Park,
M. II. Lavelle, ot Birney avenue, is
in Mooiic on a visit.
Miss Mauie lloche, of the Sonth
Sile, calif il on Minooka friends Sunday
Notice has been given of a handicap
foot race Which i to take place on this
tiJe on the 17th of March. Many able
sprinters ot local note, have already,
entered. The ring lending prize will
be $10.
Matiy people of thi place visited the
scene of the explosion at the Moosic
Powder mill today.
Thomas Nauglltoo, oF Miners Hill,
was badly braised about the head en t
back Saturday in the N. 12 mines ot
the Greenwood Coal company. II
started in to pull down some loose
bony when a large piece, about 900
pounds, came with a erashing force,
crushing him to the fl ior making n
severe gash on the bridge of his nose.
Hi injuries may prove fatal.
Fucklen'e Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for Outs
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kueum, Fever
Sores, Tetter chapped Mauds, ChliblHtus,
Corns and nil Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures I'iles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price i!5 cenu per
box. For sale by ilattbewa Bros.
Teachers of Mayfltld, Jermyn, Oreen -flld
and Archbald Meet.
sptriLil to the SorQH ton fWoese.
Mayhki.h, Pa, March 4. The third
monthly institute of tint teachers of
Mayfield, Jermyn, Greenfield and
Arehbald, was held hera Saturday. A
very instructive and interesting pro
gram was rendered.
The Messrs. Martin four brothers
gave several fine vocal selections
Miss Kate Mullen, in a talk on primary
numbers. Miss Ella Miilhollaud, on
nrimary geography, and Prof. Povard,
whose snbject was history were the
three who represented the Jermyn
Prof. White, of Archbald, was
obliged to leave before giving his ad
drtfS, as the Archbald teachers had a
tipecial meeting in their own Imrongh.
Miss Martin, subject "The Value of
Form Study and Drawing in the Pub
lic Schools," and Professor R. H Msr
I in on "Primary Geography," were the
representatives of th Maytield school.
County Superintendent J. C. Tavlor
gave a very line tallc on "School tijv
Among the ont of town gnests wr
City Superintendent Forbes and II. .1'errv, of Carbondsls; Profes
sors K N". Dvis and White, of Arch
bul l, and Professor Greene, of Clark's
Tho next moeiini- of the Institute
will lo held at Jermyn, Saturday,
April 7.
In THOUSANDS "f cases the cure of a
Cough Is the preventive of consumption.
The surest rough medicine in the world is
Dr. Wood's Norway Pins Byrup. Bold by
ail dealers on a guarantee of sutii-f iction.
dnring the month of February seventy
soven oars, or 800 tons of bark over
the Erie and Wyoming Valley railroad.
They shipped last week 22.000 pounds
ot hair and 20.000 pounds of leather.
The Presbyterian parsonage is fast
nearing completion. P will be ready
for occupancy by April 1.
Dan Ueisscker will start to build his
new house March 15.
The Eimhurst boulevard is to be
completed by Aug. 1. The coutraut
has been let to Muier & Lewis, of Now
Frlef News Net a of Interest from a
Live Town.
'wiiil to the ScruHtoii Tribune.
jKit.MY.N, Pa., March 4 The First
ISaptibl church has extended u call to
Rev, Mr. Morrie to become their pastor.
A child of Ilbnry Langman, ot Fourth
street, is not expected to live.
Don't forget the hand concert tomor
row night in Gilmore hall
Harold, sou of W. It. DoJsou, is ill
wilh scarl tit fuver.
The now cuuncil will organize to
night. The meeting will be held iu the
Borough building,
Connty Superintendent Taylor, at
the institute held in M lyfleld, Satur
day, spoke vory strongly against the
new school building being erected on
the grounds of the present building
The 1 1 Ulcers of the Epworth league
for the ensuing year are : President, C.
F Baker; first vice president, Miss
Kate Sampson ; second vice president,
Miss Belle Gardner; third vice presi
dent, Miss Dana Uymer: fourth vies
president, Richard Hawkin ; secretary,
Miss Annie Ellis; treasurer, William
Seymour, jr
J. Nelson Graves, of Scott, and P. F.
Smith, of Port Jervis, N. Y., called on
friends hero Saturday.
Mrs. ,T. W. t'ure. of Tompkinsville,
visited her daughter, Miss Anna, last
Jowett ami the Prlnesi
It wns Jowett's resistless energy that
made him, as mi undergraduate, work in
hour a day, as he once told a Siamese
prince in my Inuring. The said Siamese
prince had. ns the porter pompously ex
pressed it, "corned into BaUiol by the
master's front door, sir," had entered for
his "smalls," had telegraphed, so it was
popularly understood, to his tether that
he was in fortius his lirst examination, and
had paid for a reply telegram, which, it is
asserted, ran as follows: "It is well.
Fourteen youths of the nobler sort have
been sacrificed." Hut the propitiatory qfler
ing iu Sinni had failed to help in the hat
tie of the schools, The prince had been
plowed and was sent for by the master,
"I am much ashamed of you," Knid
Jowett in his sternest and jerkiest man
lier. "You are very idle, very idle. You
are no credit to your country or to this
college. How many hours a day do yon
To which the Siamese answered stuil
Ingly: "Aw, master, 1 do work very hard.
Sometimes three hours."
To whom replied the master: "You
ought to work al h ast eight hours. When
I was your age. 1 worked 18."
It is true that one was convulsed nt the
time by hearing the prince say, with ii
grin from ear to ear, but iu all good faith,
"Aw, but, master, you have such a very
big head!" Hut that "I used to work 18
hours a day" snnk deep into one's mind.
CornhlU .Magazine.
Jottlnire From a Local'y nt Present
Ovrchng -d With Beotriolty.
Special to the BCTQUim Tribune.
H Edward Taylor, of this place, and
Alex. Bryden, of Vandling, are on n
Vist to the city of New York.
A. M. O'Dmnell spent a part of to
day on business iu Cirbondalo.
The burgS! SlSOt and newly elected
members of the council will take the
oath of office Monday night,
Plenty ot mud.
BlfOtno companies seem to think
that Forest City will prove a bonanza
for their business, as one company is
erecting poles, another laying rails
and th third nre going to put up the
wire on tho poles that have hesn
erected by the lirst, while the fourth ie
going to superintend the work and the
fil th tnlte it to the courts. The sixth
company is beiiiR formed.
B. F. Maxey spent Saturday in
Promiscuous News N.res Penned by a
Qiondam Correspondent,
Surittl to thr scrunton Tribune.
Mqsi ow, March 1 Mrs. E M. Hodg
son, president of the W. R. C, and
her daughter, Mr A. Ballet, aro iu
Philadelphia attending the encamp
ment. S. Wilcox, our gnial and euterpris-
ing iirerymsn, is quite sick.
Moi Davi-s and L C. Bortree are
in Philadelphia.
Th-re was a D'moref. contest at
Dslevllle Friday" night, which was quiti
largely attended by poplo from this
pis OS,
Mr. E. Stem and daughter, Emma,
of Dileville, spent Wednesday with
friends in town.
Frank Pel ton is in Piiiladelhpia.
Tho eZerolSN on Friday afternoons
at the schools are quite interesting.
II. F. Wsdtll an. I wife, of Dileville,
called on their daughter, Mrs. Lear,
on Wednesday.
Measles are prevalent in and around
this place
IlKMty ScnOIPHALS, foreman Henry
Knur I'acki DB eoinnaii V. St. Joitenh's. Mil
usee Dr. Thomas Klectric (111 with his
men for sprains, cuts, brnises channeil
:. It is th" best.
liaiids, otc.
Nofes from a Delight! al Locality by a
Wld Awike Correepnnrtent,
Frrrial to thr tfafewfos TVi'mas.
EliraURBT, I'll . March 4 B, Hay
den, of Atlantic City, N. J., is visiting
his daughter, Mrs. H. Finn.
Borough council met for organizi
tion on Saturday evening lat.
The teachers of our graded school
are preparing tn hold mi old-fashioned
spelling "skule" in tho near future.
Partridge & Co. report business in
flourishing condition.
Rev. Mr. Mattison, of Knoxvills,
Patin., railed on several members of
the Baptist church with a view of
coming hers as pastor in tho near
The Union Tanning company expeot
a very prosperous year. Their works
have bseti running ten honrs during
the entire winter, giving employment
to forty , and fifty men. They received
Deep Sea Cooloil CliaeapaKiie.
"Bpoaking of chilling champagnes,"
snid the captain of the United States sur
vey steamer Albatross, "I had an experi
ence at, sea one Christmas which whs uot
only peculiar, but surprising. We had been
on u long cruise and were down near the
tropics at Christmas time, of course we
observed the day as w ell ns possible under
the circumstances, und one of the features
was a line dluner. We had some cham
pagne on board, but, the weather was quite
hot, and having no ice we were at a less
to Blld a way to cool the wine, which
could not be endured us it was. During
our cruise we hid been making muny deep
seu soundings, and it dawned upon us
that by sinking the bottles down iu the
sen about a half mile we could find water
cold ns ice. This was au inspiration, to
we thought, and we Immediately sent
down a lot nu a wire for refrigeration.
"At the proper time it wub druwu up
and placed on the table, and we found the
bottles delightfully chilled. When the
steward opened them, however, there was
no 'pop' to tho cork, and the wine looked
tint and bad when served. What was our
astonishment upon lusting it to find that
it was pure saltwater. I thought, first that
It WAS S bad practical joke nud ordered
more wine sent dow n into the cold seawu
ter. This was intended for tho dessert
course, but when il, was spened we wore
disgusted to aguiu find only salt water
instead of sparkling champagne, uud our
pleasure was spoiled.
"Vou are probably purled to find a so
lution to the matter. Well, it is very sim
ple. In the deep sea, nt the depth to whioh
we sank the wine, the pressure is enor
mous so great, iu tact, thut the salt wa
ter was forced into the bottles through the
pores in the corks, uud being more dense
than the wine Completely absorbed it.
That may sound like u tish story, but it is
a cold fact.'' Wine uud Spirit (Juzelte.
It Woulil Not Work.
The book agent rallied nway nt tho
front door on Pitcher street, and when the
servant appeared he smiled his sweetest.
"Is the lady of the house in!"' hu usked.
"I don't know, sir. I'll see."
"Thank you. Here is my enrd. Say
Mr. John Revere Middleton 1 iu the par
lor aw ait ing her. "
The gentleman's manner and name quits
overcame the girl, and she invited him iu
and flew up stairs.
Whsn the lady came down and saw her
visitor, she sired him up on the spot.
"Well," she asked free.ingly, "what is
your business:-"
"My dear madam." he replied persua
sively, " I am not here on business. It is, I
assure you, a pleasure to show you this
elegantly bound VOltunSOf the latest edi
tion of" And thereupon tho ludy
walked out, and the servant eamo in and
showed him the door. Detroit Free Press.
The t ats Kept Coming Hack.
This cat story comes from a Free Unp
tist clergyman ; consequently it must he
true. Iii his parish lived a man ami his
w ife, very poor in all their surroundings,
yet firm in the faith. They were very anx
ious for themitiister tovisit them, lletlid
so and found a poor houss, small very
small. The minister was given a bed the
only beil. He must tarry another night.
He learned that the woman lodged on n
lounge in the living room, said roonf com
bining all the requisites of kitchen, din
ing room and parlor, while the lord of the
household slept on the tloor. In some way
the minister gave them to understand that
it would delight him to lie on the lounge.
When about to retire, he mentioned to the
man that it, WOUld be advisable ti put
out of doors two cits in the room, which
was done. After lying for a few moments
on his couch gut came two cats from be
neath the lounge, spitting and crying. Ho
arose nud threw them out. Very soon the
same sei ne was enacted again and again,
until he became disturbed with supersti
tious emotions. He knew not what to do,
and still they came, and still out they
went, and in they came all the long night.
In the morning when the man came in
the dominie asked: "How many cits have
you here? I have thrown out 60 or more,
nud I don't know but w hat there uru more
under the lounge."
He raised the vnlnnce, and. lo, n rat. hole
through the wall of the house'. Xorwuy
Chinese am) Cockroaches
One of the Strangest superstitions of
Chinamen is the awe with which they re
gard the cockroach. .Mm holds tho ugly
black pest a something sacred, claiming
thai il, is especially favored by the gotls
and n particular favorite of the great Joss.
The most unfortunate mishap that can be
fall a Chinaman Is to stop on a cockroach.
Instantly Visions of terrible disasters and
Calamities arise before him. In some in
n 'ilhe superstition has been known
to proy so on the minds of the Celestials
ih r drive them insane. Asa result of
t: state of affairs Chinatown is overrun
wob cockroaches, and a Chinaman would
ns soon think of killing himself us of kill
ing one of them. Frederick
Tho following Ingenious mode of cross
ing a river was once displayed by a Kaffir,
who had for some timestood watching the
vain attempts of a party of soldiers to
cross the; stream at a time when to ford it
was ntlended by considerable danger. Aft
er smiling at their efforts with that snr
douic expn ssion remarkable among these
lavages be quietly raised n heavy stone,
placed it on bis head find then walked
With perfect ease through the torrent to
the opposite side. New York Ledger.
A Publication Ruled t,y a Planet.
Otio of the newspaper curiosities of the
world is called La Passage de Venus (the
transit of Venus) and Is to be published
Whenever that astronomical phenomenon
recurs. Itsllrst issue bore I he (Into of Dec.
0, lHxi. The next w ill be dated duno 8,
8004, The subscribers of this unique jour
nal cannot possibly hope to get. the four
teenth issue before the year 2882. St.
Louis (ilohc Democrat.
The grcil goldfleld of South Africa
were discovered In ISM by uu elephant
hunter named Hartley.
Women full of Pains
Aches and weaknesses,
i find in CuTTcvaA Ant
1'ain I'l.As.iR instant
and grateful relief. In
OMI MINVR it relieves
aching sides und hack,
hip, kidney and uteiine
paint, Strain! andweak, rheumatic, sci
atic, slmrt) and nervous
pubis, roughs, eolils nud clicst paint. Odor
ous with balsam, soke and pine, It is the
sw eetest, surest, safest and best plaster.
Price: ejc.: five, $. ... At aSdni( eits or by Porraa bauu and Caais. Coer., Uuswu.
sty -
Watch your Weight
If you are losing flesh your
system is drawing on your
latent strength. Something
is wrong. Take
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil,
to give your system its need
ed strength and restore your
healthy weight. Physicians,
the world over, endorse it.
Don't be deceived by Substitutes!
Proparod bj Scott A fiowno, N. Y. All Prugniete.
The most powerful hydraulic crane at
present existing is reported to be at tho
Italian government arsenal at 1.& Spezia.
It is capable of lifting ItiO tons.
Ton may reap your barvestof wheat and tares.
You may gather our cockle anil barley.
You nuty husband u harvest of ji s and cares.
Laboring lato and earl)
The grain of gold,
And the poppy bold,
And the cornflower bine tor adorning
llut the full- ;t ears of Hie seven fat years
Will be gleans I by the gleaner noil morning.
You may draw your nets, you may draw your
Find silvery fish In plenty;
You uiny angle for honor, hook title fine.
And of places and posts Oil twenty)
The ftsfa of weight
Swallow up your bail.
Your lures aud your wiles not scorning, '
Iiut tho lustiest trout, there's no manner of
Will be caught by the fisher next morning.
You may think out thoughts thaturo w itty and
w ise,
You may think some deep, some shallow.
You may store your brain with truth or with
You may let your brain lie fallow.
Thought Is good
Bo it understood,
But this fact on join- mind must bo borne In,
That the latest thought that mankind can be
Will be thought by some thinker next morn
ing. Yon may cling to this w orld of time nnd sense.
You ruay I biak of another rarely.
You may sigh. Ah, waitaort and uik. Ah,
And Bad life ptUUding fairly,
Vol lite la sweet,
We hi 111 repeat.
On this dear ok earth we weroliorn In.
Good bettered to best, DSSt changed into blest
When wo wake touod's cloudless next morn
ing. Blnrkwocil's Magazine.
There are hundreds of young men and young women in tint
eottntry who have splendid ability, but they have never bceu
wakened up.
Wood's College of Business and Shorthand
Has been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If yoa
are tired of inactivity and want to do something tangible,
eome to the College.
F. E. WOOD, Proprietor.
Imported by Us direct from Saxony, Germany.
Sole Agents for Scranton.
A Beautiful Carpet Siza Rug, made from Best
Mohair on Hand-Loom, soft but tough Mohair
Yarn, double tied into the back of the texture,
thus making its durability everlasting, the
more so as Mohair remains completely inacces
sible to moths or dust. The silk finish of the
"Mohair -Sultan" perfectly beats the genuine
Oriental Mohair Carpets and th3 cost is but
One Half.
We carry also a full line of
Dr. E. Grewer
The Philadelphia Specialist,
And Us f,aoclati!.l htiid of Enslleh' and Mer
man l hymclui!8.uro now psrmansntly located
Temple Court Building
81 I SPRUCE s r.
Whcru they may be consulted DAILY. AND
si MIAV.
The Doctor Is a graduate ot the University
Of I enueylvaoia, formerly demonstrator of
pliysio ojfv and surgery at tho Medlco-C'hlr-nrlcal
College, of Philadelphia. Ilo U also
an honorary member of tho iledico ( hirur
gtral Aasociatlou, and was physician nnd
argeon In-chief of tbo most noted American
WW Herman hospitals comes highly indorsed
Yorfc1 l"or''!","r', of Philadelphia and
His many years of hosnltnl ex-perlenos en
bles this eminent physician and surgeon to
correctly dl.ignnjo and treat all defnrmitiei
and dlnnasos with the most llattoring success,
and bin high ktandiug in the state will not
illw him o accept any incurable casn
If you have neon civen up ny your physi
cian call upon the doctor nnd be ekamlned.
He cures the worst caaesof Nervous Debility,
Hcrofula. Old Soroa i atarrh, Piles. Female
Weakness. Affections of the Ear, Eye,, Nose
and Throat. Asthma, Deafness. Tumors, Can
ceis aud Cripples of overy description. Qot
enltatlnn in English and Uornim Free, which
shall lie con slderod sucrud nud strictly coutt-
'in. Honrs: 9 A. II. to tl 1'. .11. Hail.
land ay, n a.m. to - p.m.
n'nv. John son
Normaiivllle. Pn.
Injured While Coasting
impure Blood Asserts Itself
But Hood's Ssrsparllla Cures the
Disease and Reutoros Health.
"C. I. Rood Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"During U:e winter of 1SK7, I was Injured on
one limb While t HMtlOg, It did not trouble mo
much at, but soon beesms more painfull my
strength began to Use tins and i oould not rest at
nlcht. I was ntlended by several different doe.
tors hut all Ulld to check the trouble and 1
grew rapidly worse. Early In tsw I hail to use
crutches and my health was very poor, having
lost my appetite nnd bslQg reduced In Mesh. Iu
the fall ol m I nan to take to my bed and
It was thought
I Would Not Llvo
until spring. Inning ej) this time i had tried
many dltersnt medicines but did get relief. In
tho meantime to give me relief, the several
bunches around my knee were lanced nnd later
every effort made tn heal the running sores but
all In vain. Then It was. while confined to my
bed last spring, that my lather, having read
much uliout the merits of Hood's Narsapahllu
decided to have me give It a trial. I huve taken
It regularly, using Basils ten bottles. All the
sores but two aro healed and these are nearly
well.l have tin own away my crutches ns 1 can
walk, go to school and do some work. 1 have
a gimd appetite nnd real good health and
have Increased In weight very much. Hood's
8;irspilllB has been u blessing to mo." Win
uam JoHNBOii, Norinanvllle, Pennsylvania.
Hood's Pills are the best family eutlinrtlo,
gentle and effective. Try a box 28 cents. (
National Bank of Scranton
Axminster Rug
In Various Sizes at the prices of Smyrna Rugs.
Real Daghestan Rugs, $9 Each,
Bokhara, Anatolian, Bahudurr and Kazae
Oriental Rugs.
406 and 408 Lacka Ave.
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000,
FAMTT.l, HINKS.irroflidcnt.
W.W. WATSON, Vie.. President
A. Ii. WILLIAMS, C'aehior.
BAMOTL niNr.s, jamks M- F.vrnn wit.
IltVlNU A. FlNCtt. PiattCS 11. FlM.KV,
Joseph J. Jkumyn. M . Kemkhkil,
This bank Invites the patronago of business
men aud lirrus generally.
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
Organized 1872.
Capital, - $200,000
Surplus, - $240,000
elr oilllllicel
, busl-
Thu bana onvr to
farim v warranted by tin
nets aim iTHpuuslliluty.
Bpeolal attention given to huelneRS ac
counts. Intereet paid on time dcposlte.
GEO, u i xii in Vice-President
WILLIAM R, l i t K, Cashier
wiiu, no Cennell, Oesrss Catlln,
Alrii'd Hnnil. Jinnee Arehbald, Hcmy
It. lie jr., William T. Mi, HI.. Luther
Coal of the beet quality for donieBtle BSC and
of allnlsne, delivered In any part of thu city
nt lowest price.
Ordore loft at my nfllee.
m. tin, ntouiMi
National Hoik.
Rear room, tlrnt floor. Third
or sent, by mail or telephone to the mine, will
reoelvc prompt attention.
Special eontrarte will be made for the aalti
and delivery of Buckwheat Coal.
The most complete
in the market.
Hull & Co
205 AND 207 VT0I1KG AYE.
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been,"
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
Marriage Made Easy
While we don't pretend to furnish a
wife, w'll do the next lu si thing bj furnish
ing your home complete from cellar to gar
ret, and at a very small cash outlay. Have
you ever scon the
Economy Bedroom Outfit?
One Antique Bed One TOwel Rack
One Antique Dresser One Woven Wire Spring
One Antique Washstand One Husk Cot. Mattress
Two Cane Chairs One Pair Pillows
One Plush Rocker One Ingrain Carpet
One Table One Lamp or Toilet Set
. The Above Outfit
Deeoratsd Dinner Sots, 100 pieces f7 HO
Decorated Toilet Sets. 10 pieces ... 8 65
Antique liedroom Suits . l"i SO
Silk Plush Parlor Suits 31 B0
Daby Carriages 1 ?.
Sidotioards, Antique Oak 8 50
All Our Stock at Economy