THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING. MARCH 5. 1894. LIVE NEWS OF TWO P1TTST0NS The BOBAinOH Tin bunk's rittstnn de pnrtmflDt is iu cliart of J. Si. Kahy, to vrbom newu items mid couipliiiuU may bo referred. CN ELOQUENT SERMON. Father Fir.ueu Delivers a Sorm. n on th Mirnrle i cf God. At the lilt-' m;8. m St. Jobn'l church yesterday, Very Rev. Father Finnan delirered u gi-rinnu winch w pro cUimul ty everybody fortunate enough to lu;ir it, "oiu' of bit grandest i IT irti " The reverend father took for Inn text, John vii-r: At that tine Jeans went over t tie hph of,GAlilee,whioh is that of Feberlai an i a great imiiti tnde followed Him beeaase they saw the mirsoles which He ilM on thmu that were diieated, Jesus therefore wnt up into the monntain, and there lie sit with Hli deolples. Now that the .'rtso'n. the festival day of the Jews, was near at band, when Jeans therefore had lifteii np Hit eyes ami, Beeing that a vry ureat multitude cnmetb to Him, He laid to Philip: 'Whence shall we buy bread that these may eat?" Ami this ho said to try hliu, for He Himself knew what He would do. Philip answered Htm: 'Two hundred pennyworth of bread in not snffloisnt for them, that everyone may take a little." One of Hts diiclpU, Andrew, t:ie brother of Simon I'eter, inith to Him: "There is a boy hear that bath rive barley loaves and two flshea, but what are these among so nunv ." Then .T-"jiis laid: "Make the men sit down," Now, there wan much grail In the place. Tbe men therefore sat down nnmberi about 5,000 And ,ieu took tho loaves and, when Ho had given thanks, He distributed to thim that were tat down. In a like manner also of the fihas a inueli as they WOtll I, And when they were filled He said to His deolples : "Gather up the Iragmeuti that remain . st they be lost They gathered np, therefore, and rilled twelve blsk-ts with the fragment! of the live barley loavel which remained over and above to them that had eaten. Now, those met', when they had seen what a uiir Cle Jesus had done, laid: "This is of a truth tho prophet that is to come into the world." Jesus, therefore, when He knew that they wou'd come to take iiim by force and make Him kind, UmI :' tin into the mountain Himself alone. The speaker dwelt at length on the miracles which God In his goodness daily bestows on mankind, but which is seemingly not observed by the ordi nary person. To Illustrate his remarks he cited the farnwr, who in spring time takes a few kernels of corn and by tbe mere planting of the same in a few months sees a stalk of corn with ears containing hundreds of kernels more than what he plint-d. Tne speaker then showed th mechanical and divine work as performed by ths farmer and the ommrtotent Ortil. In the course of his remarks h too'i Occa sion to allude to tli" growth of the Catholic chnrch, as it appears in the census of 1 !' 1 of the Hnif'd States during the Ust fifty vears Uulerthe census taken nearly four years ago it show that tlier ar" 10,221 COngregA ti'ns, saying noti chap-Is, rep- r- nt ngnearly r,000,000of soramnnl cants, 8,(00 enurouta representing a total valuation of U8 Wl. 111!, or an average valuation of nearly 18,500 fi r each church to s iv nothing of tne value of the parochial residences and schools owned and c tr-id for by the Catholics ot this country, all of which sir not enumerated In tue census re- frred to. The reverend speak-r stated that while the census gives in round nnmberi r.000.000 j of oommunloanti there is really n-arly 13,000,000, for th-re are many Catholics, while not enumerated or classified, which have h ten oveno'iki-il as the chnrch, recog- Jiiz;s every baptism perform-) 1. In the diocese of Scranton alone, ho said, seven languages are spoken in the couiessionala, v:z. : hniish, Crernuu, (jietlt. Italian, Litnuniin, UUUgarlan nnd Polish, and the Catholic chnrch has taken root in evry one of the six origiual New England states except oue. lightning speed. The buggy col lided witn another vehicle belonging to George Pierce, and in doing so two wheels were torn from their fastenings. The horse was captured on South Main street and found to be uninjured. I he funeral of William Polsuo, who it will be remembered died from in juries sustained while at work iu Cox- tun yard, occurred Saturduy morning: from the home of his sister, Mrs. Frank Sassruan, of York avenue, West Pitts- ton. A long concourse of relatives and friends wtro present to pay their last respects to the memory of their de ceased friend, ltev. P. J. Ksin, of tho Tabernacle church, conducted the services, and was assisted by Kev. It. X. Hsrris. The remains were taken to Ashley, Mr. Pulsus s former home, for Interment, The pall bearers were James Nagle, II. Lilly, Anthony Boos and Mr. lSugle, A children's meeting was held Sat urday afternoon at If o'clock In the Hngbestown ohapsl, led by Mrs. K. 8, Miller. A'large number of little folks were present auu nau an enjoy awe time A valuable horse belonging to the Pittston Ice company suddenly dropped h ad Saturday afternoon at 5 .10 o clock on South Main street. With 11 igs Hying and music echoing throughout the town, the Litmininu societies of this place went to Wilkes Hsrro yesterday afternoon where they participated In ths parade held In that place yesterday in cominemorstion of their martyred countrymen. As the l-srade marched along the street tin y were the object ami admiration or ev erybody for their martial bearing and soldierly appearance. Today at 1'' o'clock, will dawn a new era m the Miiiniuistration in tne municipal affairs of this town. At the lu air above named, the old council will adjourn sine die and the new coun cil numbering eleven men, will organ ize, for the ensuing year. There are many aspirants for the various offices to he filled and as to who will be the fortunate persons, it is hard to con jecture. TUP TRIBUNK w ill contain a lull account of the proceedings in to morrow's issue. Mr and Mrs. John K isper, ofSlVre were visitors in town today. Mr K is, per is employed on the Lehigh Valley road, ami ho and his family are sffsot ed by tbe recent order transferring Sayre men to Pittston. They have rented one of the Mungan houses on Spring street and will move into it in a few weeks. -Gazette. Two voting men of the town were captured early Saturday morning by Night Officer Weathers in the net of robbing Laeris Hurler's store on Main street. Officer Weal hers captured one of the thieves and locked him up Burcess Malouey gave him bis free di in, no person appearing to prosecute. BECOMING TO MATRONS. ROCKAFELLOW MANSION SOLO. Loe Stanton Purchases the Ex Bankei'j River Street Eotranot. The homestead of F, V. Rockafellow, located ou the corner of North Hiver and Union streets, Wilkes-Uurre, was sold Saturday morning by Sheriff Wal ters. The sale took place at 10.80 o'clock, in the court bouse. The bid ding was not as spirited as it might have been, owing, it is said, to tbe failure of certain purchasers to put iu appearance, The property was "knocked dowu" to Clerk of the Courts Lee Stanton, of this place, for $15,500. CUKES Constipation. CUHES Constipation. CURES Constipation. Acts On the Bowels. Specimen Cases. S. EL Clifford, Now Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite r.,ll ,IV.O 1 it.i WO. I., , , .,..1 , ttS&ghF"" BUSINESS AND Kdward Shepherd, Harrisburg, Hi, had a running sore OQ his leg of eight years' Standing, Used three bottles of Klectric Hitters ami seven boxes of Huck leu's Ainica Salve and bis leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., bad live largS fever sorea ou Ins leg, doctors said he was Incurable, One bottle Electric Hitters and one box liuckleu'e Arnica Salve cured bun entirely. Sold by Mat thews 13ros. I write that you may know the wood I havnremlTod from I). It II. 1 was all out of health and suffering with eon tipatioti and liilimuun-Na 1 tried other medicines, but they faded to do liny Rood. At (nit I tnillgllt a bottle of B. 11 B and before 1 had used It all I went to work us wuU ss ever. Oi's Nki.hon, But K,Irvinuton,Wurrenco.P PROFESSIONAL IIVSH LANS AMI BPBQKONW. i. K LlKAN, Diseases of thu liye, Nose lout and Eur. 604 bin uoj btruut, opuo- site court house I K. a. J. i u. nki. L, Office an Washington A Dree Adapted to the Requirement! of Women With stout Figures, It is many years that the stout woman, as she is considerately termed, has found in the princess dress.iier sole selection. It has been left, however, 4,t the minds of today to evolve the princess dress into a stately affair that does not suggest in the li ast the old time wrapper effect. The Housewife, commenting on this very welcome change, says: Imagine this dress made in ,a pretty brocaded silk. It might bo one 'of the royal brocades, with its embroidery of PITlSrON LOCAL. rennsylvsnU Coal Ci.V Bulletin. No. 8. II, Central and Eleven breakers, will work Monday (loday). All others will be idle. No. T and Hoyt shafts will be idle Monday (.today), but will work Tues day. i' The tortures ol dyspepsia, the sufferings of scrofula, the agonising itch and pain of stdt rheum, tbe ths.n. . .m. symptoms of eatarrn, are removed ii- aoeus Harsap rilla. Hood's Pills are the best aftur-dinnor pills, assist digestion, prevent constipa tion. , Spontuoou. "This is so sudden," she said, blushing at the tender question. "1 know it," he responded gillantly. "I never should have done it if i had tuken time to think about it," Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what win recommend mem to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE. PITTSTON, PA. BprUOS street, over Besldenoe, 7! Viuo hl mid : to :i p. in. t"i una SVenua. corner rrancke e Srns store. tlfllee Hours: 10.UII to U I li HI to l.'JO p. in Humbiy DH w B. ALLEN, Offloe oor, Laelav wiinnaHud over l.eon srd BaOS stoi-)-; efflos hoiirs, 10 to Z a. in. anrl (to I t. in vt.itimH ut reslu-lu'u. .1 N Washington sve. nibUL, KKKY. . I ractko hinltod to 1)1 U cusee of tie. li. Kur. N'oso und Throat; ofli, lz.' Wyoming ava siri-el. ltesidonee, "i Vine Oil. L M OATBH, mi Washington Av.-nu. Ullico huui-a. siolluiu. 1 ;t to 8 and I Offli und SI hi s p.m. OHM L WENTZ, M I). Comiuonweulth huildim;: i-csiili-neo .11 sdlsonavei offloe hour. totoULIto L hi ; ! . . ' i i. i it residenco. A Siei ialty nmdo of direiis.-s of tbo eyu, ear, noee end turoat and . . . , , u t). UUBBAY, speolalM made on di- essi of ,-Vf und hKiii - : W omlli Ave OnVe hours: 1'ntil 111 u in .2 to i innl? t" s p in. VKl II. I N Alt V BURGKOM& L1 BTUKOE, Veterinary sui-eou, Den li, tistry a snoeiulty: Kold lnnihihat of On- farm fiermury livery, .'CM Dix St.. 'lVlephom' No. il:l Oouese, (ifti'-e. gununer's u- nt Keller's citrriatfo shop. ANNUAL Ml SI j 1 A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Thousands Remnants of Dry Goods, Cloaks and Pur Capes (luring sale at less than cost of material. Every inch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever Baown. Ladies' Felt Hats, this season's styles 10:. e;ich. Boys' Winter Waists 10c each. Muffs 30c. each. Cloalts $1.50 euch. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUE. COME. IT WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. Closing out the bal ance of our at following prices: A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. Mercereau & Connell 307 LACKAWANNA AVKNUU DIAMONDS, and Fine Jewelry, Leather Goods, Clocks, Bronzes, Onyx Tables, Shell Goods, Table and Ban quet Lamps, Choicest Bric-a- Brac, Sterling Silver Novelties. Russian Lynx Ciroular Cap's. 21 lnclios, tiM Electric Swnl Circular Oapes, 21 iu S.Bs AstrKkliiiu Circular CapcB, 2 in n.iw WoolSral Circular Cap , 21 in U.UI otonu Marten Circular Capes, 21 iu ).IK) Brown uarten ureaiar cuua, ji in 4mo otter Circular Caps ;i iu ju.ou Seal Sacques Soal BaeqneSi & incles lonn SI. VI on Soal .lackuts, inches 100,00 Soal Jackets. 2i iiichim long Astrakliau Jackott, M Inches lou.'.. tri.UU J0.UU Seal Circular Capo, Butterfly Capo. . . Otter Circular Cape Butterfly Capo. . Sulil Circular Oepc Circular Capes 80 inchoii loug, w.thj '11 inchoH loUK.Wltll iu.,.in . SO HO Hi IiicIioh l'inir . AHtrakhun Circular Cape, 3U Inches long 22 (JO Klectric Seal Circular Capo, 'JU iu. lonu.. 2U 110 Gray Criimmr Circular Capo, 30 in. long 3u U0 i'p dosen American Bcal Muffs at... .1 g ench 1 lot . f children's aots at 9S. each 1 lot of blelgb. Robes, pluih linjd J:i oach Ladies Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Price. Tho Doing-n cf -.he Two Days In terea inirly Tell in Pa-Sgraphs. The wurui sun rays of tlie past fw dnys lias canseil many to cist aside tl.ejr heavy irraris for S'm-?!liiii of lr'iitnr vri,'lit. Eipectslly so was this the case among tbe ladles ycstnrilny. L i:ht capus anil jack ts to ik the plaos ot seal-skin sacqnes anil :co.its. From e-.rly morn nntii the snn bid itself bo bind the western horiztih pomeuderi lined the str-t. hns ki ti tf in the warm sr.nsi.ine. While ths c ianie is a most BgjrSaable one compared with the severe weather of the past few weeks it is quite iirohahle that a change of tem perature, will occur wi'iiin the ensuing few days if the pieiic'ions of weather prophet Hleks smonnt to anything. In bis paper, "Word and Works," ho says. ".V seri"s of hard and (hingerons storms will most 1 i k 1 y c--nter about the 7th, with con tinned storminsss pist thu reiictionarr disturbances, central on the 8th and 0:h. Daring all thess dlstnrbanCM ther will lie violent con flicts between the tropical and polsr storms, with heavy rains and strong probabilties of tornidos in many places, especially southward, and tarn inic to blizzards and snow blockades In ninre northerly rtfio'iB. Sudden and extreme col l must hi expectoi and preparations nude for it In ths rear of tlies storms, or surprise and suffering nre sure to result. On and touching March 11 is the annual crisis for magnetic and electrical pertnrbationi The 1 1th is the center of the next regular period. DnrinR 18th to 17th, the storms will roach their crisis and mako their sweep from the western to the eastern extremal of onr continent At the clos" of storms, each section in its turn will be struck by a polar wave of ureat severity, for the season. Cen tering on the 20th, 'Jlst and ii I, we have the full moon with partial eclipse of same, the equinoctial centers of mercury, earth, renal. Vulcan's re reactionary distnrbancee, and the direct pressure of the mars eqalnox which is central on Febnary 'iH Kx peet cyclonic storms of (jreit extent, resulting in tornadic features along the southern tangents, and blixirds to the north, all to be followed by a Kenersl cold wave that will be felt to the coasts of Florida. Th" lust storm priod for March will run from 'v.llli to 89th. inclusive, and the storms of the period will snow tne snm cnarectensllcs ns those of earlier perio Is of tne month. Where March storms culminate Tery high temperature, heavy 1 nil with thunder and lightening m iv he looked for. The month will clos old and fair Kejjernlly. " Three young men suffering from oo much liquor and a fractions hisa caused much excitement about I 30 o'clock Saturday evening on fd in street, The animal became nnm n atfeable and ran down the street at Thatcher LAW YKKS. I M C. HANCK'S Law and Cnlleotlon of .1 . lice. N'n SIT Spruce St., opiuisllo Koroat House. Kcrnntim, I'a.; collectioim a sp-cialty tiireiiuhout fennsyivaniai rsuaDie oorreepono cilia iu every county. KttUUPM I1A.MJ. Attorneys and Oouuesl .1 lors at Law, CoruinoDwealth hulldiiia; Washiustou ave. W. 11. ,li,ssri. Boraci E IlAta W li Jisscp, Jk. UriLLARD. WABRBN KNAPP, Attor neva and Cuuiisolors at Law. licpubllcaa Imildinir. Wushintoa ave.. Hcronton, Pa. PATTErUSON A- W1LUUZ, Attorney and 1 Counsellors at Law: otikesu and S Lihrurr luildiUK, bcrauton, Pa. UOSWKLI. II PATT1RSOB. WILLIAM A. WiLOOX ALrRKDHANU, WILLIAM J, HANI). At torneys and Counsollo Coiuuiouwealtb bu'ldiiiK. Kootns ID. 20 and 21. H ENKY M. SEELY Law otilcoa ill Price building, 12S Washington avenue. C"RANK T. OKELL, Attorney at Law. Boon I f. Coal Exchange Scranton. I'a. M1LTON"w. l.OWHV, I Atfys, SS Washing C. il V(i' 8TOBCH, I ton t II sriuaro AMES W. OAKFOKD, Attorney at Law. rooms All. Si and K5. Coiuniutiwea'lth b'l'g OA.MUEL W. ELK, An, Attorney at Law. i UIMi-e. Ill Spruce si .. Scranton. I'a. I A WATKEs, Attorney nt Law, m j, Lackawanna sue.. Bcranton. Pa P. SMITH. Counsellor nt Law. Office, rooms M, .V. ."ill Comiuonweulth bnlldimr. K. P1TCBKH, Attorney nt Law, Com monwealth builaing. Scranton, Pa. CUM BUYS, .ill .Spruce st REPLOGLE. Attorney -Loans nniic- tiated on real estate security. 40s Spruce. t, K 11. LAM, Attorney at-Luw, 12U Wy ominii avenue, Scranton. HAVE YOL'R DEEDS AND MOHTOAOES written and acknowledged hv J. w. BROWNISH. Attorney and Notary Public, St Common wealth ItTiildimr. Ice .'. Skates, All Prices and all Sizes. 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. 1 C. c. c 15. IS THE BEST, (let prices and see the lurnnco and be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS Appello and Gauze Door Rangea SCHOOLS. C0MAYS HARDWARE C( HUOLOK THE LACKAWANNA. Scran O ton. Pa., prepares boys and eirls foroollrira or IniHinosa: thoroughly trains young childrou Cataloguo at ruuest. KEV. THOMAS M. CANS. WALT BP H BCBLL. Miss WOUCESTEK'S K1NDEBQABTEN and Sclmol. 412 Adams aTeuui. Pupth ceivi-d nt all tlinos, Next term will open .Inuusrv tfl PITTSTON. I'A. GOWK 1 1 u mathonly FIODBB, gold thread, or it mitrht lie a soft silk with pretty combinations of color, such aa the shops have been offering all the season for 76" cents and $1 it yard. In tho lon strips of velvet edged with a cord there is every chance to make the gown gayer or subdue a too emphatic, tone. The sleeves of this frown are of a mod erate size, and the soft stock collar may be as high or as low as the wearer's chin demands. But .the joy of all joys is the make believe v'-st. How helpful toover broad hips is the broken line tho'pnuo menterie makes, and how always becom ing is the vestlike front. It remains for lier who wears this dress to decide wheth er she will have the genuine passemente ries or will substitute a make believe of some simple braiding, Musical Education of Children. Never speak harshly to the young stu dent, of music. The drudgery of the keys is terrible work to the child. A most ef feclive system to adopt in teaching chil dren thi ir notes is to spell familiar wordi On the keys. A few interesting anec dotes interspersed in the lesson make the study of innsic delightful to the child. Nothing is more difficult to undo than technical faults. There is no rea son why they should be contracted, the necessary care Is ing bestowed by the teacher. Part of every lesson should lie devoted to training the ear and teaching the child to distinguish individual sounds 11s well as chords, Children's ears can be trained very easily, and It is by this means one Can find .OUt ii the child is musical. No amount of training can make a child a thorough musician unless it has a music al ear. Children urn not told enough ol the lives of the composers of the music they play. It is always Interesting to a child to know something Of t he individ ual who wrote the music he studied. Only those who love music and who love children should venture to teach the art Of music U little children. THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY. TMslady standing has a charming jsise, That, without knowing, admiration seeks; Willie and pink rosos mingled in her cheeks, And there's no queen win, hath SSheptMSf nose. Her hair tho fawn or sunshine tinting shows; Her eyes like violet, diamonded with streaks That penetrnle I lie heart while love U- ( . ks. The Miss that love ot herH must sure Inclose, The knight u ho hath nn ownership so rare, I v, inh him well; Ida life should I Complete! I wish him woithy suck n precious hoard. Since earth can fnahlon brainy heavenly fair To garnish life for man In home's rclreat, VkrloS hsppy he, creation In accord! - EdwurU t. C'ruaaier lu New York Sun. MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. C I.AUI1ACI1 Wyoming ave. N. c li It, 8TBATI DENTISTS, Suigcou Dentist, No. THE PROBLEM SOLVED jr. 138 Wyoming Ave. The only Practical Furrier in the city. How to make Home Happy iflBoa Cool BxobMin Burning, lubricating D"Meri aoJ LOANS. Savings and Loan Asso mis WilmV fut'.BillM IIJIIIIUB Also Shafting and Journal Greasa. MIK HHI'CIILIC iatlon will louu ou munev on easier terms and pay you hotter on Investment than any t M-r n-orlitl .il 1 i l 011 . .-S. CALUI'.A- DKK, lilme Hank hiiildlug OFFlCKi-ril West W-kawanna Av. WuliKS: Meridian Street HOTELS AV It F.ST A l' H ANT-'. 'IMilC WEBTMIN8TBB, !!I7-2I Wyomin. 1 hvo. Kooms heated with Bteaffll h ern Improvoinents. C M. TitnuAM, ' lEQLEB'H HOTLL, ij , siciuntoii. Prop. ave- IC7 Lai-kiiwaniia Kutes reusonahlo. P. 7.1 1:01. Kit, Proprietor lt.-LSTMl.Nh'l Kit HOTKL. VV W. li. SCHF.NCK JO Illi--ei(-j.vyxuiiJ J 1. Am. ufcV'.Mij'' i JH SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. Ilaviuv secured the SHoKINll I'dlidL of vviiunin iiionie a- Son for a permanent bOM ness stiuid, 1 shall conduct Scientific itml rawoiogieai sDoeing tor toe rreveotkin, Be lief and Cm e of LHineiiess nnd other impeili mi nts in the movements of HorsM im-identiil or due to Iroperreei shoeing. 1 shall give the work m y personal attenti n ami cnai ant" extra ebarge, except for in,i Lame neat, etc. Will bouoeted afternoons. A fren 1 line- and prolessionnl advice given every Jloiidny 1 1 'in 1 to - i'. Al. JOHN HAMLIN, D. V. S. Mini.i at Union Square, New York ilfer. Blxteeuth street, oun triook east of Hroudway, (' American plan, ISTflOper day and upward HANK UOl'SK. Luropoiin plan: ;good rooms. I'l'i-u day und night Uur uuu- pliod with tho la st. P. IT. COYNE. Pronrletor. CCliANTdN IIOCSE, near D., L & W. 11 seiigor depot. Conducted on the Kuroooau plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor ( HAM) CENTRAL. The largest and best I niiiiliiped hotel iu Allontown, Pa. ; rutoi H A UN Kit, Proprietor. f l and .W per day. V ICTOB 1. AHOH1TKOTS I avis a- HOUPT, Arohlteets Rooms H 1 '.'b and Lit Commonwealth li'ld'n. Scranton. TjS L. WALT'KH, Architect, Library Lulld I j, inc. Wyoming avenue, Be ran ton. L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect, Price hulldiug. liJlt Vtashlngton Ave., Scranton. F. Every Woman M nisci ii ii 111 s Sometimes needs a reli able nionlbly regulatini; medicine. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Are pronipt, safe I Ad certain In result. The neon iio'ilrr. I'eal'si never iiirtappoiiii. sent anywhere 'l. 'HI. 1'oai Modli liinl'o , 1 1 U. Sold hy .KilIN II. PHELPS PharmaaM corner Vv yoiuing avenue and BprttOS street Mcrantoii. l a. URTON U. SWAHTS WHOLE8ALB lumber, and Uimu iiauk hulldlng, Scranton. I'a. A t LdAItdLK HROTIIKRH, IV I supplies, envelopes, paper bags, V, arolioiiuo, nsi asiiiuglou PRINTKRS' twine. avo. Hcrniituii, DOOTK'B LIYERY. I US (iipoiiso avenue. Agt First class , l-'iiueral Direoto cioih, no w srrlMos i) i. 1 out i-,, and Embaliner. LMiANK I'. DBOWN co, WHOLE I sale dealers in Woodwnre, Conlago and Lackawanna avenue. MARCH 5, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON Your choice of three beautiful pictures, "Telephone Oirl," "Dt: livertna 'lnislinas I'rcHfMiU" and "Maidens Swinging," Bend by iiiuii or messenger or bring OOUponS like llnsol three tlill'oj cut dates, with 10 oentB, stamps I or com, to TRIBUNE OFFICE, Oor. PsiUl Ave. and Sjiruce St. IJACK.U'S OKCIIKSTRA MU8IO II halls, picnics, parlies, receptions. FOR (llritfn iitxi otincort work furntHhed. Fur termn ndilroN H. J, Hfuir, romliirtor. 1W Wyoming nvi . tiro!- liijin 1 1 mtmic stum YZKA FINN SONS, build nml rontriw Vd turn YnrdH- Cunipr llve Ht. and AdHinn av ; tornr AhIi t. ami I'rnn hvi , Srraiitoii. Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. Hotal Waverly European Plan. Firft-class Par attnehei. Di pot ior Bertfner A Lucl s Tannnaraser Beer IE Co,-, Mil afldHMSti., Phlladau Licit dcsirablo for rosMents of K.E. Pcnn lylvanuv All convouiencos lor travelers to i ii trotn Broad Street etati. o aud tha Twelfth and Market Street station. Lie tirable for visiting Sorautoulaiui and uoo tloiu U10 Antliraclte Keglou. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. FOR THE LENTEN SEASON An Kinds Fresh Flali received Faney Smoked Halibut, IIouoIors Cod, Yarmouth llloiitera. Bait Uaokerel, daily. REKUS, ( H CI. auk co. Beedamen, FlorUti VI and Nnrserynien; store 146 Washinirton avonua; Krocn houno,135U Nurtli Main avonuo; store Udoplions 7H? TEAS' UKANU UNlUN T1A CO.. .luiie. Bros. Willi; s KBf Ns. JOS. KUETTEU Bit I,HCawaium avonua, Bcrauton, Pa., nianuf'r of Wiro Scroons. Lost Manhood and mi or 1 1 ' 1 . 1 1 ulirhtlT ,llO-KiMM. IMHI'f :r,.,.hv Hlliiluu ma 11 in. vn snoe., Drutituu. Soraatea, fa. , o-., Hiirrij eureu nj ini.Al .oine irrcai lU'iin-iiy ,v ltD wrllllagBsrulMWrDrs. Sold by As nilit draws down the curtain curly, and Ihe wind goes about whistling to keep itself warm, the question of how to spend best the evening boors beeomes us familiar as the Qreplaoe to every home "Pupa, what'll we do lor fun after tea!" ' Oli, John, 1 wish I had something nice to read!" Toese expressions eome from the lips of ohildren and wives al most every winter evening. Xo gallic has yet been devised iu which a whole family can take part night after night with pleasure to all. Tastes differ nowhere more than among the individual members of a family. One will want to read a novel, another history, another study, another will like pictures, ami the lather of all will probably care for nothing so much as that which relates to his own business. When we saj I" u that there is one source from which all these tastes can be satisfied, that there is one way in which you can make every night which other wise might be spent in profitless droning- a time of pleasure ami of profit for every member of your family, wedou't expect you to do otherwise than smile incredulously. "Ob. that'BOnly one of these advertisement we know you will say. ... But wait. In tin' Encyclopedia Britannica there is something about everybody ami everything of Importance that is or ever was in this world. Within the twenty live volumes of this greal work there are stories of lives that excel iu interest auj romance ever written; then- is all aboul eummeiee, ail, histwry. literature, mathematics, me chanics, business, to give you ideas and Information tor use iu your daily work; there are plenty of pictures for the baby cf the family; there is a liberal education for your children who are old enough to go to school; there are stories, hints, suggestions ami recipes of inval uable interest to your wife. There Are None So Old, None So Young, None So Poor, None So Rich, They do not want and can nut get the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITAN NICA, for it will only cost yotr a DIME A MAY, ami you will be presented with a Dime Savings Hank, which will enable you to save for this great reference library, On payment of $3 per month the first twelve vol umes will be delivered, or by paying $4. 50 down and $5 per month the whole twenty-live volumes will be delivered. Only a few days remain in which to take advantage of THE TRIBUNE'S OFFER. Call or address THE TRIBUNE E. B. DEPT., 437 Spruce Street RoclCAWttYi CtlMAptaftkfl Hiiy, Maurlo itiwr Govt umi iuup Point OYSTERS Suit I lu ll nam, shrimps Scallops, f W. H. PIERCE, rr.NN ave B RICK DRAIN TILE, FRONT, WIRE CUT. HOLLOW. VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COMMON BRIC K Best in the market B randt Clay ProductCo OFFICE: UinKliaintou. N.Y. FACTORY: liraudt. Pa. AHTOHEHARTMAH 906 South Washington Avenue, Contractor and buildr ot Concrete FlaifRi iib. Concroto llluckx. Potato. Buttar and Coal Bins, Wet O llari driad up. Ordors may n left nt Thompaon A Pratt. Will-nms Co. Main and Eynon Htrveta, or at Bpraotoa Stove Work. AJao Pooadationa, Cistern. Fish Wire Tunnels and Coniua. Plagulm: tor Cardan Walaa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers