THE SCEATsTOX TKIBUN E MOX DAY MORNING, MARCH 5. 1894. 7 MORPHINE ANTIDOTE. DR. MOOR'S STARTLING PROOF THAT HE HAS CONQUERED THE POISON. I Parmanganata of Potash Damoastiatss its Mastery Over Morpliino of 1111 Kijual i Amount PoIkous, No .Mutter How Ad- j mtuUtered. Reach tba Mommli. Dr. William Mcmr, i tie disoovtraro! till? j rjfvv antidote fur morphine, li experiment itijf with strychnine, cocaine and other poisons. Dr. .Moor lms demonstrated by staking hit life upon it that the permanganate will instantly counteract all the poisonous effects of morphine. When he took three grains ot thu poison, against the protests of 18 physicians, he demonstrated not only the tucceas of his antidote, which he took lmmeojiataly afterward! but proved that it was a new discovery to tbe medical profis- Job, Dr. Moor is 28 years old. He is tull, with a black mustache aud a restless, en ergetlG maimer. He has all the enthusiasm of an inventor. Poisons are bis playthings and exoerlment bis amusement, ilo is an Austrian by birth, studied two years in Berlin and one in Paris and is a graduate of the College of Physicians and Burgeons In this city. He lias been in practice a lit tle over three years. Dr. Moor was asked how hi) attention cams to bu called to permanganate of put- Bsh. He said it bad always been h favor ite with him when as a boy hi' performed chemical experimenta. l,lt is very pretty to look at," said be. Then be took a pill made of the permanganate and put it in n glass ot water. Whan he touched it with n spoon, it turned the whole glass toa rich purple color, like that of a One Burgundy. This showed that the drug, which usually comes in dark purple, ueedlelike crystals, is easily soluble. "1 will show you how it. affects mor phine, u said Dr. Moor. Then he took a little bottle of sulphate of morphine. He poured out u grain of morphine, this he dissolved in a bait hIiihs of water, it was colorless. The reporter, who tatted tt, found it intensely bitter. "Now watch the fleet," laid Dr. Moor. He poured the colorless morphine solution Into the glass containing the beaUtttttl purple liquid. The liquid immediately turned it dirty black, like ink, and the color at be gan to precipitate in One particles toward the hottom of the glass. "Now taste it," said Dr. Moor. It win tasteless. The bitterness bad all disappeared, showing that the morphine had been Instantly annihilated by contact with the permanganate of potash. The liquid at the top began to get clearer. The Son black particles in live minutes formed thick layer, nnd all the rest looked like pure water. This residuum Is black man ganese dioxide, a harmless substance. "That is the way it acts in the human stomach," said Dr. Moor. "The morphine cr any of the salts of opium Is at once ren dered harmless by contact with the per manganate. The antidote at once seeks the poison, passiny by theot her substances. The soluble salt of morphine hi acted upon by the antidote 75,0041 times quicker than albumen and several thousand times quick er than peptun." "How did yon find this out?'' "1 experimented upon the white of egg,'1 snid Dr. Moor. "That is pure albumen. It is converted into pepton by the action ot pepsin. Pepton is tne chief rival of the permanganate, because pepton Is soluble in water and permanganate of potash acts most quickly on soluble substances. You have seen the demonstration which 1 have just given. "The effect ot the permanganate on mor phinois instantaneous, as you See. Hut for purposes of calculation I estimate it as occupying u second. Then I watch the ef fect of permanganate of potash on white jf egg and calculate the time until the ef- 1 feet is produced, it is infinitely qpower j 75,000 times slower, Thus I knew that the permanganate would seek the morphine and not the pepton In the stomach. "I!ut that is only theoretical. Did you have no practical test before you took the three grains Of morphine yourself:-" he was jaked. "Ub, yes, ' said Dr. Moor. "I tried it on a couple of rabbits by hypodermic In jectioijs, administering the same quantity of morphine to each, la the one which I gave the antidote the temperature i 'main ed normal. In the other it fell to 10. Then I began trying it on mj self, taking lirst an eighth of a grain, then a quarter, then a half, then three-quarters. When I took the antidote, there was do apparent effect, I never took as much as three grains at one time until gave my demonstration before the west side German clinic. Dr.Gfttbeil was very much frightened, I told him 1 would just as Uef take lit grains, Almost any quantity of morphine would be harm lest it a similar quantity of the antidote were taken. "Professor Ilit7ig in (.irini.tiy a year or IWOggO proved that poisons of all kinds, no mutter how administered, Hud their way to the stomach. Thus a snake poison received in the leg or n hypodermic injec tion of morphine In the arms begins to get into the stomach within a few seconds. Professor Hitzig found that one-half the poison will get into the stomac h within mi hour. The same is true of poisons re ceived through the stomach, which pass back to the atoinncti ngain. So it follows that permanganate of potash, if adminis tered while a person is still alive, begins at once to destroy the poison. It should be administered In successive doses, sayat intervals of BO minutes. I do not claim, however, that atropine should not also be administered bypodermically. Everything ahottld be done to maintain the heart's action." Dr. Moor It hopeful tbitt tba power of the permanganate in killing poison ex tends to poisons other than those derived from opium. Cocaine is one of the sub stances with which he Is experimenting In addition to strychnine and atropine. He knOWl from experiment that the effects of permanganate upon lliest substances Is different from that upon morphine and in the cast: of strychnine is very muehslower. He said yesterday that he did not know that it had ever been ascertained what was the active principle of u rattlesnake's poison. "I am going to experiment witli the rattlesnake, however," said be. "If the poison gets into the stomach, tip re cimjht to lai a way of reaching It. as is tloue with morphine. ' - -New York World. pointed one of bis long lingers at him, "The motion is denied for two renous," he baid impressively. "Kirst, you are not n regular member of the bar and not en titled to practice in a court of record; see ond, you need a bath." Duffalo Express. CONSUMPTION. Bow Utterly to Pravsal ihv mtiiortn u..- tlaut and Deadly Mineake. As the tubercle bscilll do not multiply outside of ihe living body, excepting un der artificial Conditions, and as it has been proved experimentally that the disease is due to these germs, it follows that when the disease occurs it must bo produced by the MtnC individual genus that have bet a thrown off by some other human being or animal suffering from tuberculosis. A vast amount of evidence can now be adduced to show that consumption It com paratively rare among those who live an outdoor life under normal aud healthy conditions. For every l.UuO death! from all causes 108 farmers die of pulmonary tUberCuloals, 10!i Oahermen, 181 gardeners, 122 agricultural laborers. 111" grocers, while among tailors the mortality to 8'JU and among drapers to 301. Out of ev I ery 1,000 douths among printers and com ; positors 4t'ii, or nearly 50 per cent of all, result from consumption. The duties of state, municipal and sani tary authorities In this matter are dear aud specific Comprehensive aud efficient meant should be at once taken for the pre vention of tuberculosis, Thaw meant ihouhl consist iu educating the people as to the infectious nature of the disease, in structing them in the means and methods to betaken to render thosputum innoc uous. In the ayatematio employment of bacteriological examinations of the spu turn for the early diagnosis of tuberculo sis, in the proper disinfection of rooms oc cupied by tubercular patients before they are again occupied by other people, in the establishment of publlo hospitals for the segregation, isolation and treatiui ut of the consumptive poor; in the ennotueut of regulations which shall forbid the employ meat of tubercular patients iu such occu pations as shall injure the welfare of others, iu the adopt! ai of sanitary regulations to prevent the dissemination of infection by meant of tuberoular sputum in places of assembly, in the governmental inspection of dairy cattle aud in tho destruction of those found to be tubercular. A person raftering tiom pulmonary con sumption may be absolutely tree of danger to his most intimate associates or bis ini mediate surroundings if only the tpitlum is disposed of with tflrupulout care. The sputum, aud the sputum alone, iu .some way is the BOUrce of danger, and common anMrgood sanitation, humanity and even the requirement! of simple cleanliness de mand that this should be destroyed or ren dered harmless. Dr. Lawrence Flick of Philadelphia, who bts studied this subject carefully, has expressed the firm convic tion that with our present knowledge we have It In OUr power to completely wipe out pulmonary tuberculosis in a single generation, and he adds, "Were half the energy which is being spout in the almost hopeless task of searching for a specific cure for tuberculosis devoted to Its exter mination Its accomplishment would he us surtd." Forum. Tim .Motion Was Dfltdi The? tell n good story ibOUt u judge who is weSJ known In IlulTnlo. Some time ago a man who is n "shyster" lawyer came before him to make a motion. This mail lived in ono of theiuburban towns, ami ho was not particularly MrupUlOSl ns regards his personal appearance. He wait d until he had an opportunity to address the judge and then made his motion. It was merely n perfunctory sort of n motion, to open upn oaat or something of the kind, nnil not one in a thousand is refused by any judge. Everybody In the court room was then fore greatly surprised when thi judge thundered out, "Denied!'' The man himself was completely taken aback. He rose to bis feet and stammered and Muttered and finally said: "Hut, your honor, I think you must be laboring under a misapprehension. This is of no importance. Thcro Isn't n soul on earth who isn'tv, illing that tho motion The English BottOU. In otic respect old Bostoa Is very lunch less attractive than lis namesake across the Atlantic. Its natural lUROUndlttgl are decidedly unlovely and uninteresting. Aopmacheil from any quarter, the pros pect is thu same flat laud, unbroken by the merest pimple of a hill, stretching ns far as the eye can range, every acre of it cultivated to the highest pitch of perfec tion, t'ur monotony of the scene varied only by an occasional clumpof wind toss ed trees, or a minaret topped windmill, or a Clutter of heavily thatched cottages round about one of the bridges which cross the innumerable dikes by which the country is intersected in all directions, or by one of the Stately church towers for which tile county is famed. Straight as arrows run the fenland roads, raited high upon banks of luxuri ant grass above the dikes, of which the dark motionless water is rich with crow foot and brookliines and meadow sweet and the great blue water forgetmenot. In the more sequestered regions we may meet with some of ihe ancient feathered inhab itants of fenland. with tho sharp billed, shrieking curlew, tho white tailed aml- piper, the hullyiug Norway crows, the heron and black backed gulls, but the roar of the Lincolnshire agricultural machin- ! ery seems to have frightened them away I from more frequented districts, ami the I solemn stillness of the air, even during I the spring mouths, is remarkable. All the I Year Round. What Becomes "f the Old Directories? Every year thousands of new directories are issued, but what becomes of the old ones? This question very seldom occurs to the mind of the puhlie, and yet 11 isev IdeUt that thu thousands of old directories which are displaced by new ones eV(rry year must go some place. In the tirst place, some of the old books are not displaced ut all, but are kept by their owners until they fall to pieces, when they are burned. Many of the directories are so racked up ut the end of the year that they aio not fit for further Use, and u great number of these are sold as old pa per and are manufactured into cloth, Then a large number of them are sold tOMCOOd' hand book dealers for prices ranging from 25 tents toil and are in turn sold by them to people whd do not feel like paying for a new directory, but do not begrudge $1 (a- so for one a year old. Many more of the old directories an sold directly by the owners to other men for about 1 , Many men take t he new directory every yeor and also keiptlieliold ones, and iu some places of business may be seen a collection of di rectorial dating back for six or eight years. Thus are the directories kept in circulation until they wear out and are thrown away or sold for old paper. To roiito World. Ligiii and Completions, In n certain bouse, white the people love natdrt ilwi li drapery cur taint are used nod where the shades are usually rolled lo their highest limit. It Is observed thai the women all look old. Hut at night, when all thesoft lights shine out from under their ahadts of pink and yd low. they are joiiiigand fair. The oppu site effect It Observed In (mother house, where the women look their best in the daytime, and when the light is softened by shades and becoming draperies that ar never thrown btck from the Upper part Of the window. At bight electric lights, mi dcr globes that can hardly be called arils tie, glare down on ( yes that are tired und bring out every mark of time. One worn nil abhors lamps In petticoats; the other despises windows In draperies. New York l'ost. should be gnv "It's deiifkt tell you," snid the judge gam. "Will your honor kindly statu the grounds ofi which the denial is made?" The judge straightened up In his chair, took off bis eyeglasses anil looked severely an tbo lawyer. 11c extended his baud unci i! ' lie dot Religion, At n church meeting In one of the sub urbs of Chicago the Inquiry was made whether a certain lawyer of the congrega tion, whoso financial affairs wan some what Involved, had "got religion." To which another lawyer present responded, "No, I think not, unless it's iu bis wlfe'g name." Sun Francisco Argonaut. The most Important Iron deposit of the United States is the Iron mountain In Missouri. The ores are almost pure, near ly free from milplnir ninl carrying a very nttall proportion of phosphorus. Tho Austrian gold mini s In Tyrol and Hungary are work dwlth profit, although t he ore Is so poor I hi I there are only four parts of gold to ljOuo.uuu 0f 0i, i i ii ii i hi iiinm iii ii mi i ii iiiii'iiiiiiiiiiimwiiwiTTiTOiTTriii What is Custoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing; Syrups, and Castor OH. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Caatoria destroys "Worms and allays fevcrishuess. Castorla prevents vomiting; Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea aud Wind Colic. Castorla relieves toothing troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach anil bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla Is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castorla It an ixosllent mediolne for chfl dreu. Mother! ban repeatedly told me of its iroud effect unuii their children." Da. u. 0. Otoooa, Lowell, Muss. Castorla la tho hest remedy for children of which 1 uni acquainted, 1 hope the day is not fardi tunt when tno then wHloocsidat the real interest uf their children, and use Castoria In- uteaJ or tbe various quaes uoslninis vddeh are destroying their loved enea, by fordag opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby lending them tu premature graves." Dr. J. r KiNeneLOB, OOUWaf, Ark. Castoria. " Pastorla Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it ussupurlortoauy prescription known to me." II. A. Aacuia, M. D., Ill Bo. Oxford St., Urooklyu, N. Y. "Our physkdtnS la the children's depart meat ia,e spoken highly of their experl ence In tholr outside practice a Itli 'astui la und although wo only have among oik medical Biipplleii what is known as legnlei products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Custoria lais won us to look with favor upon It." Uniteu HoiMTli am UiBi-iKUAnY, Boston, Muss Allch 0. Ssuru, fret., Tho Centaur Company, TJ Murray Street, Now York City. ant .tVb Pimples, Blotches a si and Old Sores rQiPii v aqu pnifP onnT . ANn PnTACQinM r.ataim Malaria - - Mil 1 I V I 'iv W I V If wwaai jn.'ii i Makes e0 J: Marvelous Cures in Bl son and Kidney Troubles - Air 4nlkr4'i reBIOVM by P.l'.P. -Prickly Ali, Poke Bool and Potas sium, tbo greatest i . : purllkr on jr Rheumatism and Scrofula AnKKDErt , O. . July IfUrlftli I4PPMAM BROlei r . - l . i i l.Mii-hr too P. P. P. at Hot Hpriutf It llUS lohUIUU IllorV L'Mtnl months' : ! r v. ' at thu II KoLJ tliret bottlui i . 0 1 iu :'!, vuiiri. J AH. H, KB Ab6roMBi Brown C Havannuh, 11 liuttlf Of s. Ark. stfid th:tti throu WTOV, nuiy, Ue P. P. P. liurlllbu tint bloodi baliilsap the weak ftntl dtbwtttOdi ttves Btrcnth to wt-iikn 1 nnrvon, expels dtiMtes.glTlnfftheMtlAotbMltoAna hspplDtsI wh-sre lloknwSi K'ooiny iL-uilns mil lay itu-ij nrjt prevailed. r ir pi IffiarTsieooDdary nnd tertiary lypbtlui, for blood poitoolDfc ncroih rial polsoDi ni:tinri., dyipi pita, uui It ail hloo I t.nd skin !l ea.fli. Iikti blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, tetter, semd Uvua, bolls, pedis, ocieois we may Hay, without fear of emitradldlon.thRt P. P. P. Is the best i . i purllU-r iu the WOrtatfttld nukes positive, speedy und periiiuceut cures in mi esses. Lad ton whose iysf ems ure potiohtd and WbOM blood Is In ua InpON OODdl ttoDi due to menstrual frngQlartueSi nro Moallarlj benefltra by tho woo derfui tontg and bio olotiiaing prop ertlesnf P. P. P. Prickly Ash, Puke Kouinuu r!us.,iuui. Bmvontui Mo.. Auff. utb. I t-an speak In the hlUest CorOM f your wedieine from my own Mnonal knowledire. 1 wasitffectod with hemt dlseabO, plaarlsy and rhiuriiatl-ni Ut years, wai tronted by Che very btut piiyoicians ana sput honarods ofdql lurs. tried tvery known rotnotff Ww out DudliifC iell f. I wfa only t.ikea one buttle of yuur P. P. P., und can cheerfully say It has Uouo iii.mii ro iroud than unythlnK I have ever taken. 1 can rucummotid yur ruodlclno to all suCert ra ol th- bora dlaoaos, MKs. M. M. VBAKT, SprlDiilleM, Gruuu Couuty, iiu. 4 . J. I. Juhuiuu. 7.) nil whom it nop rfj; I here bv testify (O the wuiidertul properties of P, P. P. lor i ruptjoni of ili akin. I sutterod lor Mfcnl years with an un etyhtly tud dlanK'eable eruption on my faofi I tried every known rfnie dy bur q vain until P. P. P. wus used, and am mw entlrelv cured. iSigned bJ J. l. JOHNSTON, .Savannah. On. Nkln 1'an cor t'n red. TcfttmQnyjfviuthf liUfWOf ,it :.n.T. Skil'ik, Tix. , January 14, 1893. MK-sKr". Liu'Man Bikih., Havtiunah, Gh. : Gtntttmtn 1 have tried your P. P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known as, kln cam iT.uf thirty vi-nrs utamllng. and found sjreat relief; !C , anlluatho blotxl and removes all lr ntatlon from the neat of the disease and prevents any sttreSdiuK ol tho ores. I have tiken Ave or six bottles and fuel oonfldent t tint another coorsfj will effect a cnie. It has ilno relieved Ba from Indigestion and Moujucu troubled. Yours truly, CAPT. W. 51. UU8T, Attorney ut Law. Ml on Bleed Diseases Mailed Free. ALL DBUGOlfTS HELL IT. LSPFfAN BROS. PBOPRlBTORSi L!imair Mli.t'h,iiluuiinah,ln ''5! w. sr inaapu "'Arnaiae a wen Man of er INDAPO 1 11 k nui ir HIHOOO R2WEOY PRuul I t THI: All iVf IIKMI LTt III BO IIA. CSJNM .'ll'V, Itrroai pistsw., ' . i . . vr Bvaiorsi Pr..H Si .'.'l'i - Mirlilh' .ni t auft., Btc., OSimtd by Htt nbUM., iriVf v Im, .! 7 . ' .'.-'-.'. ..'1 1 1 I- i;.v tint iaiw rMtorsf l.oat Hmihwort In ..lil orynnnff. I ... -1 1 " Daitwd In I -I p...k..t. PrfM SLtt a pMkif. BlVrorSMtwlth t rilli-n .11M .lite. 10 . -i-. u. :u r . ! ii i . 'I i 1 1 Don'l lit iiiiv miiti Incltilii'l :..'.! ..-II yon niiir kinil oj liMi .l on h ,i In IMIM'll n olhcr 11 In- ha, nut tot It, W, will ii.inl It b..' in. II upon r. ciip' of price. I'rmptilttt In fculed cnvi'.,po fix-.. Ailiti WfWHrta Alcrtlc.iro , , Clilf.RO, III., or.oruir.lfc SOLD by MsiUmwi Bros . Wholssals sad Ratal 1 iikk" - SCRANTON, PA., and otliet Lead illll DlilKtlMs DH. HL'RRA'S VIOLA CREAM pnnOTOI f rwldsi, Fimplfc Liver Molts, Bbol.Sa Sunburn ami Tin, and ro store tha cklu tu Its orlgl. frtf lUiiLSd, pr tducinK a cl"ar and bcalilty cnrl. ploxlon. Bnpn lor to ail nm rirniiAiiitlutii ami tu riftllv jt.isBlt3,tirniall(ill(i?S0( t. Ind for Circular VIOLA SKIN SOAP iimuiy ...,.i u rVln i'irllilni So;i, SMMia Ibr tt, aals. toil wluWl . rlml .i tlti. mirRtry. AOMli.tntr tnir. .atl arllc'.tl uio.ll. aut, ItSraadati Prloe23CaaH. 3. C. BITTNER & CO., Toi.too, O. ifur tali ii Matthtwt Urns ,Horgaa Broaaad iMni'Kiin Co. linrmlca At nil CnDoaaiD bt thi HioMtaT Midical AurNoaiTtia fHMMtMbHMHri HttDACHESW will aura ynn. a woadirfuj boon loiailiritl In. ml old,, Miirf-Tlii-ont, aSaaBra. si. om i.iii., urn.! I'F.VKU. II tnrmrdiifmllr.f. Anofllclcnt ri lncitr. i i i i ' i : ' tu ... In porkat.rparlr to DM on Brfi radlaatTon of mid. l'oiillnii-(l l'o I'.ITrrla IVriminont rrr. Hnii.incii'itiiriiurintui'iliirninniiy rornnd.d. ri-lco, r.'.t.. 'trial frco at Driimil.i,. lajsm mall CO cents. B. B. Until, tfr., thre. Riveri, Huh , 0. a. 1. ClTflHSCAIT'S MFMTrini Tl"' "'iroat and safont roinoiH f,,r "lt I nUL. all Kklndliiincljroii.niii, Itch. Sail lthauniiitl Hiirc,, llurni, I'm,. tVnntrrfiil rem edyf.irPII.EN. rn.e.aaeii. at nrtl.-Dal U Jtirt ..r hy mall wajialdi AldroMMabOTS, DHL.IH For hId by Mattlmwa BroSt.Marian lirod.aud Mnri'att fit I'm THE Upholstery Department OF- William : Sissenberger Opposita Eaptiit Cburob, Penn Avenue, Is replete with fine and medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Rockers, Couches and Lounges for the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets, Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholstered in a Substantial manner. Will ba a3 good as new. N. A. HULBERT'S City Music Store, - WVOM1NU AVE. BCKANTO KTKINWAY SOft DKCKKK IUIOTHHKS KKANICH & BACK til l.l.l. & IIAUKU A0 iiis-. fVaai tt X P. Tiibunt, .Voi. I, tSM The Flour Awards CincAfjo, Oct. 81. Fht Brtt oiQoial annoDiicement of World's P'air di ploma on flour has been made. A modal bai been awarded by tba World's Fair jiidces to the Hour m&uU' facturod by the Washburn, 'Jrosby Co, in the great Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. Tha committee reports the flour strong and pure, and entitles it to rank ns firit-clns patent flour for family and bakers' us." MEGARGEL & CONNELL M UOl.l-S A LKAOK.Mv SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL Tha above brand of flour can ba had at any of the following merchants who will accept The Thibune flocr coiton of 20 on each oae hundred pound of flour or 50 on each barrel of flour J Iff a large .tuclc of, CANS fccraiitoii- F. P. Prica, WltklnatOO SVIBUI I Oolil Mcla Bran'J. Duamora F, P Price, Ciolil Medal Bran I Dnunors P. Ij ttaawy. HuieritiTo Brau L Hyd rare Carson a) Dana Wubbburn St. O'M Mttlal B. and; J ae;li A Skars Mu, :i avenue. Superlative: Hrai.ri. Green Ridia -a UHpsnoar.Qold Usdal Brand, J. l.SkHjle, Sujei:tive. rrorldenoa ftnnar & OhappilLN' statu avi line. Huueiiative MhtniiU, .1 Oiltoiipi., W. Market StMIt, Hold Hadll Brand. Olypliaiit- Jamea Jonlan. Suplilative BranJ Parkrllla-ShstTr K.u-r Bntrirlatln Jermra O, U. Winttri .k Co Sapuraiatlra Ai i-li bald-Joaia 8 lupson & (Jo . ti.jld Med il Oarbondall ft S. Clark, Gold Medal Brand. Hniie.dil'.e- 1 N. Kuatur i: t o Uu!J Mu l.i Miaooka - M H. I.-.velle. Taylor Judga A Ca, Gold Medal; Atbertoa A: Co., Superlative. Duryea - Lawrence htore Co . Oold Medal JoLn McCi indle, Uold Medal Plttaton M V O'Boyle, Oold Medal Clark's Green Frave it Parkor. Kuperlative. Clark .-jniiuit-K M. Vouiik. Gold Medal Ballon-8 E. Finn 4: Bon, Gold Medal Brand. NlenoHon-J, e Hardiag, Wuvrly-M. . Bliaa & Hon, Go d Meda1. FV toryviilo -charlea Gardner. Gold MldaL llnii,,,ito n N. H. Flan A Sod, Gold Medal. TobybaDna-Tnbjrhanaa & Lcbiib Lumbar Co . Uold Melal Brand GoU'daboro S A. Adsmi. Goli Molal Brand. Mo,, ow Gaiiro & elements, Gold Medal. Lake Arinl James A Bortree. Gold Medal, toreat City J L. Morgan i CO., Gold Medal MUSICAL MKIK'H AN'DlShi ML'hIC, I.XO. 1.1 U L Robinson's Sons' Lager Beer Brewery llnmifarttirers of the CdubratcJ, PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY lOO.CXXJ Bbls. Per Annum. MOOSIC POWDER CO HCItANTON, PA. Atlantic Refining Co. ilauttfaoturert and Dealen In Illuminating and Lubricating Linseed Oil. Nspthas nml Uaso linos of nil (rade. Axlo Grfase. I inion GrSSSS and Colliery CVm 1 onad ; also, a laro lino o.' Par l;illi:ie Was Candles. WV nhr, handle the Famou-; CROWl ACME OIL, the only family safety burning oil in tho market. WILLIAM MASON, Manage. Office: Coal Exrliaiig,-, Wyoming Avi. orks at l'ine Hrouk. DUPONT'S MINIMI, BLASTING AND 8POBTINO POWDER Muiiufctui-i'il at Hi WapWaUIOMtl MilK Uth MTbe OUtt&ty !'a.. iuhI ut WU mihgtuii, I .i HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Awcnt lor tho WyomlUf UUlrict. uS Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa Ibild National Bulk Buildini. AOBMOtm. 71IOS l'liHt). IMtlKt 'ii. Pa JOHNB SMITH SON; Plymouth, r. K W, UUUJQAK, wllkN-Barra, Pn. Agenta for tbe Itepauuo Chumloal Com pall)' li'. i. Kxtdoslvca LUTHER KELLER LIME. CEMENT. m EWtR PIPES, FLUE LININGS. Office, 813 We3t Lacka wanna Ave. Quarries and Works, Portland, Pa. iigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieiiimiiiiiiiieiiinii A DVERT1SE YOUR WANTS IN T HE SCRANTON TRIBUNE liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin P U ZZ LE. THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable ns a Souvenir of tha Fair. QU1TK i:SY WHKN 'Ot KNOW HOW S:tOO IX PRIZKS WILL BR DISTRIBUTED TO THOSE DOING THK FIZZLE IX THE SHORTEST SPACE H TIMU FOR SALE BY ALL NEWS COMPANIES STATIONERS AND AT TOY STOKES, OIC BE.VT T ANY ADDRESS UPON KECtlFT OF PRICE, zr, CENTS, BY COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO.. 11! AND 111 SOUTH EUTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MIX sA -- .jai.wlV. i RESTORE LOST VIGOR La ,i. . 7 r . nw. ji-ii .pin .wi ruawiiD nnioi. grill ARAN 1.E to l uit PrTonDebi:,iy, l.rt. of Sexual Towr la i-ilhi ., lliiolmmrr BSHIMISI rro ciaip. If nl,.r t,.d rurli tmnhU. Iut I cnaiumitlaa cr ia tT, II 0(jpi box b? aiml, I boxs foi 15. With .rsi R -...... ..... l,. , '.I.-, or i LL.. U.'BM. Aldl... ."li . ...... i I L i, MU-I. ;M. CO For sain by JOHN li. PilKI.Pd, riisrmacist. cor. Wyotuiiig Avi Pcranton, l'n. auO fcptuc St., "NERVE8EEC8. ailrt lt MM S.II inrTint dla - oasef. tuch At Wpsk lltporY, Lass of Brain Power. llatficbr, Wakcfulntiti. Los; Mannood, KlfBtly KnittslonP, Nrvoitsnf5s.aluirBliisaniilosor power In 1 n" U l ; c i Ti :i 1. 1-' ar x . u - ,. i x . . ' f Otllhfkll mn'. MMMUMJ uao of tohacoo. uplttsl or siliniilaiiia. which MM to Indnnlly. ton- iinirtHin tu' IiiiaDltr. ( fin nccairio i m vet pncaol VI pcrruM ' I i 5 lot rtiftll prppald With a (US onici gvr n n rtttoti aunrantoo to cu ..frofniKi HmmnHav. I'ir,"i'i r f mm A. il ,1 h v u ' 1 .1 rii mo I at A AaLrfnMf uEFOREAND AFTtRUSING ,no other, AdJtoa VfcttVt: i:nuo Masonic femple, Chicago. iu. For Sale in Sorantou, Fu.,by H. C. SANDERSON, DrUfifflft, oor, WuUngtOB ind Soruoe btreuts. - tHaw6i BH oiiy, uii.l?f rtntj, hiiafi i) I'h'" imh-.h . ! . HOj HH (flit prwh siJ 100 imir i,l'itratM from WW MH iifnfr .mi iiii filtrutri.fin. Iii mail Whii Hot flnitnn Mfl 1H ana Usnmryhil, Our Mnaic Remody will BUM & IU poiitttfliy i-nif . i ook nrimn ro., ni.WBP , E MP II I III! Sill S1IHM IBB IBM I BHiBta BIS 1 IfTlM , RESTORED MANHOOD t iiaiaiMianaii isasaa law sisaasa aanin h ILLb 7in' niatiMiidr fur dutovi prmiratinn and all ssi lomdlisassa of lit gt'iLcraiito orirani of ruhor Mt, i-ycli a NemMii. rrowii'lon. Mill I 1 iilx nr i ' !,i i. Iinn.iti.T'Ov. S'ltflillT V ' . i ... i '3 YnitiMxil ri- '&jfi Mi'mhI Worry, aiooxiTu iiv uf 'lSil aoro'or pMtrB.WBMa N'aJ to Con- IC itunauoaaaa laisulir, with tiatYWoiiwsaiijTaawiinsiiaiaia I.1 I oil 1 AM) K'li I ' I'.'li iimi-r ii.i'iire I'rri'iii:..! in.' inmxv n i ,it 91. oil ,rrl.. i, 1 ti xel LI oat. ami Aril. . tu.MU. ,ot -4,o0. un. MOX,l'SClIMICAI.tO., For Sail bC. W. iiMiiii-. iinuiii.i. Ill Hstin Avtnui. MllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIlllllllllllBRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIr; MINING and BLASTING POWDER aludoattlia M0OSI0 ml M .".I DALB WORKS, A Handsiumo Complexion In one of tho Rrvatoat channa a woman cau poHsi'H Pottom's ' 1 'i 1 . i 1 . I'owuaa gives It. LiOlin & Rami Powder Go 's ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Eattorla. Fuaai for explol lug blasts, tfafuty Fuso uutl RepaunoChemical Co. 's High Explosives Minn IB0I CO.. Im'P. Capital, tl.Nio.onO. BEST ai.nn SHOK in Tin: woiw.n. 'M dollar tortd it a duilar ' ' " . I IiUI.ikIIi-h' Moliil Preach OookdIh Klil Mill ion Hoot dollvvn'd fn r anvwhrrs In tha I'.S.. on -t ici'.'lpi i.h. M.jni-vilrili'r, iL'jjS nr lotal Not" for St.'iO. wiv "Jfirx'aiSi ' 'I1'1'' I'xciy way tlit' biota HMRHB la "',"' ii'""1 i SJM Wh lli.ika thia b"ot IWw1''''' ' ',.,,'vi,i. tln'ri'fiiri' . PMRKiial (inter lliofi', tit.' iia.f irror. fBtrrfliirVV "'' "'" """"'' M'fiT'i'X'''' "'' '" '"''' ' 'I" ' 1 trS? iwr' V K Wmttr 1 " "V Idllia i ', l, K. M UK. i i'1. 1 j4. NrUrii. Stud uintrthf; tafiiii .'.'.iiiji 1:"'' i! i Dexter Shoe Co. Special ttrmt to Vtultrt FREE FEDEkAI ST., I HUSTON, MASS. MARCH 5 This Coupon, with two like it, but of different I s dates, and with Ten Cents in cash, will secure one 5 s part of the World's Fair Art Portfolio in four 5 parts the one announced before. ARCH 5 This Coupon, with another lik9 it, but of differ- 5 ent date, and with Five Cents in cash, will secure the "Trip Around the World" portfolio of photo- graphs, a rare and interesting glance at noted S spots in all climes. iiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiAiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiu'i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers