THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING. MARCH 3, 1894. liiiiiiiiniiiiitai!i!iiiiiHii!2!iiiiiimii:l mm mm ' Pipe I Va NEEDY MUST WORK ves Fittin s I Ererj Oae Who Applies to Relief Agent Mrs. Duggan Is Ofared Employment I ! REQUESTS FOR HELP ARE FEWER a THE SCRANTON SUPPLY I AND MACHINERY CO, I iii)isiii)siia!i!isii!iii!iiii!'i!ii&iiei!; Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue Lackawanna .8 Fenn Avo. Laundry A. B. WARMAN. Very Choice Line of WASH (iOOJ)S NAINSOOK CHICKS DIMITY MARZATIA DOTTED SWISS SATEENS AND GINGHAMS, MEARS & HAGEN'S, 415 Lacka. Avenue. Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, D rapenes, Mattings, Rus, etc. WILLIAMS & McANULTY. 127 Wyoming Ave. CITY KOTiSS. 1 The Scranton Press club will meet at:i.30 tomorrow afternoon. The water will be siiut otY tomorrow from Hyde Park from 8 until lo a. m. St. Lake's Sunday school will meet this week iu tbo church at J p. iu., instead of 12 m. No arrests were made by the polico yes terday, and In consequence Um mayor did not hold the usual daily police court. The lecture room of the Penu Avonue Baptist church is undergoing repairs, and will bo, when completed, greatly beauti fied. United States I'ommHuioner A. J. Col born baa moved hU law office into the commissioners' office on the second llnor of the new building iu the south east corner. Companies B aud C have arranged n nt basket hall games for the cham pionship and trophy put up by W. W. Berry last year. The first t;unio will be played tonight. "Bob" Stewart, colored, of Hyde Park, was admitted to the Lackawanna hospital last night. Ho has a sprained knee. "Bob" was a well known character abrmt town; he was at cue time a hack driver. The inquest on the sudden death of. J. Aberbeck. who dropped dead in Oakford court Wednesday evening, was concluded last night before Coroner Kelly. The ver dict was, that dtatu resulted from heart dieasp. Judge H. W, Jcssup will address the meeting at the Railroad Department Yonnif Men's Christian association, tomor row afternoon at :j.45 o'clock. Kail road employes and their families arc, invited to attend. There Will be a gam e of basket ball at the loui.g Men's Christian Association gymnasium this evening between teams A and U, taken from the association's first team of players. N'o admission will bo charged. The estimates committee of councils was nwi oao a meeting lest mgnt to con sider the appropriation ordinance, but on account of the meeting ol common council an adjournment was taken until Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. ' Under the Oaslight" at Wonderland is presented i;i excellent Mtvlo. Todav will be the last opportunity Pcraiitoninus will have nave or witnessing this really good play. The Bowery dance is ono of the best things that has over boon doue at Wonderland. Professor Albert S Unites of the 111 V;ui or statistics, and one or the faculty or the I'nlverslty of Pennsylvania, will deliver his famous lecture, Illustrated with i-tereoptlcon, on "The World's Fair'' at tl Young Men's Christian Association hall Monday evening, for the benefit of the J oung women's association. FOURTH ORGAN RECITAL. T."...v, : .. 1 1 .. r ......... i ,., 1 1 ..... . . . , . . for This Afternoon. J. V. Uonant will givo the fourth lti the series of Lenton recitals nracodirnr Evening Prnyor, at Ht. Lnlca's church, this afternoon, at 1 'o'clock, with the pnllrnvini nrnin . v.. v. g, .-." J . Triumphal .lr..v I.eliimens ' ' i ' iu ' iffertolre Salome Evening Stnr" Wagner Meditation Cappocci Frelnae w ely New Stationery Store. John L. L. Travis at Wfi Lackawanna avenne has addod to his store a stationery department. manK nooks and stationary of every description can ba had at low prices. Havk a large force extra clerks today. COVMBf. incc the Associated Charities Began to Caro for the City's Work ii i e. Poor the Applications Have Been Reduced One-Half Plan to Provide Against Fraudulent Applications. That tho board of associated chari ties is doing n magnificent work is evi denced by tha faot that since Mrs. V. 1! Duggan was MO tired as relief agent the application for aatlataooi have fallen off fully ," I per cut. The board, through Mrs. Dnggan, has given relief to ovor -lOll worthy and deserving persons and families, repre senting an expenditure of $ii)i) cash, besides the great quantity of clothing and provisions that has bsju diitrib ated, The work of granting relief is being ratematiitd as rapidly ai pwilble by Mrs. Dnggan andSnpt, n o, li Tbomp (on. All applications that have been made are being carefully recorded on specially printed blanks, and thesa will be placed on file, MANY ili;S KMI'I.OYMUNr. The board's agmts ln.vo bean most thorough iu investigating every Ap plication that lias been made. Mrs DuggM yesterday related the O&M of n healthy, vigoroai tnin who applied to her lor aisistanoe, As soon as. his Bp plication oante in she at one visited the man's neighborhood aud inquired of several families living iu the vicinity is to whether the applicant was de serving of help She was surprised to learn that the fellow was n machinist and was regularly employed, "It is needless to remark," said Mrs. Dnggan, "'that the nun's application was marked undeserving. That same man Is at present before the poor board with an application for relief," concluded the relief agent. Many persons who have come to the Board of Associated Uliantus for help have baen either given employment by the board s agents or nave uhu directed to persons who hare given fietu employment. particularly interesting caso in this connection is that of a man whose home was in New York state and who was compelled to relinquish a desirable msilioti on acc Hint ot it fonduess for piritnone exhllarants, He drifted to Scran ton and, happening into a meet- on of the Rescue mission, became con verted and determined to lead a better ifo. Tli9 superintendent of the tuii- lon sent 1) i tn to the board for work, and he is now doing Brst-clasi work iu i lucrative job. Several widows with linilies have been assisted to work. Two of these receive 88 a month, while another gets 188 each month for her services. tit host work. At present every able bodied parson who s-i9s aid or the ooirj is onerM employment of soma character. The ale in vogue at tne headquarters of he board is that he win refuse to work mav starve. One man wiio was given work yesterday m iruing came o tho cilice of .Mrs Dnggan and Mr. I'hompsoti at noon aud indignantly in- uired what they mant iv giving mm i job t'nat paid him only si a day. Mr. Thompson has been diligently at work ascertaining the methods of operation of Boards of Associated char Ulas in tho larger cities or the country with a view to adopting every goo I suggestion that he cm apply with good results to the work in Boranton. He intends to immediately hive printed blanks ttiat will be placed in evorv house in the city where tramps or other persons may ba likely to apply for assistance financial or otherwiss. These blanks wiil each bo numbered and will have a stub attached with a corresponding number. r or instance, it a person codips to Irs. Smith's homo aud asks for ai Mrs. Smith will not givo the applicant a lank note or anything of the kind On the contrary, she will take the name and address of the applicant, and mail the same to tho IJjarl of Anociat cd charities agent, at the same lime tearing oft tha numbered stub and giv ing it to the person who asks for help Right hero, Mrs. smith work ends As soon as the card from Mr. smith i wife reaches the relief agent tho case is investigated, ll found to be a wor thv one. when the person with the numbered stub presents it, he or she is given the desired ail. If the applicant is a fraud tn? chances are good that ho will never present tin stub to the board. lie is well recommended and is said to huvo a marvelous throwing arm. It is a case of the pitcher ducking his head every time to escape the live throw to second. FIRST R MONSTK. NCI OF YEAR. It la Directed Against. Palriok H. Oal laifher, of Dickson City Borough. The first remonstrance against the grunting ore liquor license this year was filed with Clerk of the Courts Thomas yesterday by Attorney (). 11. Partridge on behulf of a number of residents of 1 licksun City borough, Patrick H Uallugher, who inks for hotel license in the First ward of Dickson City borough, is tbo parson against whom tire remonstrance was lodged. It is stated that the hotel is unnecessary and that Mr. Gallagher is an null' pcrsitfi to conduct such a place. It is also asserted that the hotel is to be located withiu a few feot of a propose. i church, the contract for the erection of which is about to be awarded. The following names aro attached to the remonstrance: W, H. Morgan, J. 0, liowuian. William 11. Richmond. Matthew Mcpherson, Frederick K Tracy, Tbotttal drier, &, B Reynolds, (totner Perry, Reuben Morgan, Rich- ird Sharploss, William Jones, T. M. Corkley, John Mintou, S. W. Blatch- ley, llliam McPherson, Ldward L Brans, Thomas Oliver, (l 0 Rogers, liioiuas Williams, Tnouus Jones, tieorge I lleasou and Jonah Riaon. CHICAGO AND THt WORLD'S FAIR. An Iut( muting- Ln.'turs to B t) , Iv.m.J by Prof. Bollss Monday Evening. That the World's fair at Chicago was a thing of beauty anil that the memory of it will be a joy forever not ne who witnessed its gtandeur would hesitate for a moment to allirm All who saw it as well as those who did not cannot fail to bj impressed with the remarkable triumph of American skill and American geulu) which mads it possible. The privilegfi therefore, of seeing reproduced its beauty and hearing tol I am sum of iti wonderful story next Monday evening will be appreciated by ill. Protestor Albert S Bailee, who u to lecture on the Columbian exposition at the Young Men' Christian Associa tion hall for the benefit of tbo Young Women's Christien association, is in eery way qualified for tho entertain ing talk he undertakes, a gentleman of knowledge aud culture, he cannot fall to make en.ioyablo to its fullest ex tent a Sttbjeot Of such uuivorBal inter est as the World's fair. Both the lec ture aud the osuse deserve a large audi ence. Tue price of tickets is 33 ceuts and they are on sale at Sanderson's lrug store, Stelle it :ijefjy's and at the Young Men's Christian association. -- PRICEBURG EJ iCTMENT SUIT Courts Asked to : . Who Should Hv Possession ot Land Adam A., P. J., Nelson and M. YV. Snyder, Philena Scott and Caroline .Nicholson, l,v t.ieir attorneys, litllslan- der iV Yosbnrg, instituted a suit in ejectment yesterday against Anioinotte Richmond, Polly Snyder and (f W. Lloyd, for a property in Priceburg. The plaiiiliif s allege that they inher ited this property from their father, and allowed their step mother, Polly Snyder, to live on the premises for a time witiiout objections but muling that she was eudeavoring to place it in the hands of Antoinette Richmond, and that all the parties in possession claimed to hold adversely to them, thev brought uit to establish their title and obtain possession. The land is 78x180 feet. HALLSTEAD SOLO TIMBER. His Partner, Aaron Phillips. Not Pleased With His Conduct. Aaron Phillipi, by bis attorney, E C Newcomb, obtained a preliminary injunction yestorday to restrain O. E Hallstead from disposing of a quantity of timber, of which thev an joint ownrs. Phillips savs that about a y iar ago a largo nnmberof trees were blown down on one of the farms in Benton town siiip, and with Hillstead he obtained the right to taka them away and m inu factnro them into lumber. Without his consent, he say, Halls tead has sold the timber to Silas Smith, who is preparing to manufacture it. A preliminary injunction was granted and made returnable on Wednesday. DEATH OF MAS. j. MILES. POO BOARD MEET NC Wi Distributed Aiiuii Tw,'Qty-onc Desti tute and Djierving Cases, SOME PATHETIC APPEALS MADE hirst Session Since tho Judicial Opin ion ol the Legality ol Outdoor Re lief Large Number of Applications for Immediate Aid Mrs. Swan Scores One on Mr. Gibbons Ap plicants Mostly Women. Only twenty-nine days. - COL. HITCHCOCK' 5 APPOINTMENT He Will Assist tho Antintam Battlofi! ! Commbglon in Their Work. Colonel f. L. Hitchcock was on ihursdiiy appointed a delegate from Pennsylvania to assist the Autietn Battlefield commission in locating' th positions of tho organizations from this stato in order that thy may be properly marked. Ho will be tho representative of ths Ono hundred and lhirtv-second Penn sylvania volunteers, which was mule up almost entirely of man from this portion of the state. The regiment was commanded by Colonel Oakford, of this city, who was killad at the very beginning of the regiment's action by a shot fired by Confederate sharp shooters, air. inic'icocK was atijiiiani of tho regiment. Vincent M. Wiloox, now of Mew York, was linuteuant. Colonel and Charles Albright, of Mauch Chunk) was major. J nines Archbald commanded com pany i, mado upenlirely of railroaders, principally Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad employees. Colonel J. D. Laciar, managing editor of the Hcruntou Republican was captain of the Mauch Chunk organization, com puny Q. Tha One Hundred nnd Thirty-second regiment held its annual reunion npon the battlefield f Antletam two yoars ago and at that time marked the po sition it had occupied during the en gagement, and this will provo of great assistance to Colonel Hitchcock in his work with the commission. He does not know when the commission from Pennsylvania will viiit the battlefield to do the work assigud to it, i SIGNING MORE GOOD PLAYERS. Manager Swift Baourei Contract with Flanagan and Pntchen. Manager Mart Swift of the Scranton Basebnll club, yestorday signed Tom Flanagan, tho elongated pitcher who occupied tho box for Scranton last season with indifferent sncoess. He also secured the signature of Catcher Patchen to a Scranton con tract. Patched was last season with the strong Dsmorest club at William sport, one of the strongest semi pro fessional organizations iu the country. Sho Wat Sister of B. T. Evans, Ply mouth, and Z Evans, Carbeadale. The death is annonnosd of the wife of the Rev. J. Miles, Congregational minister at Aberystwyth, Wales, and editor of the 1'yst nowspapsr. Mrs. Miles w is 48 year of ago, and hsd been eick for several years. Her demise was not unexpected. She leaves four children: John Thomas, a stu dent at Glasgow university, Lilly and (twlady nnd Maud at home. She was the only sister of B. T. Brans, Plymouth, and Z Evaui, Car hondale, in this country. -i V. W. C. A. NOTES. The services for women ami girls held at the oung omen S t hnstian associa- lon every Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock have been enjoyed by an increasingly larg' number. The meeting tomorrow will be led by Miss Lottie Short. Doors are open at 9 IA and the secretaries will bo lad to muet Hraugers oetore the service 'hose who come once to theso bright nod helpful meetings reel at home immediately for all are welcomed. The invitation reaches nil who cau possibly attend, mem bers and imu members alike. 1 ho tlrst ur teen minutes of this hour meeting Is de voted to a song service. The Juniors will bold their service this afternoon at I o'clock. Miss Kate Ken Di Iv, wh i will coiid'ict the meeting, will he glad to hio a large number present Missel under Hi years of age are Invited, I'lckets for the Holies storeoptlcon n lei talnment can bo obtained at tho rooms The Juniors will enjoy a "psanut hunt" Muutlay afternoou from 4 to 0 o'clock. I iirls under 16 years of age can join thty WOietT, 'rerms fl per year, payaoiequar tcrly. A fancy work class, free to members or to Juniors, win be organized Wednesday aftornoon. Parents are urged to send their girls to enjoy tho Junior privileges. Hie rooms fnrnlsh a sain and helpful re sort for restless girls. 1 uesday evening is the tegular mem hers' social evening, aud next week they are to be lavoie.l with a lecture on "Ul gestlon," by Dr. M. L. Ontes. Admission free to all members. 10 cents to non -mem bers. MemberB are urged to bo present and mylte latly mends. Miss Delcie Gates, who has been tbo of llclont and popular assistant secretary, has severed her eonnert ion with this SSIOCta tl in to become general aerrotarv of tho Young Women's Christian association at Nvilllnmsport. - Music Bozsr Exoluslvsly. Best sjade. Plav any dcwlred number of tunes. Gautschl & Sons., manufacturers, liiHU i:nestnut street, Philadelphia, won derful orrhestrial organs, only $5 aud $10 Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re naired and imoroved with new tunes. M Everybody can be served at Coureen's today. Telephone, 3553. Store, 211 Wash lngton, next to Connolly & Wallace. The first meeting of the poor board since the judicial opinion nftiruiing the legality ot the board to extend outdoor relief, was held yesterday aftoruoou at the Munic ipal building. The only ab sentee was President W. s. LangstsJE, Following are the names of members present: Mrs. Frances 15. Swan, John Uibhons, P. J. Murphy, Dauiel Will iams, Charles Tropp, Thomas Shottou aud E. J. Lynett, secretary. Mr. Shot tou was elected president pro tern, Out of tho large number of persons present who were examined aud asked aid, twenty-one were granted assist ance to the total amount of vt " REPORTS PRMIKTBO. Superintendent U. W. Boomer, of Hillside farm, roported 179 inmates of that institution during February, of which twelve have been admitted sines his Inst report. Two died anil eight been discharged, total remaining, ltlU. Dr. II. F. Evans, resident physician, of the almshouse aud insane hospital, reported for February as follows: Mil patients, sane, 48; insane, 21; total, 117; female, sane, 88; insane. HI; total, 48j whole number, 112. There were 131 patients in the asylum Feb. 1, llnoe when (1 have been received aud 8 dis charged, which shows 111 remaining March 1. Two deaths but no births occurred during the period. Outdoor Physician Dr. P. F. Oun ter, of the central city, has made 07 visits among 11 old and 12 new cases; 1 were insane. Outdoor Physician Dr. W. A. Paine, Hyde Park, has made DO visits among 21 patients; 4 were Insane. Outdoor Physician Dr. J. R. Murphy, of Dunmoro, has made 48 visits among patients who required 2 operations and 2 consultations; confinement cases, 1. Outdoor Physician Dr. J, A. Manly, of the South Side, made 07 visits; in sanity cases, 1, APPLICANTS MOSTLY WOMEN. Nearly all the applicants were women who were wiiows, hVl ick husbands or Wen deserted. Tbrse of the applicants were men. Sime of tho stories told were pitiful in the ex treme. None were refused iisiistancs, as nearly all of their oases ha I bsoa iu vestigittod by the different numbers o! the board, Ttiosa whoie statements wero not known to be true wsre re ferred to the member representing the llstrict for investigations. A list con taming the names of persons assisted will after each mseting bo given the loard of associated cuarities to guard against imposition. AN IMKKKSTINd POINT. On motion of Mr. Uibbons.the prasi eut appoiuted inorubers Tropp, Mur phy and Cibbous a co:nmlttes to meet the mayor, street coinmussiouor and Board of Associated Charities, and de vise soms means of furnishing work by the city to deserving malo applicants Matters became interesting at one period of the sossion when a South Side woman had been voted $ I u-r month, for three mouths. Mr. Gibbons dis covered that she was not, morally, what she should be. He made a motion that the vote be reconsidered and that the case be referred to Mr. Swan and Mr. Tropp for InveHtigation. Mr. Gibbon, cast the only aflirmative vote, when, upon motion of Mrs. bwa.i, seconded by Mr. Iropp, the case was referred to Mr. Gibbous as properly belonging to his district. SOME PATHETIC APPLICATION'S. That an idea may be gleaned of what pathetic cases of destitution aro met, a few are hero presented: Caroline Peal, a comely little womau, lives at -140 Hickory street. Her husband has been sick ana only ahlo to woru at ono times for seven year. They have hve chil dren, none of whom are old eunugh to work, except a bov who earns ol) conts a day about three timos a week in tho mines. Two of the children are sick with measles. The board appropri ated her $8 per month fornix months. Bridget hulltvan. n:() rig street, ban five children, and while making her tppeal held a nursing babe In her arms The oldest cnild is but six years and four months old. Thev live in a house worth about $1,200, built by a building association of which her husband was a member. Payments for three year had been made when her husband died Now she is in arean for four mouths' paymeota, all her money going for food to keep herself and nve little ones rrou starving. She was allowed $tt per month for three month. John Wickbeiaer, 110 Pittstnn ave nus. is eighty-fonr years old. Up to a few month ago he lived with the help of his daughter, who Is but elghtoen year of age. She is in a delicate con ditieu and deserted by her husband. The case was looked into n few day ago and their supply of provisions con sisted of four bread rolls. The old man is evidently possessed of some educa Hon, nnd during the late war acted as nurse after finding be was too old for more active service. He says he would willingly work, but cannot find em ployment Six dollars for two months wero allowed him. interested are cordially invited to at tend. Let every union in both coun ties be largely represented. Delegates are also invited from other temper nice organizstiou8. Entertain ment will be furnished to all. i SNOWB LLS TO ORANGES. From the Icy North to Land of Flowers and P.op'tual Youth. A dainty novelette entitled "Snow balls to Oranges," and written by Helen K. Ingram, has recently been issued by the New Florida Short Line, which is composed of the Pennsylvania railroad, the Richmond and Danville railroad aud the Florida Central and Peninsular railroad, the popular route to the south. It is the story of a young man who for years was considered his uncle's heir, hut finds on his death that the $2,000,000 loft him is only a trust aud that it is his duty to search for the roal heir. lie decidos that if the unpleas ant errand wore done ut all it were well dono quickly, consequently takes the New Florida Short hue from New York, the land of snowballs, to Florida, the region of warm suusiiins and oranges. Hie travels from New York to the south, where he expects to find the missing owner of his uncle's mil lions, are vividly described. The beau ties of tho country through which this most excellent line passes are dwelt upon, and the glorios of tho Piedmont seetiou given a prominent place. The hero visits the Interesting cities of Columbia, Augusta and Savannah. He saunter among the pines of health -giving Ashuvillo.spends a day at Aiken, goes to Brunswick, to Fernandina, to Jacksonville, to Tallahassee and to Ocala. So absorbed, in fact, does he bocome in the charms of the country that he all but forgets the object of his visit until one duy in Tampa a name dispels the glamour of tho place and seen and stern realities force them selves upon him; he continues his search and succeeds in finding the rightful heir, or more properly, heiress, whom ho, of course, marries, aud ever afterwards blesses th road that led him so safely to a wife, fortune and lifelong friends. The tale is prettily told, and is made doubly absorbing by the delightful il lustrations of the always interesting South that crowd its pages, and the lainty binding of white and gold, le SOrated with Snowballs and Oranges adds to its value. It is a book well worth reading, and all who want a cony of it cau secure oua by addressing . S. ihweatt, ivsstern raetetunr Agent, Richmond A: Danville R. R . 21) Broadway. N. Y , or J L. Adams, General Eistern Agent, Florida Cen tral & Peninsular Riilroad, 888 Broad way, N. Y. AMUSEMENT NOTES. HICKBY TMSHISSEA Sworn in as Member of Common from Nineteenth Ward. OLICE ORDINANCE RESTORED Council Last Night Reconsidered Its Former Action on the Regulating Ordinance and It Now Stands in Its Original Form V. H. O'Hara Awarded a Contract Action of the Select Council Concurred In. Blue Grass." whic'i is a story of ex cititing life iu old Kentucky, will be givtu n acetiic production at the Acad mv of Music ou Monday evening. Ihe Philadelphia Press says: "Blu Grass" was presented at the Chestnut Street theater last evoning with t!w advan tage of a strong cast and elaborate scenery, before an audience of tair siz Ihe play is writteu with a view to making as many "points'' as possible An interesting and, in many places exciting story is unfolded, and tin climaxes to the various acts are effec tive. reus MORRIS. Patrons of the Academy of Music have occasion to feciiitate themselves on the coming engagement next Tues day night, of Felix Morris. A comedy menu quite out of the ordinary is to b presented for their delectation Mr Morris is surrounded by an admirable cast, and the plays will be "A Game of Cards," "The Vagabond,'' and "Moses, each wholly unlike and of absolute merit. The works were but recently given in this vicinity, and have been highly commended, while the remsrk able skill of the artist, Felix Morris, is most genoroiiily remarked as being in comparable and perfect to tho smallest detail. CHARLES A. LODEIt. Charles A. Loder, the proprietor and principal commediitn of "Oil! What a .Night, is the same jolly rotund fun- maker as of old. He is associated with in exceptionally elover company o recognized comedians and will doubt less do a large business. A number o pretty giris, who give clever song and lances, will also be seen with the com pany. Charles A Loder will be seen at the Academy on Wednesday next. Only twenty nine days. V. M. C. A. GOSPEL MEETING. RtV. Btn Oli.l Will Dsllver nn Address to Young Men. Following the usual interesting song servieo at the oung men s Christian association nn Sunday at 3 45 p. m. Rev. Ben. Oliol, of Jerusalem, will ad dress young men. This gentUman 1 an eloquent speaker aud has a rioh and varied oxperleuce of human life in al part of the world, which will certainly lend an unusual charm to his words. Tho Young Men' Christian sssocia non meeting is a piace wnero young men of all ertfUs, or no creed, will be welcomed cordially and asked to "come again. Everthinu fresh. Everything uow. F.v- eryimug cucap. i ourseu. MID-YEAR CONVENTION. Will Be Bald in the Elm Park M, E Church. The Woman's Christian Temperance unions or Litu.erne anu Lackawanna counties will unite in a mid-vnar con veution, in the lecture room of the Elm Park church, Scranton, Thursday and Friday. March 18 and 18, beginning at 2 p. m. Thursday. An unusually interesting program has been arranged, and pastors and all It was b 15 last evening before a iiiorum of common council could be assembled id their chamber notwith - tanding that Captain James Moir, the resident of the body, rapped long nnd oudly with his gavel in hopes ot bring- ug the tardy members to their desks. After the roll was called P. J. Hickey, who was returned at the re cent election to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of County Auditor oho 1'. Rink as councilman ot the Nineteenth, handed in bis certificate of lection and was sworn iu by President Moir. Mr. Hickey selected a seat alongside Dauiel P. Battle, the 240-pound member from the Twentieth ward. hey are the two heaviest members of the body, Mr. Hicknv having about thirty pounds less of adipose tissue ban Mr. Battle, lie will tuke Mr Rink's place on all committees. W. J. Ihomas, cbairm tu of the street and bridges committee, reported resolution awarding Lue contract to V. H. O'llura, for rip rapping the bank t the Lackawanna river at the ay Aug avenue approach to the Albright avenue bridge. His bid was $869.80 The resolution was approved RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED. The action of the select council in pproviug the folllowitig resolution wa concurred in : Directing the city olicitor to appeal from the award of viewers in the matter ol their report on tho damages caused by the construe tiou of the Fourth district main sewer and the grading of Tenth street aud Bromley avenue; directing the city solicitor to have viewer appointed to assess the damage West Lackawanna avenue property owners will sustain by reuson of the construction of the via duct; asking special committee on bridges to bold a public session, at which citiz-ns will have an opportu nity to see the maps of the proposed tpproaches to the new bridges and ot er suggestions. On third reading ordinances were passed appropriating $300 for the re pair of themountain road in the Twelfth rd, aud for the construction of sewer system section B iu the fourteenth ward. POLICE REGULATION'S. At the last meetiug of the common council the police regulation ordinance was amended so that the proposed cap tain and lieutenants of polico were wiped out of existence and the force of patrolmen reduced from forty-three, ai proposed to thirty-eight. Last night the council reconsidered Good Penmanship Over three thousand voung men and women who live iu Scranton have learned tojwrito'at Wood's college. The special class in tho night school of March and April is designed to help those whose clurngrnpUy is not up to modern require mcnls. lo write well, in correspondence, is as essential as to dress well when you meet people In a business relation. the Siok. In mini v instances invalids aro restricted by physician to easily digestible food usually boiled or sterll.ed milk is pr scribed. In such cases tho value of Hoi don's Peerless llrand Evaporated Cream or unsweetened condensed milk ia appar ent' Prepared by N. . Condensed Milk Co. Fancy grocerios, full line. Courseu. Tu k best place in tlio city for moals i order ou short notice nnd at all hours Also lunches of all kinds always ou hand John Lohman'k, 21D Lackawanna avenue 417 Lackawanna Avenue This will be our new num ber after APRIL 1st. You can buy anything Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, and Sterling Silver Nove ties very (JHiiAr at our old place this month, 303 Spruce Street W.W. BERRY Jeweler Best Sets of Teeth,$300 Including the painless extracting ot teeth by au entirely uuw process. S. C. Snyder, d.d.s 130 W VOMINU AVU. I Council its action and restored the ordinauce to its origiual form. Only twenty-nine days. Money goes a long way without getting tired if you Like it to Penn 1 26 Copper Boilers, Wringers, . . . . Best Goods. Steel Spiders, 15c. venue. $2.00 $1.90 Surprise, Isn't itr A SPEAKER FROM J-RUSAL f.) Rtv. A. Pen Oliol and His Wife to De liver Addresses in This City. Today aud tomorrow there will be rare opportunities afforded to all who take interest in that wonderful country culled the Holy Land, Kev. A. Ben Ollel, an Israelite by birth aud a gen tleman thoroughly conversant with the Hebrew language, literature and cus toms, will speak at several places as announced before. This afternoon he will be at the Ues cue Mission, 111 Franklin avenue where, at II o'clock, he will address ths Israelites who may wish to hear him. He will also remain until 5 o'clock to answer any questions they may wish to ask him Mrs. Ben Oiiel will addresi a parlor meeting at 1 o'cloek at the residence of Mr. John It. Fordhani, on Sanderson avenue. Ctreeu Kidge. In the evening, at 8 o'clock. Ben Oliel will speak in the Green Kidge Presbyterian church, everybody being invited. Tomorrow he wiil speak ou the sub ject of "Mission Work in the Holv Land," at the Jackson street Baptis't church, Hyde Park. The meeting it to be a union one of the West Hide churches, ane will begin at K p m., with a fifteen mlnnte ong service In charge of Mr. Griffiths, the Sunday school superintendent At 4 10 he will give a gospel talk lo the young men at the Y. It C. A. building, on Wyoming avenue. At the time of the usual eve ning service he will oscupy the pulpit of the First Presbyterian church. There the subject will b "The Fulfill ment of Prophecy in the hole Land." Every Bible tudent will feel interest ed iu what he has to lay upon the ub .lect. On Monday, ut 10 o'clock a. in., ho will meet with the pistors' union. Their meeting has been called a half hour earlier than usual in order that the pastors themselves may hear him FINOS MONEY IN HIS CELLAR. Llewsllyn Bright, cf Provldsncs, Is a Fortunate Man. Llewellyn Bright, of West Market street. Providence, made a rich find in his cellar the other day About eix months "ago Mr. Bright purchased the property where he re sides from Mr. Pitts for ,2 000. While working in bis cellar the other day he found a package containing gold and silver coins amounting to sey. eral hundred dollars secreted iu a cor ner. They bore dates ranging from 150 to WW, and have evidently been stowed away upwards of thirty years. Flowers G.ven Awar. On Saturday evening, commencing at 7, to every customer buying B0 cents worth of goods we will cive'a beautiful bouquet. MeaKs A: H AOM, 415 Lsekawannu avenue. Dr. C. C. Lauuach, dentist. Gas and Water company building, Wyoming ave nue. Latest improvements. Eight years in Scranton. i. only twenty-nine days. Dr. Hill fc. Son Albany DENTISTS Pet teeth. IM0; best set. $: for pold cap' and teeth without plates, called cr.iwn and bridge work, eall for wires and refereno.s. TO.SALQIA. tor eSSMCtlng teeth without pain. No ether. No gan Henry Battin &Cc. Household Specialists. OSLAND'S 128 Wyoming Ave. GLOVES and CORSETS All tho popular makes. The only Ulove and Corset Store ia the vallsy. We are now open for business. OSLAND'S. OVKR FIBST KATIONAI. BANK, Huntington's HOME BAKERY. We have a Urg6 assort ment of PLAIN AND FANCY CARES, ICE CREAM and WATER ICES Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE,, or 413 LACKA. AVE. Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until midnight. Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St. ami Adams Ave. Coi ht Hotmi BOUARfli All kinds of Lauudry work guaranteed the best. BROWN'S BEE HIVE SPRING STYLES - , IN MEN'S HATS NOW OPEN. We still allow 33 1 per cent, on Cloaks and Furs And a large discount ou all winter goods. M. BROWN'S BEE HIVF 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.