THE SCT? ANTON TBIBTJNE SMITH DAY 3IORNING. MATCOIT 3, 1894. A NOTE OF WARNING. mere had never been I beginning at lenst tunt wo oonld retnember. Binoc wo hml known ourselves Hulh and I had kuowu and loved each other. Together we hail played mi the siuuls wln'U We were WO littlo t but ciu'h mil' Wail can to tlioutlii'i-. Together we baa toddled, band in harid, to thu private aehool and tanntend arm in arm to the Foundation. Together wo hail Failed within the retreat o( thr u arbor anil then over the rolling bar into the r.nk bound bay, until we dared venture on the mighty turgee of the Atlantic and hud tt'stod and proved our blood by l ircuni Yi v the island. And when I left for the mi' rsity (here had been no ooauetrv, no doubt. "Hod turn which was eiwhrined in a blue cabinet on the mantel of our study, just as I did. Ruih knew all about hiui too. Why, uiv letters aud our talks had been full of him for years. Was that not natural, since bo was my hero, as she was my darling? Betides they hai met and were such good frii mis. Rntb had attended events at the university, and during the past suniimT Frank had visited me at our is land home aud had sailedwith usowTtho bar and through the hay and out on the bread surges. Of all our happy days those when Frank had beeD With us were the happiest, How versatile, how brilliant, how charming he had been I For once ho had tried all his gifts to tin ir utmost, out of loyalty to me, his friend. And yet Kuth baft written this note ol warning. Could she be jealous!' I laughed at ih thought. Kuth wan Kuth. Besides, if sin ll an impossible emotion had i-iiteml bring you back to me, Kalph," said Kuth i her dear little heart, perfect love Mould as stio stood withm arnt sreacnol me on i the point of the pier. "I'm not leaving ' you, dear. I'm simply preparing our home," said I ns 1 leaned over iho rail from the deck. Kach day of the four years, varying as It did In storm aud sunshine, heat and i cold, was constant in this single joy a let- j ter from Kuth to mo and a letter from mo I to Kuth. Aud wheu I returned with my degree, and wo sailed again over the rolling bur, beyond the dark, shadowy waters of the buy and out on the broad ocean, until our island homo w as but a smudge like a sea scud ou the horizon, every wave which embraced us and lifted us up seemed to say, "It was yesterday that we greeted you, aud tomorrow we shall greet yon again. '' All through that summer we sailed over the trackless water whose paths were well defined tO US. We were both expert, but Ruth was the better sailor, as she was my superior iu all respec.s. 1 w .is apt to he in different, unmindful, enwrapped with dreams, but there was an instinct of Ruth's whose every impulse was timely aud complete, Ut'teuwlicu 1 was faraway within the temple of fame, at work at that niche which rarely was to be mtne, her quick hand on the sheet had saved us from capsizing. Perhaps I was the more cureless since I felt that whirever Kuth Was there also were peace and security, How we talked over our future, for there never laid been a time when that future hadn't been ours; I was to go to the city iu the autumn and enter the law school, How faithfully 1 would work and how learned 1 would become! And then wheu I had established myself iu my profession we were to be married and buy a cottage. With surrounding grouuds, in the subur ban university town whose shades 1 loved bo well, and Kuth did, too. because 1 did, and ever after we Were to be happy, as wo ever had been, together. Weeach had a little money, small enough in aggregate, yet we believed that it would keep us until my success came. -My -access! What a brilliant luted likeness of it we drew! I was U. be a great advocate, of course, a dread to all designing men, but a tower of strength, especially to the weak and theunfortuuute. Hesides though this "besides" was generally my own there was my divine gift, my poesy. What gold en showers initfht it not conjure for US I I had indeed wou quite a name for occa sional vyrse, for which I had facility, bus this was nettling to what the Utopian "some day" should bring when the great poem of which I was always dreaming was published aud the bay leaves were bound about my brows by admiring throngs! "But never neglect the r'ltl for the ideal," Kuth would say gravely. "We can get along without the pinnacle, but not without the foundation. Future fancy is pleasanter than present duty, but I prefer our cottage to your temple w ith its niche, don't you, dear!'" Sweet little Kuth, so prudent, SO wise ! She should have her cottage surely , I vowed, hut as we sat on it.-, veranda at eventide we WOUld see the siu.lii.dit gild ing the minuets of that temple also. The autumn came ami brought the day of my departure. Again Kuth stood ou the point, of the pier, again I leaned over the rail, again we talked as if never before We had talked, until the captain shouted, the .gangway was drawn and tin- hawsers loosed. Then as the paddles churned Ruth stretched on tiptoe. "Here, Ralph, dear," she cried, and she reached me a note. Rather puzzled for this was not like Ruth I went into the cabin aud read it. It was but a line: Ralph-1 ask you to be suspicious of Frank Dunbar. Kith. have cast it forth Immediately, No, then was no explanation. It was simply a mis apprehension, a mistake, 1 kissed the lit tle note and laid it away in my pocket case, resolved uever to think of it again. Should 1 doubt friendship, might not mv faith be so shattered that I WOUld even come to doubt low) also 1 reached the city station at eventide, anil there was Frank Vuailing me, quiet, self contained as ever, but, oh, so glad to .-co me 1 '.My dear boy. what happiness to have you with me again! 'he exclaimed. "Aud how brave aud bonny we've grown, to bo sure. Right foot forward aud on to SUO oesa, he- Well, will! Oh, fortunate youth!" Aud tears shone iu Frank's eycd. 1, too, was moved. Who wouldn't be indeed by such manifest affection? "Some of the fellows are around at Blang's," said Frank. "A nice, quiet place, moat respectable, We might join them for awhile and renew old times." Agreed. We went and spent such a jolly evening el song and reminiscence and good cheer! But the next morning w hen l awoke with such a dizzy head there was Frank, cool and alert, pegging uwav at his desk. "1 must do it," he said apologetically. "Thank your stars you're not a tortoise and take another doze." . The next day I started briskly at my studies, determined to master the law. For weeks Frank and 1 worked steadily side by side weeks of content incut for me. for I felt 1 was doing Bl) duty and pleasing Ruth. The little note didn't dis turb me. 1 never referred to it in my dally letters. My present course seemed its best answer. After awhile, though, Cams in terruptions. Our merry friends of the first evening began to drop into our rooms. I believed thai most of them were not pru dent coiupani 'us, and 1 told Frank so. "You're right." he replied. "Still, they're such dear, good fellows. A little reckless perhaps, but it's mere froth, ami beneath is worthy snbatance. Because we are lUeii we mustn't be Pharisaical, Kalph. We own a duty to our old comrades, don't you think!'" I did think and with shame. How open aud manly Frank was in every way! So evenings there was apt to bea jovial gath ering iu our rooms. No one would be so jolly, so f i ill of suggestions of sport as Frank, until suddenly he would clutch his hair with mock gravity and shout: "Now clear out, you fellows, every one of you. Kalph can go with you., He takes to th.- law like duck to water, but I am the piowman wno must pioa urn weary way. A'ld oil W e'd go, at heart quite sorry for Frank. One day lie said tome, noticing that I was yawning over my books as I had yawi.ed much of lute: "How's the epic. Kalph! " "There's no used of ridiculing it," I re plied rather sharply, "You know very i w ell what I hope some day to do 'The Adventures of Alvarado,' in heroic verse. I Doubtless it will uever see light, but re spect its prenatal condition." "My dear boy, don't beso touchy. Yon wrong me. i'ou know what faith I have in yonr genius, I want you to take up this subject in all sertooaneas. Let me do the boning: you can achieve success iu a leap." "Or fall in the ditch." "Or wake some morning like Byron to find yourself famous." "But the lectures, the cramming, the moot courts. What would Kuth think should I neglect these obligations?" "What would she think should yon re ceive jour due and be bailed as America's laureate before you are 'Tie woman truly who clings to the young knight, and How surprising, how incomprehensible! 1 entreats him to stay from the wars, but I might also as well be suspicious of Kuth: Yet that "almost" was a word, believe me. But Frank Dunbar, my friend! My roommate ar the university, and now again to be nt the law school! How could I be suspicious of one who was constant in kind ness tome, whom I respected for his char acter and honored for his ability? Surely something which I had said in my blun dering way must have misled Kuth. Yet what had I said, exept praiseworthy Mings? For the first time I almost doubted Ruth's judgment. But again that "al most" was a long word, believe me. Frank Dunbar How spotless, how noble he appeared as I considered him! His nickname revealed Ms character, as nick names nlwsys do "Perfection" Dunliar! Never had ne varied a hairbreadth from the line of duty. Never had ho tnken part in frolics, rarely in pleasures. Work was nis preference work that cud. lie had led his d iss, but this had Rot sufficed. His exuberant energy had mastered the modern languages ami the theory of music. Yet. he was never a prig. Re sympathised with the weaknesses of others, though he had none himself No one could laugh more heartily over crapes nor picture revelry more enticing ly'. But whin others, sftt r BBOh a convi-r satlou, rushed headlong nud beedli Into trouble Frank returned tranquilly to bis books, lie never preached, never sought, to inculcate his principles. That is w hat we all liked in him. Often he would say to me: "Go ahead, old buy. What's the differcnccl1 Knjoy your youth:" Yet, lie was h year younger than I. He was such a prudent fellow, too, was Frank. He lived like the rest.of us, hut lie discriminated between comfort and ex travagance. Bo while we were generally in debt, and sometiini s in distress heal ways had plenty of money. I used to be sorry for him. lb- couldn't lend, for be bad promised his father, and be would griev lest his Inability should be miscon strued. Frank was ambitions truly. No young squire, emulous of his spurs, could have been more so. Yet he was distrustful of his powers. "I can't do what you fellows do," he would say humbly. "I must stick to iny treadmill." And while we all real ised his mental ns well as moral superior ity we liked him the belter for veiling It We respected his lamest scrapie! and never sought to tempt him from his course, , How heart single, too, was Frank! Tlnr.igh not, a handsome man, for he had small eyes, red hair and a short, squat figure, he was fascinating in manner and speech.' He attracted and retained Inter est. There were many sides to bis nature, and that side which would be most con sonant and agreeable to a companion bo intuitively revealed. We all concurred in the opinion that be would prove iireslstl bio to any woman if he should ever care to exert himself. But he had no time for ro mance, so he said. And yet what a confidant ho was Uever prying, never curious, but learning one's secret thoughts as If in suite of liim- lelf. Why, he knew all about Kuth. Iliad ! talked of her for hours at a time, aim be laid been just as Interested, ho had bean just as helpful when 1 finished as when I began. I hiifl read herletters to him, and he would say, "tiood night, Kuth," "Good morning, Ruth," tu her little plo- Whan he returns glorlOUS she is the first to rrown mm. Hesuii s, law is M natural ft) you. You know that your judgment ex ceeds ycir industry. You can readily make up the work of a quarter in a fort night, II I'., the profession will never DO even an incident to you, believe ine. No man will grub if he can My." Oh. rare and beaut inns vision that ros-e before me: The little cottage with Ruthin thu quiet, university town, the delightful toil iu the study, yitb itut'.i by my sideaa an inspiration, the Society Of the cultured, the praise of the woithyl "Surprise her," suggested Frank. Aye, I wouid. I would refine the gold of Diy intellect. I tossed Justinian into a corner behind the lounge, and there he lay until the dust was as thick ns his age might warrant. Thereafter 1 dreamed and dreamed until I was aroused. How careful Frank was of my moods for ! of eour-e 1 became nc-oilv . lb-taught mo that a poet must be a child of impulse, not a man of habit; that when the spirit moved him he must drive his thoughts until they tottered from w eariness, but ex cept when that mysterious spell settled he must sillier then to recruit iu apparent idleness. He led me to believe oh, so eas ily that I, rioor I, indeed, win as one set apart and chosen, not answerable to the call of duty n ir accountable to foibles. He would instance Horace and Drydeu nnd Chntterton and Savnge and Shelley and Byron. Byron especially he consid ered my prototype, and I was dolt enough to think so too. "Here, you (slloWSl" he would cry. "take Ralph OUl I f this rush for a hurrah. Pegasus' wl ngs are droop ing," And the lively, generous hearted lads would oil the downward grude with sincere adulation. I did woik feverishly. Unnaturally, turn ing night into day aud burning the candle at both ends. I became nervous, Irritable, overwrought, but each manifestation was greeted as a proof of the divine afflatus Which lllh il me. I grew OBftlesS of my up ptaranoe, My collar was rolled back, my bslr disheveled oh, what an egngious ass! As for money, I disdained It as ilrorn. When I hail it, I Hung it. broadcast, hut the lin k of if uuver res! r lined me. I had a credit which OUld have been inexplicable to a rational man, but 1 accepted it as Iribut" to my genius. N jackdaw vr be Hived in his borrowed plumage Or Strutted as arrogantly as did I. I posed before the distorted lens of conceit and thought its Iu one thing alone I Was constant Iwrote'to Kuth the sums con tented, iJUe.ry (lail) letters us of yore. Oh, bow hard It was! Sentence by sentence I dragged through a (ask that had forini rly been such a delight. YetlsUCCO led at least 1 thought I did. The spiing oame. AftST infinite copy ings and reconyings "Alvurado" was fin ished. "Don't prune," warned Crank as I hen' tnted over passages of my wildest mo ments. Luxuriance is the poet's attribute," And so I bound the mighty pile of man uscript together ami sent it confidently to a leading publisher. Confidently indeed, for my assurance had achieved a brief nKithcosls. Then followed an Intolerable wailing, bringing doubt, dread ait) mis ery. The fever bud pussed aud left my mind, loo weak for any exertion, a pre to worry. My gay companions were gay no longer. In the face of thu approaching examina tions they were throwing up earthworks Of desperate diligence. Yet when I tried to dig also I found I was absolutely Impo tent. Where now was my intuitive knowl edge of the law, w here that judgment so accordant with equity? Alas, 1 compre hended that I had risked everything op a single cast, and 1 dared not think what this everything might include. Then it was that I noticed a singular change in Frank. ".lust look at my duns," 1 said to him one da anxiously, holding up a mass of bills ami letters, "it seems Impossible that 1 could have been so reckless. Why, I must have been craty I" "YOU certainly have hud an agreeable faculty of ignoring such littlo mutters." "But What shnll 1 dof" "Do! Yon have money, haven't you?" "Gone, all gone." '"PheW I You have been going It, haven't you, in spite of precept ami ex ample? Oh, well, your precious 'Alva rado' will settle everything, l guess," and Flank laughed. It wasn't a plea- ant laugh, nor did it sound like Flank, but I was so troubled that l scarce appreciated it theu. "Do jou really think so?" 1 questioned eagerly. "I mean what I say. it will settle everything- you included. But doubtless Kuth w ill pay." 1 leaped to my feet in a nage. Frank oonfronted me. for an instant with mid, sarcastic eyes; then he shrugged his shoul ders disdainfully and left the room. 1 sank iu a chair, trembling iiuii gasp ing. What did it all mean? Was I held by a horrible dream? Such words, such looks from Frank, my friend, my Pylades, my mentor I Could it be that he had changed, that 1 had changed, that the future was a void, that the past whs a sham ami that le ahiug was real except the present debt, the approaching examination, the impend ing disgrace? 1 opened my pocket case. I read the note of warning from Kuth so long unheeded. Again l couldn't comprehend it, but I did thoroughly realize that w hate er she said should have been observed with a true lov er's fealty. For hours I sat pressing my throbbing head w ithin my hands, trying to shut out the disordered visions w blch Hashed before me. Then came a knock at, the door. I opened it. aud a messenger entered, laid a large yellow parcel on the table aud with dn w . Did 1 recognize the wrapper? Oh didn't II A hundred years weighted me as 1 glanced at it. The very paper! The very string which I bad knotted with SUch ex cited fingers I Oh, dear, oh, dear, too well did I know what had happened! There was a Dote, which I read iu a Hash. "Regret evident merit -voluminous expense to warrant publication!" I threw "Alvarado" Into the corner behind the lounge, where its fall scattered the dust from Justinian. Then I moaned. The room faded aw ay. Again I saw the harbor, the rolling bar. the reck bound bay, the broad Urges of the Atlantic; but, alas, sober and melancholy Wore their sweeps, a requiem, DO) 0 welcome, for 1 was aione. Where, oh, w here was Ruth? Then- were heavy steps on the stairs. The dour opened, aud my principal creditor entered, accompanied ly a marshal. "I want you, my man," said thut func tionary. "But you can't arrest for debt," I stam mered. "How about fraud and fake representa ti 'ii and pretense? This man claims that you have deceived him into believing you a young millionaire, wheu you haven't a cent." "I never said such a word." "No. but your roommate did many n time," interrupted my creditor. "Oh,. it was a cunning cutch between you. But you're vastly mistaken if you think you do me w ithout smarting for it." "Come along," said the officer. At this juncture Frank strolled in whis tling. Iu an instant all recent doubts had fled. I "lily remembered our old intimacy. "Oh, Frank," I cried, "help me!" He looked at thu officer and winked amusedly. "No green there," he ejaculated. Then be turned toward me. "You will have to excuse me," hu said suavely, "if I decline to walk the floor Instead of our confiding friend here. Besides, I have an urgent en gagement. I'm off to the island home to see Ruth." Then, while the blood roared within my ears and clouded my eyes, a wonderful thing occurred. Again the door opened. A little form glided to my side nud threw her arms about me, and Ruth's voice ex claimed, oh, so blithely: "That won't le necessary, Mr. Dunbar. You can flnd me here for the future with my husband'." Then she went to the men and whis pered a few words, aud they sneaked uway, shamefaced. "i toid you she Would pay, you cur," net red Prank. "Hush, dear," she interposed. "Why shouldn't 1? Whatever is iniuu becomes his on our wedding duy." 'I hen at length I comprehended the note of warning, for as Frank departed from my sight and from my life his glum e as it rested on Kuth changed from onu of fierce malignity to one of uuutterublu longing and despair. What more shull I say? The sequel is (he old unreal ending, but for tis most real. "They were ever after happy." We were married that day, for Kuth scarcely dared trust me from her sight. Iu a few years the little cottage, in the quiet uuiver iity town bechiiiu an actiuility. 1 was never n" dread ' nor a "tower of strength," I am sure, but I honestly earned my daily bread. And, more, during one summer vacation I picked up "Alvarado," and I slashed it well, remorselessly hewing away all that luxuriance which Is a true poet's attri bute, ami 1 sent it, much shrunken, to u publisher. One evening as I snt on the veranda Kuth til-ought me a letter. It contained a bewildering offer for the poem. '.My dear, said I as I showed It toner, "perhaps wemay yet si e Hie sunlight gild ing the minarets of that temple." "Yon see," aha exolalmed, "all things come to you. "Because In you I have everything," I replied. -Hartford I lines. Acts On the Bowels. CUKK8 Constipation. 0TJTUE8 Constipation. CURBS Constipation. I write that you may Snow the mod I have received from 11 It II 1 was all out of health sod rofferlng w ith con ntiiiitleii unil hillniiiincM. I tried other II.- a but they failed i" do any k1 At hint I bought " bottle of B. It ii unit before I bad used it nil 1 wont, to Work us wall ui ever. (H's Nki.soN, Bui 60,lrvinetou,Wurrenco.P THE MX. PLEASANT BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL in, PUVait I .INS AND si BORON u, K. DEAN, tHsosisi of thu Kye, Nona rhroat and Bar, ixii siauo street! oopo- alta court luiuse. a.j. ci).. i.i.i,, Mil Washington avenue, corner Swine Mreel, over Krancku'H drug utore. liutiUleace, la Vino t. OAcehqnrei 19.10 toll a m. '' tod ana tM to T IM p. in Kuiiihiy, ' to 8 p. in. DR. w. E. ALLEN, Ofllee cor. Lacks, wanna uuil Wiisliiiigton lives.: over Louii ard shoe store: offloe hoars, 10 to lfa, m. ii to 4 p. in ; svenings at reswenost us n, Wsshlngtoa svc. laaL Hti'.Y. I'rsotioo limited to Duv It casus of tlm Eye, liar, Nose uad Throat! office, in WyuiuiiiHuvu. Residence, i Viae street. Dlt I. .11 tlA'I'LS iln Wunliuaitun Avciiii). utneo boors,, l.butu and l tuSp.iu. J OHM L WKNTZ, M l. Offloen H sndJM Ooaunonwesltb bnlldbigt residence III Mmlisouevu; olHeo hours. 1J tu 12, i tu I, 7 to B; bundeyii UO tu i, evenings nt residence, A pociulty insdii of dirsssel uf tliu oyo, ear. nosa anil tlnoat unit KVUHOology. u. u u HURRAY, specialty madeon ii eases uf eye aud SHhiSlS fomiOg Ave LMllce hours: I'util lea in -' to I .out . tu - I' m. Upholstery Department -OF- William : Sissenberger Opposite Baptist Church, Fei in Avenue, Is replete with fine and medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Rockers, Couches and Lounges lor the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets, Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholstered in a Substantial manner. Will be as good as new N. A. HULBERT'S City Musio Store, - WXOlllNa AVE. 8CKANTO IV KTI-:iNWAY ft SO HHOTHKM h It A N It'll & HAOU hTl'lVi ic UAUUlt Bl KBINABV lUHGEOMS E RTUHQR. Veterinary riuruuun. . . -- . . , , n . ... L'uiu measnsi or "i- l)ui li,lln i, a,,. .,!, He taiiu Xeleriniirv ( ollege. um -e. Siiiinuiur 1 livery, 8BB llii St.. near Keller 'e OAT Hags shop. Telupllollu Nil. 41 i I V KliS. I M C. HAM K S Law uinl Collection uf tl . tlce. No KI7 Sprue.) nt., optiusltB Furivit House, Bcrsnton, rs outs ill every cuun ty. iKasum ii a. J lors at Law. Wushuitflun avo. i ulli etlults u l-li.-cllllty tiiiuuuhuiit Pennsylvania) reliable correspond U, Attorneys end Counsel- Orwunoawealth imlMui& W. II. Jusst p, HollACI. B IlAMI). v Ii. Jassop, .in. II, I. ARD. WARRKN As KNAIT. Attor neys and Counselors at Law, I uililinit, WaslihiKton live.. Seriintun. I'a. AT1 KUhO.N i; Wll.luX. Attorneys mil Counsellor, at Law: offices 0 uinl e Library LuilUlug, bcrautou, l'a. KOSWSUi II I'ATTSIISOS. Willi am a. Wilcox WILLIAM I. HAND, At- tnrnevs mid Cnunsellurs, Cumuiuliwealtb liuililiiiK. Renins IB. 1lanil Jl. SI'.KI.Y Law offlrea In Priio avsnu& HANK T UK. -LI.. Attorney at Law. Room w LFREDHAND. V I IKNHY M 1 1 imihliiiu. l-'i Washington Ham- InvnttltiHlp. After tlm high tribute wa paid to tbnt diminutive hut plucky little locomotive which runs between Rartwelland Bowers villi the Nancy Hart tbe mannacr of the Hartwell road baa advised us to cease 1 n 1 1 1 i -. 1 1 1 1 1 l; t lie scheilule of thnt roiul. This M ii heavy blow to us. The remuneration thnt we reoeived tor printing this aeheduli whs it (iiihs over to miles ot urn row tciuin1 loud w hich ive never u-cil. It Is true thnt the splice occupied by tbe schedule wns worth hriu t Sill per iiiinum hut what Is Hint paltry sum In comparison with the privilege of wearing. mt. by carrying around in our breis hes pocket, n puss over tlm HartwsU rail road f. Tooooa (tin.) News, Oheea. The mnn who tries to take sdrjantage of tli ii Ignorance of another bco'aUoullj k,,,' ii llohinil for hi i Oliver. A Hostou iniiii once in England, Seeing n Inhorer iIIkk'11!? flints out of chalk, pompously aiged hlm if In- thouuht they L'rcw. "Sure," was the reply, "I know they do." "Then put some flint on a table, ami seu now much It ((rows in n year." "Aial you, air," said the laborer, "put a potato on the tublo nnd see how much it grows in a year." Harper's Mniintlnc HILTON W, LOW BY, ' Att'ys, II VON STOUCH. I ton nv. Waahng C II square i AMES W. OAKFOUO, Attorney at Law I moms 6B, M and W Commonwealth b'l't. AML'KL W. BDUaR, Attorney ut Law. " mil. e, Spruce nt . Kcranton. I'n. A WATRR8, Attorney at Law, 4-J j. Laeltaw-.-inim alio.. Serantnn. I'n ) 1'. r..iri'H. l .inn. -eliur at Law. Ollle.. rooms 51, aV .Vi Oosatnoi'.weftltti binloinu' ' K. PITCHER, Attorney at Law, Com- ' . monwealth builains, Seranton, i'a. . I VMKUYS, .CMs'piueu'it. nB. RK1T.OIJLK. Attorney-Loans neuo- tiateil on real ueUtn sssttrity.4H Hprnea p r. KILLAM, Attoruuv at L.nv, lu Wy lJ oinini: avenue. Seriintun. HAVE Pirn DEEDS AND MORTOAUES written and acknuwleiltreil by J. W. BltOWNINU, Attorney and Notary Public, 29 . untniun'veaitn miiiiiinu. sf lioni s C'CHOOL Ol- THE. LACKAWANNA. Nrran i5 ton, I'a , prciiaree boys and airls forcollcca or niminiiHti: tiiuruumy irains vuuhk cnuuroa LHIuluSue al legllest I IS-, WORCESTER' .'I and Kcliool, ill all timos. r ceivinl at fannsrv W IlFV. TnOMAS M CA!T WAt.Tsn H. Hl'Ki.I. KINDEUUARTEN una avenue. I M Xt term wiu open HI N ttSTK ' C. LAUBACH, burgeon Dentist, No, llj '. wyonungsva. M. STRATTON, ..niei- Coal Ex. e,nir. I.DANS Till; LI.I'l lll.K S-n itiim and Loan Asso I ciation will loan (00 in uiev on easier terms ind pity you better on Investment than any itier iissoeiiitlon call on s. .-N . CALL -.N- I Dime Bank buildini; HOI BLS AMI RESTAURANT, nr. wiuu'MiNMr.K, i-i, sm Wyoming ave. IdHiliis in-aleii witn Kloniu: all moil I urn Improvements 1 . ii ue, Sfiaiiluii. C M TaUMAg, Prop. RateR reasonable, P tlSOLSB, I'roprletor. w LST.M1NSTEU HOTEL. W. Q. SCI1I:NCK. Mhna. Bixteonth street, one blocs east of Broadway. ill M man noiiare, isew leTS. American plan. W M per day and upward 'DYNE Hot. HE. buropean plan; good ' rooms, upon uay unci niguL. nu 6Uiy piled Willi IBS nest. P. H. rOYNE. Proprietor i'( AH OS lin er iru. 1. w nan. r u nger depot Conducted on the Europein iitnn. Vn Toll goon Proprietor. inA.sD i KNTKAIj. 'I he laruesi and bSI I eiiuippol hotel in Alloatoivu. , ... ( I n saulDDS f 2 and P.H per day Vl( ion I' BAS SI ii, Proprietor. AH0BITECT8, ..All- ,V IP Oil. Architects Ituuins 21 I H and Commonwealth b'ld's, ieranton. L WAL1EH. Architect, Library build lni. Wvomlnir avetni" M-rantoii. E. K.V, alldjs(,)gl Washington Ave.,Scrnnto II 1UIS I I I AM III s URTON b- HWAR'I's MIO,ESAi."l! lumber.' and e uiuio liniik bUldlng Kcrnntnh. i n. MEU RI1EK HKOTHERH, PRINTERS lUPpUes. enyjUOOee, paper liaga, twine. Waruhoiisix i; Waahlntitoii live, Scratitoii Pa. PoliTE S I,1I' IM. i ,i,t i Hpouse iivenun I' Mi st clsn cirrlaites n I, I OOTE. Agt. l uueml Director aim hiiioiuimi r. ob Cloth, P. BROWN ,'H W. Lackawanna avenue. nllOllEi THA MI'KIO I'RVNK I'. BROWN Co, WIliU,!'. I aalu ib-aleia In WuoiHvare, CordaKu nud 1 1 ACER'S ll baili, pleulea, part lee, receptions. I l Ml s, piriiies, parous, rco".iions, ueu lined anil Oolicot work Mirillsheil. l-ur t.oiiM iddrSM 11. J. Baip-r. conilnctor. 117 Wyoinlug live., uvnr llnllieri a inuai.- siore. I.V.UA ElNN SONS, builders nnd contra I j tors. safAst Corner 1 'live at. and Adaim live. ; corner Ash st. and I'ciin uve , i-eranton an PIANOS J In a larga ito. k of Cnt-claa ORGANS lIUBlOAIi HBROHANOIM Ml MIL, 1 .1 Ci., E'lU AT RETA1U Coal of the bout iiuiilltv for clnm, nt ie tlm mill of all alzes, delivered in any part of thu citv lit lowest price. Orders loft at my ufllc.ii, NO. UK, WTOMIMG AVBNOB, Rear room, first floor. Third National Bans or seiit by until or telephone to tho mine, wili ill,..- piouipi aio.-niiuu. BPSOUI contracts will DC made lor tuo sale aud dslivel y of Buckwheat CoaL WM. T. SMITH. SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. Hnvin-'securod the KIlOEINd KOHtlE of w nii mBlumeftBon for a permsnenl bus!-, ness stand, 1 shall coadnet BdentUM ami I utho.ogical 'hoe. ii lor the l ieventlou, Ko- llei aim i it sol La no nest and other Impedi ments in the movement! ol Horses lacldental or inn- to imperfect shoring; I shall pre the work my personal stteati a snd guarantee no extra charge, except far Improvement, Lame aess. etc., will be treated sttornoons A lruo clime and professional advice given every Monday fiuiu . to P. M. JOHN HAMLIN, D. V. S, SURDAMS' Auction! Auction! AT Bargain Stores 133 Penn Avenue. COMMENCING' MONDAY EVENING, JAN. 15 CHANCE to buy at your own price Hardware. Saws, Hammers, Tinware, Lamps, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions. Fancy and Other Goods. Sin Red Flag r i Atlantic Refining Co. BgsT Manufacturers nud Dealers iu HlaminatiQ and Lubricating OILS Linseed Oil, N apt has and Gaso lines of all ttrii'les. Axlo Grease, Pinion Grettae nnd Colliery Com pound; nlso, a largo lino of Par ratline Wui Candles We also handle the Famous CROWN ACME OIL, tho only family safety burning oil in the niarlrrt WILLIAM MASON, Manager. Offlro: Coal Exchange. Wyoming Av urk8 nt Pine liroult. LUTHER fTHMm KELLER KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOE PLASTERING. SEWER PIPES, FLUE LININGS. Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. Quarries and Works, Portland, Pa. DUPONT'S MIX1NO, BLASTING AND sroRTINO POWDER llatiufarturiil at Iho Wupwallopon Mills, l.u scrno rounty I'n.. snd at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for tbo Wyoming District, ti8 Wyoming Ave., Scrsnton Pa. Third National Hank BoMingi AnENcira. THOS FOKD. Plttstoa, Pa. JOHN H H.MITH& SONirivinnuth. Ts. i: W.MULLIQAN, Wlutes-Barre, ia. Agenta the Hepaano Cliomlcal Coin l'aiiy'a H ... 1 1 i v i llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll A DVERTISE VOI R WANTS IN THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE giiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I PUZZLE. t THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable ns a Souvenir of the Fntr. QUITE EASY WHEN VOL' KNOW HOW MOO IN PRIZES WILL BR nisTRim TKD TO THOSK noiXG TH! PUZZLE IX Till. SHORTEST SPACE OF TIME FOR BALE BY ALL NEWS COMPANIES STATIONERS AND AT TOY STORES, OH SENT TO ANY ADDRESS UPON KECEIP1 t'l PRICE, 38 CENTS, BY COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO., 112 AND 111 SOUTH EUTAW STREET, BALTIMORE. MB. WEAK MAN CURE yourself IIS I BBSS Itkifc ai'l Wn Y wait tlmJL tnoocT and hratthwlib ,dl rtor!.' wnnder: al..-." wcttJca, etc., Then 1 will acnil FREK the prescription of s new Bud poaiilTO remedy fur laMinR cure of 1 ui-1 Manhood, Kighlly KmUslonii, Nervous Weaiiness 1.1 old or young men. Varicocele, Impotenrv, ard to enlanrc weak, ctnnted oreacn. Cutis 111 Iwo i f lis. I tond this prosrrii- MI'orb. arris. tion Tree of charge, and there is CO bumbni? or aovcrtlnnpcati h MM It. AnTgooddrnsilitor Phytlctaneanpntlt tip for yon. asCTerythtBs 1 Plain and tmpls. All 1 n.-k In raturn la that y.u will buy a small quantity of the remedy f rem lse direct or odvlso yonr friends to do o after yon receive the recipe and see tha- there isnohnmhcit Dnrclroce'tltin. But yen can dean y.'.i please about this, O.irrespondenoeatrttgjy eonfldrntlaL and aU letters sent In pi ..n sealed cuTulop.'i. Kneleae stamp if ounfoaleat.B.UJBnniferfortf, HoxAt37,AlliioTi,1I i. h MANKOOD RESTORED! btlOREANOsMtRUSING not thsr. A.idr. For Sale in Scrnnton, Pa., by H. C mil Sni'iioo st'.vi'ts. NERVE SEEDS, TSI. wornlrrlbl i n r. . gutr Inlxdl- rutr i'I M",.. i . fll eases, sneh ns Wenk Memory, Loss of Rraln PewefkHSSsaeaS,WakSfalBess, Lost Manhood. Miihtly missions, Nfrvousnes.alldralnaim loss of poner lnHi';iorallvei)ransof rltticr son caused by over eioi tton j onthfiii errors. ' excessive use of tobacoo. opium or stimulants, which lc;id to Inflrmtty.Con Asiimptton or Insanity. Can be carried In vest pocket. SI per DOS, for ., Shy mall pea paid. With s M order wc lve nrltien cnarnnter lornre Dnr mMi ihr ninneF. rtrciilar free. Sold by all driwlsts. Ask font. ms sh ll i.l l tii in ii., i. lempic. i. mi auu. ii.u SANDERSON. Drutfsist, cor. raslnno;toD BLOOD POISON 0dV- undfr lusnnty, hek. by '- lorniiuiwillyour(l I inJO iofl".u by I Maalo Rem- lklln" nrtvid piuI JO-pU" Hxk ilhwtrslM from I llfft ii Unito 1 ftre I, llll VV.. ! II t f( :ir I nd Meirtnisii Our Mnutlo Rorvtedy W I tiMlhrlt "i lIMMt II I 'I t IU II , I M-iw III. I s- . - -l i:n. ( it. i i.aick As CO., Besdemwi noruTti I I. ami ntl(Srf mli; store UO avenne; uroen Imuso. I'lii North Main avenue: Mtnro islepbons TM 1 1 . IIHANI' IMo:. 'I Y.. Hi.. .Ioiilh Hr..s t ihk m tu: s. "OS Kt'KTTI'.U Btl UUSMWSSBS avonua 1 1 Bcrautou, Pa., nisiiuf r of WIN Hcraoiw. lad Unnhnnri ly carfd t) INII nnJ vigor quickly I'll.VtltliHM-rli., 1,'sti.ri Ml I V ,'iiils,i,iU. trolihv . Ill,' . .,n,! I , INllAIMI. ll,., l-r L niMOO NMU . Willi avnHVIlHWIMIVSWSj you iy HA11HEWS SltUS, UruivliM. Scraaten, Ja. DKXTKK SH(IK CO., ln-'p. Capital. Sl.Oiifi.OOO. BKBT i.a snot: in l UK WORlDi 11 A dollar mirtd ita dollar rarnt'tl." ThlsLuilloa' Rnl lit French DoikgOla KldTtii.' ton Hoot delivered free nnywhere In the lt.S.,0' ITi'i lit of ( ash, Money I'rdci or Postal Note for Sl.fn Unniila every wav thu boon old In all retail storm fOI 'ISO. WS make this boot ourselves, thorsrofe we yssf nnffs tho Jit, styU aud tear. and If nny one fa not sattitli"' re win riiiiiini inn uiunei or nend auother pair, i )pei : i oe or r,iuiinon seni'. WldtM 0, D. K, ft KK, Ires 1 to B and hall f litis, asad yonr si'.' Kill ft Vou. nniimiM Cats, logtin FREE FEDERAL ST., I BOSTON. MA-.. 8ptctal ttrtm to Vtaltti. I I If ilillT. Br I','.. mm w vr ! , 1?3 Dexter Shoe Go. iTtainM The 011I7 cftfo, euro nntj relinblo Fomnlo FILL over ofiered to Ladies, ospeciully recommend od to married Lmlioa. Ask for SB. MOTI'S FEKNYSOTAL FILLS and t iko no otlior. FV- Sond for oireulnr. Frlee fl.OO per box, 0 DOS S lor &.00i L)l. MO TT W CHEMICAL. L'U., - - luveiaau, Ulilo. KorSalS byO N. IIAKHIn, h . ISJ I'eun Avenue. PENNYROYAL PILLS. uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy MARCH 3 f This Coupon, with two like it, but of different g I dates, and with Ten Cents in cash, will secure one b part of the World's Fair Art Portfolio in four 5 S parts the one announced before. MARCH 3 2 i This Coupon, with another like it, but of differ- g ent date, and with Five Cents in cash, will secure J 5 the "Trip Around the World" portfolio of photo- I i graphs, a rare and interesting glance at noted spots in all climes. ("'al"iiaiiaBaiiai,lllliifialllllllllli