The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 03, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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TllK Pt'llANTDN TlUHUNK'S PtttStOn 6
pun incut h in rhnv.v of .1. V. Knliy, to
Whom news items an d complaints nay be
A Soli- tuaiiiil Donation.
In accordance with tln rlestrs of A.
E Brown, Chief Bngineer J. H. Mulitn,
of tho lire department, distributed the
amount set forth in the following lot
tor among the several tire companies
Inst evemug nt the Magorit engbA
Pitiston, P i , March i. lsw
John 11. Mnlhu. Chief Pittslon File De
partment :
Dxab Bib Bneloaed cbeck for $".' per
mit me to forward to yon, as I donation io
Iki uiatrlboted among tin companies who
participated in extuis;tiiihint the tiro at
my liouso Bond iy last At the s:me time
1 DM to express to the different OOOip ir.ies
idt sincere thanks aril appreciation (or
the prompt and afflcunt services rendered.
Vuttrs respectfully,
A B. Huowx.
(July twenty-nine clays.
lV !
Q - n .-Stations Jury.
The following citiz.'ns huv been
drawn as jurymen to serv at
conrt to meet April '.'o
Pittttoo George Stuitli. miner;
James Corcoran, hotel.
West PltUton William M. Watson,
cauier;J 11. Hosier, contractor ; Ales
McDongaU, men-hint.
Yateerllle William Brown, miner
Jenkins Peter Durkin, teacher.
Wyoming--Merrill s.,x. InstiOs.
Water Comra BT Ask for HUtbt
The Mill Brook Water company, of
Pittaton, tiled a petition yesterday utk
Ingtbe court to grant It the privilege
jf eonetrnotlug a reservoir ui!i lands
)f the Hillside Cu il and ro i company.
The statement siys thai the water com
pany hus attempted to co:u;irnit the
defendant company for dammes done
by the use of the laud, tut tttat tho
companMtJon conliluol be a,r.-ed opoo,
md that thereupon was tender d to
tbe defendant company bond an l s cu
rities. but the Mtuti were refoaed.
petition asks the court to approve the
bond aud privilege. Wilkes-Btrre
Cure for He.idaehe,
As a remedy for all forms of Headache
Electric Bitten has proved to be the very
best. It Sects a permanent cure and the
most dreaded habitual tick headaches
y.eld to its influence. We urge ali who are
afflicted to procure a bottl and give this
remedy a fair trial, in cases of habitual
constipation Electric Bitten cures by giv
ing the needed tone ro the bowels, and few
eases lo us resist: the use of this medicine.
Try it once. Large bottles only Fifty cents
at Matthews lircs. dm,' store.
Only tweuty-uice days.
r 11 Wf
He Knows No Equal of Pained Celery
( )oni pound.
1 11 PC BAP
n ii ii in i , n
A. Jtt.
A Soldier Who Has the Courage of His
tions -Commander of tho National
Guard oi His State.
The Lehigh Valley Rtilroad com
pany, 67er watchful for the interests
of the public, 'nave stationed a tiagman
at the Port Griffith crowing.
The moulding department of the
B'ova works is idle todiy, owing to a
delay in shipping pig iron
The Father Matthew Total Absti
nence :md Benevolent society will
elect officers for the ensuing year at
their meeting tomorrow.
The Giasa tta commenting on the
illegal liquor traffic don in t'.iia
vicinity, hits the nail squarely on thi
head when It says; "In prnning of
liquor licenses in this neighborhood by
the court is worthy of ali commenda
tion. That there are altogether too
many saloons in Pittaton is conceded
by ail who have tho welfare of the
town at heart, and it is to bs hoped,
now that the court has evidenced its
desire to restrict ths traffl'!, that the
constables will make it their business
to see that those to whom licenses ar
granted abide by th letter of the law.
The time has come for t ie illegal liquor
br.inss that is daily being don here
abont to be handled without glovos "
Han ford Smith, aged 61 years, of
Little Exeter, Wyoming connty, while
driving to this place Thursday after
noon waa stricken with heart disease
aa he was about to give his horses a
drink of water from the trough which
is located on the Coray estate A yonng
man named Miller toeing Mr. Suiitn
fall ont of his carriage, hastened to
sscrfain what wis tne matter, but
upon reaching bim found him dead.
Yonng Miller placed the body in the
carriage and conveyed it to the dead
man'e tome. The deceasd was a life
long resident of Little Exeter and was regarded by bis neighbors far
and He loaves a wife, thraesons
and three daughters. The fonral
will occur tomorrow morning at 10.30
J. F. Regan, of the Ht. Charles hotel,
yesterday sold a Vyar-old bay Ham
lltonian geldinsr to Gh F. Jacobas, pro
pritor of the Eigle hotel. Sixth str-jit
and Girard avenue, Philadelphia; con
sideration, $500. The colt is a vesy
promising animal, and the condition of
the sale was that be conld trot in three
mlnutea or better. Journal.
At a meeting of the officers of the
Third district of tlm Scranton Dioce
san union held at Kingtton Thursday
evening, it was decided to organizt
what it to be known as a Ladles' Cath
olic Temperancs society. The meeting
was a very enthusiastic one. an I was
attended by James Judge, of flcranton,
national orgmizjr Citholic Totat Ab
stinence union; Charles Livan, of
Wilkss-Iiarre, first vice president of
the Bonn tOQ Diocesan Baton; Mary
May, of KiogatOB, second vic i preii
dent; John J. Q iinn, of this plane, and
Miss Nora Dolau, of BoaBf Notch, di
rectors of the Third district; John
Mack, of Kingston, secretary of the on
ion, and James liaflney. of Willres
Usrre, cecretary of the Thir l district
Another meotlng will beheld at Jones'
hall, Luzerne borough, next Monday
An alarm of fire was turned in from
West Pittston last evening. The loca
tion of the fire was in the vicinity of
the Exeter Machine works. 'I he build
ing was a frame dwelling house
The local military companies are nt:
lively engage I at work making prpar
ations for their semi annual inspect ion.
It will take jilacn doiuo time next (teak.
Archlmld L. Jenkins, of tho West
Side, has succeHsfully passed his eu
nmination at the Philadelphia Dental
College and Hospital of Orel Surgery
nnd will receivo the dogree of doctor of
dental surgery ut the amiu il coiumeuce
inent next week.
Do net put off taking mediolne. Numer
ous littlo ailments, if neglected, will soon
break op the system. Take Hood's BarM
pnrilla now, to expel disease, giving
, strength and appetite.
Bond's Pills cures coustipation byrostor
ing tho peristaltic action of the alimentary
TltKltK is nothing like Dr. Thomas'
EclectrioOil to quiculy cure a cold or re
lieve boarseues. Written by Mrs. il. J .
Fellows, burr Oak, Su l-'-pu Co., Mich.
We have placed
our line of Ginghami
.Mi' i
on sale
i fnr the
Coming sunn;.1,
Finer Goods, More
Colorings and Lower
than ever bet ore, are
will recommend them to our
Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa
Thousands Remnants of Dry Goods. Cloaks nnd Par r;i)Ls daring
j sill- ill less than oort ( material, ""
Every Inch of counter iiin eovereel tviththe grcntosl bargains ever
Ladies' Pelt Hale, this season's stylos 10.;. Mch.
Qoya' Winter Wants -. . 10c each.
llulf 30c. each.
Cloak- $1.50 each.
Great Clearing Sale.
J. THe ii ST. Get prion mil
fie the Inrnnce nnd be con
vinced. A lull line of BEAT
1 Its, Appollo ami Quuzs Door
K tugeii
MQOSIC POWDER CO. E, Robinson's Sons'
s 1 1 Commonweaith Bid's,
BCUAMl'O.V, pa.
Juaceattha MOOSIC nnj audtv
"I feel like a new man," says Brig.
Qeo, W. L Qreenleaf, of ths National
Uu ird of Vermont.
i Jo not Uuo the eual of l'aitia's
celerv compound."
Bric.-lien. Greenleat of Burlington,
Vt , is a man of national reputation.
As a soldiar he has the conrige of his
convictions, atul manfully BUkei a
public statement of what he kuows
will beutfi: others. He writes as fol
lows: "Permit me to al l my testimony to
the Valuable qualities of Paiue's cslery
compcund, which I conil ler the bst
prparation of its class on tho m irket.
From au esnerieuce of nearly 20 yeari
In the nandlingof drugt, 1 am familiar
with tin me,!ical proporties of its vari
ous ingredients; and I ilo not hesitate
to recommend it, especially as 1 never
heard of a caso wnre it did not give
perfect satisfaction.
"I have need it Jmyself on several
occasions, and always with beneti:.
Last Spring, bein vry much run
down and debiliated, I procured some
of Pains's celery compound and coui
rueuced takint; it. The tir.H bottle pro
duced very marked results, nnd the usa
of two bottles made me feel like a new
man. As a general tonic I do not know
its equal."
Xervous debility produees morbid
changes in the blood vessels. Tliy be
come relaiad, weaksnel, and loss their
state of healthy contraction. The re
laxed condition of tho arteries admits
a large onrreut of I lo 1 1, an.i, as it c.m
aequeuo, its motlo i bsDoiftea BO mnoh
lower and mora Blunlsh, congsttioo
of the lining of the hlooi vessels en
sues, with the reaultlng formation of
morbid matter, which is thrown into
tbt blood stream, producing rheum i
tiita, grnt, nanlfalgia, diseases of ilv-r
and kidneys, nervous weakness and de
bility, and the many direct signs of in)
pure blood, aa skm dieeaee .in aomu of
the many forms,
Palne's c'lery compound cures nor -vou
The recntly miblished teitirooniall
from W. E. Anthony. M. D., of Provi
dence, L' HJudkln. M. D-, of Port
land Dr. J. H. Lindsley, C. E. Cole,
l. D., ami medical director of the
PrariedO Chieil Medical Institute, and
hosts of prominent practitioners all
over the country have resulted in the
most extraordinary n't of this extraor
dinary remedy. that was first precailel
by Di Phelpi of Dartmouth college,
aud has linoe come to be known to the
medical profession, and, la fact, the
whole pop!e, as Paine's celery com
pound. People of the highest standing in nil
classes of society, in every city and
town in the Union, hare been bdnetit
ed by this, th i greatest of all remedies
for th cure of tho numerous ills that
result from impaired nervom system
and impoverish 1 blood.
It makes people well.
i!tiiiifiii't nr i'
y in
L IBin & Rand Powder Oo.'s
Electric liattorie, Futai for ex plod
ing blast.-, ,-ufety fuse and
KcpaunoChemical Co. 'a High Explosives
JhtLUfactiirers Of the t-'elebrateJ
Msg Shafting and Journal Sredai
7S1 Wast Lackawanna Ava.
WuKKH' Meriaiabfi
For Delicacy,
For purity, aini for Improvement of the com
pletion, nothing equals PoawHl'a Powder.
Umior this heading short letters of Interest
will be pnhUebad when accompanied, for pub
lication, by the writer's naiun. TnaTuuiaa
will not tie bi.'ld ri-'siionsible for oplnlOM here
KorseshOf intr.
Thi.i is a subject upon which much
has been written, 1; has engaged ths
minds of many mn in various walk
of life; numerous ami various kinds of
shoes bare been devised, anil so-oalled
systems of shoeing, a for Inatanoe, the
Danbar system, which at one time
joined conatderabla notoriety, each of
which, in the oriinion of its originator,
would D70?e to be a solution of ths
problem Tho subject, however, still
rjm afnl a debatable ons, bscausa there
has ben a nniversil. but miitakmi, be
lief in uniformity of horses' feet. No
two feet aro alike any more than bu
rn m faces.
It is therefore impossible to devise
a shoe of any spcial design that is n ;r
fectly adapted to all feet. For exam
ple, we find a distinct typ3 of featnres,
pesnliar to oath raaa of the human
family ; also a constant dissimilarity in
the faces belonging to the sun race.
Bo in observing borssa feet I find sev
eral different types, and dissimilarity
of feet belonging to each typo. This
is the chief reason why nina horses
are seldom or never lame in the fet,
although carelessly or abusively shol,
while others nr inbjiot to lanenasi
from corns and other lesions of the feet
and limbs, miles i shod in tho most
careful and Intelligent manner.
The best type of foot to hear with im
punity the artificial condition incident
to city life, (is stablos, and pavements,
and the ordinary inn in shoeing,
which throws the and stress
upon the well ) Booh f'jet J nay are not
very round at the plant, or border, an 1
the hoofs from toe (juirters back are
rather Itralgbt sxtmt I well backward
and are not loo dtep at th heels
Spc will not admit of a dlecrlptloti
of tne sovera! typ s Of which are in ire
or Inks liable to corns, tdBbOSMIlIn the
iiMfis, nrbion often UteaR out at the
erotnet n i various other rsgloni, In
rgiiri to shoeing il,,, fao', ii, that lo
obtain the best p .ss! bin results, tocome
within the range of scientific ahosinK,
faab horse and asob foot must be sho I
iccor ling ID Its Indlvldn il rtqniremants
or.pecnlfsrltln, with not only a viow
of protecting thu toot from azoaaalve
wear ami violence, but of permitting
its neveral parts to perform their fiinc
llons in a UlOfBl iiisnn'r. for exercise
is nrcesssry to maintain normal circu
lation of the blood, which Ii essential
to maintain nutrition and rapid re
newal of the sensitive and external
structures I reftr especially to tne
frog, plant or ou.shio i and fysturia por
tions of tho foot, not excepting tho nu
tritiou of the navicular bono itself.
Again, to shoe acUntlfically each foot
must be kept in proper balance nud
relative to tb limb it supports from
month to month'.' and year to year.
When this is doii' and thu plant orenr
fiics of the fut are leapt in snot) ondi-'
tiou that the natural process
of flaking or exfoliation of the
sale (whereby It regulates 'itself toito
own proper thickness), is not too miuoi
retardod. Thn, 1 lay, corns, cracked
hoofs and Interfering will bo things of
the past, and there will not be more
than one splint, or case of gradually
progressive naviculor lameness, now
so common among saddle, and carriage
horses, whore now tuer are ten.
Pathological (hoeing or operating
npun the feet, with a view of curing
diseased conditions, nnd consequent
Inmsnsss, or other iuipdiuiuts to the
perfect action of horses, requires;
First- A thorough knowledge of the
anatomy of tho locomotor? apparatus
.leconil - Kiio-.vle Uo of its dneas-s,
their oaniea, pathology and treatment
Tbird A cheiiucil expurietic" ijnalify
ing the op rator to diagnose correctly
nnd locate all lameueas with aertainity.
Fourth Medical skill andingendity of
a high order, JoRM HaKLUt D. V. S.
Hcranton, Feb. It, Ml,
Kany Standard Uooks That Are A:
raoa. Oiven Away.
Interest in TBI Thiiu nk's list of
books continnaa 10 uninterruptedly
that il has been thought wiso to re -produce
some of the best ilfeis. Jnnl
read th-se titls and see how low our
prices make them:
Ri m iiar Tiibnne's
Price. Price.
Pictorial History of the Ureal
Civil War 3 00 .81)
Pilgrims' Progress (utatt'ed) 9.80 .80
Earth, 8ea and 8ky aT5 ,TB
Marvelous Wonders 2.75 .SR
Ufa and Works of Kpurgcon 1.60 .fin
Pictorial History of the StOM B.TB ,85
.Museum of Wonders a. 75 .W
From Pole to Pole 3.78 .8
Pictorial History of the Uni
ted States a 00 ,0.1
Kcienre of ,if a.;s
Life Of Harnntn 1,80 .Wi
Indian Horrors 1.60 .5(1
Joasphni 8.00 1.00
Shopn's I'hotogriphs 8.W 1.88
Oolnmbas, the Nsvigator,.. ' .60
Webster Dtotlopary lo ona-
BalfJSttsala ,88
Mfo of Christ .86
Life of lilalne 'J;,V) .5:1
Health, Wealth mid Happi
ness .100 LOO
T. H. Arthur's Work;:
Irappllnii with th" M in-
ster ;5 ,80
Woman to the RaKM 75 ,0
Weildlog Onett 75 ,ao
Mother's Rnle 7; ,'j i
Haved As By Pita 75 ,an
WoidiofOBear ' ,8ii
'I be Tr ie Path 7a ,vo
Frloodsaud Nelgbbori .... '75 an
t 'asl Adrift 7.-i ,M
our Bosnia ',; .an
OOLUllBllrl sUltlKH.
Six books for 7." cents. One thou
'lilld VLilllllli'8 to elect from,
Only twenty.nlns flaya.
Kh , yrK'
r- Ji
W 6TE P3SessioiS of ffler8 bands sre qaieKly ;on- jn
U ' suried, but Hroufledye, wtyty is tt?e mind's n
B ricbost estate, r)durz$ for?ur." ;
Di 4..,'" v j
K !
E & $M
lEr.iEi a. --.t jK
1 1
Liberty and Isnornno cannot (jo baud in hand,
slave to your neighbor
If you kuoyr less than your neighbor yon aro to that cxlont
Closing out the bal
ance of our
at following prices:
100,000 Bbls. Per Annum.
If any one kUblloatlOO can be said to contain ail buman ItOOWlagila it is Trie Tribune
Russian j.y x Oiretilar faiia, It inches, UH
Kioctric Bis Qrealar cis. II in sm
Aati aiihan Circular Caput, 2t In O.Oo
Wcol s. a Circular ( ap-s. 2 la 14-0)
Stone htartsa Circular t.'upau, 21 tn to.'u
'tler Circular Caes, 21 iu
Seal Sacquas
!-'eal Sai-ijuiA Inc1 as long
Seal Jaekets, M I no baa
teal Jaeketa, m Indus long
AMrakliau Jackcti, :l lacbM lu: I
. 100.00
. UO.O'J
Circular Capes
Ses! Circular Oapf, 3D iuclibtf I0112,!
Bntterny cp j5.o
Oiti- Clroular Cai.u, 33 tnebes long.wltb
Bnttvrfly Cape. .. 10,'
Babla Circular Oape, Wiucbas long 80 uo
AKtrakhau Circular Cupi-, St i&cuen long 22 KJ
Elsotrlo Circular Csp, JJ in. long.. tJ W
Uny Ci'iimiisr Circolar Cap, 80 in. luug 30 oj
to i1ozn American 8"ii) Muffs at. SI 25 each
1 lot rf children's acta at 98c. SBch
I kit oi hleigli Bob, I1I111U Itajl f- ea'-Li
Ladies' Plush and Cloth
Coats at Your Own
138 Wyoming Ave.
Ti.e only Practical Furrier iD the city.
Seeds and
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dus
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
Hotel Waverly
Fr.vopoan Han FirsfeclaSS Bat att.c!i-'
l)i tx.t lor tirtfcer 4 Engsl's TaanBattu
1i r
II E Cot tStli aOdrlMoti, Piilaii
Mi tt .siraM 1..T rosirlrats of K E. i'.- .n"
lylvaiUa All ror, Tenia coas jot trav ir.4
tc aad frcir. Brona direct atsticn and ttj
wrlfUi and Market stre-t aUtion. Ov
tlral letar Tit.ltiug Sarantonlans ana po
Ik- lii ttie Anthracite Keciou.
All Iliads Trefili Ish rcceitetl daily.
Fancy Snaokcsl Hallbnt,
ltoncicHK OaA,
VHrninnth ltloHters,
kail Mackerel.
Roekatravi Cheeapeaka n. AVCTUDC
Maarlcc Rlvai Cava and I) I nl una
Bias IVInt V1 Ulull
ton siicit Ihriaapa
ScUlK, tC.
MARCH 3, 1891
Your choice of IhrM beautiful
piotureBTelepUoMOii" "!)
liTerinK Christniai ric.scnis"
nud "M;iidciiM Suinin;.:." Said
by mail or meivMuger nr brtBtf
oonponB like thidiff three differ
cut dates, will! 10 ven Is, slumps
or coin, to
Cor. rum Ave. mid fciiiruco St
Truly It is VMJ bn aid Hint wlmt. it .lnos not contain Is not worth knowing. 39 000 P itt 9.1 Lartti O urto VjI
nmia. an avrrag.. ..f BM lWt-s inr Voluuic 10,404 Articles, avarainf u pages saeh I 390 Artlelsi ilimadov ineolat
Mif, iw par voium. le.lMO paoef, written uyspoplal aonlrlbutors, forailnt fonr-flf tlw ol the entird work. U38 Fnll-
iiM' KiiKrHVfd I'lnles aoUUlBlttB Ofer 900 separate illustrations. 071 Map! and Plana, Inoluling T 00 loted Matin,
11,1102 illnatratloni, ttoloalva of Mtpa antt Plahi
If you wars w.r ordering this made for youiaelf, liirius all llio work done, it would oOll von :l 000 000 of dollnr"
l his boom pertqii onttM Hirnrd. if yon Were i nylas tho books at retail, ihia Krct work would osi you In the Ediii-
luruli Ivlltion trotn tofJX), hut, hy taklnit ud vmitajja of the wholoaale club rate Wloh THE TRIBUNE freol"
'xlonils t0 you for B shi rt time you can secure tbtl I iK'nitieent, UnequslUd Library at
Tho authority of the Eaoyolopadta BHtaonlon hus never btn qnaatlonad In auy Court of Juitloa, It Ii the ssseuoe
of thu rlptlt Kholariblp and th keenest genlm thu world haa ever known.
It i the pipe line connection to I ha treat fountain of knowledge, No wonder Fitch a man aa the London dlvlna
DH.Sl'UH.IKtlN. said of this work: "XfiaU oth.r bookl should ba 'dostroyed, the Hiblo MpuiTtblimZti
have loat but little of its lnlorinntiou.
B R !. C K
Best in the market
randt Clay ProduciCr
OFFICEi Blngbamton, N Y
FACTORY; lirundt, l'a
THE HiHl E B. BEPT.. ill MM Sf.
806 South Washir.ytoi Avenue,
(intractor nml liulldcr ot Coaetets Kla,f; iW,
Conereie Bjoeka, l'o.t'.. !5,ittr nu i Ckii
Bins, Wat Cellars arladnr Orders may b)
Mt at Tbompaoo A lrn:t. Will nuis a) On
lluln anO Kynon Strw;, or al Sornnton
Htovii Work. Al,i ftunilatlona, it:i.
Kith Wlrn i'utinoln aBn C.ifKiia. Mankiii tr
UartU'U Walka